New Year. What and how did our pre-Chritian ancestors celebrate at that time? Time of fairy tales and miracles. Hello Winter! Congratulations on the first winter day Spruce is especially fond of people

From the bark of birches in the north of our country, light bast shoes, comfortable bags were woven, in which they carried clothes and water for long-distance harvests. Fragrant tar was driven from the bark of birches, beautiful high tueski were made.
Everyone knows this most common tree in our area, covered with green needles. In contrast to the dry-loving and light-loving pine, spruce usually grows in damp, low-lying places. In dense shade spruce forest only a few plants grow, there is no hope of picking many mushrooms here in the summer. Birds huddle in dense thorny branches of spruce, nimble squirrels build their nest houses. In deep and warm nests, red-breasted crossbills take out and feed their chicks in the fierce cold of winter.
Spruce is especially good in winter, when heavy caps of white pure snow hang on its spreading branches-paws. The high peaks are decorated with garlands of purple cones, which are pecked by nimble crossbills, feeding on spruce seeds. Bears build their lairs in dense spruce forests. White hares hide under low hanging branches.
Spruce enjoys special love among people. It is not for nothing that on New Year's winter days they arrange in cities for children holiday trees, decorate them with beautiful gifts, and near the decorated spruce, Santa Claus walks around with a long gray beard tied.
But spruce in the forest in freedom is especially good. On winter starry and moonlit nights, snow glistens on its branches. A tree seems fabulous, decorated with snow, reflecting starlight and moonlight on its branches.
In spruce and mixed forests hazel grouses live, troublesome thrushes build their nests. In good years, when fir cones branches and tops of fir trees are hung, squirrels remain wintering in the forest. Climbing onto a branch of a tree, holding a cone in their front paws, they gnaw and pour its scales onto the snow, eat resinous seeds.
In spring, the wind spreads winged light seeds from ripe spruce cones. At the edges of the spruce forest, green spruce young growth grows from scattered seeds. Very beautiful, cheerful young Christmas trees. They grow quickly, and it is difficult for a person to get through their green prickly thicket. Only a few of these young trees remain alive. The strong win, shade the weak, and the young forest grows.
Very good and beautiful clean pine forest. You used to walk or ride along an old pine forest - like tall, clean, huge candles, the trunks of old trees rise above your head. The ground is covered with last year's fallen needles. Long knotty roots stretched across the sparsely traveled sandy road. Low hummocks are overgrown with gray soft moss. In some places, the leaves of lingonberries are green. The rays of the sun make their way through the high, green peaks carried away into the sky. Light golden bunnies play on tree trunks covered with cracked thick bark. It smells of resin and earth. Quiet in the old pine forest. Occasionally a hazel grouse will take off, a woodpecker will fly over the road. AT high sky green curly tops bathe.
There are now few pure pine forests left. Separate old pines survived. Like fabulous giants, they stand in the middle of a young growing forest.
AT pine forests in the summer we picked berries - lingonberries and blueberries, strong-legged mushrooms and slippery butterflies. Here and there, pinkish fragile hats of russula were visible. They settle on tall old pines, build nests predator birds- hawks and eagles.
Good and growing small Pine forest. One by one, young pines covered with green needles closely huddle together. In the shade of these trees in spring and summer, you need to look for mushrooms. Morels grow here in early spring, beautiful yellow mushrooms grow here in summer.
On swampy, hummocky places grows undersized swamp pine. You walk through such a pine swamp - you can’t see the end-edge of soft moss hummocks showered with ripening cranberries. Every now and then swamp white partridges flutter out from under their feet, a heavy capercaillie will break, fly.
Pine is undoubtedly one of the oldest trees. A pine tree grew when there were no green ones on earth deciduous forests. It is not for nothing that capercaillie, also the oldest birds on earth, feed on hard pine needles.
Pine can be seen in the high mountains of the Caucasus and in the far cold north, on the very border of the bare desert tundra. Pine wood is highly valued. Residential buildings, bridges and outbuildings were built and are being built from pine logs. Pine resin is also valued, which is collected by cutting the pine bark.
Once traveling through Zaonezhie, through dense forests untouched by man, I saw pine trees that died in the bud of their natural death. The resin-impregnated trunks of these trees rose above the tops of the living forest that surrounded them. Strong winter winds had long since broken off their dead bare boughs, but the resin-soaked trunk stood firm, perhaps for tens and hundreds of years. Some trunks of fallen dead trees, covered with green moss, lay on the ground. I had a hard time getting through them. Now there are very few such untouched forests left, and hardly anyone has seen the trunk of a dead pine standing on the vine, soaked in resin.
As a child, I fell in love with the tall green lindens that surrounded our village garden. A wide linden alley was once planted by a feudal landowner, whose name has long been forgotten in our village. We loved to play under the tall lindens, to watch how life awakens in the young garden in the spring. In the green tops of the lindens birds sang, starlings and thrushes whistled. On clear days, secretive golden orioles flew from tree to tree, and owls nested in the deep hollows of old lindens, calling to one another in terrible voices at night.
At the very beginning of summer, lindens bloomed with golden flowers, the whole garden was filled with a sweet honey spirit. The bees buzzed over the flowering tops of the lindens.
In summer, Ivan da Marya flowers spread under the lindens in a wide carpet, and on tall thin stems, a light summer breeze swayed purple bells. I watched insects crawl at the roots of lindens, red earth bugs, how butterflies fluttered over the flowers. In the middle of summer, strong white mushrooms grew under the lindens. In the harvest year, we picked a lot of these mushrooms, mother salted them and pickled them for future use.
Under a lonely, spreading linden tree that grew in front of our village house, in hot summer days on the wooden table and benches we dined and drank tea. I loved to climb this old linden tree, sit in the shade of the green tent, read books and dream of distant travels. I remember this old linden tree for the rest of my life. long life.
The once beautiful tall lindens, along with other trees, grew almost everywhere in Russian forests. White pure linden wood was highly valued. Skillful craftsmen sharpened beautiful wooden utensils from light, pliable wood, carved spoons. From lime clean boards in the villages they made countertops for dining tables. The bark of old lindens was torn off from fallen trees, soaked in water, and bast and matting were made from linden bark. Bast shoes were woven from the thin bark of young linden forest in the villages, dried linden bast was stored for the whole long winter. Now you will not see adult large lindens in our forests. Only in the distant Trans-Urals did I see free-growing tall lindens in the dense forests.
Linden is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful, cheerful and tender trees. Linden sweet honey has long been famous. Linden foliage is good and tender. In autumn, lindens shed their yellowed leaves before other trees, and fallen yellow leaves lie in a dry, rustling carpet near the roots of bare trees. You used to walk along the fallen linden leaves rustling under your feet, admiring the familiar trees that were preparing for a long winter.
Young lindens are still being planted in parks in big cities. Lindens easily take root and grow quickly. Their fresh green foliage adorns the noisy city streets, pleases the eye of the city tired person.
As a child, I really liked the tall, slender aspens that grew near our village house.
I liked the bitter smell of aspens, the fluttering of green foliage on high peaks. Even on the quietest, windless summer day, aspen leaves trembled. Covered with a greenish bitter bark, the trees seemed to be living beings - they seemed to be whispering, talking among themselves.
The aspen forest is especially good on clear autumn days. In purplish red and yellow foliage painted. Fallen leaves spread under the trees like a clean carpet. Here and there, reddish hats are visible under them. late mushrooms- boletus. Some belated forest flowers are still blooming here and there. A tall, yellowed fern rustles underfoot, and it smells even bitterer in the aspen forest.
Beautiful aspen forest in winter. Against the background of dark firs, a thin lace of bare aspen branches intertwines.
Take a good look - how good, how beautiful the aspen!
In the hollows of old thick aspens, nocturnal and diurnal birds, naughty squirrels lay down their stocks for the winter. From thick aspen logs, people hollowed out light shuttle boats, made troughs. White hares feed on the bark of young aspens in winter. The bitter bark of aspens is gnawed by moose. Capercaillie swindlers keep in the aspen forests in early spring and autumn. In summer, mushrooms grow here - tall boletus, strong boletus and fragile russula. You used to walk through an aspen forest - and suddenly, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, with a noise, a heavy capercaillie would break and fly. A white hare will jump out and run almost from under the very feet.
It is rare to see a continuous aspen forest. Aspens usually grow next to birches and dark spruces. In such mixed forests, there are especially many mushrooms and forest berries. Birds fly from tree to tree. With a noise, a hazel grouse will flutter and whistle. Ripe lingonberries blush on moss hummocks under the trees.
In the green Russian forest there is hardly a tree more picturesque than a maple. The wide palmate leaves of the maple are beautiful, its trunk is smooth and clean. Its wood is strong and durable. Maple usually grows in community with other birch, aspen, oak, and alder trees. Strong and tight maple branches. Like a spring, they bend under the hand.
Cheerful green maple loves sunny bright light. Its peak is illuminated by the rays of the sun. On clear summer days, I liked to rest under the spreading clean maple. Smells like earth and flowers. Ants run briskly along the warm, sun-warmed earth, butterflies flutter over the flowers.
Beautiful maples are planted by people in city parks, they decorate paths, banks of ponds. Maples are especially beautiful in early autumn. Purple and golden maple leaves shine in the rays of the sun. There is something festive, cheerful in this tree that adorns our native forests.
Winged maple seeds scatter far. These seeds are carried by the wind through the fields and meadows. Where a winged seed falls on a convenient place, a young, thin living maple grows the next year.
Not all people love alder. Unsightly dark green thickets of young alder are called weeds. Abandoned meadows and fields are overgrown with young alder, the soil under the alder becomes swampy, countless mosquitoes and other harmful insects are bred.
But there is something charming in the alder when it grows in freedom. A special kind of alder growing in damp places near rivers and forest streams is called black alder. Thick slender trunks of black alder stretch into the sky. Its twisted roots rise from the trunk high above the ground. In some remote places, under such alder roots, beavers make their homes. From thick and slender trunks of black alder, wide boards were sawn, from which skillful carpenters made elegant furniture, caskets, tables. Now there is very little black alder left in the forests.
Large spaces are overgrown with gray small alder. Such a gray alder is suitable only for brushwood and firewood, which are almost as good as birch firewood. Alder firewood burns well in stoves, they can be used for heating all the long winter. A decoction of alder bark in the past, in the villages, women painted canvases, from which they sewed beautiful sundresses.
Hares hide in alder thickets, hazel grouses live and feed. In old alder trees, woodpeckers hollow out neat hollows for their nests. Busy magpies make their hidden nests in high alder bushes, thrushes sing and crackle. Often dense thickets of forest sweet raspberries grow in alder forests, and blueberries ripen on moss hummocks.
Green willow grows along the banks of small forest rivers, along streams and old ditches.

