What is a speech apparatus. The main sections of the speech apparatus: peripheral and central

Speech technique

Speech technique

Instead of a preface

speech apparatus and his work

speech apparatus

- respiratory organs

- organs of speech are passive

- speech organs active

- brain

Organs of speech

Exercises to train the main organs of speech: lips, lower jaw, tongue, larynx

Lip training

Exercise 10 Ultimately, with an effort to collect the lips into a “proboscis” so that at the same time they have a minimum area. Then, just as actively, with an effort, stretch them to the sides, without exposing your teeth. Repeat this movement 10-15 times until a sensation of warmth appears in the muscles of the lips.

Exercise 11 Pull out your lips and squeeze them into a “proboscis”. Turn the proboscis to the right, left, up, down slowly, then make a circular motion with your lips in one direction, then in the other. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise 12 Starting position - the mouth is closed. Lift the upper lip to the gums, purse the lips, lower the lower lip to the gums, purse the lips. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Exercise 13 Bare your teeth by raising the upper lip and lowering the lower. The teeth are clenched. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Exercise 14 Starting position - the mouth is half open. Pull the upper lip over the upper teeth, then gently return it to its place; pull the lower lip over the lower teeth, then return to its original position. Perform 5-6 times.

Exercise 15 Perform the movements of the upper and lower lips from exercise 14 at the same time. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

lower jaw training

Exercise 16 Calmly, without tension, lower the lower jaw (open your mouth) by 2-3 fingers, while the lips should be in the shape of a vertical oval, the tongue lies flat on the bottom of the mouth, and the palatine curtain is pulled up as much as possible. After 2-3 seconds, calmly close your mouth. Repeat 5-6 times.

Tongue training

Exercise 17 The mouth is open for two fingers, the lower jaw is motionless. Touch the hard palate with the tip of your tongue, inside first on the left and then on the right cheek, return the tongue to its original position.

Exercise 18 The mouth is half open. Try to touch the nose with the tip of the tongue, then the chin, return the tongue to its original position.

Exercise 19 The mouth is half open. With the tip of your protruding tongue, write the letters of the alphabet in the air, after each letter, return the tongue to its original position.

Exercise 20"Click". The tip of the tongue is firmly pressed against the alveoli, then with a push it breaks off and jumps closer to the soft palate. In this case, a click occurs, similar to the clatter of hooves. Repeat 8-10 times.

Larynx training

Exercise 21 With any volume, say alternately the sounds I - U (I-U-I-U-I-U) 10-15 times. Exercise develops the mobility of the larynx.

Voice- this is a sound formed in the larynx by the vibration of tense vocal cords close to each other under the pressure of exhaled air. The main qualities of any voice are strength, height, timbre. A well-trained voice is also characterized by such properties as euphony, flight, mobility and variety of tone.

The power of the voice- this is its loudness, depending on the activity of the respiratory and speech organs. A person should be able to vary the strength of the voice depending on the conditions of communication. Therefore, the ability to speak both loudly and quietly is equally necessary.

Voice pitch- this is his ability to tonal changes, that is, his range. An ordinary voice is characterized by a range of one and a half octaves, but in everyday speech a person most often uses only 3-4 notes. Expanding the range makes speech more expressive.

The timbre of the voice they call it a unique individual color, which is due to the structure of the speech apparatus, mainly the nature of the overtones formed in the resonators - lower (trachea, bronchi) and upper (oral cavity and nasal cavity). If we cannot arbitrarily control the lower resonators, then the use of the upper resonators can be improved.

Under euphony of voice the purity of its sound, the absence of unpleasant overtones (hoarseness, hoarseness, nasality, etc.) are understood. The concept of euphony includes, first of all, sonority. A voice sounds loud when it resonates at the front of the mouth. If the sound is formed near the soft palate, it turns out to be deaf and dull. The sonority of the voice also depends on the concentration of the sound (its concentration at the front teeth), on the direction of the sound, and also on the activity of the lips.

The euphony of the voice implies, in addition, the freedom of its sound, which is achieved by the free work of all organs of speech, the absence of tension, muscle clamps. This freedom comes at the cost of long practice. The euphony of the voice should not be equated with the euphony of speech.

euphony of speech- this is the absence in speech of a combination or frequent repetition of sounds that cut the ear. The euphony of speech implies the most perfect combination of sounds, convenient for pronunciation and pleasant for hearing. For example, it causes a cacophony (that is, it is assessed as bad-sounding) repetition within a phrase or phrase of whistling and hissing sounds without special stylistic purposes: "in our class there are many students who are conscientiously preparing for the upcoming exams, but there are also loafers"; stringing words with several consonants in a row: "there is a nobler look of all feelings"; it is not recommended to build phrases in such a way that a gaping vowel is obtained: "and in John." However, the problems of its euphony do not apply to the technique of speech.

Mobility of the voice- this is his ability to change without tension in strength, height, pace. These changes should not be involuntary; in an experienced speaker, the change in certain qualities of the voice always pursues a certain goal.

