Simone Lefebvre Taro Lenormand. The most detailed guide and layouts. Fortune telling by the cards of Mary Lenormand. Simple ways of divination

I described the first half of the Lenormand cards, from the first to the eighteenth. I wanted to describe everything at once in one article, but the article turned out to be too long even when I wrote about only half of the cards. Therefore, I decided to divide the information into two articles.

In this article, I will describe eighteen more cards. I hope that you will not be too bored to read such a long article and get a lot of information.


The main meanings of this card are public institution and isolation.

The tower is a building and is not private. It is state. The tower shows all government institutions: banks, schools, shops, police stations, hospitals, museums, churches, prisons and so on.

Very often the Tower shows isolation or loneliness.

The tower can point to the prison. Then two meanings of this card will immediately appear: both isolation and a state institution.

When a person is placed in a psychiatric hospital, the meaning of isolation also appears here.

This map often shows civil service workers.


The main meanings of this card are public places and high society.

First of all, the Garden map shows public places. These are parks, squares, cafes, squares, exhibitions and other public places in which a lot of people usually accumulate.

In ancient times, not all segments of the population could afford to visit such places, but only people from the "higher" society. Therefore, this card can show high society or public opinion.

Another place where society can gather and voice its opinion is the Internet. Social networks are now at the peak of popularity. The Garden card may point to him.

This map may also point to various non-profit organizations. Very often they are created on a voluntary basis.


The main meaning of this card is obstacles and obstacles.

The value of this card is not always negative. As the Russian proverb says: "The smart one will not go uphill, the smart one will bypass the mountain." And, indeed, sometimes it can be done. But if the obstacles and difficulties are very serious, then it will simply not be possible to bypass them, like a wide mountain.

The mountain is cold and impregnable. Sometimes it can show the same relationship between people.


The main meanings of the card are the problem of choice and the love triangle.

If this card fell out, then perhaps a person needs to make some choice in his life.

This is a card of duality, since the card number consists of two identical digits. Therefore, there is usually plenty to choose from. There will be at least two options. The duality of this card can also manifest itself as the duplicity of a person.

Another option is that someone else intervened in the relationship and the person is in a love triangle.


The main meaning of this card is loss, damage and devastation.

According to this map, devastation can be in anything: in health, in relationships, with money, with work.

Very often this card shows material damage, especially next to the cards "House" and "Horseman". If near the house, then there will be a breakdown in the house, and if near the rider, then the breakdown will happen in the vehicle.

Rats can indicate that a person "eats" himself from the inside. He may be tormented by a feeling of inferiority, that he is doing something wrong, depression, nervousness and, which is very rare in our time, but still happens - conscience!

Sometimes the Rat card shows ordinary poverty. It can be both material and moral.

Another card can show sexual perversion, some kind of dirt in sexual relations.

A heart

The main meaning of this card is emotions.

The main mistake in interpreting this card is that people use only one emotion - love. They will see this card in the layout and immediately: "There will be love!" In fact, our heart is capable of experiencing a lot of emotions and the map can show them.

Of course, the card also shows love, love relationships and novels. The heart has always been and remains a symbol of romance and love. Remember Valentine's Day. How many hearts are around this day!!!

This card can also point to the organ itself, our heart. It can really hurt. And, of course, the card can point to a cardiologist.


The main meaning of this card is agreements.

First of all, these are marriage agreements. Putting a ring on each other's finger, people agree that they will have to fulfill certain conditions and agree with them.

It can also be partnership agreements. In general, these are any agreements.

The Ring card may indicate a jewel or the ring itself.

Sometimes this card can say that something is happening again and again, a kind of running in a circle is happening. This meaning appeared because the ring has neither beginning nor end.


The main meanings of this card are secrets and knowledge.

The book is a source of knowledge. When I went to first grade, there was such a sign above the blackboard in the classroom and this proverb was written on it. I will forever remember this expression, as it was in front of my eyes every day for three years. Therefore, the very first meaning of this card is knowledge.

The second meaning of this card is secrets. Very often this card shows secret love affairs, when people do not want other people to know about their relationship.

When this card appears in the layout, it can be said that the person is hiding something, is not telling something, and he has his own "skeleton in the closet."

Well, if we combine these two meanings (knowledge and secrets), then we get one more meaning - secret knowledge. This is the occult and magic. In magical spreads, the card can show warlocks (very strong magicians).


The main meaning of this card is papers and documents.

This card will point to any papers or documents, everything is paper.

The second meaning of this card is news and messages. But you can tell that the Horseman is responsible for our news and messages. Yes it is. But the Letter card is responsible for paper news and messages. You will receive them on paper. For example, a letter will come by mail or someone will give a note. A telegram can still come or a fax.

By the way, fortune telling on the cards is also shown by this card. The cards are also made of paper.

Man (gentleman)

If we are guessing for a man, then this is his card, the questioner, the form.

If we are guessing a woman, then this card will point to the most important man in her life: husband, lover, father, brother, partner, friend, employee, boss or acquaintance.

Woman (lady)

If we are guessing a woman, then this is her card, asking, a blank.

If we are guessing a man, then this card will point to the most important woman in his life: wife, lover, mother, sister, partner, girlfriend, employee, boss or acquaintance.


The main meanings of this card are achievement and sexuality.

The first meaning of this card is achievements. Moreover, if a person himself considers this his achievement. Each person has their own aspirations and desires. Therefore, what is an achievement for one, for another is a burden that he would like to get rid of.

The simplest example. There is a couple who do not have children and can not get pregnant and give birth to a child. When the baby is born, it will be their achievement! And another woman already has 12 children and the birth of another one will not be an achievement for her. It will be an achievement for her if she manages not to get pregnant again.

Lilies speak of the prescription of something. They can indicate people of advanced age, old and old.

Lilies are sexuality and sex life. And, it's very interesting. They can show both innocence, purity, and their absence. In one case, they will show a pure, naive, platonic relationship that has not yet had sex. In another case, they will indicate that sex is present in a couple.

Another meaning of this card is belonging to the "blue blood".

If the question is about a profession or work, then the loss of Lilies will indicate that the person has correctly chosen his profession and is in his place.

The sun

The main meaning of this card is success and happiness.

This is the most positive card in the deck. She gives us happiness and success.

But from the heat that the sun gives off, sunstroke can happen and the temperature rises. Therefore, be careful, do not get success and happiness on the head!

Very rarely, the sun can indicate fires and currents.


The main meanings of this card are intuition, femininity and sensitivity.

The moon is feminine. The lunar cycle is compared to the female cycle. Very often this card shows the mother.

The second meaning of this card is a very highly developed intuition.

The third meaning is emotionality, sensitivity and feelings.

Still sometimes this card can indicate abnormal emotional states.


The main meaning of this card is evidence.

The key speaks of the obviousness of something. Everything is so obvious that you just need to seize the moment.

The key can both open doors and close them. How to give new opportunities, and close the path to them.

This card can speak of a key, turning point in a person's life.

Another meaning of this card is karmicity and inevitability.

Find out the meanings of other cards by liking


The main meanings of this card are money and everything material, fertility, the depth of the issue, dependencies.

The first meaning of this card is money, finances and everything material.

The fish themselves are quite prolific. Look how many eggs are thrown at once! Therefore, the second meaning of this card is fertility. Paired with a Child or Stork card, it will clearly indicate the birth of a new life, conception, pregnancy.

The map shows water, the sea. The sea is quite deep. Therefore, another meaning of this card is depth. What is the depth? The depth of the question, feelings, the human soul.

And the last meaning of this card is various human addictions. It can be addiction to alcohol, tobacco, narcotic, gluttony (guzzling in our opinion) or gambling. Now here's another addiction to the Internet, they say, has appeared ...


