Are there other worlds in the universe. Parallel worlds exist! Movies about parallel worlds

For thousands of years, people have wanted to cross the threshold of mystery and find out what is hidden on the other side of reality. How to get to another world? There is no definitive answer to this question, but it is simply impossible to turn a blind eye to a huge number of facts, testimonies of real people and scientific explanations.

What is a parallel world?

The parallel world, or the fifth dimension, is a space invisible to the human eye that exists along with the real life of people. There is no dependence between him and the ordinary world. It is believed that its size can vary greatly: from a pea to the universe. The patterns of events, the rules of physics and other "hard" statements that are valid in the world of people may absolutely not work in an invisible reality. Everything that happens there may have slight deviations from the usual way of life or differ radically.


The multiverse is a fiction of science fiction writers. Recently, scientists are increasingly turning to the creations of science fiction, because many years of observational experience has shown that they almost always predict the development of events and the future of mankind with amazing accuracy. The concept of the multiverse says that, in addition to the world familiar to earthlings, there are a huge number of unique worlds. Moreover, not all of them are material. The Earth is connected with other invisible realities at the level of spiritual connection.

Conjectures about the existence of parallel worlds

Since antiquity, there have been many speculations about whether the fifth dimension actually exists. It is interesting that the question of how to get to another world was asked by the great minds of the distant past. In the works of Democritus, Epicurus and Metrodorus of Chios one can find similar thoughts. Some even tried to prove the existence of the "other side" by scientific research. Democritus argued that absolute emptiness is fraught with a large number of worlds. Some of them, he says, are very similar to ours, even in the smallest details. Others are completely different from earthly reality. The thinker substantiated his theories based on the basic principle of depreciation - equiprobability. The pundits of the past also talked about the unity of time: past, present, future are at one point. From this it follows that making the transition is not so difficult, the main thing is to understand the mechanism of transition from one point to another.

modern science

Modern science does not at all deny the possibility of the existence of other worlds. This moment is studied in detail, constantly discovering something new. Even the very fact that scientists around the world admit the theory of the multiverse already speaks volumes. Science substantiates this assumption with the help of the provisions of quantum mechanics and Proponents of this theory believe that there are incredibly many possible worlds - up to 10 to the five hundredth degree. There is also an opinion that the number of parallel realities is not limited at all. However, science cannot yet answer the question of how to get into a parallel world. Every year it opens up more and more of the unknown. Perhaps in the near future people will be able to make instantaneous travel between universes.

Esotericists and psychics claim that it is quite possible to get into another world. However, keep in mind that this is not always safe. In order to penetrate the secret world, it is necessary to change the way the brain works. It is advisable to practice the following: lying on the bed, try to sleep, relax the body, but keep the mind conscious. It will be difficult at first to achieve this or a similar consciousness, but it is worth continuing to try.

The main problem for beginners is that it is very difficult to relax the body and be conscious at the same time. In such cases, a person unbearably wants to twitch, move at least a little, or he simply falls asleep. About a month of training - and you can accustom the body to such a practice. After that, you should dive deeper into the new state. Each time there will be new sounds, voices, pictures. Soon it will be possible to move to another reality. The main thing is not to fall asleep, but to be aware that you have crossed the threshold of a parallel world. This method is also possible in another variation. You need to do the same, but immediately after waking up. When you open your eyes, you need to fix the body, but be awake with the mind. Immersion in another world in this case is faster, but many can not stand it and fall asleep again. In addition, you need to wake up only at a certain time - preferably around 4 in the morning, since it is during this period that a person is most subtle.

Another way is meditation. The key difference from the first method is that there is no connection with sleep, and the process itself must take place in a sitting position. The complexity of this approach lies in the need to clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts that constantly visit a person as soon as he tries to concentrate. There are many techniques to subdue unruly thoughts. For example, it is necessary not to interrupt the flow, but to give it freedom, but not to be included in it, but to be just an observer. You can also focus on numbers, a specific point, etc.

