Divination online message of the goddesses. Help of the universe

Publication date: 24.07.2005

We are never lost or alone. Each person means a lot in the eyes of God and his helpers, and each has his own task. The most important thing is to feel trust in the Higher Forces.

We are now living in a unique time. And for everyone it has come to understand that we are one with the world around us. The creative forces of the universe multiply everything on which our attention is projected. Therefore, you should focus your attention only on all the good and positive that you have at the moment. Make it a rule to accept all the gifts of our Universe with emotional uplift and heartfelt gratitude. Successful people are always looking for the seed of future joy, even at the most critical moments. After all, from any failure it is necessary and you can always extract the root of luck. And it is not in vain that we say that everything that is done is done for the better. Control your thoughts and statements for the benefits of the material world. There are no small things in our life. Each action entails a whole chain of cause and effect relationships. Be filled with faith and conviction, strengthen in your mind the image of yourself - as a successful and successful person. And you will see how invisible doors begin to open before you!

Energy Frequencies of the Universe

Healing Rays are energy frequencies. In ordinary everyday reality, people do not use such energies. Each Beam corresponds to strictly defined frequencies. If you influence a person, or an object, or even a situation in a special way with the help of the Beam, then changes occur in them, strictly defined, corresponding to the properties of the Beam. The transforming effect is an integral property of these frequencies, therefore the Rays simply cannot “not act”. The rays have always existed, they are probably older than human civilization itself, that is, this is not a discovery of the present time at all. Any professional working with energies in one way or another (whatever he calls himself - a parapsychologist, healer, magician, psychic, etc.) is necessarily connected to at least one Beam or channel through which he works. What is the advantage of working with Rays over other methods and techniques?

If a person is connected to the Beam and knows how to use it, he can work with the energies of the Beam both with himself and with others almost immediately, without preparation, without long mastering and training. The result is guaranteed. One should not think that work with the Rays can replace spiritual self-improvement, but it can make it more fruitful. People are continuously involved in energy exchange, although they usually do not realize this. And in the earthly reality familiar to us, the energy of a certain frequency range is in motion.

However, the world (or a person in this world?), with its limited set of frequencies, needs to be improved. This is where channels come to the rescue - Rays that transform and improve reality...

Harmonious energy exchange, as you probably guessed, is based on love, and inharmonious - on attachment. Humanity, and each individual person, receives energy from the universal ocean in the form of a stream. This flow is also unlimited and available to anyone. But the energy still needs to be properly accepted into your Vessel of Life! Otherwise, a person will feel its lack or imbalance!

Healing Rays are not a fairy tale and fiction, but a real help in our life that comes from the Universe. After all, now we are all used to cellular wireless communications and computerization of the whole world, and earlier it was a novelty that was surprising. And what is offered to you now may become available and commonplace in a couple of years.

Unlimited supplies

You are fully provided for today and all subsequent days.

Message from Sedna: “Our abundant universe has more than enough supplies for everyone. However, the energy format of this planet is polarity-based, meaning it allows for both giving and receiving. The key to abundance is to balance these two processes. If you only give, then over time you will feel empty and offended. And if you only receive, you will stop enjoying what you have. Balance is achieved when you first give without doubt or fear, and then receive with joy and gratitude. This is very similar to the process of breathing: inhalation and exhalation are equally important. Try to give and receive every day, and you will never need anything.”

Map values.

Don't worry about the future.

You will always have enough food.

Your needs will always be met.

Spend more time in the ocean.

Swim with dolphins.

Move to the seaside or island.

Swim, sail or surf.

Invest time and money into ocean protection projects.

Sedna is the goddess of the sea among the Eskimos of Alaska. It provides food for the body and soul of people. As a result of a tragic accident at sea, Sedna lost her fingertips, and they turned into whales, seals and other sea creatures. That is why Sedna is so closely associated with the inhabitants of the oceans. Call on her when you need to create rich supplies, especially for your family. In addition, Sedna can help with any ocean-related business, including interactions with whales and dolphins. She highly values ​​those who spare no time, money or effort to protect the seas and their inhabitants.

End and beginning

You have to let go of the old so that the new can come.

Message from Kali:"I praise those whose hearts accept the order of the universe, which only looks chaotic and constantly changing. In fact, everything is thought out to the smallest detail and works perfectly. The dance of the universe is a dance of happiness, in which energy swirls, celebrating the never-ending celebration of life. Join the this dance, my beloved, and enjoy a wonderful journey through the winding paths of life. Don't be afraid of what seems to be change or loss. It's just the interaction of a shifting orbit of energy. Take it as evidence that you're alive! Consider your deepest emotions as signals, that your human nature sends!"

Map values:

The changes that are happening to you now are for the better.

Keep positive thoughts, for there is great power in them.

What seems like a loss is actually the beginning of a happy new phase.

Let the past go.

Kali- a Hindu goddess endowed with exceptional power, who is feared by those who do not understand the natural cycles of birth, death and rebirth. She embodies mother nature, which is cleansed of the old with the help of storms and fires to free the fertile land for new crops and new life. Kali is considered the goddess of action and acts as a strong ally to everyone who calls her. Like a wise mother, she will take you outside your comfort zone so you can reach your full potential.

It depicted an Angel, or Messenger, blowing a fanfare, to which was tied a flag with the symbol of the Aeon of Osiris. Under it, graves opened up and the dead rose. There were three of them. The middle of them had their arms raised and bent at right angles at the shoulders and elbows, as if forming the letter Shin, associated with Fire. Accordingly, the card depicted the destruction of the world by Fire. This destruction occurred in 1904 according to the common chronology, when the fiery god Horus took the place of the Hierophant in the east instead of the air god Osiris. And at the beginning of this new Aeon, it is appropriate to state the message of the angel who brought the news of him to Earth. So, the new map should be an adaptation of the Stele of Revelation.

Around the entire upper part of the card stretches the body of Ny and t, the star goddess, a symbol of unlimited possibilities. Her consort is Hadit, the ubiquitous point of view, the only philosophically solid conception of Reality. He is depicted as fireball representing eternal energy; the ball's wings demonstrate its power to go. From the marriage of these two, a child is born - Horus. Here, however, he is known by a special name, Kheru-ra-ha.

By the way, it should be noted that the name Kheru is identical to Khruy, the name of the great Angel placed over the Tarot. Our new Tarot may therefore be regarded as a series of illustrations for the "Book of the Law"; they are all imbued with the teachings of this book.

At the bottom of the card we see the letter Shin itself, the shape of which resembles a flower. Three Yods are occupied by human figures who rise up to partake of the Essence of the new Aeon. Behind the letter is a symbolic image of the Libra sign; it is an anticipation of that Aeon which will follow the present one approximately 2000 years after "the fall of the Great Equinox, when Chrumachis will rise and the owner of the double wand will take my throne and place." The current Aeon is still too young to be worth describing in more detail this coming event. But in this regard, attention should be paid to the figure of Ra-hoor-khuit: "I am the Lord of the Double Wand of Power, the wand of the Power of K o f N and a; my left hand is empty, for I crushed the Universe, and nothing remains." There are many other details related to the Lord of the Aeon to be found in The Book of the Law.

In general, it is important to study this Book very carefully and reflect on it in order to evaluate those spiritual, moral and material events that marked the catastrophic transition from the Aeon of Osiris to the present. It seems that the birth of each Aeon is indicated by a great concentration of political power, accompanied by an improvement in the means of transport and communication, a general progress in philosophy and the natural sciences, and a general need for a consolidation of religious thought. It is very instructive to compare the events of the five hundred years before and after the crisis about 2000 years ago with the events of the corresponding periods around 1904 according to the old reckoning. For the current generation, it is very disappointing to think that we are probably facing 500 years of Dark Ages. But if the analogy works, then it will. Fortunately, today our torches are brighter and there are more torchbearers.

