Recipes with how to cook egg noodles. Culinary recipes and photo recipes. Homemade noodles with milk

Recipe homemade egg noodles:

To make homemade noodles, you need to knead a fairly stiff dough. Therefore, to make this process a little easier, you can use a food processor.

So, install a plastic knife nozzle in the combine bowl (if suddenly there is none, then take a metal one, in this case it is not so important). Pour the sifted flour into a bowl and add salt.

Beat in two whole chicken eggs and pour in a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Turn on the combine and mix all the contents. The output should be a large wet crumb. If suddenly the eggs were too small, and the dough turned out to be very dry, then you can add quite a bit of water, literally a tablespoon.

Put the resulting crumb on the desktop, collect it in a single lump. Knead the dough for 1-2 minutes, cover it with a towel and let it rest for 10 minutes.

After rest, knead the dough very carefully. Knead it for 7-10 minutes, it should become smooth and uniform, but with all this, the egg noodle dough should be quite dense, so dust the table with flour while kneading.

Wrap the finished dough ball in cling film and refrigerate for 1-2 hours. During this time, the dough will rest and it will be much easier to work with it.

After resting, remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide into 2 parts.

Wrap one piece back in cling film and set aside. Put the second part of the egg dough on a floured board and roll it out very thinly (the thickness should be 1 mm).

Cut the rolled layer into strips about 4-5 cm wide.

Dust the strips with flour and stack them on top of each other.

Cut the noodles a few millimeters thick or any other thickness, just keep in mind that the noodles will expand slightly during cooking. Sprinkle the sliced ​​noodles lightly with flour so that they do not stick together.

You can boil it right away, and if you are going to store it, then dry the noodles at room temperature for several hours or more (depending on the humidity in the room) until they become brittle. First put the dried noodles in a sieve and shake well to get rid of the remaining flour, and then transfer to a linen bag or any container with a lid.

By the way, this dough is very versatile and, if desired, you can form any other kind of pasta from it.

Also, if you like lasagna and cannelloni, then this dough is perfect for preparing these dishes.

That's it - homemade egg noodles are ready!

Noodles with vanilla sauce 1. Boil the noodles until tender. 2. For the sauce, dry the flour without changing the color, cool and mix with the yolks and sugar until fluffy. With continuous stirring, pour in warm cream with vanilla sugar dissolved in them, boil the sauce over low heat until...Required: flat noodles - 500 g, butter - 5 tbsp. spoons, powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, For vanilla sauce: wheat flour - 1 tbsp. spoon, egg yolks - 4 pcs., sugar - 1 cup, cream - 2 cups, butter - 1 tbsp. the spoon

Fried noodles with vegetables Carrots and peeled hot peppers cut into thin strips. Beans, cut off the tips and remove the veins, cut into small pieces. Heat 2/3 of the peanut butter, fry finely chopped onion, garlic and ginger in it. Add carrots and beans, fry...Required: egg noodles - 400 g, green beans - 150 g, onion - 1/2 head, sesame oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, ginger root - 2 cm, carrots - 1 pc., peanut butter - 1/2 cup, garlic - 2 cloves, hot red pepper - 1 pod, soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoon...

Soup with pork and egg noodles Cut the pork first into slices across the grain, then into cubes. Stirring, fry the meat in olive oil for 1-2 minutes. Add chopped garlic, ginger to the meat and fry for another 3 minutes. Dip the fried pork into the boiling broth, bring it to a boil again ...Required: pork pulp - 500 g, olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, garlic - 1 clove, grated ginger root - 30 g, spinach - 450 g, onion - 2 heads, green beans - 120 g, mushrooms - 250 g, egg noodles - 250 g, soy sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon, sesame oil...

Chicken in batter with noodles For the batter, combine butter, salt, wine, flour and beaten protein. Cut the chicken fillet into strips, fill with batter and soak for 20 minutes. Fry chicken strips in oil. Spasser flour without oil, cool and combine with soy sauce and curry. Carrot shashink...You will need: salt - to taste, ground curry - 1/8 teaspoon, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons, butter - 30 g, corn flour - 1 tbsp. spoon, Romanesco cabbage - 250 g, instant noodles - 250 g, garlic - 2 cloves, can...

