How to capitalize on the financial crisis. Here is a decreasing example, but where is the arriving one? Budget ways to sell goods

  • Lotteries and bookmakers
  • Pharmacy business
  • Bakery products
  • How much money do you need to open a bakery
  • Auto repair shop, service station
  • Anti-crisis car wash
  • How much money do you need to invest to open a self-service car wash
  • Microfinance organization
  • How much money do you need to invest to open microloans
  • How much can you earn on microloans
  • Export of goods abroad
  • funeral services
  • Economy class hairdressing salon
  • Cinema
  • step by step plan small cinema opening
  • How much can you earn by opening a small cinema
  • driving school
  • Step-by-step plan for opening a driving school

The bad economic situation in the country is not a reason to "hang your nose" and lose heart. There are many examples when large companies started their journey at the most unfavorable time for business. A crisis is a time of great opportunities, a time of real “cleansing”. Weak entrepreneurs who did not think about business development leave the market, making room for new players.

Today we will consider the 11 most profitable and “not killed” business ideas that work great and bring profit to the owner, despite the crisis in the economy.

Lotteries and bookmakers

When there is a crisis in the yard, people begin to believe in luck more. The state of low income and lack of work forces people to make adventurous decisions and literally throw the rest of their money down the drain. Therefore, any business related to the sale of lotteries, bookmakers, auctions - all this works with super profits. To organize a sports betting business, it is not at all necessary to have large capital and go through a rigorous registration and licensing procedure. Today, many major bookmakers are developing their own franchise networks in Russia and the CIS. Therefore, for a nominal fee of 200 - 350 thousand rubles. you can join the network and open a betting shop in your city. The only significant pitfall is strict regulation by the state. Here you will not guess when the government decides to close the “shop” by issuing another law. I think everyone remembers what happened to gambling clubs that brought hundreds of percent of the profits to their owners.

Pharmacy business

The pharmacy business, despite the oversaturation of the market, shows high profitability in a period of unstable economic situation. In our city, many well-known pharmacy chains have only increased the number of retail outlets over the past couple of years. The reason is clear - people start to get sick more due to stress and frustration (they were fired from their jobs, their salaries were lowered, they are afraid of layoffs). The number of people with heart problems, diabetes, indigestion, etc. is growing. Accordingly, trips to the pharmacy are becoming more frequent. Investing in a pharmacy business can be intimidating. However, it is not at all necessary to open a large store. At the start, you can limit yourself to a small pharmacy kiosk. Another option is to open a franchise.

Bakery products

Food is an eternal theme. It has long been known that when people's incomes decrease, they switch to cheaper food. In the diet, the number of bakery products increases: bread, pies, rolls, donuts, cookies. I noticed that in our city the number of stalls selling bread and flour products has increased significantly. In the place where I buy bread, instead of one kiosk, there are now four. And everyone, you know, is enough. After work, you have to stand in line to buy bread.

How much money do you need to open a bakery

To open a bread kiosk, you will need to invest approximately 300 - 500 thousand rubles, or even less. It is not necessary to rent or buy a capital structure. You can, for example, purchase a mobile trailer (Kupava) and arrange an exit trade by taking a permit from the local administration. There is less paperwork, and you can earn almost immediately. The product can be purchased from local bakeries or open your own production. True, this is a completely different investment.

Auto repair shop, service station

Like products, car repairs are "not a killable topic." Despite the crisis, there are more and more cars, and those that are are aging and breaking down more often. In our city, service stations and car repair shops are at every turn. At the same time, everyone works successfully, and you can get in only by appointment. Haven't heard of anyone closing or leaving the market. Tire fittings, body repair, auto electrics - all this is relevant. And at the same time, these ideas do not require a large initial capital. You can even start in "garage" conditions. The main difficulty is to find good craftsmen. Well, if you yourself know how to work with equipment - you and the flag in your hands.

Anti-crisis car wash

Self-service car washes - the new kind services in the automotive field. The idea came to us from the West, but before the crisis it did not develop very much. Now, when people think more about saving, such services will flourish. Many will prefer to wash their car on their own, as the savings are almost double (about 150 rubles instead of 300 rubles). Read business forums, where many speak of good prospects for self-service car washes. Some post photo-reports where you can see the queue for such a sink.

How much money do you need to invest to open a self-service car wash

The only disadvantage of this idea is the high investment to start the business. To open even a small car wash for three posts, with all the approvals, you will have to pay at least 1.5 million rubles. Not everyone has that kind of money, especially in times of crisis.

Microfinance organization

According to some reports, over the past three years, the demand for microloans up to 30,000 rubles. increased three times. There are a number of reasons for this, including those related to the economic situation in the country. Interest on loans in large banks has grown, appeared with falsity with their receipt. While a microloan can be issued without leaving home, without references and proof of income.

How much money do you need to invest to open microloans

To open your own microfinance organization it is enough to invest no more than 500 - 1000 thousand rubles. And the investment pays off quickly. Judge for yourself. Loans are issued at an average of 2% per day.

