Nina artyukhova big birch summary. Big birch (stories)

Mom closed her suitcase and put on her hat.

“Here,” she said, “Nikolai and Andryusha, listen carefully. Here, in the left drawer, are spare ribbons. I went to the store on purpose today, bought four meters.

- Four meters? Dad was surprised. - Honey, why so many? Is it really a meter in each pigtail?

They lose a lot. As I said, it's stock. Here, Nicholas, look here. Two meters blue and two pink. Pink is for Varya, and blue is for Valya. Please don't confuse.

“Don’t worry, honey, we’ll do everything. Let me, how, how did you say? For Vali? That is, for Vari?

Mom repeated patiently:

- Pink - for Varya, and for Vali - blue.

“But, mother, I know,” Andryusha said.

“Wait a minute, Andryushka…” Papa drew his eyebrows together and repeated several times: “Valya is blue… Varya is pink.” Wa-l-la ... goal-lu ... goal-luba ... Var-r-rya - p-pink! Perfectly! Very easy to remember!

- Let's check it out! Andryusha said. - Dad, who is this?

“With blue pigtails, that means Valya,” dad answered firmly.

- And who is this? Valya asked, pointing to her little sister.

- And this one with pink pigtails means Varya!

- I remember! Remembered! The boys shouted happily. - Mum! Finally remembered!

The fact is that Valya and Varya were twins and so similar to each other that only one mother could distinguish them without ribbons. In addition, dresses and fur coats - everything they had was also the same.

And dad just recently returned from a distant northern expedition and all the time confused his little girls. Of course, he knew how similar the twins were, but still, every time he saw them side by side, he shook his head and said:

- No, it's amazing! Well, they are exactly the same!

Dad glanced at his watch and took Mom's coat off the hanger.

“Please don’t worry, we won’t confuse anything, we’ll do everything right.” Besides, you're only leaving for two weeks! If several times we mistakenly call Valya Varya, nothing special ...

- Nikolai! - Mom put her right hand past the sleeve and said sadly: - So you forgot everything, everything! After all, I repeated to you several times: the doctor told Valya to walk as much as possible, but Varya was completely forbidden and the medicine was three times a day ...

- We'll do everything! finished Andryusha.

And my mother left. It was on Saturday. On Sunday it was possible not to rush to get up, so everyone overslept. The twins, however, were the first to jump up, who, even on weekdays, had absolutely nowhere to hurry. By the time dad came out of the bathroom, smoothing his wet hair, Varya had already lost her left pink ribbon.

“It doesn't matter,” Dad said, “we have a large supply. How much to cut? Is half a meter enough? Come here girls, I'll comb your hair.

“Daddy,” Andryusha asked, “can you do the braiding?”

- Hope so. I had to successfully complete more complex tasks.

Light soft hair obediently parted.

“You don’t braid like that, dad,” Andryusha said after a minute.

- No, yes.

- No not like this. Mom weaves a ribbon with her hair, and you just tied a bow on the ponytail - and that's fine.

“Doesn't matter,” Dad said, “it's even prettier that way. You see how big my bows are, and my mother has nothing left for bows.

- But it's stronger.

- That's it, Andrey, enough criticism to induce. What did mom say? Walk as much as possible. Drink milk, take Valyushka and go. And Varya and I will clean up.

After cleaning and walking, dad and Andryusha cooked dinner, washed the dishes and scraped with knives for a long time and cleaned the burnt frying pan. Finally, dad said “wow” and lay down on the sofa with a book in his hands. However, very soon the book slammed shut on its own, dad's eyes also closed on their own, and dad fell asleep. He was awakened by loud voices.

- Dad! Andryusha shouted. The twins are lost!

Dad jumped up as if on a combat alarm:

- Who? .. Where? .. But here they are! Is it possible, Andryushka, to frighten a person like that!

- That is, they were not lost, but confused. We played hide-and-seek... And under the tables, and under the hanger - well, all four ribbons were touched somewhere. I told you that you don't braid like that!

- Valya! Varya! Come here!

Two absolutely identical daughters stood in front of dad, looked at him with the same cheerful eyes, and even they were disheveled in exactly the same way.

- Not important! Dad laughed. - We have three and a half meters of these ribbons. Now I remember well: blue - Vale, and Vare ...

- Oh, dad, dad! Well, how do you distinguish them now - which one?

- Yes, very simple! After all, they know how to talk. Big girls... What's your name?

