Divination for the modern woman. divination by tarot cards. Legendary Foretellers: Cassandra. "Farewell - and remember me!"

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Who has not heard of the beautiful Cassandra - the daughter of the last king of Troy Priam and Queen Hecuba? Captivated by her beauty, the archer, the guardians of cosmic and human harmony, the god Apollo, seeking reciprocity, endowed Cassandra with a rare gift of foresight. But the beauty rejected his claims. Enraged by the refusal, God made it so that her prophecies were no longer believed. People have lost a lot because of the neglect of the prophecies of Cassandra. Thus, the Trojans, in particular, did not heed her warnings about the inadmissibility of the abduction of Helen the Beautiful by Paris, which led to the Trojan War. After the capture of Troy, Cassandra was captured by Agamemnon and died with him at the hands of his jealous wife Clytemnestra. The prophecies of Cassandra - in a figurative sense - predictions that cause distrust of others.

But history, as they say, repeats itself. The hero of my story is endowed with some kind of higher power, an amazing gift of foresight. For this gift, those in power throw him into prison, send him into exile, and ultimately do everything to plunge even his name into a strange, almost impenetrable darkness of oblivion...

I deliberately break the traditional order of the story about the life and deeds of my hero. More than one hundred and fifty years ago, on a frosty and blizzard February morning in 1841, the Russian land took the ashes of my hero into its cold bosom. She didn't give a damn about him. Clods of frozen earth drummed on the lid of the coffin, when, according to tradition, each person present threw a handful of earth into the open grave ...

They buried the monk Abel, who died at the age of eighty-four in the walls of a strange monastery - the Suzdal Spaso-Efimiev Monastery, which has been standing on the banks of the Kamenka River since the 14th century ...

But even through the walls of the gloomy monastery, even from the grave in the prison-monastic churchyard, Abel, with his gift, his deeds and writings, influenced the lives of people who had never met him, born after his death, attracted their thoughts to himself, depriving him of sleep, tormenting the spirit and the body with its predictions, the seriousness of which reached consciousness especially well when they began to come true! And they always came true...

Who was he, this soothsayer Abel?

Starting to publish materials about the monk Abel in the 19th century, the famous Russian historian, journalist and public figure, organizer, publisher and first editor of the special journal "Russian Antiquity" Mikhail Ivanovich Semevsky (1832-1892) in the publication "Soothsayer Monk Abel" (1875 ., Volume XII, No. 2, pp. 414-435) writes:

"We have the opportunity to answer this question (placed in the title of the chapter. - Yu.R.), since we have documents related to the personality of Abel. These documents are as follows:

1) Two notebooks in a small 8th share, written in Slavonic: on the first page of these "books" various circles, letters of the Slavic alphabet and points in a triangle are depicted, among which it is written; "The seal of the Lord God and His Christ." These notebooks contain: a) "The Life and Suffering of Father and Monk Abel"; b) "The life and life of our father Dadamius"; c) "A legend about the being, which is the being of God and the Divine"; d) Genesis: Book One. In one of these notebooks on 26 pages there are various symbolic circles, figures with letters of the Slavic alphabet and accounts, with a brief interpretation.

2) Notebook (in the 16th share) in two copies, entitled: "Church needs of the monk Abel"; it abbreviated the "Book of Genesis", placed in the first two notebooks.

3) 12 letters from Abel to Countess Praskovya Andreevna Potemkina, written either in Slavonic or in ordinary handwriting; all letters refer to 1815-1816.

4) Letter from Abel to V.F. Kovalev, manager of the factory of P.A. Potemkin in Glushkov (1816).

We found it convenient to use all this material in such a way that we first place the biography of Abel in the original, with only the largest spelling errors changed and with the omission of some mystical fabrications; then we pay attention to the articles of Abel, contained in the mentioned notebooks, and finally we talk about his letters. From the latest documents, we write out only the most characteristic places "...

Cassandra can be called the first female soothsayer known to us. Although she is considered a mythological character, some researchers say that a real person could be hiding under this image.