Universe (World)

The first and most obvious characteristic of this trump card is that it stands at the very end and thus complements the Fool. It corresponds to the letter Tau. So both of these cards make up the word "At", which means "Essence". All reality, therefore, is a transition from the first letter to the last. The beginning was Nothing; therefore the end must also be Nothing, but Nothing in its full extension, as already explained before. The number 4, not 2, was chosen as the basis for such an expansion, partly, no doubt, simply for convenience, in order to expand the "world of discourse", partly to emphasize the idea of ​​\u200b\u200blimitation.

The name of the letter Tau means "cross", that is, expansion, distribution; and this extension was seen as four-sided, since it is more convenient to build the rotating symbol of the Tetragrammaton in this way. In the case of the number 2, the only outcome may be a return to unity or to negative; 2 cannot be a convenient symbol for any ongoing process. The quartet lends itself not only to rigid expansion into the facts of nature, but also to the overcoming of space and time through constant self-compensating changes.

The letter Tau corresponds to Saturn, the outermost and slowest of the seven sacred planets, having the qualities of inertia and heaviness; therefore, the element of Earth was associated with this symbol. For primitive thinking, three primordial elements were enough - Fire, Air and Water; Earth and Spirit were added later and are not among the original Paths of the Sefer Yetzirah system. The material world is mentioned only as a "pendant" to the Tree of Life.

In the same way, the element of Spirit is attributed to the letter Shin as an additional decoration; in the same way Keter is related to the upper point of the letter Yod in the Tetragrammaton. One must always distinguish between the symbols of philosophical theory and the more developed symbols based on them, which are necessary for practical work.

Saturn and Earth share certain qualities in common. These are heaviness, coldness, dryness, immobility, inertia, etc. At the same time, Saturn appears in the Scale of the Queen, the scale of Observable Nature, as a black color corresponding to Binah's Sephira. But always, as soon as the process reaches the end, it automatically returns to the beginning.

Let us turn to chemistry: the heaviest elements under terrestrial conditions are unable to maintain the tension of their internal structure; therefore they emit very thin and highly active particles. One essay on the second law of thermodynamics, written in Cefalu, Sicily, suggested that at absolute zero on an air thermometer, there could be an element heavier than uranium, which by its nature is capable of reducing the entire series of elements. This was the chemical interpretation of the equation 0 = 2.

If a the end must beget the beginning, we have the right to assume the presence of the corresponding characters; that is why, according to one ancient hidden tradition, the color corresponding to the sun is black. Another example: one of the shocks experienced by the candidate for initiation into the Mysteries was the revelation: "Osiris is a black god."

So Saturn is masculine; he is the old god, the god of fertility, the sun in the south. But equally he is the Great Sea, the great Mother; and the letter Tau on the Tree of Life appears to be an emanation from the moon Yesod, the base of the Tree and representative of the reproductive processes and the balance (or rather identification) of change and stability. The influence of this Path descends upon the earth, Malkuth, the Daughter. Here again we meet with the doctrine of the "Daughter ascending the throne of the Mother." Therefore, this card is a cut of the completion of the Great Work in its highest sense, just as the Atu of the Fool is a symbol of its beginning. "Fool" is the negative, coming into manifestation; The Universe is this manifestation that has reached its goal and is ready to return back. The twenty cards between these two show the Great Work and its agents in various stages. In this sense, the image of the Universe is the image of a maiden, the last letter of the Tetragrammaton.

In the real card, she is shown dancing. In her hands is a luminous spiral force, demonstrating the polarity of active and passive. The dance partner of the maiden is Heru-ra-ha from Atu XIX. "The Sun, Strength and Vision, Light - this is for the servants of the Star and the Serpent." In this final form of the image of the Magical Formula of God, so many symbols are combined and transformed that it is difficult and unnecessary to describe them. The correct way to study this card (actually, all cards, but this one especially) is long meditation. The Universe, as the name implies, is the Celebration of the completion of the Great Work. In the corners of the card, four Cherubim show that the Universe has been established; an ellipse is visible around the female figure, composed of seventy-two circles - according to the number of quinaries of the Zodiac and the angels of Shemhamforash.

In the center of the lower part of the map, a drawing of the house of Matter is visible. It shows the ninety-two known chemical elements, arranged in order of magnitude. (We owe this scheme to the genius of the late J. W. N. Sullivan.) In the very center of the map, the wheel of Light mimics the shape of the Tree of Life, showing the ten major bodies of the solar system. But this Tree is visible only to those whose heart is perfectly pure.

1. The prime mover represented by Pluto. (Think of the alpha particles of radium.)

2. The sphere of the Zodiac, or fixed stars, represented by Neptune.

3. Saturn. Abyss. She is represented by Herschel.

4. Jupiter.

6. Sun.

7. Venus.

8. Mercury.

10. Earth (Four Elements).

All these symbols float and dance in a continuous complex environment of loops and spirals. The general color of the traditional map is gloomy; it represents the confusion and darkness of the material world. But the New Aeon brought the fullness of Light; The earth is no longer black, no more mixed colors, but bright green. The indigo of Saturn comes from the blue velvet of the midnight sky, and the dancing maiden represents the exodus from it, but through it, into Eternity. Today, this card is as bright and luminous as any in the Tarot deck.

Strength and Wisdom of a Woman

The new Oracle for the awakening of the Feminine Power and Wisdom is the Messages of the Goddesses, which are not only outside, but inside you. Have you lost Love, support of loved ones, Yourself, Dream, Hope or Faith in the Best? This divination awakens and reveals the incredible energy, mystery and wealth of a Woman.

Goddesses help to realize and accept their feminine; predict events; Give advice and guidance; Inspire and care.

We are often confronted with the fact that a woman's place is either in the kitchen, or next to the children, or just behind her husband. Modern Women try themselves in a career, wanting to dispel the stereotype about their "inferiority" in front of men. And where is the truth? After all, you want to be Beloved next to the Beloved, give life to a child, and at the same time remain Yourself and realize your wildest dreams and goals.

The history of great women, the history of the Goddesses shows that the nature of a Woman is complex and multifaceted. That every woman is able not only to be a wonderful Mistress, Mother, Lover or Girl, but also a Strategist, Warrior, Priestess, Muse. And the deeper you establish a connection with your inner Goddess, the more facets you are able to discover in yourself, the more Love in your life.

Always be a Goddess!

Start communicating with the Goddesses:

  1. In the app, open the shell and then select the Goddess card. Choose intuitively, without trying to see a small image.
  2. A card of the Goddess will open, which has an answer to a question or recommendation for the current period of life.
  3. Remember the name of the Goddess and return to this page.
  4. Find the name of the Goddess in the list below and find out the details.




The universe is showering its abundance on you. Get ready for it.

Abundance's message:“Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. You are very strong and I am here to support your growing strength. You are eligible to receive this assistance because we operate as a team. I heard your prayers, worries and affirmations. Now from my cornucopia I am pouring prosperity upon you, so expect a flood of windfalls and gifts. Pay attention to new ideas, feelings and visual images that arise within you. These instructions will show you the exact course of action to take. Together we are unstoppable!”

The value of the card. Get ready to receive.

* A new stream of money is sent to you. * You have nothing to worry about. * A new venture awaits financial success.

* Use visualizations and abundance affirmations.

* Abundance comes to you in many forms, including extra time, support, and ideas.

Abundance- Roman goddess of prosperity, success and abundance. It is believed that she brings solid fortunes and flows of money to all who turn to her for help. Abundantia carries a cornucopia with her, from which golden coins rain down, leaving a trail wherever she goes. One of the signs of her presence is a large amount of small money in different places. And you can be sure that for those who invoke it, Abundance brings much more than pocket money. She grants prosperity to her admirers in many forms, including precious time, ideas and all kinds of support.



You and your loved ones are safe and protected by love.

Message from Artemis:“Just like me, you are on a sacred mission to spread love and light. However, it is not tension and anxiety that makes you act in this role. Instead, your strength is set in motion by the tender essence of a joyful heart and carefree laughter. And where will tension come from if you do not feel any threat? You are guarded vigilantly by the spiritual warriors you have summoned. Your prayers set in motion a reliable system of heavenly protection. So concentrate on your divine mission."

