Information about personal tax debts. How to check for tax arrears: traditional and new ways

Our service allows you to check and pay taxes online individuals: transport tax, land tax, property tax of individuals. Verification is carried out by TIN, SNILS or document index (UIN). Registration in personal account The Federal Tax Service on the site is not required.

In case of detection of tax accruals or debts, you can immediately pay them, as a means of payment are accepted bank cards MasterCard, Visa, MIR.


By tax document index (UIN)

To search for taxes, enter the TIN or SNILS number. We recommend checking both documents at the same time.

? To search for taxes and penalties in the GIS GMP system

To search for a tax, enter the number of the Tax Document or the unique accrual identifier (UIN).

? To check taxes and penalties on already issued Tax Documents Search taxes »

By clicking the "Search taxes" button, you consent to the processing of personal data, in accordance with federal law dated 27.07.2006 N152-F3 "On personal data"

* The search is performed in the GIS GMP (taxes issued throughout Russia).

Tax audit is carried out on the basis of the "State information system on state and municipal payments” (abbreviated as GIS GMP). This database contains data on all tax charges in Russia.

How to check taxes by TIN or UIN?

In order to check tax accruals and debts, you will need the number of one of the following documents:

  1. TIN - Taxpayer Identification Number
  2. SNILS - Insurance number of an individual personal account in pension fund Russia (green plastic card)
  3. UIN or document index - the number of the notification of the Federal Tax Service on accrued taxes

Checking taxes is carried out by the number of the document entered in the appropriate fields of the search form. You can check taxes by specifying both documents at the same time. SNILS number is entered without hyphens and spaces, only numbers.

By TIN or SNILS, you can only find out tax arrears, that is, accruals that were not paid within the period established by law. Current tax accruals can only be found by UIN.

After entering the data in the fields of the search form, click the "SEARCH TAXES" button. Tax review may continue long time please wait for the result.

If, as a result of the audit, taxes are found, it will be provided detailed information: date, UIN, type of tax, amount payable, etc. Otherwise, a message will appear stating that nothing was found.

Reference information on taxes of individuals

Below you will find answers to basic questions about personal taxes. If you did not find the answer to your question - send it through the feedback form.

What taxes do individuals have to pay?

Individuals pay the following types of taxes: tax on property of individuals, transport and land.

Can I check taxes by last name?

You cannot check taxes by the name of an individual. It is obvious that in Russia there are a huge number of people with a completely matching last name, first name and patronymic. In such a situation, checking taxes by last name would produce a meaningless result.

Is it possible to find out taxes by last name on the website?

As noted above, on no site, including ( instructions for working with the site), you can not find out tax charges and debts by last name.

How to check taxes on passport data?

It is impossible to find out taxes directly from the passport data. However, there is a workaround - according to passport data, on the website, you can find out the TIN and then check taxes by TIN.

How to find out your TIN?

You can find out the TIN of an individual, according to passport data, on the website of the Federal Tax Service -

Is it possible to find out land tax by cadastral number?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find out the charge of land tax by cadastral number. This tax can only be found by the TIN of the owner land plot or WIN.

Is it possible to check taxes on the website of the Federal Tax Service ( without registration?

Checking taxes on the site without registration is not possible. Information on tax charges on the website of the Federal Tax Service is available only through the personal account of the taxpayer. To obtain a login and password, you can contact any inspection of the Federal Tax Service, regardless of the place of residence and registration. You must have a passport and an original / copy of the registration certificate with you.

How long does it take to pay personal taxes?

In accordance with the amendments made by Federal Law No. 320-FZ dated November 23, 2015 to part two tax code RF taxes must be paid no later than December 1 of the year following the expired tax period. For example, the tax on the property of individuals, transport and land tax for 2017 must be paid no later than December 1, 2018, taking into account the fact that December 1 in 2018 falls on a day off - the deadline for paying taxes without penalties - December 3, 2018.

What happens if you don't pay taxes?

In the case when the taxpayer does not pay taxes, the Federal Tax Service forms a requirement for the payment of tax, penalties, fines. If the taxpayer fails to comply with the requirement for payment within the period specified in this requirement, the tax authority begins the procedure for collecting debts on mandatory payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation.
Debt collection from individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs is carried out under two conditions:
- the debtor has an unfulfilled obligation in the amount exceeding 3,000 rubles;
- the expiration of a three-year period for fulfilling the requirement for payment, if the total amount of unpaid taxes, fees, penalties, fines by the taxpayer does not exceed 3,000 rubles
In these cases, an application for recovery at the expense of the property of a taxpayer - an individual is submitted by the tax authority to the court upon the occurrence of one of the above conditions.