- And you?

The twins also burred in exactly the same way. Dad thought:

- We do it carelessly ... What can we do, Andryushka? After all, it’s time for Varya to take her medicine, and for Valya to walk as much as possible!

There was a familiar cough behind the door.

- Grandpa! - the guys shouted joyfully. Grandfather greeted everyone and began to wipe his glasses:

- Do you need to walk, you say? So I came early to take a walk with Valechka. I promised my mom too.

- You came just in time, Konstantin Petrovich! Dad said. - You see, we have ... that is ... Well, in short, the twins are mixed up! “And I told my grandfather what had happened.”

How are you, Nicholas? Grandfather looked at his father reproachfully. - Native, one might say, father, and relatives, one might say, mixed up daughters.

- What to do, Konstantin Petrovich, to blame, of course! Why, when I left, they were quite a bit sensitive. Excuse me, Konstantin Petrovich! And you yourself? Native, you can say grandfather? And relatives, one might say, granddaughters ... Come on, where is Valya? Where is Varya? Which one?

Grandfather slowly put on his glasses and looked at his granddaughters:

– Hmm! Ahem!.. N-yes! That is... Ahem!.. Ahem!.. My glasses are rather weak! Not in the eyes anymore. If only my glasses were stronger...

Andryusha laughed the loudest.

“And already you, Andrey, are completely ashamed,” said dad, “and you didn’t go anywhere, you see them every day ...

- Yes, yes, - grandfather supported dad, - without glasses, and your eyes are young, and relatives, one might say, sisters ...

- What am I? Andryusha justified himself. - I'm nothing. I could distinguish them very well before the illness: Varya was fatter. And in the hospital, they lost weight in different ways and became exactly the same!

Dad resolutely approached the sideboard, took a vial of medicine.

“Come on, Varya,” he said, “come here, it’s time to drink your medicine.” Girls! Who did I give the medicine to this morning?

Valya and Varya looked at each other and said nothing.

- Oh, dad! Andryusha whispered. Will they say? Who wants to take medicine? It's bitter.

"Well," said Dad, "let's try something different." Come on, daughters, who will now go for a walk with grandfather as much as possible? Valya, come here, I'll braid your pigtails and put on a fur coat.

He waved the blue ribbons. The girls looked at each other again, their faces became sad, but both were silent.

- What's the matter, Andryusha? Dad asked softly. Why doesn't Valya answer now? After all, they like to walk with their grandfather, don't they?

“Of course they do,” Andryusha replied. That's why Valya is silent. Varya stays at home, but Valya feels sorry for her!

Mom stood in the kitchen with a towel over her shoulder, wiping the last cup. Suddenly, the frightened face of Gleb appeared at the window.

- Aunt Zina! Aunt Zina! he shouted. - Your Alyoshka has gone crazy!

— Zinaida Lvovna! Volodya looked through another window. - Your Alyoshka climbed a big birch!

- Because he can break! Gleb continued in a weeping voice. And it will break...

The cup slipped from my mother's hands and clattered to the floor.

— Shattered! finished Gleb, looking with horror at the white shards.

Mom ran out onto the terrace, went to the gate:

- Where is he?

- Yes, on the birch!

Mom looked at the white trunk, where it split in two. Alyosha was not there.

- Stupid jokes, guys! she said and went to the house.

No, we're telling the truth! shouted Gleb. He's up there at the very top! Wherever the branches are!

Mom finally figured out where to look. She saw Alyosha. She measured with her eyes the distance from his branch to the ground, and her face became almost as white as this smooth birch trunk.

- You are crazy! Gleb repeated.

- Shut up! Mom said quietly and very sternly. “Go home, both of you, and sit there.

She walked up to the tree.

“Well, Alyosha,” she said, “are you well?”

Alyosha was surprised that his mother was not angry and spoke in such a calm, gentle voice.

“It's good here,” he said. “But I’m very hot, Mommy.

- It's nothing, - said my mother, - sit down, rest a little and start going down. Just don't rush. Slowly... Have a rest? she asked after a minute.

- Rested.

- Well, then get down.

Alyosha, holding on to a branch, was looking for somewhere to put his foot. At this time, an unfamiliar fat summer resident appeared on the path. He heard voices, looked up and shouted in fright and angrily:

"Where have you gone, you wretched boy!" Get down now!

Alyosha shuddered and, without calculating his movements, put his foot on a dry twig. The twig crackled and rustled down to my mother's feet.