Cassandra was the most beautiful daughter of Priam, ruler of Troy, and Queen Hecuba. Beautiful Cassandra fell in love with Apollo, but she agreed to become him only in exchange for a prophetic gift. When he endowed her with this gift, Cassandra refused to fulfill her promise. Enraged, the ancient god deprived her of her ability to convince. Although she saw the future, no one believed in her prophecies. But the worst thing is that they always came true. According to one version, the soothsayer was even considered crazy and kept locked up.

The soothsayer knew about the fatal role of Paris in the future war and tried to dissuade him from kidnapping Elena, but he did not attach importance to her words. The parents did not listen to Cassandra either - the war could not be prevented. When Helen was brought to Troy, Cassandra said that she would be the cause of the destruction of the city.

Her brother Helen also had the gift of seeing the future. But he got this ability from snakes in the temple of Apollo. The townspeople believed his words, and since Gehlen was confident in the victory of the Trojans, the people decided to keep Helen and resist the Achaeans. Helen himself, in the midst of the war, betrayed the Trojans and, going over to the side of the Greeks, helped them win. In contrast, Cassandra remained in the besieged Troy until the very end of the war. The researchers argue that Cassandra's brother showed himself not only from the negative side. It is said that he also warned Paris against going after Helen.

On another occasion, Cassandra warned the Trojans not to accept a wooden horse left as a gift by the Greeks, as enemies are hiding inside. But even when the horse was transported to the main square and the weapons of the Achaeans clinked several times inside it, the inhabitants of Troy did not notice this, seized with the joy of victory.

After the capture of Troy and the division of booty, Cassandra was taken as a concubine by the Mycenaean king Agamemnon, struck by her beauty and dignity. From him, the clairvoyant had two sons. Cassandra warned the king that after returning home he would be killed by the hand of Clytemnestra, his wife. But the proud Agamemnon only laughed at these words. He took the concubine to the palace in Mycenae, where they were killed by Clytemnestra.

According to one of the legends, the prophecies of Cassandra were written down and kept at the Delphic oracle for many centuries. According to another version, the records fell into the hands of Aeneas, the hero of the Trojans, who laid the foundation for the Roman people. It is believed that Cassandra predicted the rise of the Roman Empire.

The image of Cassandra is depicted by many writers: she appears in Aeschylus' Agamemnon, Euripides' Trojans, F. Schiller's poetry, V.S. Vysotsky and many other works.

Clara, a clairvoyant, laid out 78 Tarot cards in front of me and pondered the prediction for a minute. I first met with these "terrible" cards, but did not turn into a toad. What do these cards mean? What do these knights on white horses have to do with the life of a tired and heavily loaded mother of five children? How do these lovers on the golden goblet feel about the McDonald's hamburger and french fries I was going to celebrate my middle son's birthday?

I turned to this divination as material for my book on the natural abilities of some children. After a fortune-telling, which turned out to be superficial and completely disappointed, I got to talking with Clara, and she admitted that she does not really use cards for divination, since she already has natural abilities. I wondered why she laid out the cards after all? Maybe to hide the fact that her natural abilities are somewhat limited. Curious, I bought a deck of cards and started experimenting. I do not claim any natural abilities at all, but after a while I discovered that, regardless of whether Tarot cards can predict the future or not, they accurately reflect my feelings and emotions at the moment, often bringing questions to the surface. which I deliberately avoid. The problem with predicting the future with cards is that you often let them decide your destiny for you. Perhaps, without even realizing it, you change your behavior under the influence of the cards that have fallen to you, and then you are surprised at the accuracy of the prediction. The second problem is that the cards very often have a meaning (allowing some variation due to errors in interpretation or personal preferences of the fortune teller) that was determined many years ago and has lost its significance in the modern world. And of course, if you are alerted to an impending danger, your subconscious radar tries to bring the situation into line with the prediction. Take the JUSTICE card. It depicts a rather severe-looking figure balancing his golden scales.

JUSTICE can be associated with legal matters, and if you are already married, you can bet that Clara was hinting at disharmony in marriage (which characterizes 99% of domestic situations to some extent). If the JUSTICE card comes up, Clara can drive it into your head that divorce is within easy reach. But she immediately reassures you and says that this may not come to that. You go home in full combat readiness, and the first thing your husband says to you is: “What, did you lose money on a fortune teller again?”