Map values. Angels are vigilantly guarding you and your family.

* Your future is completely safe.

* All your needs are met and always will be.

* The worst for you is over.

Artemis - Greek goddess, twin sister of the sun god Apollo. This is a powerful goddess with the character of a tomboy who prefers to spend time in the forests. Artemis constantly carries with her a bow and arrow given to her as a child, but never uses them to harm. The energies of her attributes are, rather, talismans that help manifest her thoughts and intentions. In addition, Artemis helps people to concentrate and focus. She offers protection to all who turn to her, especially women and children.

inner wisdom

You know what to do. Trust your inner wisdom and take immediate action.

Athena's message:“I would be happy to help you, but first I advise you to turn to your own inner bank of wisdom. You will be delighted when you find that the situation has already been resolved and you have access to all the wisdom of the universe. To connect to it, you need to calm the mind. Leave all worries and worries to the loving and all-powerful power of the universe. Close your eyes and note all the thoughts and feelings that will flow into your consciousness in a powerful stream. If you like, you can ask me to give you a signal to confirm that you have correctly heard the voice of inner wisdom. But even without that, I can assure you that the news you hear will be very good for you and your loved ones.

The value of the card. Stop wasting time and giving your strength to others.

* Trust your inner feeling.

* Don't judge yourself after the fact.

* You're right.

* Pay attention to recurring ideas and implement them.

Athena- the daughter of the supreme Greek god Zeus, a powerful and wise goddess who protects those who call her. Her spirit animals are white owls and black doves. Despite the fact that Athena is called a warrior, in battles, instead of weapons, she uses her mind. You can contact her for help in resolving disputes, as well as if you need protection. In addition, Athena helps to carry out creative projects, especially in the field of literature, fine arts and folk crafts.


inner goddess

Awaken the goddess within you through dance, self-care, and awareness of your divinity.

Message from Aphrodite:“Let the inner female wisdom and dynamic beauty come out to the fullest. Appreciate its power and significance. Whether your physical body is male or female, you are endowed with an inner feminine that nurtures and guides you through its intuitive principles. Now is the best time to realize your beauty, take due care of it and arrange a holiday in its honor!

The value of the card. Balance the masculine energy with additional feminine energy.

* Take steps to heal your sexuality.

* Enjoy your femininity.

* Dance more.

* Show natural gentleness in relationships.

* Do not hide your femininity (show it, for example, in the manner of dressing).

Aphrodite- the Greek goddess of passion and love, identified with the planet Venus. Her name means "foam born". It came from the seed of the genitals of Uranus cut off and thrown into the sea. Perhaps for this reason, Aphrodite represents unbridled sexual energy and helps women feel comfortable in their physical body. In addition, Aphrodite enables both sexes to experience more passion in love relationships and achieve the necessary balance of individual male and female energy.


Independence is the key to your strength and success.

Bast's message:“Like a cat, you are defiantly independent, but also need affection and playmates. It's time to balance the craving for loneliness and the desire for social interaction. You can consider other people's opinions, but you must make the final decisions yourself. Freedom and independence occupy the first places in the list of your priorities, therefore you should support and cultivate these life values ​​in every possible way.

The value of the card. Spend some time alone.

* Give yourself permission to play a little.

* Ask for your needs.

* Make your own decision.

* It will be beneficial to work with feline representatives.

* Pay more attention to your cat and/or get another one.

Bast- An Egyptian goddess who turns into a cat every night and protects her family, as well as those who call her as a creature that can see perfectly in the dark. She demonstrates such feline traits of female nature as gracefulness, independence, playfulness and intuition. In addition, Bast patronizes cat lovers by helping their pets. A rare feature of this daughter of the god Ra is that she has the power of both the Sun and the Moon.



Your sensitivity is increased. Avoid aggressive relationships, external influences and chemicals.

Message from White Tara:“As you cleanse the inner world of thoughts, actions and intentions, you have a natural desire to do the same with the outer world. For this, thank your sensitivity, which, indeed, has become very aggravated. You have removed the outer layers of unnecessary defenses that blocked the psychic and spiritual consciousness, and moved to a new level of receptivity to everything impure and rough. Your body is a reliable tool for measuring your tolerance level. Get rid of everything that interferes with it, take care of it, and it will serve you faithfully!

The value of the card. Be aware of your sensitivity and show respect for it.

* Take steps to protect yourself from negative emotions.

* Avoid chemicals.

White Tara- one of the many hypostases of Tara, the female incarnation of the Buddha and the Hindu Mother-Creator. She represents purity, maturity and compassion. Eyes on the palms, feet and forehead allow her to perceive all prayers directed to her. White Tara helps to live a long and peaceful life.

Don't give in

Stand up for what you think is right.

Brigid's message:“First, realize your true intentions. If you are undecided, then uncertainty will weaken your influence and power. You must see what is acceptable in a given situation as clearly and brightly as a candle flame in the dark. Do not be afraid to be left without support: I will guide and protect you. But still, think about how much you will grow in your own eyes if you decide to stand up for yourself and boldly speak out in defense of your needs and higher values! It's time to bring

a hot fire is set in motion that will ignite your passion so that it will provide you with countless incentives to advance. Even in the face of fear, you will be able to defend your ideals and beliefs. Prove the strength of your faith and take a firm stand today!”

Z map value. Believe in yourself.

* Don't worry about what others think.

* Trust that your actions will be successful.

* Speak out in defense of your beliefs.

* Stand up for your opinion.

* Take a decisive stand.

Brigid- Celtic triple goddess, representing the three hypostases of a woman: a young virgin, a loving, caring mother and a wise old woman. The goddess of fire, Brigid, tirelessly protects those who invoke her, and is the female embodiment of the militant energy of the Archangel Michael. The current temple of Brigid is located in the town of Kildare (Ireland). She is honored on February 1st. This day coincides with the ancient pagan holiday of Imbolc, which marks the beginning of the spring revival of nature.

The situation will improve as a result of a move or healthy changes in the household.

Vesta's message:“There is an unquenchable flame burning in your soul that represents the light, seeds and sparks of consciousness. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. Rate your home. Does it radiate heat? If not, it's easy to fix and should definitely be done. Use your imagination to give your home extra warmth. Arrange stones, light candles, buy some warm blankets and soft pillows, or arrange greeting cards and fresh flowers in the rooms. When you warm up your outer world, the inner flame tries to respond accordingly. As a result, the energy level rises, and this automatically changes all external indicators for the better. Watch how these simple actions rekindle the flames inside every occupant of your home. It will cleanse the house of everything negative and cause an irresistible desire for a new one.

The value of the card. You will be moving into a new house soon.

* You have just moved.

* A new person will move in with you.

* Someone will leave soon.

* An atmosphere of love / or harmony has reigned in your home.

* The problem with the neighbors is already being solved.

* Clean up space in your home.

* Rearrange furniture.

* Your home is protected and safe.

Vesta- patroness of the hearth. It brings warmth to the house, both physical and emotional. In the hearth of the temple of Vesta, her priestesses maintained a constant fire as a symbol of the statehood and stability of Rome. Call on Vesta when you need to see the changes you would like to make.

True love

The romantic excitement in your heart is prompting the Universe to bestow great love on you.

Guinevere's message:“Romantic love is a timeless concept. Quite the opposite! She is a time-honored way to merge with God, which manifests itself in another human being. In addition, romantic love is a state of playfulness that heralds the arrival of spring, flowers, and new life. By the way, to cause romantic love, it is not at all necessary to be in a partnership. Laugh, surround yourself with beautiful things and enjoy expensive pleasures. Romantic love is the driving force of the universe and a truly worthwhile goal!”

The value of the card. The person with whom you will have a high spiritual relationship has appeared or will soon appear.

* In the existing relationship, passion will flare up again.

* You are very romantic.

* You lack romance. Take action to correct the situation.

Guinevere- a Celtic goddess who existed even before the beginning of the Arthurian era, when her name was Gwenhwyfar. The name of her original incarnation meant "white" or "white ghost", and she was a powerful goddess who was usually invoked in two cases: when it was necessary to ensure conception or to transfer the deceased to the other world.