Under tone of voice imply an emotionally expressive coloring of the voice, contributing to the expression in the speech of the speaker of his feelings and intentions. The tone of speech can be kind, angry, enthusiastic, official, friendly, etc. It is created by means such as increasing or weakening the strength of the voice, pausing, speeding up or slowing down the tempo of speech.

Speech rate is not a direct property of the human voice itself, however, the ability to vary, if necessary, the speed of pronouncing words and phrases can also be attributed to those skills that should be improved by the discipline "Speech Technique".

Exercise 22. Read the texts, changing the strength of the voice depending on the content:

There was silence, silence, silence.
Suddenly, it was replaced by a roar of thunder!
And now it's raining softly - do you hear? -
Draped, dripped, dripped on the roof.
He's probably going to drum now.
Already drumming! Already drumming!

Say louder the word "thunder" -
The word rumbles like thunder!

I sit and listen without breathing
The rustle of rustling reeds.
The reeds whisper:
- Shea, shea, shea!
- What are you whispering softly, reeds?
Is it good to whisper like that?
And in response, rustling:
- Shaw, sho, sho!
- I don't want to talk to you!
I will sing over the river and dance
I won't even ask permission!
I will sleep at the very reeds!
The reeds whisper:
- Sha, sha, sha...
As if asking in a whisper:
- Don't dance!
What shy reeds!

Thunder rumbles - boom! Fuck!
Like destroying mountains.
Silence in fright - ah! -
Plugs ears.

Flow, flow, rain, rain! I want to grow, grow!
I am not sugar! I'm not a shortbread! I'm not afraid of damp!

I go forward (tirlim-bom-bom) -
And it's snowing (tirlim-bom-bom)
Even though we are completely, not at all on the road!
But only here (tirlim-bom-bom)
Say, from - (tirlim-bom-bom),
Tell me, why are your feet so cold?

Exercise 23 Pick up chants, noise makers, counting rhymes (folklore or literary), other poetic works that, in your opinion, can be used to train the power of the voice.

Working on the tone of speech

Exercise 38 Say the phrase "What is his profession" so as to express: admiration; sympathy; contempt; neglect; question; envy; question-request; astonishment.

Exercise 39 Read the text in accordance with the author's remarks:

Came?! I'm scared for you! - - -(with fear)
Blame yourself for everything! - - -(with fear)

Came?! Where is selfishness? - - - (with condemnation)
Behind him like a faithful dog everywhere! - - - (with condemnation)

Came!? So fool me! - - - (with contempt)
You're not a man, you're a jerk! - - - (with contempt)

Came?! That's it, friend! - - - (with malice)
You can't fool me all of a sudden! - - - (with malice)

Came! Know, so be it! - - - (happily)
We can't live without each other! - - - (happily)

Gone! .. Will he come or not? Mystery. - - -(with anxiety)
I treated him so badly! - - -(with anxiety)

Gone! The mountain has fallen off my shoulders! - - -(relief)
God bless these meetings! - - -(relief)

Exercise 40. Connect the replicas of the characters and the author's words:


"Sasha, stop being angry! Excuse me if I offended you..."

"And you're still kidding? And you still dare to ask?"

"I'm not angry with you at all. I swear."

"I'm not to blame for anything!"

"Yes-ah-ah, you can't cook porridge with you ..."

She drawled regretfully.

She said softly but decisively.

She screamed and even squealed, waving her arms.

Exercise 41. Determine the tone in which the father, stepmother, sisters, fairy, prince speak to Cinderella. Words for reference: kind, angry, enthusiastic, indifferent, rude, gentle, surprised, frightened, sad, official, friendly.

Exercise 42. Tell us about the student being late for the lecture on behalf of the professor who gave the lecture, the student himself, the janitor.

Exercise 43. come up with speech situation in which one and the same event can be told on behalf of different characters. Pay attention to the tone of speech.

Exercise 44. Choose an excerpt from a work for children with direct speech of heroes. Analyze the tone in which the remarks should be read. What means in the test help to choose the right tone of speech?


Diction- this is the degree of distinctness in the pronunciation of sounds, syllables and words in speech. The clarity and purity of the sound of speech depend on the correct and active work of the articulatory apparatus.

Speech therapy is engaged in correcting such shortcomings in diction as burr, lisp, nasality. In the speech technique course, attention is paid to less pronounced, but nevertheless much more common shortcomings: fuzziness, indistinct pronunciation of vowels and consonants. Special exercises should help improve diction. However, success can only be achieved through systematic work.

In the "Speech Technique" section, each vowel and consonant sound is worked out in the following sequence:

Determine the features of sound articulation (you can refer to any textbook of the modern Russian language, to books on speech therapy);

Check the position of the organs of speech in front of the mirror when pronouncing this sound;

Work out the correct pronunciation of the sound: first mentally, then in a whisper, then loudly;

Work out the pronunciation of individual words with this sound, and then - texts;

If possible, you should refer to the recording of your voice in order to analyze possible shortcomings from the outside.

Tips for a beginner speaker

A good public speech should be, first of all, meaningful, purposeful.

A good public speech must be absolutely literate both in the field of pronunciation and in the field of grammatical expression of thought.

A good public speech is least of all like a recitation, its highest quality is a relaxed conversation (conversation) with the audience on an interesting burning topic.