How to find out the UIN of the tax accrual?

Every year, the Federal Tax Service sends out by mail tax notice along with the payment receipt. UIN is designated as a document index, consists of 20 digits and is located at the top of the receipt.
If you have not received a tax notice, then you can view it in the taxpayer's personal account or receive it by contacting the IFTS in person.

Taxes are obligatory. They cause a lot of problems for the population. Every citizen should know how to check their tax debts in one case or another. This procedure has a huge number of approaches. Modern citizens are given the right to choose the method of debt verification. It should be noted that the bulk of the ways allows you to repay the debt. There is nothing special or surprising about this. In fact, every citizen chooses possible variant alerts. What is offered to the modern population of Russia?

Verification methods

Interested in the tax debts of individuals? How can I find out if there is a debt? In Russia, there are many answers to the question posed. You can choose any of them. The main thing is to take into account the characteristics of each.

To date, tax audits are carried out:

  • personally by a citizen through;
  • through the portal "Gosuslugi";
  • through the page of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation;
  • using the website of bailiffs;
  • through electronic wallets;
  • using Internet banking;
  • through third party verification services.

In addition, you can receive notifications by mail. This is the most common scenario.

By mail

Why? Tax debts can be different. Among them are distinguished:

  • payments that must be paid by a certain date;
  • overdue taxes.

This fact is important to take into account. After all, those coming to the post office to a citizen, as a rule, indicate the need for settlements with the state. It is enough to wait a bit - and a notification from the Federal Tax Service will be placed in the mailbox with a request to pay the tax. The same goes for cases of debt. But what if the notification is lost? Or do you want to know in advance what kind of tax debts a person has? In such situations, it is recommended to start a self-check. Next, we will talk about all the options for the development of events in more detail.

Personal visit to the FTS

100% reliable information about debts and taxes paid can be obtained with the help of the regional department of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. A citizen must come to the appropriate organization (by registration) and submit a request of the established form. It is usually sufficient to simply ask an employee to report tax debts.

Citizens must bring with them:

  • identification;
  • TIN (if any);
  • SNILS.

It is advisable to have with you documents establishing the rights to a particular object. For example, a certificate of ownership of an apartment. This will help establish the legitimacy of the tax charge.

A personal visit to the Federal Tax Service is far from the most common occurrence. Most often, tax debts are checked independently. You can do this using the Internet.

Website of the Federal Tax Service

For example, using the website of the Federal Tax Service. The presence of the "Personal Account" here greatly facilitates the task. You need to contact the service "Debt Check". Working with him is easier than you think. This feature allows using the TIN to obtain information about the tax debts of a citizen.

What needs to be done to bring the idea to life? Would need:

  1. Visit the site If you have an account, then go through authorization in the "Personal Account". If not available, click on "Register" and create a profile.
  2. After passing authorization in the "Personal Account", fill out the citizen's questionnaire. Be sure to enter your TIN.
  3. Refresh the page and study information about debts to the tax authorities. You can find the "Debt Check" service, enter the debtor's TIN and study the results.

Fast, simple, convenient. The disadvantage of this method is the need for registration, as well as waiting for the activation of the profile. This takes 3 days. You can get a password to enter the "Personal Account" on the website of the Federal Tax Service only at the tax office locality. Therefore, tax debts can be checked by other methods.

Portal "Gosuslugi"

For example, use the service "Gosuslugi". This is another good option that can quickly and accurately issue information on debts to the state. To bring the idea to life, you must have an active profile on the service. If there is no account, it is recommended to choose any other verification method. After all, it will take about 14-15 days to activate.

Nevertheless, the presence of registration on the "Gosuslugi" opens access to all the services of the service. Informing a citizen does not require payment. To find out tax debts in this way, you will need:

  1. Go to Log in to the portal.
  2. Visit the "Popular Services" section. Select "Informing individuals on taxes" there. You can type this feature into the search bar and search for it. Or go to "Services" - "FTS" - "Informing".
  3. Read the information about the service and click on the "Get service" button.
  4. Examine the information displayed on the screen.

Important: a citizen must have a TIN in their profile. Otherwise, it will not be possible to bring the idea to life.

Another way is to study the "Personal Account". It will display all information about a citizen's public debts on the "Public Services". If necessary, you can immediately pay the bills.

Bailiffs website

It is proposed to check the tax debts of individuals by last name without registration through the bank of enforcement proceedings on the website of the bailiffs of the Russian Federation. This is a very common way. But it will be possible to bring it to life only if there is a large debt, when a citizen is sued.

