The only son of Joseph Kobzon about the difficult fate of the child of the great artist. Ekaterina Polyanskaya: The wedding with Kobzon was like a nightmare! Daughter of Joseph Kobzon - Natalia Kobzon

The famous Russian singer Iosif Kobzon died on August 30, 2018. The artist's large and friendly family inherited his property, which is estimated at more than a billion rubles. The main heiress of Kobzon was his beloved wife Ninel, who supported him both in moments of glory and during the struggle with a serious illness. The singer left two children - son Andrey and daughter Natalya. In addition, the artist repeatedly became a grandfather. Beloved children gave him seven grandchildren.

Iosif Kobzon was married three times. He chose the first two wives against the will of his mother. Relations in these marriages did not work out and families quickly broke up.

The first wife of Joseph Davydovich was the singer Veronika Kruglova, popular in the 60s of the last century. She was a performer of the famous hits of those years “I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything” and “Top-top, the baby is stomping.”

The young beauty loved the bohemian lifestyle. The artists often toured and rarely saw each other. They simply did not have time to build a family nest. Two years after the wedding, the family broke up.

The second wife of Kobzon was the famous Soviet actress Lyudmila Gurchenko. The relationship between the two stars was very complicated. Each of them had a strong character and big ambitions.

When Gurchenko began a period of creative downtime, the situation in the family became unbearable. Kobzon could be sarcastic about her career, Lyudmila Markovna was offended and suffered. The situation was aggravated by the novels of both stars that arose on tour, which was an additional reason for family scandals. Three years later, the artistic marriage also broke up.

After that, the singer firmly decided that he would connect his life with a reliable, loving woman, far from the bohemian life. He dreamed of a strong family, a cozy home and children.

In the early 70s, life brought him together with a modest beauty from a good Jewish family. Ninel Drizina was 13 years younger than Joseph. She won the heart of the singer and really liked his mother with her decency and thrift.

Young people soon got married and lived together for 47 years. Ninel Mikhailovna gave birth to a wife of two children. The firstborn of the couple was the son Andrei. Two years later, daughter Natalia was born.

Son of Joseph Kobzon Andrey

Andrei Kobzon, who has become a respectable businessman today, was a difficult child as a child. By his own admission, he really missed his parents. Her father toured a lot, her mother was busy raising her younger sister and often accompanied her beloved husband. The boy was taken care of by a nanny who could not cope with his difficult character and hooligan antics.

However, in high school, Andrei managed to pull himself together and finish school well. At first he was prepared for a career as a diplomat and sent to study in England, where he stayed for only 3 days.

When the parents were completely desperate, Vladimir Spivakov drew their attention to the young man's outstanding musical abilities, and Andrei was sent to study music in America - right in Hollywood.

For some time, the musical career of the younger Kobzon developed successfully. He was the drummer of the Sunday group and worked in the Moral Code team.

However, in the 90s, hard times came, and the young man had to take care of his family. Andrey went into business with passion. First, he became the owner of the elite Giusto music club, and after that, a restaurant and a jewelry store.

For the first time, Andrei Kobzon married at the age of 19. His wife was the Russian model Ekaterina Polyanskaya. In this marriage, the first granddaughters of Joseph Davydovich, Polina and Anita, were born.

The second chosen one of Andrey was an exotic beauty - Korean Anastasia Tsoi, an actress, model and yoga master. She gave birth to Andrei's son Michael. However, the couple never legalized their relationship and broke up after 10 years of marriage.

Now the son of the singer is 44 years old. Andrei Iosifovich is successfully engaged in real estate activities and owns two restaurants. He actively participates in the lives of his children and devotes a lot of time to them.

Daughter of Joseph Kobzon Natalya

Natalya Kobzon was born in 1976. For a long time she was a public relations specialist. However, having married a lawyer from Australia, Yuri Rappoport, she went with him to London. In England, four children were born in the family - three daughters and a son.

The greatest interest of the mass media is the young granddaughter of Kobzon Michelle Rappoport. Now the girl is 17 years old and she stands out for her outstanding appearance and talent. The beauty travels a lot, sings excellently and maintains a popular blog on Instagram. The girl is predicted to have a career as a singer and model.

The children gave Joseph Kobzon seven grandchildren, but he himself also considered his close relatives the two daughters of his first wife Veronika Kruglova, whom she gave birth to in her second marriage, as well as the orphaned grandson of his sister Helena. The singer took care of them in every possible way and helped in life.

