Black Sea fish goby: characteristics, types and catching of a sea goby. Gobiidae (Gobiidae) Black Sea goby fish

Goby fish is a representative of one of the largest families and has several thousand varieties. The size of most species is not impressive, but healthy tasty meat, the absence of special requirements for gear and living in almost every reservoir have made the goby one of the most desirable fish for both amateur and professional anglers. Knowing the characteristics of behavior and having the simplest bait and tackle at your disposal, you can safely go after the bulls - even the one who first took the bait in his hands will not be able to return home empty-handed.

What does the fish that can be caught in any body of water look like? Characteristic, inherent in each variety of gobies - a large forehead and a large head. The body gradually narrows and ends with a caudal fin. big size. Dorsal and anal fins are long. An unpleasant surprise is hidden in the dorsal fin - several bone rays, the injection of which is very painful. The pelvic fins are fused and form a kind of sucker, with its help the goby easily sticks to hard surfaces.

Photo 1. Goby on the hook

Despite a large number common features, gobies differ in color. inhabitants temperate zone may boast small specks of a brown or greenish hue, which helps to merge with algae or a muddy bottom. Tropical inhabitants are distinguished by a brighter shade; spots on the body often form geometrically correct patterns.

What are the most common types? The goby that lives in the Black Sea basin is not in vain called the sandpiper, because this fish prefers the sandy bottom, with which it almost merges in color. This representative of a huge family grows up to only 15-18 cm, while gaining a body weight of 200 grams. steer with interesting name the sandpiper is the most common species, because there are places in the Black Sea (usually coastal zones) where up to 50 representatives of this species are placed per square meter.

A goby with a peculiar head shape is a goby. Peculiarity small fish, whose dimensions rarely exceed 16 cm - a lip strongly stretched to the sides and a protruding lower jaw. Golovach is found in the Dnieper, rarely the river goby is found in the Dniester.

Photo 2. In the open spaces of the river.

A goby that lives in fresh waters is a sculpin. If the sea goby is almost safe (especially if the fisherman knows about the bone rays and is careful not to touch them), then the sculpin has a sharp spike at his disposal, which can seriously injure the hand. Like every fish that lives in the rivers, the sculpin prefers to hide between the stones, sticking out his head in anticipation of easy prey.

The description will be incomplete without mentioning one of the largest representatives of the family - the martovik. You can meet him on the Black Sea, but the largest specimens (up to one and a half kilograms in weight) live in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. The Azov goby has an aggressive disposition and attacks smaller fish, often even fellow tribesmen who do not differ in weight or size.

Interesting! The smallest variety of gobies is the pandaka. Females rarely grow to just 14 mm, males are even smaller, the maximum length is only 10 mm.

Behavioral features, the main diet of gobies, reproduction

Gobies are fish that are not accustomed to migration, prefer to settle in one place. The only exception is winter months, at this time, the kids try to sail further from the coast in search of more warm waters. Marine small gobies do not tolerate shift well climatic conditions and in bad weather they lose activity, they can long time stop eating.

Gobies feed mainly on living organisms:

  • shellfish;
  • small fish;
  • crustaceans.

Gobies eating fish, if the family is considerable, sometimes there is not enough food, especially in winter time. In this case, only the strongest survive until spring - larger specimens without a twinge of conscience eat their relatives.

The only exception in this bloodthirsty family is the stephodon goby, which feeds only on microscopic seaweed. Often it is Stephodon that becomes the prey of carnivorous brethren.

Reproduction of most varieties of gobies begins in spring and continues almost until autumn. The Black Sea goby was especially successful here, which already in early March. The nest is built by the male, making a cozy mink under a stone. Making sounds, making vibrating movements with his head and fins, he collects a harem (unlike most fish, in gobies, several individuals of the weaker sex fall on one male). Females swim into the nest in turn, laying native rows of eggs (the clutch may consist of several thousand eggs).

Interesting! The caviar of gobies has a peculiar shape - elongated. At one end of the egg there are sticky processes with which it is firmly attached to a hard surface. Even a strong storm cannot tear the masonry from the walls of the hole.