New Year holidays can truly be called the time of fairy tales and miracles. Listen to yourself: the state of the soul is changing. The quivering feeling of waiting for magic, mystery, gifts is so sweet, so familiar. Why? Isn't it genetic? How did our Slavic ancestors celebrate this time of year? (updated)

Four seasonal incarnations of the Slavic god of the sun: Kolyada-Yarilo-Kupaila-Svetovit

It is reliably known that the ancient Slavic calendar was based on the phenomena of the four seasonal incarnations of the pagan god of the sun - Kolyada-Yarilo-Kupaila-Svetovit, tied to four astronomical solar events of the year:

- a weak winter sun-baby Kolyada - is born renewed in the morning after the Night of the Winter Solstice,

- on the Day of the Spring Equinox, the young man Yarilo turns into a stronger sun,

- on the Day of the Summer Solstice, the husband of Kupail turns into a mighty sun,

- on the Day of the Autumnal Equinox, it turns into an aging and weakening wise autumn sun-old man Svetovit, dying at sunset before the Night of the Winter Solstice, in order to be reborn in the morning as a renewed sun-baby Kolyada, again gaining its solar strength.

It is known that at different times and in different places the Slavs used different calendars - from ancient times between the then tribes and peoples of Eurasia and North Africa there was a constant culture Exchange. The Slavic New Year in ancient times fell on the 12th Night of the great Yule - Solstice (see below), then on the Day spring equinox, already in Christian times - on the Day of the autumnal equinox.

This explains the tradition of Christmas in Christianity, connected by an ancient pagan analogy with the death of the old sun and the birth of a new sun three days later.

So what did the Slavs celebrate in winter?
Sacred Yule of the Druids/Magi

Sometime in pre-Christian times among the "barbarian" peoples of Europe, incl. among the Slavs, there was a single religion of the Druids (Magi), in which the main holidays were 4 astronomically important days - the summer and winter solstices and the spring and autumn equinoxes.

Of all the festivities of our ancestors, Yule is undoubtedly the most important, the most magical, the most sacred and the most powerful.

The origin of the word "Yule" is lost in the mists of time. Most likely, it goes back to the Indo-European root Yule (Yul, Yul) (Yel tree approx. ed.) with the meaning “rotate”, “spin”, “wheel” (our word yule comes from this root, as well as the Christmas tree - evergreen Yule tree). Perhaps it means "turning time", "turning of the year", "time of sacrifice" or "dark time".