The main meanings of this card are work, constancy, reliability and stability.

This card can be used as a significator when divining about work and career.

The card can speak of constancy. And this constancy can be so protracted, long, it cannot be moved.

Many consider this card to be very positive, as it speaks of reliability and stability. The anchor sometimes lies so long and stably at the bottom of the sea that it becomes covered with mud.

Others consider this card negative, since another of its meanings is hanging and anchoring. When you need things to move, develop, move forward, but instead everything stands still and there is no movement.

In general, as they say: "What is good for a Russian is death for a German!" Same with this card. If you need to move forward, and the anchor pulls you to the bottom, then this is a negative manifestation of this card, and if you have been married for 100 years, everything is stable and indestructible, and everything suits you, then this is its positive manifestation.


The main meanings of this card are fate, life lessons, the end of something, religion.

Everyone is familiar with the expression "bear your cross." The main meaning of this card is fate and karma. And if in life you are destined to go through some kind of grief, difficulties, then you will have to go through them. You will have to go through all the trials that fate has prepared for you and carry your cross to the end.

When this card comes up, you need to pay special attention to it. This means that a person will have to go through some life tests, there will be a lot of difficulties, it will be very difficult. A person will experience all the hardships of life. Grief and trouble will come to his house.

With certain cards, it can mean the death of a person.

This card may indicate a person's religiosity. Basically, it's Christianity.

Another meaning of this card is to put an end to something. Something has ended and this something needs to be "buried", let go of your life.

The cross can give a person a life lesson that will turn his life around and he will remember this lesson until the end of his days.

That's all, my dears! I hope I have clearly described the meaning of Lenormand. And if not, ask questions in the comments.

If you disagree with something - also write and we will definitely discuss everything!

Best regards, Milena

Welcome to the world of fortune-telling Lenormand! If you are not yet familiar with Lenormand cards, with the help of the information posted on the site, you will very quickly learn to understand their language and interpret the meaning. If this oracle is already familiar to you, then here you will find not only traditional, but also new layouts, as well as ways to interpret cards, the versatility of which will allow you to clarify the situation in any area of ​​life. Despite the seeming simplicity of the images on the cards, they have a deep meaning that you can comprehend with a closer acquaintance with divination.

The world of the oracle Lenormand is filled with magic, and to learn how to understand it, you have to overcome a long and full of adventures. Like the heroes of fairy tales and legends, each of us has to deal with various life situations that can cause fear, insecurity, doubt or confusion. Sometimes on our way there are people, animals, various objects and places that protect us, protect us, shelter and give parting words. Once you enter the mysterious world of Lenormand fortune telling, you will learn to control your own destiny. If you look closely at the cards, you will see that the images on them interact with each other, acquiring many additional meanings and providing a deeper vision of a particular situation.

Origin of Lenormand cards

Fortune telling according to the Lenormand system became widespread in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century and still remains popular in many countries of the world.

The fortune-telling cards used in this oracle were named after the famous French soothsayer Mademoiselle Marie-Anne Lenormand (1772-1843), whose life was full of adventure. During the French Revolution, thanks to her extraordinary ability to predict fate, she won the fame and respect of the Parisian high society, in which she was called the Parisian Sibyl. She was always surrounded by rich and famous people, including the Empress Josephine, whom she advised before, during and after her marriage to Napoleon. However, the emperor was very outraged by the careless prediction of his divorce from Josephine. This divorce, according to Marie Lenormand, was due to the fact that Josephine was too old to bear Napoleon an heir. Without thinking twice, the emperor hurried to arrest Lenormand and imprisoned her so that the prophecy would not come true.

Despite the fact that the cards bear her name, Mademoiselle Lenormand is not their author. For her predictions, she used various divination methods, including palmistry and tarot. As divination cards, at first she, like other soothsayers of that time, used a picket deck consisting of 32 cards, in which there were no junior cards with numbers from 2 to 6. Picket is a card game that has been very common in France and Italy since the 16th century . Fortune telling on the picket deck was popularized by the French influential esoteric Jean-Baptiste Allette.

The traditional Lenormand deck used today was created by Johann Kaspar Hechtel and first published in 1800 for a family card game called The Game of Hope. Its essence was that the players in turn laid out 36 cards in the form of a square on the playing field; the values ​​of two dice were used to move. The cards had numbering, images, and also included elements of a playing picket deck, which also included sixes. Thanks to this interweaving of images and elements of the picket deck, the predictors got an illustrated deck, where the meanings of playing cards and symbolic images were combined. It was this deck that began to be used for the most common type of divination at that time - the Lesser Lenormand Oracle.

The small oracle consists of 36 cards, each of which depicts only one symbol that has a specific meaning; but when interpreting it, the property of the corresponding playing card is also taken into account.

Fortune telling Lenormand is a unique and accurate oracle, the simplicity of which allows it to be widely used to find answers to any questions. This fortune-telling is very popular as salon entertainment, and is also used in the practice of gypsies and wandering people.

oracle structure

The Lesser Oracle of Lenormand first caught my attention a few years ago, intrigued by the possibility of getting more accurate predictions than tarot cards. Based on my experience with many Lenormand decks, I can say that the more details are shown on the card, the more difficult it is to interpret. Simple and understandable symbols on divination cards more accurately convey the deep meaning and meaning inherent in them, which cannot be said about complex and intricate images.

It is not often that soothsayers make a deal for themselves, but at the same time this is a great opportunity to hone their skill in interpreting cards.

Teaching the basic principles of interpretation:

Description of layouts with examples:

Many fortune tellers who prefer to work with Lenormand cards never cease to be amazed at how easy they are to understand. However, some beginners worry that they are not able to immediately connect their intuition or inspiration, as it happens when working with tarot cards. Don't back down! Once you memorize the basic meaning of each card, you can quickly assess the situation and make connections between pairs and triplets of cards. Very soon, you will learn to instantly see the big picture, highlight key messages and interpret them with confidence.

This process can be compared to learning a foreign language: at first you will inevitably stutter when trying to say “hello” or “thank you”, but as your vocabulary grows, you will eventually begin to formulate whole sentences with confidence. The more you practice, the faster you will master the Lenormand fortune-telling language and feel their charm.

Since ancient times, man has sought to lift the veil of secrecy and find out his future in the hope of finding happiness and insuring himself against possible failures. One way to do this was fortune telling.

People looked for answers to their questions in prophetic dreams, astrological calculations, communication with spirits, meditation, divination on stones, shells, bones and, of course, cards. There have always been a great many ways to predict fate, and some of them were somehow connected with science, while others were connected with the world of the supernatural. In ancient times, people engaged in fortune-telling were highly respected by their fellow tribesmen, because it was believed that the gods spoke through them. With the advent of Christianity, the attitude towards fortune-telling became wary, but nevertheless, interest in it did not fade away and, judging by the irresistible desire of a person to know what awaits him in the future, fortune-telling in one form or another will be in demand as long as humanity exists.

Over time, many systems and methods of divination have been developed on special Ouija boards, runes and cards. This book is devoted mainly to maps, so special attention will be paid to them.

So, the existence of fortune-telling systems on cards has been going on for more than one millennium - according to some experts, the very first cards intended specifically for fortune-telling appeared in ancient Egypt. It is believed that it was these ancient maps that served as the prototype for all those maps that exist to this day.

And yet, it was not so much the cards themselves that were always important, but the people who knew how to interpret them correctly. It was believed that this skill was bestowed on soothsayers from above, therefore they were very respected and left them the right to create new systems of divination and interpretation.

The most famous soothsayers forever remained in world history on a par with politicians and great figures of art and science, since their influence on humanity was sometimes no less.

