Presentation on the topic of the diversity of fish. Biology presentation on the topic: "The diversity and economic importance of fish." Number of chambers in a fish heart

The work was done by students of grade 11a Vilisova Olga Merzlyakova Dasha

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  • Butterfly fish
  • angel fish
  • angelfish
  • Somiki
  • Goldfish
  • cichlids
  • swordsmen
  • Apistogramma
  • Hemigrammus
  • neon
  • barbs
  • Pitsilii
  • Mollies
  • Danio
  • Ternetia
  • tetras
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    BUTTERFLY FISH (Pantodon buchholzi, Peters, 1876) - the only species singular kind freshwater fish of the Pantodon family (Pantodontidae), an object of aquarium fish farming. Butterfly fish lives in the tropics West Africa(Niger, Cameroon, Congo basin, upper Zambezi). The fish keeps near the surface of calm areas of water, and becomes active at dusk and at night.


    These fish feed on insects that have fallen to the surface of the reservoir, as well as small fish. With the help of winged pectoral fins they are able to make long jumps over water and catch prey in the air. In Europe, butterfly fish appeared in 1905. Seven years later, aquarists in Germany and the Czech Republic bred their offspring for the first time.

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    ANGEL FISH, several genera of fish (Pomacanthus, Centropyge, etc.) of the bristletooth family.

    Typical inhabitants of coral reefs. They are distinguished by an unusually bright color and a bizarre shape of the body, fins and head. Sizes from 10 to 60 cm. They differ from other representatives of the angelfish family by the presence of a well-developed spine on the preoperculum. Many change their color during their lifetime.

    Within the group, there is a subtle and diverse food specialization, which is reflected in morphological features. oral apparatus. The bright coloration of the body of bristletooths is associated with the territoriality of these fish, as well as with the existence of permanent monogamous pairs in them. It is assumed that bright coloring helps partners not to lose each other.

    angel fish

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    They live in South America in the Amazon and Orinoco river systems. Popular aquarium fish, known in Russia since the beginning of the 20th century.


    Scalars (Pterophyllum), a genus of fish of the cichlid family. Length up to 15 cm, height up to 26 cm. The body is silvery with transverse black stripes.

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    SOMIKI, several genera of fish of the catfish order.

    • Length up to 8 cm. Body in a shell of bone plates.
    • They live in the reservoirs of the tropics of all continents except Australia.
    • Over 20 species are bred in aquariums (ancistrus, loricaria) from the families of armored catfish and chain catfish.
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    GOLDFISH (Carassius auratus), a subspecies of the goldfish (Carassius auratus gibelio), lives wild in China, Japan and Korea and on some islands. Differ in a shortened wide body, often red-golden in color; long fins. There are many varieties, the exact number of which cannot be counted (in China, you can find forms that are still unknown in Europe).

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    CICHLIDS (cichlovye fish, Cichlidae), a family of perch-like fish. It unites several dozen genera, which include more than 1500 species. The taxonomy of the family has not been finally established. They live in tropical fresh waters Africa (in particular, in lakes Victoria, Nyasa and Tanganyika), Central and South America, several species are found in Madagascar and South Asia.

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    Swordfish (xiphophorus) (Xiphophorus), a genus of viviparous fish of the family Peciliaceae. Distributed in fresh and brackish waters of Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. Members of the genus are among the most popular aquarium fish. Known in Russia since the beginning of the 20th century. The genus got its name because of the lower edge of the caudal fin elongated in the form of a sword in males. Species without a tail sword are traditionally called platies. All species interbreed easily.


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    Apistogramma (Apistogramma), a genus of fish of the cichlid family; the size of the male reaches 7 cm, females - 5 cm (usually smaller in aquariums). The color of males is blue-green, a reddish strip along the body, the belly is yellow. The head and caudal fin are yellowish. Gill covers have green dots and stripes. Tail fan-shaped, high dorsal fin. The dorsal and anal fins of the male are sharper than those of the female, larger and brighter colored. There is also a beige form.


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    HEMIGRAMMUS (Hemigrammus), a genus of fish of the Characin family. In nature, they live in tropical waters of South America. They have an adipose fin. The lateral line is incomplete. Mostly small, brightly colored peaceful fish well suited for keeping in aquariums. More than 40 species are currently kept in aquariums, many of which are known under common name tetras. Most often in aquariums there are: tetragonopterus, erythrosonus, costelo, flashlight, pulcher, less often - red-nosed and black-tailed tetras.