“Not like that,” Mom said. - Get on the next branch.

Then she turned to the summer resident:

“Don’t worry, please, he is very good at climbing trees. He's a good guy for me!

The small, light figure of Alyosha slowly descended. Climbing up was easier. Alyosha is tired. But below was his mother, giving him advice, speaking kind, encouraging words. The earth was closing in and shrinking. You can no longer see either the field behind the ravine or the factory chimney. Alyosha reached the fork.

“Shut up,” Mom said. - Well done! Well, now put your foot on this knot... No, not there, that dry one, right here, to the right... So, so, don't hurry.

The ground was very close. Alyosha hung on his hands, stretched out and jumped onto the high stump from which he began his journey.

The fat, unfamiliar summer resident grinned, shook his head, and said:

- Oh well! You will be a parachutist!

And my mother grabbed her thin, brown from sunburn, scratched legs and shouted:

- Alyoshka, promise me that you will never, never climb so high again!

She quickly walked towards the house. Volodya and Gleb were standing on the terrace. Mom ran past them, through the garden, to the ravine. She sat down on the grass and covered her face with a handkerchief. Alyosha followed her, embarrassed and confused. He sat down next to her on the slope of the ravine, took her by the hands, stroked her hair and said:

- Well, mommy, well, calm down ... I won't be so high! Well, calm down!

Organization: MBOU secondary school No. 41

Location: Ulyanovsk

Extracurricular reading. Grade 3

Teacher Sofyina E.V.

Subject: N. M. Artyukhova "Big Birch"

Goals: learn to identify the theme of the work,

Learn to identify words that carry the main content and meaning of the work; improve reading skills;

promote the development of speech, attention;

take responsibility for your actions.

Planned results:


Be able to determine the main idea, express it in your own words;

Be able to distinguish between the sequence of events and the sequence of their presentation;

Be able to correlate the actions of heroes with their moral standards.



Plan your own actions and correlate them with the goal;


Find the necessary information using the dictionaries placed in the textbook (explanatory);


Be able to justify your own position


Formation of orientation in the moral content of both one's own actions and the actions of other people.

Equipment: mini projects of creative groups (1 gr. - a folding bed of photographs of joint affairs with my mother, 2 gr. - a collection of essays about cases when my mother helped, discovered something important in life, taught, 3 gr. - an exhibition of books by N. M. Artyukhova and About the author); presentation to the work;

Lesson progress

1. Class organization (workplace check)

So, the lesson of extracurricular reading. Greet the guests (children turn, smile)

They sat down quietly.

2. Introduction to the topic.

Music sounds, an excerpt from the story "Mother" by Yu. Ya. Yakovlev is read.

Close your eyes and listen. And you will hear that voice. He lives in you, so familiar, dear. You can't confuse it with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember this voice, these eyes, these hands. You are small, you could not speak yet, she understood you without words. Guessed what you want, what hurts you. She taught you to talk, walk, read you your first book. From her you learned the names of birds, learned that each flower has a name.

Who is the passage talking about? (talking about mom)

In November, in extracurricular reading, we read works about my mother. Why? (November 29 Mother's Day)

And this lesson is dedicated to mom.

3. Work in groups.

What creative assignments did you receive?

1 group. We designed an exhibition of photographs, in which we presented photographs of joint affairs with my mother.

Tell me. (together with my mother ... reading a book) the children finish the sentence.

2 group. We wrote an essay about cases when our mother helped us, discovered something important in life, taught us something)

Read your writings. (2-3 students)

Group 3 prepared a scene. (a scene about how the boys tell Alyoshka's mother that he climbed a big birch)

What piece is the scene from?

This book is on display. Made by group 4. They will tell about the author of this book.

4. Message of the purpose of the lesson.

So, we are working on the work of N. M. Artyukhova "The Big Birch" and, using the example of the heroes, we will try to evaluate their actions and deeds.

5. Analysis of the work.

On the desk you have texts with this work.

What words are not clear?

Explain the meaning of the word terrace, embarrassed, bewildered. (terrace - summer extension to the house; embarrassed - in a state of shyness, confusion, shame; confused - helpless from excitement, severe shock)

  • Name the main characters. (mother, Alyoshka) slide

mom Alyoshka

  • What is the story about? Define a topic. (Alyoshka climbs a big birch, mom helps him get off the tree)

How do you imagine a big birch? (above a multi-storey building)


So, Alyosha climbs a big birch, and his mother helps him get off the tree.