Noodles with sweet pepper Boil the noodles in salted water, drain in a colander. Chop the pepper into strips, cut the green onion into strips, combine, fry in oil. Combine prepared vegetables with noodles, mix. When serving, decorate the dish with herbs.You will need: olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, ground black pepper, salt to taste, green onion - 60 g, sweet pepper - 3 pcs., egg noodles - 400 g

Noodles with ginger Coarsely chop the cilantro. Boil the noodles in a large amount of salted water, put in a colander, rinse with water, dry. Drizzle noodles with peanut butter and stir. Chop the ginger and fry. Then add noodles and green onion, chopped...Required: ground black pepper, salt to taste, soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons, ginger root - 10 g, peanut butter - 3 tbsp. spoons, green onion - 5 g, cilantro - 1 bunch, egg noodles - 200 g

Chao min (noodles with meat) Boil the noodles in salted water, cool and dry. Cut the pork into large cubes and mix with cornmeal. Cut the peeled cucumber into cubes. Wash and chop spinach. Warm the prepared noodles for an hour...Required: egg noodles - 400 g, pork - 250 g of pulp, corn flour for frying - 1 tbsp. spoon and for the sauce - 1 teaspoon, cucumbers - 1 pc., spinach - 100 g of leaves, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, salt for meat and sauce - to taste, parsley and dill, with...

Crispy fried noodles Slice the celery stalks diagonally. Wash the spinach leaves and cut into pieces. Cook the noodles in plenty of boiling salted water until soft, but not overcooked. Drain the water. Fry chopped garlic in butter...You will need: egg noodles - 450 g, chicken (fillet) - 200 g, lean pork - 100 g, boiled shrimp - 50 g, celery - 3 stalks, spinach - 100 g leaves, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, garlic - 1 clove, onion with herbs - 3 heads, soy sauce, dry sherry...

Soft noodles with shrimp sauce Boil the noodles in plenty of salted water until soft. Be careful not to overcook the noodles. Drain the water and put the noodles in a warm place. To prepare the sauce, heat the oil over medium heat. Crimping...Required: egg noodles - 150 g, shrimp - 200 g, spinach - 100 g, Chinese broth - 250 g, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt - a pinch, light soy sauce, greens - for decoration

asian noodles Put water in a large saucepan to boil to boil the noodles. Finely chop the onion, garlic and ginger (small cubes) - and fry in a large frying pan (wok) in hot oil until golden brown, then add a piece of chili pepper and a little soy sauce (1 tsp). Sun...

Rollton egg noodles are an excellent base for many different dishes. From it you can cook soups, salads, snacks and first courses. Despite the fact that this company is associated specifically with instant soups, the composition of the noodles does not cause any complaints. It is natural, contains a minimum of ingredients. It is especially worth noting that noodle dishes are prepared quickly. It is especially liked by many housewives and people who do not have time for complicated meals.

Product Features

What is the composition of Rollton egg noodles? It includes a minimum of ingredients, which makes it more useful. The composition contains wheat flour of the highest grade, water, egg powder and salt. Such noodles are prepared very quickly, literally three minutes in boiling water.

According to the reviews of those who used it, it has a tendency to stick together, so after cooking, it is better to rinse the noodles, put them in a colander to drain excess moisture, and then lightly season with oil. This will help to get whole strips of noodles, which are used for further preparation of more complex dishes.

Noodles and chicken - simple and satisfying

What can you use Rollton egg noodles for? Recipes with chicken are especially popular, because poultry meat cooks quickly. For this dish you need to take:

  • Five chicken thighs.
  • One young zucchini.
  • Onion head.
  • A little soy sauce.
  • 10 small mushrooms
  • Egg noodles.
  • One egg.
  • Four cloves of garlic.
  • A little vegetable oil for frying the ingredients.