Don't think badly of yourself or others. Focus on the love and light that is within each person.

Guanyin's message:“Gentleness is strength. It provides real power and feeds on words, thoughts, deeds and intentions. Fence yourself off rudeness, try to attract only good, pleasant life lessons and people. Transform roughness into softness. Refuse to see in every person and situation anything but a shining light. This intention begins from a relationship with oneself. Treat yourself as gently as possible. Be kind and merciful, but most importantly, be true to yourself.”

The value of the card. Trust heaven to heal and transform feelings of guilt and shame.

* Keep positive thoughts about yourself and others.

* Avoid defamatory gossip and talk.

* Forgive yourself or someone else.

* Don't be so strict.

* Stop striving for perfection all the time.

Guanyin- an oriental goddess who hears all prayers and is the quintessence of purity, caring love of soft power. She became a bodhisattva, that is, she received the right to enter nirvana, but she vowed to remain close to the Earth until all beings achieve Enlightenment. This eternally young and beautiful goddess helps to show compassion and mercy. It protects women and children, arouses interest and ability in music, helps to reveal the gift of clairvoyance.

Children guidance

You have the gift of helper, adviser and healer of children. Put it into service as soon as possible.

Message from Damara:“A person is able to show tenderness to those who love, and at the same time act as their zealous defender. My vigilant attention to maintaining harmony in families is caused by the desire to help children maintain faith in miracles and the ability to be surprised. What else can we do so that they can see the fairies and talk to them? How else can we contribute to the sound of healing children's laughter? Join me in the noble cause of leading children and see these amazing young creatures fire your imagination. Enthusiasm and youthful spirit attract the attention of children and command their respect. I will lead you to someone who will benefit from your help."

The value of the card. Make time for your children or talk heart to heart with them.

* Choose a career related to helping children.

* Work with children on a voluntary basis.

* Know that children will enter your life soon.

* You will become a loving parent.

* Take care of your inner child by satisfying his need for play and laughter.

Damara- Celtic goddess of fertility, whose name means "tender". It brings peace and harmony to families and homes, helps children to maintain the innocence of youth and faith. Damara will gladly point out how to help children - their own or someone else's.

high priestess

You have divine knowledge and your spiritual teaching helps people.

Dana's message:“Your wisdom is rooted in ancient times. You have brought this knowledge in your present incarnation to show the way to others and enable them to benefit from your invaluable experience. Do not hesitate to express this wisdom. I will help you manifest my spiritual teaching, which you can spread as a teacher, writer or speaker. All forms of learning are equally valuable, no matter how many lives you can influence."

The value of the card. Lead seminars.

* Write books or articles.

* Find an opportunity to take up teaching.

* Serve as a model of peacefulness.

* Honor your divinity.

* You are a leader.

Dana- one of the most ancient Celtic goddesses, revered in Ireland back in pre-Gel times, when the deities of the Tuatha De Danann clan (children of the goddess Dana) came to these lands for her as their divine Mother-Creator. When the Gaels conquered Ireland, the Tuatha Dé Danann turned into elves and remain so to this day. Dana, also known as Danu, has exceptional magical powers. She is able to help manifest herself in alchemy and divine magic. In addition, the goddess may introduce you to the inhabitants of the elemental realm, primarily elves.



The radical changes that are happening to you now will bring great blessings.

Message from the Butterfly Maiden:“In times of change, it is natural to think about the security of the future. I am here to assure you that you are part of the natural cycle of birth, death and rebirth. To find the newness you want, you must let the old leave you forever. Changes should be welcomed, not feared. Thank Heaven for getting rid of the past! Learn all the lessons it has brought you, and then let it go! Look forward to the novelty of gifts, let their magical power arouse surprise and admiration in you.

The value of the card. Do not grieve over what ends, for it will bring newness.

* Change is the answer to your prayers.

* Get rid of the old.

* Do not be afraid of change - it will improve your life.

Butterfly Maiden in the mythology of the North American Indians, the Hopi is a representative of the Kachin (ancestor spirits), who ensure that the plants in the fields grow healthy and bring abundant harvests. The Butterfly Maiden is the deity of springtime. It helps to get out of any cocoons that become traps for us or hinder our growth and happiness. If you feel that the process of transformation has stalled, call on this goddess to help. In addition, it will serve as your guide on the path of life transformations and help you spread your wings!


Expect a miracle

Believe that your prayers have been answered.

Message from the Virgin Mary:“Faith is the light that illuminates the path. That is why it is so important to do whatever is necessary to build faith in the mind and heart. Please don't stop relying on yourself or other people. Keep the candle of faith burning in your soul, because this flame of hope can dispel the darkness of despair. Try yourselves to be a light capable of leading others out of the darkness of hopelessness. When you make others strong, not only you become stronger, but the whole world.

The value of the card. Get rid of anxious thoughts.

*Keep a positive mindset.

* Follow all the divine directions you receive.

* Pray.

* Engage in spiritual healing.

the Virgin Mary- the beloved mother of Christ, who is called the "Queen of Angels" for her tireless and miraculous healing work. The Virgin Mary works closely with everyone who chooses the path of a protector of children, a teacher or a healer. She loves children and does her best to make the world a safe and happy place for them. If you too would like to help children, turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary for divine guidance.

Focused attention

Keep the direction of thoughts, feelings, actions, and you will succeed.

Diana's message:“Persistence is the ability to stand up for decisions and not let external forces cause doubt. Imagine that you are a mighty oak, rooted deep into the earth.

Feel your unbending strength and steady growth. Armed with knowledge, you will succeed no matter what! The branches may twist and twist as you turn towards the light, but unwavering intent ensures that no wind will cause you to deviate from your chosen course. Take control of the body, actions, mind and direct the forces to the chosen goal!

The value of the card. Stay positive.

* Know your priorities and act on them.

* Take control of your schedule.

* Get rid of doubts.

* Stay away from pessimists and skeptics.

Diana- Roman goddess of the moon, who wears a silver bow and arrows, given to her in childhood by her father, Jupiter. Because the mother gave birth to Diana and her twin brother easily, Diana is associated with a healthy birth. The goddess likes to spend time in nature, especially in oak groves, and look after wild animals. You can call upon her to ask for painless childbirth and help with animal care or communion with nature and the elements.


Start Delegating

Instead of trying to do everything yourself, ask others (including me) to help you.

Green Tara's message:“Resenting the fact that you have to carry too much load, you will not benefit anyone, including yourself. You need to ask for help in order to have personal time for contemplation and relaxation. One of the reasons I'm allowed to sit so still is that I know a secret. Fighting or arguing is the result of a clear and concentrated work of the mind that does not experience indecision. The fact is that decision making is the shortest path to triumphant moments in life. It is worth setting a goal, as everything else happens by itself. Therefore, I urge you to sit still and watch the movement of the mind. Be open to the winding paths of the heart. They will slowly lead you to make the most important decisions, and everything else will take care of itself.

The value of the card. Don't try to be superhuman.

* Delegate daily housework to children.

* Ask a partner for help.

* Accept the help that is offered to you.

* Let go of guilt and don't see asking for help as a sign of weakness.

* Be a team player.

Green Tara- Hindu and Buddhist goddess. Her many entities and aspects are represented by different colors. The body color of Green Tara symbolizes activity and speed of action. She is able to provide assistance and instantly sort out a situation or relationship. This goddess rescues us from troubles, endowing us with the strength for self-salvation.

immortal love

The love you share will be eternal no matter the situation.