A good public speech cannot be chaotic. It must be consistent and reasonable in all respects.

Mastering the art of speech, one must remember that one can learn not only the correct pronunciation, but also the correct, orderly thinking.

Perseverance, perseverance and patience - this is what a novice speaker needs first of all.

The topic of your speech must be interesting for you and for your listeners.

When preparing for a speech, read more than one article, but several, compare the points of view of various authors. Use, if necessary, dictionaries and reference books.

Make a clear and harmonious plan of your speech according to the scheme: introduction, main part, conclusion.

Do not try to show off your knowledge, avoid unnecessary details and evidence - take only the most essential for speech.

Avoid jumps and omissions, finish the thought to the end.

Take care of the outside of speech. Don't get carried away with gestures. Speak slowly.

Practice giving speeches on a variety of topics.

Be careful and careful in pronouncing the combinations AE, EE, OE, UE in personal forms of the verb.

Don't skip vowels.

Do not double or triple consonants.

Make sure that the consonants V and M, which are between vowels, are clearly audible; don't swallow them.

Pronounce the initial consonant clearly, especially when it is followed by another consonant.

Match the ends of words (do not swallow them), especially in adjectives ending in -GIY, -KIY, -HIY, and in proper names on -KIY.

Don't compress words. Do not create meaningless and ridiculous combinations.

Listen carefully to the speech of the masters artistic word, artists drama theaters and cinema, as well as in the speech of the announcers of the central radio and television.

Watch your pronunciation.

If possible, record your speech on a voice recorder. Listen to the recording several times, noting the flaws and errors in pronunciation.


Our team was motivated to create the Speech Technique project by the desire to help everyone who wants to master correct and clear speech.

It is our deep conviction that correct and clear speech is even more self-confidence, the power of your voice and words.

However, correct speech is not possible without the Russian literary language, which serves as a single means of expressing thoughts and feelings, a means of communication between Russian-speaking people. It includes all the wealth of speech and visual means created by the people over the centuries. However, not everything that the national language has is selected into the vocabulary of the literary language.

Outside the literary language remain:

Some words and expressions characteristic of a particular dialect and incomprehensible to people living in places where this dialect is unknown;

Jargon - special words and expressions specific to different groups the past (merchants, artisans, etc.);

The so-called argotic words and expressions inherent in the language of thieves, gamblers, cheaters and swindlers;

Swearing (obscene) words and expressions.

However, literary language is closely connected with the so-called vernacular - the everyday everyday vocabulary of the people, which has great figurative power and accuracy of definitions.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that those who have "lame" diction or pronunciation will need a lot of time to bring their speech apparatus to a state where a diction or pronunciation error becomes impossible, and in this, we are absolutely sure, our project will help "Speech Technique".

Working on the project, we decided for ourselves that "beauty is in simplicity." Therefore, we did not use databases and other technologies that slow down page loading, but went along the classical path.

Our team expresses gratitude to all the authors whose books were used in writing a collection of tasks and exercises that contribute to the development of the necessary skills in the setting of breathing, voice, diction, called "Technics speech" (Technics speech), as well as thanks to all the authors who Their books are cited by the mentioned authors, to whom we have expressed our gratitude earlier.

All rights to the idea, design, texts and drawings of the Technics speech project belong to the team of authors of the named project. When reprinting materials, an active hyperlink to the source is required.


Speech technique

Speech technique- it's a skill public speaking, business communication people through language constructions created on the basis of certain rules of oratory, associated with strength, height, euphony, flight, mobility, tone of voice and diction.

Probably everyone in childhood dreamed, listening to a clear and well-placed voice of a central television or radio announcer, to master the technique of speech and speak just like them. Unfortunately, to clearly and articulately convey your thoughts to others, due to different reasons, not everyone is given. Many do not notice this for themselves, someone does not attach importance to this, and only a few feel out of place.

Overcoming various deviations in the sound structure of speech is of great importance. Timely elimination of pronunciation shortcomings helps to prevent those huge difficulties that may arise due to speech defects.

It is impossible not to take into account the factor that the shortcomings of pronunciation, like others speech disorders, can often be the cause of serious deviations in the development of the psyche, especially in children. Children who pronounce words incorrectly often avoid verbal communication with friends, do not participate in children's performances at matinees, and do not show activity. For adults, the mentioned shortcomings can serve as a kind of obstacle in moving up the career ladder.

Regular exercises according to the proposed method will help to cope or significantly reduce the discomfort of stuttering. Everything is very simple. Each person has developed the so-called inner speech, which is not pronounced aloud, but exists only in our brain and which we turn to ourselves. When we mentally talk to ourselves, we do not stutter. inner speech, although it is soundless, is not so different from external, sounding speech. Both are controlled by the same speech mechanisms.

It should be remembered that only with considerable perseverance and regular training can one achieve the desired goal and achieve positive results in rhetoric, diction and eloquence.

Instead of a preface

Meaningful and refined speech is not able to have the desired effect if it is dull in its form or mode of implementation. Therefore, representatives of those professions who constantly have to communicate with people, and even more so achieve their goals, should pay close attention to the technique of their speech and make efforts to improve the technique of speech.