How much can you earn on microloans

That is, taking a loan of 30,000 r. in a month, the client will have to return 48,000 rubles. Profit 18 000 rubles! It is clear that not all clients are conscientious. But, as practice shows, only 15% do not repay the debt. In this case, debts can always be sold to collectors. In any case, the company remains in good nail.

Export of goods abroad

During the period of the “expensive” dollar, the business of selling certain types of goods abroad is quite profitable. For example, in recent times our citizens began to actively sell honey and other food products to China. There is good news for traders of various small things on the Internet: ebay coordinates simplified rules for exporting goods from Russia to the USA and Europe with the customs and post of Russia. That is, it will be much more profitable to sell felt boots, hats and handicrafts to the “bourgeois”. The only danger is that someday oil will rise, the ruble will rise in price, which will reduce the export benefit of some goods.

funeral services

Funeral services business does not depend on the crisis phenomena in the country. People can save on expensive purchases, entertainment, recreation, food, but they will not refuse to spend on a decent burial. At any time of the year, the demand for funeral services remains high. Oddly enough, but what worse times, the higher the profit in this area. At the same time, it is not necessary to open a funeral service bureau with all the complexities of conducting this activity. According to some reports, more than 80% of funeral companies are not manufacturers. That is, they buy the same coffins from manufacturers or resellers. In this case, it would be a great idea to organize own production coffins. For example, from fiberboard using the hot forming method. The entrance ticket to such a business is 300,000 rubles, and the number of staff is only 4 people. Production can be organized even in the open air. There are companies that can supply ready-made blanks, from which coffins will already be knocked together. Margin on products - 100%.

Economy class hairdressing salon

Hairdressing services are always relevant. Well, who can refuse a haircut or hairstyle, except perhaps a very poor person. Therefore, we can say with confidence that such a business is not subject to a crisis. However, just the crisis can affect elite hairdressers and beauty salons. But economy class hairdressing salons, where for only 150 - 200 r. you can get a quality haircut - will be in high demand. Although this is not a super profitable business, the idea is definitely not a failure and will work regardless of the situation in the country.


Despite the fact that the entertainment industry is experiencing better times, such mass budget entertainment as watching movies in cinemas, on the contrary, is in good demand. People get tired of gray everyday life, problems at work, negative news and want to get something magical for the soul. And they find this solace in the cinema. A budget 3-d cinema is a good business idea in times of crisis. Such activity is not subject to licensing. You only need to purchase a license to rent films. Rental organizations, as a rule, work on a 50/50 basis. That is, you keep 50% of the box office receipts for yourself, and give the rest to the license holder.

Step-by-step plan for opening a small cinema

No big investment is required to start a business. You can open a very small cinema for 12 spectators. The required floor space is only 18 square meters. m. In fact, a cinema can be opened in an apartment setting (on the ground floors of apartment buildings). If at least 50 people visit such a cinema every day, and each leaves 300 rubles, then the monthly revenue will be 450,000 rubles. Of this amount, half will go to pay for the rental of the film, approximately 10% for rent, 15% for salaries and 5% for other expenses.

How much can you earn by opening a small cinema

That is net profit will be approximately 90 - 100 thousand rubles. per month. This is not a bad amount, considering that the cost of opening a mini-cinema for 12 seats does not exceed 1 million rubles. Moreover, you can earn not only on entrance tickets, but also on the sale of strong drinks, popcorn, chips, etc. I would also like to mention an idea related to the cinema - opening a movie cafe. In such an institution, you can not only watch movies, but also give the opportunity to play video games, smoke a hookah, play board games singing karaoke. Payment, however, is not for a specific service, but for the time spent in the institution. On average, this is 100 rubles. per hour per person.

driving school

Another business that is not afraid of crisis and competition is driving schools. No matter how bad the income is, the flow of young people in need of a driver's license does not dry up. Moreover, if 15 - 20 years ago, for the most part, only men went to training, today exactly half of future drivers are women. Naturally, this only increased the number of clients from existing driving schools. Moreover, due to innovations in the law, the minimum period of study in driving schools has increased, which led to an increase in prices. Today, in order to obtain the rights, you will need to spend at least 50,000 rubles. only for training (theory and practice). This is huge money. It turns out that from a small group of 20 people you can get 1,000,000 rubles! And how many people want to study in your city? It's thousands of people.

Step-by-step plan for opening a driving school

To open a driving school, you will need to rent a room, accreditation from the traffic police and a staff of instructors (with whom you can negotiate for a percentage). As a student class, a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b35 - 50 square meters is suitable. m. There is even such an option as to open an online driving school. You can also study theory remotely, and workshops will conduct licensed driving schools in a particular region (you can negotiate with them for a certain percentage). This will save on renting a room and arranging a student class. In fact, a business can be opened from scratch. The main thing is to correctly advertise the service and find good performers (teacher and instructors). There are companies that offer to open an online franchise driving school. But you can invest not only in a business or open your own business. Even in a crisis, it is realistic to invest money in real estate or cars, while receiving passive income. What to invest in and how to do it, you can learn by reading new book Territories of Investment. Do you want to establish a stable cash flow but don't know how? You have the opportunity to become completely financially independent in a few years. Find out, how to invest money wisely and act.

