Amiran personal life. Amiran Sardarov's life from Khach's diary. Business projects and Internet activities

Handsome, rich, good-looking. These epithets are equally deserved by the popular video blogger Amiran Sardarov. His biography is not as well known as the stage image of the hero of the YouTube channel - revelers, a libertine, a frequenter of nightclubs. How this mask relates to reality, many fans of the star would like to know.

Amiran Sardarov: nationality

Had a well-known blogger lived in tolerant Europe or America, no one would have dared to focus on his ethnic origin. However, he was lucky enough to be born in Russia - a country where political correctness has not yet been heard. Therefore, the unfortunate “person of Caucasian nationality” has to face racist pressure willy-nilly every day:

  • The fact that he is not like everyone else, Amiran first learned while studying at a parochial school. A boy of non-Slavic appearance suffered bullying from ordinary children, prompting his mother to withdraw the child from school;
  • The name of the young man also stood out from the crowd. "Amir", translated from Arabic, means "monarch, ruler." The surname "Sardar(s)" is also typically Eastern: in Persian, it means "standing at the helm of power, leader";
  • According to Amiran himself, he is a Yezidi(Kurdish people living in northern Iraq). In Russia, according to the 2010 census, there are about 40,000 Yezidis;
  • In 2013, the popular stand-up comedian Timur Karginov openly called himself a hach ​​from the stage, which shocked the audience a lot. This bold act prompted Sadarov to open his own project, in which he approached his nationality and everyday racism with humor.

Project "Khach's Diary"

As soon as he became an adult, the future favorite of Runet decided to make money. While peers gnawed at the granite of science within the walls of universities, Sardarov changed about a dozen jobs and even tried himself as a businessman (though unsuccessfully).

His first truly successful project was YouTube channel "Khach's Diary", which has become one of the most popular in the Russian-speaking segment of video hosting:

  • According to the creator himself, the channel occupies an intermediate position between the cult American TV series "Friends" and the no less iconic Russian reality show "Dom-2";
  • The content of the videos speaks of the presence of a deep social exhibitionism in Khach. He is not at all shy about flaunting the intimate details of his personal life. Moreover, he clearly enjoys this process;
  • The viewer of the channel becomes a witness of Amiran's adventures in the leading nightclubs of the capital, his acquaintances with Russian celebrities, trips to expensive establishments, etc.;
  • The YouTube audience, obviously deprived of such joys of life, greedily eats every second of the video released by Khach. The number of subscribers of the channel has already exceeded 2 million.

Youtuber's writing activity

The literary exploits of a young YouTuber can make even Daria Dontsova whistle. For several years, he managed to give out mountains of "waste paper" under various names:

  1. « Life with a head 2.0". On the pages of this book, the brightest representative of the Kurdish people in brilliant Russian explains how best to spend your young years so as not to regret anything in old age;
  2. « The man is always right". This uncomplicated formulation hides the exciting revelations of an experienced heartthrob who knows a lot about seducing uncompromising beauties;
  3. « There is no freebie: the beginning of the journey". A detailed guide for young businessmen, helping to avoid the typical mistakes of newcomers on a difficult commercial path. All the tips in the publication have been tested by real life;
  4. « I'm a mu*ak". As can be understood from this headline, the hot Caucasian man does not suffer from narcissism at all and speaks openly about his shortcomings. And encourages everyone else to do the same;
  5. « Dialogues with a genius". Here, in simple words of a person without a higher education, the controversial scientific theory of the Russian professor Savelyev is stated. The latter claims to have allegedly discovered the key to unlocking the creative gift in every person based on brain tomogram data.

In this video, literary critic Anton Murzaev will review Amiran's books, whether they are worth reading:

Who is Amiran Sardarov dating?