There were three marriages, he had only two children. Both children are from the last wife of the famous artist Drizina Ninel Mikhailovna. The eldest son was named Andrei. He was born in 1974. In his numerous interviews, Kobzon has repeatedly said that he had a difficult relationship with children at their young age. Difficulties were associated with the complex and busy tour schedule of the artist. There is a known case when the singer found five diaries of his son at once, full of twos and threes. Unable to stand it, Joseph flared up and told Andrei that he forbade putting his name on such exercise books. This led to a protracted conflict.

Iosif Kobzon with his wife Nelly, mother-in-law Polina Moiseevna and children

A well-known fact is that neither the daughter nor the son of the artist wanted to follow in the footsteps of their illustrious parent. Despite the fact that in the past Andrei was fond of music, she never became the business of his life. Rather, it was an easy hobby. At one time he was a drummer in the Resurrection group, performed together with Andrei Sapunov and Alexei Romanov (musicians of this group). This was followed by a short work in the Moral Code. Despite all this, Andrei graduated from the Music Institute in Hollywood, in those years his father hoped to arouse in his son a love of music. However, this did not happen, and Andrey was much more attracted to the world of business. He became the head of the Giusto nightclub. He currently owns several restaurants and also works in real estate. The young man has two daughters from his first marriage, and a son from his second. All the time he has from work, he tries to spend with his beloved children.

Andrey Kobzon at the birthday party of Sati Kazanova

Joseph Kobzon's daughter Natasha (full name Rappoport-Kobzon Natalya Iosifovna, born in 1976) became an organizer, she is fond of working in the field of public relations. Her family life is well known to the press, she is very prosperous. She has a very warm relationship with her husband and already has four children.

Natalya Kobzon

So, at the moment, Joseph Kobzon has two grandchildren (one son, two daughters) and five granddaughters at once. The last grandson was born quite recently (in 2010). And Natalia decided to name him in honor of her grandfather. In English, the name of the child sounds like Joseph, in Russian - Joseph, the full name is Rappoport Alain-Joseph. In addition to the baby, in the family of Natasha Ornella-Maria, Michel, Idel (the first granddaughter, was born in 1999). Andrey's family includes Polina, Anita and Mikhail. This close-knit family always keeps in touch with each other, despite the fact that each member of the family has a busy schedule.

Being the son of Joseph Kobzon is not an easy task. Andrey, as he himself admits, endures this test with difficulty.

Now there is no certainty in his life: Kobzon Jr. is divorced from his ex-wife Ekaterina Polyanskaya, while from his marriage he has two wonderful girls - Polina and Anya, 8 and 6 years old.

At the end of last year, Catherine gave birth to another daughter, Agatha, from her boyfriend, football player Dmitry Bulykin. In the family of Andrei himself, there is also a replenishment - his 23-year-old girlfriend Nastya on January 26, 2008 gave Kobzon an heir - son Misha. However, Kobzon-son is not going to marry yet, which he frankly admitted to Life.


When did you really realize who your father is?

- I was three years old, and I committed some small offense in kindergarten. As I remember now, it was in the kitchen: dad called me and calmly explained that any of my actions is associated with his last name. And Kobzon is no longer just a surname, but, using modern slang, a brand that he created. And I have no right to dishonor him, because I did nothing to make our surname famous. All these merits belong to him. Basically, he was right! And at the age of three, I began to think that my surname was not simple.

- I understood that you had a difficult relationship with your father in life?

“Dad is a complex person. His life is also very difficult: he had to survive and fight for his principles, for his Jewish surname. This was reflected in his character. It is very difficult to find an approach to it. In addition, he has a heavy schedule: he sleeps very little, gets up early, goes to the Duma, then sits down to work.

Iosif Davydovich became a father late - at the age of 37, so he was especially happy about the long-awaited first-born

You seem to respect him. So what's wrong with you then?

- I respect him very much. We have a discrepancy only in relation to life. If he has an attitude - to live life and die at work, then I have an attitude that work is needed in order to live. The first time we had a big fight when I was 17 years old: I had a transitional age, and I wanted to prove something. And the last story happened last year: he and I had different views on my business. It seemed to him that I was making some serious mistake. And I didn't want to listen to him, because I'm not afraid of anything. As a result, for some time we stopped talking.