To check you will need:

  1. Go to the page
  2. Choose how you want to search for debt information. Individuals can learn about debts using personal data.
  3. Fill in the fields that appear after the previous step. pay attention to without fail to items marked with "*". They are always filled.
  4. Click on "Find".
  5. Examine the data displayed on the screen.

If the search does not return results, it means that the paperwork has not started yet. Do not despair! After all, the test is not over yet!

Third Party Services

Interested in the tax debts of individuals? How to find out about them by TIN? To do this, there are a huge number of third-party services. Sites offer using the TIN or full name of a citizen to issue information about all debts.

Often there are scammers among third-party services. Therefore, it is recommended to use only reliable sources of information. Without registration, you can check the data on debts by searching through the website "Payment for public services". This is the most secure solution!

Banking and wallets

There are a few more options that will help you examine the tax debts of individuals. How to find out about them by the name of the debtor? For example, use Internet banking or electronic wallets. There you can not only get information about debts, but also pay off invoices.

For example, in Sberbank Online it is proposed to act as follows:

  1. Register for the service. Pass authorization on the Sberbank@Online website.
  2. Go to the "Payments and transfers" section.
  3. Click on "FTS RF".
  4. Enter information about the citizen. Usually we are talking about F. I. O. or TIN.
  5. Click on "Search".

You can study the information and pay the bill. The same applies to e-wallets. There, the algorithm of actions changes somewhat. After all, a citizen must:

  1. Log in to your e-wallet.
  2. Visit the "Services" section.
  3. Find the "Tax Check" service. For each online wallet, this inscription will change, but the meaning will remain the same.
  4. Enter information about the person. Most often, this is personal data, SNILS or TIN.
  5. Click on the "Search" or "Find" button.

Ready! Tax debts are available for review and further payment. How to act in this or that case? Everyone decides for himself!

As a rule, citizens of our country, if they have unpaid taxes, receive a notification from the Federal Tax Service (FTS). However, such letters do not always reach the addressee, and non-payment of taxes, even in case of non-receipt of notification, can lead to criminal liability.

Therefore, in order to once again play it safe and avoid possible negative consequences, individuals can check their tax debts on their own.

Where can I find out about debt?

At the branch of the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence

You can find out information on tax arrears in the district tax office at the place of residence. During a personal visit of a citizen of the Russian Federation, the inspection staff will not only tell you about the amount of the debt, but also conduct a detailed consultation, explaining the reasons for the debt.

On the website of the tax service

If there is no time to go to the Federal Tax Service, you can find out tax debts on the website of the inspection. Its functionality allows:

  • find out the debt;
  • find out the deadlines for filing a tax return;
  • pay taxes and fines;
  • use programs for filling out tax returns;
  • learn how to register with the Federal Tax Service and obtain a TIN certificate.

In order to use the designated resource to find out information about current debts, you need to register on it. Without registering on the website of the Federal Tax Service, you can get only general information.

To avoid confusion, the resource menu has 3 tabs. The first one is for an individual, the second one is for individual entrepreneur, and the third - for legal entities.

The reason for this distinction is that the requirements of the tax inspectorate in relation to ordinary citizens (individuals) differ from those that apply to persons engaged in commercial activities.

How to check the debt and who should do it?

To find out the tax debt on the website of the Federal Tax Service, you must:

  • register on the resource;
  • go to your personal account;
  • enter your personal data in the input windows to search for debt (the system searches by TIN and full name);
  • click on the "Find" option;
  • wait for the debt table to be displayed on the screen.

Each citizen must check the tax debt independently and regularly. Since situations often arise in which a person does not even know that he must pay tax.

For example, such disputes often arise transport tax in cases where the owner of the vehicle issues a general power of attorney to another person. In such a situation, the tax is paid by the one who owns the car, and not by the one who constantly uses it. And often the owners of cars do not know about it or forget.

What are the main types of taxes?

Transport tax

This tax is calculated based on the engine power of the vehicle and the established tax coefficient. It is levied on those mobile mechanisms whose engine capacity exceeds 50 cubic centimeters.

Property tax

The tax is levied on any type of housing, as well as the owner's share in it, regardless of its use. Most often, property tax debts arise from those persons who do not inform the tax authorities about the acquisition or sale of property in a timely manner.

Therefore, after any real estate transactions, it is better to check debts within a month to be sure that there are no debts.

Land tax

The land tax is charged to the owner of the land plot, regardless of who uses it: the owner or not. For this tax, debt may arise due to an increase in the tax rate in a particular region.

Also, taxpayers should check the list of persons falling under the category tax deductions. This will significantly reduce tax costs.

Personal Income Tax

income tax on wages paid by the employer. From all other sources of income (winnings, income from intellectual activity and other types), individuals must pay tax on their own.

