Natural signs for October for every day. Autumn omens. What signs exist

The autumn month of October is referred to as "dirty" for constant rains and slush. This month the field work ends, and the time for weddings begins, the days are passing by, and it is cold in the evenings. About October, people say "autumn until noon, winter until evening." According to the signs of weather conditions, the signs of October are added.

Folk omens for October allow for next winter and spring.

  • if warm in October - be cold in winter;
  • in October, prolonged frosts - to a harsh winter;
  • thunder in the rain - to a short and snow-white winter;
  • east wind blows in early October - soon dry weather, wind from the west - rain and sleet, northern winds predict cold;
  • the whole month there is a lot of snow - in spring the snow will not leave the field for a long time;
  • in October, the snow fell - in 40 days, wait for the winter cold;
  • the moon in cloudy circles - to drought in the summer.

It was in the second autumn month that the peasants noticed that from what date the first frosts would begin or snow would fall - from that date to expect warm weather in the spring.

Signs about nature

In October, people say - "look at nature and remember the weather." According to signs for October, the nature of the autumn month, people interpret what the coming winter and harvest will be like.

  • leaves quickly crumbled - a sign promises severe frosts;
  • in October, the leaves do not fall and are green - there will be a warm and short winter;
  • if the birch has not thrown off the leaves - do not expect snow soon;
  • trees bloom again - there will be a warm winter;
  • collected a lot of spruce cones - signs for October promise a good harvest of spring crops;
  • in October, birds fly low - expect a harsh winter;
  • cranes and geese are in no hurry to fly away - warm winter;
  • birds fly high and cry softly - by a long autumn.

Folk omens by day

  1. The first frosts and departure of cranes. If the cranes have flown, wait another two weeks for the first frost. The peasants are engaged in drying wild rose.
  2. Trofima and Zosima. The bee nine begins. From the second day in 9 days it is necessary to prepare the hives for winter. On October 2, people watch the geese, if the birds nibble on the leaves, the beehives must be removed from the apiary. They also choose brides and grooms for Zosima - matchmakers go from house to house.
  3. Astafiev day. Strong winds blow and the peasants celebrate the mill festival. According to signs, if October 3 is a warm and foggy day, snow will not appear soon.
  4. Kondrat and Ignat. The day prophesies the weather until November 4th. If it is cold in the morning and warm at night, expect bad weather.
  5. Iona and Phokia. If - a sign promises a strong wind.
  6. Forerunner or Iraida Controversial. Wild animals change their coats - to early frosts. For those who are experiencing financial difficulties, the Forerunner can be guessed at finances.
  7. Fekla. According to signs, thunder on the 7th - there will be a short winter, and a bright sun - wait for the weather to change. On this day, peasants begin to grind bread and heat stoves. On Thekla, the day is shorter and the night is longer. On this day, wedding ceremonies are held. They say about the fate of the newlyweds - "What Fekla tied, you can't untie."
  8. Sergius of Radonezh (kapustnik). The south wind blows in the morning - for a warm winter, the north - for a cold one. A leaf hangs on a birch - do not expect snow. Peasants prepare sauerkraut.
  9. John the Theologian. October 9 watch the sky. Bright stars - signs predict good weather, dim - for snow or rain. A leaf from the trees rarely falls - for a harsh winter.
  10. Savvatia the beekeeper. Until this day, the bees completely go into the hive.
  11. Khariton. A dangerous day - they can cause damage or the evil eye. On October 11, you can’t throw garbage out of the hut - evil spirits bring trouble to the family through garbage.
  12. Theophanes time. There will be no solar heat. As you can see, if there are a lot of stars in the sky - by a dry autumn. Fog in the evening - no frost in the morning.
  13. Feast of Michael and Gregory. According to signs, if there is snow on Mikhail, it means a late winter. Birds fly away - snow will soon fall, and frost will hit. The first snow on Michael's day promises a fruitful summer. Young women burn their old linen and bedding in order to meet the winter in everything new.
  14. . If there is no snow on Pokrov, according to signs, there will be no snow until Christmas. From where the wind blows on this day, frost will come from there. It is believed that if you make a wedding from the Intercession, the young will have happiness and prosperity.
  15. On Kupriyan and Ustinya, if the sky is clear, it will be frost. The peasants go to church, bow to the images of the holy martyrs Justina and Kupriyan, in order to protect themselves and the house from demons.
  16. Dionysius. Clouds are low in the sky - signs promise frost or snow. The birds have gathered in a flock and scream loudly - for clear weather. Sparrows fly in a flock - wait for the cold. On Dionysius they carry aspen bark with them, it is believed that it is a strong amulet against evil spirits.
  17. Erofei. After Erofei, the cold grows stronger, winter puts on a fur coat. You can’t go to the forest on Yerofei - people believe that on this day the goblin comes out of the trees and can lure you into the thicket.
  18. Kharitina. If the snow has not fallen to Kharitina, and leaves remain on the birch, the winter will be long. Fog disappearing after sunrise - there will be good weather. A flock of birds flies across the sky in unison - a harsh winter. Women sit down to weave canvases.
  19. Fomin and Denis. According to signs, the first snow on October 19 is a fruitful summer. On Foma, the owner of the house conducts an audit of barns and bins, considers how much food is stored.
  20. Bacchus and Sergius. On October 20, the owner of the house first feeds the cattle, and then eats himself. The hostesses put on a new scarf so that their heads do not hurt all year. Good weather during the day to heat for three weeks. The snow that fell that day will soon melt. On this day, they were afraid to give birth, according to a sign, on Sergius Day predicts a difficult fate for him.
  21. Tryphon and Pelagia. On Tryphon, peasants open chests and take out fur coats and caftans. Women sew mittens. Low clouds in the sky - soon severe frosts.
  22. Jacob. The fox barks at Jacob - to changeable weather. If the first snow fell, wait 40 days for winter.
  23. Evlampy. According to signs, slush and mud in the yard - do not expect snow until November 4th. The people say - "Evlampy plucks the torches and blows the fire" - a sign means that on October 23 the peasants prepare torches (dry chips of wood to illuminate the hut).
  24. Philip day. The moon closes with a dull haze - according to a sign there will be snowfall, a clear moon shines - to frost. This day is considered to be a bath day - the whole family takes a bath and drinks herbal teas.
  25. Good day. On October 25, you can’t do work, wash, sew, weave, quarrel with neighbors. According to the sign, those who were born on Prova will take a sip of grief.
  26. Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God of Iver. If the rooster crows before nine in the evening, wait for the rain.
  27. Friday Paraskevia. It is forbidden for a pregnant woman to comb her hair so as not to anger Saint Paraskeva Friday, the intercessor and protector of women.
  28. Autumn Yefim day. Blue sky in the morning - signs for October promise an imminent improvement in the weather. At sunrise clouds - it will be snow.
  29. Day of the Centurion Longinus. A pale moon came out - signs promise frost and snow. The sun wanders in the clouds - to a rainy day. On the centurion, winter clothes are hung out on the street to be cleansed.
  30. Hosea day. The peasants put the cart in the sheds and prepare the sled. In the evening they listen, if you hear a cuckoo in the forest - to frost.
  31. Luke. If a cherry leaf hangs on a tree, the fallen snow will melt.