The danger that lies in other worlds

The reality of parallel worlds is fraught with a lot of the unknown. But the real threat to face on the other side is malevolent entities. In order to control your fear and avoid trouble, you need to know who and what causes anxiety. Entering a parallel world will be much easier if you know that frightening entities are just creatures of the past. Fears from childhood, movies, books, etc. - all this can be found in a parallel reality. The main thing is to understand that these are only phantoms, and not real beings. As soon as the fear of them disappears, they will disappear on their own. The inhabitants of the unseen worlds are generally friendly or indifferent. They are unlikely to scare or create trouble, but still you should not annoy them. However, there is still a chance to meet an unkind spirit. In this case, it is enough to overcome your fear, because there will still be no harm from the activity of the otherworldly entity. Do not forget that the past, present, future are in contact, so there is always a way out. You can also think about the house, and then the soul is likely to return to the body.

How to get into a parallel world through an elevator

Esotericists claim that the elevator can help in the transition to a parallel world. It serves as a "door" that must be opened. It is best to travel through the elevator at night or in the dark. You must be alone in the cabin. It is worth noting that if any person enters the elevator during the ritual, then nothing will succeed. After entering the cabin, you should move through the floors in the following order: 4-2-6-2-1. Then you should go to the 10th floor and go down to 5. A woman will enter the booth, you can’t talk to her. You should press the button for the 1st floor, but the elevator will go to the 10th. You cannot press other buttons, as the ritual will be interrupted. How do you know the transition has taken place? In a parallel reality, there will be only you. It should be noted that it is not worth looking for a companion - the guide was not a person. In order to get into the human world, it is necessary to complete the ritual with the elevator (floors, buttons) in reverse order.

Gateway to another reality

You can penetrate into another reality with the help of a mirror, because it is a mystical gate to all other worlds. It is used by sorcerers and magicians who have the necessary knowledge. The transition through the mirror always succeeds. In addition, with its help you can not only travel to other universes, but also conjure. That is why to this day the customs of hanging mirrors after the death of a person are preserved. This is done for a reason, because the soul of the deceased wanders around his house during the course. Thus the astral body says goodbye to the past life. The soul itself is unlikely to want to harm its relatives, but at such moments a portal opens through which various entities can enter the room. They can frighten or try to drag the astral body of a living person into a parallel reality.

There are several rituals with mirrors. To answer the question of how people get into parallel worlds, it is necessary to understand the essence of the mirror ritual, because it is this object that is the original guide to another world.

Mirror and candles

This is an old method that is still used today. It is necessary to put two mirrors opposite each other. They must be parallel. A candle must be bought in advance at the temple. Place it between the mirrors so that you get a corridor of many candles. Do not be afraid if the flame starts to sway, this may well be. This means that the invisible entities are already with you. For this ritual, you can use not only candles. LEDs or colored panels will do. But it is best to use candles, since their blinking corresponds to the frequency of the human brain. This helps a person enter a meditative state. And it is necessary to enter it, because, being conscious, you can be very frightened. The consequence can be not only an interrupted ritual, but also the attachment of another entity to you. It is necessary to carry out the ritual in complete darkness and silence. Only one person should be in the room.

Mirror and prayer

It is necessary to buy a round-shaped mirror on Saturday. Its perimeter should be inscribed with the words "Our Father" on the contrary, written in red ink. On Thursday night, you need to put a mirror under the pillow, with the mirror side up. Turn off the lights, go to bed and say your name backwards. This must be done until sleep overtakes. A person wakes up in another world. In order to get out of another reality, you need to find an animal in it that will be exactly the same as in real life, and follow it. The danger of the whole action is that the conductor may never be found, and the astral body will forever remain in a parallel world or, even worse, between worlds.

Path to the past

For many years and even centuries, people have wanted to know the answer to the question of how to get into the past. There are two known ways that can move a person in time. The most famous is "wormholes" - small tunnels in space that serve as a link between the past and the present. But... Scientific studies show that the "hole" will close faster than a person has time to cross its threshold. Based on this, it can be argued that if scientists find a way to delay the opening of the tunnel, they will become justified not only from an esoteric, but also from a scientific point of view.

The second way is to visit places on Earth that have a certain energy. Such trips have a huge amount of real evidence. Moreover, sometimes people do not even know how to get into the past, but they find themselves there by chance, having visited an energetically strong place on Earth. A territory with a pronounced supernatural energy is called a "place of power." It has been scientifically verified that the operation of any installations there deteriorates or even fails. And those indicators that can be measured go off scale.