Work to improve the level of speech culture is unthinkable without improving the speech apparatus. You can not speak to the audience, chewing the text, eating the beginning and end of words, replacing some sounds with others, or combining individual words into one meaningless combination. Such speech distorts the meaning of the statement and produces an unpleasant impression.

In preparing this collection, we have collected and summarized theoretical materials on the technique of speech, tasks and exercises that contribute to the development of the necessary skills. However, the expressiveness of speech can be achieved only as a result of systematic work aimed at both training and development of the organs of speech, and improving the properties of the voice.

Our collection consists of several sections, where the structure of the speech apparatus, the main properties of the voice are analyzed, techniques and exercises are given that contribute to the improvement of specific oral speech skills. It is addressed to everyone who sets a goal to improve their speech skills.

Speech apparatus and its work

speech apparatus is a set of human organs necessary for the production of speech. It includes several links:

- respiratory organs, since all speech sounds are formed only when exhaling. These are the lungs, bronchi, trachea, diaphragm, intercostal muscles. The lungs rest on the diaphragm, an elastic muscle that, when relaxed, has the shape of a dome. When the diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract, the volume of the chest increases and inhalation occurs, when they relax, exhalation;

- organs of speech are passive- These are motionless organs that serve as a fulcrum for active organs. These are teeth, alveoli, hard palate, pharynx, nasal cavity, larynx;

- speech organs active- These are movable organs that perform the main work necessary for the formation of sound. These include tongue, lips, soft sky, small uvula, epiglottis, vocal cords. The vocal cords are two small bundles of muscles attached to the cartilage of the larynx and located almost horizontally across it. They are elastic, can be relaxed and tense, can be moved apart to different widths of the solution;

- brain, which coordinates the work of the organs of speech and subordinates the technique of pronunciation to the creative will of the speaker.

Organs of speech are shown in the following figure:

1 - hard palate; 2 - alveoli; 3 - upper lip; 4 - upper teeth; 5 - lower lip; 6 - lower teeth; 7 - front part of the tongue; 8 - the middle part of the tongue; 9 - back of the tongue; 10 - the root of the tongue; 11 - vocal cords; 12 - soft palate; 13 - tongue; 14 - larynx; 15 - trachea.

The emergence of speech in humans, the formation of sounds is possible thanks to the speech apparatus. The speech apparatus is a set of coordinated acting bodies, helping to form a voice, regulate it and form it into meaningful expressions. Thus, the human speech apparatus implies all the elements directly involved in the work of creating sounds - the articulatory apparatus, including the central nervous system, the respiratory organs - the lungs and bronchi, throat and larynx, oral cavities and nasal cavities.

The structure of the human speech apparatus, that is, its structure, is divided into two sections - the central and peripheral sections. The central link is the human brain with its synapses and nerves. The central speech apparatus also includes the higher departments of the central nervous system. The peripheral department, which is also the executive department, is a whole community of body elements that provide the formation of voice and speech. Further, according to the structure, the peripheral section of the speech apparatus is divided into three subsections:

Voice formation

In every language on our planet, there is a specific number of sounds that create an acoustic image of the language. Sound finds meaning only in the scheme of sentences, helps to distinguish one letter from another. This sound is called the phoneme of the language. All sounds of the language differ in articulatory features, that is, their difference comes from the formation of sounds in the human speech apparatus. And by acoustic features - by differences in sound.

  • respiratory, otherwise energy - includes the lungs, bronchi, trachea and throat;
  • the voice-forming department, otherwise the generator - the larynx along with the sound cords and muscles;
  • sound-forming, otherwise resonant - the cavity of the oropharynx and nose.

The work of these departments of the speech apparatus in full symbiosis can occur only through central administration speech and voice-forming processes. This suggests that the respiratory process, articulatory mechanism and sound formation are completely controlled by the human nervous system. Its impact extends to peripheral processes:

  • functioning respiratory organs adjusts the power of the sound of the voice;
  • the functioning of the oral cavity is responsible for the formation of vowels and consonants and for the difference in the articulation process during their formation;
  • the nose section provides adjustment of the overtones of the sound.

In the formation of the voice, the central speech apparatus occupies a key place. The jaw and lips of a person, the palate and epiglottis, the pharynx and lungs are all involved in the process. The air current leaving the body, passing further through the larynx and passing through the mouth and nose, is the source of sound. On its way, the air passes through the vocal cords. If they are relaxed, then the sound is not formed and passes freely. If they are close and tense - the air, when passing through, creates vibration. The result of this process is sound. And then, during the work of the movable organs of the oral cavity, the direct formation of letters and words occurs.

Structural components of speech

Responsible for the speech function:

  1. The center of sensory speech is the perception of speech sounds, based on the sound-distinctive system of the language, Wernicke's area in the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for this process.
  2. The center of motor speech - Broca's area is responsible for it, thanks to it, the reproduction of sounds, words and phrases is possible.

In this regard, in clinical psychology there is the concept of impressive speech, in other words, the understanding and presentation of oral and writing. There is also the concept expressive speech- one that is pronounced aloud with the accompaniment of a certain tempo, rhythm, emotions.