Marie Anna Adelaide Lenormand, a well-known soothsayer, was born in Alençon on May 27, 1772. Alençon has always been famous for its excellent lace, its trade was very successful, and the father of the Lenormand family, who was one of the major merchants, was able to acquire his own manufactory.

Maria was a strange child, and her father, being a wealthy man, sent her to a boarding school at a Benedictine monastery. There, for the first time, Mary's prophecy came true - the girl predicted to the abbess of the monastery that she would not lead it for long, and soon she was actually transferred to another place.

When the manufacturer Lenormand died, there was no one to continue his business and the whole family moved to Paris. At first, Maria got a job as a saleswoman in a fashion fabric store, but in 1790, together with her friend, she opened her own salon in Rue de Tournon. Anyone could come here, be it a woman or a man, and Mary predicted fate, guessing on the cards or making an astrological calculation.

Mademoiselle Lenormand's predictions were surprisingly accurate, and soon her salon became very popular among the Parisian public.

Many famous people have been here, wanting to know what awaits them in the future. So, the case is especially famous when Robespierre, Saint-Just and Marat arrived at Marie Lenormand. Mademoiselle Lenormand predicted that all three would soon die a violent death. And so it happened. A few months later, Marat was stabbed to death by Charlotte Corday, and two of his comrades were arrested and executed a year later.

The services of Mademoiselle Lenormand were also used by representatives of high society, which ensured the soothsayer even greater success and popularity. Soon she met the young wife of General Bonaparte, Josephine Beauharnais, and at the first meeting she prophesied a crown for her. Napoleon and Josephine did not believe that their lives would change so much, but not much time passed - and the prediction came true.

When Napoleon came to power, he did not forget about the happy prediction and the lucky soothsayer and gave her a million francs. Being the personal fortuneteller of Napoleon's wife, Mademoiselle Lenormand predicted her divorce from the emperor and that the French army would be defeated in Russia.

Catching up on predictions, Maria Lenormand used the most common cards. But she interpreted these cards in her own way, largely based on the divination rules of the famous soothsayer-tarologist Ettail.

In 1843, the fortune-teller was killed, having long before predicted her own violent death. After her, many records remained, but they were all memoirs and they did not say anything about cards or her divination system. Only thanks to the followers of the soothsayer, Lenormand's fortune-telling system did not disappear without a trace after her death. One of the most successful was an attempt to restore the Lenormand system, undertaken by the Flemish Erna Drusbeke.

This fortune teller was born in 1952 to a Belgian-Dutch family living in Antwerp.

The girl was an excellent artist and from childhood she drew various cards. It was she who created the divination system and a special card deck called the Isis Tarot. Erna Drusbeke had very good knowledge and abilities in the field of esotericism and the occult, and she was very interested in the history of Maria Lenormand. She decided to turn to the memoirs of the contemporaries of the famous soothsayer and try to restore her divination system.

For divination on the cards of Erna Drusbeke, it is characteristic that the inverted and direct position of the cards is not taken into account. To facilitate the work of intuition, Drusbeke decided to provide thirty-six divination cards of a simple French deck with symbolic drawings. Such symbolism makes their interpretation quite simple, since it immediately becomes clear that the ring can symbolize marriage, the sun - joy and warmth, and rats - petty theft or betrayal.

Thus, the way in which fortune-telling on Lenormand cards has come down to us is the merit of Erna Drusbeke. She explained that for the most correct interpretation of any card, it is very important to consider the meaning of the cards that surround it.

For example, you can say that the Clover card, which usually has a neutral meaning and symbolizes hope and expectation, next to the Clouds, Mountain and Snake cards will mean troubles coming soon. But if there is a Garden, Fish and a Bouquet next to it, Clover will indicate that luck and success will visit the fortuneteller very soon.

This book details the interpretation of each card. It remains only to familiarize yourself with them and choose the alignment that is necessary. It is only important to remember that, when guessing, you should listen to your own intuition, because it is she who will tell you the correct answer, and cards are just one of the tools that allows intuition to fully manifest itself.

Features of the appearance of maps

According to Madame Lenormand's system, fortune-telling takes place on a deck of ordinary playing cards, equipped with images of objects, people and animals, each of which has its own meaning and carries an encrypted message to the fortuneteller.

One of the advantages of these divination cards is that they can be replaced with the usual deck of thirty-six cards.

But it is much more convenient, especially for a novice interpreter, to use ready-made cards. You can make them yourself, or you can buy them in a specialized store. How exactly to do it is a matter of taste for everyone.

The numbering in the deck of Madame Lenormand's fortune-telling cards goes in a completely different way, therefore, below is a table that will make it easier for the fortuneteller to navigate if he has to use a regular deck of playing cards for some time.


6 - Stars.

7 - Tree.

9 - Messenger.

10 - Dog.

Jack - Heart.

Lady - Stork.

The King is the House.

Ace - Gentleman.


6 - Cross.

7 - Rats.

10 - Bear.

Jack - Broom.

Lady - Snake.

King - Clouds.

Ace - Ring.


6 - Clover.

10 - Book.

Jack - Spit.

Lady - Fork.

King - Pisces.

Ace - Sun.


6 - Tower.

7 - Letter.

9 - Anchor.

10 - Ship.

Jack - Child.

Lady - Bouquet of flowers.

King - Lily.

Ace - Lady.

In the future, the meaning of each card will be considered, but first it is necessary to describe the methods of divination according to Madame Lenormand's system.

The use of one or another of the following divination methods may depend on the skill of the fortuneteller, as well as on what kind of answer he wants to hear. With the help of fortune-telling, you can determine a person, his fate, and also guess at the fulfillment of a desire. To begin with, the shortest and simplest methods of divination will be described, and then more complex ones will follow.

On the methods of divination on the cards of Madame Lenormand

Before proceeding to the description of various types of divination according to the Lenormand system, I would like to make a small digression.

The examples that will be given below deliberately begin with a description of simple divination methods so that even an unprepared person can understand the divination system using a deck of cards developed by a famous soothsayer. And it really is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Using simple layouts, over time, you can get used to this unusual deck and remember the meaning of each card. The thing is, with what desire and interest to approach divination, the process of which is somewhat similar to creativity and affects the very depths of the human "I". Therefore, when picking up cards, you must not only want to know the future, but also try to release all the power of intuition and imagination, listening to your inner feelings. This approach will help you understand what the cards want to say in the best way, especially since the images on the cards, as mentioned above, are very conducive to this, that is, they are largely associative.

Next, fortune-telling methods for every taste will be presented, giving the opportunity to know your future. For beginners, the simplest divination by desire is suitable, where only one card can tell you what to expect next and how to act in order to avoid danger or not be caught off guard by impending troubles. At the same time, guessing for the future, a beginner can get acquainted with combinations of cards, as they are laid out in order one after another.

In addition, fortune-telling will be described, which will certainly interest people who want to find their other half or simply want to know what to expect from this or that person entering their life. In this they will be helped by simple layouts for a new person or person.

We will also talk about such specific fortune-telling as the layout for finding the missing thing. It in itself is very interesting and not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and a detailed description and a scheme for laying out cards will help to understand it.

And then it will be possible to move on to more complex layouts, such as small and large, or gypsy, alignment, which a beginner can start when he fully masters the basics of divination - the meaning and combinations of cards.

Simple ways of divination
A simple divination for the future

Take a full deck of thirty-six cards and shuffle carefully, concentrating on your own thoughts and desires. Then start opening one card from the top, saying to yourself: "Ace, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king." Without stopping to open the cards, after the king, continue the transfer, starting again with the ace. Those cards that match the names, put aside in order.

When the deck is over, start opening the cards from the very beginning, without shuffling them and continuing to pronounce the names in the same order.