The Christmas tree is an evergreen tree of the sacred Yule.

The holiday of the Druids Yule (Yule) in ancient Russian tradition is called the Solstice.

Among the Slavs, the Solstice was also called Kolyada - after the name of one of the main Slavic gods, the sun god Kolyada, whose birth was celebrated on the day after the night of the winter solstice (2nd Yule Night), when the sun began to "go to summer".

The name Solstice comes from the obsolete verb "to return" (modern "to return"), from this root and the name of the rotating device - "gate"), (rotation according to the sun ed.) and means the return of the renewed sun to our world, its transition from winter for summer.

Everyone knows the words "carols", "carols". If we turn to the etymology of these words, then they are based on "kolo" - the sun. Let us recall: Kolaksay is the Sun-king, one of the hypothetical ancestors of our people, according to Herodotus. The calendar (earlier: kolodar) is a gift from the sun. Kologriva is the solar horse of the god Kryshnya. Conjure - perform miracles using solar energy.

Inextricably linked with the sun and rolled to us from time immemorial Kolobok - Kolo-god, that is, the solar deity. And familiar to everyone since childhood, seeming simple and uncomplicated, the fairy tale turns out to be a part of folk wisdom, carefully conveyed from long-dead ancestors to descendants who have forgotten the truth. This is a story about Kolyada's journey in our world.

Kolyada is a solar divine, born annually by the Great Mother, the Mother of all things (Lada, Maya Zlatogorka, Ma-Divia, she had different names from different peoples). Kolyada is the son of Dazhdbog, one of his faces, not the sun itself, but a symbol, the face of the winter, newborn sun. No wonder modern postcards often depict a little boy- New Year, people forgot about the ancient solar god, but his image boldly marched through the millennia, for the people's memory is indestructible.

The cycle is the cycle of the sun in our world, when he is born as an innocent baby Kolyada, in the spring he is embodied by the ardent violent power of the young man Yarila, in the summer - the soft life-giving energy of her husband Kupail, in the fall the sun grows old along with the Ovsen personifying him, and dies to be born again Kolyada.

Kolyada- the second incarnation on earth of the god Vyshnya, according to the Book of Kolyada. And the Vyshen is a god. The Most High is the Most High, God the Father. And in ancient times, the Slavs for the winter holidays dressed up and decorated not a Christmas tree or a pine at all, but a cherry. And not smart. Why is this tree called cherry? Yes, because it is dedicated to the Most High God, this is his tree, donated to people to quench their thirst and for treatment (I hope everyone knows about the healing properties of fruits, leaves, even its branches). Decorated with ritual baking, it symbolized the Tree of the World, growing through all the worlds and our entire Universe with its stars and planets. And the process of decorating cherries was performed as a sacred rite. By these actions, people seemed to help the Most High God create the Universe. Tsars, princes and wise men came with gifts to bow to the newborn Kolyada, they tell the Holy Russian Vedas, and a star led them. And he brought people the highest wisdom: he gave the Slavs the "Star Book".

In the light of the foregoing, it is no longer surprising that Kolyada's birthday was celebrated on the night of December 24-25 (Christmas night from January 6 to 7 BC). Yes, it completely coincides with the Nativity of Christ, also the son of God and the incarnation of God on Earth, and these coincidences confirm that all the religions of the world are based on a single religion, and God is one for everyone, they only pray to him, calling different names. And Jesus Christ, indeed, lived, only he is not the god of the Jews, but the universal Sun God, the Son and Incarnation of the Most High, the Holy, that is, the Bearer of Light.

Celebrations in honor of the newborn god were called Christmastide (from the word "light"), they were accompanied by games and fun, ritual caroling (a wish, and therefore, planning for the next year of all kinds of blessings), fortune-telling, because these days the worlds of Rule, Reveal and Navi are especially close to each other and there is an opportunity to look into the future. Herds of mummers go from house to house, they always wear a star on a long stick, symbolizing the star that indicated the birth of a god, they lead a goat (dressed up person), symbolizing the goat that Kolyada's mother had to turn into when dark forces overtook her, still in a burden. During the winter festivities, there was not even any military action, there was an unspoken truce, as during the Olympic Games.

If we return to the Vedas, then further they will tell about the adventures of Kolyada, our Kolobok. He had to endure a lot of adventures, defeat a lot of enemies, and tore apart Boroskun, and strangled Halu the Dragon, and without counting various undead, drove away the Black God and Viy, who were trying to attack Sacred Iriy. And why in the fairy tale Kolobok eats sly Fox? Red fox, autumn. Most likely, this episode symbolically depicts the whirl and dying of the sun in autumn. Only we know that it will be reborn anyway.

Let's take another fairy tale, probably the first fairy tale from our childhood. “Ryaba Hen”, simple and short, it is clearly imprinted in the brain so that people can pass on esoteric knowledge to their descendants, even if they are not always aware of its true meaning. The egg itself is a symbol of nascent life, not yet revealed to the world of the Universe. When God created the world, there was a Golden Age on earth, the soil itself gave birth, food was in abundance, the weather favored the development of man, there were no cataclysms. Here is the golden egg laid by the Pockmarked Hen. But, alas, people did not appreciate the gift of God.

And when a person is dissatisfied with something, then it is taken away from him. People are trying to "break" the golden egg, i.e., their actions are destructive, harmful to the world around them. But having lost what they had, "the grandfather is crying, the woman is crying." Grandfather and Baba are the symbolic names of our ancestors. Only late do you repent and regret the lost paradise. Since you have not saved the Golden Age given to you, you will live in a world open to suffering. This will be a simple egg, which the hen promises to ungrateful owners. The fairy tale is over, but one wants so much to believe that we will not repeat the mistakes of our distant ancestors and one day we will deserve a reward: to live again in the Golden Age. Well, the magic hen can once again lay a golden egg for people.

I would like to remember in these New Year's days one more hero of folk tales, Santa Claus, an integral attribute of the winter holidays. We are accustomed to the image of a tall old man in a warm long fur coat, with a staff in one hand and a bag of gifts in the other. In fairy tales, he first tests a person, then rewards according to the purity of his spirit, vile and vicious can take his life. Who is behind this in such a familiar way?

In the Vedas of the Slavs, in the songs of the things of the Gamayun bird, it is directly indicated that Beles was Frost in the winter, while Vila (his wife) was the Snowstorm-Vyuzhnitsa. And it was they who blinded themselves a daughter - the Snow Maiden. How did the "cattle god" become a kind Santa Claus?