Working with the subconscious

Another way is to work with the subconscious mind. How to get into a parallel world with the help of the brain? Quite difficult, but doable. To do this, you need to enter a state of strong relaxation, create a gate and go through the portal. Sounds simple, but to achieve results. several factors are necessary: ​​a great desire, mastery of meditation techniques, the ability to visualize space in detail and ... the absence of fear. Many say that when they achieve a result, they often lose touch with the other world from fear. It takes a certain time to overcome it, so you should be ready to find yourself in another reality at any moment.

Belief in the existence of invisible neighbors borders on fantasy. Or with a sick imagination. That's what the skeptics say. And supporters stand their ground and give as many as 10 arguments in favor of an alternative reality.

1. Multi-world interpretation

The question of the uniqueness of everything that exists worried great minds long before the authors of science fiction novels. The ancient Greek philosophers Democritus, Epicurus and Metrodorus of Chios pondered over it. Alternate universes are also mentioned in the sacred texts of the Hindus.

For official science, this idea was born only in 1957. American physicist Hugh Everett created the theory of multiple worlds, designed to fill in the gaps in quantum mechanics. In particular, to find out why light quanta behave either as particles or as waves.

According to Everett, each event leads to a split and copying of the Universe. The number of "clones" is always equal to the number of possible outcomes. And the sum of the central and new universes can be depicted as a branched tree.

2. Artifacts of unknown civilizations

Some finds drive even the most experienced archaeologists into a stupor.

For example, a hammer discovered in London dated to 500 million BC, that is, a period when there was not even a hint of Homo sapiens on Earth!

Or a computational mechanism that allows you to determine the trajectory of the movement of stars and planets. The bronze analog of the computer was caught in 1901 near the Greek island of Antikythera. Research into the device began in 1959 and continues to this day. In the 2000s, it was possible to calculate the approximate age of the artifact - the 1st century BC.

So far nothing indicates a fake. Three versions remain: the computer was invented by representatives of an unknown ancient civilization, lost by time travelers, or ... thrown by people from other worlds.

3. Victim of teleportation

The mysterious story of the Spaniard Lerin Garcia began on a typical July morning, when she woke up in an alien reality. But I did not immediately understand what had happened. The year was still 2008, Lerin was 41 years old, she was in the same city and house where she went to bed.

Only now the pajamas and bed linen changed color dramatically during the night, and the closet escaped to another room. There was no office where Lerin worked for 20 years. Soon, the ex-fiance, dismissed six months ago, materialized “at home”. Where did the current friend of the heart go, even a private detective could not find out ...

Alcohol and drug tests came back negative. Like a psychiatric consultation. The doctor attributed the incident to stress. The diagnosis did not satisfy Lerin and prompted him to search for information about parallel worlds. She was never able to return to her home dimension.

4. Deja vu in reverse

The essence of deja vu is not reduced to the vague feeling of “repetition” and everyday foresight, familiar to many. This phenomenon has an antipode - jamevu. People who have experienced it suddenly stop recognizing familiar places, old friends and frames from films they have watched. Regular james vu testify to mental disorders. And single and rare failures in memory occur in healthy people.
A vivid illustration is the experiment of the English neuropsychologist Chris Moulin. 92 volunteers had to write the word “doors” 30 times in a minute. As a result, 68% of the subjects seriously doubted the existence of the word. Crash in thinking or instant leaps from reality to reality?

5. Roots of dreams

Despite the abundance of research methods, the cause of the appearance of dreams still remains a mystery. According to the generally accepted view of sleep, the brain simply processes the information accumulated in reality. And translates it into pictures - the most convenient format for the sleeping mind. Solution number two - the nervous system sends chaotic signals to the sleeping person. They are transformed into colorful visions.

According to Freud, in a dream we access the subconscious. Freed from the censorship of consciousness, it hurries to tell us about repressed sexual desires. The fourth point of view was first expressed by Carl Jung. What you see in a dream is not a fantasy, but a specific continuation of a full life. In the dream images, Jung also saw a cipher. But not from a suppressed libido, but from the collective unconscious.
In the middle of the last century, psychologists started talking about the possibility of controlling sleep. Appropriate aids have appeared. The most famous was the three-volume instruction of the American psychophysiologist Stephen LaBerge.

