How to open a car park from scratch. How to open a guarded car park or parking lot and receive passive income

Do you know how many cars were registered in Russia last year? 55 million 669 thousand pieces! Based on the fact that the population of our country is more than 146 million inhabitants, it turns out that every third person definitely has his own car. Add to this figure foreign citizens in their own cars. It is not surprising that the rules of the road are tightened every year, changes are made to the municipal charters of cities on parking rules, the prohibition of “through” passage of overall and heavy vehicles, etc.

Almost every car owner who lives in a large city knows how hard it is to find a parking place in the evening if you don’t have your own garage. Many people have to park their car overnight for 2-3 houses from their own, or even half a block away. Of course, at the expense of the safety of your car. After all, even the most reliable alarm does not guarantee 100% protection. For every innovation in security systems, car thieves respond with their invention. In this case, only paid parking can help. That is why the question: how to open a parking lot from scratch occupies many entrepreneurs, because not just big, but very big money “spins” in this business.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs: 2 000 000-3 000 000
Relevant for cities with a population: from 100 000 people
Situation in the industry:The supply market is saturated
The complexity of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: 1.5-2 years

Everyone has the same problem...

Of course, no one wants to shell out money for an hourly location (or purchase of a subscription) of a car in a paid parking lot. But, for the most part, it does. Because the yards and roadsides, as it turns out, are not “rubber” at all, and cannot accommodate all lovers of free parking. And it’s one thing if a person leaves a budget domestic car in the open air, and another thing if it’s an elite car worth more than tens of thousands of “green Americans”.

In addition, in addition to hijackers, there are just hooligans; enemies who dream of getting even with you for something, able to do this by scratching or painting a car with paint; bad weather- hail, snow, rain. In general, one way or another, you have to use the parking lots.

Choose the type of car park

Consider existing species parking lots. They are classified into three main types, which in turn are divided into several more:

  • Surface (flat) parking lots: a) open - fenced or not fenced areas where traffic is regulated by markings and signs b) covered - a building with boxes, a complex of garages, or a territory with a canopy.
  • Multilevel: a) ground b) underground c) ground-underground
  • Semi-mechanized and mechanized, in which the parking process is carried out with the participation of the driver and with the help of mechanisms, and without the participation of the driver: a) with vertical movement of the car b) with horizontal movement.

For a novice entrepreneur, it would be more expedient to consider opening a ground-type parking lot for several reasons:

  • Construction costs are much lower.
  • The turnaround time is shorter.
  • Documentation is easier.

How to draw up papers

In order to start any business, you need formalization its activities. You can read about how to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC by clicking on the links. If for some reason you cannot do the registration yourself, you can use the services of online accounting, which within 15 minutes will prepare for you the necessary package of documents for an individual entrepreneur for free.

In general, it should be noted that the situation with paid parking lots in our country is somewhat paradoxical: their activities are indicated in OKVED, officially they are under the jurisdiction of the SSPP - public service paid parking, but this activity is not regulated by law. But, as often happens - "What is not forbidden is allowed." Therefore, paid parking lots exist, and bring considerable income to their owners.

Useful information: OKVED code for opening car parking: 63.21.24 "Operation of garages, parking lots for cars Vehicle, bicycles, etc.”

The paperwork for opening a parking lot is as follows:

  • Drawing up an application to the municipal services of public utilities and the service of road facilities and city improvement for permission to use the territory or building / premises as a parking lot.
  • After receiving a positive response, you can go to the SSPP, where they will conclude an agreement with you that the future parking lot will be considered municipal. Yes Yes exactly!
  • After drawing up and signing the contract, you will have to visit the local traffic police department, where your parking lot will be checked to ensure that it does not interfere traffic, not dangerous for pedestrians, etc. After that, you will be given an appropriate conclusion. They might even issue a parking sign. How much it will cost you to receive such a sign depends on the "appetites" of officials.
  • If some underground communications are laid under the parking area, you will also have to obtain permission from utilities.

