How to work with a star so that it is not painfully ashamed (both for you and for her). "I don't take pictures with stars, I sleep with them." Casting director reveals behind the scenes of show business Your most characteristic feature

Interviews are one of the most rewarding types of content.

You select questions, send them to the hero, get answers, format them and print! Of course, this is a superficial scheme for creating an interview. In fact, this is an independent and vibrant content format. And in the blog, it looks very advantageous against the background of the usual articles, guides and news.

We have already prepared several materials on the topic of the interview. Now let's talk about the milestone preparing for an interview - about the questions.

Studying the hero, I want to ask him important and sharp questions at the same time. I want the interview to not be boring, banal and typical. I want the reader to swallow it, savoring every letter, every line.

And at such moments, at hand there is a lack of a selection of interview questions that can be adapted to an individual character.

Interview Questions: 60 Templates

  1. Tell us about yourself, your business.
  2. How can you describe yourself in two words?
  3. When did you decide to become _____ and why?
  4. What brought you exactly to __________?
  5. What inspired you to _________?
  6. What were the first steps?
  7. What are the pros and cons of working _______?
  8. Describe your biggest achievement and most impressive failure?
  9. Describe three of your accomplishments?
  10. Are there moments when inspiration leaves you (lose faith in yourself, in your business)?
  11. Describe your work environment?
  12. Do you plan to change _______?
  13. What are your plans in _______?
  14. What is the secret to success in _____?
  15. How did you succeed in _______?
  16. What are your favorite books (movies, meals)?
  17. What would you never do in your life?
  18. Can it be said that ______?
  19. On what basis do you ______?
  20. Did you come to this position yourself or ______?
  21. How have you changed since _______?
  22. Do you love your job (business, product, service, business)?
  23. What do you like to do in your free time?
  24. How to make ________?
  25. What advice can you give to newcomers (employees, readers)?
  26. When you are in last time _________?
  27. What interests you besides ______ and ________?
  28. How do you take a break from ____?
  29. How did you come up with the idea to organize ________?
  30. Did you do _____ on your own or with support?
  31. How often you ________?
  32. What do you think _______ is?
  33. What qualities do you think _____ should have?
  34. Are you being yourself while doing your job, or is it a PR move?
  35. What is the share of luck and luck in your project?
  36. Do you have your own motto, mission?
  37. You have already achieved a lot in your profession, has popularity changed you?
  38. How much time do you devote to ______?
  39. Why do you think such a point of view has been formed in society (in the market, in a company, on forums, on the Internet)?
  40. What was the most difficult for you?
  41. Tell me step by step what needs to be done to _________?
  42. Where to start a newbie if he wants to follow in your footsteps?
  43. What professional advice can you give to those who are just starting to develop in _______?
  44. What are the pitfalls in your field?
  45. Is it difficult to do what brings you money? What does it cost you?
  46. How did you get your first success?
  47. How do others perceive your development (work, changes)?
  48. Where are you looking for your customers (customers, buyers, investors, partners)?
  49. There is no desire to throw everything to the "damn grandmother" and start something completely new?
  50. Tell me the TOP 5 most effective tactics (tips, tricks, tricks, secrets, ways) in _______?
  51. What is your opinion on this question: ___________?
  52. Form your attitude to life (business, family, colleagues, employees) in five words?
  53. What is the main expertise of a person of your level?
  54. Was it difficult to give up _______ (free time, stability, career growth)?
  55. Are you always this open (closed, aggressive, optimistic, quick)?
  56. How would you rate yourself as _______?
  57. Did you have to professional activity overstep your principles?
  58. In any case, there are turning points. What were yours?
  59. What prevents you from living, and what helps?
  60. What are you dreaming about?

Of course, these questions are more related to personal rather than professional interviews. But in any case, each of them can lead to a chain of new ideas, which eventually turn into a full-fledged conversation script.

We combined the legendary Proust questionnaire and the questions of psychologist Arthur Aron, answering which young couples - participants in the experiment - fell in love with each other. Today, the Russian pop singer TONI answers the questions that interest everyone.

What virtues do you value the most?

What I value most in people is the passion for life. Fire in the eyes, a favorite thing to charge, with such people is always insanely interesting. Another very important qualities for me are responsiveness, purposefulness, generosity. Everything we give away is always returned, so don't skimp on the little things, especially since it's so nice.