Times of crisis are always difficult. Every person loses something. But, under such conditions, interesting things happen. Rich people get richer and poor people get poorer. That is why some people seriously think about where to get money during a crisis. It turns out that if you think carefully about your brains, then this is not difficult.

First of all, you don’t need to succumb to all the crowded panic and think that everything is bad, there is no money and never will be. You should not take as a basis the words “Now it’s bad and hard for everyone.” Thus, you will calm yourself, but also fall a few steps back. Of course, it's easiest to give in to emotions and do nothing but whine and complain about how hard life is. But you're not that kind of person, are you?

What is a crisis?

The crisis originates from the moment when the imbalance between demand and supply for goods is disturbed. Under these conditions, there is often a sharp surge in prices for food, utilities and other essential goods and services, while incomes remain at the same level.

It is during the financial crisis that the most unexpected situations occur.

Signs of a Financial Crisis

The main and most common signs of a crisis include: a rapid rate of job cuts, a collapse in prices on stock exchanges, a collapse of the main state currency in relation to world reserves by about 50%, a sharp, simultaneous rise in prices for food, equipment, utilities, etc.

As you understand, and perhaps you know, that in a crisis there is an economic panic. This phenomenon is observed not only in Russia, but also in other countries. I'm not talking about Ukraine, it's generally terrible there. But now is not about that.

Therefore, if you show Kuz'kin's mother to the crisis, then be sure that you will not be left without money.

Plan and idea of ​​earning

You must clearly understand that the crisis is not your problem. You are still the same ordinary person, with your knowledge and talents, they have not gone away from you. Simply, for starters, you do not need to think about earning a lot of money at once, because you risk remaining in a world of illusions.

Illusion of earnings

The "Illusion of Earnings" refers to various "money-making" programs (make money). Such programs do not exist officially, on a non-legislative basis, but in an agreement with the client, who, as usual, are frightened by the crisis and are ready to do everything to get easy money. This is a kind of pyramid, the creators of which, with slogans, assure that they know how to earn big money during a crisis. But, as in any pyramid scheme, a moment of disappointment comes, since money and time were invested, but there was no profit.

In general, if you are thinking of sticking into network marketing then get that idea out of your head. In a crisis, this is a failure.

The basic rule for making money in a crisis

What do you think will help you make money in a crisis? That's right - the people around you! Indeed, during a crisis, the rule always works - give people what they need most. Moreover, giving what you want, and even at an affordable price, is the basis of all the foundations.

In principle, this rule has always existed, but in times of crisis it has a deeper meaning.

Making money in times of crisis

What can a person do without? Without food

No matter how difficult the time, everyone wants to eat and always. Even dogs and cats near the dump. But if animals can have a bite to eat in the garbage, then for the residents of the city, the country it will be unacceptable.

Even if food prices have risen many times over, people will still buy products. This is the law. A common person will be able to save on everything, on clothes, travel, a communal apartment, but hardly on food. All you need is to sell food to people.

There are several ways to sell food.

If you have your own house or cottage, then on their territory you can grow vegetables, berries and fruits, and then sell them on the market or rent them to stores. For example, greens, onions, carrots are in demand all year round. Also, people will not give up home baking. Homemade food is always nicer than store-bought and most likely cheaper.

Much cooler if you have pets: chickens, geese, hares, or perhaps cattle. From meat, although it is relatively expensive, people will not refuse. What about homemade milk? It's one of the staple foods, by the way. The second option is more difficult and requires capital investment. It all looks like this: you find a supplier of products, rent a stall or a place in the market and sell products. It's legal and very beneficial. The only thing is that you can not pass the sanitary and epidemiological station. But, it's not a problem if you have some money. This option is very progressive. The main product is presented at a price lower than in stores or from other sellers.

To look good you need clothes

AT modern world looking good is a sign of taste and wealth. Nobody canceled the desire of people for these qualities even during the crisis.

We are not talking about sewing clothes, since this is only relevant during graduations or during marriages, but you can provide repairs and sales.

An online store can be a great option for selling clothes. All you need to do is to create it, put some clothing models there and specify their cost. The product will always find its buyer.

Why did I mention clothing repair? Because during a crisis, not everyone can buy clothes, but everyone can afford to repair old ones.

Education and tutoring

If in the first version we talked about physical hunger, now we will talk about mental hunger.

Parents of children always care about the education of their children. If the crisis does not really interfere with this process, but the prices for education always raise questions.

All you have to offer is you and your talents. For example, do you know how to play any musical instrument, do you know languages ​​or are you good at dancing different dances? Then quickly write an ad in the newspaper, and you will see that soon someone will need your skills.

You can also help schoolchildren and students in solving lessons, tasks, tests, and so on. And it's all for money.