He started relationships with the opposite sex from the age of 15, when he used the services of a representative of the oldest profession. Since then, they have never known a lack of female attention:

  • He found his first true love at the age of 18. The lucky woman's name has not yet been revealed. It is only known that the couple soon broke up, and this gap hit the young man hard;
  • His first passion, which became known to the general public, was Katya Shmakova. The Caucasian did not have a soul in her and gave her chic gifts. The cold beauty did not appreciate this, and parting followed;
  • In 2016, Alina Izmailova, an ordinary Muscovite, whom he met in one of the capital's nightclubs, became his companion. This relationship did not survive even a few months;
  • On July 4, 2017, the name of Sardarov's next girl became known. She became Anya Ermolaeva, owner "Instagram"-account "ermolaeva495". She told her subscribers about a new wealthy boyfriend, in whom it is easy to recognize the same “khach”.

Instagram by Amiran Sardarov

A fleeting glance at "Instagram" feed this favorite of the public is enough to acquire a stable self-doubt for many years:

How much does Amiran Sardarov earn?

Judging by the videos and photos in the most popular social networks, our hero is clearly not in poverty. He lives in an expensive metropolitan apartment, drives a luxurious BMW, visits expensive restaurants ... What ensured such financial success?

We can assume the following sources of income:

  1. As the YouTuber said in an interview with Tinkov, affiliate advertising brings in an income of 250,000 rubles. Much more give direct contracts with advertisers. The total income from the Khach Diary channel reaches more than a million rubles a month;
  2. The income from the product placement of goods on Instagram is unknown. But according to unofficial statistics, for “millionaires” it can reach sums with six zeros (with a properly organized campaign);
  3. Books for him have never been any important source of wealth. After the popularity of the YouTube channel took off, the purchasing activity of his literary work increased slightly, but not so much that the author could afford a German premium car.

Thus, Amiran receives several million rubles monthly .

He knows equally well what a woman wants and how to run a business. So, at least, one can conclude by reading at least one book, the author of which is Amiran Sardarov. His biography confirms this impression.

Video: "Khach's Diary" and Dud

In this video, Yuri Dud will interview the founder of Khach's Diary, Amiran Sardarov, in which he will tell how the project was founded, how much profit it currently brings:

Amiran Sardarov is one of the most successful bloggers on Russian YouTube. The young man has millions of fans, and is the standard of the man of many girls. Amiran Sardarov runs a channel under the provocative name "Khach's Diary". It is worth noting that Amiran is not only a video blogger, but also a writer. For 2018, he has released more than 4 books.

Childhood and youth

Amiran was born on August 19, 1986 in Moscow. Amiran Sardarov is Georgian by nationality. In one of his books, the young man said that his family broke up when he was 5 years old. Amiran's father was very harsh, his mother had to leave him. At that time the boy was 5 years old. Mom took Amiran and returned to Georgia.
In his books, Amiran mentioned more than once that he did not graduate from any educational institution other than school. However, after reading his books and viewing his blogs on YouTube, you doubt. Amiran looks like a fairly educated person, he has non-standard thinking and he always expresses his thoughts very competently.
While studying at school, Amiran experienced a lot of pressure from classmates. In the 8th grade, Amiran's mother transferred him to home schooling. At home, the guy felt protected and he did not have to listen to the mockery of classmates.
After coming of age, Amiran was engaged in self-development, he read many books, constantly trying to learn something new. After unsuccessful attempts to find work in his city, Amiran went to the capital.

Life by popularity

Before Amiran became popular, he tried himself in various directions. The first time in Moscow, Amiran's life was not easy. The young man did not have to enjoy the chic life as it is now, but to survive.
He was not hired for a good job due to lack of education. His online stores and various online projects were not in demand. At that time, Amiran Sardarov also wrote his books, but they were not popular. However, he did not give up and continued to work. All his efforts were not in vain, in a long search for himself, he found himself in advertising. Amiran created various advertising companies. It was thanks to such work that he was able to buy his first good car.

career on youtube

Amiran Sardarov registered his YouTube channel in early 2015. In his videos, he filmed meetings with friends, relationships with his girlfriend, or rather his ordinary life. It is generally accepted that the popularity of Amiran's video was brought by his girlfriend at that time - Katya.

