Money Magic. Feature energy cash flows. What rituals will attract money

Money magic. How to attract money.

Everything in the world lives according to certain laws and money is no exception.

People who know this never live in poverty. There are certain rules, following which, you can attract money.

To attract money, you must first love them! To attract money to yourself, you need to change your attitude towards them, and think about them as an important and positive component of our life.

Simple magic to attract money

  • The first magical action: buy a beautiful wallet in which your money will be very cozy and comfortable.
  • The second magical action: put Chinese coins in your wallet - amulets to attract money.
  • The third magical action: Put a large bill in your wallet, which you will not change under any circumstances.
  • Fourth magical action: Put money in your wallet only in an even and straightened form, never wrinkle or crumple money.
  • All of the above actions are a kind of magical rites to attract money.

We have all heard the expression: "money goes to money."

This statement has absolutely real meaning. In order for money to always be attracted to you, never spend it completely, completely emptying your wallet!

Make it a rule for yourself: every time you pay, save at least 10% of the money you earn. At first glance, the amount is not large, but after six months it will turn into a tidy sum that you can spend on an expensive purchase.

The more often you have positive thoughts about prosperity in your head, the faster it will come to you. As the saying goes: “The poor get poorer and the rich get richer!”

Remember: never lend money from this account (purse, piggy bank, cards) to anyone! Having done this, you will immediately see that you will begin to have financial problems that you did not expect and did not foresee.

Money is energy. How to attract money?

Money obeys a general law, and it says: everything moves and changes. Money is energy that must change and be renewed. Money must work! They can't just lie there like a dead weight. As they say: “Water does not flow under a lying stone!”.

Money, in order for it to multiply, it is necessary to invest in something so that it returns to you already with some interest.

But it is important to have an untouchable supply that you, under no circumstances, should not spend! Only if all these conditions are met, the flow of money to you will increase!

It doesn't have to be greedy and mean. Do not be afraid to be a generous person, namely generous, and not a spender. When you spend money, do it with joy and love! Buy gifts for your loved ones, sometimes pamper yourself!

There are some rules, following which, you will never complain about the lack of money.

Basic rules for saving money quickly and easily

1. If you find, win money, never keep it for a long time. You need to get rid of them quickly. You don't know how this money is earned! Buy yourself something, or donate them.

2. Never settle large bills by buying an inexpensive thing.

3. When repaying a debt, pay in small bills, saying to yourself: “I pay yours, I leave mine.”

4. Having received a salary, do not spend it on the same day, walk past the store, let the money stay at home for at least one day.

5.Keep a large fiat bill in your wallet, which will attract money to you like a magnet.

6. When going to the store, always make a list of necessary purchases and do not buy things that are not planned.

7. If you see money on the floor, or in the dirt, be sure to pick it up, otherwise they will “think” that you do not respect them.

8. Do not set yourself the goal: "just save up money." Always know exactly what you need the money for.

The main signs of attracting money:

1. Try not to lend to poor and unfortunate people, because when they return the debt to you, they transfer their energy of financial instability to you.

2.Keep money only in a beautiful wallet, do not spare money on it, because this is actually a house for your money. How to choose the right wallet for money can be found in the article "Wallet that attracts money"

3. When using all services (gas, electricity, internet, telephone, etc.), never complain about the need to part with money, but rather say: “Money has come!” Meditation

4. Never count other people's money, count your own! Envying someone else's wealth, you block financial flows into your home.

5. Never give money in the evening! And if you really need to pay, put this money on a wooden surface, or the floor!

6. Do not repay on Monday and Friday.

Knowing all these rules, signs and making magical actions, you will definitely attract money to your home. Take action!

Black magic to attract money will work quickly and accurately - you will receive the required amount or other material benefit in a few days. However, a money love spell has its price, and in the case of black witchcraft we are talking not about money.

In the article:

What you need to know about black magic to attract money

The rituals of black magic to attract money are quite effective - you will get everything you want. Black magicians are rarely in need. Usually they can be called rich people. Their secret is simple - rituals and are able to enrich in a short time.

But to resort to dark witchcraft is not nearly as easy as to resort to white. The dark forces require the literal execution of rituals as a sign of respect for them. Mistakes in spellcasting can be costly. In addition, you will have to cultivate courage in yourself - night cemeteries should not scare you. On the graveyard, the black magician feels almost more protected than in his own home.