If you have doubts about this, then you may be mistaken. Find a like-minded person and go with him to income.


Alternatively, if your hands grow from the place that you need and you understand household appliances, then you may well earn your living repairing it. The crisis hit prices, which means that the purchase new technology It will cost a very large amount, which many will not pull. Therefore, the repair old technology or out of order would be more acceptable.

Here you can also add repair and apartments, if you want, and repair of cars, furniture.

Earnings on the Internet

The Internet is a separately taken topic for earning money, where, in general, you can earn money on a wider list of topics.

We already wrote about how. Read more.

Internet blog

If you have unique knowledge that can be useful people- then this species earnings for you. Blogging is a promising form of making money on the Internet, which will not immediately give you a lot of income, but if you work hard and promote it, then hundreds or even thousands of users can refer to it. All you need is knowledge, creativity and internet access.

Online help

This option is one of the ways to make money on the Internet. But if making money on the Internet will bring you a small profit, then online help will have higher monetary potential.

For example, in times of crisis, it is unprofitable for companies to keep employees in the office, so they are looking for more economical ways. You can hire such a company to work and carry out their instructions at home. This can be calling clients by numbers from the database, or sending mail messages.

What we have?

As you understand, in a crisis, you can only survive at the expense of the primary needs of people. Creation real business under such conditions is doomed to fail. If not a failure, then delivering a huge number of problems and inconveniences. Therefore, the above ways of making money during a crisis will help you stay afloat for a while.

There is only one person in this world who can make you achieve outstanding success. And that person is you.

Wherever you look, there is a crisis everywhere.
Why is it so raining?
- A crisis.
Why didn't you do your homework?
- A crisis.
Why did you buy so many TVs?
- It's a crisis!

"Crisis" has become a very convenient excuse for all questions. And who thought that there is a crisis?

Not in terms economic terms, but in understandable human language?

So, dear reader, a crisis is a change in financial flows, that is, somewhere it decreases, but somewhere it increases very strongly. How does this happen? Yes, it’s very simple: there are hairdressers at every turn, grocery stores, pharmacies, car washes, photo salons, ateliers, etc. There is no shortage of services or goods, please, any whim for your money.

And what about clients, clients, ordinary workers whose government or uncle cut funding to a minimum, the client has no money, the client has a CRISIS. Since the client does not have money, it means that there is nothing to pay rent to the store, there is nothing to pay salaries to employees, there is no funding for the purchase of new equipment, because there is a crisis. And if there is no money, then bankruptcy, collapse and another crisis.

Here is a decreasing example, but where is the arriving one?

And the growing situation is that in a crisis everyone tightens their belts and wants to save money. Saving is not for everyone: on gasoline, food, pills, clothes, travel, toothpaste. It’s expensive for a layman to go to distant lands to Lenta (Lenta, Auchan, Metro, Carousel, Crossroads or another hypermarket - choose for yourself) for a bar of soap or a roll toilet paper. What for? These are extra costs for gasoline, this is time, these are nerves, these are SARS bacilli from the same inhabitants. It’s easier to open an online store on your computer and order everything there in a couple of clicks. And what. convenient, fast, economical. And then you can talk about the meaning of life, for example, about “How to make money in a crisis or open your own business without investments. In a crisis."

So, dear reader, since it is expensive and expensive for the layman to go to Lenta, and it is expensive and risky for businessmen to rent premises, most companies look towards the computer and open their online stores. It is in the Internet industry that clients, money and simply talented minds are now being pumped.

The internet has become the norm.

  • Trade on the stock exchange via the Internet
  • Pay taxes and fines
  • Buy goods in online stores.
  • Make money transfers.
  • Buy air and railway tickets.
  • Use public services (opening an individual entrepreneur, passport, international passport, making an appointment with doctors, etc.)

85% of Russian Internet users make purchases in online stores.
43% of them do it monthly.

Yes, Internet business- it's profitable, it's modern, it's a trend. But where is the crisis?

And despite the fact that having discarded all stereotypes, doubts and an ironic chuckle, you can, without leaving your home:

  • Once again save a pretty penny on buying toothpaste.
  • Become the owner of a ready-made online store and develop its network in Russia and the CIS countries to receive a very fat percentage from organized trade.

In order, and about what kind of online store, and what kind of manufacturing company.

We are all clean people, we all brush our teeth, wash our feet and puff ourselves with desicum (well, almost everyone) we now buy all these soap and soap necessities at a discount directly from the company through the online store. Further, we form a team of like-minded people who also buy all this through an online store. This is not sales, but organizational work.

Our discount is 32%, the online store returns us an additional 33% for the entire team for the created turnover.

For example, we built 3 teams with a turnover of 300,000 rubles each, the online store received a total turnover of 900 thousand. If in doubt, recalculate.

The company has done some of its work:

  1. She made a product.
  2. The online store accepted the order and received payment for the goods.
  3. The logistics service packed and delivered the goods.