What qualities do you value most in a man?

Metamorphoses are taking place in our society: women are trying to prove their strength and independence, and men feel bad about it. For me personally, in a man it is important to feel decisiveness, a sense of humor, intelligence, purposefulness, gallantry. Moreover, the latter is a rather rare phenomenon now! For example, I really like it when they open the car door for me. You immediately feel like a fragile princess. And most importantly, guys really like to behave this way, they just often feel embarrassed about it, they are afraid to look deliberately polite, funny. Therefore, such gestures, like any help from a man, should be appreciated and always thanked.

What qualities do you value most in a woman?

This is a question about our femininity, which we have lost. For some reason, society continues to elevate the image of an independent woman in everything, thereby dooming many to loneliness. In a woman, in my opinion, gentleness, diplomacy, kindness, love of life, unpredictability are important in order to enjoy life and charge this feeling with loved ones. And the strength of a woman - no one canceled her, but she is in victory without war, she is in beauty, fragility (which is always only an illusion and the result of great job above oneself).

In your opinion, what is the greatest achievement of your life?

Deciding to live your own life. It takes a certain amount of courage to make the decision to focus on creativity when everyone around you is building a career, when your family is worried about your future and stability. At first it looked like a big adventure, but now I can’t imagine how I could live differently. And the achievements, I hope, are still ahead, and for me, these are, first of all, my songs.

your most characteristic?

Dreaminess. My adventurism is obvious to everyone close to me. But it's nice to know that there is a team of people who believe in me and help me a lot.

What is your main weakness?

Sharpness, especially if you hit me to the quick. I can break firewood and then apologize for a long time.

If not yourself, then who would you like to be?

Gagarin. Or Brigitte Bardot. But still be sure to fly into space!

Where would you like to live?

I feel good in Russia, and I believe that we are needed where we were born. But nobody canceled trips, and I adore them!

What is your idea of ​​happiness?

The feeling of a fair wind, when you do something and feel that life seems to be helping you, is real happiness. In general, the truth is that happiness is a state of mind. It is important not to forget to be grateful for everything that we have, for every day given to us.

What do you consider the biggest misfortune?

Severe illness, loss of a loved one.

What vices do you feel most indulgent about?

For example, to extravagance, but within reasonable limits, of course, and when it stems from generosity, and not from show-off. I can also understand snobbery: for people with a head full of knowledge and with a heightened sense of beauty, it’s generally hard in this world! And also ambition, as it is hypertrophied daydreaming in action.

What do you hate, what do you hate?

I do not like cynical people: they bite, biting off other people's dreams and plans, instill self-doubt. I try to protect myself from such communication. In the same list of rudeness and cruelty. Usually these qualities appear quite rarely, in outbursts of anger, but one such situation is enough for me to draw conclusions.

Out of everyone in the world, who would you invite over for dinner?

Serge Gainsbourg. And not for lunch, but for dinner, and be sure to have a piano nearby.

Who are your favorite writers?

Now it is Henri Maurois, Somerset Maugham, Ilf and Petrov, Leonid Filatov. Their books are very helpful in improving mood. “Letters to a Stranger” by A. Maurois strongly recommend to all girls as a reference book.

What is your favorite food, drink?

Fruits. What could be tastier than a ripe peach? My favorite drink is coffee with cardamom.

What is your current state of mind?

Romantic. Spring!

What do you value most in friends?

Support with advice, a view from the outside. I am a suspicious person and often ask for advice from relatives, and it seems to me that sometimes this drives them to despair!

What does friendship mean to you?

Of course, this is help - both in word and deed, emotional hugs in any situation. And it’s also to visit, walk and chat about anything and everything, watch a movie, experience some important and unimportant events together, dress up and discuss the boys.

What ability would you like to have (if you were superman)? Teleport. The road takes a lot of time. And I really hope that I will still live to see the day when this will be a reality, and not a superpower!

Before making a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say?

Yes, I like to outline what I want to say, otherwise I'll forget half of it.

When was the last time you sang by yourself?

15 minutes ago. I'm generally with a song in life.

For what in your life are you most grateful?

For supporting my family no matter what. It's actually not as natural as it might seem. And also for significant meetings with important people for me, for the very fair wind.

What role do love and affection play in your life?


How close are your family members? Do you think your childhood was happier than most other people's?