In his videos, Amiran quite often showed his girlfriend in very revealing outfits, or even in underwear. Such videos and their previews attracted a large number of views.
Also, in addition to Katya, Amiran filmed a large number of other girls. His favorite moment in the video was showing the girls as well as promoting them on Instagram. Even in Amiran's vlogs, a large number of stars are filmed, for example, such as:, as well as many others.

Girls of Amiran Sardarov

Amiran is a very honest and sincere blogger. He shows his whole life on camera, relationships with girls are no exception. The first girl who appeared in the frame became -. Amiran always called her by her patronymic in his videos. And now that's what everyone calls the girl. Amiran had a relationship with Katya for more than a year. According to him, Katya was his best girlfriend, and it is about her that he will always remember well. Amiran commented on his parting with Katya as follows: “Our relationship has moved to the level where you need to either go further and build a family, or break them off completely, I was not ready for a family.”

The second girl who was in his frame was Alina Izmailova. In the vlogs of which Alina starred, it was always noticeable with what awe and love Amiran treats the girl. The relationship of the guys seemed perfect. Everything was fine, until the moment when Amiran posted a video in which he very touchingly asked for forgiveness from the girl. There are suggestions that Amiran committed a betrayal that Alina could not forgive. This is where their relationship ended.

Soon, after breaking up with Alina Izmailova, Amiran filmed a large number of girls on his channel. With which of them Amiran was in a relationship was unclear. Now the young man is in a relationship with a young model. The couple often posts joint photos on Instagram, and Vlada Yurkov can often be seen on the video on the Khach's Diary channel.

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Amiran Sardarov is a young and successful video blogger who gained his popularity thanks to his activities on the Khach Diary channel. Its main "trick" is a philosophical approach to life, deep reflections on exciting topics, the desire to teach the younger generation the principles of successful personal development.

Childhood and youth

Amiran was born on August 19, 1986 in Moscow. He spent some time with his family in their historical homeland. However, the blogger spent most of his life in the capital of the Russian Federation. After studying three classes at school, Amiran transferred to home schooling. This was due to the fact that he often received from classmates because of his nationality.

The name of the channel caused a great resonance. Despite the fact that Amiran was born and lives in Moscow, his "non-Russian" nationality is obvious.

And given that his video blogs are published under the name "Khach's Diary", it is easy to determine his ethnicity to the Caucasian peoples. According to known data, the nationality of Amiran is a Yezidi Kurd.

Even at a young age, the young man began his career in the literary field. His ambition and ability to work even caused health problems due to excessive activity.

However, Amiran Sardarov gained real fame precisely after the start of his blogging career. On his personal channel, he describes his life, shows how he spends time with his friends.

Personal life

The blogger did not suffer from a lack of female attention from a very young age. He spoke openly about the fact that his first woman was a prostitute. And in general, Amiran does not see anything reprehensible in using the services of women in this profession, which he often stated.

The first love overtook the guy at 18. It was a real youthful passion, which was accompanied by scandals, quarrels and reconciliations, numerous partings. The experience of relationships with women brought Amiran a lot of disappointments and betrayals..

For a long time, Amiran met with Ekaterina Igorevna, but they broke up. The girl often appeared on Amiran's blogs.

Later, Amiran introduced the audience to a new lover - Alina, but after a while the guys broke up.

To search for a girl, the blogger even launched a new show on his channel called "I want a bride." There he wanted to find his ideal companion. However, the idea was not successful, very similar girls came to the show in the “Bachelor” format and none of them became his companion.

Activity on YouTube

Amiran created his personal YouTube channel in 2015. In almost a year, the video blog gained a million subscribers. Now there are almost 2 million of them. Many attribute such a huge success to the financial investments of the blogger. However, the fact remains that the popularity of the channel is growing and its content is capturing an increasing number of viewers.

According to Amiran, the format of the video blog, and indeed the idea of ​​creating a channel, came by chance. With a provocative and self-ironic name, the guy wanted to attract the attention of the public. The blogger says he came up with a name for his "brainchild" in a hurry, without even delving into the meaning of the word "khach". Later he learned that the word is translated as "cross".