But we did it with the team main job - organized a turnover and for this the company pays for our entire team 33% of the turnover of 900 thousand = 297 thousand.

Is it good for us? Of course, all partners receive money from the company for the work done:

Out of 300 thousand, the company will pay you approximately 100 thousand as the organizer of such a turnover.

-3 teams with a turnover of 300,000 rubles?! I'll die alone looking for so many people!

You think everything is right, there is no warrior alone in the field, which is why at the first stage we will build the first team together, we will register all the people one after another. We call this method the "Chernobyl carrot" 🙂

This method of building teams allows you to quickly create teams of 1000 people or more and find business partners among them.

10 people will invite one partner each, it will already be 20, 20 will invite 1 partner each, there will already be 40, 40 one partner - 80, 80 one partner - 160, etc.

TEAM! Here's what's winning now. Team players always blew up stadiums and took first place.

A turnover of 300,000 rubles can be obtained in different ways:

  • If 50 partners place an order for 6000 rubles
  • Or 100 partners for 3000 rubles
  • Or 300 to 1000 rubles

Naturally, the first path is closer to everyone (everything is lazy * ops, we are all too lazy to strain once again).

But, I will say right away that not everything is so chocolate:

In a team with a turnover of 300 thousand, there will be approximately 200-300 people. Of these 200-300 people, 50 will be real smart people(the backbone of your organization, with whom you go into fire, and into water, and into the sauna) about 50 will be at the level of consumption (regular customers, these people will always put off building a business for “after a vacation, after a garden, after a summer residence, after sea, after the toilet”) and 100-150 will be just freeloaders, philosophers, thinkers, unrecognized geniuses, you can’t get anywhere without them.

And until what moment do we build a team and sign people for each other?
When your team has at least 2 sensible key partners, when you have already learned how to work with people, when you learn how to organize a massive flow of people into this business, then you can build the second and third and tenth teams in the same way.

Pyramiding... smacks of pyramiding. I am against all sorts of "MMM"

No, not pyramiding, but a network business. legal legitimate, honest business.

Is everything clear at this stage?

And now about the company with which we cooperate and which online store we are changing our usual Lenta to.

Our partner is Oriflame.

Why do we cooperate with this company?

  1. Desired product (personal consumption goods: creams, cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, toothpaste, toilet paper is just not enough).
    When you start building a business, you need to think not about whether you like the product or not, but about what percentage of the population needs and will use these products. No one wants his mouth to smell not of brushed teeth, but of socks from his feet. All women have at least one lipstick, and most ladies are obsessed with the beauty industry. Believe it or not, it's a fact.
  2. Reliability. The company is a manufacturer of products, 50 years on the market and it is a billionaire company!
  3. Reliable partners. The company has been cooperating with auto giants Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, Skoda for many years. The company gives cars of these manufacturers for a job well done.
  4. There are representative offices in 85 regions of our country, in 63 countries, the company provides logistics and delivery of products to customers. We do not have hemorrhoids in organizing the work of an online store, everything is done by the company itself.
  5. official income. Income is transferred to a bank account. Everything is transparent and legal. There are pension contributions, work experience, you can apply for any loans and mortgages.
  6. You can transfer the created business by inheritance. Who can pass on their familiar chair of a senior specialist by inheritance?! It is important for me that the results of my work do not float away to heaven, but remain with me forever and my children and grandchildren told me: “Grandfather, you are really cool!”

Let's summarize, because with the highest possible degree of probability you have already lost the essence of the conversation:

Crisis is not a sentence! Having discarded all stereotypes, doubts, arrogance and global ideas to capture the foreign exchange market, we simply:

  • We are changing our store to the Oriflame online store.
  • Forming a team of like-minded people
  • We organize team turnover and get our percentage.

Income is all white, legal, paid through a bank account. There are no gray schemes for withdrawing money and Yandex wallets.

The turnover is calculated according to a specific catalog period (yes, there is a New Year's catalog, there is a catalog by March 8, there is by February 23) there are 17 catalogs in a year, therefore 17 salaries.

For a job well done, we get bonuses in dollars at the current rate and corporate trips over the hill.

How quickly can you reach your desired income level? And here everything depends on you, if you work and do certain actions, there will be a result, if you don’t, you will remain in unrecognized geniuses.

What do you think is worth a try?

If “yes”, contact me right now at the indicated . Say "Alexander, hello! I want to join the team" and I'll tell you where to start.

  • ATTENTION! My offer is not valid for current Oriflame consultants and their immediate family members.

Hello friends. Victor Samoilov is with you. Crisis ... many people associate the saddest memories in life with this word. Poverty, job loss, terrible depression and stress - all this occurs in a person when the next crisis comes. Perhaps, few people could avoid its harmful effects, because the rise in prices for absolutely all goods is a blow to everyone's wallets. Experts and analysts appear on TV screens, who supposedly know what to do for an ordinary Russian, but in practice it turns out that their forecasts turn out to be false, and in most cases they are so incomprehensible that it is impossible to derive practical benefit from them. But do all people lose money during a crisis? Is it really impossible to make a profit in a period of instability? How to make money in a crisis will be discussed further. I will share with you my own experiences of anti-crisis earnings and tell you how I turned from a simple hard worker at the Samara plant into a dollar millionaire.