Yes, I'm very lucky - I have a big one, a strong family. Childhood was not easy, but very interesting and definitely happy. I studied languages, studied music a lot and dreamed of throwing a piano out the window. She was also involved in pentathlon (swimming, running, fencing, shooting, equestrianism). All this required great discipline and often left no free time at all. But now, of course, I am grateful to my parents for this amazing experience, which, of course, shaped both my character and worldview.

What is your motto?

This energy would be for the good of the motherland!

What can you imagine your handbag and wardrobe without?

Handbag - no lip balm, wardrobe - no hat.

What is your main secret beauty?

Inner harmony and love for life. As well as healthy food and healthy sleep.

What would you like to protect your children from?

From violence and disease. My dream is that all children be protected from this.

Interested in the latest trends in interviewing candidates? Or maybe you are thinking how you can use the old approaches on new way? According to Lynn Sarikas, director of the MBA program at the US Northeastern University School of Business, there are now more and more more companies ask candidates during the interview very unusual questions, considering them as an important part of the interview process.

The interview questions once offered by Microsoft have long since become legend. Among them were: How many golf balls will fit in a Boeing 747? Why is the sewer manhole round? And so on. However, Microsoft seems to have moved away from puzzle questions a little, at least when interviewing programmers. Now for developers software During an interview in a company, it is increasingly being asked to solve various (often very complex) professional tasks using a whiteboard and markers, paper and pencil, and a laptop.

But other employers have also begun to use unusual questions when interviewing their candidates, albeit for very different reasons, not so much to select the smartest ones, but to find the most suitable candidates. The fact is that now there is a huge amount of recommendations and advice for job seekers. This is a whole industry that is developing at an unprecedented pace. As a result, each candidate knows very well that he should prepare at least brief answers in advance for the standard questions that are asked most often. Some questions that were once considered "highlights" have long been accepted as standard. For example, they might include asking you to name your strengths and weaknesses, or asking you to explain why the applicant considers himself the best candidate for the position in question.

Interviewers use unusual interview questions in order to give the candidate an opportunity to open up, to show their true qualities. In addition, it allows you to understand how the candidate reacts to unexpected questions or unforeseen turn of events. Most non-standard questions do not have right or wrong answers, but they provide an opportunity, according to Lynn Sarikas, "to demonstrate the speed of thinking, your self-control, creativity, and also a sense of humor."

According to her, “interviewers are trying to look at the candidate in an unrehearsed situation, to understand how he behaves when he does not feel secure enough. It is impossible to prepare for such strange, out of the ordinary questions, so the interviewer has the opportunity to observe how the candidate reacts to unexpected difficulties, how he or she gathers his thoughts. In addition, some interviewers ask "crazy" questions to get a better idea of ​​the candidate's thinking process... They want to see how he thinks about unusual questions.

Really difficult non-standard interview questions

According to Lynn Sarikas, it is usually enough to ask one or two such questions during an interview. It will give enough additional information about the candidate, will allow you to assess the ability of the candidate not to get lost in a difficult situation and to understand how he will be able to fit into the culture of your organization.

    If you were a character in a book (cartoon, fairy tale, etc. - the interviewer chooses the option based on the situation), then what character would it be?

    If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see in the lead role?

    If you could be a superhero, what powers would you have?

    Suppose someone wrote a biography about you. How do you think it will be titled?

    Suppose that you are shipwrecked and ended up on a desert island, but you have everything you need for life (water, food). What other two things would you like to have with you?

    Suppose you have six months, absolutely free from any obligations and financial restrictions. How would you spend this time?

    Suppose you find out that you only have six months to live. How would you spend them?

    If you could have dinner with any famous historical figure, who would it be and why?

    If you were something edible, what would it be?

    If you won $20 million on the lottery, what would you do with that money?

    If you were a salad, what kind of dressing or dressing would it contain? Why?

    How would you rate my level as an interviewer?

    If you were a car, what brand would it be? What type (truck, car, etc.)? Why?

    Who do you admire the most and why?

    What would be the headline of a news story about you and your life?

« Behavioral interview questions

Simply put, "behavioral" questions ask how the candidate handled some similar situations in the past. Of course, they won't force the candidate to look into a magical crystal ball, and they won't be able to accurately predict his future behavior in any given situation. L. Sarikas suggests using such questions in order to in general terms understand the behavioral style of the candidate. Below are questions prepared by Susan Heathfield:

    Describe a situation in which you had a serious risk in your professional field. What was the result?