Where to find a parking spot

We want to warn you right away: it is almost impossible to get land or a suitable premise for a surface parking in the city center - the most profitable area (unless, of course, you have “useful acquaintances” in the relevant authorities), everything has been occupied there for a long time, or you will not be allowed to for environmental or architectural reasons.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to sleeping areas. Parking equipment in them will cost a little less, and it will be easier to obtain the necessary permits. On the territory of the parking lot there should be a room for security, an administrative office, a checkpoint. If you think about organizing additional services in the parking lot (we will talk about them below), then you need to have more premises.

We comply with the necessary requirements

By law, a car park must be located at least 50 meters from the first line of residential buildings. There are requirements for the parking lot itself:

  • The distance between the rows of cars must be at least 7 meters, sufficient for two cars to pass on it.
  • The asphalt pavement of the parking lot must be covered with a special substance that prevents the absorption of automobile oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, etc.
  • Natural and artificial lighting must meet the necessary requirements.

By the way, many owners of parking lots ignore these requirements, preferring to pay "who needs it" if necessary.

car park staff

After you go through all the "ordeals" with paperwork and the construction of a parking lot, you can think about the staff. The first is round-the-clock security, which must have at least 3 people. Of course, the final amount depends on the parking area. Next - a cleaner of administrative premises, part-time - a janitor sweeping the parking area.

We organize additional services

Parking is the best suited for organizing additional income on its territory. Here you can open a seasonal tire storage service, a workshop for restoring cars after an accident, organize airbrushing services -

AT recent times The number of cars is steadily growing and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a place to park them. on the side of the road is not always possible, and cars left there are not only at risk of theft, but also occupy the roadway, compacting the flow of traffic and creating traffic jams.

The widespread organization of paid parking lots will help to solve this problem. These parking lots can be organized both in the open air (open type) and in special structures. These can be underground parking lots or parking complexes consisting of several levels. Thousands of parking places can be organized at these complexes. Particularly relevant is the construction of paid parking lots near shopping centers or other cultural and entertainment establishments (cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, shops). When building such establishments, parking should be included in the project plan from the very beginning, thus saving the owner from having to deal with this in the future.

If the leased territory of a cafe or other establishment does not allow allocating a separate parking space, then parking spaces on the side of the road (within the municipal parking lot) can be arranged. To do this, you will need to contact the municipality with this request and wait for a response. If it is positive, then: the number of parking spaces, their location, the way cars are parked and the opening hours. In this case, visitors will be able to leave their cars for free, and the owner will pay the rent.

With sufficient territory, it will be possible to equip it with a full parking lot. To do this, you will need to go through a series of administrative offices (department land resources and prefect), after which it will be possible to start construction.

Each car park must be fenced and marked with parking spaces. The development process and order must also be agreed with the local authorities.

Another way to organize parking is to change the plan of the roadway, with the creation of a "pocket". In this case, all work, since the parking lot will be part of the road.

Organization of paid parking

Recently, it has become very profitable to invest in the construction of parking lots. The most important, before starting construction, is the choice right place. Here two options can be equally advantageous. The first option is to build a parking lot in the city center, where the concentration of cars is higher and parking spaces are scarce. But it is often not possible to buy or rent land in the city center, and it costs much more there than in residential areas. The second option is the construction of a parking lot on the outskirts or in residential areas. it is less here, but cars will not be parked here for an hour or two, but for a long period.

The next thing to decide is the type of parking. They are of three types:

  1. . This is the simplest parking option that does not require large investments. In this case, the cars are in a protected, fenced area, but they are exposed to harmful factors environment. The cost of a parking space in this case will be minimal.
  2. Parking closed type. There are several options here: underground parking, multi-level above-ground parking. The largest number of parking spaces can be obtained by combining these options. These options will require more investment funds than a guarded open-type car park, but the cost of a parking space will be higher.
  3. Automated parking complexes. These complexes are distinguished by a fully automated process of delivering a car to a parking space. Also, their advantage is the minimum number of attendants and guaranteed protection against theft.

After acquiring a plot of land and choosing the type of parking lot, it is required to obtain a building permit from the local municipality. When submitting an application, you will need to indicate the type of parking lot and the development plan.