6. Lost between two Europes

In 1952, a strange passenger appeared at the Tokyo airport. Judging by the visas and customs stamps in his passport, over the past 5 years he has flown to Japan many times. But in the column "Country" there was a certain Taured. The owner of the document assured that his homeland is a European state with a thousand-year history. The "stranger" presented a driver's license and bank statements obtained in the same mysterious country.

Surprised no less than the customs officers, citizen Taureda was left for the night in the nearest hotel. The immigration officers who arrived the next morning did not find him. According to the receptionist, the guest did not even leave the room.

The Tokyo police found no trace of the missing Taured. Either he slipped through the window on the 15th floor, or managed to teleport back.

7 Paranormal Activity

“Revived” furniture, noises of unknown origin, ghostly silhouettes hovering in the air in photographs… Meetings with the dead take place not only in the cinema. For example, many mystical incidents in the London Underground.

At Aldwych Station, which was closed in 1994, the fearless British hold parties, make films and periodically see a female figure walking along the tracks. On the subway section near the British Museum, the mummy of an ancient Egyptian princess is in charge. Since the 1950s, a dandy has been coming to Covent Garden, dressed in the fashion of the late 19th century and literally melting before our eyes when they pay attention to him ...

Materialists brush aside dubious facts, believing

contacts with the spirits of hallucinations, mirages and outright lies of the narrators. Then why has humanity been clinging to ghost stories for centuries? Perhaps the mythical realm of the dead is one of the alternative realities?

8. The fourth and fifth dimensions

The length, height and width visible to the eye have already been studied along and across. What can not be said about the other two dimensions, which are absent in Euclidean (traditional) geometry.

The scientific community has not yet delved into the subtleties of the space-time continuum discovered by Lobachevsky and Einstein. But there has already been talk about a higher - the fifth in a row - dimension, accessible only to owners of psychic talents. It is also open to those who expand their consciousness through spiritual practices.

If we put aside the conjectures of science fiction writers, almost nothing is known about the non-obvious coordinates of the universe. Presumably, it is from there that supernatural beings come into our three-dimensional space.

9. Rethinking the double-slit experiment

Howard Weissman is convinced that the duality of the nature of light is the result of the contact of parallel worlds. The Australian researcher's hypothesis links Everett's many-worlds interpretation with the experience of Thomas Young.

The father of the wave theory of light in 1803 published a report on the famous double-slit experiment. Jung installed a projection screen in the laboratory, and in front of it - a dense screen-screen with two parallel slots. Then the light was directed to the cracks made.

Part of the radiation behaved like an electromagnetic wave - the back screen reflected light streaks that passed straight through the slits. Another half of the light flux appeared as a cluster of elementary particles and scattered across the screen.
“Each of the worlds is limited by the laws of classical physics. This means that without their intersection, quantum phenomena would simply be impossible,” Vaisman clarifies.

10. Large Hadron Collider

The multiverse is not just a theoretical model. French astrophysicist Aurélien Barrault came to this conclusion while observing the operation of the Large Hadron Collider. More precisely, behind the interaction of protons and ions placed in it. The collision of heavy particles gave results inconsistent with conventional physics.

Barro, like Weissman, interpreted this contradiction as a consequence of the collision of parallel worlds.

In a 2011 interview, Columbia University physicist Brian Greene, who wrote the book The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, explained that we're not quite sure how big the universe is. It can be very, very large, but finite. Or, if you go from Earth in any direction, space can stretch forever. This is how most of us imagine it.

But if the cosmos is infinite, it must be a multiple universe with infinite parallel realities, according to Greene. Imagine that the universe and all matter in it is equivalent to a deck of cards. Just like there are 52 cards in a deck, there will be exactly the same number of different forms of matter. If you shuffle the deck long enough, eventually the order of the cards will repeat the original. Likewise, in an infinite universe, matter will eventually repeat itself and organize itself in a similar way. The multiverse, the so-called multiverse, with an infinite number of parallel realities, contains similar but slightly different versions of everything that exists, and thus provides a simple and convenient way to explain repetition.

