Kerry fish content. Kerry or false Royal Tetra (Inpaichthys kerri). History of origin and habitat

These fish are native to Brazil, in particular, their habitat is the Aritsuanan River. I would like to note right away that Kerry Inpaights are very unpretentious, and therefore they are suitable as an ideal option for beginner aquarists and other lovers of home aquariums.

Slender light bluish males are surprisingly beautiful, as a rule, they are slimmer than females and shimmer with bluish hues when reflected light hits them. Their terminal anal fin is presented in the form of a rounded shape.

Kerry inpaicht females have a more rounded abdomen and are colored yellow-brown. The anal fin of females appears pointed at the tip.

Also, their adipose fin can be safely attributed to the features of the difference between males and females of Kerry inpaicht. Males have a bluish fin, while females have it mixed with reddish colors.

In aquarium habitats, these fish reach a length, mostly up to five centimeters, and live for about four years.

Peace-loving kerries inpaight stay in packs, and therefore it is better to keep them in an amount of at least six to eight pieces. In flocks, the fish feel much more comfortable, look great and become less shy.

It is very important to choose the right choice of lighting angle, because sometimes, in the rays of light reflection, the fish can shimmer with beautiful lilac shades. Particular emphasis should be placed on the side illumination, then the fish will begin to stand out due to the increasing contrast.

The nature of males is unchanged. Every now and then, being close to the females, they stay at different angles, clearly demonstrating their beauty to them, which can also please the observer.

Kerry inpaight fish can easily be kept both in a separate aquarium and in general, next to other peaceful underwater inhabitants.

It is very good if the fish adjacent to them are commensurate with the Kerry Inpaight in size. The volume of the aquarium tank should be fifty or more liters, moreover, have a length of fifty or more centimeters. In such a space, a flock of kerry inpaights of six individuals will feel comfortable.

In addition to the size, the aquarium should be quite densely planted with vegetation, among which there will be floating plants, as well as provide free space for the flock to swim. Mostly, the fish choose the middle and upper layers of the aquarium's water space, where they spend most of their time.

For the proper content of kerry inpaight, pay attention to the water parameters, they should be as follows:

Temperature 23-25°C;

Rigidity dH from 4 to 18 degrees;

The balance of acidity pH should correspond to the indication of 6.5-7.5;

Filtration required;


Daily change of clean water is approximately 1/5 of the total volume of the aquarium.

Strictly observe the dosage of feeding, as Kerry Inpaights are very prone to overeating. The diet may include various feeds: dry, live, frozen. In general, the proper nutrition of fish should be dominated by food of animal origin.

Periodically, it is necessary to feed them with plant foods, in the form of flakes. Kerry Inpaights love to eat various small insects, when hunting for which, they can jump out of the water quite briskly. Consider this feature of your pets and cover the aquarium with a lid.

Reproduction Kerry Inpaight

By the fourth month of its development, Kerry Inpaicht reaches the period of maturity. It is advisable to start breeding fish around the six-month development period.

These fish, without exaggeration, among all their species, are among the easiest to breed. Definitely, even the most unprepared aquarist can easily get fry from Kerry Inpaicht. For the spawning of one pair of fish, even a small aquarium of five liters will do.

Observe the water parameters in the aquarium necessary for spawning:

Temperature from 24 to 28°C;

Hardness dH one to two degrees (to achieve the required hardness, use melt or rain water, previously filtered with a carbon filter);

Acidity pH - 6.0-6.5;

Water level up to 15 cm.

Lighting of medium intensity is better for spawning fish, and bushes with small leaves will serve as a substrate for caviar.

Characins, or tetras, as they are called abroad, inhabit the tropical waters of both the Americas and Africa. Most of the 400 species contained in aquariums come from the "black waters" of the Amazon and surrounding areas. They are distinguished by their small size, bright coloration and flocking behavior. In the twilight streams under the dense canopy of the rainforest, bright colors are necessary for the unmistakable recognition of relatives. The life span of aquarium species usually does not exceed 3-5 years, and they become sexually mature at 6-12 months. Males are brighter and slimmer than females, their abdomen is pointed, fins are often more magnificent. Spawning is seasonal - summer, often stretched for several months. During this time, they are able to throw several times.

Keeping in an aquarium is quite simple. These are schooling fish, so it is recommended to keep them in a group of 4 or more individuals. The volume of the aquarium should be at least 40 liters (10 liters per one or two individuals).
Optimal water parameters: temperature 22-25°С, dH 2-20°, pH 6.4-7.5. It is important to change 1/5 of the volume of water weekly to fresh settled.
Soil: dark sand or gravel.
Lighting should be intermittent, so areas with shade are necessary in the aquarium.
It is recommended to plant the aquarium with dense vegetation (Echinodorus, Javanese moss, Cryptocoryne, Thai fern), but at the same time leave enough space for free swimming.
Any other peaceful fish are suitable as neighbors for the minor, except for veil-shaped fish, the long threadlike fins of which minors like to gnaw.

Food: live, additionally vegetable, substitutes.