After doing this three times, put the rest of the deck aside and begin to interpret the meaning of the matching cards based on their combination with each other.

Divination for a person

This is a fairly simple fortune-telling that will help you characterize a person. Find the Gentleman in the deck if you are guessing for a man, or the Lady if you are guessing for a woman, and place the desired card in the center of the table.

Focus on the image of this person. Then carefully shuffle the remaining cards and randomly draw three cards from the deck and place them around the key card. After that, you can open the cards and see their meaning.

Divination for a wish or for the future

This is quite an interesting way of divination. Take a deck of thirty-six cards and choose the card that corresponds to the current hour, that is, the desired number. For example, the Messenger is the first card, and it corresponds to the hour of the night, and the twenty-fourth card, the Heart, will end the day.

The center card will be the one that is drawn first. Put the deck face down, remove twelve cards from above, and put the thirteenth under the central one - this card will be responsible for the past. After that, shuffle the cards, again remove the thirteenth card and put it to the left of the central one - it will show the events taking place in a person’s life in the present. After counting the next thirteenth card, put it on the right - it will also point to the present. And finally, the last card drawn in this way must be placed on top of the central card - it will represent the future. When the cards run out during the countdown, you will have to take the ones that have already been worked out and, shuffling them, count the thirteenth card from among them.

Divination by desire

Shuffle the deck of thirty-six cards very carefully and, having made a wish and focusing on it, take out one card at random, which will be the answer to the question you asked and tell you whether the wish will come true.

Divination to search

This spread is specifically used to help find what is lost, whether it be a person or thing.

In this scenario, the designation of positions is based on the meaning of houses, which are accepted in astrology.

As in all other cases, before starting fortune-telling, you must carefully shuffle the cards.

But in the layout for the lost thing, there is one caveat - before you start shuffling the deck, you need to find a card that will symbolize the loss. How to do it?

When it comes to finding a person, you will need the following cards:

28. Gentleman;

13. Child.

Each of these cards will represent a man, a woman, or a child, respectively. But sometimes other maps are used to search for people, for example:

7. Snake - if you need to find an intruder or intruder;

14. Fox - find a deceiver, a rogue person;

15. Bear - find the missing boss or patron;

18. Dog - find a missing friend.

These cards will more accurately characterize the person you are looking for.

In addition, we often cannot find any thing, the fate of which is very worrying.

Other cards may serve this purpose. Here, some people have difficulty choosing the right cards, so it’s better to turn on the imagination and get creative in fortune-telling.

For those who still find it difficult, we can offer some ready-made notations.

1. Messenger - various means of communication (cell phone, fax, and the like), as well as all kinds of storage media (flash card, disk, etc.).

3. Ship - any means of transportation (cars and the like).

9. A bouquet of flowers is a universal card that can be used to designate any lost thing that means a lot to a person or is donated by someone.

11. Scythe - weapons and cutting or stabbing tools.

21. Mountain - precious or semi-precious stones.

25. Ring - any jewelry.

26. Book - actually a book or any other paper medium of information.

27. Letter - correspondence, letters, documents.

33. Key - the actual keys or other small metal objects.

34. Pisces - values, mostly money (if, in combination with this card, you choose, for example, any card of flowers - Clover, Bouquet of Flowers or Lilies, then in this way you can designate any beautiful thing or piece of art).

31. The sun - gold jewelry.

32. Moon - silver jewelry, any silver products.

After the desired card is selected, carefully shuffle the deck. Then the cards are laid out in threes for each of the twelve houses and opened until one of the houses contains the card you need.

It will be necessary to interpret information about the loss based on the combination of this card with two neighboring ones.

Map layout for search

Meaning of the Houses

The First House is the personal space of the one who has lost a thing.

Perhaps this is a house or room where this person spends a lot of time and also stores personal items. What is lost is very close and will definitely be found soon. The time that will be spent looking for things is calculated in hours or even minutes, and the direction in which to look is east.

The Second House - perhaps the thing that cannot be found is not lost in the literal sense of the word, but is lost among other personal items, or may be in a box or safe where cash is usually stored. As a rule, this House directly points to places where money, jewelry cases or other valuables are kept. The search also does not take too much time, you should look in the direction of the northeast.

The Third House is most likely a place belonging to acquaintances, neighbors or relatives, but it can also be a place of study. You should try to look for the lost item in places where books, letters, papers, and writing materials can be stored.

The item may also be in the mailbox, if it is correspondence, or in your own car. It will be found for only a few days, the direction is northeast.

The Fourth House is guaranteed to indicate that the lost is in your own home. It can be either a room where your elderly relatives live, or a kitchen or a place where there is land - a garden or vegetable garden. In addition, there is a possibility that the lost may be in the parental home or the home of close relatives. The thing will be found for several days, the direction is north.

Fifth House - the place of loss can be a children's room, and a place for entertainment and relaxation, and a bedroom, and in a broader sense - a theater, an exhibition, a gambling house, a disco, and even a place for secret meetings of lovers. It is noteworthy that this thing is not in plain sight and needs to be looked for more carefully than before. Search direction - north-north-west.

Sixth House - the place of loss could be a place of work or service, such as a government agency, hospital or clinic, and the room where meetings are held.

There is also a possibility that the thing is in your own house, but in a place that serves as a personal office. It is also possible that this is a place where pets are kept. To find a lost thing, you need to try hard and spend a lot of time searching for it. The direction in which you should look for it is west of the northwest.

Seventh House - the lost is in the personal belongings of your spouse or partner, or maybe a companion.

But more often than not, finding a thing in this House makes it clear that it is most likely stolen and its return to its rightful owner is very doubtful. The search direction is west.

The Eighth House is very unfavorable for loss. During the search for his thing, a person may be in serious danger, or the thing itself has already fallen into disrepair - dismantled or broken. Search direction - southwest.

Ninth House - the place of loss of the thing you are looking for can be a temple, institute or church. It may also be located in the boss's office or in a building belonging to a higher organization.

In any case, what you are looking for is very close. And, nevertheless, several months can be spent on searches. The direction in which you should look for your loss is south-southwest.

Tenth House - the missing thing is at your employers, at your workplace. However, it can be any place where you usually work or do business. The search in this case can last a few days, and the direction in which to search is south.

The Eleventh House represents the place where securities or financial documents are kept. True, there is a possibility that this place may be a club or any other institution where friends meet. It is possible that the lost item is in your own home and it makes sense to look for it in the living room. It can take weeks to find a lost item. The direction to look for is south-southeast.

Twelfth House - the missing thing is located in a remote, rather isolated place, perhaps where chemicals and various medicines are stored.

This House can be dangerous, as it represents secret enemies, hospitals and prisons. If the card you chose suddenly ended up in this house, then the chance of finding the loss is very small - it is well hidden. Look for it to the east of the southeast.

Map of the day

This is a fairly simple fortune-telling that will help determine what to expect in the very near future - a kind of forecast for the day. Shuffle the cards carefully and arrange them all around the circle in a clockwise direction. Then focus on your desire to know what to expect from the new day, and open the card that you are drawn to.

Current page: 1 (total book has 13 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 9 pages]

Anna Anatolyevna Kotelnikova
Divination lessons with Maria Lenormand

Gateway to the world of Lenormand cards

Once (it was a long time ago) I saw a small elegant deck of cards in the hands of a foreign colleague. By that time, I had already mastered the Tarot Arcana and knew many of their varieties, but I had not yet come across this one.

- What is it? I asked.

“Lenormand,” the colleague answered laconically, obviously implying that this concept should be known to everyone.

I didn't know it. Intrigued, I got myself such cards at the first opportunity - and spent many hours getting acquainted with drawings, images and interpretations that were new to me. And, to be honest, I really enjoyed it.