How can you explain how the universe begins and ends

Humans have a special passion - and it is connected with the ability of the brain to form schemes - we want to know the beginning and end of each story. Including the history of the universe itself. But if the Big Bang was the beginning of the universe, what caused it and what existed before it? Will the universe end and what will happen after it? Each of us has asked these questions at least once.

The multiverse can explain all these things. Some physicists have suggested that the infinite regions of the multiverse could be called brane worlds. These branes exist in multiple dimensions, but we cannot detect them because we can only perceive three dimensions of space and one of time in our own braneworld.

Some physicists think that these branes are piled together like plates, like sliced ​​bread in a bag. Most of the time they are separated. But sometimes they collide. Theoretically, these collisions are catastrophic enough to cause repeated "big bangs" - so that parallel universes start anew, again and again.

Observations suggest that multiple universes may exist

The European Space Agency's Planck Orbital Observatory collects data on the cosmic microwave background, or CMB, the background radiation that is still glowing from the early and hot phase of the universe.

Her research also led to possible evidence for the existence of a multiverse. In 2010, a team of scientists from the UK, Canada and the US discovered four unusual and unlikely circular patterns in the CMB. Scientists have suggested that these marks may be "bruises" that were left on the body of our universe after a collision with others.

In 2015, ESA researcher Rang-Ram Hari made a similar discovery. Hari took the CMB model from the observatory's sky image and then removed everything else we know about it - stars, gas, interstellar dust, and so on. At this point, the sky should have been mostly empty, apart from the background noise.

But it didn't. Instead, within a certain range of frequencies, Hari was able to detect scattered patches on a map of space, areas that were about 4,500 times brighter than they should have been. Scientists have come up with another possible explanation: these areas are the imprints of collisions between our universe and a parallel one.

Hari believes that unless we find another way to explain these markings, "we will have to conclude that Nature, after all, can play dice, and we are just one random universe among many others."

The universe is too big to exclude the possibility of the existence of parallel realities

There is a possibility that multiple universes exist, although we have not seen parallel realities, because we cannot disprove its existence.

This may seem like a clever rhetorical stunt at first, but consider this: even in our world, we have found many things we didn't know existed before, and these things have happened - the 2008 global crisis is a good example. Before him, no one thought it was even possible. David Hume called these kinds of events "black swans": people will assume that all swans are white until they see black swans.

The scale of the universe makes it possible to think about the possibility of the existence of multiple universes. We know that the universe is very, very large, perhaps infinite in size. This means that we will not be able to detect everything that exists in the universe. And since scientists have determined that the universe is about 13.8 billion years old, we can only detect the light that managed to reach us during this time. If a parallel reality is further than 13.8 light years from us, we may never know about its existence, even if it exists in the dimensions we distinguish.

Multiple universes make sense in terms of atheism

As Stanford University physicist Andrei Linde explained in a 2008 interview, if the physical world obeyed somewhat different rules, life could not exist. If protons were 0.2% more massive than they are now, for example, they would be so unstable that they would decay into simple particles instantly without forming an atom. And if gravity were a little more powerful, the result would be monstrous. Stars like our sun would collapse tightly enough that they would burn out their fuel in a few million years, preventing planets like Earth from forming. This is the so-called "fine-tuning problem".

Some see this precise balance of conditions as evidence of the involvement of an omnipotent force, a higher being who created everything, which makes atheists very angry. But the possibility of the existence of a multiverse, in which this force will simply be in a separate reality with all the factors necessary for life, suits them quite well.

As Linde said, “For me, the reality of multiple universes is logically possible. We can say: perhaps this is some kind of mystical coincidence. Perhaps God created the universe for our good. I don't know anything about God, but the universe itself could reproduce itself an infinite number of times in all possible manifestations."

Time travelers can't break history

The popularity of the Back to the Future trilogy has made many people fascinated with the idea of ​​time travel. Since the movie was released, no one has yet developed a DeLorean that can travel back and forth in time, decades or centuries. But scientists believe that time travel may be at least theoretically possible.