A spawning aquarium (a couple of fish were successfully bred in a 15x10x10 cm tank) with a cage and a few bushes of plants, such as Java moss, cinnamon and other small-leaved plants. A. Polonsky recommends pasting the bottom and side walls with black paper. Some aquarists do without separator nets and plants. Lighting is weak, diffused (in no case not direct rays of the sun). Water: 22-24°C (higher than the content), dH 0.5-4°, KH 0°, pH 6-6.5 (in some literature sources recommend peaty and aerated with small bubbles), layer 10-12 see. Fish aged 10-12 months are best suited for breeding. Before landing for spawning, males (the most mobile, slender and well-colored) and females with a full abdomen are kept separately for 2 weeks at 19-21 ° C and are well fed with a variety of food (V. Nikolaev stopped feeding the day before landing for spawning). A couple of fish or a group with a slight predominance of males are put to spawn in the afternoon, they are not fed in the spawning aquarium. They usually spawn the next day in the early morning, and sometimes even at night. If the pair has not spawned within 2 days, then the male must be replaced. The female lays up to 250 non-glutinous eggs, which get stuck in plants or sink to the bottom. After spawning, the net and plants are removed, after shaking the eggs from the net and plants, the aquarium is darkened, since the eggs develop better in the dark, and the larvae are afraid of light. The incubation period is 18-24 hours, the fry swim after another 4-5 days. Starter food: ciliates, rotifers. The first 2-3 weeks in an aquarium with fry, the lighting is very weak, diffused. Sexual maturity at 7-11 months.

Rybka kyerry, or as it is also called, false royal tetra- a small, mobile fish with a bright color. The length of the fish is about 5 cm, while males are usually larger than females. Its main color is blue-violet with a longitudinal light stripe. The life expectancy of a Kerry is up to 5 years with proper care. The Kerry fish got its second name due to the fact that it is very similar to the Royal Tetra. However, upon closer examination, one can see noticeable differences in each species.


The Kerry fish does not like being alone. It belongs to the schooling species of fish, so Kerry will feel more comfortable surrounded by 8-10 neighbors. The optimal volume of the aquarium for 15 individuals should be at least 60 liters. If you plan to keep more fish, then you need to take care of purchasing an aquarium with a larger capacity. The fish are quite unpretentious, so the aquarium is equipped with a minimum configuration: lighting, filter and compressor. Carries will be happy to have plants in the aquarium, but they also like movement, so you will need to leave more free space for swimming. It is better to cover the aquarium with fish with a lid so that the fish do not jump out. To fully enjoy the beauty of the Kerry fish, side lighting can be installed in the aquarium.

Water parameters

Kerry prefer neutral, soft, slightly acidic water. Ordinary fresh water is not suitable for them. Recommended parameters: gH up to 15°, pH up to 7, t 24-28°C. Fish love cleanliness, so it is advisable to clean the aquarium as often as possible and change the water every week about 20-25%. Kerry get sick from high nitrogen and organic compounds and are difficult to treat.


Fish like to take food from the surface. They are quite omnivorous, so you can feed live, frozen or dry food. You should not overfeed your fish.

Behavior and Compatibility

You can hook up with Kerry. In general, any fish with a calm character of the same size will do. Although Kerry fish are quite peaceful, they are able to show aggression towards small neocaridine cherry shrimp and caridine crystals.


Breeding these fish is not difficult. The volume of the spawning tank is 5 liters per couple. At the bottom, there must be small-leaved plants and a net. The height of the water level is from 10 to 15 cm with the parameters: pH not higher than 7, GH not higher than 8, kH better than 0, t 26-28°. Fish spawn in the morning. Tadpoles hatch after 19-30 hours at a temperature of 24-26 °, and after about 3 days they begin to feed

Family Characinidae.

Range: Brazil.

Water temperature: 24-27.

Acidity: 6.5-7.5.

Hardness: 1-12°H.

The volume of the aquarium for a small flock: from 70 liters.

Purple neon kerry (Inpaichthys kerry) in its name has the abbreviation INPA, which stands for Brazilian Institute of Amazonian Studies. The fish lives in the upper reaches of the Rio Aripuana.

At first glance, Kerry is very reminiscent of royal tetra(Nemaioerycon palmery). This similarity gave the fish a second name - false royal tetra or blue emperor.

The fish were brought to Russia back in 1979 from Czechoslovakia by the famous Moscow aquarist V. Potapov. He managed to breed them, and a little later presented them at a citywide aquarium exhibition.

In their natural habitat, they live in running water, the hardness of which is 1-2 °, pH 6-6.8, temperature 24-27 ° C.

The fish easily adapt to aquarium conditions and live well in water with a hardness of up to 12 °, pH 6.5-7.5, at a temperature of 24-27 C.

They are unpretentious in feeding - they eat both dry and live food. Feeding aquarium fish should be correct: balanced, varied. This fundamental rule is the key to the successful keeping of any fish, be it guppies or astronotus. The article talks about this in detail, it outlines the basic principles of the diet and feeding regimen for fish.