- helps to get off the tree - climbs a large birch

  • How does mom behave in this dangerous situation? (does not get angry, speaks in a calm, gentle voice ... ..)

(we work with the text) How does Alyosha help? Coming out on the slide

- speaks in a calm, gentle voice

- guides (put your foot on this branch, right here, to the right; sit, rest and start going down)

- advises(don't rush, slowly)

- inspires confidence(good at climbing trees)

  • encourages(well done, said encouraging words)
  • How is Alyoshka behaving? (follows mom's advice) Coming out on the slide

- listening

-follows advice


6. Physical Minute.

We got up. Imagine and show a big birch. They took a breath, raised their hands and stretched on their toes up, exhaled lowered their hands. Repeat 3 times.

7. Work on the work.


Gleb, summer resident


In response, the mother rushes to the rescue.

In a dangerous situation, you need to seek help from your mother or loved ones.

Read the passage about the gardener.

How did the gardener behave? (screamed angrily and frightened at Alyosha)

How did the summer resident's words affect Alyosha? (Alyosha got scared)

How did you determine that Alyosha was scared? (shuddered and made a wrong move)

And how did the mother's words work? (inspired confidence, reassured)

Read what mom said in response to the summer resident.

Why did she so calmly turned to the summer resident?

Mom culturally asked the summer resident not to interfere in their actions. The summer resident understood his mother and did not interfere anymore.

How does this case end? (Alyosha safely climbs down from the birch)

Look at mom's actions:

Sent the boys home to keep them out of the way;

Culturally asked the summer resident not to interfere;

As a result of joint actions, he helps Alyosha safely get off the birch.

What can you say about this mother, what is she like? (smart, wise, cultured)

Let's read what has changed in the mother's behavior at the end of the story.

And now we will read the words of mother and Alyosha expressively in roles.

Imagine that this happened to you, what words would you choose for mom?

Alyosha got down safely, why did mom cry? (outwardly she was calm so as not to scare her son, but inside she was frightened, worried for the life and health of Alyosha)

Did Alyosha think what could happen when he climbed the tree?

Have you ever had a case when your mother helped you in a difficult situation?

Often, with their thoughtless actions, children upset their mother, grief affects a person’s health and shortens his life, before doing any actions, think about their consequences.

Come up with a different name. (Alyosha's rash act. Mom's help. Emergency.)

8. Reflection.

In general, in life, do you always behave correctly, for example, on walks, at home, at school?

If you find yourself in a difficult situation at school, who do you turn to? (to the teacher)

At school, your assistant and protector of any teacher who happened to be nearby. Much depends on you, any action carries some kind of consequence for you, good or bad.

To avoid bad consequences, you keep a diary of self-education.

After analyzing the actions and deeds of your heroes of the work, think about what you write in your self-education diary. Look at the screen.

Responsibility for actions;

Don't upset mom

Listen to mom, relatives, acquaintances

It is very important for me that when there are no adults next to you, you behaved correctly, did not cause yourself and others harm to health, pain.

I am glad for all your answers in the lesson and I see that you understand that bad actions can harm your health.

d/h A person has one mother, one and the Motherland.

For the next extracurricular reading, we read books about the Motherland.

Evaluation of work in the classroom.


  1. Big encyclopedia of nature for children. Per. from fr. M.: Grif-fond, Mezhkniga, 1994. 256 pp., 300 colors. Il. Publisher A.L. Dyachenko.
  2. Tikhonov A.V. Children's encyclopedia of the forest: Scientific pop. Edition for children. - M .: CJSC "ROSMEN-PRESS", 2005.-80s.
  3. Lazareva V.A. The technology of literary text analysis in the lessons of literary reading in elementary school. - 3rd ed., Supplementary. L.V. Zankov: Publishing house "ONIX 21st century", 2003. - 96p.
  4. Pleshakov A.A. From earth to sky: Atlas-determinant of natural history and ecology for students at the beginning. class -M.: Enlightenment, 1998. - 224 p.
  5. (Wikipedia)
  6. (biography of N.M. Artyukhova)