After laying their eggs, the females calmly sail away, leaving the clutch in the care of the male. He conscientiously guards the nest during the week, regularly driving fresh water into the hole with his fins.

How to catch a bull - some secrets and tricks

Fishing for a goby is a simple process, but without necessary knowledge you can be left without the desired catch. Weather conditions are of great importance - if Sun rays hot, and the day is warm and fine, then the fish prefers to hide on great depth. AT cloudy days on the contrary, it stays closer to the surface.

Catching a goby on the Sea of ​​​​Azov has its own characteristics. Algae blooms, which are especially violent here, can affect the outcome of sea fishing - plants consume a lot of oxygen, which will immediately affect the behavior of the fish, it becomes lethargic and apathetic, refusing to peck.

What tackle to choose for catching a goby? Experienced anglers when fishing from a boat use a medium-thick line and small hooks. Tackle for the bull is complemented by a small weight and several leashes. A rod is not needed, the line is wound directly on the finger. Such a simple do-it-yourself device will delight you with a numerous catch, but when fishing, do not forget to twitch your finger.

Since the fish prefers to drink living organisms, the following are perfect as bait:

Important! Gobies have an unpredictable appetite, so you need to take several types of bait for fishing, which can be alternated. For spinning fishing, it is better to take silicone fish or a twister cut in half.

Catching gobies is always a fascinating process, and if you take into account the taste of these crumbs, then it’s quite useful, good fishing will allow you to stock up on fish for a long time, which will make a wonderful preservation, and gobies look no worse in a frying pan than in tomato sauce. Even lack of experience is not an obstacle in catching this type of fish, the process is so simple, especially if you know the basic habits and characteristics of gobies.

Gobies (lat. Gobiidae) - a family of fish from the perch-like order (Perciformes). There are over 2,000 species grouped into more than 200 genera. We have the most common species: sandpiper and sculpin goby.

What is caught

The sandpiper is omnivorous and very voracious. It mainly feeds on benthic invertebrates, fish and mollusk caviar, juvenile fish, and does not refuse plant food. Actively feeds during daylight hours from early May to October.

Where does it live

Inhabits rivers, ponds and lakes. Prefers sandy soil. Sandpiper, like other gobies, leads a benthic lifestyle. In rivers, stay in shallow waters with a sandy, sandy-pebble bottom and a weak current. Sometimes it burrows into the ground, often hiding in algae. Willingly visits river bays and backwaters with a non-silted bottom. Avoids cold waters, therefore, in mountain rivers rare. In the winter, gathering in numerous flocks, lies in holes and does not feed.

Here you can catch Bull

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Comments about Bull

I did not know that rotan was brought to us from Asia. But I know that if it is accidentally launched into a normal body of water with peaceful fish, and he will begin to multiply there, then in the end the fish may disappear. Rotans destroy almost all fish. It is often accidentally released into a body of water when used as live bait. If a goby appears in a reservoir, then with its fertility and ability to eat everything in a row, including the most delicious "fish products" in the form of someone else's caviar, it suppresses native fish, it's like weeds on a field. Among the baits, nevertheless, this omnivorous eater, choosing to stop at the squirrel, worm, maggot, and only then on everything vegetable and moving.

I did not know that rotan was brought to us from Asia. But I know that if you accidentally put it into a normal reservoir with peaceful fish, and it starts to multiply there, then in the end the fish may disappear. Rotans destroy almost all fish. It is often accidentally released into a body of water when used as live bait.

Goby and rotan is perfect different types fish. The goby has been with us since ancient times, and the rotan was brought from Asia, or rather from China. Along with an increase in traffic. On the bottoms of ships.

In addition to excellent palatability, the Black Sea goby has a good mineral and vitamin composition. In this case, dried or dried goby is especially popular. Although from it you can cook a variety of dishes that are not inferior in taste. From them, for example, you can make meatballs, canned food and much more. Such a small fish will appeal to both adults and children.

How to properly clean a bull

At first Black Sea goby, photo which is attached, is well washed cold water. Then the husk is removed from it and gutted. At the same time, some cooks separately collect milk with caviar and liver, which is quite large. They can be further fried or added to the ear. The fish is washed and salted. Leave for a while. Then it is washed again, thrown back in a colander and placed on a paper towel. Heads, fins and tails can be removed if desired.