Sexual dimorphism is not very clear. The male is slimmer than the female. The coloration is bright blue with a purple tint, the adipose fin is pale blue. The female is more angular, the abdomen is noticeably pronounced. Its coloration is duller, yellow-brown tones predominate, the adipose fin is red-or orange-brown. The maximum size is 5 cm, usually 3-4 cm. The maximum productivity is 350 eggs per spawning, an average of about 200. The eggs are glued to plants. The caviar is small, about 1 mm in diameter. Hatched after 18 hours (at a temperature of 26-28 ° C), the embryos are about 1.5 mm long. The larvae pass to an independent life when they reach a length of 2.5 mm. At this time, they greedily pounce on any small food: rotifers, brine shrimp nauplii, etc. Juveniles grow rapidly. Already at the age of four months, the fish become sexually mature.

All of the above is just the fruit of observing this type of aquarium fish and collecting various information from owners and breeders. We would like to share with visitors not only information, but also lively emotions, allowing you to more fully and subtly feel the world of aquarism. Register on, participate in discussions on the forum, create profile topics where you will talk about your pets in the first person and firsthand, describe their habits, behavior and content, share your successes and joys with us, share experience and learn from experience others. We are interested in every bit of your experience, every second of your joy, every realization of a mistake that makes it possible for your comrades to avoid the same mistake. The more of us, the more pure and transparent droplets of goodness in the life and life of our seven billionth society.

purple neon kerry

The ornamental Inpaichthys kerri belongs to the Characidae family. Its natural habitat is the Brazilian Aritsuanan River. It is often said that the kerry is a fish similar to the king tetra, and this is a fair observation.

It is characterized by sexual dimorphism (representatives of different sexes differ from each other

different in appearance): males are silver-blue, and females are yellow-brown.

Males shimmer very beautifully due to the reflective features of the scales.

from light blue to pink. Light blue stretches along the entire length of their body.

These are miniature fish no more than 5 cm long. Thanks to this, they are convenient to keep in

small aquariums.

Males are slimmer than females, which have a more rounded abdomen. In addition, females are smaller

in size than the males.

Let's pay attention to the features of the fins:

  • In males, the rear fin is rounded and has no sharp corners; in females, it is pointed.
  • The adipose fin of females is red, while males are blue.
  • It is very convenient to distinguish males from females by size, body slenderness and coloration.

body and fins.

Features of maintenance and care

Aquarium fish Kerry is considered unpretentious. It's easy to keep even

inexperienced owners.


The acidity of the environment should be kept between 6 and 7. Sharply acidic or basic pH

inhibits the vital activity of living organisms.

The temperature must be maintained at 23 degrees with a maximum error of 1 degree.

Water hardness should be kept at about 5. Here it is better without errors. Rigidity

depends on the chemical composition of the liquid. Although fish and plants are more sensitive to

acid-base pH.

To independently create the necessary physical and chemical parameters of water for

your pets, it takes a lot of time to study a solid list

literature. It is easier to entrust it to our specialists.

Nutrition and neighborhood with other species

Carries are not cannibalistic. They do not eat other fish. Although, as

was out of reach for adults. You never know.

Along with kerri, other non-predatory fish of the same size can be kept. No wars

For feeding, you need to buy both animals and plant foods. Need to eat more often

fish food of animal origin.

dosed amount. Kerry - still those gluttons and can get fat.

Features of care

Experts advise changing the water in the aquarium in the amount of 1/5 of all the water in it every

darken the environment.

The volume of the tank must be at least 50 liters.


For spawning, it is necessary to raise the temperature to 24-26 degrees. Other indicators

remain the same as in normal times.

To do this, use a separate container with a water level of 12-15 cm - spawning. There

a mature couple is planted. The spawning ground can be located both in the main aquarium,

as well as separate from it. Consult with our experts, which option

the best fit for you!

The female, ready for breeding, begins to fussily circle the aquarium - her time


Each female leaves about 300 small eggs. They are unable to attach to

something and fall to the bottom. It is best to plant a small plant with leaves there,

eggs will fall on it.

After the eggs are laid, adult fish are placed back in the main aquarium, and

the spawning area is darkened until the fry appear.

Experts suggest using thawed or rain H2O that has been cleaned

through a carbon filter to create the necessary conditions for spawning (if you

use the services of professionals, you yourself do not have to do anything).

Kerry aquarium fish are ready to breed at the age of 4-6 months. Recommended

start this procedure from 6 months of age.

Caviar matures within half a day, and on the fifth day fry appear, pop up

to the surface to feed. Feed them protozoa (rotifers, daphnia,

ciliates-shoes). They grow quickly.

It is important to isolate the fish in time, which begins to behave strangely (swim down

tail), covered with white and other neoplasms, stops eating. This is

help prevent infection of other individuals.

Timely hygiene and maintenance of the aquarium will help to avoid disease.

carry. Trust it to our specialists.

How can we help you

Our specialists can design and implement the right aquarium for any kind

fish. Then we will provide complete high-quality care for the aquarium and its

internal environment. It is very convenient and easy for you.

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