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    NEONS, a group of species of popular aquarium fish of the Characin family. They are distinguished by a bright, luminous color: a luminous blue-green stripe runs along the body, below which there is a bright red stripe. In nature, they live in the tributaries of the Amazon River. The body is low, elongated, laterally compressed, up to 5.5 cm long, usually up to 4 cm.

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    BARBUS (Barbus), a genus of fish of the carp family. They live in the waters of Africa, India, China, South-East Asia and Indonesia. Several species in Europe. Among the European-Asian barbs there are large commercial fish. About 50 beautifully colored species are bred in aquariums. All aquarium barbs are Asian or Asian-African fish with a terminal mouth and small sizes. Brought to Russia in 1910.

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    PECILIA (Poecilia), a genus of viviparous fish of the family Peciliaceae. They live in fresh and brackish waters along the Pacific coast of South, Central and North America. Widely distributed on other continents as a result of acclimatization. One of the most popular aquarium fish. Slide 17


    TERNETIA (mourning tetra, black tetra; Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) is a species of fish of the Characin family. Body oval, laterally compressed, body length 5–6 cm, silvery with three black transverse stripes on the sides, one of which crosses the eye. Males are smaller than females, almost black, and have a more pointed dorsal fin. There is a veil form. Ternetia lives in the rivers Mato Grosso, Rio Paraguay and Rio Negro.

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    TETRAS, several species of fish from the genera Hemigrammus, Hifessobricon and some other families of Characins.

    Small (length up to 7-8 cm), brightly and variously colored mobile, non-aggressive spawning fish, easily adapt to the conditions of detention. The most famous are black tetra, or thorns, tetra firefly, or erythrosonus, silver tetra (ktenobricon), tetra roach (tetragonopterus), royal tetra and others.

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    CLASS CARTILAGE FISH. Sharks Cartilaginous - a modern group of fish, including no more than 700 species of animals. Their skeleton remains cartilaginous for life. The skin is covered with a kind of scales, reminiscent of the structure of teeth covered with enamel. gill covers, like bony fish, no, and the gill slits open outwards with independent openings. The paired fins are arranged horizontally, the caudal fin has two unequal lobes, of which the upper one is larger. The shoulder girdle of the limbs is represented by a solid cartilaginous arch, covering the body from the sides and from below. There is no swim bladder. Representatives of the class Marine life sharks and rays. Shark polar

    The largest - giant (up to 15 m) and whale (up to 20 m) feed on small planktonic organisms, filtering water through the gills; they pose no danger. Other sharks feed on fish; often, accompanying the ships, they pick up garbage. giant shark CLASS CARTILAGE FISH. sharks

    In our country in Black and Seas of Japan they hunt the katran shark (up to 1 m in length). All sharks are marine inhabitants; only a few representatives enter fresh water in the tropics. KATRAN (SEA DOG, SPIKED SHARK.

    CLASS CARTILAGE FISH. Stingrays Stingrays do not look like sharks: their body is flattened in the dorsal-ventral direction. These are usually bottom fish. Their gill slits have moved to the ventral side, so they draw water for breathing through the sprinklers so as not to clog the gills with sand.

    CLASS CARTILAGE FISH. Stingrays Stingrays feed on benthic organisms and fish. In many places they are hunted and considered very tasty. In stingrays, at the base of the tail, there is a long (about 35 cm) needle on top, often serrated, with a groove that secretes poison. Injections of tropical stingrays sometimes lead to death. Large, up to 2.5 m long, stingray ( catfish) lives in the Black Sea, there are stingrays and off the coast of Southern Primorye. In the tropics, southern and Central America, stingrays also live in rivers.

    Electric rays have electric organs on the sides of the body - modified muscles that generate a discharge of up to 220 volts. With a shock, the stingray kills prey, usually small fish, and can stun a person who touches it. They live in warm waters, reaching up to mediterranean sea. Electric Stingray CLASS CARTILAGE FISH. stingrays

    Some stingrays have transitioned to life in the water column, feeding on small fish. These are eagle rays, mobuls and manta rays ( sea ​​Devils). Manta rays are the largest rays, their body width reaches 7 m, and their weight is 2 tons. Manta ray

    CLASS BONE FISH. SUBCLASS RAY-FINGERS. Pike wikipedia Bony fish are characterized by the fact that their skeleton becomes partially or completely bony. This class includes a number of large groups of fish, which differ in the characteristic features of organization already described above. Pike