Yes, Veles is the hypostasis of the Almighty, the patron god of wild animals and livestock, but, in addition, he is the god of wisdom, love, wealth, the patron of songs, legends, poetry. The ancient Slavs often depicted his idol with a cornucopia in his hands. Naturally, after the end of autumn affairs, in free winter time, festivities began, for which they expected a generous god with gifts. If the first week of Christmas time is dedicated to Kolyada, at that time they were guessing and wishing a generous harvest for the next year, then the second was intended for Veles, they called it “Veles days”.

Until now, on the night of January 13-14, we celebrate the New Year according to the old style, which other countries cannot understand. January 14 is the day of St. Basil of Sebaste, the patron saint of cattle.

Let's trace: Veles - Vlas - Vlasy - Vasily. And just like thousands of years ago, on this evening, mummers go home, dressed in animal and animal masks, hung with bells, among which are obligatory a bull mask and a bear mask, symbols of the god - the patron saint of wild and domestic animals. Rites are described when 12 elders from different settlements converged, dressed in bearskins and conducting a long and diverse action, consisting of incantation rites and a game battle of two parties of mummers, Veles priests were called "survakars".

It is impossible to kill the memory of the people, ancient traditions, rituals, fairy tales have come down to us from such depths of centuries, which is difficult to imagine. And once they have reached, then the significance of the wisdom of the people is, indeed, indescribably great. And we must study it, realize it and pass it on to future generations.

Let's go back to Yule.

Among the many magical meanings, the celebration of the pagan Yule-Solstice also reminds people that each of us somehow participates in all the processes taking place in the universe without exception.

According to the modern calendar, Yule begins on the night of December 19-20 - this is the Initial Yule Night ("zero" night in a row).

Then comes the 1st Night (maternal), 2nd (Winter Solstice Night), 3rd ... and so on until the final most magical 12th Yule Night (New Year's).

These thirteen nights, from the first sunset to the last dawn, are a gap between two years, a sacred period during which there is neither the usual time nor the usual boundaries, when the lot of the gods is made and the spindle of the goddess of Fate, Urd, rotates.

On these nights, all worlds converge on earth: gods and goddesses descend to earth, trolls and elves talk to people, the dead come out of the Lower Worlds; those of the people who often communicate with the Other World leave their bodies for a while and join the riders wild hunt(oskorei - "riders of Asgard"), or become werewolves (werewolves) and other spirits.

Yule is the time of a sacred holiday and a common feast, in which all members of the clan (clan) gathered together for 13 days by the evening of the Starting Night to meet the sun that had risen from darkness again and see the reborn world.

They believed that failures and grief await those who remain at this time alone or among strangers, outside their kind.

In addition to communication, festivities and feasts, many pagan religious rites were performed at this time, contributing to the unity of the clan, understanding it as a single whole, ensuring a successful future for the whole clan and each member.

Some elements of the Yule holiday were preserved in Christian Christmas - for example, an evergreen tree (decorated Christmas tree), symbolizing life that will continue after the winter cold, a Christmas wreath (originally a Yule wreath)

According to tradition, Yule lasts 13 Nights, which are called "Nights of Spirits", which is preserved in their German name, Weihnachten. Nights are counted from zero, from the Starting Night.

The initial Yule Night (“zero”, from December 19 to December 20 according to the modern calendar), mainly went to meet relatives who were coming to the holiday in the evening (they were on the way during the day), placing them in their homes for the upcoming 13 days, conversations of members of the clan, sometimes who have not seen each other for a year, acquaintance with new members of the clan. Sacred rites on this night, as a rule, were not performed, therefore it was considered "zero".

In ancient times, among the Anglo-Saxon tribes, the First Night of Yule was the night before the winter solstice (it happens on December 21 or 22, depending on the year), i.e. before the longest night of the year. According to Bede the Historian, this night was called "mother's night", and if earlier it was dedicated to rituals associated with diss and Frigga, as well as honoring the mothers of families, now it looks like an evening "with the family."

"Mother's Night" is the night before the winter solstice. AT next night the sun will go down to its lowest point. It's the end of the year. All the annual work is finished, the bins are full. Time to take stock and thank the gods and house spirits for their assistance in all matters throughout the year. Time to free yourself from all worries and anxieties to meet the new life cycle. This is a dark, feminine time.

In 12 nights, the New Year will be born. Mistresses put things in order in the house, decorate it and gather the family around the hearth. They praise the Goddesses. Mother opens the gates of the Other World to let new life into our world.

All housework must be completed by the evening of this day, the Yule wreath must be done and the whole house must be decorated with Yule greens ( spruce branches). If possible, the whole family should go to the bath or sauna (at least just wash) in the afternoon, so that the souls and bodies are cleansed.

A wreath of spruce or pine branches with 8 candles should be prepared and placed on the mantelpiece or in a place that is the "heart" of the house.

Candles in a Yule wreath should burn all night, and if possible - until the 12th Night ( New Year's Eve).

In general, December 20-23 are the so-called "Days of the Snake", when the Sun passes the thirteenth zodiac constellation Ophiuchus.

Night of the Winter Solstice - 2nd Yule Night (according to the modern calendar, it is celebrated on the night of December 21-22).

This is the most important night of the Yule holiday - the winter solstice occurs (December 21 or 22). This is the most long night in the year when the Sun descends to its lowest point, and during which spirits become the real rulers in this world.

On this night they lit the Yule fire and guarded the house from evil spirits; on the same night the most sincere oaths and promises were made. They also believed that one should not be alone on this night - after all, then a person is left alone with the dead and the spirits of the Other World.

3rd - 11th Yule Nights. In the following days and nights of Yule, endless merry feasts were replaced by the performance of rituals, and rituals by feasts and festivities. The time of sleep and wakefulness of the participants in the festivities lost their usual order.

Yule ends on the most magical Twelfth Night of Yule - this is the modern New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1 (actually, on the thirteenth, as evidenced even by its Old Norse name, Threttandi, since the account is kept from the "zero" Starting night) - then January 1 is the old Germanic calendar.

The next day (modern January 1, starting from the completion of New Year's Eve - this is the first day of the New Year before sunset) was considered the "Day of Fate" - everything that was said and done on January 1 before sunset determined all the events of the coming year (hence our “as you meet the New Year, so you will spend it”). It was believed that there are no more sure signs than the signs of this day, especially those that were revealed during the magical "Twelfth Night" (from dusk to dawn); and the strongest words are those that are spoken on this Night.

And now all the peoples of Europe, including the Slavs, retain a special "magic" perception of the meaning of the magical New Year's Eve - the pagan Twelfth Night of Yule, which came to us from ancient times.

