Fish needle useful properties. Sea fish needle. How do they move and feed?

Needlefish or garfish are a type of marine fish. It has a peculiar body shape, it is flattened and elongated. The fishery is concentrated in Pacific Ocean, in the coastal regions of South and Central America. In our country, the garfish is known thanks to the delicious snack for beer, sold under the name Shanghai-style needle fish.

The beneficial properties of needle fish have been proven by numerous studies and consist in unique composition her meat. By palatability somewhat reminiscent of zander. There are practically no bones in the carcass, so the needle fish is easy to clean.

In the meat of needle fish there are vitamins: A, E, B1, B2, B6, B12. Minerals are represented by bromine, iodine, selenium, fluorine, iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium. The calorie content of needle fish is 95 kcal per 100 g of product. The meat of this fish is a valuable source of easily digestible protein, its content is about 17%. Fats account for 5.5%. Thus, igloo fish can be consumed without restrictions, even for overweight people.

By the way, don't be scared and don't be surprised characteristic feature inherent in this fish - it has greenish bones. And the broth from it has a pistachio shade. All this is due to the pigment biliverdin.

What is the best way to eat igloo fish?

There are many recipes for cooking fish: it is fried, baked, boiled soups, salted, dried. The most useful in terms of maximum preservation of nutrient compounds is dried needle fish. Also in our country, a delicious appetizer for beer shanghai needle fish is very popular. Most likely, it will not be possible to make it at home, but you can buy inexpensively from a trusted Chinese manufacturer without even leaving your home, using the services of an online store.

The benefits of needle fish can be significantly higher, for example, if you cook “Needle Fish on a Vegetable Cushion”. To prepare this wonderful dish, you will need 2-3 carrots, 70 grams of sunflower oil, 5 medium-sized onions, 7-10 tomatoes, red pepper and paprika.

The fish is cleaned and gutted, then thoroughly washed and cut into pieces. Sunflower oil is poured into a preheated pan and fish is placed. The frying process continues until a golden crust appears. Vegetable pillow is prepared as follows. On a fine grater, carrots are chopped and spread on a plate. Tomatoes and onions cut into rings, previously fried in a pan with a small amount of water, are also placed on a plate. Pepper and salt are added to taste. A fried fish is placed on the finished vegetable pillow. If desired, it can be lightly sprinkled with fresh lemon juice.

For this dish, you can use any juicy vegetables to your liking.

You can separate the fish fillet from the bones and head before serving, and put it on portioned plates along with the vegetables that were baked with the fish.

How to cook fish needle in cheese breading

Instead of the usual breading, this recipe uses cheese with herbs. You can also add a little lemon zest to the cheese for flavor.


  • fish - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 100-200 g;
  • parsley - 3 sprigs;
  • ground black pepper - 2 g;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 5 g.


  1. Cut off the head and tail of a small garfish, peeled from scales and entrails. Cut into 2 pieces lengthwise to make 2 fish fillets.
  2. Grate cheese and mix with chopped parsley.
  3. Pat the fish fillets dry with paper towels and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  4. Roll the fish in the grated parsley cheese and place in a dry, hot skillet. Keep on the stove for two minutes, and then bake in the oven under the grill for 5 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle the finished fish with lemon juice.

Fish with elongated toothy jaws, similar to a needle, are very tasty. You can bake it in the oven with vegetables or cook it in cheese breading.

Description of the fish

The needle fish that lives in the Black, Azov and other seas is inedible. Its color is green, yellowish-gray or brown-red with black spots and stripes. This fish belongs to the Needle family, which also includes Sea Horses. She has a small toothless mouth, which is located on a long narrow snout, for which she got her name. The common garfish looks like it - it is a completely different sea fish from the Sarganov family.

The garfish has very tasty juicy meat that can be baked, fried, boiled, cleaned of scales and entrails before cooking. Interestingly, his bones have a greenish tint due to the high content of a special harmless pigment.