No, I did not abandon the Tarot Arcana. I just realized that Tarot and Lenormand are different systems, and each has its own charm. Not "merits and demerits", but its own taste, like Eastern and Western cuisine.

Different divination systems correspond to different human characters. Or different moods. Or, finally, the specifics of the question being asked. A professional fortune teller should generally be proficient in several systems, at least in order to verify and clarify the answer.

Maria Lenormand's cards are easy to use, easy to interpret and can create a good mood. They give a lot to both the student, who first took the cards in his hands, and the master, who is looking for the Truth.

Now I do not part with Lenormand cards, as, indeed, with Tarot, and together with other readers I rejoice in new books in which the system of the famous French fortune-teller takes on a new life. The author of this book, Anna Kotelnikova, has been working with this deck for a long time, conducting courses and gaining her own experience - independent, independent of foreign tradition, corresponding to the conditions of life and the laws of public consciousness in the modern Russian-speaking area. Moreover, this is not the first book 1
Cm.: Cherished deck of Maria Lenormand. M.: Rhythm, 1997; Kotelnikova A.A., Kotelnikov A.G.

Where Anna explores the Lenormand system, gives examples of layouts and interpretations.

Her new book is different in that it is built like a textbook, that is, in the form of a sequence of lessons “from simple to complex”. This is a manual, using which you can master the Lenormand system step by step. And although it is certainly easier with a teacher, it will take only a little more work and time from the reader of the book for the images of the deck to “speak” to him in his language.

In principle, the Lenormand deck, both Large and Small (in this book we are talking about the so-called Small deck, 36 cards), is as deep and “layered” as the Tarot or any other good divination system. With its help, both a deep psychological analysis and a philosophical interpretation of social life in any particular country, as well as the study of karmic problems, are possible.

However, it is not for nothing that the author adheres to the path “from simple to complex”. Without understanding the simplicity of the Lenormand cards, one cannot penetrate their complexity. And this requires not only familiarity with their predictive values ​​at the ordinary level, but also a creative approach, that is, trust in one's intuition and practical work experience, which everyone will have to accumulate on their own. This explains the structure of the book as a textbook and manual for independent work.

This book opens the gate to the world of Lenormand cards for the reader, the rest depends on him - and to some extent on the author of this book too. A start has been made, what's next? In a few years, when will students master the basics of the system and want to deepen their knowledge? Further, new books (and probably also courses and seminars) will be needed to reveal the next, more complex levels of meaning of Lenormand cards, show their role as a means of meditation and self-organization, and maybe teach people to “live” each one on their own. image, combining it with music, color, aroma - it’s not for nothing that Maria Lenormand herself was so fond of this! – and ultimately help people realize their role in the world around them.

Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude to the author of the book not only for the good creative work that embodies the modern approach to these old maps (and by the way, it is quite worthy to stand on a par with the works of the best foreign authors), but also the hope that she will continue her research and that we will be able to continue our acquaintance with the Lenormand system through her future books.

Evgeny Kolesov(Het Monster)

September 2000

Author's Preface

Our first book, dedicated to the predictive system of Maria Lenormand, was published in 1997. Interest in it exceeded all expectations. The book went through several reprints and many pirated reprints. Answering readers' questions, it became necessary to systematize and put in order the material accumulated over the years of teaching and working with this amazing predictive system. So the idea came up to publish a large textbook on working with cards by Maria Lenormand, which could be a good textbook for beginners and a book containing interesting ideas and tips on practical work for specialists.


From the bottom of my heart, I thank all the concerned readers of the previous books (“The Cherished Deck of Maria Lenormand” and “The Golden Legacy of Maria Lenormand”) for their wishes and comments. I am also very grateful to all those who took full-time and part-time studies and used the books as a teaching aid - their comments and suggestions provided an invaluable service.

Separately, I want to thank Evgeny Nikolaevich Kolesov for his help in preparing the materials, Alexei Lobanov for his warm support, and Alexander Kovalev for discussing the materials and interesting ideas.

I thank my husband, Alexei Kotelnikov, for his understanding and patience, for his active participation in the creation of this book, for the love that illuminates my life.

The entire material of the book is divided by topic into twelve lessons in the same order as it happens in face-to-face teaching. Only the material on the meanings of the cards is collected in one lesson, although it is usually studied over several lessons. This is done to make it easier to work with the book.

For the successful assimilation of information, theoretical lectures alternate with practical exercises, so that you can immediately put into practice the acquired knowledge.

By carefully studying each topic and doing your homework, in a few months you will be able to learn the basic principles of working with the Lenormand predictive system and use the knowledge gained in everyday life.


The life and work of Marie Lenormand. How to get started with maps

The great French soothsayer and her cards

Fortune-telling is an ancient occupation, and there is no such people on earth that would not have their own tradition of predicting the future. People have always wanted to know what will happen to them. From the very time that man gained intelligence, looking into the future has become one of the most important needs. Uncertainty is painful for the spirit: there is nothing worse than the unknown. The attitude towards fortunetellers and soothsayers has always been ambiguous - they were feared and idolized. At different times they were burned at the stake, and exalted, revered as mediators between God and people. In any case, the attitude towards them was special, they were always singled out from the crowd of "mere mortals". The names of many soothsayers have sunk into oblivion, but the life stories of some of them have been preserved in the memory of posterity.

The most famous soothsayer of the XIX century. was a Frenchwoman named Marie-Anne Adelaide Lenormand (Le Normand). She was born on May 27, 1772 in Alençon, a suburb of Paris, in the family of a wealthy textile merchant. The arrival of Mary in the world was not the most successful - in the eighth month of pregnancy, the wife of the manufacturer fell. This injury was a threat to the life of the child. But miraculously, the girl survived, although she was left with severe physical disabilities. It is said that one of her legs was shorter than the other, and her left shoulder was higher than her right. She was often tormented by headaches, which foreshadowed either a change in the weather, or someone else's misfortune. Maria Anna felt early that she was different from all the other children. Another world was opened to her, inaudible and invisible to others. Often the visions were intertwined with reality, and her mother had serious concerns for the health of her child. Nevertheless, Mary successfully completed her studies at the parish school at the Notre-Dame de Bon-Secours church, and as soon as the girl passed through the sacrament of the first communion, her parents sent her to continue her studies in the Benedictine monastery.

Staying in the monastery had a decisive impact on the formation of philosophy and relationships with the world of Mary Anna. Unlike her peers, Lenormand spent all her free time in the monastery library among old manuscripts and treatises. The girl mastered the Latin language, learned the Old and New Testaments, learned the secret symbolism of numbers, got acquainted with the secrets of plants.

After some time, Lenormand moved to Paris. There she first worked as a saleswoman, but her unusual talent soon showed up. In Paris, Maria got acquainted with fortune-telling on cards, as well as with the system of the famous fortuneteller Ettailla, by that time already quite well-known (Ettailla began to use it in 1780). Some time later (in 1790), together with a friend, she opened her own salon on the Rue de Tournon, in which the fate of willing ladies and gentlemen was predicted with the help of cards, astrology and other methods. Maria was also interested in the "language of flowers" and the composition of smells.

Soon she became a consultant to the richest and most influential people in the capital. Salon Mademoiselle Lenormand gained immense popularity. All the light of the then revolutionary Paris was in it. In 1793 Marat, Saint-Just and Robespierre visited the salon. She predicted violent death for all three. And so it happened: Jean-Paul Marat was mortally wounded by Charlotte Corday a few months later, and two others were arrested and executed a year later. Lenormand herself was arrested on suspicion of being a Jacobin sympathizer, but her connections did the trick and she was allowed to continue her practice.