After the Day of Fate, having slept well, on the morning of January 2, the members of the family, during the 13 days of Yule, all together, from the baby to the elder, shoulder to shoulder solemnly, cheerfully and festively met the appearance of the renewed sun to the world (the morning of the day after the winter solstice) and the New Year, joint rituals "spun" in the right direction the spindle of the goddess of Fate, protecting themselves from evil spirits dark nights, having duly propitiated their pagan gods (symbolizing ancient ancestors), now packed up their belongings and went to their homes and their business.

Folk winter calendar. Part 1. December: calendar of Russian traditions of children's games and fun, fairy tales. proverbs and riddles.

Folk winter calendar. Part 1. December

About December

December was also called like this: jelly, studny, cold.

  • December ends the year, winter begins.
  • December - cold for the whole winter the earth is cold.
  • December comforts the eye with snow, but the ear tears with frost.

You will see winter folk dances and songs performed by children in the wonderful musical TV program “Winter - Winter: from the cycle “Seasons”. Folklore and dance groups of the Big Children's Choir perform in the program.

National calendar of December.

December 4th.Introduction to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos (popularly called "Introduction").

On this day, the entrance to the Temple of the three-year-old Virgin Mary is celebrated. Mary was given to the temple on a vow by her parents Joachim and Anna. They say this about the day:

  • The introduction has come - the winter has brought.
  • Introduction - the gates of winter.
  • Introduced a thick frost on the water.
  • Before the Introduction, if the snow falls, it will melt. After the Introduction, if it snows, then winter will fall.

Based on the weather on the Introduction, they tried to guess what the weather would be like on other holidays: “It’s frosty in the Introduction - all holidays are frosty. Warm - all holidays are warm.

This day in the popular mind was associated with the beginning of winter, with the entry of winter into its own rights. We went sledding, skiing, ice-skating.

Vvedenye was also famous for its fun fairs - winter Vvedensky auctions. There were also bast and sleigh rows at the fairs. Painted sledges were brought to the fair from all over the area. And invited buyers:

"Here's a sled-scooter for you,
Decorated, rich,
Decorated, gilded,
Yes, they are trimmed with morocco!”

And in Pomorye at the Vvedensky fairs they sold fish:

“Come on, come on, choose any one!
I caught it myself, salted it myself, brought it to sell myself!

On the Introduction, trial runs were made on sleds. The newlyweds began the winter festivities. Their first sleigh ride was very festive: light, painted sledges were decorated with multi-colored tracks, young people in beautiful clothes. The rite was called so - "to show the young."
On this day we spend with children creative activity - we decorate the paper silhouettes of the sleigh with paintings. And then we hold a "fair of masters." Each craftsman praises his sleds to customers, telling them why they are remarkable and convincing buyers to buy them. Buyers pay for goods with paper tokens. In this game, children learn to have a dialogue, and also to describe objects, express their opinion correctly, agree and refuse, express doubt and ask questions. Try to hold a fun toboggan fair too! And then we draw and cut out figures of little men (silhouettes) from paper and play different winter scenes while riding little men on our paper sleigh.

And we're still learning sleigh tongue twisters:

  • The sledge rides by itself at the little sleigh
  • Little Sleigh's sleigh overturned
  • Sanka has a brand new sled
  • Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge - lope, Senka - from his feet, Sonya - in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

December 7 called the day of Catherine - sleigh.

Those were the first days of sledding. Toboggan roads were installed. "Catherine's day has come - he has brought skating." “Winter will come from Katerina, not by washing, so by rolling, not by hunger, so by cold.”

That day there were sleigh races. Both old and young gathered on the dais, and young guys competed in prowess, dexterity, strength.

On this day, we solve riddles about sleds, discuss proverbs and come up with our own stories based on proverbs.

Winter riddles about sleds

Tell the children a riddle about the sleigh:

“First you fly from the mountain to them,
And then you pull them uphill. (Sled)"

Oh, it's snowing!
I'm taking out a horse, my friend.
For a rope - a bridle
I lead a horse through the yard.
From the hill down I fly on it,
And I'm dragging myself back. (Sled).

Talk to your baby about the riddle, helping him pay attention to its language.

- Why is the sledge called a horse? How are sleigh and horse similar? What is the difference? (learn figurative comparison)

- Why is the sleigh in the riddle called a friend, "friend." What other items would you call your friends, "friends"?

Another interesting sleigh puzzle that provides a topic for discussion with children and the development of the child’s imagination and thinking:

Once upon a time there were three brothers: one loves winter, the second loves summer, and the third does not care (the first brother is a sleigh, the second is a cart, and the third is a man). Discuss this riddle with the children, admire how the riddle was originally invented, how everything is specially confusing so that no one guesses - three riddles are called “brothers”, although in fact they are not brothers.

Think with your child what other items could be called brothers or sisters (for example, a spoon, a fork and a knife; shoes and laces; a sheet, a pillowcase and a duvet cover). You can come up with a similar puzzle.

Template for a creative composition of a riddle:“There lived - there were three (brothers or sisters). One loves .. (we come up with a child), the other loves .... (we come up with a child), the third loves ... (we come up with a child). Who are they?"

Here is a similar riddle with a different answer:“There lived - there were three brothers. One has a rest in the winter, the other has a rest in the summer, the third - neither in winter nor in summer, ”Guessed who the third brother is? No, not a human! Who? Guessed?

Winter proverb about sleigh.

"If you like to ride - love to carry sleds."

We discuss the proverb with the child:

- Which is easier - to carry a sled up a hill or to slide down a mountain on a sled?
- What does this proverb mean?

- When you can say so (remember the situations from the experience of the child and from the life of your family to which this proverb would apply, remember the cartoons. Discuss each situation with the baby).

Winter round dance

We learn and dance with children “Like on a thin ice”. One boy in the center represents Vanya, two girls from the circle represent girlfriends. We depict all the actions in the course of the song.

Round dance options:

- Vanya, during the first verse, passes two handkerchiefs to those girls who will play the role of his girlfriends.

- The roles of girlfriends and Vanya are chosen according to a rhyme or by lot.

- You can choose girlfriends by lot according to a secret from Vanya, for him it will be a surprise.

Round dance melody and words:

You will hear the motive of the song in the video above.

"Like thin ice
A white snow fell.
Eh! winter, winter,
The winter was snowy.

A white snow fell
Vanechka-friend was driving.
Eh! winter, winter,
The winter was snowy.

Vanya rode, hurried,
He fell off his horse.
Eh! winter, winter,
The winter was snowy.