Long-snouted needlefish (Syngnathus typhle) keeps everywhere near the coast of the Black Sea and in the Sea of ​​Azov. The main form of this species is distributed along the coast. Western Europe, enters the Baltic Sea to the Gulf of Finland. The long-snouted needle-fish got its name for a long, strongly laterally compressed and high snout, rounded along the leading edge where a small, toothless mouth fits. The body of the needle-fish is long and low, completely covered with bony scutes. There are no pelvic fins, the anal fin is very small, in males it is sometimes not visible from the outside. Dorsal fin one pectoral fins and tail are small. The color is green or brown-reddish, usually with black stripes and spots. This fish reaches a length of 37 cm.

The long-snouted pipefish is the most widespread European species of sea pipefish. She lives on east coast Atlantic from Norway to Morocco, near the British Isles, in the Baltic, Mediterranean, Black and Seas of Azov, we are common along the entire coast of the Black Sea and in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

The needle-fish usually keeps near the coast, mainly in thickets of underwater vegetation, among rocks and stones overgrown with algae. Depending on the environment the coloration also changes, masking the sea needle in its shelter. Most often, this fish is found to a depth of 10-12 meters, but sometimes it also comes across in the open sea. The needle-fish also approaches the mouths of the rivers, sometimes meeting even in fresh water. It feeds on small crustaceans, fish fry, and sometimes very small adult fish. During feeding, the tubular snout acts like a pipette: with a sharp swelling of the cheeks, the prey is quickly drawn into the mouth from a distance of up to 4 centimeters.

Spawning of the long-snouted needle-fish in the Black Sea takes place in April-July. The reproduction process of all marine needles is very complex. The male on the ventral side of the body in the tail region has a special brood chamber for eggs, formed by two folds of skin on the sides of the body. These folds are bent over the belly and cover the eggs. After ritual courtship, the female wraps herself around her partner and lays eggs in his brood chamber, while the eggs are fertilized. The edges of the fold converge, forming a bag about 1/3 of the entire length of the fish. About 100 eggs fit in such a bag.

The male bears eggs until the fry hatch, for some time he carries them in his bag. In order for the fry to leave the brood chamber, the male bends the body in an upward arc and thus opens the bag. In case of danger, the fry again hide under the protection of a caring father. None economic importance this species, like all others marine needles, does not have.

The largest of the sea needles found in the Black and Azov Seas - the common needle-fish (Syngnathus acus) reaches a length of 46 cm. This fish is distributed along the coast of Europe from Norway to Morocco, lives off the British Isles and in the Mediterranean Sea, but is absent in the waters of the Baltic, keeps in coastal and pre-estuary spaces at a depth of 90 meters or more, common among algae thickets. It often has dark transverse stripes on its body and tail.

The Black Sea chubby-cheeked needle-fish (S, abaster) noticeably differs from all the Black Sea-Azov marine needles in its short cylindrical snout (in the literature it is sometimes referred to as S. nigrolineatus). This species is common along the coast. southern Europe and the northern coast of Africa, we are found in the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas at depths of up to 5 meters, above a sandy or muddy bottom among detritus or aquatic vegetation, enters rivers and lakes, penetrated into the Volga reservoirs. It reaches a length of 21 cm.

A narrower area of ​​​​distribution has a thin-nosed needle-fish (S. tenuirostris), inhabiting the Black, Azov and Adriatic Sea. This is a rather large sea needle, reaching a length of 38.6 cm; it does not enter desalinated waters. Only in the Black and Azov Seas are there a small (up to 11 cm long) Black Sea spiny needle (S. schmidti), which usually lives in the open sea at depths of up to 50-70 meters, and reaches a length of 30 cm thick-nosed, or striped needle-fish ( S. variegatus), living in coastal marine thickets. In the Sea of ​​Japan, we have a close species - the seaside needle (S. acusimilis), which enters the mouths of the rivers.

Along the east Atlantic coast from Norway to North Africa, in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, a serpentine needle, or sea awl (Nerophis ophidion), is common. The brood chamber in males of this species is open, not protected by skin folds, and the eggs are attached directly to the belly. The serpentine needle has a long subtle body, adults lack pectoral, anal, and caudal fins. Usually yellowish-gray or yellowish-green with brown dots, by the time of spawning it is covered with blue stripes and spots. In our country, this species is found off the coast in the Baltic (including the Gulf of Finland), the Black and Azov Seas, sometimes it enters the mouths of rivers.


