Catfish eat people facts. Catfish is the largest freshwater predator. Mysterious death of people

Lipetsk monster

One such water monster showed up some time ago in the waters of the Lipetsk Sea (a large local reservoir). According to the stories of many eyewitnesses, it really was a real monster of incredible size. It ruled in this reservoir with complete impunity and brazenly: it devoured the local game, domestic animals, including dogs. And once a local resident Evgenia Mulemina brought her pet to the water - a piglet named Yasha. He began to swim, because he loved to splash in the water. According to the woman, this time Yasha did not want to go ashore. Then she began to approach him to take the pig out of the water. And at that moment, right in front of her, something huge with a splash emerged for a moment to the surface and immediately grabbed the pig. Yashka squealed and disappeared with the monster under the water.

In general, the monster did real atrocities. Once in the summer at night, high school students came to the shore of the Lipetsk reservoir. And then everyone went into the water to swim. One of them, named Alexander, sailed farther than the others. At some point, the water next to him went in waves, and the young man felt a strong blow to his thigh. He immediately swam to shore. And when he went to land, he saw a bloody wound on his leg.

One of the local fishermen had a chance to observe the water monster somehow. Semyon Lvov (that's his name) went fishing one morning, as usual, but that day something didn't bite at all. It seemed to the man that all the fish were hiding, as if frightened by something. He, of course, heard the stories of people that in these places they saw a terrible water giant, but he did not take it seriously. The fisherman continued to watch the float. At some point, he drew attention to a huge dark shape gliding through the water about fifteen meters from the shore. Suddenly, it rose above the water with its entire huge body, splashing water around it, and immediately dived back and disappeared into the depths. The fisherman stood for some time in a daze from what he saw, and when he came to his senses, he realized that, most likely, it was a giant catfish. The size of his body was indeed unbelievable. According to Semyon, the fish was about ten meters long.

Repeatedly attempts were made to catch and neutralize the dangerous aquatic inhabitant of the Lipetsk reservoir, but all was in vain. One amateur photographer managed to catch a waterfowl monster in the lens. He even thought he had filmed a small whale. When the researchers analyzed his pictures, they agreed that this, of course, was not a whale at all, but a catfish of incredible size. As a result, this catfish was identified as the largest of those giants that have ever caught the eye of eyewitnesses. The Lipetsk monster was at least seven meters long, and all the previous huge catfish reached a maximum of five meters in length.

The largest fish found in our strip is the catfish. in our climate catfish can reach a weight of 300 kilograms and a length of 5 meters, although there are reports of a century ago about the catch soms over 400 kilograms. However, judging by other sources, both the length and weight soms may be much more. For example, the American zoologist David Wheeler in his book Killer Fish calls the numbers 6, 3 meters and 500 kg! Sabaneev's book mentions a peculiar monument som installed on the Issyk-Kul lake. The jaw of the catfish was set vertically in the ground in the form of an arch, and its size was such that an adult could pass through it without bending.

German sources mention the capture of a 400-kilogram catfish in 1830 on the Oder River. About 100 years ago, a 430-kilogram specimen was caught in Uzbekistan.

However, modern fishermen rarely come across catfish larger than 50 kilograms. The catfish spends most of its life at the bottom, in muddy depressions and pits. Catfish feeds on fish, crayfish and mollusks, frogs and all kinds of carrion.

Various types of large catfish are found in all regions of the world, however, only in our Eastern European part of the country are real cannibal catfish.

The largest European catfish turns out to be a lover of human flesh, and this is confirmed historically. Back in the Middle Ages catfish was known for the fact that, in addition to his usual food, he was not averse to feasting on sheep and dogs, and sometimes tasting an unconcerned bather. Large five-meter catfish easily capable of swallowing a child whole, or drowning an adult.

It is quite difficult for a huge catfish weighing several hundred kilograms, which has lived for half a century (and they can live up to 100 years), to provide themselves with regular breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hunting for fish is a burden for him. The 50-year-old catfish has speed and strength in abundance, but the maneuverability is not the same. Another thing is prey floating on the surface of the water - ducks, geese, dogs and other four-legged animals that have decided to enter the water at their own misfortune. And, of course, a person who is much easier to grab by the leg than the same dog. Having tasted a person, catfish, like some African crocodiles, can switch exclusively to such food.

A few years ago, a towing ship that disappeared the day before was discovered near the island of Khortytsya at a depth of 15 meters. There was a huge hole in its side, in which a five-meter catfish was stuck!