October is the month of harvesting, preparing for winter, and weddings. According to the weather, it is believed that what October is, April will be like that. Ancient weather forecasts and predictions are much more accurate than modern synoptic data.

Among the signs of October, everyone will find something interesting and useful for themselves. After all, signs are not only the experience of ancestors, but also a recipe for success, if you vigilantly observe the weather and nature around.

Our ancestors called October the month of "dirty" because of the slush and frequent rains. At this time, they made a lot of signs about the weather or about the harvest. In addition, weddings were held in October, for which there were even more. Site site experts recommend taking note of the wisdom of our ancestors in order to attract good luck every day and deftly bypass obstacles. The second month of autumn is also rich in folk holidays, during which you can not only have fun, but also perform many rituals. They are designed to provide a comfortable life, distract from everyday routine and get rid of any evil.

October 1st. The departure of the cranes on the first day of October indicated the first frost that would hit Pokrov. Rose hips are said to have healing powers on this day. Our ancestors spoke and brewed it to get rid of various ailments. The grass is tall - there will be a lot of snow in winter, and in spring it will quickly melt.

2 October. On Trofim and Zosima, hives are prepared for the winter and honey is eaten in order to be healthy and so that next year there will be a lot of honey. It was believed that a girl could look into the eyes of a guy she liked, and then he would definitely reciprocate her. The harvest of bread will be rich if the wind blows from the south on this day.

October 3rd. On Astafia, they follow the wind: which side it will blow, such weather will be in the coming days. From the south - to warm weather, from the north - to frost, from the west - to prolonged rain, from the east - to sunny days. Cones have grown low on spruce - expect hard frosts in winter.

The 4th of October. They did not sit on Kondrat without work, so as not to see poverty. On this day, the weather is the same as four weeks ahead. According to a sign, on October 4, they treated the workers of the mill so that they would not spoil the grain.

October 5th. On Foca, they asked for protection from fires. According to a sign, those who will hang a mountain ash under the roof will not have it. Berries will scare away the fire, but they will attract good luck to the house. If on this day the leaves on the birch hold, it means that the snow will not fall soon.

October 6th. On the national holiday of Iraida Controversial, those who experience difficulties with money are wondering about their fate. According to a sign, fortune-telling will come true, and if it suddenly portends troubles, then money is taken away from the house so that they do not disappear. Do not count your troubles - it will increase three times, and call good luck so that you don’t pass by.

October 7th. Spin on Fekla - call good luck to the house. What you tie on Thekla - the century will not be untied. Following this sign, weddings were played so that the young were happy in marriage, and they also carried out deals and made alliances. Many acorns - a fertile summer, and a cold winter.

October 8th. Salt cabbage on Sergey Kapustnik - live full all winter. The first snow fell - wait for the winter on Mikhailov's day. From which side the wind blows, so will the winter. According to the sign on this day, chickens are rushing - wealth will come to the house.

October 9th. Rain and snow this day - expect three thaws in January. No matter how much snow falls during the day, it will all melt, and if it falls at night, there will be winter here.

10 October. On Savvatiy Pchelnik they are engaged in bees, but do not start other things. No matter how much honey there is, treat a passerby to it, money will come to the house. The bee buzzes deafly - soon the snow will fall, and loudly - soon the cold will strike the bare earth.

October 11. They sit at Khariton at home, they don’t look into the yard. This sign indicates that on this day you can become a victim of the evil eye or damage. Household chores are not started, dirty linen is not swept out of the hut, so that trouble does not happen.

12 October. On this day, the stars shine brightly - the autumn will be dry. They tried to get a hare on the hunt. As you can imagine, a feast with hare on this day promises prosperity to everyone who tries the treat, and the hunter will be lucky all year.

October 13th. On Mikhail Solomonny, old beds were burned in the oven or at the stake in order to avoid the evil eye. Children were bathed on the doorstep to protect them from illness in the winter. Snow falls - winter is not coming soon. Cranes have flown south - wait for the cold weather.

October 14. According to the tradition, weddings on Pokrov are the strongest. The girls believed that the more fun the holiday was, the sooner you would find a husband. Snow did not fall on Pokrov, which means that we have to wait until Christmas.