But most often the name of Marie Lenormand is mentioned next to Bonaparte and his wife, Josephine Beauharnais. According to legend, at the first meeting, a fortune teller predicted the crown to young Josephine and young Napoleon. It is quite natural that at that moment no one believed the fortune teller. But years passed, and after ten years, divination had to be remembered. Having come to power, Napoleon did not forget the lucky soothsayer: he presented her with a million francs, and she became the personal fortuneteller of Empress Josephine. It is said that Josephine often turned to Marie Lenormand for advice and from the predictions she knew about the impending divorce from Napoleon and the imminent defeat of the French army in Russia.

When Napoleon's relationship with his wife completely deteriorated, Mary fell under the hot imperial hand. Judging by the books, Napoleon, like an ordinary man, got angry, imagining that all the advice and requests that Josephine turned to him every now and then were dictated by "this greedy fortune-teller", and decided to eliminate at least this "source of betrayal and corruption." In 1808 he expelled Lenormand from the capital. But the exile from noisy Paris also played a positive role in Mary's life. In seclusion, in the silence of the village, she writes "Prophetic Memoirs of a Sibyl on the Reasons for Her Arrest", where she predicts the fall of Napoleon and the restoration of the Bourbons. The book was published only after the fall of Bonaparte.

In 1814, when Russian troops entered Paris, the future Decembrists Mikhail Lunin and Ippolit Muraviev-Apostol visited Lenormand. In 1815, the famous soothsayer was presented in Paris to the Russian Emperor Alexander I.

However, the popularity and authority of the "Paris Sibyl" in different sectors of society was a bone in the throat for some. At the instigation of the church, Lenormand was put on trial in Paris in 1821. Mary was accused of heresy for her claims that she allegedly communicated with the archangel Gabriel. The court sentenced her to one year in prison with a heavy fine, but the appeal to the Supreme Court was successful and she did not have to serve her sentence. A crowd of people came to congratulate Mademoiselle Lenormand on her release. From this time on, she practically withdrew from politics, but remained exceptionally popular until her death on June 23, 1843. Countless people from various walks of life came to her funeral to pay their respects.

What was left to the descendants as a legacy after the great French soothsayer? Several memoirs about famous compatriots and philosophical reflections on the future of France. Moreover, a small book about prediction using numbers - although, in fairness, it should be noted that the authorship is very controversial. What cards Maria Lenormand actually used, no one knows. There are no records of the soothsayer herself or her contemporaries on this subject.

After Maria, something more remained - the Legend. Now Mademoiselle Lenormand is a collective image. Many of the map systems that are now easily attributed to her are excellent examples of an amazing cultural phenomenon - "French cartomancy".

The famous and mysterious occultist of the 18th century can be considered the founder of French cartomancy. Ettail. He claimed that he was able to unravel the mysteries of the Egyptian priests and found the keys to understanding the Arcana of the Tarot. The card system developed by Ettailla, which he called the Tarot of the Egyptian Gypsies, differed significantly from the classical Tarot, had a number of its own features, and it can be safely called the progenitor of the French branch of cartomancy. The new approaches introduced by Ettailla adapted the high philosophy of the Tarot to the daily needs of a person, facilitated the prediction procedure, made it possible to receive simple specific predictions and answers to questions.

Cartomantics has its own distinctive features, its own laws, its own beautiful logic. It cannot be compared with the Tarot, since only the use of cards with images is common.

Here is a short list of the main elements and techniques used in French cartomancy:

1. Most often, a deck of cards from 32, 36 or 52 ordinary playing cards is taken as the basis.

2. Each card is supplied with a capacious image-picture that reflects some important concept.

3. There are one or two so-called signifier cards in the deck 2
Significator ( significator - making instructions) is a term for a significant factor.

By which, in fortune-telling, the questioner is indicated.

4. Numerical (numerological) or alphabetic (litterological) correspondences are very often actively used.

5. Special attention is paid to combinations of cards. They are given special meaning.

A short list of books dedicated to Maria Lenormand:

The fortune-telling method of the famous maiden Lenormand / D.I. Presnova. M., 1874.

Arcadia A., Arkadina E. Fortune telling by Ms. Lenormand on simple cards. M.: ARS, 1990.

Kotelnikova A.A., Kotelnikov A.T. Cherished deck of Maria Lenormand. M.: Ritm, 1997.

Kotelnikova A.A., Kotelnikov A.G. The golden legacy of Maria Lenormand. M.: Edelweiss, 2000.

Minchenok D. Mademoiselle Lenormand // Great Prophets. M.: Olimp; LLC Firm AST Publishing House, 1999.

Droesbeke E. Kaartenleggen met Mile Lenormand. Antwerp: Parcival, 1987.

Silvestre Haeberle C. Le grand jeu de Mile Lenormand.

Droesbeke E. The great Mile Lenormand game.

Droesbeke E. The New Lenormand Book.

Droesbeke E. Questions and answers with the Cards of Mile Lenormand.

The Lenormand system is mentioned in books:

Vladimirova N. Divination tips. Rostov n/a: Prof-Press, 1999.

Kolesov E.N. Book 999, or One Thousand and One Ways of Divination. M.: KSP+, 2000.

And also in various encyclopedias, reference books, etc., but for the most part there are only reprints from the books mentioned above.

How to get started with maps

The language of cards is images, and our soul speaks with images. The card reader is not a predictor, he is only a translator who can speak the language of images and can help another person enter into a dialogue with the unconscious.

It is important to understand the difference between divination and divination. Divination testifies to what is about to happen. The prediction only indicates what can happen if you follow the chosen path. In accordance with this, you have the freedom of choice: to allow events to occur, surrendering to the mercy of Fate, or to try to change, to correct the events that are taking place. Prediction provides freedom of choice.

The fate of a person resembles a predetermined circle (an analogy with a horoscope suggests itself). A person cannot get out of this circle anywhere, but inside it he is completely free. As applied to the term of life, this means: a person can live any number of years within the period measured for him. Less - maybe more - never. With the help of various predictive techniques, one can determine the main scenario of life, see turning events, but inside this sketch scenario, a person is able to create his own destiny.

Remember that working with cards is akin to a magical action. By interpreting the alignment, you are turning to your subconscious. Before you get started, you need to be given the opportunity to tune in. Your cards should have a permanent place from where you take them to work. It is advisable to store the cards wrapped in a piece of black material made of natural fiber (it is best if it is wool). It is good if stone and grass are selected (based on individual horoscopic data) to help the subconscious. During the alignment, nothing should be distracting: no extraneous noises, no voices, no smells. If you feel close to the element of fire, a lit candle will also help you focus.

Before shuffling the cards, you need to completely forget about all the problems that are not related to the layout. Become a pure transparent crystal, ready to receive the information flow. A deck of cards should become part of your body, feel it like your new organ.

Focus fully on the question of interest and start shuffling the cards. Stir until you feel that the cards have taken their position. This can be felt as a slight resistance of the cards to shuffling. As soon as you feel this moment, immediately begin laying out the cards.

When a spread is formed, the first thing to do is try to capture the vibration of the entire spread as a whole, without going into the details of individual cards. Listen to yourself, to your body. What feelings, sensations, associations do you have? Try to see the picture of the answer. Once you have a general idea of ​​the layout, begin to study the layout in the order suggested in the descriptions of the layout.

For beginners to work with cards, the question often arises: “Who should shuffle the deck - the questioner or just the predictor himself?”

There is no consensus on this issue among specialists, everyone finds a solution for himself in the process of his own practice.

Our Western colleagues, for the most part, offer to mix the deck to a person who comes for a consultation. They explain it this way: "The questioner is more immersed in his problem, more attuned to the situation." For themselves, they leave the role of only an interpreter of cards.