Isolde's message:“When it comes to heart dramas, help is always there. It is everywhere – around and within you. It may seem that any pain you feel drowns out the voice of inner wisdom. And yet, the healing process is fast and efficient. Your heart must get rid of grief, loneliness and bitter feelings of betrayal. This may take some time, so please be patient. Treat yourself the same way you treat a sick person: gently, gently, and kindly. Force yourself to go out into the world - not for the purpose of cruel revenge, but in order to return a positive perception of life while walking in the park, forest. Nature is a great healer. That is why I often spend time among flowers and trees. At first glance, they seem dumb, but, in fact, the plants are very talkative. You just need to breathe in and absorb the magical intonations of their conversations. Spend more time in the forest, among the animals, and you will regain your footing. You will regain the ability to feel your spirit and the desire to be among the living. I promise that the wounds of the heart will surely heal and over time you will begin to provide people with the same help.

The value of the card. A partner's love will last forever, no matter what happens.

* You are recovering from a breakup.

* You are healing from a loss.

* Let go of the old love to make room for the new one.

* The love you send to the world is an important part of your higher purpose.

* Your deceased beloved is happy and sends you his love.

Isolde- the legendary Celtic goddess, who fell victim to a tragic love triangle between her betrothed, King Mark of Cornwall, and Sir Tristan, a beautiful noble knight. Isolde's heart was torn between a sense of duty, which obliged her to become Mark's wife, and a passionate love for Tristan. Today, Isolde helps us navigate the vicissitudes of all kinds of love, including marital, romantic, parental, and friendship. She reminds us that no matter the situation, our love is real, powerful and immortal. Call on Isolde whenever you need help in relationships, even with those who have left this world.

There is no need to worry as everything is going great.

Irene's message:“Despite the seeming randomness of events, I assure you that the higher plan is being successfully carried out. The all-loving force carries you forward and fully supports you. Relax and surrender into the hands of divine love, exhale all anxieties, worries and worries from yourself. Focus on enjoying and expressing appreciation for every blessing. Gratitude helps attract even more blessings.”

The value of the card. Leave your worries and worries to Heaven.

* Pray.

* Meditate.

* Set aside time for soothing activities such as yoga, sea salt baths, massages, naps, music, games.

Irena- the sister of the Greek goddesses of Benevolence and Justice. She brings Peace to all who call upon her. The Romans gave her the name Pax, which means "peace". Irena

  • helps us replace anxiety with faith
  • calls to treat life with childish reverence and enthusiasm.

Past life

This situation is caused by memories from your past life.

Message from Isis:“Your roots on this planet are very deep, and some of them are tied to memories from ancient times. They hold you in the past so much that they make it impossible for you to move forward. I draw your attention to this circumstance so that you can uproot and destroy the memories of past lives. Sometimes you just hide them to protect yourself from pain or embarrassment and forget about those unpleasant moments when life put you through the most difficult tests. It is time to learn from the experience of the past and move on with the confidence that you are supported by the wisdom of the Ascended Masters.”

The value of the card. Do past life research to get answers and draw conclusions.

* Now fears from past lives are emerging in your mind.

* You knew the person you are interested in in one of your past lives.

* The current situation is connected with the psychological trauma received in childhood.

Isis- the Egyptian moon goddess and high priestess, who, due to the multitude of her functions and her colorful history, is included in the pantheon of the greatest gods of antiquity. She personifies both motherhood and efficiency, femininity and strength. Isis brought back to life the murdered husband Osiris, and they conceived their beloved son Horus (Pharaoh with the head of a falcon). Unfortunately, shortly after conception, Osiris died irrevocably, and Isis devoted herself entirely to the education of Horus. In addition, she convinced the sun god Ra to reveal to her his secret names, which contained vibrational tones that allowed her to instantly embody the desired. This is why Isis is considered the goddess of divine magic and alchemy. She is able to help in many matters, including with memories from past lives.


Love yourself enough to deny others their claim to your time and energy.

Message from Ishtar:“A sincere desire to provide services is wonderful. But it’s one thing to give from the heart, and quite another to give involuntarily. If helping others makes you feel tired, guilty, or resentful, then such help will be of little use. Relationships poisoned by toxic energies will not benefit anyone. Take a step back and assess the situation objectively. Learn to respect your boundaries. Then others will realize not only yours, but also their own limits. This behavior is worth learning!”

The value of the card. You are giving too much.

* Learn to stand your ground.

* Don't do anything out of guilt or coercion.

Ishtar- the goddess who was revered and called upon back in the days of Ancient Babylon. She embodies the feminine energy of the planet Venus and represents the divine feminine in all aspects, including tenderness, motherhood, sensuality, fertility, wisdom, and the ability to heal and protect. Ishtar does not tire of helping men and women who ask for help.


You are a conduit for divine healing power.

Message from Ixchel:“Managing power and demanding it are two different things. The desire for power is generated by a feeling similar to childish anger, which is based on fear. The ability to control power is based on the exact and firm knowledge that you are part of the wisdom and favor of the Great Spirit. You are like a lightning rod, capable of becoming a conductor of power at any moment. You just need to connect to the source of power with the help of the indestructible logic of the thought process. Don't hesitate for a second in your decision to be a conduit for the power that is already within you. Connect to an even more powerful source and let it multiply the power of nature. You will become a reliable link-connector in the energy chain of the Infinite Spirit, ensuring the movement of energy in all directions.

The value of the card. You have the gift of a healer. * You are healed.

* This situation and/or someone you love is being healed.

* Respect your healing knowledge and abilities.

* Become a teacher of the healing arts.

* Start or continue a healing practice.

Ixchel- the revered moon goddess, who, with the sun god, gave birth to all the other Mayan gods. Ixchel is associated with natural and biological cycles. It is believed that she controls the rains and controls everything related to water. Her name means "Lady Rainbow" as her essence is dispersed in tiny prisms of water droplets that create a rainbow. Ixchel helps women with conception and childbirth. She is a powerful healer who remembers how human life was born. As a spiritual healer, Ixchel is able to connect you with distant ancestors.

golden opportunity

Doors are opening right now for you. Go through them.

Yemanji's message:“Life moves like ocean waves and tides. The main thing is to choose the right time so that, if possible, you can immediately dive into the oncoming wave. Everything you have done to prepare for this event will help you. If you show hesitation or miss the moment, do not worry - other opportunities will certainly appear. They follow each other like the waves of the surf. Life is varied and beautiful. Enjoy its wonderful rhythms and let its waves carry away all doubts.

The value of the card. Don't hesitate.

* This should be done.

* Your prayers have been answered.

* Get ready for big and happy changes.

* Celebrate success.

* You are able and willing to take advantage of a new opportunity.

Yemanja- African and Brazilian goddess, who is credited with the creation of the seas. Every year on December 31, Brazilians celebrate Yemanja by floating white flowers and miniature boats on the waves of the sea. You can also float a tiny boat on the water and ask Yemanja to fulfill your wish. If the goddess agrees, her waves will swallow the boat, and if she refuses, then the boat will be washed ashore. Due to the fact that the ocean is the cradle of life on Earth, Yemanji's connection with it makes her an exceptionally strong and caring Mother Goddess. She protects people, provides them with everything they need and grants wishes.

End and beginning

You have to let go of the old so that the new can come.

Message from Kali:“I praise those whose hearts accept the order of the universe, which only looks chaotic and constantly changing. In fact, everything is thought out to the smallest detail and works perfectly. The Dance of the Universe is a dance of happiness, in which energy swirls, celebrating the never-ending celebration of life. Join this dance, my beloved, and enjoy a wonderful journey through life's winding paths. Don't be afraid of what seems like change or loss. This is just the result of the interaction of the changing orbit of energy. Take this as evidence that you are alive! Think of your deepest emotions as signals from your human nature!”

The value of the card. The changes that are happening to you now are for the better.

*Keep positive thoughts as there is great power in them.

* What seems like a loss is actually the beginning of a happy new phase.

* Let the past go.

Kali- A Hindu goddess endowed with exceptional power, who is feared by those who do not understand the natural cycles of birth, death and rebirth. She embodies Mother Nature, who is cleansed of the old with the help of storms and fires to free the fertile land for new crops and new life. Kali is considered the goddess of action and acts as a strong ally to everyone who calls her. Like a wise mother, she will take you outside your comfort zone so you can reach your full potential.



It's time for you to detox your body and mind.