Also, to serve a ready-made dish, you need to take fresh herbs, any spices.

Egg noodles "Rollton": a simple recipe with a photo

The thighs are separated from the bones and then cut into cubes. Peel the onion, cut into half rings. Mushrooms are washed, cut large enough. Zucchini is peeled, cut into small rings.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the onion. When it becomes slightly golden, zucchini, mushrooms and chicken pieces are sent to the pan. Everything is covered in soy sauce. Simmer until the liquid has evaporated and the ingredients are ready.

Boil the noodles for three minutes, recline in a colander. When the liquid drains, send it to the pan to the rest of the ingredients, put crushed garlic cloves and beat in a raw egg. Stir quickly so that the egg is evenly distributed. When it seizes, they remove everything from the stove. Rollton egg noodles prepared according to this recipe with a photo are served, decorating the dish with chopped herbs. It is best to use parsley or fragrant dill. You can also use dried herbs if fresh ones are not available.

This dish can be prepared without zucchini if ​​you do not like this vegetable. If desired, ready-made noodles with mushrooms and chicken can be sprinkled with grated cheese.

Chicken and tender sauce

Is it possible to get a new chicken dish from the same Rollton egg noodles? We bring to your attention the recipe for a delicious second course with sauce. For this cooking option, take the following products:

  • 300 grams of chicken fillet.
  • Two small carrots
  • Onion head.
  • Three Art. l. sour cream.
  • A little flour for breading.
  • Salt and pepper (to taste).
  • Noodles "Rollton".
  • Parsley greens.

Chicken fillet is washed, dried, cut into strips, each piece is rolled in flour, and then fried in a pan. Peel onions and carrots, cut everything into strips. Add to chicken, fry for another five minutes. After they put sour cream, pour in a little water, salt and pepper. Mix everything, cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for another ten minutes.

Then add parsley. And then keep the chicken with vegetables for another ten minutes. Ready noodles are put on plates, poured with sauce with chicken and served at the table. This recipe for Rollton egg noodles is very simple, but the dish ends up elegant and appetizing. In addition, it cooks quickly.

If desired, you can take not chicken, but other meat.

Meat stew with paprika

This delicious dish is easy to prepare, but it turns out fragrant. For the Rollton egg noodle recipe, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 900 grams of beef or pork.
  • A jar of tomatoes in their own juice.
  • One bell pepper.
  • Onion head.
  • Half a cup of flour.
  • Three tsp paprika.
  • A little black ground pepper (at the tip of a knife).
  • Salt to taste.
  • Three Art. l. odorless vegetable oil.
  • 125 ml of broth.
  • Egg noodles.
  • Three tsp soy sauce.
  • Six tsp. thick sour cream.
  • Green onions (a few feathers).

Despite the fact that the dish takes a long time to prepare, it is worth a try. Flour makes the tomato sauce thick and rich. And sour cream perfectly complements the delicate dish.

How to cook a delicious meat dish

Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. The garlic is peeled and cut finely. Bulgarian pepper is removed from seeds and partitions, cut into small cubes.

The meat is washed, dried with paper towels and cut into slices two centimeters thick.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan (about two tablespoons), spread the onion and garlic. Stirring, fry the vegetables for three minutes until golden brown. After they are laid in a separate plate.

Pour flour, salt, pepper and paprika into the bag. Shake everything to mix the ingredients. Meat is also sent there, everything is thoroughly mixed so that each piece is breaded. The noodles are cooked, then they are thrown into a colander.

Heat a tablespoon of oil in a frying pan. Spread the meat, stew it for five minutes. Add fried onions and garlic, pour out the rest of the breading from flour and paprika. Fry for about a minute, stirring constantly.

After that, chopped tomatoes are added along with juice, broth and soy sauce. When the mass boils, add bell pepper. Cover everything with a lid and simmer for another five minutes. Then put the noodles on a plate, pour over her stew with sauce. Season with a spoonful of sour cream on top.