October 15th. On Kupriyan and Ustinya, they got rid of evil spirits and defended themselves from demons. According to the sign, on this day, girls at parties should not have fun, so as not to invite trouble.

16 October. On Denis of Winter, they carried aspen bark with them so that evil spirits would not overcome. It is customary to read conspiracies from the evil eye and make amulets for the home. Whoever protects himself and the house, sleeps soundly at night.

17 October. According to Yerofei, the goblin wanders in the forest, so there is no way to go there. From Yerofey, the cold is stronger.

18 October. Clouds go against the wind and crows circle - wait for snow. There is no wind - the cold will come. On this day, have time to roll felt boots so that you don’t freeze in the winter and don’t sit at home.

19 October. Check the bins for Thomas, thank the Higher Forces for the harvest. A windless day promises cold.

The 20th of October. Winter will not come soon if the snow falls, and the leaves are still on the trees.

October 21. On Tryphon, check winter clothes and patch them so that you don’t freeze in the cold. In the old days, on this day, clearing the forest for future fields was considered a good omen - the harvest in the new place will be rich.

22 of October. Prepare firewood for Yakov Drovopilets - you will spend the winter warm. On this day, heat the stove with new firewood and cook porridge in it - live happily ever after until summer.

October 23. Where the horns of the moon look, from there the wind will blow. If they look to the north, the cold winter will come, and to the south, the slush will stand until November.

October 24th. The snow fell on damp ground and did not melt - expect income in the spring. The rivers are frozen - fortunately: you can bring money luck to the house. Falling leaves on this day herald a difficult year.

the 25th of October. Andron the Astrologer brings the harvest. If the sky is strewn with stars, expect a good harvest. The stars burn brightly - wait for the frost, shine dimly - to the thaw, blink - there will be a change in the weather. The star falls - dry weather will be and windy until the end of the month.

October 26th. They drowned in the Iberian bath, splashed herbal decoctions on the stones and steamed brooms to drive out the ailment. According to signs, on this day, anyone can gain health if they brew herbs and stop cursing.

27th October. On Paraskeva, the footprint of a horse's hoof quickly fills with water - winter will come in four weeks. A lot of mud - the spring will be wet. On this day, according to the sign, pregnant women should do amulets in order to protect themselves from the evil eye and give birth easily.

28 of October. On Yefimiy, the kikimora interferes with the girls, tears the yarn, beats the pots. You can avoid harm from evil spirits with the help of prayer.

29th of October. On Longinus Sotnik, clothes were taken out of chests, aired in the cold, warmed in the sun. By the way, it was possible

October is the month of falling leaves, bare cooled earth, autumn impassability, cold rains and sleet. Initially, in the Roman calendar, it was the eighth month of the year, which influenced the European name of the month: octo translated from Latin means eight. In Russia, this second autumn month got its names:

  • winter road;
  • dirty;
  • leaf fall;
  • wedding man;
  • pazdernik.

The name of the month "Pazdernik" is borrowed from the Polish language (it came from the word pazder denoting bonfire- waste of flax or hemp processed in the fall). This name is noted in the sources of the 17th century. It is still preserved in modern Polish. It should be noted that from the word boon there was a modern Belarusian name for the second autumn month - castrychik.

The most ancient name is “ruen” or “ruin”, due to the fact that in early October the deer are in heat and they roar.

Leaf fall is the common Slavic name for one of the autumn months. It moves from September to November, depending on the climatic zone: in the north of Russia, September was often called leaf fall, in the middle and black earth zone, and among the Serbs - October, in the southern regions of Russia, in Poland, the Czech Republic and Ukraine - November.

All the names of October are specified and revealed in signs, sayings and figurative speech characteristics of the month.

Sayings about October

October is famous for wet cold weather, mud on the roads and the first serious frosts. The surrounding world at this time appears in a variety of shades of the predominant gray color. The forest, having thrown off its multi-colored leafy cover, practically merges with the bare ground, in some places already covered with the first snow. Gloomy clouds float across the sky, twilight comes early and cold autumn rain often falls. Against this cloudy and dull background, bunches of mountain ash burn with bright red dots.

In October, neither on wheels nor on sledges.

October is a dirt man who doesn't like wheels or runners.

In the autumn storm there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, it tears, it pours from above and sweeps from below.

In October, it rains and snows at the same time.

By October the birch trees are bare.

October cries cold tears.

October is the month of near powder.

October will cover the earth, where with a leaf, where with a snowball.

In October, only mountain ash is among the berries.

Despite the coolness, gloom and dirt, October, like any other month, has its merits. This is a satisfying and fun time when harvested, partially processed and stored for storage. In October, you don’t think about saving food stocks, because there are all sorts of pickles and pies on the tables. In Russia this month people traditionally brewed and drank a lot of beer.

April is full of water, and October is full of beer.

Only goodness in October, that he took beer.

September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage.

Not deprived of the month and economic concerns. Basically, this is work indoors: women processed flax, and the work of men decreased, but all the same, it is necessary to review, repair and remove summer equipment, prepare sledges for the winter.

From the middle of October, crush and trample flax.

In October, the women have one job - to crush flax.

October is good for everyone, but the peasant has no move.

In October, and a peasant with bast shoes, and a hut with firewood, but no spores.

October weather tips

Many signs dated for October are aimed at predicting the weather in the near future. They indicate the nature of autumn and the coming winter, as well as what spring and summer will be like.

Thunder in October - to a snowless winter.

October frost - to warm, dry and sunny weather.

If a leaf from oak and birch fell cleanly, then the year will be easy, not clean - by a harsh winter.

The willow covered with frost early - the winter will be long.

Moles carry a lot of straw in their burrows - for a cold winter.