Are you helping him now?

- The fact is that dad, as a deputy, has no right to do business. Accordingly, I am engaged in business and officially help him in some matters.

Andrey Kobzon grew up as a hooligan and rowdy, neither his parents nor Cook's nanny could cope with his unpredictable character

- Why does Joseph Davydovich need deputy activity?

– I don’t know why others need it, but dad ... He has long been living not on the scale of his life, but on the scale of the country.


Did you become independent early?

- Quite early. My father spent about 8 months a year on tour, and my mother, in order not to lose him, went with him. My sister Natasha and I stayed with our grandmother or with the nanny, whom we loved very much and called Koka. But the nanny was old, and I was energetic, so I spent all my childhood on the street. I was a bully, I fought all the time.

- Admit it, did mom really have reason to worry?

- She thought so. The father is a public figure...

A happy family in the collection: Joseph and Nelly Kobzon, daughter Natasha, son Andrey and mother-in-law Polina Moiseevna

- ... and, like any famous man, he could not resist the temptations?

“I don't think I could. In general, it seems to me that we, men, often think in the wrong place.

Let's discuss another "forbidden" topic. Everyone knows that Iosif Davydovich wears a wig...

- For dad, this is the reason for the most terrible complex! We do not discuss this topic even at home. For us, all his relatives and friends, dad's worries about hair are not at all clear. There I am 33 years old, I am bald and nothing, I like it. Although, maybe thanks to his dad's wig, he still has so many fans: they are used to seeing him that way.


- My parents predicted a diplomatic career for me and sent me to study at an English school. I studied there for three days. And then Vladimir Spivakov came to our house and spoke rather harshly with his father: “What are you doing? You're ruining a child's talents! He himself became a musician, but you don’t allow him. ” And, although dad did not see any special talents in me, after that he brought me to the school at Gnesinka. Before that, he asked what I want to play. I replied that only on drums. He laughed it off: “Well, at least you don’t want to become a brass player!” - after all, in the musical world they joke about them, they say, they blow their brains out and do not differ in a special mind. I remember very well the day when my father and I first came to Gnesinka. The director of the school personally examined me, as I was late for the general enrollment. We sat down at the piano - when he played me tunes, I did not look, and then I picked up the notes - and quickly enough. Dad stood and watched - for him it was a kind of revelation.

From the marriage with Ekaterina Polyanskaya, Andrei Kobzon left two beautiful daughters Anya and Polina

- Wait, was it an installation that there simply couldn’t be a second Kobzon?

- It is difficult to be the second Kobzon in a family of musicians. This is objective. And it's stupid for me to compete with Joseph Kobzon. In addition, the genre in which I would like to sing does not imply a voice like that of my father. For example, I like the way Sting sings! But imagine: I will perform like him, and people will immediately say: “He has no voice. And it’s also called Kobzon!” Everyone will compare me with my dad, but this comparison is unpleasant for me. Or rather, in my youth, my psyche would not have endured this. Now I don't care who says what, but then I had a lot of complexes ... By the way, I had serious conflicts with my father because of the music!

- Tell me, what side did your mother take in conflicts?

She was in a neutral position. Mom loves me very much, she always stands up for me, but for her, dad's opinion is always more important. That's why she told me: "The drummer is the fifth spoke in the chariot." But I performed with Volodya Presnyakov, "Moral Code", "Resurrection" ...


- I started doing business because I fell in love with a beautiful girl who later became my wife. I was 19 years old. I was unpretentious - the same rock and roll, and she was a model. And although Katya comes from a modest family, I looked at her and understood that she deserved a luxurious life ... At that time, dad was already engaged in serious business. He himself and all his friends dragged me into business almost by the ears. But at first I didn’t want to, I said: “You don’t understand anything, you have never been on stage! The joy of receiving money can never be compared with the joy received on stage! But then I slowly started earning money... At the age of 21, I opened the Maxim restaurant, the Zili clothing store, the Giusto club and one jewelry store.

Grandfather and his granddaughters (from left to right): Anita Kobzon, Michel Rappoport, Arnella Rappoport, Idel Rappoport, Polina Kobzon

Did dad help?

- Helped negotiate. I tried not to take money. He just lobbied for my projects.

- Did your parents interfere in your family life?