In the process of speech formation, each person should have a clear idea of ​​the following subsystems of the native language:

  • phonetics (what syllables, sound combinations can be, their correct structure and combination);
  • syntax (understanding exactly how the relationship and combinations between words occur);
  • vocabulary (knowledge of the vocabulary of the language)
  • semantics (the ability to understand the meaning of words long before acquiring pronunciation skills);
  • pragmatics (the relationship between sign systems and those who use them).

The phonological component of the language means knowledge of the semantic units of the language (phonemes). Physically, speech sounds can be divided into noises (consonants) and tones (vowels). Any language is based on a certain distinguishing feature, if you change one of them, then the meaning of the word will change dramatically. The main semantic distinguishing features include deafness and sonority, softness and hardness, as well as impact and unstressedness. It is these features that are the basis of the phonemes of the language system. Each language has different amount semantic units, as a rule, from 11 to 141.

The Russian language involves the use of 42 phonemes, in particular, 6 vowels and 36 consonants.

It has been scientifically proven that any healthy infant in the first year of life, it has the ability to reproduce 75 different shortest sound units, in other words, it can learn any language. But, most often, children, at the initial stages of their development, are in only one language environment, so over time they lose the ability to reproduce sounds that do not belong to their native Russian language.

Diagnosis of problems with the speech apparatus

Assimilation of the norms of the native language occurs by copying what a person hears. And all parents have different attitudes to the problems of speech development in their children. Some begin to sound the alarm when a child at the age of two does not use extended phrases for communication, others are more careless and may stubbornly not notice that the child's functioning of the speech apparatus is impaired.

The presence of problems largely depends on how well the human speech apparatus is formed. It is important that each department involved in the formation of the voice functions fully and accurately.

The grounds for violations can be many factors, since the structure of the human speech apparatus is a very structurally complex scheme. But there are only three main reasons:

  • incorrect use of the organs of speech;
  • structural disturbances speech organs or fabrics;
  • problems with the parts of the nervous system that provide the process of reproducing sounds and voices.

under delay speech development(ZRR) implies a quantitative underdevelopment of the vocabulary, the lack of formation of expressive speech or the absence of phrasal speech by 2 years and coherent speech by 3 years in children. With a deficit of voice functions, communication is limited, the volume received from outside world information of a speech nature is reduced, which can further lead to serious problems with reading and writing.

Such children need to consult a pediatric neuropathologist, a pediatric otolaryngologist, a speech therapist, as well as a psychologist to select the amount of corrective assistance.

Knowing the structure of the speech apparatus and its functions will help you pay attention to deviations from the norm in time and increase the chance for a quick and complete correction of the pathology.

If you ask a musician playing the guitar, violin, piano or bassoon, flute, trumpet how sounds are extracted from the instrument, what determines their strength, duration, then he will talk about the features of his instrument and what needs to be done to make sounds were of different tonality, strength, length.

But if the same musician is asked how, when he speaks, he turns the air stream into sound wave and where, with the help of what this wave is transformed into the sounds of speech, one can hardly expect an intelligible answer. Yes, musicians! Not every professional lecturer, teacher, lawyer, diplomat, politician, for whom a sounding speech is a professional necessity, will give the correct answer. While for everyone who, in their profession, “works” with their voice, the speech apparatus is a kind of musical instrument, created by nature and therefore perfect, which you need to know in all its subtleties in order to successfully use it.

Where and how are speech sounds formed? What determines their strength, timbre, breadth? How can you convey thoughts, feelings, the state of a person's soul with the help of voice, influence others? What processes take place and what laws of acoustics, physiology, psychology underlie them?

Scientists have determined that the sound of a voice is a form of energy. This energy, generated by the human vocal apparatus, spreading with high speed, causes air molecules to vibrate with a certain frequency and force. The pitch of the sound depends on the frequency of the vibration, and its strength depends on the amplitude of the vibration. Therefore, in order to understand the nature of sound, its acoustic and physiological features, it is necessary first of all to study the speech apparatus, to know its structure and be able to “play” on it. Indeed, the success of the performance depends largely on the voice.

I. Andronikov, publicist, memoirist, critic, has a story "Chaliapin's Throat". The author retells what he heard from famous artist Maly Theater Ostuzhev, who once happened to look into the throat of Chaliapin:

You don't know what - I - saw!!! Hands out like
offering to wind woolen threads around them, he rounded
et palms, joined the tips of his fingers - hands met;
looked around the space formed inside, gave me a cash
afraid, looking into my eyes, shouted loudly, abruptly:


A complete and tense pause - and again a furious exclamation:

A round arch is formed from the palms:

DOME!!! It goes under the very eyes ... And under this
the unique timbre of Chaliapin's bass is born like a dome!..
The tongue, like a wave on a sultry afternoon, barely ripples behind the necklace
we pour the lower teeth ... AND IN THE WHOLE LARYNCH, NOT ONE
EXTRA DETAILS! .. It is considered as a structure
great master! And I can't take my eyes off this unusual
new spectacle!...