    SUBCLASS Cartilaginous FISH This is a small ancient group fish (including the well-known sturgeons - beluga, sturgeon, sterlet), which have a number of common features organizations with cartilaginous fish. Their tail fin, like that of sharks, is unevenly lobed. The fins are horizontal. Scales in the form of large bony plaques. The basis of the axial skeleton is a life-preserving chord, dressed in a thick case. beluga

    SUBCLASS LUNCHING FISH Most of the skeleton of modern representatives throughout life remains cartilaginous; the chord is preserved, and the vertebral column is represented by the rudiments of the vertebrae. Feature lungfish - the presence, in addition to gills, also of pulmonary respiration. As organs of pulmonary respiration, one or two bubbles function, opening on the ventral side of the esophagus. Lungfish live in the drying waters of Africa, Australia and South America. AT hot season years they dig a mink at the bottom of the reservoir, climb into it and breathe atmospheric air until the water is completely dry. After that, the animal forms a mud cocoon, dehydrates, hibernates. When water reappears in the reservoir, the fish “wakes up”. An ancient and unique group of freshwater fish.

    SUBCLASS BRUSHOPPER FISH The lobe-finned fish are an ancient group of fish. The only species that has survived to this day - latumeria - was found only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Comoros. These animals avoid lighted areas. Crossopterygians are predators, their mouth is armed sharp teeth. The body length in adults reaches cm, weight kg. The vertebrae are rudimentary, and the notochord persists throughout life. The skull mostly remains cartilaginous throughout life. The fins are fleshy, similar to blades, their skeleton has overall plan structures with limbs of terrestrial vertebrates. 4. Coelacanth, or coelacanth.

    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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    Description of the slide:

    Lesson Plan Homework Review Study new topic Consolidation of new material Summing up the lesson Homework: Study § 37, answer the questions at the end of § (p. 173), repeat the main features of fish on page 174 DIVERSITY AND ECONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE OF FISH economic importance fish, commercial fish species be able to: determine which orders economically important fish species belong to

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    What are the adaptations of fish to life in the water? What are the features of reproduction and development of fish in connection with the aquatic lifestyle? What is spawning? What fish are called migratory?

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    Superclass FISH Class Cartilaginous FISH sea ​​fish The skeleton is cartilaginous throughout life. There are no gill covers, 5-7 pairs of gill slits. There is no swim bladder. The anterior part of the muzzle is extended into a snout. Mouth on the underside of the head in the form of a transverse slit Scales with protrusions, similar in structure to teeth Caudal fin unequal-lobed Fertilization internal Reproduce by laying eggs, ovoviviparity or live birth Meat is edible

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    Class CARTILAGE FISH Order Stingray Body rounded, flattened in the dorsal-abdominal direction No scales Tail elongated in the form of a whip, sometimes equipped with a spike Teeth in the form of prisms, collected in a “grater”, feed on fish and bottom invertebrates Some species have electric organs located on the sides heads (discharge voltage up to 60-300 volts at a current of 5 amperes)

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    Description of the slide:

    Superclass FISH Class BONE FISH More than 20 thousand marine and freshwater species Skeleton is bone-cartilaginous or bony Gills are covered with gill covers There is a swim bladder Bone scales, in the form of thin plates overlapping each other Caudal fin is equal-lobed Fertilization is external Reproduces by laying eggs, rarely by ovoviviparity

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    Description of the slide:

    Class BONE FISH Order Sturgeon Ancient anadromous and lacustrine-river fish Skeleton mostly cartilaginous, skull with superimposed bony plates Gills covered with gill covers Front part of muzzle extended into snout. Mouth on the underside of the head in the form of a transverse slit Instead of scales along the body, 3-5 rows of bone plaques - “bugs” Caudal fin unequal-lobed Fertilization is external Reproduces by laying eggs (black caviar) Valuable commercial species: sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon (in Belarus 1 species - sterlet)

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    Description of the slide:

    Class BONE FISH Order Salmoniformes Anadromous and freshwater fish Distinctive feature- adipose fin Gives red caviar Valuable commercial species: pink salmon, chum salmon, brown trout, salmon In Belarus, 2 species - brook trout and vendace, (listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus)

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    Description of the slide:

    Class BONE FISH Order Herring-shaped Mainly marine schooling fish Distinctive feature - no lateral line Feeds on plankton and small fish Body color is silvery Valuable commercial species: Atlantic, Pacific, Baltic (herring) herring, sprat, sardines, anchovies

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    Description of the slide:

    Class BONE FISH Order Cyprinidae Most of them are freshwater fish A distinctive feature is the absence of jaw teeth and the presence of pharyngeal ones Fishing objects: bream, tench, asp, ide, white and motley silver carp, carp, roach, silver carp (many are bred in pond farms) In the Red Book Belarus - damp and barbel

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    Description of the slide:

    Class BONE FISH Superorder Cross-finned The only living species is the coelacanth (rediscovered in 1938, named after Courtenay-Latimer, the curator of the museum who discovered fish in the minesweeper's catch) Distinctive feature- “paw-like” fins with a fleshy base and a complex skeleton, a caudal fin 3-parted with a protruding central lobe There are lung sacs (outgrowths of the esophagus) that can be used for breathing Live in the Indian Ocean off the Comoros Islands (between Madagascar and Africa) Deep-sea (caught at a depth of up to 300 m), sedentary Dimensions 1-1.8 m, weight 19.5-95 kg Lung-breathing fish and the first terrestrial vertebrates - amphibians

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    Slides captions:

    Lesson on the topic "Diversity of fish" using the Singaporean methodology

    “Others inherited from nature a prophetic-blind instinct - They smell them, hear the waters ...” F.I. Tyutchev

    The purpose of the lesson: to systematize knowledge about the structure of bone fish in connection with the habitat and to identify the reasons for the diversity and importance of bone fish.

    A monument to the giant beluga has been unveiled in Tetyushi. In 1921, local fishermen caught it near Tetyushi. The weight of the miracle fish was 960 kilograms.

    Quiz-quiz-trade, (Quiz-Quiz-Trade) - “quiz-quiz-exchange cards" where students check and teach each other on the material covered, using cards with assignments (on one side) and answers on the topic (with other side)

    TIMED PEA SHEA (Timed-Pair-Share) is a learning structure in which two participants share detailed responses over a set amount of time.

    Choose correct judgments 1. All fish have a streamlined body shape. 2. The body of most fish is covered with scales. 3. The skin of fish has glands that secrete mucus. 4. There are fish in which the notochord is preserved throughout their lives. 5. Circulatory system fish is not closed. 6. The heart of fish consists of two sections: the atrium and the ventricle. 7. All fish have a swim bladder. 8. Excretory organs of fish - kidneys. 9. The body of the fish consists of three sections: the head, trunk and tail. 10. Fish cannot turn their heads, but their eyes are mobile. 11. There is more dissolved oxygen in cold water than in warm water, so discharge warm water(thermal pollution) can cause fish to die.

    Variety of bony fish

    bony fish

    Sketch the skeleton of the fish: the head is our goal at this stage, the processes of the vertebrae are the orders and their features, and the tail is the conclusion or result. Reasons for the diversity of fish in nature - Conclusion?

    Sturgeon-like Salmon-like Herring-like Cypriniformes Perch-like Orders of bony fishes

    Detachments Habitat Features external structure Representatives Salmon-like Herring-like Carp-like Perch-like Sturgeon

    Sima Sockeye salmon Pink salmon

    Atlantic herring Ivasi

    carp roach golden crucian carp

    Mackerel Pike perch

    The largest of the sturgeon is the beluga, living in the Caspian, Black, Adriatic Seas, - reaches 8 meters in length and 11 - 12 q of mass. Belugas live to such sizes by the age of one hundred years.

    The meaning of fish

    The Frayer Model is a learning framework that helps students deeply understand and understand the concepts and concepts being taught. Participants consider a concept from different angles, writing down its mandatory and optional characteristics, examples and anti-examples (what cannot be an example).

    Thank you for your attention!

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    Variety of fish

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    Fossil fish - coelacanth Coelacanths appeared 60 million years ago. The first living specimen was caught in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa in 1938.

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    Electric Fish Some fish generate electricity to kill their prey, while others use it for less violent purposes, such as navigation. Different types fish create electricity using organs formed from muscle tissue, but they all use the same general principle receiving it. Electric organs are columns consisting of flat-shaped cells - electric plates located on the sides of the body. The thickness of these cells does not exceed 10 microns.

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    The lateral organs respond to the speed and direction of the water flow, providing animals with information about changes in the position of their own bodies, as well as about nearby objects.