Message from Coventina:“The purpose of this message is to help, not to offend or condemn. Your vessel is clogged with dirt accumulated as a result of the abuse of harmful chemicals, and the root of the problem lies in the state of mind. For too long you have ignored the numerous signals of the body, begging to be spared from the consumption of impurities. Perhaps this was expressed in a sharp drop in the level of energy and the same significant weakening of the feeling of joy. However, do not let the consequences of the past bother you, because there is an opportunity to fix everything! Now that you have heard the message, don't waste a moment and take the necessary action. First of all, carefully watch thoughts and speech, because words are food that can do good or harm. Choose purity and I promise that your spiritual state will change for the better.

The value of the card. Change your lifestyle according to your intuition.

* Stop abusing alcohol or drugs.

* Avoid processed foods such as sugar, white flour, etc.

* Eat more organic foods.

* Watch for positive thoughts and speech.

* Become a vegetarian or vegan.

*Complete a fasting or detox course.

coventina- the powerful Celtic goddess of water, whose duties include taking care of the oceans, lakes, streams, ponds, rivers and all aquatic inhabitants. If you ask, she will gladly give you a divine commission related to the protection of the environment. In ancient times, people dug sacred wells to get her help, and today we continue this tradition by throwing coins into the water when we need to make a wish. Because we are made up primarily of water, Coventina is happy to help cleanse the physical body. In addition, she reminds us that the cleansing process involves infusing thoughts and speech with positive words that give strength and improve life.


Get out of the house

You have been indoors for too long.

Cordelia's message:“The inhabitants of this wonderful planet were not created to sit within four walls. You can trust me that when you get outside, you will have something to see and feel. Daily forays outside the home will revive the spirit and soul, help to verify the very existence of this planet, and also instill hope and faith in its future. You will discover the wonderful treasures that nature has in store for you: blooming flowers, emerging leaves, chirping birds and even the gentle touch of a gentle breeze. Do not allow yourself to spend a single day without an excursion into this exciting and exciting world around you!

The value of the card. You will show up when it gets warmer.

* Spend more time in nature.

* Find another job that allows you to get closer to nature.

* Engage in environmental activities.

* Recognize the need to change the balance of life in the direction of increasing the share of rest and play.

Cordelia- Celtic goddess of flowers and flower fairies. It is associated with the ancient pagan festival of Beltane, which is celebrated on May 1 and marks the beginning of the summer season. Call on Cordelia when you need to unfreeze a bleak relationship situation.

Bright future

Don't worry. Everything will be fine.

Message from Lakshmi:“Our Universe is full of kindness, and every being in it works for your good. There are no trials, barriers or obstacles other than your own fears about the future. Calm down, get rid of worries. Feel how I fill you with new energy of faith, love, hope and optimism. This is your joyful present and future. Why attract darkness when light shines all around? Be filled with it, make bright thoughts and feelings. Stop worrying, for worrying confuses the good that is trying to find you! Clear your heart of fear and replace it with energies that will benefit you and your family. Think of nothing but bright today and tomorrow, and I promise they will be."

The value of the card. You and your loved ones will be protected and provided with everything.

* Release your fears about the future.

* Hold positive thoughts and intentions.

* Know that your needs will always be met - both now and in the future. Don't worry about money, instead visualize abundance.

Lakshmi- A beautiful and supportive Hindu goddess who brings abundance to those who call her. Lakshmi's association with lotus flowers, elephants and water symbolizes her absolute belief that abundance is available to everyone. She will gladly bring you whatever you need, be it money, time, knowledge, or opportunity. Lakshmi collaborates with Ganesha, an elephant-headed deity who is called the remover of obstacles. Together they make up an unbeatable team that does everything they can to help you release fear and embrace abundance.


The issue will be resolved fairly.

Maat's message:“Let me offer you a new definition of justice. This is when everyone sacrifices personal interests for the greater good of the group. We need faith in collective wisdom. The aggressive position of individuals is caused by the fear of not getting their share. It only increases harm and pain. Maybe you should give up trying to achieve your predetermined result and direct the sacred will to reconcile differences? Hold the vision of a peaceful outcome and let all the details come together in a harmonious way.

The value of the card. The court will make a fair decision.

* The dispute will end in consensus.

* You will be treated fairly.

* When negotiating, keep the needs of each side in mind.

* Get rid of guilt and shame, as they can attract punishment.

Maat- Egyptian goddess of honesty, justice and justice. At the afterlife court, she holds the scales on which souls are weighed against a feather in order to determine the severity of the guilt of the defendant. Maat protects us in business and personal relationships by making sure we are treated fairly and with respect. Call on her before signing a contract, during an argument, or whenever you feel guilty or remorseful.

Mother Earth

You are called to help protect the environment.

Mav's message:“Today, there are no more important tasks than paying back your mother's debts and restoring friendship with the earth, air and water. The earth is the driving force of material life, so it is time to break the vicious circle of pollution of the planet with toxic waste. Your contribution to this noble cause is essential. Even small changes will make a huge contribution to the well-being of the planet. I assure you that the result is worth it, and I promise to help you achieve your goal in every possible way.

The value of the card. Your life purpose includes caring for the environment.

* Use environmentally friendly products.

* Practice separate collection of household waste.

* Sign up with an environmental organization.

* Promote the idea of ​​environmental protection.

Mavu- moon goddess in the mythology of the peoples of West Africa. Together with her husband, the sun god Lisa, they are considered the creators of all life. Mavu helps those who ask to be taught how to live in harmony with nature and how to properly use its resources. She makes sure that our needs are met in full, without harming the planet.


Selfless love

Love yourself, other people and situations, regardless of external circumstances.

Message from Mary Magdalene:“I'm not what most people think I am, but defending myself means going below the level where I feel comfortable. I feel that I am close to the Almighty, just like you, and this place suits me completely. Strife, biased judgments and chaos do not suit me. I prefer to do my work from a level of higher consciousness where love is supreme. It is possible to do the most good while here, and I encourage you to do the same. Your consciousness is your life. So focus your thoughts on what good you can find in people and rise above all the bad.”

The value of the card. Don't be afraid of what others think or say.

* Heal the situation with love.

* Send love to those who hurt or judge you.

* Forgive yourself for what you did or didn't do.

* Let go of the reluctance to forgive others for old grudges in order to heal yourself and move on.

Mary Magdalene. Despite the fact that Holy Scripture never calls Mary Magdalene a prostitute or a sinner, misogynists do it with pleasure. However, Mary Magdalene stands above these misjudgments, being the personification of the idea of ​​unconditional forgiveness and the bearer of the sweet energy of beauty. She played a significant role in the environment of Christ, as evidenced by the episodes described in the New Testament with the washing of his feet, her presence at his death, and also the fact that she was among the first to whom Christ appeared after the Resurrection. Call on her for help when you need to forgive someone or open your heart to love.

Cycles and rhythms

Be respectful of your biological cycles, energy levels, and emotions.

Medb's message:“The whole life of the Universe consists of cycles – inhalation and exhalation. Is it any wonder that your life also has cycles? At some moments you are energetic, cheerful and lively, at others you are lonely and timid. The physical body also changes. Rejoice in these rhythms and perceive them as a source of feminine strength!

The value of the card. You have problems associated with gynecological changes (for example, the onset of menstruation or menopause).

* Set aside time to relax.

* Take steps to relieve depression or apathy.

* Take better care of your body.

* Seek support in resolving emotional crises.

* Allow yourself to grieve or take the day off.

* The calm will not last forever.

* The door of opportunity has opened and you need to take advantage of it immediately.

Medb- Celtic goddess who is proud of her appearance. Her sexual appetites are legendary. It is said that she prefers to have kings in her lovers. According to legend, Medb managed to cause birth pangs in the army that tried to invade her lands, and demanded to stop fighting during her period. Call on Medb to relieve pain associated with women's cycles, including menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, and menopause.


sacred space

Create an altar or visit holy places to connect with divine powers.