Parking construction and equipment

To equip open parking lots you will need:

  • pave the area. In accordance with the norms, asphalt in parking lots must be covered with a special mixture that prevents the absorption of oil products;
  • fence off the area. At the entrance, it is required to install a security point and equip the entrance and exit with barriers. The guard post must be heated and supplied with electricity. It should also be equipped with furniture and a telephone;
  • supply electricity and install lighting around the perimeter and in the parking lot;
  • install . This will reduce the burden on guards and increase the level of security of the car park;
  • if possible, equip the parking lot with canopies that protect cars from rain and snow;
  • put markings under parking spaces, equip them with numbers. The optimal width for a parking space is about 7 meters.
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Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 15 minutes


Paid car parks are considered to be a popular and profitable business, since in any metropolis there is always a severe shortage of parking spaces. There are parking lots various types: multi-storey, underground, open, closed. However, most of all, commercial success is determined by a well-chosen location. Such facilities are best located in residential areas, where the demand for such services always exceeds supply.

The documents

According to the legislation, the activity of storing vehicles on a paid basis is subject to state licensing .

The procedure must be completed by those who plan to organize one of the following types of parking:

  1. Closed or open car park.
  2. Heated or unheated garage.

The most important document to obtain is the approved parking lot project . It is produced by design organizations, after which it is approved by state bodies.

The full list of documents for opening a car park is as follows:

  • certificate of state registration- as an individual or legal entity;
  • lease contract land plot;
  • a parking project approved by the city architecture committee;
  • a building permit issued by the district authorities;
  • the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • conclusion of the fire inspection;
  • conclusion on the drain;
  • the conclusion of the sanitary inspection;
  • the conclusion of the commission on nature protection;
  • official notice of the forthcoming construction of the parking lot of the Department of Transportation Management.

Terms and Conditions

  • Open car parks

This type of parking is the most popular and profitable for both business founders and clients, since the construction of an object does not require large investments, and the cost of subsequent services is never greatly overestimated. An open parking lot is a piece of land that is fenced on only two sides.

Such objects can function using natural and artificial lighting. At night it is necessary turn on the lights . For example, for a site with a size of 2500 square meters, their number must be at least 15 pcs.

At checkpoints, sufficient bright lighting because these are high-risk areas. Places for the movement of pedestrians are equipped with devices that guarantee illumination of 100-150 lux.

Open car parks do not need air ventilation or smoke extraction systems.

  • Closed car parks

This type of parking differs from open objects only in that there is an external fence around the perimeter . The norms and requirements for the organization of such parking lots are no different from those that apply to open parking lots.

  • Multi-storey multi-level car parks

Multi-level parking lots are divided into three types according to the method of execution, which determine how the floors will be located relative to the ground level:

  1. ground,
  2. underground,
  3. ground-underground.

Such car parks are capable of accommodating several thousand cars . They necessarily design ramps, elevators and lifts, special inclined floors. The buildings are installed systems fire safety , chimney and ventilation, as well as high-quality lighting.

  • Cargo parking

Since the facility is designed to serve heavy trucks, it should be located on the outskirts of the city . This factor has a positive effect on the cost of organizing parking, making the business more profitable.

The areas for such parking should have high-quality fencing and good 24/7 security . The road surface needs to be covered special composition, and the territory should be provided drainage system . The rest of the requirements are the same as for the open car park.

  • Adjoining car parks

The object is a weakly fenced, but protected piece of land near multi-storey buildings . The parking lot is designed exclusively for cars owned by local residents, and it is desirable that it serves at least 20 vehicles. This will make business profitable .

No special no parking requirements , and the financial investment in the business will be minimal.

  • Underground heated car parks

Underground heated parking lots require significant investments and are designed for wealthy clients . Objects should be located near elite high-rise buildings or in the business center of the city.

The parking area with a capacity of 20 cars should be about 500 square meters. Demand for this type of service is growing during the cold season .

Warm parking lots are built in accordance with with approved standards and necessarily include heating and air conditioning, lighting, fire safety.

  • Penalty car parks

The facility is very similar to a simple open car park. However, he needs in enhanced security , since the cars entering its territory are registered with law enforcement. The delayed transport is placed for storage on demand , and its issuance is made after payment of the corresponding large contribution.

These sites are often located owned by the state , so using them as a business is not entirely advisable.