Rites with special power sacrifices. No, you do not need to sacrifice people and puppies. Usually these are black hens and roosters, sometimes wild rats - with the exception of the latter, these animals, even without black magic, are killed for food. But few people get dinner in such ways - for modern man even killing a chicken cannot be called a habitual and simple occupation.

According to the opinion of the church, the road to the temple for the black magician is ordered. This is not entirely true. If you decide to get rich with the help of dark forces, you cannot consider yourself a believer. However, you can go to the temple and repent of what you have done - however, after that you will very quickly lose everything that the forces of darkness have given you, they are rather touchy. Many dark sorcerers also use the parishioners of the temple. You can still see them in the church, but witches and sorcerers come there with their own dark goals.

If these conditions do not bother you, you can come to a dark craft in order to enrich yourself. Most likely, you will go further and learn other rituals - some of them will benefit you and your loved ones, some will harm your enemies. The life of a dark magician can cause envy and admiration, and the purpose of interest in magic in the form of wealth is quite understandable to dark forces.

Conspiracy for money with tarot cards

Tarot cards- a sacred instrument, and not only fortunetellers use it. Such a deck can be used not only for divination. There are many rituals in which they serve as the main component. Most of of which is directly related to black magic. So, one of the strong money spells from black magic requires the presence of both - the most cash cards of the deck, as well as the personification of the patron of dark magicians.

The ceremony is performed at three in the morning on the growing moon. You can’t spend it on Sunday and a church holiday, otherwise, at best, witchcraft will not work, and at worst, it will hit your biofield. Turn off the electricity in the whole house or go to your special place for magic - a forest, an abandoned house, an old cemetery. No one should disturb you, and no one should be present during the ritual. Loneliness is the best companion for a black magician when he needs to turn to black magic conspiracies for wealth.

Light six black candles. Choose from the deck three cards that are listed above. On an altar or a clean table, lay a green fabric triangle made in advance. Green is the color of money, not all attributes of dark witchcraft are black. Lay out the cards at the corners of the triangle, the Devil should be on top, at the top of the triangle.

After that, you should get some of your blood from your finger - you will need a medical scarifier, which can be bought at a pharmacy, as well as alcohol or other wound disinfectant. With blood, draw a pentagram on the green cloth, in the center of the triangle. At the same time, cast a spell:

Amidas prenas delas khramos tibieros Magnum treos!

In all words of this spell, the stress is on the first vowel sound. After reading it, wrap the cards in cloth and place them under your pillow. Now it's time to go to bed - before the morning comes you should definitely sleep at least a little.

In the morning, first of all, put the cards in a box specially prepared for this, where they will be stored permanently. You will no longer be able to use fortune telling cards, so if you don’t want to part with your favorite deck, get a new one in advance. Green fabric should be stored in a wallet without taking it out. Within a few days you will start receiving money from the most unexpected sources.

Black witchcraft for money - gypsy sacrifice

O gypsy witchcraft there are legends to this day. The people believe that most representatives of the nomadic people have a magical gift. It is extremely rare that this gift is bright, gypsies are very often accused of evil eye and damage, and they themselves rarely hide their involvement in black magic. So, how to attract money with black magic using gypsy methods?

The most important component of the gypsy ritual is the sacrifice.
Nomadic sorcerers sacrificed rats, in the old days there were many of them near people's dwellings. Now it is much more difficult to find a wild rat, but it is still real. You can’t replace it with anything, you can’t buy an animal either. Before the sacrifice, the rat must sit in a cage for three days without food. If the rat dies, this means that the forces do not accept your sacrifice, and it is better to look for another black magic money plot.

If the Darkness has accepted your sacrifice, you can perform a ritual of black money magic. It is held in the light of six black candles. You will also need a metal bowl - ideally silver, as well as a knife with a black handle - atame. AT left hand take the rat, and in the right knife. Read the prayer "Our Father" on the contrary and with her last words cut the rat's throat. Blood must be spilled into the bowl, not a drop must be spilled.

Place the corpse of the rat back in the cage, it will still come in handy. On the blood you need to say six times:

I dedicate blood to the King of Hell! I call him by his name! Satan! Satan! Satan! As this blood does not return to the veins, so wealth will not turn away from me! Gold will come and diamonds, from this moment and immediately! I'm shielding myself with a damn cross! As the rat does not rise, so no one will deceive my word!