Quite the same

Mom closed her suitcase and put on her hat.
“Here,” she said, “Nikolai and Andryusha, listen carefully. Here, in the left drawer, are spare ribbons. I went to the store on purpose today, bought four meters.
- Four meters? Dad was surprised. - Honey, why so many? Is it really a meter in each pigtail?
They lose a lot. As I said, it's stock. Here, Nicholas, look here. Two meters blue and two pink. Pink is for Varya, and blue is for Valya. Please don't confuse.
“Don’t worry, honey, we’ll do everything. Let me, how, how did you say? For Vali? That is, for Vari?
Mom repeated patiently:
- Pink - for Varya, and for Vali - blue.
“But, mother, I know,” Andryusha said.
“Wait a minute, Andryushka…” Papa drew his eyebrows together and repeated several times: “Valya is blue… Varya is pink.” Wa-l-la ... goal-lu ... goal-luba ... Var-r-rya - p-pink! Perfectly! Very easy to remember!
- Let's check it out! Andryusha said. - Dad, who is this?
“With blue pigtails, that means Valya,” dad answered firmly.
- And who is this? Valya asked, pointing to her little sister.
- And this one with pink pigtails means Varya!
- I remember! Remembered! The boys shouted happily. - Mum! Finally remembered!
The fact is that Valya and Varya were twins and so similar to each other that only one mother could distinguish them without ribbons. In addition, dresses and fur coats - everything they had was also the same.
And dad just recently returned from a distant northern expedition and all the time confused his little girls. Of course, he knew how similar the twins were, but still, every time he saw them side by side, he shook his head and said:
- No, it's amazing! Well, they are exactly the same!
Dad glanced at his watch and took Mom's coat off the hanger.
“Please don’t worry, we won’t confuse anything, we’ll do everything right.” Besides, you're only leaving for two weeks! If several times we mistakenly call Valya Varya, nothing special ...
- Nikolai! - Mom put her right hand past the sleeve and said sadly: - So you forgot everything, everything! After all, I repeated to you several times: the doctor told Valya to walk as much as possible, but Varya must not at all and take medicine three times a day ...
- I do remember! Dad answered in a guilty voice. - From this bottle. Don't worry, honey.
- We'll do everything! finished Andryusha.
And my mother left. It was on Saturday. On Sunday it was possible not to rush to get up, so everyone overslept. The twins, however, were the first to jump up, who, even on weekdays, had absolutely nowhere to hurry. By the time dad came out of the bathroom, smoothing his wet hair, Varya had already lost her left pink ribbon.
“It doesn't matter,” Dad said, “we have a large supply. How much to cut? Is half a meter enough? Come here girls, I'll comb your hair.
“Daddy,” Andryusha asked, “can you do the braiding?”
- Hope so. I had to successfully complete more complex tasks.
Light soft hair obediently parted.
“You don’t braid like that, dad,” Andryusha said after a minute.
- No, yes.
- No not like this. Mom weaves a ribbon with her hair, and you just tied a bow on the ponytail - and that's fine.
“Doesn't matter,” Dad said, “it's even prettier that way. You see how big my bows are, and my mother has nothing left for bows.
- But it's stronger.

- That's it, Andrey, enough criticism to induce. What did mom say? Walk as much as possible. Drink milk, take Valyushka and go. And Varya and I will clean up.
After cleaning and walking, dad and Andryusha cooked dinner, washed the dishes and scraped with knives for a long time and cleaned the burnt frying pan. Finally, dad said “wow” and lay down on the sofa with a book in his hands. However, very soon the book slammed shut on its own, dad's eyes also closed on their own, and dad fell asleep. He was awakened by loud voices.
- Dad! Andryusha shouted. The twins are lost!
Dad jumped up as if on a combat alarm:
- Who? .. Where? .. But here they are! Is it possible, Andryushka, to frighten a person like that!
- That is, they were not lost, but confused. We played hide-and-seek... And under the tables, and under the hanger - well, all four ribbons were touched somewhere. I told you that you don't braid like that!
- Valya! Varya! Come here!
Two absolutely identical daughters stood in front of dad, looked at him with the same cheerful eyes, and even they were disheveled in exactly the same way.
- Not important! Dad laughed. - We have three and a half meters of these ribbons. Now I remember well: blue - Vale, and Vare ...
- Oh, dad, dad! Well, how do you distinguish them now - which one?
- Yes, very simple! After all, they know how to talk. Big girls... What's your name?
- Wai.
- And you?
- Wai.
The twins also burred in exactly the same way. Dad thought:
- We do it carelessly ... What can we do, Andryushka? After all, it’s time for Varya to take her medicine, and for Valya to walk as much as possible!