    Tell me about a time when colleagues disagreed with your proposed course of action. Have you tried to convince them that you are right? If yes, how did you do it? And what happened in the end?

    Describe a situation where you had to successfully work in a team to achieve some goal, while having limited time and budget, and in the end you achieved what you wanted. What was your role? What has this experience taught you?

    Describe a situation where you had to work in a team to achieve some goal, while having limited time and budget, but at the same time your team did not achieve the desired result. What was your role? What has this experience taught you?

    How would your last boss describe you? Are your colleagues from your last job? What would they point out as your strongest trait? What is your weakness?

    Describe some difficult problem that you had to solve, and tell me step by step exactly how you solved it.

    Remember some really difficult situation from your past experience that you were able to resolve by coming up with a non-standard solution. Tell us about this situation.

    Describe a situation when you happened to work together with colleagues, and in the process there was some kind of conflict with your participation. Describe how you perceived this conflict, what actions did you take? What efforts helped to resolve the situation, and what did not? Did you somehow overcome the consequences of the conflict then? How?

    Describe a situation from your past experience in which, as you now understand, you should have behaved differently.

    Tell us how you tried to achieve any major goal. What obstacles did you encounter along the way? What have you done to overcome them?

    Describe the most stressful situation where you have ever been. How did it all end (in general and for you personally)?

    Tell me about a time when you had to convince someone, to persuade other people to your point of view. Have you been able to achieve this? How? What did it lead to in the end?

Including a few of these “behavioral” questions in your interview will help you get the information that is important to your hiring decision. If you add a couple more from the list of non-standard questions to them, then there will be more than enough information to think about the interviewed candidate. Both approaches can be used to successfully select candidates. You should only observe the measure and not fill the interview entirely with non-standard and “behavioral” questions.

It's not so much the quantity that matters. questions asked, but the quantity and quality of the resulting information. Often, with the right interview and the right topics, even a couple of these problematic questions will be more than enough. Conversely, a dozen monosyllabic answers may indicate not so much a candidate's shortcomings as an incorrectly structured interview. Keep this in mind, and - good use!

With a star more than traditional.

Daria Arkharova, CEO Communications agency The Marketing Arm, told how to properly build work with the stars in order to avoid force majeure.

Risk 1. The star may refuse to work with you before the conclusion of the contract

Celebrities - creative personalities who find it difficult to control their schedules and engage in . While the contract has not been signed, the star can change his mind about participating or refusing your project at any time.

It is good if she has a manager or agent who solves these issues and helps with planning. But, unfortunately, this is not yet the norm in our market: many do not understand why they need official representative. Often, contracts are broken due to the fact that celebrities incorrectly evaluate their employment and do not take into account the obligations already assumed.

  • Advice. Never bet on just one star. You should always have at least two celebrities on the shortlist. And only at the time of signing the contract to decide with whom to go further. This is a very important principle that will help you not to be left with nothing.

Risk 2. The star can change the image

When we talk about a famous person, we usually imagine his image. This is one of the main criteria by which celebrities are usually selected for certain projects.

We look at how the star looks in photos and videos in different media, and choose her. It would seem that everything is fine. But suddenly, before signing the contract, it turns out that our candidate changed his image: he dyed his hair blue, shaved, put on weight, began to wear glasses and aggressively preach Buddhism on social networks ... In general, in the new image he became completely unrecognizable. And the contract, accordingly, is again under threat.

  • Advice. Always ask for up-to-date celebrity photos before signing a contract, and also stipulate in it all questions related to the appearance of the star for the period of cooperation.

Risk 3. The star can disrupt the shooting

The contract has been signed, and you are already fully prepared to implement your plan: the equipment, the work of the film crew and the director have been paid for. But it may happen that your celebrity will forget about filming and other agreements with you.

For example, he will start filming on a TV channel in some project whose deadlines coincided with yours. All this is fraught with large financial losses.

  • Advice. When drawing up a contract, you should always take into account such risks and think in advance about actions in case of a sudden breakdown in cooperation. And when the contract is signed and it's time to go to the shooting, you need not only to agree in advance with the star on the date, but also to constantly keep your finger on the pulse.