The law of conservation of "dough" in nature!

What do you think: where does the money go during a crisis, in whose pockets does it end up? No one destroys money, no one steals more than usual, so where then do the funds that people lose when they lose their jobs, fall into a “debt hole” due to foreign currency loan etc. Many will say: the money goes to the oligarchs and dishonest officials. In principle, there is some truth in this, but only a fraction, because oligarchs often go bankrupt during a crisis, they themselves become victims of an unstable economy. The oligarch in this regard is no different from common man. They both lose money when instability sets in, they both make money when the economy is good.

So, then, only part of the lost money goes to the oligarchs, so where does the rest go? Are there really people who know how to make money in a crisis, and are actively doing it? So who are they then? Too many questions, it's time to answer them. There really are people who make money on a crisis, or rather, during a crisis. Do you think they are geniuses, financial tycoons, geeks? Some of them yes, but most of them no. Most of those who make a profit in unstable times are ordinary people, but in due time they learned a few secrets of a wealthy life, because of which they were able to live to the fullest, and regardless of the existing system. It cannot be said that they are making money on the crisis, because the crisis has nothing to do with it. A more accurate phrase - earn during a crisis, regardless of the situation. For such people, it doesn’t matter what the exchange rate of the ruble is, how much you need to pay for utilities and what is the price of bread at the market. They just do their job and earn enough money to pay no attention to all this. They are financially literate people, and now you have the opportunity to join their number. Next, you will learn how to make money in a crisis, and unlike analysts, I will give you advice understandable words and based on personal experience. Whether or not you use them is up to you, but I sincerely hope that you will accept the right decision, live a decent life yourself and provide a bright future for your children.

Choices for the Chosen Ones!

During a crisis, some people make really big money by building own business, investing in real estate, gold or shares of large foreign companies. It is during a crisis that it is easiest for a purposeful and talented person to take a place at the financial top. The thing is that conservative oligarchs, for the most part, cannot cope with the influx of problems and are losing their positions in the market. Any person who has the ability to conduct business can take these positions. Sounds good, agree. True, to implement all of the above, you need the following:

  1. Large initial capital (from a million dollars and more);
  2. Entrepreneurial skills and talents;
  3. Extensive connections among businessmen and in the government;
  4. High level of luck.

As you can see, the requirements are very solid, so this option is not suitable for the vast majority of ordinary citizens. However, there is an option for them, which, by the way, allows you to get everything that is indicated in the list above. This option gives you the opportunity to earn up to a million dollars, allows you to gain a lot of experience and make connections in the business community, but luck always accompanies purposeful people.

How to make money in a crisis "mere mortal"?

20 years ago, I was a simple worker, plowed around the clock, first at the factory, then at home, while providing only a primitive existence for my family. But everything changed when I learned about financial exchanges. Then it was something new, unknown, and from that terribly frightening (however, the picture has not changed much even now). However, circumstances forced me to try new way earnings, and I succeeded. For 20 years I have been working on financial exchanges, first on Forex, now on a simpler exchange binary options, and in all this time he never regretted his decision. Trading brings me everything I could ever dream of, and now I'm obsessed with learning how to more people profitable trading on the stock exchange.

“This is all a scam! How is that even possible?” some of you will say. But don't be so conservative. Do not assume that you can only earn traditional ways. It was before, when we lived in the Soviet Union, and now it is time for change and great opportunities. Now a simple person, with due perseverance, can become wealthy, although for this he will need something.

Financial exchanges are, of course, a great opportunity to move up the social ladder, but still not a “Miracle of God”. Any work should be prepared, and trading is no exception. In order to make money here successfully, you need to study, clearly follow the rules, trade thoughtfully, according to a trading strategy.

What do you need to make money on financial exchanges?

  1. The first thing you need is motivation, because without it you will not be able to go all the way from a beginner to a professional trader. If you don’t want to succeed, if you don’t need money, if you don’t strive to secure a decent future for yourself, your family and children, don’t even try to make money on the stock exchange, you won’t succeed. To achieve a certain result in any business, you need motivation, the desire to do it. Ask any successful businessman if he likes his job. With a probability of 99%, he will answer yes. Now ask if an office clerk or, say, an ordinary employee of the passport office likes the job. With the same probability, all these people will answer no. And how can you like a job where you do the same thing day after day, and you don’t feel your own importance against the backdrop of a huge system? Only motivation contributes to success. It's not that hard to get it. It is enough just to want to earn money, to want to become wealthy, and to set yourself up for the fact that certain actions will be required to achieve all these goals.
  1. The most important component of making money on financial exchanges is competent training. This includes, above all, a trading strategy. Without it, you have very little chance of earning, but with it - almost guaranteed success. If you study and consistently follow all the rules of any strategy from the table below, then with a 99% chance you will start earning from the very first day. At least I don't know of any trader who has lost money trading with the strategy. Only those who work thoughtlessly, frivolously, hoping for their luck, lose. You can go to the study of the binary options strategy from the table below, and if you want to work on Forex, I recommend that you read the article.