Roasted gobies

Fish such as the Azov Black Sea goby cooked according to this recipe turns out to be tender. Her meat becomes crumbly. This appetizer goes well with beer and some dishes.


  • 700 g of bulls;
  • flour;
  • 10 ml of white wine;
  • salt and spices;
  • vegetable oil.


The fish is pre-prepared in the above way. Then it is salted. Sprinkle with your favorite spices and pour wine. The workpiece is sent to a cold place for half an hour. If white wine is not available, then citric acid or juice can be used instead. Heat up the pan by adding oil. The fish is dipped in flour on all sides and laid out to fry. The container is not covered with a lid. Fry until a crispy crust appears. The finished dish is served cold with potatoes or vegetables.

Bull cutlets


  • 1 kg of gobies (can be frozen);
  • 500 g of onion;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g of rolls soaked in milk;
  • salt and spices;
  • vegetable oil;
  • breadcrumbs, which, if necessary, can be replaced with wheat flour.


If the Black Sea goby fish is frozen, then it is left to thaw at room temperature, and then washed. Onions are chopped and stewed. The heads, fins, tails are cut off from the fish and the carcasses are passed through a meat grinder at least three times. The bun is put in a blender and chopped together with onions. This mass is transferred to minced meat, everything is mixed. Then eggs, salt and seasonings are added. Mix again and form cutlets. Dip in breadcrumbs or flour and fry on all sides. Put in a separate bowl ready cutlets, pour a small amount of water and put to stew for about half an hour over low heat. The dish is tender, juicy and slightly sweet.

Dried goby


  • salt.


You can salt any amount of fish. It is placed in a plastic dish. A metal container is not suitable in this case. The fish is not washed because it is salted in its sea slime. The goby is very abundantly covered with salt, stirring so that each fish is covered with it. Water is not added to this. You can put oppression on the fish. Prepared gobies are set aside for one day, without covering the dishes with anything. Otherwise, the fish may be lost.

Store the workpiece in a cool place. Over time, the resulting liquid is drained. Black Sea gobies, the recipe for which is very simple, are washed from salt. If the fish is salted, it is soaked for no more than an hour in cold water. You can change the water once. Then the fish is laid out on a waffle towel to dry. Next, the gobies are hung out to dry in a place where direct sunlight does not fall. You can cover it with gauze so that flies do not sit down.

Bull in the marinade


  • 1 kg bulls;
  • salt and pepper;
  • lemon juice;
  • flour;
  • vegetable oil.
  • 1/2 cup oil where the fish was fried;
  • 3 cloves of garlic; rosemary;
  • 1 tsp vinegar;
  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • sugar and salt;
  • 1 st. l. wheat flour.


This recipe is amazingly delicious. black sea goby. How to cook we will consider it below. To do this, you first need to prepare the fish. How to do this, we considered above. A peeled bull is poured with lemon juice and set aside for 15 minutes. Then it is dipped on both sides in flour, which is pre-mixed with salt and spices. Each fish is fried.

Making marinade sauce

The vegetable oil, where it was fried, is filtered, and then heated in a frying pan. They also put flour there and fry it a little. Then grated tomatoes, vinegar, chopped garlic and rosemary, salt, spices are added and the sauce is boiled until it begins to thicken, stirring occasionally. The stove is turned off and the mixture is brought to readiness. The fish, which has had time to cool down during this time, is laid out on a dish and served with marinade sauce.

Sea fish in tomato sauce

The most famous canned food that everyone remembers is the Black Sea goby in tomato sauce. Almost everyone has tried them at least once in their life. You can cook such a delicacy at home, serving it as a second course.


  • 400 g of bulls;
  • two bulbs,
  • 70 g flour;
  • 100 g of tomato sauce or paste;
  • salt and seasonings;
  • 3 small bay leaves;
  • vegetable based oil.

In this dish, you need to use only fresh fish, while the abdomen should not be swollen. Tomato sauce can be replaced with tomato juice. Seasonings can be used special, which are suitable for fish dishes. It can be, for example, cilantro, rosemary or thyme, as well as oregano or basil.