With a bowl you need to go around the whole house. On each window and door, draw small crosses with it. Pour the rest of the blood down the drain. Fear should activate the process - many gypsy rituals are built on it. For this, the corpse of a rat is useful, which must be thrown to neighbors, enemies, rivals, or someone else who can be frightened by such a spectacle on their own doorstep.

Black magic spells for money - nodular magic

Creation nauzes Witches have been practicing since the Middle Ages. They have long been accused of creating special knots that seem to bind the crop, cause drought, and bring pestilence to the district. But few people know that with help you can not only harm others. With the help of nauzes, you can get rich or help a loved one solve money problems.

Money nauzes

Although the ceremonies nodular magic seem simple and harmless, it is still dark witchcraft. You can’t do it on church holidays and Sundays, otherwise instead of profit you will receive kickback. Nodular magic for money is practiced on a growing moon or on a full moon. If you perform this ceremony during the waning of the moon, your income will decrease - but this way you can damage poverty.

For the ceremony, you will need a green ribbon about 30 cm long. Tie nine knots on it, slander each of them in the corresponding part of the spell:

The first knot of sorcery begins. With the second node, the work is done. With the third knot, the money goes to me. With the fourth node, new opportunities are knocking at my door. With the fifth node, my business is booming. The sixth knot fixes witchcraft. With the seventh node I am given success. With the eighth node, income is multiplied. With the ninth knot, it's all mine now!

The tape must be kept in a wallet, it will attract money from a wide variety of, sometimes unexpected sources. If you do not use the wallet or it does not belong to you personally, for example, you have a common wallet with your spouse, it is better to keep the charmed nauses in a secluded place. They should not catch the eye of strangers, and even more so fall into the wrong hands.

Attracting money with a magical rite with church candles

Black magic and witchcraft for money may require Christian symbols. Energy Christian egregor very often used by black magicians, do not underestimate its power. So, one of the rituals for money requires going to church. It is performed on the thirteenth of any month, preferably on a waxing or full moon. This day should not be church holiday, you can’t enrich yourself with black witchcraft on Sundays.

In the church you need to buy 13 candles. After the purchase, you should get change, its amount does not matter. Change from purchase church candles must be exchanged so that only iron coins are obtained. After that, you can return home.

At home, immediately backhand throw coins on the floor. You can't pick them up until the next morning. It is important that outsiders do not come to you at this time. Ideally, if your family members leave somewhere for the duration of the ritual. In the morning after waking up, you should immediately collect money from the floor in a pre-prepared bag. It is supposed to be stored under the bed. It is desirable that no one finds a bag of coins.

Money ritual at the cemetery

Black magic will help you find money if you are brave enough for its rites. To conduct one of them, you should go to the cemetery at night. On the way there and back, you should not talk to anyone. Take with you a coin that is currently used in any of the countries of the world.

By midnight, you need to find a grave where a person with the same name as yours is buried. You need to put a coin on the grave and say:

Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Astaroth. Open the gates of Darkness, give me gold and wealth. Gold, pour at my feet, gold, stick to my hands! Let it be so!

After casting the spell, leave the cemetery without looking back. Dark forces like to test those who turn to them. This is especially true for beginner magicians and witches. If you run, turn back, or show your fear, at best you will be considered unworthy of the gift of wealth. It is unlikely that you will be able to engage in black magic in the future. In the worst case, it is likely to lose your mind and even life.

There is a more complex ritual cemetery crossroads. To do this, in the evening you need to go to the churchyard with a live rooster in a bag. In addition, you will need seven five-kopeck coins, a red cloth, a bay leaf and sharp knife. At the cemetery, you need to cut the throat of a rooster so that its blood flows onto a red cloth, on which coins and bay leaves should lie. While the blood drains, cast the spell:

Bes Besovich! Satan Satanovich! Judas Jewish!
Here's a red bird and seven nickels for you,
Give me gold for seventy-seven years.
The century would not be translated, it would not shrink.
As the rooster died, so did poverty.
As a penny from blood is red, so I am sweet and beautiful with gold.
As the sun rises, so my libel will grow. Amen!

Wrap the rooster corpse, coins and bay leaf in red cloth. Bury the bundle at the cemetery crossroads with these words:

Here is a sacrifice and blood for you, give the slave (name) gold.

Leave the cemetery without looking back. As mentioned above, devilry likes to arrange terrible tests that show whether the magician is worthy of their help. If the ceremony is successful, financial affairs go up very quickly. It can be done for yourself or for loved one. This is done only during the growing moon. Throw away the bag in which you brought the rooster somewhere within the churchyard. Do not forget to leave a ransom to the owner of the cemetery.