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needlefish has a long, very thin body, with a long caudal peduncle, covered with hexagonal rings of bone plates. The snout is tubular and long (especially in the Caspian populations), there are scallops on its sides. Gill covers strongly convex and only anteriorly with a ridge. There is a weak comb on the top of the head. The dorsal fin is long and begins in front of the anus, the caudal fin is very small. Trunk belts 15-17, caudal 36-41. There are 7-9 (10) bands under the dorsal fin.

The color of the body is greenish-brown or reddish-brown, with light transverse stripes in the middle of each band. The belly is whitish and the ventral keel is blackish. There are no spots on the dorsal fin. The needle fish grows slowly, reaching a length of 19 cm and a weight of 5 g at 5 years old. The age limit is 6 years, length up to 23 cm, weight up to 5 g.

Euryhaline species, can live both in fresh water and in salty waters(up to 35). Stays in the weeds aquatic plants. Sea fish- the needle in the spring enters rivers and lakes, sometimes rising over considerable distances (up to 900 km in the Dnieper). The freshwater form leads a non-water lifestyle in lakes, reservoirs and oxbow lakes, adhering to the same habitats throughout its life. Needlefish feed on small crustaceans, juveniles only on zooplankton, and adults on plankton, large crustaceans, insect larvae, and sometimes fish larvae and juveniles. In search of a victim, he navigates with the help of vision.

Spawning occurs in May-June. The process of reproduction is very peculiar. After courtship games with a partner, the female wraps herself around him and lays her eggs in the male's brood chamber located on the caudal peduncle. In this case, the eggs are fertilized, after which the brood chamber is closed with a leathery fold. Fertility is low, up to 100 eggs. At one time, the female can lay up to 20 eggs. If the male's brood chamber is not full, then he can accept eggs from another female. During the season, the female lays up to three portions of caviar.

Males with eggs and embryos in the brood chamber were found in May-July, in the reservoirs of the Volga in June-August. Caviar is located in the cells of the brood chamber and is completely isolated from external environment. She receives oxygen from the father's blood flowing to the mucous membrane of the brood chamber. There can be 30-85 eggs in the chamber, in small males they are arranged in 2 rows, in large ones in 3 rows. The male bears eggs and then larvae until the end of August. After the release of the fry, the mucous membrane separates like the placenta of mammals.

The needlefish is distributed along all the shores of the Caspian, Black and Azov seas, enters the rivers and lakes associated with them. In the Caspian Sea, it lives in all areas; a dwarf form has been found in the saline bays of Dead Kultuk and Kaydak. It occurs in fresh water, in the deltas of the Volga, Ural, Terek, the lower reaches of the Kura and in the rivers of the southern coast of the sea. Before the regulation of the Volga, it did not rise above Astrakhan. In recent decades, the needle has been rising up the Volga. It was first discovered in the Kuibyshev reservoir in 1962, later it was also noted in the Volgograd, Saratov and even in the Rybinsk reservoirs. Perhaps, the Caspian subspecies is self-dispersing from the lower reaches of the Volga, or it was accidentally brought here during the acclimatization of mysids from the Tsimlyansk reservoir (a typical Black Sea subspecies). In the basin of the Sea of ​​Azov black sea needle widespread in the Kuban estuaries in water with different salinity. In the Kuban and its tributaries, as well as in the Seversky Donets, it was not previously noted, after the construction of the Krasnodar reservoir, it settled in the lower reaches of the Kuban. In the Don basin, it occurs in the lower reaches. Available in Lake Paleostomi.

The long-snouted needlefish got its name from a long, strongly laterally compressed and high snout, rounded at the front edge, where a small toothless mouth is placed. The body of the needle-fish is long and low, completely covered

bone shields. There are no pelvic fins, the anal fin is very small, in males it is sometimes not visible from the outside. The dorsal fin is one, the pectoral fins and the caudal fin are small. The color is green or brown-reddish, usually with black stripes and spots. This fish reaches a length of 37 cm.