  • Prefabricated modular car parks

All that is needed for such a parking lot is a free piece of land. Parking is easily erected due to special structures that easy to assemble and disassemble therefore suitable for both temporary and permanent use. The modules can be installed on an existing parking area, thus making it multilevel .

Land plot

The best place to park is in densely populated residential areas . It is in these parts of the city that there is always an acute shortage of parking spaces. But it is also advisable to conduct market research to determine The level of interest local residents in such services.

Parking should be located in close proximity proximity to high-rise buildings . You can start a business with a small land plot of 300-600 square meters, and expand it over time. For this it is necessary know in advance about the possibility of buying or renting adjacent land.

Most reliable buy a parking lot and not depend on the term of the lease and the terms of the contract. However, this may require considerable investment, since, for example, an open parking lot for 100 seats requires an area of ​​​​about 2500 square meters.

It is important to ask in advance the presence or absence of any communication passing under the parking lot. If there are heating mains, pipes or power lines underground, the construction of the facility will require get permission from the CPS and related utilities.

  • Within the city of Moscow, 1 square meter of a concreted open area can be rented at a price from 1800 to 6000 rubles. in year .
  • Plots outside the Moscow Ring Road are much cheaper - about 800 rubles. for 1 square per year .
  • In St. Petersburg, land rent is offered at a price from 400 to 1000 rubles. per 1 square meter in year depending on amenities and location.

When drawing up a lease, you should pay attention to its terms.

  • Lease term (it is desirable to conclude a deal for 49 years).
  • Possibility of subsequent redemption of the land.
  • The possibility of expanding the boundaries of the site (to rent nearby territories).

Plan and project

The design of parking lots is carried out by specialized design bureaus : public and private. These organizations develop layouts, visualizations and all technical documentation according to building codes and rules prescribed by law.

The car park project defines:

  • type of parking
  • number of storeys of the building under construction;
  • interior layouts;
  • parking position relative to ground level;
  • the number of withstand vibration and dynamic loads;
  • necessary transport interchanges;
  • types of communications and fire safety systems.

Car parks should be built taking into account the number of storeys and architecture surrounding buildings. These parameters are approved by the state authorities.

Any parking lot should be designed according to accepted building codes . In the Russian Federation, such rules are regulated by a special document - SNiP 21-02-99.

Consider an example...

  • Max Height aboveground parking is 9 floors, underground - 5.
  • Size of one parking space cannot be less than 5 meters in length and 2.3 meters in width.
  • in the cargo yards the capacity of one block should not exceed 100 cars, and the height restriction does not allow the construction of such buildings above 28 meters.
  • Hull Width ground open parking cannot be more than 40 meters.

Construction Materials

All structures and materials from which the parking is constructed must be resistant to impact harmful vibrations, exhaust gases and oil products. The building must provide increased security for clients , vehicles and operating personnel.

The car park building always has a finish that meets the following requirements:

  • the walls are covered with materials that exclude the spread of flame;
  • floors are made of components that are resistant to the negative effects of petroleum products;
  • ramps and zones for pedestrians of the zone are made of materials that prevent slipping;
  • the roadbed must necessarily consist of a substance that blocks the absorption of oil products.


The territory of the parking lot is divided into two conditional zones:

  1. Checkpoint.
  2. Vehicle storage area.

For a qualitative accounting of all vehicles, they use video surveillance systems . They allow you to maintain order at the facility, control the conscientiousness of employees and help resolve possible disputes and conflicts with clients.

The control of the parking area also needs video recording of the events taking place. For this, video cameras and recorders, audio devices, recording systems and storage of captured information , autonomous lighting systems.

At the entrance to the parking lot, it is necessary to place workplace protection , controller and cashier. Automatic and mechanical barriers, barriers, electronic gates are used as fencing. Such devices may have remote control .

A parking space for vehicles may look like a separate box or garage, or have small limiters - parking bollards, barriers, etc.