Interesting Notes:

The blogger compares the activities of the channel with the TV series "Friends". Indeed, friends and acquaintances of a guy, his girlfriend and even famous personalities often appear on blogs. Spectators enthusiastically watch not only the life of Amiran, but also the activities of the other "characters".

Life outside YouTube

In addition to the blog on YouTube, Amiran Sardarov leads an active life in other social networks. There are almost 200 thousand subscribers on his personal VKontakte page. There he uploads a huge number of videos.

It is impossible not to mention Amiran's Instagram account. The guy constantly uploads new photos with friends and acquaintances, causing great interest and admiration of the public. However, there is an opinion that it is still unclear who the target audience of the blogger is, because Amiran does not have a single format and the subject of the video is rather chaotic.

Amiran Sardarov himself loves not only to shoot videos with famous guests, but also to give interviews and go to other shows. The most famous of them was with Yuri Dud back in 2017. There, Yuri, in his favorite format, tried to find out how much Amiran Sardarov earns.


It is difficult not to notice the financial security of a blogger. He is always well dressed, drives luxury cars, wears expensive watches.. The interior of the apartment, the places he visits - everything that appears on the blog speaks of the guy's good income.

Almost every viewer wonders where the guy has so much money from. Amiran has repeatedly answered this question. He has a personal advertising agency in Moscow, which developed quite quickly, and now brings him a good profit.

Thanks to his skills in promoting brands and individuals, he has achieved tremendous success in the PR business. Amiran considers himself an extremely lucky person. Now Amiran has his own company to promote YouTube channels and create ready-made videos Lionsmedia.

Literary works

The works of the guy in the literary field could not remain unnoticed. He has already published several books, each of which describes his personal philosophy. In addition, there are several publications in which he published as a co-author.

The most popular is the book The man is always right”. It is not just descriptive - it is a kind of guide for beginners on the path to success.

Today Amiran continues his blogging activities. He often releases videos, shares new events of his life. This brings the guy great pleasure.

He lives with knowledge and understanding, seeks new goals and achieves them. Amiran is an example for many viewers, inspires them to accomplish, teaches everything that he himself once learned.

About 10 years ago, in order to become a famous person, to get into Wikipedia, you had to get a special education and interest a producer with your talent. Now, thanks to the development of modern technology, becoming a star is quite simple. To do this, you can put an unusual video on the Internet. Thus became famous andAmiran Sardarov. Biography and channel"Khach's Diary"this interesting guy has now become known throughout Russia.

What is Amiran Sardarov's occupation?

  • A young man seeks to teach the life of everyone around him
  • He gained popularity thanks to his books and Youtube channel.
He became famous for a series of videos that he posted on the Internet. They are called "Khach's Diary". In them, he talks about his life, shows how he has fun with his friends.

In some of their videos, he and his friend, Grisha Godshield, decided to do an experiment in order to find out what each person is ready to do for money. They approached the girls and asked them to kiss, show their breasts or eat paper for a certain amount.

Everything gets into the frame of this guy: food, road, parks - everything that can be seen in everyday life. But, oddly enough, each of his videos is gaining several hundred thousand views and a lot of discussion. In the latest videos you can see that his friend is Oleg Miami, the famous participant in the show "Voice" on the ground.

Amiran Sardarov: VKontakte and Instagram

Videos can be found on the Internet, they are in the public view. But, you can get acquainted with new stories only on the official page of the protagonist.

Here, he has gained wider popularity and more than 50 thousand subscribers read information about him. He also openly exhibits his new videos, photographs and advertises new book editions. Self-confident, impudent, and at the same time, a good-natured man attracts the attention of women and causes envy in other men.

They especially envy him for the fact that in many videos and in many photos he appears in the company of a beautiful girl of model appearance -Ekaterina Igorevna. Judging by the video, the girl is quite simple, kind, modest and sociable. But in fact, everyone loves her for her large breasts, Ekaterina's breasts got into Amiran's video too often, for which he gained millions of views, you can say she promoted his channel.