The narrator draws attention to the size of the pharynx, its depth (a crater!), the height of the palate (a dome!), the tongue (like a wave on a hot afternoon). These are all the components of the speech apparatus, and for each person it has its own dimensions, its own configuration.

What does it depend on? From nature? What nature has awarded, then you have? One of Ostuzhev's friends, when he told him about what he saw, remarked:

I know Chaliapin's throat. I agree with you - it's amazing! But not nature! This is a miracle of work, systematic training. Chaliapin by nature has a magnificent bass - the rarest ligaments! And an ordinary throat. But his first singing teacher, Usatov, special exercises managed to raise his soft palate, expanded the walls of the larynx, he taught Chaliapin - well, how can I explain it to you - to gargle with sounds ... .

Here, it turns out that! Each person, performing the necessary exercises, can bring his speech apparatus to perfection or significantly develop and improve it.

Look closely at the diagram:

the spirit is drawn into the lungs and pushed out. The volume of the lungs, how much air they can hold and then push out, depends on the strength of the sound and its duration.

When Tamagno performed on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre, the artist Ostuzhev once told Irakli Andronikov, Moscow students, who always knew everything better than anyone, never bought tickets to the gallery. They listened to him for free - from Petrovka. This young man had such a voice that he had to lace up a special corset on his naked body before the performance so as not to take a deep breath. As you know, you never hear an orchestra or a choir outside... but Tamagno's voice came through the dormer windows in the attic. If it had not been laced up, then, perhaps, the walls would have cracked, and some theater, smaller than our Bolshoi, would have buzzed into tartarara.

Of course, you can believe it or not, but the fact remains: the strength of sound depends on the depth and strength of inhalation and exhalation.

However, when inhaling and exhaling air, sound is not always produced. To live, a person must breathe, even in sleep. With the cessation of breathing comes death.

When and how does air turn into sound or contribute to the formation of sound? And not just a sound, but a sound of speech.

The most active articulator is the tongue. He feels like a master in his mouth: he will press against his teeth, then he will retreat from them, then he will begin to rise to the palate, then he will go deep into the oral cavity. The nature of most sounds of the Russian language depends on its movements. Not by chance verbal(verbal, sound) way of communication was called language.

O The leading role of the tongue in the formation of sounds is evidenced by the expressions: “Have you lost your tongue?”, “Have you got your tongue stuck to the larynx?”, “Did you swallow your tongue?” or “What, are you without a language?”, “Have you lost your language?” So they say when the one to whom they are addressing is silent, does not answer.

And how many stable expressions, the figurativeness of which is created due to direct meaning words language ("organ of speech")! "Keep your mouth shut" (Be quiet, don't talk too much). “What a long tongue he has, he doesn’t know how to restrain himself in conversation at all.” If someone is said to have boneless tongue, it means that he loves to talk, chatting a lot of all sorts of nonsense, nonsense. “So it asks for the tongue, the tongue itches,” they say when they really want to say, when they can’t resist, to endure, so as not to speak, not to say something. But if a person cannot articulate, clearly express his thought, then they say: "His tongue is tangled."

Now you imagine how complex, how perfect and necessary for a person nature gave him the apparatus.

By the nature of the speech sound, by the physical style of speech, we judge the speaker's temperament, his character, attitude, his mood, and finally, his sincerity. Cheerfulness and lethargy, energy and inertia, determination and timidity, interest and indifference - all these mental moments that accompany oral speech, as if accompanying its content, are correctly reflected in the sound stream. AT colloquial speech this reflection is direct, involuntary, not controlled by the consciousness of the speaker. In public speech, it should become a conscious and deliberate instrument of influence.

An actor, reciter, orator, teacher, lecturer - anyone who wants to influence sounding speech - must, through systematic observations, realize the expressive meaning individual factors speech sounding and holistic phonetic styles, must learn to deliberately evoke a certain emotional and volitional reaction by the sound of his speech.

Of course, an optimist and a delighted person will have a joyful, happy, sonorous voice, while a pessimist will have a "dissatisfied, gloomy, irritated, deaf" voice; an angry person most often says raised voice, and the patient - weak, painful, intermittent. This means that the concept of "character of speech sounding" includes the tone of speech, tempo, duration and frequency of pauses, diction.

The dependence of the voice on the character and condition of a person is evidenced by many definitions for the word voice, For example: resolute, bold, timid, lethargic, indifferent, sickly, ingratiating, enthusiastic, cheerful, cheerful, serious, laughing, interested, inert, indecisive, compliant, rude, impudent, boorish, polite, intelligent, benevolent, commanding, humble, domineering, brave, calm, agitated, anxious, bossy, truthful, deceitful, treacherous, sincere, irritable, cheerful, dejected, grumbling, boring, frivolous, energetic.

That's how many different shades a voice can have, conveying the state of the speaker, his character, attitude towards the interlocutor, the subject of speech, the degree of education and upbringing.