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    Sturgeon and beluga are fish belonging to the same family - sturgeons. The family includes over twenty species of fish: sturgeon, beluga, sterlet, kaluga, stellate sturgeon, spike, and so on. sturgeon fish have a huge commercial value. All over the world, sturgeon red meat and caviar are valued. Only eight species of sturgeon live in Russia and the CIS countries, almost all of them are listed in the Red Book of Russia and the international Red Book.

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    Flounder - a genus of fish from the order of soft-finned. The main distinguishing feature of this family is that the head and partly the body are asymmetrical. The body is very strongly laterally compressed, very high and one side (colored) is turned upwards, the other (colorless, sometimes with spots) downwards, so that the normal position of these fish is on the side; both eyes and nostrils lie on the upper (colored) side. The dorsal and anal fins are unusually long and not divided into sections. Gill 4, there are adnexa. Colored and equipped with eyes can be either the right or the left side.

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    Salmon - a typical representative of fish from the salmon family, belong to the herring order. Salmon lives mainly in the reservoirs of the northern strip, loves clean cold water, prefers flowing. The reddish meat of salmon is highly valued, so the fish is an object of commercial fishing.

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    Pike - freshwater fish from the pike family. Pike is one of the most voracious and numerous predators in Russia. You can meet her both in clean deep rivers, and lakes and ponds overgrown with aquatic vegetation. Since ancient times, pike has been considered the main object of amateur and sport fishing for all anglers without exception. It is difficult to list all the ways of catching it and all the gear that are created by anglers.

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    Sazan is a representative of the fish of the carp family, one of the most numerous families in the waters of Russia and abroad. The carp family includes about seventy-five species of fish. Carp lives in fresh waters of rivers, lakes and ponds. You can meet carp in the basins of the Mediterranean, Black, Azov, Caspian, Aral Seas, as well as in the rivers of the Pacific Ocean.

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    Pike perch is a fish from the perch family. The body is strongly elongated with a long pointed head. There are two dorsal fins, the cheeks are not covered with scales, the teeth on the jaws are uneven in size and are especially distinguished by the size of two canine-shaped teeth in the upper and lower jaws. The uneven size of the teeth serves hallmark pike perch from all other perch found in Russia.

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    Catfish is a representative of the catfish family, a predatory freshwater fish. Soma is rightly called the "king of Russian rivers", as it is the largest river inhabitant. In terms of size, only beluga can compete with catfish, but the latter is not a permanent inhabitant of rivers, but only enters them during spawning. There are a huge number of legends about catfish, most of them make even the most balanced people's hair stand on end.

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    Perch, striped robber, humpback, river striper, as soon as they do not call this eternally hungry inhabitant of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and ponds. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a body of water without an elegant perch, which now and then sits on a hook, regardless of the desire of the angler. Only in some rivers of the north-eastern part of Russia there is no perch.

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    MURENA - one bite of these teeth is enough to cause severe suppuration that cannot be healed even in a few months ...

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    The seahorse belongs to the needle family (Syngnathidae). This family includes fish with a very elongated body in the form of a thick needle (sea needles) or with a completely peculiar body shape resembling a chess piece of a horse, with a head tilted towards the body and a curling prehensile tail ( Sea Horses). The tail is long, the caudal fin is small or absent. Pelvic fins no. More than 150 species of marine needles are known and about 30 species seahorses. The sizes of adult fish are from 2.5 to 60 cm (needles) and from 2 to 20 cm (skates). sea ​​needles and seahorses live in tropical and temperate seas, usually near sandy shores in thickets of seagrass (Zostera), algae and corals.

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    SAW FISH (Pristis pectinatus) or common sawfish, found off the coast Atlantic Ocean, in the Mediterranean Sea, off the coasts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It reaches 4.8 m in length, and possibly more (there are reports of catching fish up to 6 m long) and a very significant weight - a specimen 4.2 m long weighed 315 kg, and the largest recorded weight was almost 2400 kg (length this fish was not listed).

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    Stingrays - a group of transverse cartilaginous fish, a suborder of shark-shaped. They have a wide, flattened body from top to bottom with a tourniquet-like tail. The skin is bare or covered with spines. Cartilaginous skeleton. Gill openings in the amount of 5 pairs are located on the ventral side of the body. The eyes are located on the dorsal side, and the mouth and gill openings are on the ventral side. dorsal fins located on the tail. Length up to 1.8 m., weigh up to 90 kg.

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