Fire safety

Fire safety at the facility is guaranteed by the following rules and measures:

  • security high-quality ventilation and chimney in the premises
  • installation fire safety systems (sensors, fire extinguishing systems);
  • usage as building materials compositions that prevent fire;
  • compliance general rules fire safety (lack of sources of open fire, smoking ban, etc.);
  • timely instructing employees and appointing those responsible for the implementation of established rules;
  • maintaining in working condition all necessary fire extinguishing means;
  • security premises with special fire compartments.

Accounting and taxation

Often, parking is taxed according to the UTII system. In this case, the tax will be calculated based on from the parking area rather than the number of employees.

The amount of deductions directly depends from the size of the land specified in the lease agreement. For example, if the parking area has an area of ​​300 sq. m., and in fact, 200 square meters are allocated for the storage of cars and this is fixed in the contract, then the tax will be charged only on 200. If the lease agreement does not allocate meters of “useful” area, then payment will be charged, based on total area .

In the case when the parking lot, in addition to UTII, functions on a simplified system taxation, then profits derived from commercial activities will be taxed according to rate of 6 or 15% .

Bookkeeping does not require a full-time employee; during reporting periods, you can invite part-time specialist . The only accounting document that is issued to all parking customers is a cash receipt.


Car park management does not involve significant human resources. For a modest outdoor parking you need only several guards , which will perform a security and control function.

For a large parking lot hire administration e.g. manager, secretary, manager.

The duties of these people may include the following functions:

  • Adoption for the work of service personnel;
  • organization territory cleaning;
  • providing information to clients;
  • conducting advertising campaigns developing business.

The number of guards and controllers also will require an increase . In small car parks, these two positions can be successfully combined, and in solid facilities it is reasonable to separate responsibilities of controllers (accounting for clients, collecting information, keeping a journal, issuing receipts) from the work of security guards (managing video surveillance systems, maintaining order, access to the territory).

Business plan

An exemplary business plan for organizing an open parking lot

Name Indicators
Primary costs
Paperwork 150000 rub.
Construction equipment 60000 rub.
Fencing costs 3,000-6,000 rubles for 1 design
road surface 1 300 rub. crushed stone or 4,000 rubles. asphalt
Lighting 400 rub. for 1 lamp
Monthly expenses
Rental expenses 120 000 rub.
Employee salary (6 people) 900 00 rub.
Accountant salary 5,000-10,000 rubles
Payment for utilities and phone 2 000 rub.
Expected profit
Average revenue from one parking space 200 rubles/day
Total revenue from 100 cars 20 000 rub./day
Total revenue from 100 per month 600 000 rub.
Total revenue from 100 per year RUB 7,200,000
Estimated car park profit 400,000 rubles/year
Payback period 1.8 years

Due to the fact that the number of cars on the roads is growing at a crazy pace, and mechanical engineering does not get tired of presenting new products, you can do business that will make life easier for many drivers.

What do you need to open your car park

The first step is to assess the state of supply and demand. A parking project should start with finding a parking area. To do this, you need to study the area for a certain period, how many parked vehicles are there.

What are the benefits of opening a car park? Increasing demand, steady flow of customers, one-time costs minus personnel costs.

Starting a business project should begin with obtaining documentation and permissions upon opening.

Documents and permissions to open

  • First you need to register, declaring yourself as a legal entity. You can also register as an individual entrepreneur.
  • In addition, it is necessary in the future to obtain the right to lease urban land. Enough complex issue, because often this requires connections or a lot of money. The most profitable place is close to residential buildings.
  • After the agreement on the right to lease is concluded, project documentation should be prepared, coordinating everything with local authorities authorities. After that, the package of documents is submitted to the Land Committee.
  • If you are going to build something, you need: a permit from the District Administration, a lease agreement, a parking project, conclusions from the Fire Supervision, Rospotrebnadzor. The absence of at least one of these documents threatens your start-up business with big troubles in the near future.
  • Are you going to build anything? Then prepare the following documents for the inspection organizations: an agreement on deratization, an agreement with a company on the export of solid household waste, Cash register service agreement, Rental agreement, Production control program.

Features of the location of the parking lot: center, residential area, outskirts

The location of the parking lot is the most significant factor: it will affect its occupancy and the cost of a parking space.