High weeds promise a lot of snow.

And although winter has not yet come, the thoughts of the peasant about spring, summer and the future harvest:

From what date in October the weather will be clear, from that date spring will open in April.

The moon in a circle - to a dry summer.

If the leaf on the ground lies upside down - to the harvest.

If the first snow fell in October, then in 40 days winter will come.

A dry October promises a snowless January.

Hoarfrost in October - after 90 days will respond with precipitation.

Wedding in October: signs

It is no coincidence that October is called a wedding day. It was in this month that most weddings were celebrated, especially after the main October holiday - Pokrov, which, according to the old style, fell on October 1. It was at this time that all the main field work came to an end, the harvest was harvested, and the long-awaited time for rest came.

A wedding in October promises wealth and prosperity to a young family. Their house will always be a full bowl. In addition to the material side, marriages made this month have other benefits. It is believed that there will be complete mutual understanding between the spouses, they will treat each other with tenderness and love. Best of all, a wedding in October is suitable for those couples whose relationship has been going on for quite some time. Because they make a decision about marriage deliberately and carefully, and are fully aware of the responsibility of the step taken.

The way family life develops also depends on the mood of the lovers. If they hope to find strong support and an ally, then marriage will bring them only happiness. But for those who perceive marriage as a series of entertainment, a wedding in October will not make them happy.

Signs for October for every day

Irina, Orina, Arina - crane yearsArina experiences the first snow and frosts.

If the birch has not lost its leaves, then the snow will fall late.

If cranes fly at Irina, then snow will fall on Pokrov.

Trofim and Zosima, Deviatina, Trofimov's EveningsFrom October 2 to October 10 - bee nine.

Send the hive to the cellar - celebrate the holiday of honey.

In bee nine and a beggar will eat a spoonful of honey.

Astafiev day. Astafy the windmillIf the day is foggy and warm, a long white web flies, then autumn will be favorable, and snow will not fall soon.

On Astafyev's day, they watched the wind: south - to heat, north - to cold; eastern - to the bucket; western - to precipitation.

The cones on the Christmas tree grow low - by early frost, high - the cold will be at the end of winter.

Kondrat and Ignat (Ipat)What is the weather on that day, this will be for four weeks.

If it gets colder, then you can say goodbye to good weather.

A lot of nuts and few mushrooms - for a snowy and harsh winter.

Foca, Ioana, DeciduousAspen leaf drops, yields to autumn.

If a leaf has not fallen from a birch, snow will fall late.

On this day it is a sin to eat fish.

Iraida Disputable, Conception of John the BaptistHigh weeds - to the abundance of snow in winter.

If the cries of wild geese flying south are heard from above, then winter will soon come, which will be long and cold.

The cranes flew away - autumn passed by winter.

Fekla-zarevnitsa (spinner)There are many acorns on oak - the winter will be warm, and the summer will be bread.

The sun rose quickly and shines brightly - to a change in the weather.

The squirrel molts from head to tail - to a long and slushy winter, from tail to head - to snowy and frosty.

Sergey-kapustnik (chicken coop)If the first snow fell on Sergius, winter will set on.

Dry snow on this day heralds a fruitful summer.

On Sergius, winter begins, and from there it sets.

John the Evangelist, Ivan the WayfarerBlack grouses stand on the tops of trees - to clear weather.

Pink, golden or yellow sunset - good weather.

When the rooks fly away, then it will snow.

Savvaty the beekeeperClouds from north to south float - to the sun, from south to north - to bad weather.

If it rains with snow on Savvatia, then in January there will often be thaws, and June will be cold and rainy.

From that day on, the bee deviatina ends - they finish cleaning the hives in the omshaniki.

Kharitonov day, Ilya Muromets, PecherskyPeople said about this day: Khariton - damage in the hut". In the old days on Khariton, the bride and groom secretly carried the witch a pot of honey and a pie, so that she would not upset the wedding and let the woman infertility.
Theophan the Merciful, Kiriak the Hermit (otkhodnik)Feofan threw a caftan on the sun.

Many stars - by dry autumn.

If fog appears at night, then there will be no frost.

Mikhail and Grigory Solomenny, Grigoriev's DayIf by this day the snow has not fallen, then winter will not come soon.

Cranes flew off to warmer climes - by early and cold winter.

The squirrel has shed cleanly - the winter will be good.

cover, coverFrom that day on, the wedding season began in Russia.

On Pokrov before lunch, autumn, after lunch - winter.

The cover is the first winter.

What a cover, such a winter.

If by this day the oak and birch have completely shed their leaves, the winter will be warm.

Kupriyan and Ustinya, Kupriyanov dayA downpour and an icy wind on this day portend a freezing winter.

Hoarfrost - to dry and sunny weather.

On this day, girls and guys turned to Saints Cyprian and Justina, asking them to protect them from evil spells and delusions.

Denis PozimnyDenis was waiting for the first frost. If the day turned out to be warm, then the frost will not hit earlier).

Beware of the dashing eye on Denis. According to legend, autumn fevers rage on this day, which roam around the world, they themselves suffer and torment people.

Low dark clouds - to a cold snap, and, possibly, to snow.

Yerofey Leshegon, Yerofey's DaySince Erofeev's day, the frost has intensified. The people said: " Yerofey and winter puts on a fur coat».

They did not go to the forest that day, being afraid to meet the goblin. According to legend, the goblin in the forests “make a fool” on Yerofey: they wander, shout, clap their hands, laugh, chase animals, break trees, and then fall through the ground.

Kharitins - the first canvasesIf the snow has fallen, and the trees have not yet completely shed their leaves, then it will soon melt.

Windless weather - to a cold snap.

Clicking and crackling of trees - to good weather.