Spell for money

One of the most powerful means of black magic - . Like a person, wealth can be bewitched. Sometimes such love spells are called poverty shifts - all your financial problems go to another person, most often a stranger. Usually, poverty is reduced through coins of any denomination that are used on this moment in your region.

Poverty goes to poverty, wicked people go to wicked people, they leave me (their name) for you. Failures to you, unfortunate, I give. So be it, for so it is.

You need to transfer coins directly into your hands, not into a glass, a guitar case or a hat of the person asking. Otherwise, the money spell will not work. Nothing will work if you give the coins to a rich or middle-income person. In the life of a beggar, little will change, he suffered from financial problems even without you. But your business will quickly go uphill.

Psychics about magic they say that today, along with progress human society there has been progress in the area magical rituals. So, today experienced magicians and sorcerers distinguish a huge number of magical currents, one of which is money magic.

So what is money magic? money magic- this is a kind of magical art that is used by people in order to attract money and wealth. But, as in any other magic, this variety has its own specific rules for use. It is about them that we should talk in the first place.

Rules of money magic

In connection with the fact that such a magical direction, as money magic in conditions economic crisis began to develop at a tremendous speed, the study of rules of money magic. After all, in order to work with given by the species witchcraft, special rules must be followed:

  • It is not worth trying at the expense of someone else's well-being conjure financial gain for himself. Also, you should not plan before the money appears in your own wallet regarding the place of their arrival. Also, you should not resort to a magical ritual when a person expects to receive large sum money from anyone. More most powerful witches believe that in no case should you abuse the fact that other people are generous directly to you.
  • Just like the material condition, well-being is reflected in peace of mind. You don't have to be a millionaire to be successful. It is necessary to act wisely and actually determine for yourself what kind of well-being can actually bring you happiness.
  • When conducting magic ritual you need to be completely sure in your feelings. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the universe will turn the other side and get a completely different result.
  • When conducting a fortune-telling ritual, you must always use only your own paraphernalia. It doesn't matter if it will , or other items. The main thing is that it is yours, and no one else has access to these items. In addition, it will save you from the confrontation between human biocurrents and the currents of the Universe.
  • You should not share your magical plans in the field of money magic. For example, if a person performing a healing spell tells about this to the object that he wants to support with this magic, then surely the other person will respond with gratitude. And in the case when the sorceress speaks of her intention to conjure a little more money for a loan, then the witch herself is at a very disadvantageous position and may find herself in a wounded position. Ultimately, this magical ritual may not work completely. All information about witchcraft, in addition to everything else, will scatter around the world. There will be those who believe and those who do not believe, and as a result, further rituals will also not have power. So magic is hidden. It should be kept in the strictest confidence, of course, unless otherwise prescribed in the witchcraft ritual.
  • Like love spells, rituals money magic linked to large quantity emotions. In case if financial situation a person is greatly oppressed, then from the very beginning such a family will be doomed to poverty and poverty. It is necessary to let positive energy into your world as much as possible, then it will provide you with unreal help.

And most importantly, in no case should one speak aloud about poverty and poverty.

Money magic and correspondences

As well as in healing magic, and in love magic and in money magic have their correspondences. So before you start performing a magical ritual, you need to study all these correspondences that can attract well-being and positive energy to your home.

For example, psychics about money magic they say that it helps not only in the direct attraction of money, but also in the opening own business, in job search and even in career advancement. After all, all this, to one degree or another, has an impact on the financial situation of the family. Moreover, psychics claim that in order to get a real result, it is necessary to try to carry out magical rituals throughout the entire cycle, i.e. from full moon to full moon.

Attention! Magic spells , which are aimed at chasing poverty from their doorstep, are created during the period dark moon, or they begin directly on the full moon and continue until the next such stage.

Astrologers about money magic it is said that to some extent it has a connection with Jupiter. Yes, Jupiter is the one celestial body, which awakens in a person the energy of well-being and craving for money. Also special influence poverty has the Sun and Saturn.

As for the magic of color, this is an individual moment and requires a long search from a person. Because much depends on the color of the object's aura and on its attitude. It is important not to be afraid to experiment and move forward.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that special properties have and various fruits and even vegetables. The use of some of them attracts wealth. Namely, we are talking about sesame, wedge syrup, pineapple, orange, walnut and even tomatoes.

