Pickled tomatoes in a pot of cold water. Pickled tomatoes in a bowl

Fruits that are not ripe before the end of summer can be rolled up for the winter and cooked from them savory dishes. It is easy to pickle them at home using improvised means. The most popular recipes detail how to pickle green tomatoes in a saucepan. If you strictly follow the recipe, you can cook an original snack from simple ingredients.

Pros and cons of salting green vegetables in a saucepan

In the villages, they usually pickle the crop in barrels and keep them in the cellar. It is difficult for a city dweller to cope with this task, so one should proceed from the conditions of the apartment. You can easily pickle unripe fruits using a regular saucepan. This method has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of such salting include:

  • ease of preparation: even a novice hostess will cope with the work;
  • variety of recipes;
  • speed of preparation: pickles will be ready in a couple of weeks, and according to some recipes - in a few hours;
  • rich taste and aroma, like barrel blanks;
  • method cold salting saves everything beneficial features harvest.

Of the minuses, one can single out the fact that such pickles are stored only in a cool place. If there are a lot of them, then it is necessary to equip a suitable room.

How to salt green tomatoes in a saucepan

You can salt the crop in any container different ways with the desired set of ingredients. If preference is given to spicy dishes, add pepper, if spicy - garlic and dill. Following each of the proposed recipes for green salted tomatoes in a saucepan, you need to prepare a brine and choose vegetables. Fruits are chosen whole, preferably with a yellow barrel. They should be elastic, without the formation of a dent when pressed. If there is damage or cracks, they are cut out.

Vegetables are chosen not very green, the color is closer to yellow: they have less corned beef (harmful acid). You don't have to pre-soak them. If only dark, deep emerald-colored fruits are available, then you need to use the recipe with vinegar - it neutralizes corned beef well.

Important! Under the influence of boiling, soaking and vinegar, corned beef disappears.

The cooking algorithm in each recipe is as follows:

  1. Vegetables are thoroughly washed, sorted, fruits with rot and damage are rejected.
  2. A brine is prepared from the amount of water, salt, vinegar, and spices indicated in the recipe.
  3. Prepare other ingredients that are used for salting, choose the best ones, wash them, chop or grate them, depending on the recipe.
  4. All the ingredients are laid out in layers, alternating, poured with brine, left warm for several days.

They will roam for about 3-5 days. After the expiration date, pickled fruits can be tasted.

Important! Store prepared pickles in the refrigerator.

Recipes for pickling green tomatoes in a saucepan

There are many ways to pickle semi-ripe vegetables. You can use at home the most proven and popular.

Experienced housewives salt the autumn harvest according to the following recipes:

  • salting green tomatoes in a cold way in a saucepan;
  • fermentation;
  • salting by a quick method;
  • dry method, no brine.

You can prepare pickles by any of the proposed options.

Important! Green tomatoes will be sourer than red tomatoes and have a more spicy and pungent taste.

How to pickle green tomatoes in a pan quickly

This appetizer will be ready in just 2 hours. For salted green tomatoes fast food in the pan you will need: a large head of garlic, a bunch of dill.

Prepare spices:

  • 5 st. l. salt;
  • a glass (250 ml) of table vinegar;
  • 1 liter of water.

The ingredients in the recipe are for 1 kg of tomatoes.

To pickle the crop, first of all, prepare the marinade: boil water, stir with salt, remove from heat, pour in vinegar.

Important! When quickly salting green tomatoes in a saucepan, vegetables with spicy dressing are poured only with boiling brine. This will neutralize the corned beef.

How to cold pickle green tomatoes in a saucepan

Even a novice hostess can handle this method of salting - it does not require special knowledge and skills. Cold-prepared pickles should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

The recipe is for 2 kg of fruit. For cold pickling of green tomatoes in a saucepan, you need to prepare the following spices:

  • hot capsicum - 5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • dill, parsley - 1 bunch each;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp.

In tomatoes, small punctures are made with a fork near the stalk and salted as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the container spread half the greens and garlic cloves cut in half. Unripe fruits are laid on top in one layer.
  2. Red pepper is crushed on them.
  3. Layers are repeated.
  4. Salt is dissolved in chilled boiled water and the brine is poured into a container with vegetables.

Pickles are left at room temperature for a week. After 7 days, a sample is taken, if the pickling of the tomatoes did not work out well, you can let them wander for a few more days. After they are laid out in clean jars and put in the refrigerator.

Salted green tomatoes in a pot, like barrel

Vegetables pickled in this way are sharp and spicy, they cannot be distinguished from barrel ones in taste. The whole secret is in the ingredients.

To pickle 2 kg of fruit, take a 3-liter wide container.

Required Ingredients:

  • garlic - 1 small head;
  • 1 big leaf horseradish;
  • 2 pcs. dill umbrellas and currant leaves;
  • vinegar and sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.