Nemeton's Message:“By creating an altar or visiting holy places, you connect with symbols and energies that have absorbed wisdom and prayers for many centuries. They should not be treated lightly, for they hold great power. By making contact with sacred symbols, you help your inner holiness find a home in the outer world. In addition, you are fed with the ancient wisdom and spiritual benevolence of former times. Explore the topic of spirituality through spiritual symbols, holy places and let the soul joyfully walk among the available paths of unity with the divine forces. The main thing is not how you make contact, but that you do it often.”

The value of the card. Build an altar at home.

* Take a trip with a spiritual purpose.

* You need to find a secluded place or shelter for yourself.

* Clear the energy in your home with prayer.

Nemeton- the goddess, whose name means "Sacred Grove", because she protected the places of worship of the ancient Celts, usually located in the groves of sacred trees. Nemetona continues to watch over holy places, especially those associated with nature. It will help you create your own sacred space.

There is no need to rush or force things. Everything happens at the right time.

Oonag Message:“Your favorite business or person needs to devote yourself completely and for a long time. These matters should never be rushed. This level of devotion is the result of deep love and care. I am so worried about what will happen to my planet and my loved ones that I am ready to go through fire and water for them. It's not always easy, but for me it's the only way to ensure that all problems are resolved safely. I do my best to let my loved ones know how much I care for them, guided by the passionate impulses of my heart. I do everything to achieve the desired goals. Do not pay attention to what others are doing, because it is not for them, but for you, that the priority tasks will benefit. You can be proud of yourself if you make time for relationships and projects that really appeal to you. Do what is important to you, and with full dedication! But remember that no one competes with you in achieving your true goal, so there is no need to worry, rush, or feel that you should force things.

The value of the card. Don't worry about purpose and purpose.

* Don't make unexpected moves.

* Set yourself up for slow, gradual progress.

* Enter your new life slowly and naturally.

* Start doing a new business as if part-time, gradually leaving the old job.

Oonag (Una)- Celtic goddess, wife of Fionnbhar, leader of the Tuatha Dé Danann clan of gods. Oonag and her clan were among the original inhabitants of Ireland. When the cals invaded the country, the Tuatha did not flee or fight, but turned into elves. Such an original decision allowed them to stay in Ireland and live in peace. Call on Oonag for help during the transitional periods of life, and she will show you the most effective creative paths.


Now is the perfect time to start projects, access ideas and create new environments.

Ostara's message:“Spring is the time when the amount of light increases in the mind and in the whole body. If it's dark, heavy, or bleak at heart, cheer up with positive intentions, nutritious food, and anything that can rekindle your sense of love. Surround yourself with flowers, fill up your wardrobe and home with bright things, part the curtains to let the daylight into the house. You can also draw a sunny picture within yourself that will give rise to new opportunities. Like attracts like. Making your inner and outer world smart, feel a surge of energy and strength. Then try to capitalize on the upliftment by starting a new project that will really make your heart sing with joy!”

The value of the card. Pregnancy.

* You are about to successfully conceive, adopt, or resolve a custody issue.

* Your wish will come true in the spring.

* There will be a revival of the old.

* Your new idea or venture will be successful.

* The most appropriate time for changes in life.

Ostara- Teutonic goddess of fertility, sometimes called Eostre. It is believed that the spring holiday of Easter (Easter) was named in her honor. She is credited with increasing daylight hours and achieving a balance between night and day hours. Call on Ostara if you need help conceiving or want to ensure the success of new endeavors.

Divine Passion

Be honest with yourself about your innermost desire.

Pele's message:“Listen to the sounds of your heart and breath – and feel the rhythms of your own inner drums. They provide a constant connection with the Mother of all things and with the sounds of the planet Earth. They cannot be faked or imitated: they are natural and eternal. What part of yourself are you trying to ignore? What part of you is trying too hard to please other people, weakening your ability to hear the sounds of your own rhythm? My beloved children, spread your arms wide to embrace your dreams. They are as much a part of nature as trees, animals and sunsets. Don't dreams deserve the same respect you give to everyone you love? Listen to them, my children. Listen to dreams. They will cause a powerful eruption of passion in your life. Do not be afraid of her, because she naturally pushes you forward, excites and inspires. Dancing to the rhythm of life, you live in the full sense of the word!”

The value of the card. Make sure your career matches your true interests.

* Sign up for courses to take up the hobby you have long dreamed of.

* Change jobs.

* Embark on a wonderful journey.

* Invest time and money in the realization of desires.

* Make a list of priorities.

Pele- Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes. Pele's dynamic strength is sometimes misunderstood. She shows us that the fire is able to purify, free us from the old, to open the way for the new and kindle passion. Nothing will change without fire. Invoke Pele when you need help to discover your true passion, as well as increase motivation and excitement. Pele will help you feel everything at the deepest level, so don't be afraid to take real action to make your deepest desires come true.


You are endowed with magical abilities and can translate intentions into reality.

Rhiannon's message:“A significant part of my strength comes from communication with animals and nature. If you spend too much time within the four walls, you need to get outside to recuperate. Even a simple walk will bring a lot of benefits, because it will wake up your sleeping, magical, spiritual nature. Let the light of the Sun, Moon and Stars stir the dormant memories of past lives. Remember the heyday of your magical abilities, and then immediately use them for the good of the entire Planet. Relive the mission that the atrocities of the old leaders forced you to abandon. Raise your spiritual weapon and blast off into the night, causing everyone to wake up to a glimpse of the magic of life itself. This is a mission that needs to be completed, and you are the person who will help us in this."

The value of the card. Rest assured that your dream will come true.

* Make a clear decision.

* Direct energy to the realization of cherished desires.

* Know that you deserve only good things.

* When you win, others win too.

* Focus on desire and don't be afraid.

Rhiannon- Welsh moon goddess, whose name means "Great Queen". She performs important functions, being the muse of inspiration for poets, artists and royalty. This goddess lovingly cares for the souls that come from Earth to the other world riding on her faithful white horse, and helps them get used to life after death. Rhiannon can change shape and appear in the form of an animal, bird or song. Call on her to communicate with spirits, change lives and creative inspiration.


Fine arts

Express yourself in creative activities.

Saraswati's message:“You are limitless. If you seem to be influenced by time, money, or something else, then you are focused on the material. Remove the restrictions, discard the horizon-closing veil of the material world. A necessary condition for the embodiment of non-material ideals and energies is music. It paints the surrounding space in the color of the emanations of higher vibrational fields, allows you to bypass any restrictions in thinking and existence itself. Let music stimulate creative thinking and spark ideas. Enjoy your infinity."

The value of the card. Play music, sing, dance, draw pictures, do literature or anything else creative.

* Learn a new profession that will give you creative freedom.

* Sign up for creative courses.

* Invest in an art hobby.

* Write creative ideas in a diary.

* Join a club of writers or some philanthropic organization.

Saraswati- Hindu goddess of the fine arts, who helps to achieve success in all types of self-expression, such as music, writing, dancing and eloquence. The wife of the almighty Brahma, Saraswati values ​​knowledge and creativity above material possessions. Its symbols include the white swan, the musical instrument of the veena (Indian lute) and the book of knowledge. It helps to focus the efforts of the mind on creative projects and act without distractions and without wasting time.

Unlimited supplies

Message from Sedna:“The reserves of our abundant universe are more than enough for everyone. However, the energy format of this planet is based on polarity, meaning it allows you to give and receive. The key to abundance is to balance these two processes. If you only give, then over time you will feel empty and offended. And if you only receive, you will stop enjoying what you have. Balance is achieved when you first give without doubting fear, and then receive with a sense of joy and gratitude. This is very similar to the process of breathing: inhalation and exhalation are equally important. Try to give and receive every day, and you will never need anything.”

The value of the card. Don't worry about the future.

* You will always have enough food.

* Your needs will always be met.

* Spend more time in the ocean.

* Swim with dolphins.

* Move to the seashore or island.

* Swim, sail or surf.

* Invest time and money into ocean protection projects.