First, prepare the fish in a way known to us. The heads and tails are cut off, the gobies are dipped in a napkin so that the excess liquid is gone. The fish is rolled in flour and fried in a pan, after salting it. Ready gobies are laid out on a dish and cooled.

Cooking gas station

Onions are chopped coarsely, carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater. All this is fried for 10 minutes, stirring with a spatula. Then salt is added and Bay leaf. Enter a little later tomato sauce, stir and simmer for 5 minutes. Finely chopped chili pepper or three slices of lemon are also added here for flavor. Transfer the fish to the frying pan, mix and simmer for 6 minutes, covering the container with a lid. The dish is served both hot and cold.

Thus, there are many recipes for cooking sea ​​fish. This product is different great content iodine, as well as vitamins and other useful elements. The Black Sea goby can be used in children's and dietary nutrition. Very tasty first courses are obtained from it. A dried goby is probably loved by everyone. It is consumed with beer and other alcoholic drinks. cook sea ​​fish at home is not difficult and does not take much time. And you can buy this product in any supermarket, both frozen and raw.

goby fish is popular among representatives underwater world.

This fish was even awarded a monument called "Goby-breadwinner", located in the city of Berdyansk and a sculpture called "Goby - Tsar Sea of ​​Azov”, installed in the very center of Yeniseisk.

This fish was loved because in difficult war time she saved many people from starvation. Therefore, it is worth learning about the Black Sea goby in more detail.

general characteristics

The goby belongs to the family ray-finned fish, group of perciformes. More than 2 thousand species are known, which are combined into 200 genera. This representative of the underwater world prefers life at the very bottom in the coastal part of the reservoir.


  • It has a scaly, oblong body, which is compressed in the back. Dimensions reach 400 mm. The size of the smallest bull is 25 mm.
  • The head is rather large and broad.
  • The eyes are on close range from each other.
  • This fish has 2 dorsal fins, one of which consists of bony rays.
  • At the bottom of the fish there is a sucker, which appeared due to fusion pelvic fins. This sucker helps the fish to attach itself to rocks and stay there during heavy storms.
  • Life expectancy reaches 5 years. Separate types able to live up to 8 years.

Spawning occurs from the beginning of spring to the end of summer, when the water temperature is from 10 to 18 degrees. Reproduction of both the Azov and Black Sea gobies occurs in an interesting way. To do this, the male builds a nest in a recess under the stones, after which he lures females there one by one. Female representatives cover the ceiling of the shelter with eggs. The male, like a caring dad, creates movement inside the dwelling and guards the eggs until the fry hatch. The fish are highly fertile and throws up to 2700 eggs.

The goby fish leads sedentary life. She is very lazy and slow. It can be found in a hidden state under a stone, in thickets of plants or in the sand. The fish does not migrate over long distances, only in winter, sailing to more deep places.

The diet of fish includes various crustaceans, mollusks, worms. This representative of the underwater world does not tolerate significant fluctuations in the temperature of the reservoir in which the fish lives, as well as a sharp change weather conditions. To survive this difficult time, the fish practically stops eating and moving. The goby is a desirable prey for many fishermen.

Main types

The largest is the goby - martovik. The largest number of individuals has a round goby. And also, there are such types as:

  • A zucic goby that sticks its eggs on shallow rocks.
  • Afia.
  • Goby-head.
  • Goby-gorlach.
  • Goby-sandpiper others.

Gobies are very similar to each other and to distinguish them is challenging task. The main difference is the color of the body, specks and stripes, the size and number of scales, as well as the number of rays on the fins.

Among the gobies, they distinguish 2 groups:

  1. brackish water. This group of gobies has been living in the Black Sea since the time when it was connected with the Caspian Sea. Representatives of this fish can exist in shallow bays at the confluence of rivers into the sea. This group perfectly tolerates different concentrations of salt in water bodies. They feel great both in the sea and in fresh water. For example, a goby along the Don River reached Voronezh and even the Sea of ​​Marmara, in which the water has a high concentration of salt. At the same time, the number of tsutsik did not become numerous in the Sea of ​​​​Marmara, because it prefers fresh water bodies more. Therefore, this species moved to the flowing rivers of the Sea of ​​​​Marmara. And, for example, a green goby cannot exist in fresh water, therefore it lives in reservoirs with a high salt concentration.
  2. sea ​​gobies. This group is gradually moving into the Black and mediterranean seas. For the first time, the green goby moved, it is he who is the only species from the entire group that fishermen hunt.