And if it is possible, we could be in the same position as Back to the Future protagonist Marty McFly - risking inadvertently changing something in the past, thereby changing the future and the course of history. McFly accidentally prevented his parents from meeting and falling in love, thus successfully removing himself from family photographs.

However, a 2015 paper suggested that the existence of a multiverse does not make such a hassle necessary. “The existence of alternative worlds means that there is no single chronology that can be broken,” wrote Georg Dvorsky. On the contrary, if a person goes into the past and changes something, he will simply create a new set of parallel universes.

We could be a simulation for an advanced civilization

All these topics about parallel universes that we have discussed so far have been extremely interesting. But there is something else interesting.

In 2003, philosopher Nick Bostrom, director of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, wondered if everything we perceive to be reality - in particular, our separate parallel universe - could just be a digital simulation of another universe. According to Bostrom, it would take 1036 calculations to create a detailed model of all human history.

A well-developed alien civilization - creatures whose technological level would make us look like Paleolithic cave dwellers - could well have enough computing power for all this. Moreover, the simulation of each individual living person does not require some absolutely dizzying electronic resources, so there can be much more creatures simulated on a computer than real ones.

All this may mean that we live in a digital world, like from the movie The Matrix.

But what happens if this advanced civilization is itself a simulation?

People have been thinking about multiple universes since time immemorial.

Proving this will be extremely difficult. But here it is impossible not to recall the old sayings that are attributed either to Picasso or to Susan Sontag: if you can imagine something, it must exist.

And there is something in this. After all, long before Hugh Everett sipped his cognac, many people throughout human history imagined different versions of the multiverse.

Ancient Indian religious texts, for example, are filled with descriptions of many parallel universes. And the ancient Greeks had a philosophy of atomism, which stated that there are an infinite number of worlds scattered in the same infinite void.

The idea of ​​multiple worlds was also raised in the Middle Ages. A Parisian bishop in 1277 argued that the Greek philosopher Aristotle was wrong when he said that there is only one possible world, because this calls into question the almighty power of God to create parallel worlds. The same idea was revived in the 1600s by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, one of the pillars of the scientific revolution. He argued that there are many possible worlds, each endowed with a separate physics.

All of this fits into our schema of knowledge about the universe.

As strange as the concept of the multiverse may seem, in some ways it fits into the progress of modern history and how people see themselves and the universe.

In 2011, physicists Alexander Vilenkin and Max Tegmark noted that the people of Western civilization gradually calmed down as they discovered the nature of reality. They started with a mindset that the earth was the center of everything. It turned out that this is not so, and that ours is only a tiny part of the Milky Way.

The multiverse must take this idea to its logical conclusion. If the multiverse exists, it means that we are not the chosen ones and that there are infinite versions of ourselves.

But some believe that we are only at the very beginning of the path to the expansion of consciousness. As Stanford University theoretical physicist Leonard Susskind wrote, maybe in a couple of centuries philosophers and scientists will look back to our time as “a golden age in which the narrow provincial concept of the universe of the 20th century was replaced by a larger and better multiverse of staggering proportions.”

Parallel universes - is it theory or reality? Many physicists have been struggling to solve this issue for more than a year.

Are there parallel universes?

Is our universe one of many? The idea of ​​parallel universes, previously attributed exclusively to science fiction, is now becoming more and more respected among scientists - at least among physicists, who usually push any idea to the very limits of what can be assumed at all. In fact, there are a huge number of potential parallel universes. Physicists have proposed several possible forms of the "multiverse", each of which is possible according to some aspect of the laws of physics. The problem, which stems directly from the definition itself, is that humans will never be able to visit these universes to verify that they exist. Thus, the question is how to check the existence of parallel universes that cannot be seen or touched by other methods?