When his carcass was raised to the surface and the stomach was opened, everyone present gasped in horror: inside were the remains of three vainly searched for Polish tourists, who had recently transferred from the ship in distress to a motor boat, but never reached the shore.

Local elders claim that cannibal catfish have already committed over a dozen attacks on motor and sailing boats. The disappearances of fishing enthusiasts who preferred fishing away from the coast also became more frequent. In the Khopersky Reserve, in the presence of two rangers, a forester and a senior researcher at a biological station, a catfish attack on a young deer was recorded. In front of eyewitnesses, a voracious predator dragged the poor fellow to the bottom of the lake. Old-timers note that similar cases have happened before.

Here are some historical facts: in 1754, the corpse of a seven-year-old child was found in the stomach of a catfish, in 1558, rings and a human hand were found inside a catfish, in 1790, a woman’s corpse was found in Turkey in a catfish, and a couple of years later, in 1793, for a year catfish ate two girls. In 1613, a catfish attacked and ate a child, which was confirmed by eyewitnesses.

Of course, it cannot be argued that catfish specifically prey on people. Most likely, he just finds the drowned ones and eats them. However, it can be assumed that in many cases of the disappearance of people, and especially children, it is the big catfish that are to blame on the river. On the Kuban and Don rivers, numerous cases of catfish eating people are known, as well as the fact that when catching large catfish, they bite desperately and can cause serious injuries to a person.

So the catfish ... But the pike for 12 kilos. Such a finger will bite off!

Bagheera, why are you always so serious? :))

Here a colleague at work told an interesting story. Grit sees somehow the dudes a basketball floating against the current. We decided to find out - what kind of miracle is this. When we got to it, it turned out that it was a large catfish that wanted to swallow it, opened its mouth, but only about a third of the ball. Unfortunately, he bit through it a little more and cannot spit it out. And he can't dive. So they caught him!

Dmitry - what do they use to catch sharks? :))

Well, there are whales in the sea. Rather from them :)) River "catfish" in the sea themselves are bait :))

And I thought that the Titanic sank from the iceberg, it turns out that the catfish are to blame.))))))))))))))))))

For pieces of fish. Which ones are smaller for frogs, shell meat, several large worms on one hook, May beetle larvae, leeches and other catfish "joy" :))

I'm thinking, what are they catching on the bait? What do the most terrible catfish peck at? For dogs? Or human remains? Or is the most daring diver in an armored suit attached to the hook?

The boat should also be cast iron with thick walls. And always with a keel, so as not to capsize! :))

The main thing is that the boat is stable :) It didn't roll over. Maybe underwater? Then you can ram the catfish! :))

Fishermen have undergone special training to fight catfish and therefore swim in a special boat (impenetrable by large catfish) with special oars!

Well, if the paddle is cast-iron, then the fisherman will most likely visit the catfish himself :)) He will outweigh the paddle :))

Even more colorful! The catfish breaks right into the boat to devour everyone there, and its cast-iron oar hits the head! :))

Why divers? They muffle when they bring to the shore to pull it out :)) For example, with an oar on the head :))

That is, a group of divers caught a catfish by cunning, abused him (so much so that he decided to die himself) and after that started shooting a video? I wonder how many takes they did? :))

"almost dead at that age and weight - he didn't even fight back." - same roller. They didn't film everything. Estimate, will they show how an hour or longer it is “pulled” out of the water? And the catfish is just tired already, so there is no strength to resist :)) And I think he was also “stunned” :))

No, I don't want to be a plumber. At least swimming in the river!

Dim, do you want to breed them in our rivers? :))

To this topic. Here at work, a colleague brought a photo of a recently caught fish (in my opinion on the Amazon), which baffled scientists. In short, a fish the size of a flipper with teeth about the size of a finger!! The view is just awful! I have no idea who they are hunting with such a pack! And you say - catfish ...

I think there is something missing in these stories. Something like beautiful dolphins saving swimmers from terrible monsters through self-sacrifice! :))

Somehow not a lot: only 9 copies of 200kg and above. Somehow not in a cannibalistic way ..