The long-snouted pipefish is the most widespread European species of sea pipefish. It lives along the eastern coast of the Atlantic from Norway to Morocco, off the British Isles, in the Baltic, Mediterranean, Black and Azov Seas, we are common along the entire Black Sea coast and in the Sea of ​​Azov.

The needle-fish usually keeps near the coast, mainly in thickets of underwater vegetation, among rocks and stones overgrown with algae. Depending on the environment, the coloration also changes, masking the sea needle in its shelter. Most often, this fish is found to a depth of 10-12 meters, but sometimes it also comes across in the open sea. The needle-fish also approaches the mouths of rivers, sometimes meeting even in fresh water. It feeds on small crustaceans, fish fry, and sometimes very small adult fish. During feeding, the tubular snout acts like a pipette: with a sharp swelling of the cheeks, the prey is quickly drawn into the mouth from a distance of up to 4 centimeters.

Spawning of the long-snouted needle-fish in the Black Sea takes place in April-July. The reproduction process of all marine needles is very complex. The male on the ventral side of the body in the tail region has a special brood chamber for eggs, formed by two folds of skin on the sides of the body. These folds are bent over the belly and cover the eggs. After ritual courtship, the female wraps herself around her partner and lays eggs in his brood chamber, while the eggs are fertilized. The edges of the fold converge, forming a bag about 1/3 of the entire length of the fish. About 100 eggs fit in such a bag.

The male bears eggs until the fry hatch, for some time he carries them in his bag. In order for the fry to leave the brood chamber, the male bends the body in an upward arc and thus opens the bag. In case of danger, the fry again hide under the protection of a caring father. This species, like all other marine needles, has no economic value.

The largest of the sea needles found in the Black and Azov Seas - common needlefish(Syngnathus acus) reaches a length of 46 cm. This fish is distributed along the coast of Europe from Norway to Morocco, lives off the British Isles and in the Mediterranean Sea, but is absent in the waters of the Baltic Sea, keeps in coastal and pre-estuary spaces at a depth of up to 90 meters or more, is common among algae thickets . It often has dark transverse stripes on its body and tail.

Noticeably different from all the Black Sea-Azov sea needles with its short cylindrical snout black sea chubby needle-fish (S, abaster)(in the literature it is sometimes referred to as S. nigrolineatus). This species is distributed along the coasts of southern Europe and the northern coast of Africa, it is found in the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas at depths of up to 5 meters, above a sandy or muddy bottom among detritus or aquatic vegetation, enters rivers and lakes, penetrated into the Volga reservoirs . It reaches a length of 21 cm.

A narrower area of ​​​​distribution has a thin-nosed needle-fish (S. tenuirostris), inhabiting the Black, Azov and Adriatic seas. This is a rather large sea needle, reaching a length of 38.6 cm; it does not enter desalinated waters. Only in the Black and Azov Seas there are small (up to 11 cm long) Black Sea spiny needle (S. schmidti), usually living in the open sea at depths of up to 50-70 meters, and reaching a length of 30 cm thick-nosed, or striped needle-fish (S. variegatus), living in coastal marine thickets. In the Sea of ​​​​Japan, we have a close species - the seaside needle (S.acusimilis), entering the mouths of the rivers.

Along the eastern coast of the Atlantic from Norway to North Africa, in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, a serpentine needle, or sea awl, is common. (Nerophis ophidion). The brood chamber in males of this species is open, not protected by skin folds, and the eggs are attached directly to the belly. The serpentine needle has a long, thin body; adults lack pectoral, anal, and caudal fins. Usually yellowish-gray or yellowish-green with brown dots, by the time of spawning it is covered with blue stripes and spots. In our country, this species is found off the coast in the Baltic (including the Gulf of Finland), the Black and Azov Seas, sometimes it enters the mouths of rivers.

Fish. - M.: Astrel. E.D. Vasiliev. 1999

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