The birth of an idea

It is assumed that at least some of these universes are inhabited by human counterparts who live similar or even identical lives with people from our world. Such an idea touches your ego and awakens fantasies - which is why the multiverses, no matter how distant and unprovable, have always received such wide popularity. You've seen the idea of ​​the multiverse most vividly in books like The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick and movies like Beware the Doors Are Closing. In fact, there is nothing new in the idea of ​​multiverses - this is clearly demonstrated by the religious philosopher Mary-Jane Rubenstein in her book Worlds Without End. In the mid-sixteenth century, Copernicus argued that the earth was not the center of the universe. Decades later, Galileo's telescope showed him the stars out of reach, thus giving humanity the first glimpse of the vastness of the cosmos. Thus, at the end of the sixteenth century, the Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno argued that the universe could be infinite and contain an infinite number of inhabited worlds.

matryoshka universe

The idea that the universe contains many solar systems became quite common in the eighteenth century. In the early twentieth century, the Irish physicist Edmund Fournier D'Alba even suggested that there could be an infinite regression of "nested" universes of various sizes, both large and small. From this point of view, a single atom can be considered as a real inhabited solar system. Modern scientists deny the existence of a matryoshka multiverse, but instead they have proposed several other options in which multiverses can exist. Here are the most popular among them.

patchwork universe

The simplest of these theories stems from the idea of ​​the infinity of the universe. It is impossible to know for sure whether it is infinite, but it is also impossible to deny it. If it is still infinite, then it should be divided into "patches" - regions that are not visible to each other. Why? The fact is that these regions are so far apart that light cannot overcome such a distance. The universe is only 13.8 billion years old, so any regions that are 13.8 billion light-years apart are completely cut off from each other. By all accounts, these regions can be considered separate universes. But they don't stay that way forever - eventually the light crosses the boundary between them and they expand. And if the universe actually consists of an infinite number of "island universes" containing matter, stars and planets, then somewhere there must be worlds identical to the Earth.

Inflationary multiverse

The second theory grows out of ideas about how the universe began. According to the dominant version of the Big Bang, it began as an infinitesimal dot that expanded incredibly rapidly in a hot ball of fire. A fraction of a second after the expansion began, the acceleration had already reached such a tremendous speed that it far exceeded the speed of light. And this process is called inflation. The inflationary theory explains why the universe is relatively homogeneous at any one point in it. Inflation has expanded this fireball to cosmic proportions. However, the initial state also had a large number of different random variations, which were also subject to inflation. And now they are stored as cosmic microwave radiation, the faint afterglow of the Big Bang. And this radiation permeates the entire Universe, making it not so uniform.

Cosmic natural selection

This theory was formulated by Lee Smolin from Canada. In 1992, he suggested that universes could evolve and reproduce just like living beings. On Earth, natural selection favors "beneficial" traits, such as faster running speeds or a particular thumb position. There must also be a certain pressure in the multiverse that makes some universes better than others. Smolin called this theory "cosmic natural selection". Smolin's idea is that the "mother" universe can give life to "daughter" ones that form inside it. The mother universe can only do this if it has black holes. A black hole is formed when a large star collapses under its own gravity, pushing all the atoms together until they reach infinite density.

multiverse brane

When Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity began to gain popularity in the twenties, many people discussed the "fourth dimension". What could be there? Perhaps a hidden universe? It was nonsense, Einstein did not assume the existence of a new universe. All he said was that time is the same dimension, which is like the three dimensions of space. All four are intertwined with each other, forming a space-time continuum, the matter of which is distorted - and gravity is obtained. Despite this, other scientists began to discuss the possibility of the existence of other dimensions in space. The first hints of hidden dimensions appeared in the works of the theoretical physicist Theodor Kaluza. In 1921, he demonstrated that by adding new dimensions to Einstein's equation of general relativity, an additional equation could be obtained that could predict the existence of light.

Multi-world interpretation (quantum multiverse)

The theory of quantum mechanics is one of the most successful in all of science. It discusses the behavior of the smallest objects, such as atoms and their constituent elementary particles. It can predict everything from the shape of molecules to how light and matter interact, all with incredible accuracy. Quantum mechanics considers particles in the form of waves and describes them with a mathematical expression called the wave function. Perhaps the strangest feature of the wave function is that it allows a particle to exist in multiple states at the same time. This is called superposition. But superpositions break down as soon as an object is measured in any way, since measurements force the object to choose a specific position. In 1957, the American physicist Hugh Everett suggested that we stop complaining about the strange nature of this approach and just live with it. He also suggested that objects do not switch to a particular position when they are measured - instead, he believed that all possible positions given to the wavefunction are equally real. Therefore, when an object is measured, a person sees only one of many realities, but all other realities also exist.

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