If desired, you can decorate the dish with green onions.

Chicken homemade soup

To prepare the Rollton egg noodle soup recipe, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 600 grams of chicken.
  • Four potatoes.
  • One carrot.
  • One head of onion.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Three rounds of noodles.
  • Two boiled chicken eggs.
  • A bunch of dill to decorate the dish.
  • A couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.

This soup is rich. For him, they usually take chicken with bones, and not fillets. Then the broth will be rich and fragrant. However, there should also be meat on the bones.

How to make noodle soup

Put the chicken in a saucepan, fill it with water, add a bay leaf and, if desired, a few peppercorns. After boiling, foam appears on the surface of the water. It needs to be removed. After that, the fire is reduced to a minimum.

Potatoes are peeled, cut into cubes and added to the broth when the chicken is almost ready.

First, pour vegetable oil into the pan, heat it up. Add diced onion and carrots, chopped into strips (you can also cut into circles). Fry vegetables until golden brown.

When the potatoes are soft, remove the chicken from the broth. The meat is separated from the bones, finely chopped, sent back to the pan. After that, pre-boiled noodles are added, as well as a mixture of vegetables from the pan. Cook all this for another ten minutes, at the end add salt to taste.

Chopped dill and a boiled egg, cut in half, are placed in the finished soup. This makes the Rollton egg noodle dish according to the recipe even more beautiful and bright.

Egg noodles are the basis for many interesting, varied and delicious dishes. However, it takes a long time to cook it yourself. Fortunately, many manufacturers produce noodles that can be quickly boiled and get an independent side dish or the basis for another dish. For example, Rollton produces just such an option. With this product, you can cook soups, main dishes, or you can simply serve it with any sauce.

Egg noodles are an easy dish that you can impress your family with. Firstly, it is much tastier than ready-made, which is sold in the store. Secondly, with proper preparation, dried noodles can be stored for quite a long time. And thirdly, you can apply it in different ways: in chicken soup, and in lagman, and just as a side dish for any meat. So take twice as much food as any recipe says and knead. It will take a little more time for a double portion, but the stock will definitely come in handy.

Egg noodles are usually made from flour obtained from durum wheat grains. This is important, because the noodles should be quite dense and not limp in the broth.

Getting ready to cook noodles, get ready for a fairly intense load. If you knead the dough gently, without stuffing it with flour, then the finished products will quickly lose their shape. The secret of good noodles is in a long and high-quality batch.

Homemade egg noodles can be of different thicknesses. It depends on your preferences, and also on where you want to apply it. So, for a lagman it is quite wide, and for chicken soup you need the thinnest one, like a thread.

It was such noodles that our great-grandmothers loved to roll, and we will try to make such noodles.

Dough for noodles is an improvisational question. There are no exact measures and weights. Approximately you need to navigate like this: it is recommended to take 100 g of flour for 1 egg, although in fact it takes more. Water is added in the following proportion: for 6 eggs - 150 g. Salt can be put, but you can do without it, then the chicken broth will need to be well salted before laying the noodles.

If a ready-made noodle cutter is used to roll out homemade noodles, then it is not advisable to add salt. Undissolved crystals can damage the smooth surface of the rollers on the machine. And even more so, salt is unacceptable in noodles on eggs alone, because without water it will definitely not completely disperse.

So, let's prepare the products:

  • 6 eggs;
  • three quarters of a glass of cold water;
  • flour;
  • salt - a large pinch.

Let's get to the grind.