He fell and lies
Nobody runs to Vanya.
Eh! winter, winter,
The winter was snowy.

Two friends saw
Soon they ran up to Vanya.
Eh! winter, winter,
The winter was snowy.

Soon they ran up to Vanya,
They put him on a horse.
Eh! winter, winter,
The winter was snowy.

They put Vanya on a horse,
The path was shown.
Eh! winter, winter,
The winter was snowy.

December 14th. Literate - the day of the prophet Nahum.

It was on this day before the children began to learn the alphabet and literacy and counting and went to the first lesson in their life to the teacher. I call this day for the children "Holiday of the alphabet" and on this day we consider different alphabets, according to which letters can be learned. We go with the baby to the library and take different alphabets, as well as the same alphabet, but illustrated by different artists. For children, it is always a discovery how differently you can draw illustrations for the same rhyme! And this is also an incentive for your own creativity!

Here are our favorite alphabets - you can click on any picture and see in more detail all the spreads, pictures and text of each book. If you have boys, then pay attention to the "ABC of ships" - the alphabet for boys is a rarity!

Let's listen to the name Nahum = na + mind. They spoke like this:

  • The prophet Nahum will instruct.
  • The prophet Nahum will bring a bad mind to mind.
  • Father Naum, guide me!

Our ancestors treated the teachings with respect, believing that "a smart head feeds a hundred heads, but a thin one will not feed itself."

Proverbs about literacy:

  • A head without a mind is like a lantern without a candle.
  • Whoever is good at reading and writing, will not be lost.
  • The root of the doctrine is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
  • Teaching decorates in happiness, and comforts in misfortune.
  • It's never too late to learn.
  • Live and learn.

The undereducated and the overlearned are worse than the unlearned (how close this proverb is to our modern life!)

Galina Dine in the book "Children's Folk Calendar" describes this day folk calendar So:“... on Naumov's day, children were sent to school. The whole family went to church and, having stood for mass, asked for blessings for the education of the lad. At the appointed time, the teacher came to the house, where he was met by his parents with honor and kind word, planted in the front corner with bows. Holding his son by the hand, the father handed him over to the teacher with requests to teach mind-reason and treat him with a whip for laziness: “Teach your son to read and write, teach mind-reason, as they taught us, teach - whip more often with a whip.” The student bowed low three times to the teacher, after which the teacher three times sympolitically hit him on the back with a whip. The mother sat her son at the table, handed him a patterned bone pointer, the teacher opened the alphabet, and the teaching began. After the first lesson, the teachers treated and generously gave gifts, escorted to the very gates. From that day on, the student himself went to the teacher with a canvas bag over his shoulder.

I immediately remembered the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Philippok" about the first school day. After all, Philippok goes to school in winter! But for some reason, few people think about why the child from this story suddenly came to school in the winter! It turns out that it was at this time that the school year began earlier. Let's watch this day a filmstrip about Philippka:

What children played in December: winter folk games of the calendar

In December, people prepared for Christmas by purifying themselves with the Filippov Fast. It was very cold, so the children played a lot in the huts, because it was frosty outside. They played with spillikins, grandmas, nuts, pebbles. The girls played a lot with dolls and sewed dowries for them. They made up stories. Here is a description of one of these games.

Winter folk game of pebbles (pebbles).

How to play pebbles

This game is very useful for the development of speech and sensorimotor coordination, but everything will not work right away. Will need training. Try to play and you will understand how it is not easy!

We train - preparation for the game.

- We take small light flat pebbles (we bring such stones from the south from the sea in summer) and put them on the palm of your hand. Start with one stone, if everything is easy, then increase the number to two, three and beyond.

- Learning the movement of the game: we put the pebbles on the palm (i.e. the palm “looks” at the ceiling) and throws them up. We catch on back side brushes (i.e., the hand “looks” at the floor with the palm of your hand). Again we toss and catch already in the palm (i.e., the palm again “look” at the ceiling).

- We play: we put 5 pebbles on the palm, toss and catch. The goal is to catch as many as possible. Whoever caught the most will be the first to start the game.

An old winter game of pebbles.

We sit at the table, all our pebbles lie on it.

The player puts 5 pebbles on the palm and tosses. Catch as much as he can. Puts stones on the table. Then he takes one of the pebbles he caught (of his choice), throws it up. And while the pebble is in the air, you need to have time to grab the pebble from the table and catch the thrown stone after that so that it does not fall. Complication - when you take a pebble from the table, you cannot move other pebbles on the table. The player does the same with the second stone caught, and with the third one (how many he was able to catch in the first movement).

If the player made a mistake:

Didn't catch a single stone
- let go of the thrown stone from his hands,
- did not have time to take another pebble from the table.
- moved other stones on the table when he took his own from there,
then he passes his turn in the game to the next player.

You can play pebbles alone, and together, and with a small group. And not only in winter, but also in summer.

From December 17 - Varvara frosts.

Read the fairy tale about the winter frost with your child and discuss it:

- How did the frost frighten the peasant?
- How did the man warm himself so as not to freeze?
- What helped the peasant drive away the frost?

It’s good to play with the smallest child according to this fairy tale with sounds: buzz like an angry frost in the forest: uuuuu, guguuuu with different volumes and different intonations (angry and grumbling, evil, joyful, surprised). And come up with your own “morozko song” in the form of a sound or syllable and “sing” it.

Fairy tale "Frost". From the collection of G.M. Naumenko "Russian folk children's songs and fairy tales with tunes"

“Frost sits on the mountain ash, crackles on the chaff. From birch to birch it jumps and clicks. On Christmas trees, myands lie down. He sees a man riding a sleigh. Frost ran after him. And sings:
I, Morozko is young. On wet borks.
Jump-jump in the cold: On the spindles.
By fir trees. Wow, hoo-hoo! Freeze!
along the birches,

I caught up with the peasant and let's pinch his nose, and let the cold-chill in through the collar. The man began to freeze. Here he jumped off the sleigh. He drives the horse, and he runs nearby, clapping his hands, stamping his feet. Warmed up. And climbed back into the sleigh. Frost got angry, sat down to the peasant in the sleigh and said:

Fly, snowball. Shut up!
Don't get tired! And the road
Fields-forests Sweep!

It snowed, the road was covered with powder. Morozko rejoices: “The man will go astray!” And the man, according to the notes: he rides along the bushes, along the tubercles, along the trees, he does not leave the road. Morozko got even angrier and said:

Well, watch out man! I'll get to you!