Risk 4. A celebrity can harm a brand's reputation

This is the case with very high risk, which cannot be avoided, because no one is able to control the life of celebrities every second. Suffice it to recall one famous football player who advertised the popular sports brand, and in Everyday life, as it turned out, was wearing the clothes of his competitor. Or the star advertising hair dye, and who said in an interview that she prefers to use another.

  • Advice. It is necessary to add clauses to the contract, according to which the celebrity has no right to use the products of competitors and make any statements that discredit the brand. At the same time, you need to understand that the reputational damage caused to the brand is always greater than any monetary compensation. In such cases, it is necessary to have a crisis scenario in reserve.

Risks in sports celebrity marketing

Contracts of athletes with sports federations

Each athlete has a contract with the sports federation, according to which he is obliged to approve all personal agreements outside of professional activities. Therefore, in the early stages it will be necessary to negotiate not only with celebrities, but also with the federation itself.

To clarify all the details, you will have to meet with lawyers from both sides. This can be a lengthy process, so it's worth putting some extra time into it when scheduling work. I am sure that no one wants to be in such a situation: the deadlines are running out, and you are still bogged down in legal nuances and are not engaged in a project, but in postponing endless meetings with lawyers.

People don't know their heroes

Just starting to develop in Russia. And it develops in a situation where athletes are not our stars. It's paradoxical, but true. This makes it very difficult to pitch celebrity athletes to brands.

Yes, it may be a three-time world champion in weightlifting, but no one will recognize him on billboards - you can just as well buy an image on a photo stock.

Powerful media stories help here.

  • Case. How we chose Yulia Efimova for the brand, a multiple world and European champion in swimming.

The decision on its admission to participation in Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro was taken in the last minutes, but despite the stress and the whistle of the stands, Yulia performed brilliantly and won two silver medals. This story inspired the whole country.

I literally dreamed of working with her and was incredibly happy when Orbit chose Yulia for their video. She became the ideal candidate who got into positioning perfectly, supported the brand and was able to inspire it.

Alexey Fedorov, creative director agencies BBDO Moscow

Initially, we did not have the task of attracting to the campaign famous person. It was important for us to show the turning point at which self-confidence becomes decisive. Our campaign is based on real story Julia, therefore, when we offered her cooperation, we got an agreement pretty quickly.

On the film set we were once again convinced that the ability to get together at the right time and give everything to the maximum is characteristic of Yulia not only in sports life but also in everything she undertakes to do. And her positive attitude to life and her infectious laughter conquered not only us, but the entire film crew

Rules for working with stars

Let's summarize and formulate the basic rules that should be followed when working with stars:

  • You must have at least two celebrities on the shortlist.
  • When drawing up a contract, it is important to take into account that the star may become unrecognizable in a new image.
  • Think in advance about your actions if there is a sudden disruption of filming.
  • Have a crisis scenario in reserve in case of reputational risks.
  • Carefully plan the timing and, if necessary, allocate more time for the project.
  • Check if the star has contracts that directly or indirectly conflict with yours.
  • Follow high-profile media stories.
  • Find a competent agency for the correct drafting of the contract, taking into account all the nuances.

I always wanted to work with the "stars", although I am completely devoid of fanaticism. For the same reason, I never ask famous people to take a souvenir photo, especially with whom I work. On this topic, I like to joke like this - “I don’t take pictures with the stars, I sleep with them.”

For the first time I tried myself as an artist accompaniment manager, being a PR manager on the radio "Maximum". I was then asked to help organize the concert of "Gogol Bordello", "Flammable Orchestra" and "Tear the Furs of the Orchestra". It was funny - a thin girl of 23 years old was a pioneer leader for 19 unshaven men for three days. She woke up, fed, drove, accompanied and controlled so that no one got drunk. Strange, but everyone treated me with respect and unquestioningly obeyed. Two trumpeters even fell in love with me. They vied with each other courting and jealous.

More than 10 years have passed since then. Now they call me Lena Pension Fund", because my favorites, with whom I communicate well, are people" over fifty "- Yarmolnik, Syutkin and Boyarsky.

How Mazaev "in numbers" lured

She worked as an event manager for six years. Over the years, she has brought many artists to Yekaterinburg for various events - from weddings to private luxury presentations. The first were "Mumiy Troll" and " moral code". I will never forget how, after the performance, I brought Sergey Mazaev to the hotel. Mazaev, a charismatic heartthrob, says to me so tiredly and yawning: “Helen, I have very little time, I have to get up early tomorrow, let's go already!” I was shocked, but in a steely voice I answered: “ Goodnight, Sergey, tomorrow at 6 I'll wait for you in the hotel lobby "- and left.

