How to open a commercial bath. How to open a bathhouse from scratch - Step by step business plan

The benefits of a bath for beauty and human health have long been proven. Gone are the days when the bath was visited solely to wash. People come here for health-improving and cosmetic procedures, for communication, and just to relax and “wash away” the burden of worries after a stressful working week. That's why bath business in Russia is gaining momentum, and every year the number of the most diverse baths is growing.


Different baths are undoubtedly different from each other, but they have common features, thanks to which the whole process of starting a business can be divided into several stages.

  1. Development of a business plan.
  2. Search for a place and premises. You can either rent a room or buy it. In the first case, the initial costs are significantly reduced, but the tenant risks becoming dependent on the owner.
  3. Fire department consultation. The bath is one of the fire hazardous objects, so this item is simply necessary. The quality of materials, ventilation system, water supply systems - all these factors largely determine the safety of others.
  4. Business registration. Not everyone pays attention to this stage. For example, owners of small baths in private sectors bypass it.
  5. Obtaining a license to sell alcoholic beverages, if a bar is expected.
  6. Renovation of premises, and in some cases, the work of a designer who will help create a special atmosphere.
  7. Purchase of equipment and inventory (stove, steamers for brooms, sheets, benches, scoops, dishes, etc.).
  8. Personnel search.
  9. Placement of advertising.

But where to start the bath business, the owner's worries do not end there. Such an institution requires regular updating and maintenance, the cost of which depends on the size and functions of the bath. Changing the lining, stones for the stove, minor repairs to the stove, updating furniture - from time to time you will have to remember this. BUT every 3-6 years any bath needs a major overhaul.

Bath layout

The composition of a standard bath includes about 10-15 rooms. But these numbers can change both up and down. It all depends on the initial capital, target audience and location. The list of must-haves includes:

  • hall;
  • wardrobe (waiting room);
  • steam room (2-2.4 m high and 5-8 sq. m per person);
  • washing room;
  • toilet with sewerage.

Additional premises:

  • massage room;
  • spa treatment rooms;
  • solarium;
  • Turkish, Roman, Finnish or Japanese bath;
  • rest rooms of various categories;
  • children's playroom;
  • swimming pool;
  • billiards.

This list can be supplemented yet, because it all depends solely on the imagination of the owner. For example, some arrange an artificial reservoir or a swimming pool right under the open sky, as well as a summer gazebo for relaxation.


Often it depends on the staff, their training and ability to communicate with the client, whether the bathhouse as a business is successful, whether a person visits this institution again or prefers another. Many owners of private baths this issue don't pay special attention. Visitors are left to themselves, and all petty work owners perform on their own or manage with 1-2 assistants, who are usually family members.

But the owners bath business, which have large baths or entire networks at their disposal, competent staff is simply necessary. The main staff of the bathhouse consists of an administrator, a steamer, and a washer. As practice shows, the most difficult thing is to find a professional bath attendant who would be satisfied with customers. Often you have to rely on the recommendations of friends and acquaintances.

If the institution provides additional services, appropriate staff is needed: a massage therapist, beautician, waiter, etc. A large bathhouse cannot exist without technical staff: a cleaner and an electrician. It can be incoming, which makes it possible to significantly save on wages. Some entrepreneurs enter into contracts with firms specializing in the provision of relevant services.

Types of business: sale of bath brooms

Opening a bath is a process that in most cases requires considerable effort and expense. The bath broom business is not as profitable, but it takes much less effort to promote it.. But do not think that for this it is enough to go to the nearest forest park and cut branches there. An experienced bath attendant will always distinguish a good broom from a bad one..

To attract as many regular customers as possible, you will have to study the features of each tree, as well as familiarize yourself with the basic rules for collecting and drying branches. Baths need brooms all year round, but they can be prepared only in a certain period. Therefore, those who decide to seriously engage in such a business will have to work hard in summer months. Then it remains only to create conditions for drying and maintaining the goods in the “correct” condition.

First months most of work is aimed at finding customers. You can organize a point of sale, or you can negotiate directly with organizations that decide how to open a bathhouse. In the second case, the entrepreneur is more likely to receive a stable income. Entrepreneurial skills, good advertising or a competent manager are simply needed here.

Is it worth registering such activity? Everything depends on the scale. If this is an occupation “for the soul”, and the profit is small or one-time, then registering a business is not at all necessary. If the plans are more grandiose, then opening an IP provides a number of advantages: obtaining a quarantine certificate, forestry permits and even the possibility of selling goods abroad.

Worth reading: .

Good day! Today I am writing another one for my business portal.

I was asked to write this business plan by one of the subscribers of the VK group “ Business secrets for a beginner ”.

And so, next business plan for a private bath, or rather, even step-by-step instructions for opening a private bath as a business.

Considering search engines Yandex on the topic of opening a private bath can get a nervous tick. Check it out for yourself, the last thing that killed me was the business plan of a private bath in 2017, I received a business plan in 2005 ... further without words.

How to open a private bath step by step

We will traditionally start the private bath business plan with the official registration of our future business, for this we need to choose.