The following photo will let you understand why Amiran's channel "Khach's Diary" gained more and more views.

What is Amiran Sardarov's job?

Since the age of 15, he has been successfully popular with women. Amiran does not deny that his first woman was a prostitute with whom he slept for money. He did the same with the next twenty persons. They even collectively threw themselves with friends on the representatives of the most ancient profession and in turn satisfied their youthful needs.

Several times he himself slept with girls who paid him well for this. But still, at the age of 18, he managed to sincerely fall in love. The relationship for him was very difficult, which was accompanied by quarrels, partings and frenzied passion. Amiran broke up with the girl and suffered several more deceptions from women, after which he was very disappointed in love.

Now in the photographs you can often see with a beautiful girl named Katya. He claims that this is the strongest love in his life. A young girl lives in the suburbs, she has an angelic character, is fluent in French and successfully copes with all housework. However, there are rumors that she chose "khach" as a partner only because of the money. Many acquaintances of this couple believe that they are completely different people, and it is not clear what unites them.

The personality of Amiran Sardarov is known from several sources and outside of social networks.

  • "Life with a head" . In it, the author conveys to the reader that you need to spend time only on those activities that you can enjoy. Otherwise, a person will miss the best moments of his life;
  • "A Man Is Always Right" . This is a kind of encyclopedia for young guys. The author teaches how to behave with women, seduce and charm;
  • "There is no freebie: the beginning of the journey" . The author considers this book the most difficult of all his works. In it, he tells his methodology about what needs to be done in order to achieve something on his life path.

In social networks, such a person as Amiran Sardarov is quite famous. The biography of this male is not completely clear to anyone. He is considered a womanizer, a businessman and a lazy person who is used to counting other people's money. One way or another, but he has already managed to get the first million from his sensational video blogs. On this, his career did not stop and he continues to shoot scandalous, but nevertheless interesting stories.

Interview with the creator of Khach's Diary

For today I have everything, wait for updates, with respect, your Coach Olegych and UKRPOL.

Amiran Sardarov (Khach's Diary) who is this?

Real name— Amiran Sardarov

Hometown- Moscow

Nationality— Yezidi Kurd

Nickname— Khach's diary

Activity— Video blogger, writer

Family status- Not married

Amiran Sardarov (Khach's Diary) biography

Amiran Sardarov is a video blogger and writer. Born on August 19, 1986 in Moscow.

Amiran Sardarov in childhood and before popularity

Amiran was born in Moscow and lived in the capital for some time. Then, his family moved to Georgia. Since his father was cruel to the family, his mother took the boy and fled.

For three years Amiran studied at a parochial school in Georgia. The ancestors of his nation endowed the boy with Caucasian roots, he is racial Yezidi. Therefore, because of the characteristic facial features, the boy was often teased at school. Because of the "non-Russian" appearance, Amiran got it from his peers. As a result, the mother began to fear for him and transferred to home schooling. A teacher came to the boy's house, and he tried to create the appearance of learning so as not to upset his mother. But, from the age of 16, he took up self-study - the study of the expanses of the Internet and making money in it. Amiran needed money to realize his plans and desires, so he began to look for a way to earn it.

Carier start

Amiran turned 18 and soon decided to move to Moscow to find a job. In the capital, he looked for a job for a long time, lived poorly, but did not give up. Amiran did not have a higher education, so there were such difficulties with employment. He tried to open online stores, websites, was engaged in shooting videos to order. But, all these activities did not bring sufficient profit and the projects "burned out". Sardarov's first business project was a hair extension studio. He created it together with his girlfriend. But, after the rupture of relations, she decided not to fairly assign this business to herself.

After a "streak of failure", Amiran opened an advertising agency, started promoting small private brands, and then moved to a new level - he began to promote large trading companies. For the excellent advertising promotion of one company, Amiran was even presented with a BMW for his work.