This position has its own meaning, since it is a kind of protection, it allows you to take a somewhat detached position and not dive too deeply into the problems of your client.

The cons of this approach are:

1. A person who comes to a consultation may be overly immersed in his problems, tend to wishful thinking, and the cards will give biased, one-sided information. If the counselee has a super-significant problem, then it is almost impossible to work with him in this way.

2. Not all people are able to concentrate and feel the cards correctly.

3. After this method of work, the energy clearing of the deck is obligatory so that the information from the previous consultation does not “overlay” on the next one.

4. Not every person wants to give their deck of cards into their hands.

When I started studying maps, I worked according to this method. But practice and observation of myself, my feelings convinced me to move on to another method.

The second approach has the following advantages:

1. Card information becomes more objective, as it comes from a third person who is not immersed in the problem.

2. You do not let go of your deck, thereby protecting it from outside influence.

3. There is no need to carry out special cleaning of the cards, since the information came through you, it was "adapted". Its accumulation in the deck is only for the benefit - this is a kind of baggage of your joint (with the deck) knowledge.

However, this approach also has its drawbacks, since through cards it can be easier to establish energy contact with a person who has come for help.

Some soothsayers shuffle the cards themselves, and the adviser is allowed to remove the deck. I don't like this method at all. When you shuffle the deck yourself, you are focused and immersed in the problem, establishing the proper order of the cards. After that, the intervention of another person will be alien and destructive.

Sometimes, when a good energy contact has already been established during the consultation and mutual sympathy has arisen, I give the consultee the opportunity to participate in the work with the cards himself. I lay the cards face down on the table so that I can see each card. When another question is asked, I ask the questioner to draw out a card that will contain the answer to it. After that, we get the answer according to the symbol on the map. It often happens that the counselee, only after seeing the image of the card he has chosen, already understands what answer he was given. I consider this form of work the most effective and most beneficial. For difficult questions, you can ask to pull out as many cards as required for the selected layout. True, you can’t do layouts for a full deck in this way.


To find out the possibilities for the development of the current life situation, use the fortune-telling "Lenormand's Big Alignment". This ancient alignment has gained wide popularity among admirers of the talent of the fortuneteller Maria Lenormand. In this article, the reader will learn detailed information about this divination, applying the knowledge gained in practice.

Description of the Lenormand Grand Spread

The old fortune-telling, which will be discussed, belongs to the category of rather complex layouts that require preliminary preparation. Fortune-telling takes into account the values ​​​​of each card, including their paired combinations.

The fortuneteller can choose one of two layout options (depending on the fortune-telling technique):

  • 4 rows of 8 cards (fifth - central)
  • 4 rows of 9

Note. The large Lenormand spread is useful for making a detailed forecast for a selected period of time (several months, half a year, a year). You can guess on any sphere of human life - work, study, health, financial well-being, children. If you are just starting to work with Lenormand cards, it's better to practice on.

Spread technique

The technique of the “Big Lenormand layout” layout is quite simple. When formulating a question, concentrate by transferring your thoughts to the cards. The next step is shuffling. If you are not guessing, move the deck to the left or right - this will charge the Tarot with your energy.

Before starting fortune-telling, the cards should be laid out into three equal parts with the image down, and then turned over so that the bottom lay face up. The obtained values ​​reflect information about the events that shape the future, the moral state of the questioner, including the work of his subconscious. After decryption, the deck is shuffled again.

The information obtained will help in the objectivity of compiling a further picture of what is happening. To continue fortune-telling, cards are taken one by one from the top of the deck, arranged as shown in the diagram.

A special “form” card will help to highlight the questioner. If this is a man, you should find the Ace of Hearts in the deck, the woman is the Ace of Spades. When it comes to a child, Jack is pulled out.

Attention! Features of the Big layout Lenormand - in a huge number of combinations. In order not to get confused, you should start interpreting the values ​​​​obtained from 4 corner cards - it is they who set the main tone for all fortune-telling. In the end result, all data are reduced to one interpretation.

The position of the questioner's card

Due to the large number of options for this fortune-telling, the questioner's card can be in any part of the layout. This has a significant impact on the subsequent interpretation of the obtained values. Consider the most common positions of the "forms" card.

First in line. If a man is guessing, his main concern is worrying about the future, if a woman - about the past. The reason is simple - a woman is not yet interested in the future, since this is not her main problem.

The position of the "form" is shifted to the right side. The person who is being guessed at should deal with his own past by doing “work on the mistakes” - this is where the root of the problems lies. It all depends on the actual behavior.

The map is shifted to the left. The questioner has recently ended a very important period of his life, so he is interested in how events will turn in the future. The past does not play a key role.

The position of the card has been moved to the bottom of the deck. Indicates a pragmatic person who sensibly assesses what is happening, able to control the situation. If there are cards with a negative value nearby, it indicates excessive concern, concern, fears - the diametrical opposite of the above.

The location of the "blanks" is the upper part of the deck. The fundamental life of a fortuneteller is feelings, emotions. This includes unrealized desires, etc.

Interpretation of the layout

The interpretation of the Great layout of Lenormand begins with a “blank” (depending on the gender of the asker). The meaning of the interpretation of the result obtained depends on the location of this card in the layout and the meaning of all other positions.

Gypsy Cross (Grand Cross). One of the traditional forms of gypsy interpretation of the results obtained. The values ​​​​between the cards that fell along the vertical and horizontal lines from the “blank” are interpreted. This approach allows us to establish a causal relationship between past and present events.

Karmic cross (another name is karmic connections). This includes cards located diagonally from the main value. They provide the questioner with information that allows them to correctly interpret the events of the past and future. The diagonals at the top indicate events familiar to the person that had to be accepted at that time and will need to be accepted in the future. The lower diagonals represent actions that needed to be done in the past with a transfer to the future.

Important point! The values ​​of the diagonals should be considered only in conjunction with the horizontals - this will help to establish a connection between the events of the past and the future of the questioner.

Mirrors are cards that allow you to decipher the meaning of "blanks". They should be read in a certain sequence (I will describe the details below).

Rosseln (Knight's Move) - cards showing the trend that is relevant at the moment. They indicate information about the aspirations of the questioner, display the intention, suggest a possible course of events. They can mean events - for a correct interpretation, it is recommended to combine them with each other.

Key Cards

Key cards are one of the fundamental Lenormand Grand layouts. For the correct interpretation of the alignment, they need to be found in the Houses (what it is, we will consider below) and the environment.

Note. If the cards belong to the same key, their interpretation is combined into one. Each key has its own interpretation.

Consider in detail the meaning of each card.

  • Partnership. For interpretation, find the male and female "form". These cards symbolize the person they are guessing at, his soul mate.
  • Love. Card Heart - love sphere. Symbolizes romantic feelings, emotions, faith or friendship. The cards located around indicate the problems that concern the person most of all for the current period of time.
  • Friendship. Shows close friends, acquaintances, social circle.
  • Circumstances. The interpretation is a little complicated - you need to find the Key, the cards following it, in which house it is located, which card is in the 33rd house. This will help to accurately determine the things that are present in the life of the asker.
  • Problems. Pay attention to the environment of problem cards (Cross, Scythe, Coffin, Clouds, Mountain, Mice).
  • Job. Indicates people with whom a person is connected at work. Find the Anchor, analyze the values ​​of neighboring cards.
  • Profession. Displays the social status of the questioner, including financial position, place in society.
  • Money. Find the Fish / Bear cards in the layout.
  • Health. The interpretation is done according to the Tree (stability, health) and the Coffin.
  • Home, family. The House is interpreted - it will help to find out the state of personal life.
  • Children. The interpretation takes place according to the symbol of the Child.
  • Parents. The meanings of the Snake and Bear cards are considered. The relationship to the father is described by cards located between the Tower and the House.