1. What is the speech apparatus?



Vowels are sounds that consist mainly of a voice tone. When pronouncing vowels, the position of the tongue, lips and soft palate is such that air passes through the oral cavity without encountering obstacles that can contribute to noise. Depending on the position of the language, German vowels are divided into front vowels (i, e, ä, ö, ü) and back vowels (a, o, u). Vowels are long and short (8 vowels make 16 vowels). Their duration is associated with the quality of the syllable they form. In this regard, there are open (ending in a vowel or consisting of one vowel) and closed syllables(ending in one or more consonants). A diphthong is a continuous pronunciation of two vowels in one syllable.

[ί:] [ı]
[ε:] [ε]
[ø:] [œ]
All phonological features of German vowels are represented schematically in the so-called quadrilateral of German vowels :

Consonants are called sounds, consisting of a voice and (or) noise, which is formed in the oral cavity, where the air stream meets various obstacles. Depending on the participation of the voice, German consonants are divided into deaf, voiced (explosive and fricative) and sonorous (sonorous). Affricates are understood as the continuous pronunciation of two consonants.

pledge correct pronunciation is the ability to properly manage their speech organs, i.e. speech apparatus .

The speech apparatus includes:

  • respiratory system (das Amungssystem)
  • larynx (der Kehlkopf)
  • resonator (das Ansatzrohr) -oral cavity during the formation of sounds

The respiratory system is made up of lungs (die Lungen), bronchi (die Bronchien) and trachea (die Luftrohre), otherwise the windpipe.

The work of the respiratory organs is the basis for pronouncing sounds. In the process of breathing exhaled air through the trachea enters the larynx, where its first transformation takes place.

The larynx is top trachea and ends epiglottis(der Kehldeckel) which closes the windpipe during meals. However, for the process of speaking, the larynx is important in that it contains vocal cords (die Stimmbander).

The vocal cords are two elastic muscles that are attached to the cricoid cartilage by the arytenoid cartilages. Due to their mobility, the vocal cords either approach each other or move away from each other. The gap that arises between the vocal cords is the basis for the subsequent pronunciation of sounds. (photocopy). Exhaled air, passing through this gap, touches the edges of the vocal cords, causing them to vibrate. Thus, under the influence of these oscillatory movements the air begins to "ring".

From the larynx, the jet of exhaled air enters the resonator (das Ansatzrohr), where its final transformation into a particular sound takes place.

The resonator consists of three cavities: oral cavity (die Mundhöhle), pharynx (der Rachen) and nasal cavity (die Nasenhöhle).

In the oral cavity are the main articulatory organs:

Ø upper lip (die obere Lippe)

Ø lower lip (die untere Lippe)

Ø upper teeth (die oberen Zähne)

Ø lower teeth (die unteren Zähne)

Ø alveoli (die Alveolen)

Ø hard palate (der Hartgaumen)

Ø soft palate (der Weichgaumen)

Ø tongue (das Zäpfchen)

Ø tongue (die Zunge), which is conditionally divided into 4 parts - the tip of the tongue (die Zungenspitze), the front back of the tongue (die Vorderzunge), the middle back of the tongue (die Mittelzunge) and the back of the tongue (die Hinterzunge).

The nasal cavity acts as a resonator in the formation of nasal sounds (m, n, ŋ). When they are pronounced, the back of the soft palate - palatine curtain (das Gaumensegel), descends, thereby closing the passage to the oral cavity for the air stream.

Rice. 1: Human speech apparatus

1 - hard palate; 2 - alveoli; 3 - upper lip; 4 - upper teeth; 5 - lower lip; 6 - lower teeth; 7 - front part of the tongue; 8 - the middle part of the tongue; 9 - back of the tongue; 10 - the root of the tongue; 11 - vocal cords; 12 - soft palate; 13 - tongue; 14 - larynx; 15 - trachea.

3. Articulating base German language.

With a general, identical method of forming sounds, each language has its own characteristic articulation base. The articulatory base of a language is understood as a set of movements of the speech apparatus characteristic of a given language in the production of sounds.

Here are a few features characteristic of the articulatory base of the German language:

1. The German language is characterized by a stronger, in comparison with the Russian language, muscle tension of the speech apparatus when pronouncing all sounds.

2. The German language is characterized by the contact position of the tip of the tongue, i.e. when pronouncing all vowels and most consonants, the tip of the tongue touches the front lower teeth.

3. When pronouncing consonant sounds, the soft palate does not completely close the passage to the nasal cavity for the jet of exhaled air, which causes such a phenomenon as nasalization, those. sounds have a slightly nasal connotation (Name - to us).

4. German vowels are pronounced with a stable installation of the organs of speech in the oral cavity (to about ntr about l - k about ntr about lyate, K o ntr o lle-k o ntr o llieren).

5. Articulation of German sounds occurs with a more energetic movement of the lower jaw up and down, especially when pronouncing open sounds.

6. The German language has one sound, in the formation of which the tongue participates - [R].

7. German consonants are not opposed on the basis of "softness - hardness".

8. When pronouncing the nasal sound [ŋ], a tight closure of the back of the tongue and the soft palate is formed.

9. In Russian, when consonants are combined with front vowels, due to the rise of the front and middle back of the tongue to the hard palate, softening occurs, which is not typical for the German language (winter, silence - sie, Tisch).

4. The concept of phonemes, sounds, letters. German alphabet and phonetic transcription.

In order to understand what is the difference between such units as sound, letter and phoneme, it is necessary to determine what is the difference between speech and language.