Description of popular species:

The size of this species reaches 70–200 mm. It feeds on mollusks, crustaceans, worms and fry of its own species. This species can most often be found in rivers, hence the name.

The scales have a yellowish-brown color with a pattern, like a camouflage in the form of dark spots. When it comes mating season the color of males darkens and the scales become black. Small scales densely cover the body of the fish. It can be clearly distinguished in the back of the head, as well as in some places of the gills. The lower jaw is slightly pushed forward. The stigma has a pointed appearance. In the mouth, conical teeth can be seen.

Habitat: Azov, Black, Caspian, and Marmara seas. The river goby can also be found in the rivers flowing into these reservoirs. Lives close to the coast, hiding in burrows or sunken objects, such as boxes, boots.

Zucik goby

This species is also called - marble blunt-nosed goby. The weight of such a fish is only 30 grams, and the size does not exceed 70–120 mm. The habitat in Russia is the basins of the Azov and Caspian Seas. A large number of lives in the Volga River, as well as in the Moscow River and in the middle of the Don. Lives mainly on the bottom, loves coastal areas with large quantity thickets.

This species is distinguished by its nostrils. They look like tubes and are located above upper lip like a mustache. The eyes are large and the forehead is small. It is impressive that the size of one eye is larger than the width of the forehead. The jaws are almost the same in size. The fish has a blunt snout on which spots can be seen dark color in the side area. The color of the scales is brown with a grayish tint. On the body you can see transverse, and in some places blurry stripes of dark color in an amount of 5 to 6 pieces. During the mating season, the color of males changes. The scales become darker in color, and along the edges of the dorsal and pectoral fins an orange tint is formed.

The diet includes small organisms that live at the bottom of the reservoir. Also, they can eat small fish, plants.


This popular species among gobies is also called - bull-whip. The habitat is Black and Azov Sea. Gobies can be found at the mouths of rivers flowing into these seas. Is the most close-up view among all representatives of bulls, because its size reaches 400 mm, and its weight is 600 gr. Fishermen most often catch gobies up to 300 mm in size and weighing 400 grams.

The Black Sea goby has yellowish-brown scales and resembles a sandpiper goby. Refers to representatives predatory fish. Hunts prey, while camouflage merges with environment. It feeds on fry, fish eggs, small fish species, as well as its smaller relatives. The lifespan of a fish can be up to 7 years. Goby - March, judging by the name, spawns in March, when the temperature reaches 10 degrees.

For fishermen, this species is the most desirable, because it differs delicious meat, large weight and size. Used to catch fish various devices including gear. It bites well on the meat of its own species, shrimp, mussels and other bait. In some cases, it may bite on silicone bait.

round goby

It reaches 150–270 mm in length and has a weight of 270 g. It is similar to the species listed above. hallmark is a small mouth of the final form and a characteristic black spot on the very edge dorsal fin. The color of the scales can be beige, brown and black. Lives in the Black Sea, Azov and Caspian basins. Can live in fresh water.

goby messenger

This species also has the name - "gray grandma". The size reaches 260 mm; individuals 150–180 mm long are often found among the catch. Is a view from not large numbers. The habitat of such fish is fresh and salty waters mouths of the rivers of the Black and Azov Sea basins. A goby has 2 dorsal fins. These fins contain 8 spiny and 14 soft rays. The body shape is flat, which tapers in the tail area. Scales has grey colour with a green tint and a camouflage pattern in the form of transverse stripes and dark color spots. The stigma has a rounded shape. The jaws are almost the same in size. The mouth has small teeth. The eyes of the fish are large and are close to each other.

This species reproduces quite quickly in shallow water at a temperature of 12–14 degrees. It feeds on fry, molluscs.

Fishermen are very fond of catching gobies, as it brings great pleasure. This type of fish likes to live in coastal areas, so they should be caught close to the coast in areas with a rocky or shelly bottom.