Prepare the dish as follows:

  1. Green leaves are placed at the bottom of the prepared container.
  2. On the fruits, cuts are made crosswise in the region of the stalk, they are tightly laid in a second layer.
  3. Sprinkle them with sugar and salt, pour cold boiled water, oppression is installed from above.

Salted products according to this recipe for about a week at room temperature. They will be ready in 7 days. Pickled green tomatoes, salted in a saucepan, are distributed in containers and put in the refrigerator for storage.

Pickling green tomatoes in a pot without water

According to this recipe, pickles are cooked from 2 to 3 days. The brine is not used, the tomatoes are pickled in the juice that is released during the cooking process.

The following ingredients are required:

  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • a few green leaves: cabbage, cherries, horseradish;
  • dill umbrella;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tsp

Half-ripe tomatoes are pricked with a fork and laid out in a single layer in a saucepan. The salting algorithm is as follows:

  1. The second layer spread all the greens.
  2. Sprinkle the layers with salt and sugar.
  3. Vegetables with herbs are covered with cabbage leaves.
  4. Gauze is placed on top of the leaves, and a 3-liter jar filled with water is placed on it. It will turn out oppression, which will stimulate the release of juice from vegetables, salt and other spices will penetrate deeper into the pulp. This will help to pickle the fruit qualitatively without brine.

After a day, pickled vegetables will release juice. You can store them in the refrigerator. This is the easiest way to pickle green tomatoes in a saucepan.

Terms and conditions of storage

Pickles without heat treatment stored in a refrigerator or cellar for no more than 6 months. If the brine begins to become cloudy and moldy, it is drained, and the pickled vegetables are placed in clean jars. Do not fill them with fresh brine. If the banks close nylon lids, pickles will not be lost.

If there are a lot of vegetables, the entire crop will not fit in the refrigerator, it can be rolled up for long-term storage. To do this, the fruits are poured with boiling brine for 15 minutes, then it is drained, boiled again and the vegetables in the jar are poured again. Pre-containers should be sterilized, as well as lids for twists.

The second brine is not drained, but the jars are closed with it. Turn them upside down and wrap them up. After 12 hours, the blanks can be cleaned in the pantry. Fruits pickled in this way can be stored in a dark, cool place for up to 2 years.


The proposed recipes describe in detail how to pickle green tomatoes in a saucepan. With the help of these tips, you can save an unripe late harvest and diversify your winter diet. With proper preparation, pickles are spicy, sharp with a piquant spiciness.

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Salted tomatoes in a bowl- This is a modern version of the traditional pickling of vegetables in wooden barrels and tubs. Now you can’t find wooden containers, and in a city apartment there is hardly a place to put them, so the housewives came up with a unique recipe for how to prepare them in a saucepan. Most often, it is green fruits that are salted in this way, but we offer you a rare recipe for salting red tomatoes, which will appeal to you because of its simplicity.

modern recipe, how to cook pickled tomatoes in a pan, has a number of differences from the classic, because the fruits remained in barrels throughout the winter, from there they were taken out before serving. It will not be possible to store pickles in an enameled container for so long, therefore, they are eventually laid out in jars. In this form, they will be stored for several seasons.

For cooking, we need a large enameled pan and a lid of the same diameter. Tomatoes should be taken medium-sized, ripe with dense pulp, without damage. From herbs and spices, we will take dill sprigs and umbrellas, garlic, horseradish root, cherry and currant leaves, spicy pepper and salt.

Before starting the cooking process, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the pan, you can use soda, then pour boiling water over it, so that all bactericidal organisms will definitely die.

Also carefully wash the tomatoes, remove the stalks. Peel off the garlic cloves. If you want to get savory pickles, then it is better to increase the amount of garlic.

At the bottom of the container, you need to lay out about half of the prepared greens, lay red fruits on top. If their size is not the same, then large ones should be placed down, and smaller ones on top, otherwise small fruits will be flattened under the weight of large tomatoes. At the end, the saucepan must be shaken so that they lie down more densely, so more vegetables can fit into one container.

At the end there will be a layer of greens - currants, dill, horseradish, you can add basil and mint, because salted tomatoes in a saucepan recipe can be supplemented with different spices at your discretion. Top cover the last green layer with a plate of more or less suitable diameter.

Next, you can start preparing the brine. There are no tricks here, but only salt and water are needed. Water should be brought to a boil, and the grains should be completely dissolved in it, and boil for a few more minutes. For 5 liters of liquid, you need to take 350 g of salt. Hot brine must be poured into the pan, this must be done on top of the plate so that the liquid reaches the edges. Then close the lid.

Tomatoes will be ready in a month, but it passes faster, and in two weeks you can try delicious pickles. Further, it is desirable to decompose them into sterilized jars (cold) and close with rubber lids. It must be stored in a cold place, whether it is a cellar or a refrigerator. Although in an enameled container they lie until spring.