Foma-bread, Fomin's DayOn Foma you can see the last cumulus clouds.

On this day, those who were weak in health were fed with a bread crust and sentenced: “ Foma - big chrome».

Sergei-winter, Sergius dayIf the weather is good, then stand for three weeks.

Pale and cloudy moon - to frost and snow.

If Sergei covers the ground with snow, then winter will set in.

Tryphon and PelagiaThis time they were engaged in repairing, manufacturing or buying warm clothes. The people said:

It's getting colder from Tryphon and Pelageya.

It’s bad if winter takes you by surprise - it will knock you off your feet with a hat.

Trifon and Pelageya take out a fur coat and mittens.

Trifon mends a fur coat, and Pelageya sews mittens.

Jacob the wood sawer, Jacob the cold, the first porridgeJacob came, brought the cold.

Yakov sends white groats to the ground, cools the paths, whiles away the day.

Snow on Jacob is a blessing, but it does not portend an imminent winter.

Evlampy-winter indicator (lamp)They looked at Evlampy for a month:
  • if the horns are at midnight - be an early winter;
  • at noon - to slush and dirt.
Filippov's rigmarole, Filippov's dayIf the moon is in a haze on Philip, then there will be bad weather (snowfall).

Clear moon - to frost.

Poultry hides its head under its wing - to frost.

Prov, Andron the StargazerThey looked at Andron at the stars and guessed from them about the weather and about the harvest:
  • blaze - to a dry and windy year;
  • blinking - to a change in the weather;
  • shimmering blue hues - to the snow.

There are many bright stars in the sky - for the harvest of peas. If the stars are falling, wait for the wind.

Agafonov's day, Carp, Zlata-onuchnitsaRoosters sang early in the morning - to the heat.

The rooster crows without time in the evening - to a change in the weather.

Epilepsy was driven from the sick to Karp.

Paraskeva the dirty girl, Paraskeva FridayAmong the people, Paraskeva was considered the patroness of women's winter work, primarily yarn.

It's never dry in a dirty place.

If on this day there is dirt on the roads, then in four weeks winter will come.

If there is a lot of mud on Paraskeva and a horse's hoof is flooded with water, then the snow that has fallen will settle immediately.

Efimy-autumn (beekeeper)Bees were removed from Yefim, and the women continued to crush and ruffle the flax.

If mosquitoes appeared, then the winter will be mild.

Clear, clear blue sky - good weather.

Longinus Sotnik (gatekeeper)Bright stars - for good weather, dim - for precipitation.

Pale and cloudy moon to rain and snow.

The crow always sits down with its beak to the wind.

Hosea, Hosea KolesnikThe day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the wattle fence.

The wheel with the axle says goodbye.

The cat is sleeping soundly - it will be warm.

Lukov day, Luka-hungryIf snow has not fallen before that day, then winter will not come soon.

Video: signs of October

As for every month of the year, there are many different signs among the people for October. - this is a kind of "weather forecast" of our ancestors. So, according to the weather of October, they judge the coming winter, find out suitable days for household chores. And, I must say, not infrequently signs about the weather turn out to be much more accurate and correct than the forecasts of modern meteorologists.

Folk omens for October

In October, more clearly than in the previous month, signs of the approaching winter appear and sometimes severe cold sets in. October is very fickle. But for the peasants, this is a well-fed, wild month, a time of relative rest from summer labors, a transition from autumn to winter, for livestock - the same transition from pasture to winter.

In nature, the gradual reign of winter occurs, with the freezing of rivers, with the fall of snow, with the establishment of a winter path, but at the same time, sometimes the heat returns later. This winter is not real yet, but only its threshold, and among the people there are many signs that characterize its onset.

Folk omens for October

In Russia, October was called “leaf fall” - from the autumn fall of leaves, “leaf fall”, “golden autumn”, “winter”, “winter”, “pazdernik” - from the word “pazder” - a bonfire, since this month they began to knead flax and hemp. This month is also called Octovrium, because among the Romans it was the eighth in a row (octo - eight).

Now, ordinary people call the month of October in their own way - "dirty", from the autumn rains that cause bad weather and dirt, or "wedding" - from weddings that are actively celebrated at this time.

People say that in the October bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, blows, circles, stirs, roars, pours from above, sweeps from below.

  • October is fickle: it cries, it laughs.
  • In October, the earth will cover where with a leaf, where with a snowball.
  • In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.
  • October, that March, is fickle.
  • Mne and trample the flax from half of the dirt.
  • If in October a leaf from a birch and an oak falls uncleanly, wait for a harsh winter, and if it is clean, by an easy year.
  • The rain sows finely, but it drags on for a long time - a red day will also glimpse.
  • In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
  • If a leaf, falling from a tree, lies face up - to a crop failure for another year, and lies on the wrong side - to the harvest.
  • In October, neither on wheels nor on sledges.
  • In October, there is a hut with firewood, and a peasant in bast shoes, but there is no ergot (in work).
  • Thunder in October - snowless winter.
  • The month of bad weather is the beginning of family happiness.
  • October is the time of weddings, wedding sittings are straight.
  • The October day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the wattle fence.
  • In October, winter is removed from the white nest, dressing up to visit a peasant: “Let me stay in Russia, I’ll visit villages and villages, we’ll eat pies.”
  • In October, a man lives with an eye.
  • October rides on a piebald mare: she doesn’t like wheels or snakes.
  • In October, the black grouse went crazy (changed color).
  • Know autumn in October through mud.
  • October crowns white snow with great mud.
  • October completes preparations for winter.
  • October - chest, on the roads there are piles of frozen mud.
  • October is the month of full pantries (burrows, hollows, nests).
  • October often cries into the scarf of the red dawn.
  • October is crying with cold tears.
  • After October, there is no smell of summer.
  • September smells like apples, October - cabbages.
  • October will fill the roof with snowy hops.