It should be borne in mind that income from part-time jobs is also taxed if their amount exceeds 4,000 rubles.

What to do if there is a tax arrears?

Tax arrears can arise for two reasons:

  • through the fault of an individual;
  • due to the fault of the tax service (program failure, human factor, etc.).

Late payment of tax by an individual

If the debt arose through the fault of an individual, then first of all you need to pay it. This can be done both via the Internet and through a bank, or directly to the Federal Tax Service.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that late payment of taxes entails Negative consequences up to criminal liability. In addition, in addition to the principal amount of the debt, interest and penalties may be charged, which significantly increase the amount of debt.

Miscalculation of debt

It happens that the debt is accrued and by mistake. That is why, when checking and detecting debts of the Federal Tax Service, citizens need to carefully look for what the tax was not paid for.

A striking example in this case is a very common situation when the owner sells a car and manages to deregister it from the traffic police within a month, but the tax for the car still continues to accrue.

In such cases, it is better for an individual to go to the tax office and, together with the inspector, check all accruals for the last tax period according to passport data. If there really was some kind of error, then the Federal Tax Service will immediately eliminate it.

Tax debtNow it's not a problem to know. About what ways to do this exist, we will tell in our article.

Checking tax debt: who needs it

It is advisable for all taxpayers to check tax debts from time to time. However, to a greater extent, this procedure is relevant for individuals. Organizations calculate all taxes on their own, which means they must be aware of their tax obligations.

"Physicists" in most cases do not participate in the calculation of taxes. The inspection considers property taxes for them, and the employer considers personal income tax. That is why sometimes tax arrears come as a surprise to them. Read more about how to find out the tax debt of individuals.

What tax debt can be checked

Any. You can check the tax debt by TIN:

  • for personal income tax;
  • transport tax;
  • tax on property of individuals (for example, an apartment);
  • land tax.

At the same time, you can find out the amount of current and overdue debts, as well as the amount of penalties and fines, if any.

How to find out if an individual has tax debts

First, you can find out your tax debt online:

  • in the personal account of the taxpayer;
  • through the portal of public services.

Secondly, this can be done by personally visiting your IFTS.

And information about tax debts that are in the process of being collected can be obtained on the website of the bailiff service.

Note that in any case, this is a check of tax debt by TIN. So every taxpayer needs to know his identification number.

A way to find out tax debts on the official website of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation by TIN

Currently, you can find out tax debts on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia only through the personal account (LC) of the taxpayer, which is available at

To do this, you need to register and gain access to the LC. It is possible:

  • by login and password received at any IFTS (you need a passport and a certificate of assignment of a TIN or a copy thereof);
  • with the help of qualified electronic signature/ universal electronic card (a qualified certificate of the electronic signature verification key is issued by a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Communications of Russia);
  • using the access details used for authorization on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services, but only if you received them personally from the ESIA operators (at the Russian post office, MFC, etc.).

By logging into your personal account, you will see not only your tax debt, but also your entire tax history, including information on income and personal income tax submitted for you by your tax agents (for example, an employer) for 3 years.

A way to check the tax debt on the public services website

To obtain information about tax debts in this way, registration is also required, but only on the public services portal. It is available at Registration instructions are available here:

On the portal, you need to select the service "Checking tax debts", and the system will check the tax debt by TIN and your last name.

Is it possible to find out the tax debt of an individual by TIN without registration

Now there is no such possibility. Previously, a service that allowed you to find out the tax debt by TIN worked on the website of the Federal Tax Service. With its help, it was possible to obtain information about taxes on the TIN of any taxpayer. And some people began to use it not quite for legitimate purposes. For example, journalists used it to collect information about tax debts deputies. So the tax authorities had to close the service.

How to find out about the debt in the tax office

Taxpayers who do not have access to the listed verification methods can also find out their tax debt. To do this, you must visit the IFTS in person with a passport and TIN. The inspector will tell you what taxes you have debts for, where they came from and how to pay them off.

Checking tax debt by last name on the website of bailiffs

You can also find out tax arrears from the tax bailiffs, the collection of which is at the stage of enforcement proceedings. To do this, the FSSP website has a special service “Learn about debts”. The search for enforcement proceedings is carried out by full name and date of birth.

By the way, here you can get information not only on tax arrears, but also on other enforcement proceedings, in particular, on the collection of administrative fines.


The issue of finding out the presence and volume of tax debts is of interest to individuals, in contrast to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who do not have reasons for frequent interaction with the Federal Tax Service on this matter. There are many ways to obtain such information. You can find it in your personal account on the websites of the IFTS or public services, in the IFTS itself, as well as in the bailiff service (if the debts are already at the stage of enforcement).