The man came home. While the horse was unharnessing, Morozko made his way into the hut. And let's let the cold in, chilled everything, iced up the windows, covered the walls with frost. Here a man brought firewood from the yard and kindled the stove. The fire in the furnace so began to play and blazed. Firewood flared up, began to crackle and puff. The heat went through the hut. It became warm. Frost sweated, burned out. He darted around the hut, slipped through the gap under the threshold and rushed under the wattle fence into a snowdrift.

Morozko lay in bed in the snow and quickly went to the forest to get to work. Where is there to cope with a man!

December 19 - Winter Mykola, Winter St. Nicholas Day. Nikolsky frosts.

This is one of the most significant folk holidays December. Nikola - the saint - one of the most revered saints in Russia. Prepared for this day festive table. Noisy Nikolsky fairs unfolded, in which they certainly traded in surplus grain.

Preparations began for the Christmas festivities and for the beginning of a new calendar cycle.

December 22 - Anna winter.

The shortest day of the year is the winter solstice.

December 25th. Spiridon - solstice, Spiridon - turn, solstice, turn signal.

So the people called the holiday of the miracle worker Spiridon. From that day on, the sun turns to summer, and winter to frost.

  • From Spiridon the sun for the summer, and winter for the frost.
  • After Spiridon, at least for a sparrow's lope, let the day come.
  • At the Solstice, the bear in the den turns to the other side.

They burned bonfires, rolled a burning wheel (a symbol of the sun) from the mountain, inviting the sun to “turn around” and return to us with spring. The wheel was rolled down the mountain and then burned at the hole. Songs were sung in honor of the wheel - the sun.

Before Christmas holidays the whole dwelling was cleaned, the children helped the adults. The children were learning Christmas carols. They made a nativity scene and a Christmas star in advance. The gourmands sewed for treats, made masks for dressing up.

And I have already made the dough for the traditional Russian Christmas gingerbread of Pomorie - kozul (I am a native Pomorka and grew up on the White Sea). Without these traditional beautiful and delicious winter gingerbread, I can't imagine New Year and Christmas. There is already a premonition of the holiday in my house and it smells pleasantly of cinnamon and cloves from the dough I prepared, which is now ripening - lying in the cold.

Making a Christmas star for the holiday:

Option 1.

- We cut out an eight-pointed star with a diameter of 40-50 cm from plywood or thick cardboard. The rays should be symmetrical.

- We paste over the resulting star blank with colored paper or paint it with paints. It is not necessary to take modern wrapping paper for pasting the blank of the star - the star will be inanimate, not warm, pretentious. And it should be very cozy, okay, lively. The rays of the Christmas star can be made one-color or multi-colored.

- We attach an icon to the center (you can buy a calendar with an image of an icon).

- Below, under the icon, a metal shelf is being made - a candlestick. The shelf must be attached very firmly. A candle will be placed on this shelf, which we will light when we go with the star.

- Paste the reverse side of the star with cardboard.

- We take a pole (rail from a hardware store) 1-1.5 meters high. We wrap the pole in a spiral with a ribbon or a long strip of paper. You can pre-cut the edges of the strip of paper with “noodles” - you get a “fluffy pole”. We nail our star very firmly to the pole. At the base of the star, you can attach ribbons - they will flutter in the wind when walking. You can attach small bells to the ribbons.

The star is ready.

Option 2.

You can also use a simpler type of paper Christmas star.

- We fold the paper with an accordion

- We tie the middle of our accordion with a strong thread,

- We unfold the accordion in a circle, fasten the ends so that the circle does not fall apart.

- We attach the star to the stick.

Such a star will look like the sun.

Winter games and entertainment for family leisure and holidays, as well as interesting materials about history new year holidays and ideas for gifts you will find in the articles of the site:

"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Click on or on the course cover below for free subscription

Everyone knows this most common tree in our area, covered with green needles. In contrast to the dry-loving and light-loving pine, spruce usually grows in damp, low-lying places. In the dense shade of the spruce forest, only a few plants grow; there is no hope of picking many mushrooms here in the summer. Birds huddle in dense thorny branches of spruce, nimble squirrels build their nest houses. In deep and warm nests, red-breasted crossbills take out and feed their chicks in the fierce cold of winter.

Spruce is especially good in winter, when heavy caps of white pure snow hang on its spreading branches-paws. The high peaks are decorated with garlands of purple cones, which are pecked by nimble crossbills, feeding on spruce seeds. Bears build their lairs in dense spruce forests. White hares hide under low hanging branches.

Spruce enjoys special love among people. Not without reason, on New Year's winter days, festive trees are arranged in cities for children, decorated with beautiful gifts, and Santa Claus walks around the decorated spruce with a long gray beard tied.

But spruce in the forest in freedom is especially good. On winter starry and moonlit nights, snow glistens on its branches. A tree seems fabulous, decorated with snow, reflecting starlight and moonlight on its branches.

Grouse live in spruce and mixed forests, busy thrushes make their nests. In harvest years, when branches and tops of fir trees are hung with fir cones, squirrels remain to winter in the forest. Climbing onto a branch of a tree, holding a cone in their front paws, they gnaw and pour its scales onto the snow, eat resinous seeds.

In spring, the wind spreads winged light seeds from ripe spruce cones. At the edges of the spruce forest, green spruce young growth grows from scattered seeds. Very beautiful, cheerful young Christmas trees. They grow quickly, and it is difficult for a person to get through their green prickly thicket. Only a few of these young trees remain alive. The strong win, shade the weak, and the young forest grows.

Very good and beautiful clean pine forest. You used to walk or ride along an old pine forest - like tall, clean, huge candles, the trunks of old trees rise above your head. The ground is covered with last year's fallen needles. Long knotty roots stretched across the sparsely traveled sandy road. Low hummocks are overgrown with gray soft moss. In some places, the leaves of lingonberries are green. The rays of the sun make their way through the high, green peaks carried away into the sky. Light golden bunnies play on tree trunks covered with cracked thick bark. It smells of resin and earth. Quiet in the old pine forest. Occasionally a hazel grouse will take off, a woodpecker will fly over the road. Green curly peaks bathe in the high sky.

There are now few pure pine forests left. Separate old pines survived. Like fabulous giants, they stand in the middle of a young growing forest.

In the summer we picked berries in pine forests - lingonberries and blueberries, strong-legged mushrooms and slippery butterflies. Here and there, pinkish fragile hats of russula were visible. Birds of prey - hawks and eagles - settle and build nests on tall old pines.

The growing small pine forest is also good. One by one, young pines covered with green needles closely huddle together. In the shade of these trees in spring and summer, you need to look for mushrooms. Morels grow here in early spring, beautiful yellow mushrooms grow here in summer.