Signs and traditions for every day of October

October 1. The people called this day the first winter, or the flight of cranes. It was noted that if cranes and geese are in no hurry to leave their native places, the cold will not come soon, and the winter will be mild and short.

  • Cranes will fly - in two weeks you have to wait for the first frost: if they are not visible on the Arina - winter will come in a month, not a single frost will hit before November 2.
  • On Arina (October 1) there is the first winter (the first snow and frost).
  • The day is also called Arina-wild rose: they begin to collect rose hips and dry them.
  • If the weeds have grown very high, there will be a lot of snow.

2 October. By this time, bee sittings begin: the bees stop flying out of the hives for nectar, close up the entrances with wax - they hide for the winter. Hence, one of the names of this day is “bee nine”, which means a commemoration for bees, which will not be seen until next spring.

  • Thicker pours a leaf - orders the beehive to be removed from the apiary.
  • In nine days of bee nine days in a row, a beggar will eat a spoonful of honey.
  • Put the hive in the cellar - the holiday of honey is right

October 3rd. Day of Astafiya. From that day strong winds began to blow, and on the same day the millers' holiday was celebrated - the only people capable of curbing the terrible whirlwinds and making them turn the mill wings.

  • Northern Astafyevsk winds - to a cold, southern - to heat, western - to sputum (rain), eastern - to a bucket.
  • If it is foggy and warm, and a long white cobweb flies along the alleys, the autumn will be favorable and the snow will not fall soon.
  • If there is a wind from the south on Eustace - to a good harvest of winter bread.
  • On Astafya, the northerner (northern wind) will catch a cold.
  • Not all bad weather is not Astafya - a clear day will also glimpse.
  • In October at one o'clock both rain and snow.
  • In October, the moon is in a circle - the summer will be dry.
  • After October, the summer does not smell.
  • September smells like an apple, and October smells like cabbage.

  • What is the weather like on Kondrat with Ignatius, it will stay like that for the whole month.
  • It is clear on Kondrat with a sharp northeast wind - for a cold winter.
  • If the cold has intensified - say goodbye to good weather.
  • This day's weather will remain unchanged for another four weeks.
  • If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  • If it gets cooler during the day and warmer at night, there will be bad weather.
  • The cold drove all people to the stove, and all the heat went to the sky (at this time it becomes really cold).
  • If a leaf has not fallen from a birch, the snow will fall late.
  • It was impossible to eat fish on Jonah: they remember the stay of the prophet Jonah in the belly of a whale.
  • With a crop failure for cedar cones, spruce and pine, winter is not fierce.
  • Ferrets and martens change their summer fur for winter fur ahead of time - by early winter.
  • A lot of acorns on oak - for a warm winter and a fertile (bread) summer.
  • Zarevnitsy raspberries (painted red) glass huts.
  • Thunder on this day portends a snowless, short and mild winter.
  • If in October the sun rises quickly and shines brightly, the weather will change.

  • If by this day the birch leaf has not fallen, the snow will fall late.
  • Wind from the north - to a cold winter, from the south - to a warm one, from the west - to a snowy one.
  • If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree, there will be a severe winter.
  • The sunset is yellow, golden or pink - for good weather.
  • The stars are bright - for good weather, dim - for rain or snow.
  • Clouds float in October from north to south - to sunny weather, from south to north - to inclement weather.
  • They love an apple tree for apples, a bee for honey.

October 11. Khariton's day. According to popular beliefs, this day was considered very dangerous - they could jinx it, cause damage, and in order not to bring trouble on themselves and the household, it was supposed to stay at home and do housework. In no case was it possible to sweep the rubbish out of the hut, because the garbage thrown out could bring trouble into the house.

  • Khariton - damage in the hut.
  • Feofan threw a caftan on the sun.
  • There are many stars on Feofan - by the dry autumn.
  • If fog appears late in the evening or at night, there will be no frost.
  • If a late fungus appears, there will be a late snowball.
  • The first frost will come late - by a mild winter with changeable weather.
  • If the snow falls, winter will not come soon.
  • The cranes have already flown away for the early and cold winter.
  • If the squirrel has shed cleanly, the winter will be good.
  • The first dry snow promises a good summer.

  • From where the wind comes to Pokrov, from there the cold will come.
  • The Pokrov did not cover, and Christmas will not cover (the winter will be little snowy).
  • Rainy Cover brings grace to bees.
  • On Pokrov before lunch - autumn, after lunch - mother winter!
  • Clear sky - to frost.
  • Low dark clouds portend cold, and possibly snowfall.
  • Jackdaws gather in flocks and shout - the weather will be clear.
  • Sparrows fly in flocks from place to place - expect bad weather.
  • If mice dig holes to the south, the winter will be cold.
  • From Yerofey the cold is stronger
  • No matter how angry the peasant Erofey is, and winter puts on a fur coat from Erofei
  • On Erofeev's day, one "Erofeich" warms the blood!

  • If the snow does not fall, winter will not come soon.
  • Leaves remain on birches and oaks - by a harsh winter.
  • The clicking and crackling of trees in autumn - to good weather.
  • The fog that disappears after sunrise portends good weather.
  • Birds fly away together to the south - to the harsh winter.
  • Autumn snow is useful for rye, if it falls on the damp ground.
  • Denis Pozimsky came
  • Put on a warm dress with Thomas
  • Foma - breaks the bins, take everything for nothing
  • Foma is a big feed
  • In the wilderness and Thomas the nobleman
  • They talk about Yerema, and he talks about Foma. Foma was beaten for Yeremin's guilt
  • The first dry snow promises a good summer.
  • On this day, they first feed the cattle and only after that they have breakfast themselves.
  • The furnace is kindled by the youngest member of the family, then in winter the house will not be chilly.
  • Women wear new headscarves on this day. There is a sign: whoever covers his head with a new scarf on Sergius, his head will not hurt all year.
  • Pregnant women prayed to God not to give birth on Sergius Day, because childbirth on this day can be difficult.
  • If snow falls before the trees have shed their leaves, it will soon melt.
  • Sergius beats the grass with frost, but Matryona (November 22) does not allow winter to turn.
  • If the weather is good, then stand for three weeks (until November 10).