- Intervened. Before the appearance of children, they tortured me with questions why children do not appear. After their birth some other problems. Mom interfered to a lesser extent, and dad very much, and I still remember it with horror. He taught us all the time, saying that we live wrong, that we need to do everything differently.

- Nevertheless, your parents maintained a relationship with Katya.

- Exceptionally diplomatic. For our children. And Katya and I, in spite of everything, maintained a very good relationship. In the end, we lived with her for 10 years and we have two wonderful daughters.

- Why did you break up?

- First of all, because I chose a non-public life for myself and did not want my wife to choose a different lifestyle. She was a model, then she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Architecture with a degree in landscape design. I really liked it, I told her: "Make landscapes, be my wife, live my life, be my soul mate." She said, "I want to be a fashion designer." I met Denis Simachev and began to help him, but I didn’t want Katya in principle. She was very offended by this and, probably, still cannot forgive me for this.

- Are you not jealous that your daughters are being raised by another man?

- You see, they are girls, so there is no jealousy. Katya has Dima Bulykin - a normal, decent person, I know that he will not do anything bad to them. They love him, he is also very kind to them.


- Tell me about Nastya ...

We have been dating her for four years now. She is 10 years younger than me. For some time she was a fashion model, then a yoga teacher, acted in films. And now Nastya is on maternity leave.

- Your son Misha ... This is an unplanned child, isn't it?

- Yes! Planning for kids is weird. Of course, Nastya was not quite ready for this. But it happened.

– Were you ready?

- I'm always ready! Me, what? I love children! Very good boy. I didn't want a girl. Firstly, there are already enough girls in our family, and secondly, I am soon 34 years old, I want an heir.

- It turns out that the only successor to the name Kobzon is a Korean!

– Aha! Kobzon is oblique! It was from this position that my parents reacted to Nastya's pregnancy somewhat unexpectedly. They were shocked, did not understand how to relate to this. Dad immediately began to ask: “Will you marry her ?!” And I'm not going yet.

The fact that the couple lived in a happy marriage for almost 40 years, of course, is the merit of Nelli Mikhailovna's wife

- But are you ready for a new family life? Have you been walking?

“I don’t know a single normal man who would walk up. Either he is already old, or he is m ... k. I continue to like other women. But I think so: it doesn’t matter in whose hands the male genitals were, the main thing is how a man treats his family. So I'm ready for a serious relationship.

Nadezhda Bushueva

Today, Ekaterina Polyanskaya, a fashion designer, creator and ideological inspirer of the Feeric clothing brand (a well-known representative of the world of high fashion not only in Russia, but also abroad), does not lack the attention of the press and the recognition of her talent. There is even a double of Ekaterina Polyanskaya on the World Wide Web, whose series of books, being devoted to various magical worlds, have found their readers among fantasy fans.

True, it will still be. In the meantime, Ekaterina is 17 years old, and the young spectacular Muscovite does not even think that her whole future life will be connected with the world of beauty and unique toilets.


Ekaterina Polyanskaya was born in 1973. In childhood, like the vast majority of future stars, the girl did not stand out among her peers and classmates. Except with their mental abilities. In addition, the future catwalk queen was extremely shy during her school years, preferring a book to any entertainment or communication with other children.

It is not surprising that, as a schoolgirl, Katya thought only about big science, dreaming of devoting her life to it.

I didn't want to be a model. It was education oriented. I planned a long path in science for myself: Ph.D., then dissertations. But in the metro, agents constantly approached me and offered to try myself in the modeling business ...

So, two higher educations - pedagogical and architectural - got into the treasury of Katya Polyanskaya's achievements.


It is believed that everything in our life is predetermined. Ekaterina Polyanskaya, despite all her scientific aspirations, gradually turned from an ugly duckling into a spectacular long-legged blonde by her twentieth birthday.

In the 90s, the world of Moscow fashion did not yet know such a thing as a model. Girls defiling along the catwalk in fashionable outfits, or flickering in the first domestic clumsy music videos, were called simpler and more logical - fashion models. Agents rushed around Moscow in search of suitable candidates, offering young attractive girls a beautiful life and career.

These scouts of beauty approached Catherine constantly. The girl rejected their increased attention for a long time, until she decided to try. The main reason for her act was nothing more than a struggle with herself. At first, the girl only wanted to defeat her natural timidity and shyness thanks to the podium.