  1. The old way of kneading noodles involved a hill of flour, into the recess of which eggs were beaten out and salt water was added. Gradually, flour was poured from the edges, and so the dough was kneaded. The method is good if you have the skills to work with the dough. But it’s easier to take a bowl, dilute salt in water in it, break eggs and add flour to make a thick dough.
  2. Place the dough on a floured surface and start kneading so vigorously that it includes as much flour as possible. The steeper the dough, the denser the noodles will be later.
  3. Put an elastic and dense ball of dough on the table, covering it with a bowl or a damp cloth.
  4. After half an hour, it can be divided into parts and rolled out with a rolling pin. Roll should be as thin as possible, sprinkling flour under the rolling pin. The ideal layer is no more than 0.5-1 mm, or even thinner.
  5. Lay out the finished sheets of dough on paper for drying or simply hang them on the backs of chairs, placing paper on the handle of the oven, or simply leaving them on the table.
  6. As soon as the sheet dries (but does not start to break!), It should be rolled up, flattened and carefully cut with a thin knife into the narrowest possible strips.
  7. Sprinkle the chopped noodles with flour, mix, tousle, put on a baking sheet and let dry at room temperature. If there is an excess of flour - it's not scary. Just put the dried noodles in small batches on a sieve and sift the unnecessary.

You can store the product dry for quite a long time, putting it in a linen bag or a tin or cardboard box.

How to do without water

You can cook egg noodles on eggs alone, without adding water. Noodles will only benefit from this. You need to roll out such a dough more carefully, because it is more elastic and unyielding. But if you let it lie down before rolling, then flour fiber will be activated, the dough will become smooth and silky, and it will become easier to knead.

So, you need to break three eggs into a bowl, add a spoonful of salt and mix well until the crystals dissolve. Pour the finished composition into the flour and knead the dough in the usual way. Cut and dry according to the algorithm described above.

On yolks

Sometimes baking or another dish involves the use of only proteins. Where to put the yolks? In noodles! It will turn out very bright, yellow, tasty, and besides, the soup never becomes cloudy from it.

The preparation of such delicious noodles will take 6 yolks, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and 250 g of flour.

Put the yolks into the recess in the flour, pour in the oil, stir from the edges and begin to collect into a lump, first with a fork, and then knead with your hands. Set aside the well-kneaded dough to rest and roll out as usual.

Cooking with milk

Usually, for soup filling, noodles are cooked in water and eggs. It is not recommended to add milk during kneading, since when boiled, such noodles give turbidity to the broth.

Turbidity is not scary if you plan to use your preparation for a second course or for a lagman. Here you can advise the usual recipe for noodles with eggs and water, replacing water with milk. In this case, for 6 eggs, you need to take an incomplete glass of milk, a pinch of salt and flour. Such noodles are prepared as usual, and they taste very tender. An excellent choice for a quality side dish!

Egg noodles for soup

The composition of egg noodles may be different, but it is better to add thin, thinly rolled and thickly grated products to the soup. The less different additives in their composition, the better - it is better to put all seasonings, flavors and herbs on a plate. Milk and sour cream are not suitable as ingredients for such noodles - as mentioned above, they spoil the look of the broth, and give excessive softness to the dough. In this case, it's useless.

Therefore, for soup noodles, it is better to take just eggs, more flour and be patient for the period of kneading stubborn dough.

For lagman

Laghman is traditionally made from special noodles. You can, of course, make more than usual and cut it thicker. But if you cook a real one, as they do in Central Asia, then you need a little skill and experience.

Lagman noodles should be elastic, not hard, but at the same time not soft. Boiled, it should not change its taste, even if it is warmed up.

So, to prepare Uzbek noodles, you need to take:

  • 2 eggs;
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • about 800 g flour.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Knead the dough until smooth and dense. When the dough is ready, let it lie down for an hour under a plastic wrap, and then proceed to stretching.
  2. Lagman is noodles that are not cut, but pulled out with long and rather thick bundles. To make it easier to work with the dough, a soda-salt solution is added to it (for half a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of salt and half a spoon of soda). After wetting your hands in the resulting composition, they slap the dough a little and begin to rub the solution. Wetting the hands from time to time, they pull the dough into bundles, gather it into a ball again and pull it out again to completely moisten the workpiece.
  3. At this point, the dough will be more elastic and ready to be stretched. It is placed on the board, slightly flattened, cut into strips and set aside again, placing the strips on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
  4. After twenty minutes, the strip can be pulled. Passing between the fingers, it is twisted a little, making a thin tourniquet, about the thickness of a pencil. Do the same with the rest of the dough strips.
  5. Transfer the finished noodles in a spiral onto a tray greased with oil.