Modern technologies and services allow people to conveniently and quickly not only make purchases via the Internet, but also pay various bills, loans, including taxes. In this article, you will read about how to find out tax arrears using government websites. In our country, payment terms and amounts are constantly changing, so most people are not able to keep track of all the changes. However, with the help of online services, you can always track your debts. suddenly appeared large sum which you should in urgently pay in the respective government bodies will no longer take you by surprise with registered letters or sudden calls. You can independently find a list of all taxes that must be paid and even deposit the required amount directly via the Internet. Let's consider various methods in more detail. With our instructions, you will learn how to use each of them easily and quickly.

How to find out tax debt: all ways

To begin with, we list all the resources where you can find information on tax collections:

  • firstly, the well-known portal of the State Service;
  • personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • through the bank of enforcement proceedings;
  • third-party resources that do not require registration.

Let's consider each option in turn.

How to find out the tax debt of individuals through the State Services

To begin with, we note that for this method you need an account on the State Services portal. In addition, you need to enter all personal data in order to receive a verified status. Consider the step-by-step actions in more detail:

  • go to the main page of the site;
  • click the "register" button if you do not have an account in your personal account or "Login" if you have previously used the services of this portal:
  • when registering, indicate the surname, name, number mobile phone and/or email. Then click on the "Register" button:
  • An SMS/letter with a confirmation link will be sent to your phone or email. Go to the website of the State Services on it;
  • now you need to fill in personal information. Enter all the required data and click the "Save" button at the end of the page:

  • an inscription should appear in your personal account stating that the verification was successfully completed and you received a standard account:
    The next level is obtained only with a personal visit to the department with documents. However, for checking tax debts, the standard level will be sufficient.

Now you can fully use all the functionality that the portal offers. Consider how to find out tax debt through this site:

Now let's go back to the main page of the State Services and talk about another portal feature that you might find useful. The Photo shows the button "Details about payment":

By clicking on it, you will find yourself on a page with instructions on how to find out the tax debt of individuals and then pay it off through the website of the Federal Tax Service. Consider the main aspects that are worth paying attention to.

Information about taxes through the website of the Federal Tax Service

The photo below shows instructions for working with the FTS website.
According to it, you must comply with the following conditions:

  • your account must have the most high level(personal appearance at the service center with documents);
  • without this condition, you will not even be able to log in to the site in your personal account;
  • you can also enter your personal account using TIN instead of login.

Consider step by step instructions to find tax debts through the FTS portal:

  • go to the site You will be automatically redirected to a server with your region;
  • on the home page you can enter your personal account through the appropriate button (if you have met all the conditions regarding account verification);
  • In the right block of links, you must click on the "Pay taxes" button;
  • before you can find out the tax debt of individuals, you must choose a payment method;
  • On the right side there is a section for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • press the button "payment of taxes for individuals";
  • on the next page, you must enter the last name and first name (required), as well as the TIN;
  • press the "Next" button to continue;
  • now select the type of tax to be paid in the field marked in the photo:
    Press the "Next" button again;
  • Depending on the type of tax, you need to fill out a form with the place of registration, the amount to be paid;
  • now you have to choose the type of payment - cash or non-cash;
  • having chosen a non-cash payment, you must click on your bank:

After that, you will be transferred to the site payment system for data entry and confirmation. It is worth noting that this instruction is useful to those who already know about all their debts and obligations and just want to pay them without leaving home through a bank account. To access complete list debts, you must go to your personal account:

Now you have seen how to find out if there are tax debts in two ways. Let's move on to the next - the FSSP website.

Functionality of the website of the Federal Bailiff Service

Through this portal you can find all necessary information about late payments, because after the expiration of the allotted time, the case is transferred to the bailiffs. Let's figure out how to work with the FSSP website:

The table with debts is simple and understandable. Through it, you can even pay for a particular debt without leaving your browser. To do this, click on the yellow "Pay" button, which is located directly in the table against the amount of the debt. Next, select the payment system and click on the "Pay" button again. You will be redirected to the payment site. We figured out how to find out if an individual has tax debts. In exactly the same way, you can check debts for individual entrepreneurs or legal entity if necessary.

It is worth noting that ONLY those debts appear on the FSSP website for which enforcement proceedings were initiated by the bailiff. If you are late in payment, but the case has not yet been transferred to the FSSP, then this amount will not be displayed on the site.

The FSSP portal also offers users to log in to their personal account. Through it, you can send various applications, applications and petitions. You can log in using an electronic signature and, of course, through the account of the State Service portal. The account must be fully verified.

Third Party Resources

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