I a very shy person, and work as a model was a victory over himself. When you step on the podium, all the excitement disappears, you feel like a queen, but in life this is not always the case. I am very critical of myself and people, and therefore I know all my jambs and shortcomings. And on the podium, I forget about them. This feeling was absolutely necessary. Thanks to him, I won...

The times were difficult, and the $50 that was usually paid for one exit was money on which one could live, compared with the miserable salaries of research workers at research institutes everywhere closing.

Thus began the catwalk career of Ekaterina Polyanskaya, which lasted almost ten years, during which the girl managed to become a model of the Red Stars agency and the famous Valentin Yudashkin, who later became her teacher, the face of Givenchy and Tiffany, to attend shows of the most famous international fashion houses. Her numerous photographic images could be seen in magazines such as Elle, Harpers Bazaar, Jardin des Modes, L'Officiel and many others.


Ekaterina Polyanskaya and Andrei, the son of the country-famous singer and artist Iosif Kobzon, met at the peak of the model's modeling career. At that time, there was such a strained relationship between Kobzon Jr. and his star father that they even preferred not to communicate for several years.

Andrei, in the absence of the attention of his parents and their constant employment, grew up as a difficult and hooligan teenager. He was raised by a nanny. True, the young man graduated from school well. Then Kobzon Jr. showed a talent for music, and for some time he worked with the groups "Moral Code" and "Sunday".

At first, the girl was simply fascinated by the sincere and kind Andrei. He was like a warm ray of light in the dirty troubled 90s. With him it was easy and somehow reliable. Young people quickly got together and lived for several years in a civil marriage, wandering around the corners of acquaintances and friends. It was very difficult, and sometimes so hungry, that they had to go to dinner with Ekaterina's parents.

In order to somehow feed his family, Andrei plunged into business, becoming a co-owner of one of the elite clubs, and a little later he became interested in the restaurant and jewelry industry.

Then the father and son of Kobzon reconciled, and Catherine and Andrei got married.


The wedding was very magnificent. According to the status of the groom's family, the celebration was held in the center of Moscow, in the restaurant of the Metropol Hotel, one of the most expensive and status places in the capital. It is noteworthy that they played it in Russian traditions, despite the national roots of the star family.

Several hundred guests participated in the celebration - the whole Kobzon family, friends, relatives and colleagues from the bride and groom. The groom's father, Iosif Davydovich, presented the bride with a vintage ring. Ekaterina herself, sparkling in a chic dress from the already famous fashion designer Yudashkin, suffered this day like a nightmare, after which she had the flu for two weeks.

Already at that time, the couple began to have relationship problems. Quarrels and even mutual parting for several days became frequent. And the wedding became a kind of attempt to get rid of all doubts and strengthen their union.


A young couple had two girls in marriage: Polina - in 1999, and Anya - in 2001.

Kobzon Jr., who had completely gone into business life, at that infrequent time when he was at home, turned from a businessman into a caring and loving father.

Grandfather Joseph adored his granddaughters in his own way: he showered them with expensive gifts and sweets (in the photo, Ekaterina Polyanskaya with her husband, Andrei Kobzon, and daughters, Polina and Anya)

After the birth of her daughters, Ekaterina Polyanskaya returned to the podium. However, this previously beloved occupation has already lost its former importance and significance. As the former model herself later said, she outgrew her work.


The reason why Ekaterina and Andrei broke up can be called the banal “they didn’t get along.” Young spouses, each of whom at the time of the wedding was only a little over twenty years old, were simply not ready for responsibility and a kind of mutual lack of freedom in family life.

Catherine's work involved publicity and constant appearances, media coverage, communication, new acquaintances and a complete lack of free time for the family.

Andrei, on the contrary, did not like crowded places and increased attention to himself. He avoided this in every possible way and, like his wife, disappeared all the time at his job.

As Catherine later admitted, instead of romantic feelings, they, by and large, were connected by mutual friendship. Both understood each other perfectly. And each of them could not help themselves. Both are strong self-sufficient personalities. And each of them could not put an end to his career for the sake of his spouse. They lived together for eight years, as if by inertia. Kobzon Jr. is an introvert fixated on his inner world and his problems. Elena - always ready to help and support, but too busy with work at the same time. Over time, each of them was not enough of the little that remained between them. It is very scary when everything seems to be there, but the most important thing, happiness, is not and never was. And life is wasted...

So, not having lived in marriage for 10 years, the couple separated. Quietly, without scandals and mutual claims.