Speech specific. It displays objects, actions, sensations in a particular situation in the present, past and future.

Language abstract. It is an abstract representation of reality.

At the same time, if language is the property of all speakers (it contains certain grammatical rules, words, sounds that any person can learn), then speech individual - each speaker uses a different vocabulary, individually uses grammatical structures pronounce sounds differently.

So sound is a unit of speech, it is concrete, and phoneme is a unit of language that is an abstract representation of sound.

Def.3:A phoneme is the smallest unit of a language that is used to

folding and distinguishing significant units - words.

Phoneme functions:

ü semantic (significative)

house - volume, die Beeren - die Bären

ü perceptual - to be an object of perception.

In speech, under the influence of adjacent sounds, the same sound can be pronounced with some acoustic differences (water - water - water, Kiel - kühl - backen). However, these changes do not affect the meaning of the word, therefore they are considered only as variants of one sound. In the language, this change is called allophone .

Def.4:An allophone is a modification of a phoneme that is

the result of different pronunciation conditions.

Each language has a limited number of phonemes. Allophones of phonemes are written in letters.

Def.5: Letter - graphic image sounds.

The German alphabet uses 26 pairs Latin letters (lowercase and uppercase); the umlauted letters ä, ö, ü and the ligature ß (escet) are not included in the alphabet. In alphabetical sorting, ä, ö, ü do not differ from respectively a, o, u, except for words that differ only in umlaut - in this case, the word with umlaut comes later; ß is equivalent to ss. However, when listing German letters, the signs ä, ö, ü are given not next to the corresponding “pure” letters, but at the end of the list.

A a a F f ef l l ale Q q ku (Ü ü) u-umlaut

(Ä ä) e (a-umlaut) G g ge M m Em R r er Vv fau

Bb bae H h Ha N n en S s es Ww ve

c c ce I i and O o about (ß) escet X x X

D d de Jj iot (Ö ö) o-umlaut T t te Y y upsilon

e e uh Kk ka Pp pe U u at Zz cet

Until the beginning of the 20th century. the Gothic script was officially used (in particular, there was a special Gothic script). Letters in the generally accepted European style are first used informally from the 19th century, and after the victory November Revolution 1918 are introduced officially. Nazi attempts to bring back Gothic as an official success were not successful, and it is currently only used for decorative purposes.

However, the letter image does not always match the sounds (Schule, Chef, Show). Also, the same letter can represent several sounds (gehen, Tag, ruhig). Therefore, for an adequate acoustic display of a word, there is a phonetic transcription.

Def. 6: Phonetic transcription is a recording of speech using a phonetic alphabet based on the Latin alphabet..

In transcription, each sound corresponds to only one conventional sign.

The speech apparatus consists of two closely related parts: the central (or regulatory) speech apparatus and the peripheral (or executive) (Fig. 1).

The central speech apparatus is located in the brain. It consists of the cerebral cortex (mainly the left hemisphere), subcortical nodes, pathways, brainstem nuclei (primarily medulla oblongata) and nerves leading to the respiratory, vocal and articulatory muscles.

What is the function of the central speech apparatus and its departments?

Speech, like other manifestations of higher nervous activity, develops on the basis of reflexes. Speech reflexes are associated with the activity of various parts of the brain. However, some parts of the cerebral cortex are of paramount importance in the formation of speech. This is the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes of the predominantly left hemisphere of the brain (in left-handers, the right). The frontal gyrus (lower) is a motor area and is involved in the formation of one's own oral speech (Broc's center). The temporal gyrus (upper) is the speech-auditory area where sound stimuli arrive (Wernicke's center). Thanks to this, the process of perception of someone else's speech is carried out. For understanding speech, the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex is important. The occipital lobe is the visual area and ensures the assimilation of written speech (the perception of letter images when reading and writing). In addition, the child begins to develop speech due to his visual perception of the articulation of adults.

The subcortical nuclei are in charge of the rhythm, tempo and expressiveness of speech.

Conducting paths. The cerebral cortex is connected with the organs of speech (peripheral) by two types of nerve pathways: centrifugal and centripetal.

Centrifugal (motor) nerve pathways connect the cerebral cortex with the muscles that regulate the activity of the peripheral speech apparatus. The centrifugal pathway begins in the cerebral cortex at Broca's center.

From the periphery to the center, that is, from the region of the speech organs to the cerebral cortex, there are centripetal paths.

centripetal path It starts in proprioreceptors and baroreceptors.

Proprioreceptors are located inside the muscles, tendons and on the articular surfaces of moving organs.

Rice. 1. The structure of the speech apparatus: 1 - brain: 2 - nasal cavity: 3 - hard palate; 4 - oral cavity; 5 - lips; 6 - incisors; 7 - tip of the tongue; 8 - back of the tongue; 9 - the root of the tongue; 10 - epiglottis: 11 - pharynx; 12 -- larynx; 13 - trachea; 14 - right bronchus; 15 - right lung: 16 - diaphragm; 17 - esophagus; 18 - spine; nineteen - spinal cord; 20 - soft palate

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