Boil the noodles in salted water.

  1. No matter how hard you try to sift the noodles, some flour will still remain on them. It can worsen the appearance of the broth. Therefore, before immersing the products in the soup, heat some water to a boil in another saucepan and lower them there for a few seconds. The flour is washed off - the noodles can be thrown back and put in the soup. You can rinse it in this way, lowering it into water directly in a colander.
  2. If ordinary premium flour is replaced with coarser first-class flour, then the noodles will be more useful - more vitamins and minerals will be preserved in it. Water can be replaced with mineral water.
  3. The fresher the eggs, the more elastic the dough will be.
  4. To cut noodles, you need to have a very sharp knife.
  5. The quality of homemade noodles is directly related to the kneading time. The longer you knead, the better.

Egg noodles are a healthy homemade preparation that will always come in handy. Get it ready and you won't regret it!

Egg noodles are an indispensable ingredient in so many Asian dishes. It is most common in China; slightly less popular with the Japanese (they value rice more). With the growing demand for dishes from the cuisines of these countries in Europe, it increasingly overshadows the usual types of pasta. An instant product has already been created and is widely used - egg noodles (Rollton in particular), with which many tempting dishes are prepared.

Of course, this type of pasta can be cooked in the same way as regular pasta. But nevertheless she came to us from the East; it will be tastier, more romantic and more exotic to use local recipes. Despite the fact that they are much more complex and intricate than those to which we are accustomed.

Egg noodles like in Asia

It is usually prepared with chicken breast. And it is attractive in that the indicated fillet turns out to be exceptionally juicy, which is difficult to achieve by standard methods. Of course, you will need a bunch of the pasta mentioned - this is how egg noodles are sold. The recipe calls for a full-fledged chicken breast, Bulgarian sweet pepper, carrot, onion, some mushrooms, 5 cloves of garlic and eggplant. Next come spices and seasonings. First, the marinade is prepared: 2 small spoons of natural honey are mixed with a stack of soy sauce and mashed two garlic cloves. With this composition, the breast is poured for half an hour. It's best not to put it in the fridge. And it won't fade. Then it must be properly baked. The process should proceed exactly 20 minutes at 180 degrees. As he walks, all the vegetables are nicely cut, and the remaining garlic and some ginger are crumbled with a knife (no press!). At the same time, egg noodles are boiled - "Rollton", homemade or any other - taking into account the fact that it is cooked very quickly. In a pan with animal fat (for example, from the same chicken), garlic, chopped pepper and ginger are fried for a very short time (10-15 seconds). Then the remaining vegetables are immediately laid - already a minute and a half. After this time, the finished noodles are put, a glass of broth is poured (water will also go), half a large spoonful of vinegar (it is better to take balsamic) and soy sauce at your discretion. It remains to add spices. At a minimum, it should be chopped cilantro root; what else to add - decide for yourself, but lean towards Chinese-Japanese seasonings. After a minute of boiling, the dish is removed from the heat, chopped breasts are added to it, everything is sprinkled with chopped onion feathers and served on the table.

Japanese noodles

Love the Land of the Rising Sun - Japanese egg noodles are for you. The recipe also includes zucchini, all the same sweet peppers, chicken fillet and carrots. In principle, the ingredients are similar to the previous recipe; the main highlight is the sauce. Egg noodles are cooked separately. All vegetables and chicken are cut into the same strips and fried in vegetable oil at the same time as the fillet (you don’t need to bake it first). When ready, add the noodles, mix and pour in the very important sauce called teriyaki, after which the pan is removed from the stove. When all the components of the dish are saturated with the sauce, it is transferred to a dish or laid out on plates.