As the ex-wife of Kobzon's son, Ekaterina Polyanskaya, already says, in the end it turned out that after the divorce, Andrei began to see his children much more often.


A holy place, as they say, is never empty. And so, after some short time, football player Dmitry Bulykin burst into the life of Catherine as a locomotive.

They met each other at one of the many social events. Ekaterina Polyanskaya is the wife of Kobzon Jr. Dmitry - was also in a relationship with one girl at that time. At first they were just friends, without any signs of attention, flirting and the like. The circle continued to narrow, and now Bulykin began to meet with one of Catherine's close friends. And, as soon as the marriage of Polyanskaya and Kobzon broke up, he immediately appeared on her horizon. The relationship between them somehow immediately developed, as if they were two halves for each other.

New family

Dmitry is younger than Catherine for six years. However, this does not bother them at all.

The couple got together in 2005 and lives in a civil marriage. According to Catherine, the stamp in the passport does not matter.

At first, the footballer had certain difficulties with the children of Ekaterina Polyanskaya, Polina and Anya. However, Dmitry's characteristic openness and sociability quickly melted this ice of mistrust between them. He surrounded them with care and attention, and the girls quickly fell in love with him.

Two years later, Catherine and Dmitry had a daughter, Agatha, and in 2010, Vitalina, the second daughter of a happy couple, was born.

Maud House

After the birth of Agatha and Vitalina, Ekaterina Polyanskaya finally leaves the modeling business. In 2007, she fulfills her lifelong dream of becoming a fashion designer and opening her own fashion house, FEERIC.

Today FEERIC has already won the respect of the leading fashion designers in Russia. The creative inspiration for Catherine was Valentin Yudashkin. It was from his idea to combine modern technologies and traditional hand-tailoring that the main message of Catherine's House of Fashion was born. Most of the models are created in a single copy and are truly unique.

The main accents of the images created by the Polyana Fashion House are sexuality, sensuality and femininity.

We know a lot about the life of celebrities, we are interested in almost everything: their wives or husbands, houses, cars, bills, children. We will tell you about the latter in this material.

Everyone knows the name of this man, but what else do we know? We are talking about the son of one of the most famous Russian singers - the son of Joseph Kobzon, Andrey.

Andrey Kobzon is the eldest child in the family of a people's artist, and since he was born at a time when his father's career was in full swing, his parent paid little attention to him. Iosif Davydovich remembered that his son needed to be dealt with when he was already fully formed as a person and was taking his first, but very confident steps in his career. The father began to stick his nose not only in work, but also in his personal life, which greatly depressed Andrei and led to quarrels between relatives.

Andrei was born a talented boy, from early childhood he went to a music school. This helped him decide on a profession in life - Kobzon Jr. became a musician. It’s hard to believe, but the guy didn’t have any cronyism when trying to get into this or that group. For some time, Andrei played drums in one of the most popular Russian bands, Sunday.

His then colleagues noted that Kobzon Jr. had perfect hearing, they said that the guy was incredibly able-bodied and talented. A little later, Andrei continued his musical career as part of another popular group - Moral Code.

The singer's son also tried himself in business - in the 90s he opened the Giusto club, which soon became one of the most popular hangouts for the Moscow beau monde. He also owns a restaurant and even a jewelry store.

Andrei Kobzon has always been an enviable groom, but he has never been a womanizer - he took relationships very seriously. His first wife was Ekaterina Polyanskaya, for whom the guy grew up very quickly and went into business. The couple lived in marriage for almost 10 years, they had two daughters - the eldest Polina and the younger Anita. Over time, disagreements began in the family and the couple decided to leave.

After some time, a new love appeared in Andrei's life - Korean Anastasia Tsoi. Like her first wife, she also worked as a model. Feelings between young people flared up very quickly and they almost immediately began to live together. In 2008, a boy was born, who was named Michael. Andrei's parents were very worried that their grandson would have a slightly specific appearance, but they did not begin to love him less because of this.

It would seem that this time the union of Kobzon Jr. will last for the rest of his life, but even with this woman the marriage ended very quickly.

Now Andrei is again in the ranks of the most enviable bachelors in Russia. Unlike his father, our hero tries to devote more time to his children. He is also actively developing his business - at the moment he is the owner of the Zhiguli pub and the chic Silver Age restaurant, and is also engaged in real estate business.

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