The best binary options strategies!

Strategy Trend Against the trend By selection scale Signals According to the news Martingale
Difficulty level (1-10) 2 4 3 1 4 1
Recommended deposit 200$+ 250$+ 200$+ 150$+ 300$+ 500$+
Type of analysis Technical Technical Psychological Technical Fundamental Technical
Accuracy (number of profitable trades out of the total number) 7/10 8/10 7/10 7,5/10 9/10 5/10
Profitability (% of the initial deposit per month) 50% 65% 55% 50% 60% 55%
  1. And the last component of your success is a reliable broker, i.e. the company you will be working with. The broker acts as an intermediary between you and the exchange, because only very large investors can trade directly. The more reliable the company and the better its conditions, the more your income. The choice of a broker should be taken carefully, but you should also not assume that your profit depends only on it. Most of success still depends on you and on the thoroughness of your study of the trading strategy. For trading binary options, I recommend a broker with whom I have worked for more than 5 years. As for Forex, here one of the best companies is.

Thus, it is possible to deduce a simple formula success for working on financial exchanges: Motivation + Training + Reliable broker = Money. You can get all the elements of this formula on this portal. If you have never encountered financial exchanges before and don’t understand what trading is at all, I recommend starting by reading the article. A few months ago, I created this site so that the person here could go from a teapot to a professional, and I can say with some pride that I managed to do it. Now it's up to you!

Forex or binary options?

You can earn on both exchanges, just by different strategies. For beginners, I recommend starting with a simpler binary options exchange, trading with strategies from the list above, or with a new TS on the portal and. As soon as you gain enough experience, you can use averaging and overclocking of the deposit, which will increase the profitability of trading up to 3 times and reduce the number of losses to the very minimum. However, you can start with the Forex currency exchange. In this case, I recommend a strategy either.

How much to start trading?

Some brokers allow all clients who have deposited at least $10 to trade. But you must understand that for serious work, which is what trading is, you need a serious amount. Firstly, the more funds you have on your account, the more positions you can open and earn more. Secondly, only a decent amount allows you to use highly profitable rules for overclocking and averaging the deposit, as well as the Martingale principle. And thirdly, a large deposit is your guarantee that you will not lose all your money with several unsuccessful transactions in a row. For beginners, this sometimes happens, and in the vast majority of cases, they win back all losses over the next day, but only if they have enough funds in their account to open new positions. So, at least you should have a deposit of $250, and ideally - $500 or more. This applies to both binary options and Forex.

Who has already earned on the stock exchange?

AT this moment I already have several successful students who I managed to train even before the PAMM Trade portal was created. You can read about them in the site section. There are already quite a lot of successful traders among my readers, they constantly write to me on VKontakte and share their impressions about new job. Of course, they have not yet become millionaires, because only 3 months have passed, but all this is in the future. Now it may seem to you that all these are unattainable goals, and believe me, it seemed so to me too when I plowed at the factory. Nevertheless, life was a pleasant surprise, and my story is more of a rule than an exception, because many traders on financial exchanges have gone this way, you can go this way too. With the most vivid examples successful traders you can find in the article. Some names will seem familiar to you, because at the moment these people are representatives of the financial elite of their country and the world.

To the end!

How to make money in a crisis? Now you know the answer to this question, and unlike the next "sermon" of the analyst, you can use the material received today in practice. Start studying a trading strategy right now, choose a reliable broker, clearly and steadily follow step by step instructions in an article about your strategy - and guaranteed success awaits you. The main thing is not to be lazy, not to sit on the couch waiting for a miracle and not to think that you can earn money without even lifting a finger for this. Spend about 10 hours of your time preparing, take trading seriously - and you will start earning, regardless of whether it is a crisis now or a period of temporary stability. You can find out how to make money on the fall of the ruble

All success and great profit!

Sincerely yours, Victor Samoilov!

Greetings, friends! Did you know that there is a category of people who, in times of crisis, can live no worse than before, or even better?

I'll even tell you more: they know how to squeeze out of the crisis (or from themselves in this unfavorable period) all the most delicious and creative.

They know how to find profit where the majority simply does not see it, namely, in the very heart of an unfavorable economic moment, they silently work when others are panicking, and then simply reap a rich harvest of their own efforts and successful ideas.

Who are they, these successful guys? Ordinary people, only with a slightly different program: they are programmed to succeed in any circumstances.

Program and motivate themselves. Perhaps you are even one of them, if instead of just complaining about significantly lower incomes and living standards, you are actively looking for where and how to make money in a crisis.

Want to know for sure where? For good earnings now it is not necessary to leave the house - it is always at hand. The Internet provides so many opportunities that one of them is definitely yours.