In the same way, you can harvest with mustard and cabbage. All these recipes will allow you to cook only the most delicious home preservation for your family. Salted tomatoes in a saucepan, recipe with photo will tell you all the details of their preparation, will be a great addition to a family lunch or a gala dinner.

Pickled tomatoes in a pot of cold water will ferment for about a week, so this recipe is not a quick one. But if you like vigorous, well-salted tomatoes with a sour pickle inside, it's worth the wait, because they will turn out just like that. For fermentation, select only dense tomatoes, elastic, without damage. If the skin is damaged, then it is better to leave such specimens for other recipes, because during the fermentation process the skin will burst even more and all the delicious brine will flow out of the tomato. Choose the variety of your choice. Tomatoes are suitable both with thin skins, and with denser, fleshy ones. The first ones will soak in the brine faster, thick-skinned tomatoes will ferment for several days longer. These are very tasty.


- tomatoes - 1 kg.;
- water - 1.5 liters;
- salt - 2 tbsp. with a slide;
- peppercorns (allspice) - 8-10 pcs.;
- Bay leaf- 2 pcs;
- umbrellas and stalks of dried dill;
- fresh dill, parsley - 5-6 branches each;
- white mustard seeds - 0.5 tsp

For canning tomatoes use fresh dill, parsley or celery - choose to your taste. Be sure to add a few umbrellas of dried dill with seeds, and break the dry stems into pieces.

From spices and spices you will need allspice (Jamaican) and black peas, mustard seeds and bay leaf.

At the bottom of a wide saucepan we put a spicy bouquet of greens, break the lavrushka, pour mustard and pepper.

On a pillow of greens and spices, lay out the washed tomatoes without stalks. We make enough layers to fill almost to the top. If the container is deep, we layer every two or three layers of tomatoes with greens.

From above we close the tomatoes with the same set of spicy seasonings as they put on the bottom. You can add a few cloves of garlic, cut into plates or hot pepper rings.

We heat up the water a little. Add coarse salt, stir. If sediment remains at the bottom, filter the water through several layers of gauze or carefully pour it into another container.

Pour the brine into the pot with the tomatoes. You may need more brine, then prepare one or two more servings with the same proportions of water and salt.

After 4-5 days, you can rearrange the tomatoes in the refrigerator or take them out to the basement. But first try - if they are ready for your taste, put in the cold. If you think that you have not yet gained salt, leave it for another two or three days. The tomatoes will be completely salted in about two weeks. Bon appetit!

Pickled tomatoes are one of the most popular preparations for the winter. They are a great substitute tomato paste, ketchup and tomato dressing when preparing various dishes.

Salted tomatoes can also be served as an independent snack.

Hot salting requires a lot of time and skill: jars must be carefully sterilized and rolled up, the brine may become cloudy, and the jars may explode.

The ideal option quick salting cold seaming of tomatoes appears.

Benefits of cold salting

The cold way of pickling tomatoes has a lot pros:

  • Pickles are much tastier than when seaming in other ways;
  • Less loss of vitamins from tomatoes (due to lack of heat treatment);
  • Doesn't take much time.
  • Easy salting technology;
  • No need to boil water for brine;
  • Tomatoes can be consumed as early as three weeks after pickling;
  • Blanks can be produced in any containers (including sterilized jars);

The disadvantage of this method is that all containers with pickles must be stored in a cool place, otherwise the tomatoes will deteriorate.

Preparing for salting

To begin with, we will select the tomatoes that we will salt:

  • Tomatoes must be of the same degree of maturity (you can not take green, pink and red tomatoes for one container);
  • There should be no signs of rotting and mold on the fruits;
  • Tomatoes should not be beaten and soft;
  • Do not take tomatoes for pickling that have damage - cuts and punctures.

All tomatoes must be separated from the stalks, rinse well, dry with a soft towel and make a neat puncture next to the stalk (so that the skin of the tomatoes does not crack when stored in brine).

First, choose tomatoes of approximately the same size. When the same tomatoes run out, you can pickle tomatoes of different sizes in one container.

Next, we prepare container, in which we will produce salting:

  • If we use jars, they should be washed thoroughly (preferably with detergent) and sterilize. For this we keep glass container over water vapor for 3-5 minutes, then set to cool, covering them with a clean towel;
  • Containers made of other materials should be Rinse(using detergents);
  • used for pickling container maybe with defects, because we will not need to roll it up.

Then choose salt. For pickles, the following types of salt are used:

  • Iodized. Rich in iodine, sometimes gives a slight bitterness;
  • Marine. It is rich in various trace elements, but if magnesium is removed from it, then this is ordinary table salt;
  • Black. Rich in potassium, useful for the human body;
  • Hyponatrium. Salt for hypertensive patients, because it uses potassium and magnesium salts. This prevents fluid retention and increased blood pressure.