You can use bottom and float fishing rods for catching fish. Gear can be used the most ordinary. As bait, you should use worms, bloodworms, insects, larvae, mussels.

The bait is lowered to the very bottom and the rod is periodically pulled so that the bait does not lie, but the bull is interested.

The rod of the fishing rod has no special requirements. The coil should be used ordinary without an inertial mechanism and of medium size. To alert the catch, you can use a bell or any electronic device. Such representatives of the underwater world have a big mouth and greed, so they cling to the hook well.

If found a good place with a large number of fish, you can get a good catch. The meat of gobies has an excellent taste, and dishes prepared from them can be eaten endlessly. Therefore, you always want to catch such a fish on a hook.

Gobies belong to the bottom coastal fish. They have an elongated body covered with scales (up to 40 cm; compressed from behind), a large wide head, large eyes close to each other, two upper fins (one of them usually with bone rays), below - a sucker that arose from the fusion of the ventral fins. With the help of this sucker, they are attached to the bottom stones and are held quite firmly even in heavy storm. There are more than 10 species of gobies in the Black Sea, and if we take into account the basin and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, then more than 20 species.

Spawning is from March to August, at water temperatures above 10-12 °C. The male builds a nest in a hole under a stone, enticing several females in turn, who cover the ceiling of the nest with caviar. The male creates water movement in the nest and guards the eggs until the juveniles emerge. Fertility up to 2.7 thousand eggs.

The bull is kept settled. Usually he hides under a stone, hides in thickets of grass or buries himself in the sand. It does not make large migrations, moving away from the coast to deeper places for the winter. It feeds on fish, mollusks, crustaceans, worms, etc.

Like many other fish, gobies do not tolerate significant fluctuations in water temperature, sudden changes in weather. After such changes, the fish stops its activity for a while, practically does not eat.

The goby is an object of fishing.


Goby-whip (martovik), the largest representative of the family. In the photo, specimens are ~ 250 g each, the fish grows up to 0.5 - 1 kg

The largest is the goby-martovik (alternative names: whip, toad). Most numerous species- round goby. Next come: goby-bubyr (or beaver), aphia, goby-tsutsik, gluing eggs on rocky shallow placers, goby goby, sculpin goby, goby-rotan, grass goby, croaker, sandpiper goby (grandmother), goby - gorlach and many others.

Outwardly, different types of gobies are very similar, it is quite difficult to distinguish between them. Main differences between various types gobies - this is the number of rays on the fins, color, spots and stripes on the body, shades, size and number of scales.

All bulls can be divided into two large groups:

  • brackish water
  • maritime

brackish water are relics and have been living in the Black Sea since the time when it had a connection with the Caspian Sea. Marine gradually move to the Black Sea from the Mediterranean. The green goby was one of the first to migrate and became the only commercial species from the group of sea gobies.

Brackish gobies, or, as they are also called, pontic relics, are ideally adapted to life in estuaries. They easily tolerate sharp fluctuations in water salinity - from fresh to purely marine. Round timber and sandpiper, for example, feel great not only in the Black Sea, but also in the Dniester and Dnieper. And a small bull-calf along the Don penetrated to Voronezh and even reached the Sea of ​​​​Marmara, where the salinity is twice as high as the Black Sea. But in the Sea of ​​Marmara, the tsutsik did not become numerous, but rose into the rivers flowing into it - its tendency to desalinated water affected. The green goby, which is of Mediterranean origin, does not tolerate fresh water at all and usually lives in reservoirs with high salinity.

In previous years, gobies accounted for up to 30 percent of catches in the Black Sea. Now, due to the deterioration of living conditions and negative environmental situation their number has decreased significantly, but the adaptive abilities of gobies are very high, so the fish are not threatened with extinction.