List of record soms -- htm

"The weight of one of them, in the capture of which I participated, was 432 kilograms." Probably never managed to catch him! The alarm clock got in the way! :)))

By the way, watch the video of how this seventy-kilogram catfish was dragged. Yes, they look almost dead at that age and weight - he did not even resist. Well, you need to think about it - pull it out on the bait! In short, he himself would have to carry his legs away from the "ice cream" - this will be an undoubted success! I suppose after 30kg he eats one mud! :))

Until he personally attacks me and eats me, I won’t believe it! :))

"Cream"! Well, unless the woman is tasty! :)) Uff, well, you are here and kumari! :))

Catfish cannibals are no longer a myth. There is a lot of evidence for their existence. If the prey is large for him, he simply simply drags it to the bottom and waits until the body softens - only then sucks up pieces of flesh. At the end of the summer of 1996, a tragedy occurred on the Lower Don: two people, a woman and a boy, became victims of a giant fish, a cannibal catfish ... In general, in a couple of minutes they cut this catfish so much that there was not even a whole place left on it. They cut open his stomach, and there ... In general, they found bones, human teeth too. And what was just terrible - Katya's wedding ring. We did not weigh the catfish - there was simply nowhere to go. The length, however, was measured: 3 meters 89 centimeters...

Igor Ratkov, Leading Specialist of the Department of Protection of Fish Stocks of the Glavrybvod of the Russian Federation, comments: - Catfish can attack any living creature that is on the surface of the water. Cases of attacks on a person in my practice met - in Uzbekistan, on the Tuzkan-Arnasay water massif. There, on the lakes, there are very large catfish, as, by the way, on the Don. The weight of one of them, in the capture of which I participated, was 432 kilograms. In the early seventies, a man with a seven-year-old son went fishing on a boat. A strong wind picked up and the boat capsized. People clung to her, when suddenly the water near them began to boil, a huge catfish leaned out and literally swallowed the child ... Catfish always try to swallow their prey whole. They cannot tear off pieces from it, like sharks, because they do not have teeth, as such. In the mouth of a catfish is like a brush. True, its individual teeth in a large catfish can be up to two centimeters long. - How and why does a catfish become a cannibal? - The fact is that it is very difficult for a huge catfish weighing several hundred kilograms, which has lived for 60 years (and they live up to 80), to provide food for themselves. Fishing for him is almost useless. Another thing is prey slowly moving on the surface of the water - a duck, a goose, a dog ... And, of course, a person. This is a special delicacy for all predators. Like ice cream for us. Human meat is softer than that of animals, does not have as many muscles and tendons. Besides, catching our brother is much easier than an animal. A bathing person is practically defenseless, especially if it is a woman or a child, as was the case on the Don. Having tasted a person, catfish can become addicted to such prey, although it will not stop hunting fish and animals either.

I do not believe that he is chasing motor boats. And even the fact that catfish is dangerous to humans. I agree to a compromise: dangerous for a person, but not for me! :))

Pavel Vladimirovich :))) Bagira: In many cases, the disappearance of children on the river is not the fault of catfish, but their parents. In the Urals, I know so many fairy tales about the mistress of the Copper Mountain! You will be jealous!) And the blog is just super!

The digestive system of a catfish is physiologically incapable of accepting large food, let alone swallowing it, despite the size of the individual. This is a passive fish and due to this it reaches such sizes. Rarely lives up to 17 years, in our conditions. Catfish does not pose a danger to humans and there is nothing for catfish to bite. Hunters with experience manage to get quite large catfish, the main thing is to learn how to finish off catfish underwater. A dangerous fish for humans is a shark. In tropical seas, this is the most dangerous enemy for an underwater hunter, especially the Mako shark is a very dangerous active predator.

The man in the photo is familiar. I watched his programs about large fish - cannibals.

Changed the photo on the blog. This monster is a catfish, which was nicknamed "cannibal" - up to 90 kg.

It looks like a whale shark coloring page. Yes, and something is not visible in the “catfish” mustache.

Big whale catfish :) I remember in my childhood my father brought such happiness home, so it didn’t fit in the sink, and then I was afraid to go to the kitchen :) And the Kama flows into the Volga Alexei :)

the same catfish seemed “strange” to me! :)) But there are different varieties of catfish. For example tiger catfish -

This catfish looks like a small whale shark.

we have such a rarity, if at all, it’s only in theory, but up to 100 kg is quite real, they catch it in our time, we have on the Kama (a tributary of the Volga, if they taught at school, but I heard the version that scientists are still arguing , which of the rivers into which the Kama flows into the Volga or the Volga into the Kama)

what fear! I won't swim again :)

This "baby" (pictured) was caught in one of China's reservoirs. Where bathers mysteriously disappeared. This is a three-meter catfish, whose head was more than a meter wide!

Catfish ( Silurus) is the largest predatory fish that lives in freshwater lakes and rivers. It belongs to the class of ray-finned fish, the catfish order, the catfish family.