Houses in the big layout

mean the location of each card of this divination, corresponding to its serial number, position in the layout. All Houses reflect a certain sphere of human life. Consider the meaning of each house of the Grand layout in chronological order.
  1. Rider. Contacts, good news.
  2. Clover. Hopes, chances, pleasant surprises, small profits
  3. Ship. Longing, trip, longing to travel
  4. House. Family hearth, stability.
  5. Wood. Strength, good health, durability.
  6. Clouds. Uncertainty, doubts, fears
  7. Snake. Insidious, smart woman, problems
  8. Coffin. Illness, sadness, ending
  9. Bouquet. Hobby, date invitation
  10. Spit. Parting, danger, harvest, surprise
  11. Broom. Discussions, conversations
  12. Owls. Nervousness, anxiety
  13. Child. New beginning, naivete, child
  14. Fox. Cunning, lies, mystery
  15. Bear. Jealousy, help, trust
  16. Stars. success, clarity, unusual
  17. Storks. change
  18. Dog. Loyalty, friendship, compassion
  19. Tower. Separation, isolation, executive authorities
  20. The park. Meeting, society, friends
  21. Mountain. Obstacles, accusations, burdens
  22. Fork. New opportunities.
  23. Rats. Loss, theft, fear.
  24. A heart. Love feelings, friendship
  25. Ring. Partnership, contract, connections
  26. Book. Knowledge, secrets, learning opportunity
  27. Letter. Information, contacts
  28. The male
  29. Female
  30. Lilies. Sexual sphere, harmony
  31. The sun. luck, energy
  32. Moon. Recognition, glory
  33. Key. advice, reliability
  34. Fish. money, financial gain
  35. Anchor. Work, professional area
  36. Cross. Future, destiny, hope


You can get a detailed interpretation by mirroring the selected card in two "mirrors" located in the neighborhood. Imagine mentally that the cards of the layout are conditionally divided into four parts. The diagram shows the card of the fortuneteller (K), and its mirrors (reflections) (Z).

Important! In the layout, keep in mind that each card has two "mirrors" - this will simplify the decoding of the received values. Depending on the question of interest, pay attention to the corresponding symbols of the layout, interpreting them in accordance with the above points.

Correspondence (Correspondence) cards

You can find out how the current situation will develop with the help of Correspondence. This indicator helps to find out the time intervals for the events that have fallen out in the scenario.

Corresponding cards are arranged diagonally obliquely opposite the other (see diagram).

Note! For characters located in the last row, the correspondence extends only to the two overlying values ​​(as in the figure). Remember - the first row "intersects" only with the fourth, and the second - with the third.

Knight's move (Rosseln)

To find out information about the direction in which it is worth moving, use the Knight's move. Mentally draw the trajectory of a popular chess piece from the significator card. The dropped card is interpreted according to the above values.

Note. There is a rule for the sequence of reading this move - only in a clockwise direction, that is, from left to right. The first Rosseln will be on the left side of the main map, the second one will be above the first “horse”, etc.

Relationship between significators

To clarify additional information about the state of affairs of the person they are guessing at, a special technology is used. It is necessary to analyze the locations of the male and female "forms", that is, the equidistance from each other, the presence / absence of connections, etc. Let's consider in more detail below.

Analysis of the environment. It includes a card located above the "forms". We will conditionally call it the head. The symbols above it are interpreted as the thoughts of the questioner, and those below indicate the basis of the current situation. It can also indicate experiences, doubts, emotions of a fortuneteller.

Horizontal, diagonal. If you are doing the Big Lenormand alignment for relationships, you should take into account the gender of the one they are guessing at. When divining for a man, you should find the 29th card by analyzing the male cards adjacent to it, identifying the closest ones. Be sure to look at their positions, equidistance, whether there are symbols in the middle.

Cards denoting people

There are additional meanings of Lenormand Tarot cards.

  • Rider - a young man of athletic build
  • House. May refer to husband/man
  • Clouds. Former love
  • Spit. Inexperienced young man
  • Broom. Young unmarried man
  • Lilies. patron, lover
  • Dog. devoted friend
  • Fish. powerful man
  • A heart. Favorite person
  • Snake. Rival, smart woman. Could mean older women
  • Bear. boss, father, grandfather
  • Mountain. Unpleasant man, rude man
  • Child. Child or young mistress
  • Fox. Cunning, mean, treacherous person
  • Tower. A selfish person, a person without authority
  • Bouquet. Charming woman
  • Owl. An older couple or two older gossips

Ranks and types of cards of the Grand layout

The knowledge of the following card values ​​will help to simplify the interpretation of the Lenorman layout.

  • Elder. Broom, House, Bouquet, Fox (sometimes subordinates the values ​​​​of neighboring cards), Bear, Book, Dog, Stars, Mountain, Tree, Ship, Snake, Clouds.
  • Managers. Lilies, Storks, Coffin, Rats, Fish, Scythe, Park, Heart.
  • Event. Clouds, Coffin, Rider, Bouquet, Ship, Snake. Broom, Tower, Scythe, Owls, Park, Heart, Rats, Fork, Storks, Key, Fish, Stars, Lilies, Cross.
  • Background. Clouds, Clover, Owls (affect the value of neighboring cards) Fox, Stars, Child, Book, Sun, Anchor, Lilies, Bear, Moon.
  • Subordinates. Tree, Fork, Key, Woman, Anchor, Man, Clover, Moon, Rider, Storks, Letter, Child.
  • Neutral. Tower, Letter, Man, Book, Tree, Woman, Stars.
  • Positive. House, Bouquet, Bear, Clover, Ship, Park, Child, Storks, Heart, Dog, Lilies, Fish, Ring, Anchor, Key.
  • Negative. Spit, Rats, Clouds, Coffin, Broom, Cross, Owls, Mountain, Fox.

Maps to help determine the magnitude of an event or issue

There are several main categories of cards for the Big Lenormand layout.

  • Motion. Storks, Ship, Owls, Rider
  • Sustainability. House, Cross, Dog, Anchor, Tree
  • All kinds of losses. Scythe, Coffin, Rats
  • Help. Dog, Ring, Bear, Fish
  • Hesitation, uncertainty. Owls, Fork
  • Material well-being. Bear, Pisces
  • Officiality. Ring, Lilies, Letter, Tower
  • Love sphere. Moon, Pisces, Heart


  • Moon - month
  • Clover - seven days
  • Fork - a month and a half
  • Cross - up to three weeks
  • Tree - about one year old
  • Park - three months

Seasons of the year:

  • Winter - Lilies
  • Spring - Bouquet
  • Autumn - Clouds
  • Summer - Sun

In this layout, the Tree indicates a quick death, combined with a house or mirrors with the Coffin, Anchor, Cross cards. Other combinations are possible, for example, Cross-Tree-Scythe, Coffin, Clouds. The end of life is symbolized by Rats, Lilies, Owls (Stars, Bouquet, Anchor).

Note. The worst combination is the Cross - Anchor, located together with the "blank" at the end of the scenario. The news of the death of a person is a combination of the Coffin - Letter, Letter-Cross.

Comparison of the Big Lenormand layout and the Seven Houses layout

The layout of the seven houses of Lenormand is a popular divination that is used to predict events in the near future. Refers to complex layouts, which take into account the value of each card, their compatibility / combination with neighboring ones. Best used when fortune telling for a month.

The large Lenormand layout is one of the legendary layouts that illuminates the past, present, and future of the questioner. Describes in detail all spheres of human life, gives advice, recommendations. Affects any period of life, can be used to predict the distant future.

I hope that the detailed information of this article will teach you how to properly use this popular divination. Learn, learn, stay tuned. I wish you all the best.

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