Teriyaki do it yourself

To make a wonderful Japanese-style egg noodles with chicken, it would be better, of course, to find a real sauce. However, if you do not have close friends or relatives in this country, you are unlikely to succeed. Those chemicals that are sold under the name "Teriyaki" in supermarkets do not stand up to scrutiny. So you have to build it yourself. Of course, the taste will not be completely authentic, but all the ingredients are definitely natural, and the bouquet is close to natural. The main thing to puzzle about is to find really high-quality soy sauce, only 100 g. You need to add 2 tablespoons of real flower honey and the same amount of natural sake to it. If you don’t find it - feel free to pour in white “rusk” or 2 times less cognac. Plus half a glass of sweet red wine and a large spoonful of vinegar - ideally rice, but wine will do in a pinch. It remains to add a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger and a crushed clove of garlic. Egg noodles can be safely seasoned with this sauce - it will make you feel like a Japanese.

delicious soup

Pasta "stuffing" is one of the most common in first courses. However, soup with egg noodles looks the most profitable among all similar ones. First of all, it is usually cooked on chicken broth, that is, it is the lowest calorie. The second advantage is that such noodles cook faster than anything else. So the soup will be ready very soon. The only negative is that these pasta are still very nutritious, so you should not get carried away with portion sizes. First you need to cook the broth. If you want richer - take the thighs; more dietary - breasts. During cooking, be sure to remove the foam so that the broth is clear. While the base is being cooked, a roast is made from finely chopped or grated onions and carrots. When the broth is finally ready, the meat is removed from it and disassembled into individual fibers, and the broth is salted, after which pieces of potatoes are placed. When it is almost “on the way”, egg noodles are poured into the pan, almost immediately - chopped greens, and after one and a half to two minutes - chicken meat and spices. After half a minute, you can turn it off, pour it into plates and feed the starving household.

What should not be forgotten?

Most housewives are used to the fact that pasta is cooked for at least five minutes. However, this does not apply to the considered subspecies. The same Rollton egg noodles reach the standard in just a couple of minutes. The homemade variety requires a longer boil time. However, in any case, it is worth preparing it not to full readiness. In a hot broth or under a lid, such noodles “simmer” on their own. But if you overdo it in boiling water, you will rather get porridge, which looks unpresentable and does not taste very good.

Cooking egg noodles at home

Buying the same "Rollton" is not a problem now. However, any culinary specialist knows that what is made with his own hands and according to a lovingly verified recipe will definitely be tastier. Egg noodles do not get out of this rule either. Its recipe is not too complicated, but the taste will be very different from what the stores offer.

We start by sifting flour - this will make the final product more airy. Then eggs are taken, 5 pieces for every 200 g of flour. They must be divided into yolk and protein, especially if a soup with such noodles is planned - otherwise the protein will make the broth cloudy. Yolks, a tablespoon of olive oil are poured into the hole in the center of the flour hill and half a small spoon of salt is poured. The dough is kneaded from these components, and it is with hands, without any mechanical kitchen appliances - this way homemade egg noodles will be much tastier and more tender. When the dough stops sticking to your hands, only a part is separated for processing, the rest is wrapped in a film - it is harmful for the dough to be in the air, it dries quickly. The piece is thinly thinly rolled out, cut into strips, which are dried, and preferably suspended. You can roll them into loose balls. So they take up less space and dry immediately from all sides. And when cooked, they also look beautiful.

Secrets of delicious homemade egg noodles

First. You can use whole eggs - the color of the egg noodles will become light yellowish, and the dough will be more elastic and will be less windy. You can take only proteins - the final product will become almost white, but it is better not to use it in soup.

Second. Olive oil can be replaced with sunflower oil - you will lose in taste, but only slightly. You can even use water instead. However, this will make the dough more stubborn, although still delicious. The only thing is that the water needs to be warmed up a little, and instead of each tablespoon of oil, add 100 ml of water.

Third. Maintain a dry-wet balance. Sticky - add flour, gathers on the hands with spools - water.

Good luck with your experiments!

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