Even the well-being of a person is particularly influenced by various kinds of herbs: moss, snapdragon, mint, plane tree, dill and garlic.

After diving into magic associative objects that affect the well-being of a person, you should try to conjure a little. The following is one of the options used in money magic.

Shopping with a guardian angel

In no case, according to experienced psychics in money magic, You can't go shopping all alone. Worth taking along guardian angel. Before leaving the house, you should turn to the mirror and ask your friend for help in choosing an interesting application for your money savings. Moreover, it should be noted that guardian angels remain delighted with grocery shopping. Take it when you go shopping at the market or in a chain store.

When you directly ask your guardian angel to help you spend your personal savings, you will surely notice that you are only acquiring what actually makes sense.

Psychics about money magic it is said that it is very important that any be conducted at home. Namely, in your own home, which is saturated with the performer's bioenergetics.

In this article:

The magic of money effective remedy to solve any financial problem. With the help of special witchcraft rituals you can attract financial well-being to yourself and never again think about possible material difficulties.

Money luck with the help of witchcraft

Via magical means you can indeed attract money, but the magician must be completely sure of own forces and effectiveness of the ceremony. At the same time, you must always remember that you must not become a slave to money, a slave to gold and silver. Dependence on material wealth can lead to many troubles in the future, which is why do not make money your dream, it is better to wish a decent and comfortable life for yourself and your loved ones, such a dream will definitely not cause trouble.

Ritual to attract money quickly

To perform this magical rite, you will need a large banknote. Bend the corner of the selected bill on the right side, and then do the same with the other side. As a result, you should get an isosceles triangle.

After bending the bill along the vertical axis in half, take it with the fingers of your left hand around the corner, bring it to your lips and say the words of the conspiracy on it:

“Like a fast river, it draws all small streams to itself, how it collects water from them into itself and gives it to the deep sea. How a woman attracts men. How the day attracts the night, and the night attracts the day. So you, money, attract to me, the servant of God (name), your own kind. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The bill thus spoken should be put in your wallet. Do not, under any circumstances, take the money out of your wallet and do not let anyone touch it for the next three months. If you come across banknotes of the same denomination, put them in the department for the charmed banknote.

How to raise money quickly and easily

Highly good way attract money energy

This magical ritual should be performed only during the full moon in the country or in your own house, next to which there is a garden or garden. Take a sieve, pour a trifle into it and go to the garden. Sow money there and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother Earth, accept my seeds, let them sprout, let them cover all mine, servants of God (name). Expenses. Let my money sprout soon, but come to my wallet. May what has been said come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Spell to attract money

This magical rite refers to light rituals. White divination for wealth is very effective and does not involve any dangers for the performer, therefore it is very popular with beginners.

This ritual is great for attracting money and increasing income in trade, however, it will require the first money earned (you can use the first money earned on one point of sale or in a new case, on new job). The first earned funds have the most powerful energy, which is quite simple to use in magic.

How to work with a call to Christian egregor very effective

Take cooked banknotes in your right hand, close your eyes and read the prayer “Our Father” three times, cross yourself three times and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I, the servant of God (name), am the seller, and you are the buyer. I, the servant of God (name) - well done, and you are a prospector. You come to me, you try. Attract my goods to buyers, sell quickly. The buyer is not a joker, he is my main guide to prosperity. He will buy goods and leave, and on a new day he will come for other goods. It’s good for my heart, it’s nice for my soul, so that everything is always like this for me, a servant of God (name). Buyer to buyer, money goes to money, it will always be like this in my business, it will be like that forever and endlessly. Buyer to buyer, and money goes to money. Let it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Money magic - a simple ritual

To perform this magical ritual, you will need a new yellow or golden wallet, as well as: a small round mirror, three yellow coins (preferably gold) and a small, thin piece of any wood (it should fit in the wallet).

Put all the prepared items in a crystal vessel and read the words of the conspiracy on them:

“Just as the foliage on a tree multiplies every year, so my coins, servants of God (name), will multiply in reflection. I, the servant of God (name), earnestly pray to the Lord God, I pray for financial prosperity. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, put all the charmed items in your wallet and hide in a safe place. This wallet will be your talisman for attracting financial well-being.

money bank

To perform this ritual, you will need a pen, a sheet of paper, 7 coins, a bay leaf and a square jar with a screw cap. The ceremony is carried out only if you need some amount of money for certain needs. If you just want to get finance for the sake of finance, use a different ritual.