Clara predicted all this, you think, and before many verbal copies are broken, you decide to bring up a divorce before he does. The husband also does not want to give in, and you both light up with the desire to immediately go to a lawyer. How right Clara was!

But let's look at the map from the other side. First, remember that JUSTICE does not necessarily have to do with the courts (as many victims of the legal system will tell you). Instead of anticipating scenes like "Kramer vs. Kramer," the card can tell you that the little annoyances and injustices in your life overlap, keep you up at night, and even make you feel the need to visit a fortune teller. So, it's time to deal with problems that are not serious individually, but that can make you unhappy if you put them together. These are not upcoming events, although they affect your future well-being. Problems that hinder you at home or at work seethe under a seemingly calm layer of reality: this is the extravagance or mediocrity of a husband, his mother, etc. etc.

The last thing you need is Clarino's prediction of your future. You must use the Tarot as a mirror that reflects what is happening within you. You can lay out the cards so that they show you all the ways to solve the most pressing problems.

So how do you choose a tarot deck from the countless similar decks on the market? No one knows for sure who invented the Tarot: the priests of ancient Egypt, medieval alchemists, or the little old woman who lives at the end of the street? And where history leaves "dark spots", "divine illumination" comes into force and soon becomes a fact. The "classic" deck, also called Marseilles, is considered a standard, but there are many others, with various pictures - from cat people to Scandinavian macho heroes threatening everyone with their horns. Some say that the deck itself chose them, i.e. fell off the shelf as they walked by.

In general, go through all the decks in your local shop, avoiding creepy caves where you will suffocate on the smell of incense and where the goods look like they have already gone on their mysterious magical journey. All these dark corners in shops, similar to the abode of witches, make it difficult to see the price of what you are buying. There are a lot of really good stores with knowledgeable salespeople who won't force you to shop if you don't want to. Many bookstores also sell tarot cards, so you won't have to look far for them. Take some time and buy the deck you like the most. It doesn't have to be outrageously expensive. In general, any deck will do, and if you have a deck that your hippie friend once gave you (now he is a prominent figure in the conservative party) that is gathering dust on the shelf at home, use it, because it is not the drawing that matters, but the idea. But if you want to get used to the tarot idea before you pick up a deck in the store, or if you want to make your own, you can use the drawings at the back of this book. All you have to do is cut them out and stick them on thick paper. You can color them in or leave them in black and white. They are made to match the classic tarot deck, so you won't have any problem switching to any other deck in the future. Our deck depicts busy women walking through the tarot with the humor and tragedy that accompanies a woman on her journey through the real world.

Once you choose a deck, you may find that the tarot instructions have little to no bearing on the life you lead.

In fact, the whole process can seem incredibly daunting. There are 78 cards that belong to the so-called Great and Lesser Arcana (Arkan - a rhyme for the word "banana" - comes from the Latin "arcanum", which means "mystery, secret"). But in this book we will not use all the cards. After all, if you have a car that can do 160 km / h, this does not mean that you will drive around at that speed along the main street. Let's start with the simplest.

You must shuffle the deck (required with your left hand, since it controls the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for emotions). By the way, do not forget to put a deck wrapped in a dark cloth under your pillow at night and try never to borrow cards (this can lead to their loss). Your senses are now focused on the deck and you should be ready to receive information.

Cassandra Ison

Divination for the modern woman. Divination by TARO cards



Clara, a clairvoyant, laid out 78 Tarot cards in front of me and pondered the prediction for a minute. I first met with these "terrible" cards, but did not turn into a toad. What do these cards mean? What do these knights on white horses have to do with the life of a tired and heavily loaded mother of five children? How do these lovers on the golden goblet feel about the McDonald's hamburger and french fries I was going to celebrate my middle son's birthday?