Options may be as follows:

  1. The parking lot will be located in the central part of the city. The shopping and business districts attract a stream of people who come for business or shopping. Renting land in the center is very expensive and often already owned or leased. Finding a place to organize a car park will be very difficult.
  2. The parking lot is located nearby with residential apartments and high-rise buildings. In this case, you can count on a constant flow of customers. A plot in a residential residential area will cost much less, especially near new buildings, where the infrastructure is not yet very developed. In such places you can find a lot of wastelands that developers have not yet capitalized. shopping centers and houses.
  3. Parking on the outskirts or on the outskirts. A place here will cost, as a rule, much cheaper than renting in the central part. This is especially true of municipal land, which is always worth less than private property. But the profit from it is corresponding.

It is worth remembering that often a place for creating a parking lot is already provided for by the development plan and it may be difficult to obtain a permit.

Selecting the type of parking for cars

There are car parks various kinds: underground, covered and closed type, multi-level and single-level. The choice depends on the further location.

Paid car parks of open and closed type

An open parking lot is a structure open from two opposite sides with a large length. The most common and simplest type of parking. It does not require significant finances and design, and also does not need a lot of time. You can install it in any area.

The price of a parking space in an open parking lot will be cheaper, since it will not protect the car from snow, rain and dust.

Closed paid parking is more expensive. It consists of outdoor fences, which are a great alternative to a garage. Most of car owners trust the closed parking lot.

Paid parking

When installing paid parking, remember that the width of the lane for the movement of cars must be at least 7 meters, while the asphalt must be covered with a special compound that absorbs oil products. Otherwise, you are guaranteed to receive a fine from the controllers.

Parking fine

The parking lot is a specialized guarded parking lot for cars that were detained by law enforcement officers. Delays of vehicles are usually carried out at special parking lots or sites created on the basis of decisions of local executive authorities.

At the same time, the parking lots are communal property. For a typical business plan, impound parking is not an option.

for trucks

Parking for trucks can be even more profitable than parking for cars. It will only be necessary to correctly select a parking place: if you plan to open a parking lot for truckers, make sure that there are no competitors in the next 50-70 km.

Such car parks require the implementation of technical standards. Remember that the areas required for parking vehicles must be fenced, have an asphalt surface, as well as lighting throughout the territory. The parking lot for trucks should be equipped with a drainage system, and 24-hour security and video surveillance are also indispensable.

Multi-storey (multi-level) car parks

It is known that in major cities countries there is a real problem of the impossibility of increasing parking spaces. This is especially true of the central part, close to cultural and business centers. Various options for multi-level parking complexes have already saved the situation in China, where the car park is the largest in the world.

Multi-level parking will allow you to park a couple of dozen cars on an area of ​​​​less than 20 square meters.

Today, multi-level parking is often located far from the places of work of drivers. A large multi-storey parking area will protect the car from theft, it will be very problematic to steal a car. A simple form of car parking in free cells will make it possible to avoid collisions, car damage and unnecessary sound signals.

Thanks to the free roadway, the possibility of traffic jams can be significantly reduced, which will certainly be appreciated by drivers.

House parking

The house parking lot differs from the stationary one in that there are no special official fences in it. Cars are parked near the houses of their owners, but they are under guard. Such projects bring constant profit to their owners.

From an economic point of view, it will be necessary to choose a place where more than 20 car owners will park their cars. Otherwise, the implementation of the project will be unprofitable.

For car owners, the house parking lot is beneficial, since they will no longer need to make their way to the stationary parking lot in all weather conditions.

Warm car park

A heated indoor car park is very expensive for investors and often requires good connections to open. The business plan for a warm parking lot is designed for 20 parking spaces with an area of ​​at least 500-530 meters. Note that the demand for covered heated parking is projected in winter time from the residents of the surrounding new buildings.

Underground parking

Underground parking for car storage is ideal for the business and cultural part of the city, close to shopping and entertainment places. However, the organization of underground parking will require large investments from the investor. Money, as well as the most complex design and construction works. That is why such a business is almost inaccessible to private individuals.

Video about assessing the financial situation of a car park

Car park business plan

Before investing in a car park as a business, you should correctly draw up a business plan, and decide whether it will bring in further project car park stable profit.