Choosing a form of ownership for opening a private bath

To open a private bath, you should pay attention to two forms of ownership:

  • (Individual entrepreneurship);
  • (Limited Liability Company).

There are several reasons why I chose an LLC, and not an individual entrepreneur:

  1. Image LLC. Whatever you say, the image of a limited liability company is an order of magnitude higher than that of entrepreneurship. Having opened your private bath, be prepared to work not only with ordinary people (individuals), but also with organizations ( legal entities) quite often, corporate parties are held not in the stuffy halls of institutions, but in the open air with a bath, barbecue, etc .;
  2. IP insurance premiums. If you do not know, then an entrepreneur must pay the so-called taxes for his activities, and it does not matter whether you are in business or not. This is a definite minus of IP;
  3. Payment of 1% to the Pension Fund for individual entrepreneurs. Another disadvantage for an individual entrepreneur is that he must pay 1% to the FIU from a turnover that exceeds 300,000 rubles a year, which seems to be not much. But counting for the year, suppose that the monthly turnover of a private bath was 100,000 rubles, for the year we get (1,200,000 - 300,000) = 900,000 and 1% is 9,000 rubles of additional costs to fixed IP contributions - undoubtedly a minus;
  4. . A couple of years ago I would be making up step by step instructions opening a private bath, I would choose an individual entrepreneur as the simplest form of ownership in business. On the this moment I choose an LLC for one good reason: in the case when the sole founder of an LLC is also its director, he does not receive a salary and, as a result, does not pay 13% and insurance premiums to the Pension Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, Social Insurance Fund. The reason is quite banal - a person cannot conclude an employment contract with himself, but no employment contract, then there is no salary and insurance premiums.

This is actually the reason why I chose the form of ownership for a private bath LLC.

Even if for some reason you do not run your business, then you will not pay anything to anyone, unlike an individual entrepreneur.

In order to open an LLC, you will need activities from.

Since last year OKVED2001 was replaced by OKVED2014 (OKVED2), the Internet turned out to be a complete mess and they all got mixed up and only a knowledgeable person can determine which OKVED is needed.

Here you are lucky, because I belong to the category of people who can easily choose the necessary activities:

96.04 - Sports and recreation activities (includes steam baths).

This activity will be the main one.

If you have any questions, then ask them either in the group in contact or directly in the comments to the article.

Successful business! Bye!

Our craftsmen go to great lengths to make their bath unusual. One of the most interesting options construction on the water. How to build a bath on the water, what you need to know for this, we will tell our readers.

Bath on the water is an interesting and practical option.

What to consider before planning a bath on the water

Before you start planning a bath on the water, you need to tell the reader that there is a bill on protected area reservoirs. So, for the river and their sources, the buffer zone is at least 50 m, for lakes at least 500 m. You can build a bathhouse on rafts, but the water used must be diverted outside the buffer zone or pass through a filtration system. For construction on natural reservoirs, it is necessary to collect permits and coordinate the bath project with the local environmental organization.

Turnkey water baths.

For artificial reservoirs, which are easy to arrange on your site, no documentation is needed. But we recommend that you drain the septic tank or perform a multi-stage cleaning. Since the reservoir will be used for taking water procedures after a hot steam room.

What baths are built on the water

Building a bath on the water is not as easy as it seems at first glance. For the basis of the foundation of the bath, either metal pillars or floating plastic pontoons are taken. The structure itself is assembled from a bar or log. Since you should not choose a heavy box. The best option is frame construction.

The project of a bath on the water should be as simple as possible.

The load must be calculated to the smallest detail, so that if the bathers are grouped in one part of the bath, the structure does not turn over or warp. The number of people simultaneously visiting the bath on the water should be strictly regulated. It also takes into account whether the water in your area freezes or not. A bath on pontoons will have to be moved ashore in winter, as the floating structure can simply be crushed by ice. You can use a non-self-propelled barge as a basis for a bath. Of course, the price for such a project is high, but for a commercial bath it is quite payable. So, you can use large floating baths as spa centers or a VIP recreation area.

In any case, a project on the water requires a serious approach, since the bath must meet all safety requirements.

How to build a bath on the water from the foundation to the roof

It is easier to build a bathhouse on the ground, since any of the foundations is suitable: monolithic, columnar or tape. The walls are assembled from any material. Only light and moisture-resistant materials are suitable for a bath on the water. The base must withstand wind and waves, as well as loads from above and below. Construction takes place in several main stages:

  • project selection;
  • ground preparation;
  • assembly and fixing of the bath box;
  • finishing.

Let us consider in more detail each stage of the construction of a bath on the water.

Water bath project

We do not recommend taking a typical project for a bath, since when building a structure on the water, you must take into account your own nuances. A competent project can be ordered from specialists. Companies offering to buy finished projects, are also not suitable, since it is necessary to take into account the features of a particular reservoir:

  • square;
  • temperature in winter;
  • features of the bottom of the reservoir.

The project should not be massive, usually a small bath is chosen with a veranda that serves as a relaxation room. Washing combined with a steam room.

When the project is selected, you can start assembling the bath.