I turned to this divination as material for my book on the natural abilities of some children. After a fortune-telling, which turned out to be superficial and completely disappointed, I got to talking with Clara, and she admitted that she does not really use cards for divination, since she already has natural abilities. I wondered why she laid out the cards after all? Maybe to hide the fact that her natural abilities are somewhat limited. Curious, I bought a deck of cards and started experimenting. I do not claim any natural abilities at all, but after a while I discovered that, regardless of whether Tarot cards can predict the future or not, they accurately reflect my feelings and emotions at the moment, often bringing questions to the surface. which I deliberately avoid. The problem with predicting the future with cards is that you often let them decide your destiny for you. Perhaps, without even realizing it, you change your behavior under the influence of the cards that have fallen to you, and then you are surprised at the accuracy of the prediction. The second problem is that the cards very often have a meaning (allowing some variation due to errors in interpretation or personal preferences of the fortune teller) that was determined many years ago and has lost its significance in the modern world. And of course, if you are alerted to an impending danger, your subconscious radar tries to bring the situation into line with the prediction. Take the JUSTICE card. It depicts a rather severe-looking figure balancing his golden scales.

JUSTICE can be associated with legal matters, and if you are already married, you can bet that Clara was hinting at disharmony in marriage (which characterizes 99% of domestic situations to some extent). If the JUSTICE card comes up, Clara can drive it into your head that divorce is within easy reach. But she immediately reassures you and says that this may not come to that. You go home in full combat readiness, and the first thing your husband says to you is: “What, did you lose money on a fortune teller again?”

Clara predicted all this, you think, and before many verbal copies are broken, you decide to bring up a divorce before he does. The husband also does not want to give in, and you both light up with the desire to immediately go to a lawyer. How right Clara was!

But let's look at the map from the other side. First, remember that JUSTICE does not necessarily have to do with the courts (as many victims of the legal system will tell you). Instead of anticipating scenes like "Kramer vs. Kramer," the card can tell you that the little annoyances and injustices in your life overlap, keep you up at night, and even make you feel the need to visit a fortune teller. So, it's time to deal with problems that are not serious individually, but that can make you unhappy if you put them together. These are not upcoming events, although they affect your future well-being. Problems that hinder you at home or at work seethe under a seemingly calm layer of reality: this is the extravagance or mediocrity of a husband, his mother, etc. etc.

The last thing you need is Clarino's prediction of your future. You must use the Tarot as a mirror that reflects what is happening within you. You can lay out the cards so that they show you all the ways to solve the most pressing problems.

So how do you choose a tarot deck from the countless similar decks on the market? No one knows for sure who invented the Tarot: the priests of ancient Egypt, medieval alchemists, or the little old woman who lives at the end of the street? And where history leaves "dark spots", "divine illumination" comes into force and soon becomes a fact. The "classic" deck, also called Marseilles, is considered a standard, but there are many others, with various pictures - from cat people to Scandinavian macho heroes threatening everyone with their horns. Some say that the deck itself chose them, i.e. fell off the shelf as they walked by.

In general, go through all the decks in your local shop, avoiding creepy caves where you will suffocate on the smell of incense and where the goods look like they have already gone on their mysterious magical journey. All these dark corners in shops, similar to the abode of witches, make it difficult to see the price of what you are buying. There are a lot of really good stores with knowledgeable salespeople who won't force you to shop if you don't want to. Many bookstores also sell tarot cards, so you won't have to look far for them. Take some time and buy the deck you like the most. It doesn't have to be outrageously expensive. In general, any deck will do, and if you have a deck that your hippie friend once gave you (now he is a prominent figure in the conservative party) that is gathering dust on the shelf at home, use it, because it is not the drawing that matters, but the idea. But if you want to get used to the tarot idea before you pick up a deck in the store, or if you want to make your own, you can use the drawings at the back of this book. All you have to do is cut them out and stick them on thick paper. You can color them in or leave them in black and white. They are made to match the classic tarot deck, so you won't have any problem switching to any other deck in the future. Our deck depicts busy women walking through the tarot with the humor and tragedy that accompanies a woman on her journey through the real world.

Once you choose a deck, you may find that the tarot instructions have little to no bearing on the life you lead.

In fact, the whole process can seem incredibly daunting. There are 78 cards that belong to the so-called Major and Minor Arcana (Arkan - a rhyme for the word "banana" - comes from the Latin "arcanum", which means "mystery, secret"). But in this book we will not use all the cards. After all, if you have a car that can do 160 km / h, this does not mean that you will drive around at that speed along the main street. Let's start with the simplest.