Sedna- the goddess of the sea among the Eskimos of Alaska. It provides food for the body and soul of people. As a result of a tragic accident at sea, Sedna lost her fingertips, and they turned into whales, seals and other sea creatures. That is why Sedna is so closely associated with the inhabitants of the oceans. Call on her when you need to create rich supplies, especially for your family. In addition, Sedna can help with any ocean-related business, including interactions with whales and dolphins. She highly values ​​those who spare no time, money or effort to protect the seas and their inhabitants.

Be strong.

You are stronger than you think.

Message from Sekhmet:“Consider yourself strong and invincible. Don't complain about anything. Don't blame. You are the embodiment of strength, not sacrifice. When you rise above the old and see yourself in a new light of beautiful feminine power, life will automatically change in the most wonderful way. You will attract opportunities, forms of abundance, and relationships that will help you reach your potential. Being strong means seeing yourself in the most favorable light you can imagine. Be realistic, allow yourself to feel feminine emotions, but most importantly, be strong.”

The value of the card. You don't have to underestimate yourself.

* Don't give in to pressure or temptation.

* Don't complain or give free rein to negative thinking.

* Engage in strength exercises to make your body strong.

Sekhmet- The Egyptian goddess of the Sun and the wife of the god Ptah. Her name means "Mighty". Sekhmet is closely associated with lions, symbolizing her character as a fierce protector of law and order, and sometimes appears in a female body with the head of a lioness. Call on Sakhmet when you need to maintain and strengthen strength and power.

Quiet time

Find a quiet place to indulge in relaxation, meditation and contemplation in solitude.

Sige's message:“Shh, my dears. Calm your mind. Breathe evenly, free yourself from words, worries and plans. Enter the space of silence deep within you, that vortex of peace where the outside world is denied access. It's time to take refuge in silence and spend time in solitude. I will lovingly help you to rejuvenate and restore the centering of consciousness. Don't try to make decisions now. Let your mind just rest. Soon enough you'll know it's time to act. But for now, calm down and rest."

The value of the card. Take a course of spiritual practice.

* Listen more and talk less.

* Avoid noise and loud sounds.

* Meditate more often.

* Charge heaven to stop empty thoughts.

* You suffer from hypersensitivity to noise.

Shige- the Gnostic goddess, personifying the great Silence or Emptiness, in which the process of creation of all Existing began. Sige reminds us that words create duality, in silence we find our true self. Silence is an omnipresent force that revives the mind, just as, according to the Gnostics, Sige became the mother of Sophia, the goddess of Wisdom. Shige teaches that our roots are in the silent void of the universe and that it is necessary to regularly practice communication with silence.


Spend time near water like a lake, river or ocean to recharge your batteries.

Message from Soulis:“The healing properties of water have long been known and described in detail. Man is almost entirely made up of water. It is able to wash away any sorrows, pains and harmful effects of suffering. Perform cleansing rituals using water more often, you will see how your mood and attitude will improve. To multiply the magical power of water, saturate it with your prayers and intentions. Any water treatment, be it a sea salt bath or a freshwater spring bath, will definitely make you feel the beneficial effects of water.”

The value of the card. Take a meditative walk by the water.

* Spend your vacation by the ocean.

* Take up swimming.

* Take a sea salt bath to detoxify your energy and physical body.

* Drink more water.

Sulis- the Celtic goddess of the Sun, who looks after the reservoirs with healing properties. The thermal spring in Bath (England) was dedicated to her, which was treated with reverence even by the ancient Celts and where the Romans built baths that have survived to this day. Call on Sulis during water healing, bathing and restorative baths, or when you need help making time or funding for a trip to the seaside.


Unleash your passion for adventure! Act risky and bold!

Freya's message:“Now is not the time to be cautious. Instead, take bold action to fulfill your deepest desire. Success does not come to those who look back, but to those who dedicate themselves fully to realizing their dreams. Stay determined to succeed and you will succeed. Enjoy your courage, audacity and fearlessness. And don't forget to celebrate your success by spending a lot of money on a fancy party or wonderful frills."

The value of the card. Take a chance.

* Feel free to change your life.

* Flirt.

* Arrange a fun holiday.

Freya- Scandinavian goddess of the Earth, fertility, holidays and passion. She rides in a chariot drawn by many cats across the rainbow bridge between Heaven and Earth. Unashamed of her sexual power, Freya teaches us to appreciate attractiveness and enjoy ourselves. It is not surprising that Friday (Friday) was named after her - the day of the week associated with the end of working days and all kinds of entertainment.


By allowing yourself to receive, you will increase your intuition, energy, and ability to give to others.

Message from Hathor:“There is a material side to your personality that naturally cares for those in need, but it needs to be balanced with receptivity or the energy flow will be blocked. The willingness to receive is the essence of feminine energy, which means that the process of receiving should make you feel joyful and grateful. If you feel guilty when asking for help, or receiving gifts causes you negative emotions, then you are blocking your feminine energy. Receptivity is as natural as the energy of mothering and giving. It will help you hear the voices of the Angels. First of all, train yourself to notice the hundreds of gifts you receive every day, whether it's the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature, to observe touching manifestations of humanity, or to be in the arms of someone you love. Just say "Thank you" for each gift and know that they will fill your warehouse, maintaining the strength of the flow of divine energy.

The value of the card. Stop and listen.

* Get rid of the guilt associated with receiving.

* Develop sensitivity to subtle energies.

* You are going through a learning cycle.

* The healing process is underway.

* Use your feminine energy more.

* Conceiving children, pregnancy or childbirth, including adoption or obtaining favorable guardianship conditions, are the main problems in your life.

Hathor- the favorite goddess of the ancient Egyptians. She was depicted as a woman with a cow's head, symbolizing the ability of a sacred animal to provide the milk necessary for life and maternal care. This generous goddess of Heaven and Sun helps in all matters related to the conception, birth and feeding of children. Call on Hathor when you need advice on taking care of yourself and your loved ones.

Leap of Faith

Take the risk and fulfill the innermost desire of the heart!

Eina's message:“By postponing your dream until later, you won’t make it disappear, but you won’t be able to make it happen either. Indecision kills the burning of the soul, the desire to become better, grow and learn. Don't be afraid to make the wrong decision. Much more serious if you can't make any decision! That's when you have to resort to prayer, meditation, collecting materials, research and walks in the forest and, in the end, make a decision. When you do this, the energies of the universe will immediately support you, and then, as if by magic, the doors will open. But in fact, the source of magical power is the desire to do something. It is this intention that makes you go on a magical journey. Believe that the Universe will provide you with all possible support. Your intention is clear and correct for you. And then take a leap of faith and direct all your energy towards making your dream come true. Act without hesitation or delay!”

The value of the card. Your dream will come true.

* The chosen path is the most correct for you.

* Heaven fully supports you in your mission.

* Your material needs will be provided.

* Take action to make your dreams come true.

* Divide the path to your dream into small steps to make it easier to move, especially at the first stage.

eine- a powerful Celtic Queen and Goddess of the Fairies, who often entered into love affairs with mortal men and produced fairies in human form. Eine is revered in Ireland as the goddess of fertility, the patroness of farmers and the protector of animals. You can call on Eine when you need extra guidance and courage to take risks.


The process is just beginning, so be patient and don't break down.

Erakura's message:“In many ways, you are like a flower bud that is ripe and ready to open. Do not try to speed up the process, which is an important part of your beautiful journey. Enjoy learning new knowledge and skills. Take the time to accumulate new ideas. Treat yourself to an abundance of fresh air, sunlight, water, and healthy food. Pretty soon you will get a clear signal that it is time to put the knowledge into practice. Spend time among the flowers or work with their essences and oils to support your growth process.”

The value of the card. Slow down.

* Be patient.

* Take up gardening.

* Use aromatherapy and/or flower essences.

* Keep the faith.

Erakura- Celtic and Germanic goddess, who combines the duties of the earthly Mother of the Fairy Queen, and also provides a connection with the other world. It helps to distribute goals and tasks for a long period so that you don’t have to overstrain. Contact her in case of an urgent need for money or for help in realizing your desires. She especially enjoys helping artists and inventors.

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