The most difficult for all the years of work in Yekaterinburg was Svetlana Loboda, who spoke at the opening of the "New Radio". She's had enough problems. Either I’m not in the mood, or “I won’t come to the radio,” or “I won’t go on stage without a smoke machine of such and such a brand.” She sings that she is a "superstar" and acts "superstar". Bodyguard Nikolai, before handing her flowers to the dressing room, carefully examines each bouquet. Probably looking for a bug. Only he opens the wine, he sniffs. Perhaps he thinks that they want to poison Loboda.

How the boy was caught in the forest

Now I live in Moscow and work as a casting director at the Red Pepper Film agency of Danila Golovanov. I select actors for movies, commercials and clips. Looking for new faces in Moscow theaters social networks, TV shows, serials, advertising and cinema. I can approach a person in the subway, cafe, on the street, take a picture and take a phone number. For me, this is normal.

One day we were filming a series pilot in the woods, and we urgently needed a cute boy about ten years old. There was nowhere to look, and there was no time. While I was thinking what to do, two guys on bikes drove by. I stopped the boys, showed one to the director, he approved. She asked the boy to call his mother and say that he would be late. We gave him a role and 500 rubles. The child was happy. Me too.

It is much more difficult with those who are already successful and famous. They need their own keys and approaches. Therefore, I read a lot of press, including the one that you will never take into your hands, calling it yellow. I follow the personal lives of artists, I know who got married, divorced, gave birth, moved to another theater and so on. I have to be on the same wavelength with the artist and be able to maintain a conversation somewhere, and somewhere to remain silent, bypassing a delicate topic.

The most difficult thing is to find a personal contact. For some reason, agents often decide for their ward. There was a case when the representative decided that the role was not interesting for the actor, and refused. I found this person on FB, wrote, threw off the script, and he played with great pleasure in the pilot of the series leading role.

How to promote Petya Skvortsova on the phone

Directors trust me to conduct casting because I have developed the talents of a psychologist, journalist, salesman and interviewer. There is no way without this: I have to talk to the artist, play the necessary scene with him, take a business card and politely refuse. I have to refuse often, but I already have immunity.

On average, it takes 2-3 days to find a hero. I invite 10-15 actors, I interview, we read the text by roles. All this I shoot, photograph and send to the director for approval. Often, if I really like someone, I can convince the director that this is the person we need.

The work of a casting director implies the absence of fear and embarrassment. Once I urgently needed personal number actor Petya Skvortsov ( the protagonist Serebrennikov's film "The Apprentice"). I cut off all the phones, knocked on everything closed doors, but there was no result ... And now I’m going home wearily and I see Skvortsov on bus stop. Petya is wearing headphones, learning the role and saying the lines aloud. God, what happiness, I thought, came up and asked for his number. Too bad we didn't get to work. But I do have his phone number.

To stumble upon a famous person on the street is still a rarity. As a rule, projects are discussed in restaurants at Patriarch's Ponds. Although there are exceptions. Once Mikhail Boyarsky made an appointment at the Petrovsky Travel Palace, where everything inside is in the entourage of the film “Midshipmen, forward!”. We sat huddled in beautiful carved chairs and waited for him to ride into the hall on a horse with a sword at the ready. But no - from the surroundings of the palace there was only a hat.

As a fan of Andrey Zvyagintsev

Part of the job of a casting director is to exceed expectations. The artist whom I accompany will not have time to think what he wants - he will already have it. Whether it's a chauffeur-driven car, cigarettes, a veggie salad, or warm alpaca socks.

Actor Kirill Kyaro conquered me with his simplicity. He is so unpretentious, positive and smiling that it is a pleasure to work. The lack of requirements in the rider - with the exception of the smoking room - conquered Alexei Serebryakov. He generally responds to any “would you like something?” answered in the negative.

For 7 years of work I have worked with many famous personalities- from Meladze to Sobchak. The only star with whom I felt like a terrible fan was Andrey Zvyagintsev. It was at the airport. I approached and said that I wanted to work with him. I wanted to fail. Both were embarrassed. He gave his mail and said to write to him in 1.5 years. I am waiting.

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