1. What is a good idea?

Maybe you have come across theses successful people about how and when they managed to earn their millions for short term, if before that they for a long time had to work for pennies as pizza deliverymen or pool cleaners? Notice what kickstarted their earning ability big money: times of crisis, when the usual work became less and pay, respectively, too.

Also pay attention to their advice on what to do in a crisis in order to earn money - there is not a single standard one related to physical labor, everything is original and intellectual. Therefore, the main condition is a good idea that can become popular among millions.

For example, I have already managed to create several of my products. And even though two of them don't sell at all, the others bring quite a big plus in my pocket. And there are a few more on the way. Why am I doing this? And besides, even if the first information product does not sell well, you should not be upset. Move on.

You might as well be selling tips for quick cleaning and keeping your home clean, or making ergonomic receptacles for storing small items, or a new way to quickly pit berries. Every advice is needed by someone, every idea from someone will receive a warm response, the main thing is that it be useful to people.

Ideas on how to make money in the 2016 crisis can be based on anything - even directly on earning methods. Think about what knowledge or skill you possess so virtuoso that you can teach others, and act.

And if you don’t have any ideas, then don’t despair - it’s even better! It will be possible to create your own blog and gradually tell in it how you have learned something, and then, when you have already become a master from scratch, you can again create your own product. Although already only on one blog you will earn decent money.

2. Proven methods with minor amendments

The most ungrateful thing in the material sense is to run away from the crisis in the social network and waste your time there aimlessly (that is, for free). If the Internet is your permanent place of residence, then you cannot but know that a lot of money is spinning on the network and your task is to earn it. As the saying goes: you should not use the Internet, but use it.

Let's consider all the possibilities. What you can earn in the crisis of 2016 is the methods familiar to everyone that you may have been using for a long time. But today we will analyze them more deeply, and find not just earnings, but high and stable earnings with payment in dollar terms.

2.1. Copywriting, translation

A great way to make money, I even know who, for the sake of working on the network, left their main place of work, since the salary level there ceased to suit them. Journalists are retrained as bloggers, doctors write for thematic medical sites, competent foremen cover the nuances of repair and construction work on construction portals - and everyone is very pleased with the current level of income and dust-free work.

But when cooperating with Runet sites, the question of how to make money in a crisis does not lose its relevance even among the regulars. Another thing is to write for English-language sites. The job is suitable for people who have foreign languages: translation and writing of texts are valued at several times more expensive by Burzhnet exchanges and paid in hard currency, which, of course, is much more pleasant and preferable than even a very good ruble earnings.

Foreign freelancing includes not only copywriting work, here you can successfully find a highly paid job if you know how to create and promote websites, invent and draw logos, and create banners. By the way, I have a tutorial on my blog on how to .

2.2. Own English site

If you have experience in creating and promoting websites in Runet, then you have probably already decided how to make money during a crisis. under the bourgeois - the most profitable business in troubled times. Western advertisers are not so affected by the crisis (and indeed, I suspect that crises happen only in our country), they are more solvent and generous. And as the ancient Jewish wisdom says: "A generous person is more reliable than a kind one." If, at least just to compare the cost per click, then in the subject of binary options, the average payment for 1 click is 1-2, and there is $ 15-30.

But with this way of earning, be prepared for some difficulties in promotion: you will need to hire competent English-speaking copywriters (see paragraph above), who are fluent not only in the language, but also in SEO.

2.3. Simple earnings on English-language sites

But if the desire for simple species your earnings in the bourgeois net are very high, and your knowledge of the language leaves much to be desired, I give you a hint on how to solve the problem: install an auto-translation program so that the language changes when loading web pages. You will not receive a clear translation, but in in general terms understand the content. By the way, this is one of the most affordable ways. And how to make money in the crisis of 2016 ordinary people no great talent? Only by completing simple tasks! Although I must admit, I can't stand long reading of crooked translations.

2.4. To make money on microstocks

Choose the same foreign sites. Yes, if you don’t know what kind of income it is, I suggest: selling illustrations, photos and videos. You can sell one picture countless times for a small amount (in dollars) or one time for a solid amount.

If you know how to capture good angles and consider yourself not just a photographer, but a photo artist, then you don’t even need to think about what to do in a crisis in order to earn money - your income is in your hands. But not a problem, even if you are not a very lucky photographer or artist - after all, every amateur has one or two very cool photos or pictures in stock, so put them up for long-term sale, they can feed you for several years (just before the end of the crisis ).

I told you about safe methods of making money, although there are risks everywhere, even in copywriting through forums. But I must state the fact that Burzhnet customers and advertisers - decent people, accustomed to pay for someone else's work, no matter how we ironize over Western values. There are several times fewer scammers in the English-speaking segment of the Internet than in the Russian-speaking one. So try if before that you could not find how you can make money in a crisis.

3. How do I make money during a crisis?

Actually, above I have already mentioned earnings on the blog. Now I want to consider this possibility in more detail and at the same time I will tell you why this particular method is one of the best for making money not only in a crisis, but also in any other period.

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