Brief description of the most common types

(based on their habitats in the CIS)

Places with a sandy, shell bottom prefer:

  • Goby-sandpiper (or grandma). Length 10-20 cm, weight up to 200 grams. It has a dense, rather short body, not very large head, at the end of the first dorsal fin there is a large black spot. The body color is light brown with large dark brown spots on the sides, sometimes black-brown. Widely distributed throughout the basin of the Black and Azov Seas, found in rivers, estuaries.
  • As well as goby-shirmai, goby-gorlach (distributed throughout the basin)

Rocky and rocky bottom prefer:

  • Goby-whip (Martovik). Length up to 35 cm, weight 300-500 grams. The body is elongated, strong, with big head. The mouth is the largest among all gobies. Distinctive feature whip is its large wide gills (in the water they are fully open; thus the whip frightens others large predators). The body is brownish, with dark spots on the sides, there are black individuals. It lives in the basins of the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas, estuaries. It feeds mainly on fish, including other gobies. In shallow waters remote from the coast (the so-called "banks") it reaches record sizes and weights (up to 50 cm and 1.5 kg, respectively)
  • Round goby (kutsak). Length up to 25 cm, weight up to 250 grams. Body elongated, compressed posteriorly, completely covered with scales. The system of channels and pores of the lateral line is well developed, especially on the head. The mouth is of moderate length, its corners do not go beyond the eyes. The body is brownish, rarely grayish with large dark spots on the sides. The head is always darker than the body, the fins are gray. It lives in the basins of the Black, Azov and Caspian seas. Found in both salt and fresh water. It rises high up the rivers, even penetrated the Moscow River and the Baltic Sea basin.
  • Goby-rotan. Length 12-30 centimeters, weight up to 250 grams. The body is elongated, with a large head and a narrow rest (therefore, the goby was nicknamed "firebrand"). Quickly adapts to new conditions, tenaciously, confidently populates both river backwaters, and lakes, and ponds, and streams, and swamps, the survival rate of fish is very high; fish - an aggressor, it is distinguished by terrible voracity. Widespread in coastal waters Crimea and the Caucasus, but is found even in fresh water.
  • Goby-head. Length 10-20 cm, weight up to 200 grams. It is distinguished by a large flattened head, an upper lip greatly expanded on the sides, an elongated conical body, thickened in front; its lower jaw is longer than the upper one, the scales are small. The body color is grayish-brown or reddish-brown, with more or less distinct dark spots, a triangular blackish spot near the tail. Distributed in the Dniester, Bug, Dnieper, Volga; found in the northwestern region of the Black Sea, in the Caspian Sea.
  • Bullhead sculpin. Length 10-30 cm, weight up to 250 grams. The only dark-bodied goby living in the Black Sea. The body is elongated, thickened; looks like a sandpiper. It has an almost black color and lives under stones. There he pulls out minks and sits, waiting for prey, sticking out only his head from under the stone.

The bottom overgrown with grass and seaweed is preferred by:

  • Grass goby (zelenchak). Length 10-25 cm, weight up to 300 grams. It has an elongated, almost identical body over the entire width. It lives in the western part of the Black Sea, Khadzhibeevsky, Tiligulsky (Odessa region) and other estuaries.

Lives on both sandy and rocky bottoms

  • Bull bull. Length 10-20 cm, weight up to 300 grams. The body is slender, roundish, very thin towards the tail. The lower jaw is longer than the upper and slightly curved upwards. The lips are narrow, the mouth is always half open and armed with small teeth. The scales are small. Body color greyish-green with dark spots. The fish hides under stones or makes holes in the sand.

Goby catching

Gobies are caught with floats, more often with bottom gear. They use the local fishing method (under the boat, near the pier, etc.) or they catch it “by pulling” (throwing the tackle at 15-30 m, slowly reel it in; the bull pursues the bait and pecks). Often they use tackle with a sliding sinker and two or three hooks, one of which touches the ground. Lure: shrimp, piece sea ​​worm or fish, including a bull, a piece of squid, meat, liver, grape snails and other animal baits. Fishing line 0.25-0.4 mm (0.6 (main) and 0.3 leashes are better for hooks), hook No. 6-10. Hooks are preferable with a long forearm - they are easier to remove from the mouth, as the bull's bite is greedy.

  • In Berdyansk, on the embankment of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, a monument to a bull-breadwinner, as well as a monument to a boy-fisherman, was erected.

see also


  • "Desk book of the angler" Smekhov A. M., Savchenko I. L., ed. "Harvest", 1988
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