  • Prepare a fur coat - winter will wander
  • Trifon mends a fur coat, Pelageya sews sheep's mittens
  • Cold and need - there are none worse
  • White snow on Yakov is good.
  • The first snow falls - forty days before winter.
  • Prepare warm clothes - winter wanders.
  • From Yakov icy, the cold flaps its wings.
  • Not the snow that sweeps, but the one that comes from above.
  • If the first snow falls on Jacob, then there are still forty days before winter.
  • Evlampy splits off the torch, blows the fire, frightens the darkness.
  • Last days of cumulus clouds.
  • The moon on Philip in a dim haze - to bad weather (snowfall).
  • A clear moon is a harbinger of frost.
  • The wind blew from the north side - to the big cold.
  • Late leaf fall - to a harsh and long winter.

Folk signs say that on this day you can’t wash, whiten, knock out feather beds, put kvass, buy church candles for the house, quarrel with people, kick animals, guess on the cards.

  • Whoever was born on this day will sip a lot of grief.
  • Do not offend anyone on Provo - there will be no happiness yourself. This sounds like advice: do not quarrel, do not take revenge, so that nothing bad happens to you either.
  • On this day, they don’t ask “Who is there?” at the knock on the door, so that illness and trouble do not come into the house.

The rooster crowed before nine o'clock in the evening - for the rain.

According to popular belief, a pregnant woman could not comb her hair on this day, for fear of angering the saint and losing her help during childbirth.

  • Rainy autumn - rainy spring.
  • Paraskeva-Friday - woman's intercessor, protector of peasant women.
  • Paraskeva-Friday is the patroness of women's winter work.
  • If the sun rises and there is a cloud above it, do not expect good weather.
  • Good weather will continue if the sky is clear, pure blue.
  • If the moon on Longinus is cloudy and pale, frost and snow are possible.
  • The sun wanders in the clouds, as if in a fog - to bad weather.
  • Osius the dirty: neither the wheel nor the runner loves, and yet
  • On the prophet Hosea, the wheel says goodbye to the axle - they put the cart in the barn, pull the sleigh into the light - winter is coming!
  • By the creak of the cart wheels on the day of Hosea, they guessed about the harvest.
  • A cuckoo cuckoos on a dry tree - to frost.

As long as the cherry leaf does not fall cleanly - no matter how much snow falls, everything will melt.

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There are many signs, thanks to which, in the modern world, it is possible to get away from problems and attract well-being to life. Learn about signs for October 2019 so that the second month of autumn goes well.

October in the old days was called a muddy not by chance. The sleet and gloomy weather did not add to the joy, however, our ancestors always found a way out, doing household chores and carefully watching the weather in order to understand what to expect from the approaching winter and what the next year will be like. Site site experts recommend listening to folk signs, which often save you from troubles and help you find the best way out of unpleasant situations.

October 1st. On this day, the departure of migratory birds indicated that the first severe frosts would be by Pokrov (October 14). According to the weather of that day, they judged what the first of April of the next year would be like. The grass on the 1st is tall and not all withered yet - the winter will be snowy. The sun in the fog - to soon rain. The wind blows from the eastern weather - rain is not expected.

2 October. From this day on, the hives are removed for the winter so as not to destroy the bee colonies. In the old days, on this day, a girl could bewitch the chosen one by looking intently into his eyes. The south wind on this day promises a rich harvest for next year. Hoarfrost in the morning - clear weather until evening. Autumn will be warm if the swans fly from north to south. Wild animals have changed color - winter will come soon. Poultry sheds and grows feathers abundantly - by the cold winter.

October 3rd. The nature of winter was determined by the wind of this day, and if it blows from the north, then the cold will last all winter, and if from the south - to frequent thaws. Snow is not expected soon, if on the 3rd it is warm and cobweb flies abundantly. Bad weather will soon come if on the street the outlines of trees are visible as if through a haze.

The 4th of October. According to the sign, on this day you need to fertilize the land, otherwise there will be no harvest for next year. Another sign says that the one who does not sit idle will be rich. The weather on October 4 was used to judge how the next four weeks would go. The bright Sun - to a strong wind. Circles around the Sun and Moon - the weather will soon deteriorate.

October 5th. According to popular belief, on October 5 you can’t eat fish, otherwise troubles will knock on the door. The leaves on the birch have not fallen - they do not expect snow early. Rodents are actively working and pulling supplies into their holes - the winter will be cold and snowy. The first snow falls early - the thaw will come late.

October 6th. On this day, you can find out if there will be problems with money. To do this, they collected water from the rivers, brought it into the house and watched: if the water decreases quickly, then the money will go away, and if slowly, then soon financial luck will smile. You can bring money to life if you put a coin with a flaw in your wallet on this day. The weather will soon change if bright circles are visible around the Moon. The sun peeked out before sunset - soon it will rain.

October 7th. On this day, you can attract good luck if you spin. Our ancestors believed: everything that is tied on this day will not be untied, so they planned deals, weddings and other important events for life. There is an abundance of acorns on the oak - the winter will be warm, and the next year's harvest will be rich. Frosts will not come soon if there are still a lot of leaves on the trees. As long as the leaves hold on the cherry, the snow does not lie. If the wind blows from the southeast, then precipitation is not expected in the near future.