The main indicators in the business plan when opening a car park will be as follows:

  • project payback period 20 to 40 months;
  • profitability - approx. 10-15% ;

How much does it cost to open a car park: organization costs

Let's calculate the approximate cost of opening a car park:

The minimum initial investment is approximately 300 - 350 thousand rubles.

Project Profitability

In total, income should be as follows: 100-200 rubles per car per day, in addition, you can provide services such as cleaning the interior - 50 rubles, pumping wheels - 10 rubles. If your car park is 40 cars per day, then the average revenue from one place will be equal to 200 rubles.

40*200=8000 rubles per day
8000*30=240,000 rubles per month.

From these funds it will be necessary to pay salaries, rent, taxes. Periodically, situations related to repairs may arise: a light bulb in a spotlight may burn out or a shovel for cleaning roads from snow may break.

Net profit monthly: approximately 50,000 - 60,000 rubles.

Pitfalls of the parking business

Are you opening your own car park? Remember that a private car park will require you to have quality ground equipment. It will be necessary:

  • bring communications;
  • Do you want to open a pet store? Check out detailed instructions

    The main difficulties will await entrepreneurs on early stages: it is not easy to obtain all approvals and permits, while good “penetrating” power is important. To open a parking lot, you will need the help of professionals and personal connections.

    It is important to properly organize the work: unscrupulous parking attendants can cause real damage to the reputation, and in this area this is already bordering on failure.

    Parking is an attractive business with low threshold occurrences and with an average level of profitability. The main thing is to properly organize the functioning of the parking lot and ensure 100% security. By expanding the range of services provided, you can earn extra money on winter tire storage, maintenance, and car washing.

Since the number of cars on the roads is growing in direct proportion, the business in the field of opening a car park is today considered to be quickly paid back and profitable. However, one should take into account the specifics of this type entrepreneurial activity. By definition, your services will be in demand, as demand largely exceeds supply.

Many people ask the question: how to open a paid parking lot? A fundamental factor will be a properly selected site for future parking. It is important that there are no competitors nearby. Sleeping areas that are home to many people, your potential customers, are best suited for this purpose.

Location selection

If you plan to engage in this type of business for a long time, draw up a long-term lease agreement. This will allow you to be calm and not be afraid in a few years, when the business will flourish, to lose your site.

I want to open a car park, where do I start? First of all, find out if pipes, power lines or heating mains pass under the future parking lot. If they pass, then you will need to obtain permission from utilities and Rospotrebnadzor. If not, it will be enough to obtain permission from the city municipality to lease land.

Car park equipment

After the conclusion of the lease agreement, it is necessary to equip the received land in accordance with the requirements. Within the framework of this material, we are talking about open-type car parks that do not require serious financial costs and can be created even by beginners.

Basic requirements for open car parks:

  • The presence of wall fencing and communications;
  • The presence of a checkpoint with a security guard, a barrier or automatic gates. The guard must have good view throughout the territory;
  • The room for the security guard must be insulated, furnished, a telephone is required;
  • Disputes regarding the preservation of cars can be resolved by a video surveillance system. And this must be considered when deciding the question: what is needed to open a parking lot;
  • For round-the-clock car parking, it is mandatory to install lighting around the entire perimeter of the territory;
  • According to the norms, asphalt must be covered with a specialized solution that prevents absorption by fuel. Failure to comply will result in a large fine.

When considering how to open a parking lot, do not forget about the distance to residential buildings. According to the norms, the minimum allowable distance to them should be at least 50 meters. A distance of 7 meters must be maintained between car rows in the parking lot.

Financial calculations

How much does it cost to open a car park? Let's count.

  1. Registration and obtaining permits - 150 thousand rubles.
  2. Equipment trailer for protection - 60 thousand rubles.
  3. Fences - 3-6 thousand rubles / piece.
  4. Land rent - 120 thousand rubles / month.
  5. Crushed stone - 1300 rubles.
  6. Lighting - 400 rubles / piece.
  7. Salary to employees - 100 thousand per month.
  8. Payment for the phone - 500 rubles.

Parking as a business is a profitable business, since on average per day from only one place it allows you to get 200 rubles.

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