You must shuffle the deck (required with your left hand, since it controls the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for emotions). By the way, do not forget to put a deck wrapped in a dark cloth under your pillow at night and try never to borrow cards (this can lead to their loss). Your senses are now focused on the deck and you should be ready to receive information.

What about instructions for laying out cards? Clara elevated this process to the rank of art, and each card in her system has a strictly defined place.

Using the Tarot, you can follow Clara's path - guessing for me, she laid out all the cards, which guarantees hitting at least one target. You can also turn to a more complex layout, for example, the Celtic Cross or the Tree of Life, invented by your ambitious author who wants to bind you to a book (I hope you will no longer need it in a month and a half). But if at least one card lies incorrectly, you can spoil the whole fortune-telling. Moreover, the Great Lady of the Tarot will send rain on the clean linen that you have just hung up to dry. You can even follow the example of the mystics of both hemispheres: toss the entire deck up and divinate the cards that fall face up. On the other hand, this book shows a way even for fools to understand how to lay out cards in threes, which will help you build a picture of what is happening in your life.

Helena Blavatsky, Russian seer Next →

Even during the life of the activity most famous women- clairvoyants and soothsayers are overgrown with legends. Thanks to this, many information and legends about the famous oracles have survived to this day. It is no secret that most predictors have always been females, since it is more natural for women to engage in this type of activity, because a woman has a more subtle nature than a man and her intuition is more developed. They are called soothsayers or witches.

One of the most ancient and famous clairvoyants, about which legends have survived to this day, was the seer of ancient Greece. She was the daughter of the last Trojan king Priam and queen Hecuba; sister of Paris and Hector.

The amazing beauty of the golden-haired and blue-eyed Cassandra, “like Aphrodite”, inflamed the love of the god Apollo, but she agreed to become his beloved only on the condition that he endow her with the gift of prophecy. However, having received this gift, Cassandra refused to fulfill her promise, for which Apollo took revenge on her, depriving her of her ability to convince; there is a version that he also doomed her to celibacy. Although Cassandra rebelled against the god, she was constantly tormented by guilt before him. She spoke her prophecies in an ecstatic state, so she was considered insane.

The tragedy of Cassandra was that she foresaw the fall of Troy, the death of loved ones and her own death, but was powerless to prevent them. She first recognized Paris in an obscure shepherd who won a sports competition, and tried to kill him as the future culprit of the Trojan War. Later, she persuaded him to abandon Elena. When she tried to tell people about the upcoming tragedy, even her own father did not believe her. "The walls of Troy are strong," he said, "and the enemy cannot reach us." Trying to convince her compatriots, Cassandra lost her mind and became a laughingstock.

Since Cassandra predicted only misfortunes, Priam ordered her to be locked in a tower, where she could only mourn the coming disasters of her homeland. . The prophecies of Cassandra were remembered only when they began to come true - but nothing could be changed here. Interestingly, the death of Troy was also predicted by the priest of Apollo Calchas, and another priest, Laocoön, begged the Trojans not to bring into their city a wooden horse left by the Achaeans. But it was Cassandra who remained for centuries the symbol of the ill-fated fate of the seer.

During the siege of Troy, she almost became the wife of the hero Ofrioney, who swore to defeat the Greeks, but he was slain in battle by the Cretan king Idomeneus. Cassandra was the first to announce to the Trojans about the return of Priam with the body of Hector from the enemy camp and predicted to Aeneas, the only Trojan hero who believed her, that a great fate was prepared for him and his descendants in Italy. During the capture of Troy, she tried to find refuge in the temple of Pallas Athena, but Ajax, the son of Oiley, forcibly tore her from the statue of the goddess and even abused her. When dividing the booty, she became a slave of the Mycenaean king Agamemnon, who was touched by her beauty and dignity and made her his concubine. Later, while with Agamemnon in Greece, Cassandra gave birth to two sons from him - twins - Teledam and Pelops and predicted his death at the hands of his wife Clytemnestra and her own death. Her last prophecies came true and at the festival in the royal palace in Mycenae, she was killed along with Agamemnon and her sons. According to one version, the mortally wounded Agamemnon tried to protect her, according to another, she herself rushed to his aid.

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