Fame and "Khach's Diary"

In 2015, Amiran launched a new channel called " Khach's diary"("DH"). He gave him a bold and ironic name, and this was the attitude of people towards him and the problems with nationality that the guy had in real life. This channel is a kind of symbiosis of the series "Friends" and the show "House 2". Amiran made videos about his life, uploading them to his channel. In them, he showed how he lives, hangs out in clubs. In some of his videos, one could see celebrities as heroes, such as: Roman Demchenko, Alik Bigaev, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. He interviewed these celebrities, sometimes asking questions that were not the easiest for them, and recorded a video. As a result, this channel brought Amiran fame and profit. The author is not ashamed of his nationality, and in the description of his channel there is the phrase “I am a khach. Born and, alas, raised. In other words, Amiran is not afraid to express his thoughts in simple, colloquial language, both in videos and in books.

Also in 2015, Sardarov, together with his friend Grisha, decided to conduct a social experiment, recording it on video. Its essence was that many people are capable of going to the most desperate and low deeds for the sake of money. Participants in the experiment were asked to undress on the street, lick the soles of their shoes, eat paper, and receive a certain amount of money as a reward. Thus, Sardarov, together with a friend, showed not the best side of people and that money rules the world.

In 2016, Amiran and his friend T-killah released a joint video called "It's OK". In addition, he still has collaborations with the rapper - clips "Heel" and "Monkeys". In the same year, Sardarov starred in the Russian-made comedy Yolki 5. He took part in the filming together with other famous video bloggers.

Khach's diary and

One day, Amiran was invited to participate as a guest in one of the Comedy Club episodes. He also took part in an interview with Synergy at the School of Business.

Books by Amiran Sardarov

In addition to video blogging activities, participation in television projects, Amiran writes books. He has written 5 books: The man is always right», « Life with a head 2.0», « There is no freebie: the beginning of the journey», « I'm an asshole: break me completely», « Dialogues with a genius". His books are devoted to harsh realism, the end of illusions, reflections on the topic "how to live."

Career at the present time and the project "I want a bride"

By 2018, Amiran was able to achieve great success as a vlogger. In addition, he is known for some writings - books. On Vkontakte, he has more than 4 thousand friends and 200 thousand subscribers. And on the channel Khach's diary»Subscribed by more than 2.8 million people, in addition to VK, the blogger has an active account on Instagram.

How much does Amiran Sardarov earn (Khach's Diary)

Amiran has a good financial wealth and earns about 500 thousand rubles. per month.

In 2018, Sardarov decided to release his own Internet show " I want a bride". He hosts it on YouTube. According to the idea of ​​the show, Amiran is in search of the perfect bride. Looking for it on the internet. He is helped in this matter by showman Evgeny Kulik, TV presenter Dergileva Valeria and rapper Tarasov Alexander (T-killah). This show airs on the Khach's Diary channel, is popular on the Russian Internet and a new version of The Bachelor, and has already been watched by about 20 million viewers.

Personal life

When Sardarov moved to Moscow, he found a girl and fell in love. But, the couple broke up due to the high emotionality that was inherent in both of them. Then he was disappointed in love for the first time.

During the period when Amiran was just starting to work as a video blogger and founded Khach's Diary, he began a relationship with Ekaterina Shmakova. A beautiful blonde has been seen more than once in Amiran's videos. She was educated, but they broke up. According to rumors, the girl met with Sardarov for the sake of money, since he repeatedly gave her expensive things, for example, buying her a fur coat for his first fee. Katya also has an Instagram account.

Amiran Sardarov and Alina Izmailova

In the spring of 2016, Amiran began a relationship with Izmailova Alina. She was a graduate of Moscow State University, had a law degree. They met at the club, soon Alina moved to live with Amiran. But he cheated on her. Alina left him, stopped answering calls. Amiran tried to get her back, even connected his friends who created the hashtag #AlinaCome back, but it did not help.

Currently, Amiran is looking for a bride, including with the help of the "I Want a Bride" project. While he is alone, in search of a girl, he has not officially announced that he has a new relationship and the name of the new chosen one.

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