Catfish fish - description, characteristics and photos

The catfish fish has a long, flattened and rather powerful body, which is devoid of scales and covered with a layer of mucus, which provides gliding and maneuverability of the fish in the water. The wide head of the catfish usually has a flattened shape. On it are small, slightly blind eyes of a catfish. The wide mouth of the fish is "armed" with small, but present in large numbers of teeth. Almost all catfish have one feature: long mustaches are located on the jaws of this predatory fish. Catfish's whiskers are the most important tactile organ with which the fish finds food. Depending on the species, which scientists number about 500, the appearance of the catfish, its color and size can vary significantly.

How long does a catfish live?

The life expectancy of a catfish, which lives in natural and environmentally acceptable conditions, reaches 30, 50, or even 60 years. There are data from ichthyologists who have recorded individuals that have reached the age of 75 years.

What does catfish eat?

Catfish in nature prefers to lead a bottom lifestyle, lying in pits with a large accumulation of silt deposits. In nutrition, he is unpretentious: the catfish eats with pleasure plant remains, small fish, larvae, shells, crayfish or birds accidentally caught in a pond, and other living creatures. Catfish also feed on carrion. Often he "hunts" prey near old and forgotten fishing nets. A large hungry catfish can even eat or that accidentally entered the water.

Where does catfish live?

Catfish is quite widespread in the water bodies of Europe and Asia, while living in rivers flowing into the seas, it often swims into their salty waters. Unfortunately, in such conditions, only one species of catfish, the channel catfish, can exist for a long time, the rest of the individuals from this family are not adapted to such a “salty” life.

Types of catfish - photos and names

There are many interesting and unusual representatives in the catfish family.

  • Common catfish (European) ( Silurus glanis)

can reach a length of up to 5 meters and weigh up to 400 kg. It lives in the rivers and lakes of Europe and Russia. Cases of attacks on people are described.

  • American catfish (pygmy catfish) ( Ameiurus nebulosus)

lives in the waters of South America. The length of the American catfish does not exceed a meter, weight - 7-10 kg. The mouth of this species is surprisingly arranged: the teeth are arranged in several rows, and each row differs in their size - from smaller to larger. This feature allows the American catfish to capture prey, as if with a steel vice.

  • Malapterurus electricus)

lives in the waters of Africa and the rivers of the Arab countries. Its ability to generate powerful charges of electricity helps to successfully hunt even large prey. There is evidence that electric catfish killed animals that accidentally wandered into a pond for a drink with a discharge of current.

Numerous aquarium varieties are widely known among catfish: tarakatum, platidoras, glass catfish, cuckoo catfish, shifter catfish and others. And their variety of colors is simply amazing:

Glass Indian catfish

Catfish is undeniably the largest fish in freshwater. Large catfish reach a weight of more than one hundred kilograms, and fish weighing thirty, forty kilos are not at all uncommon.

There is an idea among people that the catfish is a “dirty” fish, it feeds only on carrion. No, the catfish is a predator, and even what and its main prey is fish. He does not disdain frogs, leeches, crayfish and river shells, and with pleasure eats any living creature that has fallen into the water. Often I had to meet catfish with floating birds in the stomach. Although most likely, the fish caught weakened birds wounded by hunters. But on any river you will hear stories about huge predators living in this very particular hole and simply eating packs of domestic geese and ducks.

With the beginning of the warming of the water, the catfish begins to actively feed on fish, especially spawners. Thus, he rewards himself for a long-term fast.

A predator usually hunts because of an ambush without actively attacking, like pike perch, but simply draws in a small thing spinning around it. To do this, he has excellent control devices - a mustache. Thanks to them, he can find food in the dark, and even in very dirty water. And if it makes a sharp throw, lightning-fast and very short, then never chasing prey after a miss.

Catfish - spawning

In May, when the water reaches a temperature of eighteen, twenty degrees, they spawn. They become capable of reproduction already at a mature age of 3-4 years. A fish weighing two or three kilograms already has caviar and milk. After spawning, he again begins to actively feed, hunting in underwater thickets and near flooded trees.

As for a predator mostly nocturnal, it is preferably not the depth that becomes significant, but a dark place with a small current, reed and grass islands torn off from the bottom, in which you can ambush the fish that come here.

Catfish are prone to seasonal migration throughout the year. They can move along the river for rather long distances. In late May, early June, individuals with bite marks on their tails are often found. This is the result of the love games of fish.

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