Foundation of the structure on the water

As a base for a bath on the water, a pontoon or metal screw piles are used. The first option is easier to assemble with your own hands and it is suitable for reservoirs of any depth. Piles are used for a shallow artificial reservoir, where there is no high waves and the bottom is tight.

The easiest way to install a bath on the water with the help of pontoons.

The pontoon must be chosen with the load capacity that corresponds to your sauna + 500 kg. Additional load is calculated on users and the arrangement of a steam room with a stove.

Pontoon fastening

The pontoon must be fastened with special anchors. Fastening is carried out by various systems:

  • using briquettes and pipes;
  • with the help of chains and weights;
  • by anchoring on the shore.

Fastening with pipes and briquettes

This is a rigid mount using iron pipes that are hammered into the bottom to a depth of at least 1 m. Mounting is one of the most time-consuming, since it will be difficult to install pipes without additional equipment. The diameter of the pipes is chosen depending on the size of the bath project.

Briquettes are attached to the pipes, on which the pontoons stand. The bath, put on such a system, will stand for more than a dozen years, and for the winter it can not be removed from the water.

Fastening with chains and weights

The method of fastening with chains and sinkers is the simplest. Reinforced concrete poles or slabs are used as weights to which chains are attached and thrown into the water near the shore. A pontoon is attached to the chains from above. The chains must be of such length that the weights lie on the bottom, otherwise they will simply drag the structure to the bottom behind them. The chains can be taken a little longer, then the structure will lower and rise during the ebb and flow of water in the reservoir. So, in spring the water level can be 10–20 cm higher, and lower in summer in drought.

In winter, the pontoon, along with chains and sinkers, must be removed from the reservoir, and the bathhouse should be moved to the shore with a crane. The method of fastening is simple, but you will have to work harder, spending a lot of effort and money every autumn. It is easier to install a bath in this way in a shallow place of the reservoir right near the shore. So, sinkers can be reached with winches.

Shore anchorage

Shore mount is suitable for structures that are installed only near the shore. Reinforced concrete piles are driven in on the shore and pontoons are attached to them with the help of iron cables or chains, which float near the shore. The method is the least expensive and durable. For do-it-yourself construction, we recommend choosing this type of pontoon mounting.

Box assembly

The bath box is assembled on special rigid frames, which are fixed to the pontoons with dowels. Since it is envisaged that bathers will run right out of the sauna and jump into the water, the pontoon should not sway and the connection should be as rigid as possible.

The bottom of the box is smeared with clay, which will additionally protect the tree from moisture.

It is more difficult to assemble the frame directly on the water.

It is easier to assemble the frame box on land and then rearrange it onto the frame using a crane. Warming and finishing are carried out already on the pontoon.

When assembling the box, a drain system is mounted dirty water. Water should be collected in a special container that can be placed even under water and from there it is discharged to the shore. You can install a multi-stage filter, but the system will be expensive. Moreover, filters must be changed at least once every three months. Pros: lower costs for a septic tank and maintaining the environmental friendliness of the reservoir.

In small mini-saunas, where there is no washing compartment and dressing room, it is not necessary to install a water drainage system. After the steam room, you can take water procedures right in the pond.

It is not recommended to install a sauna box without an iron frame, since even a small sauna can be unstable, especially in windy weather, when waves rise on the pond.

The roof is assembled in the same way as any other bath, but a simple and lightweight design is chosen.

Arrangement of a bath on the water

When arranging a steam room, do not forget that it is impossible to weigh down and overload the structure. The stove is chosen the most simple easy, type of potbelly stove. It is not recommended to use electric furnaces, since there is water around the bath and it will be difficult to make high-quality grounding with your own hands.

A bath on the water is equipped with a minimum, since it is not worth making the structure heavier.

Inside the sauna, a small canopy is made, the walls outside are smeared with clay from below and treated with antiseptic moisture-resistant compounds. The steam room is insulated with polystyrene foam or mineral wool and lined with linden clapboard. For convenience, several benches and a small table are installed. They can be placed separately on a pontoon near the steam room.

It is necessary to equip a small dressing room where you can undress before taking the procedures.

We do not recommend doing the electrical system in the bath with your own hands. You can use lamps on batteries or semi-antique kerosene. They will not only add charm to your bath, but also fill it warm light.

The firewood shed is installed on the shore, as wood is hygroscopic and is able to absorb moisture even from the air. A small supply of firewood can be stored in the dressing room; a special place is equipped for this. More details on the design of the bath on the water can be seen in the photo in this article and video:

Readers should not have questions about how to build a bathhouse on the water with their own hands. The main thing is to choose a small and simple project that does not have to be put on a large pontoon. You can assemble a bathhouse on the shore right next to the reservoir with a veranda overlooking the reservoir, but then the foundation must be coated with clay. Each option has its place and has its pros and cons. Choose the one that is within your power and means. And your bath on the water will be a real highlight that will delight all friends and acquaintances.

You should not try to replace the pontoon with any other structure on the water, the process will be ineffective and will not live up to expectations. Companies offering ready-made constructions of baths on the water will remove the guarantees for the construction of self-assembly. Therefore, if you decide to buy a ready-made version, use the services of professionals. Please note that only companies licensed for this type of activity are engaged in such buildings.

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