Note! To get delicious salted tomatoes, it is recommended to use only coarse salt.


1. Cold pickling of tomatoes

Products, needed for salting:

  • tomatoes- 2 kg;
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 dessert spoon;
  • Salt- 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar- 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic- 1 large head or 2 small ones;
  • – 2 umbrellas;
  • Greens leaves hell. You can take currant leaves (white) or

Step 1. We prepare the container for salting.

Step 2 Preparing the tomatoes. Be sure to make a hole!

Step 3 We lay the leaves of plants at the bottom of the container so that they completely hide it. Next, lay out the dill umbrellas.

Step 4 Fill the container with tomatoes. We stack the tomatoes tightly to each other. You need to make sure that the tomatoes are not crumpled and not damaged. It is advisable to put the tomatoes with punctures up. Laying out layers, you need to cover them with leaves and add chopped garlic cloves. Leave about 5-7 cm of free space on top.

Step 5 Pour salt, sugar and vinegar into the container. Pour the tomatoes with boiled cold water.

Products, needed for salting:

  • tomatoes- 2 kg;
  • Salt- 150 g;
  • Sugar- 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic- 1 large head;
  • Dill- 1 umbrella;
  • lava leaf- 3-4 pieces;
  • Celery;
  • Carnation dried;
  • Mustard seeds or dried mustard- 3 tablespoons;
  • Green leaves fuck or root.

Step 1. Preparing container.

Step 2 Processing tomatoes. Delete stalks, wash the tomatoes under running water and make puncture next to the place from the stalk.

Step 3 Posting spices to the bottom of the container.

Step 4 Lay out in layers tomatoes. Put the spices between the layers. We leave about 2-5 centimeters of free space.

Step 5 Cooking brine. In water (2 liters), add salt, sugar and the remaining spices. Pour the resulting brine into a container with tomatoes. It is not necessary to prepare the brine separately. You can simply pour salt, sugar, spices into a container and pour it with cold boiled water.

Step 6 Making mustard cork to prevent rotting and mold on tomatoes. Fold up 3 times gauze(bandage) and cover the surface of the tomatoes folded in a container. We leave gauze at the edges in a double or triple size of the neck of the container. We fall asleep mustard powder or mustard seeds on cheesecloth so that all the tomatoes are closed. We cover the mustard with hanging edges from above. We close the container with a lid.

3. Cold pickling green tomatoes

Products, needed for salting:

  • tomatoes- 2 kg;
  • Salt without additives, coarse grinding - 3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar- 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic- 1 head;
  • Dill– 3 umbrellas;
  • mustard powder;
  • Greens leaves horseradish, currants (red, white, black) or cherries.

Step 1. We prepare the container.

Step 2 Tomatoes are processed (washed, peeled from the stalks). We make a puncture next to the hole for the stem.

Step 3 At the bottom of the container lay out the leaves of horseradish (currant, cherry).

Step 4 Lay out green tomatoes in layers, alternating them with spices.

Step 5 I'm preparing the brine. In 2 liters boiled water dissolve the salt. You can add a couple of bay leaves.

Step 6 Pour the brine into a container with tomatoes. Salt sediment is not poured!

Step 7 falling asleep mustard powder container neck. Close the container with lids scalded with boiling water.

4. Salting tomatoes in a dry cold way

Dry salting is usually carried out in wooden tubs. Tomatoes are infused under a wooden press(lid), so they are crumpled.

  • tomatoes- 2 kg;
  • Salt- standard kilogram pack;
  • Dill- 1 umbrella and a handful of dried dill;
  • Greens leaves horseradish, cherries and currants.

Step 1. We prepare the container.

Step 2 We process tomatoes: wash, separate the stalks, pierce with a fork.

Step 3 We cover the bottom of the tub with leaves and dill.

Step 4 Lay out the tomatoes. Sprinkle each layer generously with salt. Salt consumption depends on taste preferences.

Step 5 We lay the leaves of currant, cherry and horseradish. They should cover the entire last layer of tomatoes.

Step 6 We close the leaves with a wooden circle and put the load.

Step 7 We insist tomatoes in a warm place during the day.

Important! Cold pickling is produced in any container, but if tomatoes are used for storage glass jars, then it is still better to sterilize them.

Recipe cold salting is basically the same, differ only additional Ingredients. The taste of pickled tomatoes depends only on your fantasy.
Ingredients, which are added to salting:

  • Aspirin. It gives tomatoes a special taste;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Table vinegar, grape or apple;
  • Dry dill;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Pepper peas;
  • Celery;
  • Tarragon;
  • Any spices, herbs and seasonings.

Blank storage

Harvested salted tomatoes should be stored in a cold or cool

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