Such a talisman works great, especially in combination with other ways of working.

Write on a piece of paper the exact amount you currently need, fold the sheet in half and put it in the jar. After that right hand take one coin and drop them into the jar. When the coins fall and ring from the blows, try to imagine how their number multiplies and turns into the amount you need. At this time, you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

“Coins sparkle, coins ring, I have more and more, servants of God (name), coins for me. From where I do not expect help, from there I will receive income. Money in my pocket arrives, money fulfills my desire. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

On the reverse side bay leaf write your full name and add it to the jar with paper and coins. Only after that, close the jar with a lid and hide it so that no one not only never touches it, but even sees it.

After that, you will need to add one or more coins to the bank every day, trying to imagine that the number of coins grows and turns into the amount you need.

Once you receive the amount you asked for, take the jar out of the house and bury it in your garden or garden.

Talisman of money for money

This simple talisman to attract money is made using coins found on the street. But remember that, in no case, you can not collect the money found at the crossroads, as it is likely that they were used by magicians for ransom. Taking someone else's ransom is very dangerous, because you cannot know what ritual was performed, maybe it's black divination, in which case you risk being involved in relations between the magician and his patrons from the side of dark forces.

When you collect little things worth more than 100 rubles on the roads, you can proceed directly to performing the ritual for wealth. Put all the coins found in a new one clay pot, put it in the house in a conspicuous place, where it should stand until the next full moon. During the period full moon you will need to take the coins out of the pot, wrap them in a linen handkerchief and go with it to the church service in the morning.

After visiting the church, return home, throw a handkerchief with coins in the hallway on the floor so that the coins crumble and roll around the room and forget about them for three days. For three days you can not remove the coins and receive guests. Only members of your family should see the scattered money, who also need to be warned not to touch this important magical attribute.
After three days, collect all the coins in a bag and put them in a secluded place. This bag will be yours from now on. family mascot to attract wealth.

Money magic helps to improve the situation in the monetary and working sphere. Thanks to simple rituals you can unleash your creative potential, get a strong boost of energy, as well as win over your management, colleagues and partners in work and business.

Secrets and rules of money magic

In order for the rituals to give the desired effect, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Remember that in order for it to work, you need to make an effort, since rituals help to improve the result, and do not make dreams come true from nothing.
  2. Don't use black and white money magic to improve wealth at the expense of other people.
  3. Be sure to believe that the rituals will give the desired result.
  4. Always specify the amount you want to receive. Just do not call sky-high numbers, everything should be real.
  5. Do not tell anyone that you are using the help of the Higher Forces.

Money magic on a full moon

To improve your financial situation, perform such a ritual. Take a cup and pour into it clean water up to half. Put a silver coin there. Place the cup on the windowsill so that the moon is reflected in the water. Open the window and run your hands over the cup, as if you are collecting coins, and then say the following words 3 times:

“Beautiful Mistress Luna! Bring me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take whatever you give!"

At the end of the ritual, pour water into the street, and put the coin in your wallet and always carry it with you.

Money magic on the growing moon

The ceremony must be performed on an even date. Take a bill and say the following words on it:

“As there is a lot of mud in the swamp, fish in the water, so much money for me.

A month to grow, grow, and give me wealth to a servant (fish) of God (name).

Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, put the bill in the corner of the room for a week, and then spend it. Repeat the ritual 3 times.

money tree magic

It is recommended to take a seedling of this plant from someone, or, in extreme cases, you can purchase it. To reveal and strengthen its magic, it is necessary to buy green or black ceramic dishes on the growing moon. On Wednesday, you can transplant the plant. At the bottom of the pot, put 8 coins of the same denomination with the coat of arms up and read any money conspiracy. After planting a tree, say the following words 3 times:

“You grow, and I flourish in wealth. This is my will. Let it be so!"

Place Money Tree in the southeast. Make sure that the plant is well-groomed. It needs to be watered on Wednesdays, reading the above plot.

Money wallet magic

If you bought a new wallet, then you can spend to increase your wealth. Put silver coins in it and leave it on the windowsill during the waxing moon. Say the following conspiracy to him 3 times:

“I am talking to myself and my wallet for constant financial prosperity. So that money constantly multiplies in it, like stars in the sky. To increase their number, as the moon arrives. Whoever steals my wallet, let him take with him 33 misfortunes with deaf lack of money, which I will never see. Amen".

After 3 days, put any bill in your wallet and you can use it after that.

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