On swampy, hummocky places grows undersized swamp pine. You walk through such a pine swamp - you can’t see the end-edge of soft moss hummocks showered with ripening cranberries. Every now and then swamp white partridges flutter out from under their feet, a heavy capercaillie will break, fly.

Pine is undoubtedly one of the oldest trees. Pine grew when there were no green deciduous forests on earth. It is not for nothing that capercaillie, also the oldest birds on earth, feed on hard pine needles.

Pine can be seen in the high mountains of the Caucasus and in the far cold north, on the very border of the bare desert tundra. Pine wood is highly valued. Residential buildings, bridges and outbuildings were built and are being built from pine logs. Pine resin is also valued, which is collected by cutting the pine bark.

Once traveling through Zaonezhie, through dense forests untouched by man, I saw pine trees that died in the bud of their natural death. The resin-impregnated trunks of these trees rose above the tops of the living forest that surrounded them. Strong winter winds had long since broken off their dead bare boughs, but the resin-soaked trunk stood firm, perhaps for tens and hundreds of years. Some trunks of fallen dead trees, covered with green moss, lay on the ground. I had a hard time getting through them. Now there are very few such untouched forests left, and hardly anyone has seen the trunk of a dead pine standing on the vine, soaked in resin.

As a child, I fell in love with the tall green lindens that surrounded our village garden. A wide linden alley was once planted by a feudal landowner, whose name has long been forgotten in our village. We loved to play under the tall lindens, to watch how life awakens in the young garden in the spring. In the green tops of the lindens birds sang, starlings and thrushes whistled. On clear days, secretive golden orioles flew from tree to tree, and owls nested in the deep hollows of old lindens, calling to one another in terrible voices at night.

At the very beginning of summer, lindens bloomed with golden flowers, the whole garden was filled with a sweet honey spirit. The bees buzzed over the flowering tops of the lindens.

In summer, Ivan da Marya flowers spread under the lindens in a wide carpet, and on tall thin stems, a light summer breeze swayed purple bells. I watched insects crawl at the roots of lindens, red earth bugs, how butterflies fluttered over the flowers. In the middle of summer, strong white mushrooms grew under the lindens. In the harvest year, we picked a lot of these mushrooms, mother salted them and pickled them for future use.

On hot summer days, we dined and drank tea on a wooden table and benches under a lone, branchy linden tree that grew in front of our village house. I loved to climb this old linden tree, sit in the shade of the green tent, read books and dream of distant travels. I remember this old linden tree for the rest of my long life.

The once beautiful tall lindens, along with other trees, grew almost everywhere in Russian forests. White pure linden wood was highly valued. Skillful craftsmen sharpened beautiful wooden utensils from light, pliable wood, carved spoons. From lime clean boards in the villages they made countertops for dining tables. The bark of old lindens was torn off from fallen trees, soaked in water, and bast and matting were made from linden bark. Bast shoes were woven from the thin bark of young linden forest in the villages, dried linden bast was stored for the whole long winter. Now you will not see adult large lindens in our forests. Only in the distant Trans-Urals did I see free-growing tall lindens in the dense forests.

Linden is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful, cheerful and tender trees. Linden sweet honey has long been famous. Linden foliage is good and tender. In autumn, lindens shed their yellowed leaves before other trees, and fallen yellow leaves lie in a dry, rustling carpet near the roots of bare trees. You used to walk along the fallen linden leaves rustling under your feet, admiring the familiar trees that were preparing for a long winter.

Young lindens are still being planted in parks in big cities. Lindens easily take root and grow quickly. Their fresh green foliage adorns the noisy city streets, pleases the eye of the city tired person.

As a child, I really liked the tall, slender aspens that grew near our village house.

I liked the bitter smell of aspens, the fluttering of green foliage on high peaks. Even on the quietest, windless summer day, aspen leaves trembled. Covered with a greenish bitter bark, the trees seemed to be living beings - they seemed to be whispering, talking among themselves.

The aspen forest is especially good on clear autumn days. The foliage is purplish red and yellow. Fallen leaves spread under the trees like a clean carpet. Here and there, reddish caps of late mushrooms - aspen mushrooms are visible under them. Some belated forest flowers are still blooming here and there. A tall, yellowed fern rustles underfoot, and it smells even bitterer in the aspen forest.

Dear friends! Congratulations on the first day of winter!

Winter has come! meet her
With nice mood,
Dream about something new
With special inspiration!

And strive for happiness with your heart,
Hopes come true
And take a closer look at life
Let everything you like about it!

Winter has come, which means everything is ahead of us - fluffy thaws and prickly frosts, playing snowballs and admiring the patterns on the windows ... We will feed the birds, drink tea with honey, lazily doze off in the mornings ... Winter is like a blank canvas, and with the onset of this time year, I congratulate you and wish you to live happily and not be sad about anything!

Winter promises us all fun
And joyful entertainment
And the holiday of New Year's days,
Meet the winter you soon!

May happiness come with her to fate,
Let not bad weather threaten the soul,
Let fate become brighter in an instant,
And sadness will melt forever!

Winter is a real miracle, if only because frosty patterns and snowflakes are different from each other ... Congratulations on December 1! Be always warm, prosperous and well-chosen company! Smile more, take vitamins and believe that everything will be fine!

Today to joy in the morning
Winter time has come
And happy first day of winter for you
Congratulation verse from us!

Open your soul to winter
Bringing luck to you
So that fate smiles at you
So that happiness was in full in her!

We marvel at winter
Like a dream come true
Like a fairy tale in reality
And we are happy because of it!

May the coming winter
A fighting mood will come to you,
He will help you create your dreams.
And more fun, better life!

On the first day of December, an amazing casket of winter opened, and we look at this magic, wrapping ourselves warmly and rejoicing that real winter has come ... Nature has fallen asleep, and we have such a premonition that winter promises a lot of interesting things! I wish you not to miss anything good and meet every day with a smile and new strength!

Winter draws its halls in our world with silvery and sugar-white snow, and if you think carefully, is it worth it to be sad that the warmth has long passed, and spring is not yet close? We think this winter will be just wonderful, especially for you!

The soul is waiting for the winter with hope,
After all, the New Year comes with her,
And the hour of fairy tales comes,
Happy winter, we congratulate you!

May you remember winter
Ideas will arise new darkness,
New dreams are born
Adding beauty to life!

May the first day of winter bring joy to all of us and remind us that there is a wonderful word of happiness on earth. Let's feel happy and give this joy to other people. May good never leave us in moments of weakness and give hope for a happy resolution of problems.

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