October 8th. The first snow on the night of October 8 - winter will begin on Michaelmas Day (November 21). Bullfinches fly to housing - soon it will snow. Animals are worried about a sudden change in the weather. Birds are not heard - the storm is close. According to popular beliefs, on this day you need to hang amulets in the barns where animals are kept in order to protect them from diseases and the evil eye.

October 9th. Snow falls at night - winter is coming. The leaf fall ends - winter will come quickly and be cold. The water in the glass is bubbling - to be rain. The clouds at sunset turn crimson for the imminent bad weather. The fish goes to the bottom by the first frost, and if it splashes on the surface, the heat will still stand. On this day, finding a rusty nail is good luck in household chores.

10 October. No business can be done on Savvatiy, except for those related to beekeeping, otherwise there will be no luck for a whole year. There is a dryness in the air - it won't rain soon. To meet a white hare - to good luck and an early frosty winter. There will be a little snowy winter if the birds are not in a hurry to land on the ground.

October 11. According to the sign, troubles happen on the 11th, so they don’t leave the house without need and don’t start new business. On this day, the most dangerous place is the crossroads, so they try to pass them as soon as possible, not to turn around and not pick up anything in order to exclude the evil eye and damage. The wind during the day changes as if clockwise - to be warm and foggy. Animals hibernate - winter will come early. Fog in the morning and evening - mushrooms can still be collected. The winter field steams - the earth is preparing for the cold.

12 October. They look at the stars: if they shine brightly, then autumn will pass without slush. The hare hunter will get it - good luck will stay with him for a year, and if the hostess cooks the game and begins to regale the guests, then there will be no poverty in the house. Severe frosts in winter will come if animals hide in holes and hibernate. The salt is damp - the rains will come. Milk sour soon after milking - to be bad weather. There is frost on the trees in the morning - the weather will be clear.

October 13th. In the old days, according to a sign, it was necessary to burn a straw bed in order to get rid of ailments and misfortunes. Another belief says that on this day, on the threshold of a child, to redeem - to protect him from illness and the evil eye. Bullfinches shouted - to be winter soon. Fog on this day promises many thaws over the winter.

October 14. To play a wedding on Pokrov - to be happy all your life. The sign says that girls are supposed to have fun on the 14th so that they don’t shed tears in a married life. Snow will not fall that day - you can not wait until Christmas. East wind - cold winter. The year will easily pass if there are no leaves left on the birches and oaks.

October 15th. In the middle of the month, you can get rid of delusion if you read a protective prayer. Scolding on this day - waiting for trouble to visit. The cold will soon come if the cattle do not go to pasture. The birds are getting colder.

16 October. On this day, aspen bark, which had to be carried with you, was protected from the evil eye and evil spirits. According to the sign, the head will stop hurting if you put an aspen log under it and lie down for a while. Dark Moon - to the rain. Rosehip blooms by a long warm autumn. Owls screamed - be bad weather.

17 October. On this day, they do not go into the forest, so as not to anger the devil and not to get lost. The squirrel's skin has changed color - to be a cold winter. There will be bad weather if you hear the bullfinches singing. The wind in the chimney is buzzing - the evil forces have cleared up. The dove flew to the house - wait for the good news.

18 October. Smoke in calm weather spreads on the ground - to be rain. A man rolls felt boots - he attracts happiness to the family. The seagulls screamed and did not sit on the water - it would be rainy weather. There is no wind - the cold is close.

19 October. On this day, the people celebrate the day of Thomas, and in the old days it was customary to make stocks and carry everything to the house. To give a loan to Foma - you won’t see money. The cold will soon come if a day without wind passes. Bad weather will come if the sunset glows crimson.

The 20th of October. Winter will not come soon if the snow falls and the trees have not yet shed all their leaves. On this day, to deceive once - to pass a year in the cold. For those who gave the vow, there is no turning back, and to break promises - a year of good luck is not to be seen.

October 21. Cutting down and burning trees for new fields is a good harvest for next year. Mushrooms in the forest - the snow will fall late. The forest is covered with haze to cloudy, but warm weather. A harsh winter will come if a woodpecker knocks on a tree from below and tears off the bark.

22 of October. On this day, firewood is stored so that the heat does not transfer at home and good luck does not pass by. Treat neighbors with pies - live comfortably for a year. The fox is heard - bad weather is close. A mole throws fresh earth - it will become warmer.

October 23. The moon looks to the north with its horns - the cold will come soon, and if to the south - slush will increase. The sky from the west is clear - you can not expect rain. Early winter will be warm and spring if the willows on the tops of the green leaves remain.

October 24th. Snow falls on damp ground and does not melt - in the spring, monetary luck will come. The winter will be frosty if the snowfall in the morning passes that day. Leaf fall does not end - the year will be difficult. Hoarfrost in the morning - sunny all day. Wind from the north and rain - to the cold.

the 25th of October. The sign says that on this day you can determine the weather by the stars. There are many stars - the harvest will be good, but the winter is cold. The stars blink to change the weather, and if they shine dimly, then be a thaw.

October 26th. Roosters crow in the evening - the weather will change, and if they crow in the morning, then the heat will come. Bannik appease this day - wash without fear.

27th October. According to the sign, strong slush on this day indicates that winter will come in 4 weeks. The wind from the west adds dampness. On this date, women in labor should be protected from damage and the evil eye with amulets. On this day, comb your hair - click bad luck.

28 of October. Animals are worried - to be bad weather. The cat is tearing up the floor - evil spirits are coming into the house. The matter is not argued - they pray for protection. Before nightfall, owls cry - be bad weather.

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