There was a familiar cough behind the door.
- Grandpa! - the guys shouted joyfully. Grandfather greeted everyone and began to wipe his glasses:
- Do you need to walk, you say? So I came early to take a walk with Valechka. I promised my mom too.
- You came just in time, Konstantin Petrovich! Dad said. - You see, we have ... that is ... Well, in short, the twins are mixed up! “And I told my grandfather what had happened.”
How are you, Nicholas? Grandfather looked at his father reproachfully. - Native, one might say, father, and relatives, one might say, mixed up daughters.
- What to do, Konstantin Petrovich, to blame, of course! Why, when I left, they were quite a bit sensitive. Excuse me, Konstantin Petrovich! And you yourself? Native, you can say grandfather? And relatives, one might say, granddaughters ... Come on, where is Valya? Where is Varya? Which one?
Grandfather slowly put on his glasses and looked at his granddaughters:
– Hmm! Ahem!.. N-yes! That is... Ahem!.. Ahem!.. My glasses are rather weak! Not in the eyes anymore. If only my glasses were stronger...
Andryusha laughed the loudest.
“And already you, Andrey, are completely ashamed,” said dad, “and you didn’t go anywhere, you see them every day ...
- Yes, yes, - grandfather supported dad, - without glasses, and your eyes are young, and relatives, one might say, sisters ...
- What am I? Andryusha justified himself. - I'm nothing. I could distinguish them very well before the illness: Varya was fatter. And in the hospital, they lost weight in different ways and became exactly the same!
Dad resolutely approached the sideboard, took a vial of medicine.

“Come on, Varya,” he said, “come here, it’s time to drink your medicine.” Girls! Who did I give the medicine to this morning?
Valya and Varya looked at each other and said nothing.
- Oh, dad! Andryusha whispered. Will they say? Who wants to take medicine? It's bitter.
"Well," said Dad, "let's try something different." Come on, daughters, who will now go for a walk with grandfather as much as possible? Valya, come here, I'll braid your pigtails and put on a fur coat.
He waved the blue ribbons. The girls looked at each other again, their faces became sad, but both were silent.
- What's the matter, Andryusha? Dad asked softly. Why doesn't Valya answer now? After all, they like to walk with their grandfather, don't they?
“Of course they do,” Andryusha replied. That's why Valya is silent. Varya stays at home, but Valya feels sorry for her!
- Well done, this Valya! Dad said approvingly. - I respect her.
- And Varya? Andryusha asked. - You know, dad, perhaps, if it were the other way around ... Varya - to walk, and Valya - to drink medicine ... Dad, stop! Grandpa, stop! I know what to do!
Andryusha ran to the buffet.
“Here,” he said, very pleased, and took out a vase in which there was a large gingerbread. - Only one left. Just what we need! Take it! he handed the gingerbread to one of the girls. - Divide it in half, take it for yourself and give it to your sister!
The twins smiled alike, also very pleased. The girl took the gingerbread and carefully broke it.
The gingerbread broke, however, not quite in half, one piece turned out to be noticeably larger than the other. The girl kept this piece for herself, and handed the smaller one to her sister.
- Varya! Andryusha shouted with a laugh. - Here is Varya! Weave a pink ribbon soon! This is Varya!
“I don’t understand anything,” my father said.
- You saw, dad, she took more for herself! Well, if Valya shared, it would be exactly like in a pharmacy! And even if it broke unevenly, she would still leave less for herself, and Varya more. She is like that with us! Grandpa! Go for a walk with Valya! Dad! Give Varya medicine!

End of free trial.

Nina Artyukhova

Big birch (stories)

Quite the same

Mom closed her suitcase and put on her hat.

“Here,” she said, “Nikolai and Andryusha, listen carefully. Here, in the left drawer, are spare ribbons. I went to the store on purpose today, bought four meters.

- Four meters? Dad was surprised. - Honey, why so many? Is it really a meter in each pigtail?

They lose a lot. As I said, it's stock. Here, Nicholas, look here. Two meters blue and two pink. Pink is for Varya, and blue is for Valya. Please don't confuse.

“Don’t worry, honey, we’ll do everything. Let me, how, how did you say? For Vali? That is, for Vari?

Mom repeated patiently:

- Pink - for Varya, and for Vali - blue.

“But, mother, I know,” Andryusha said.

“Wait a minute, Andryushka…” Papa drew his eyebrows together and repeated several times: “Valya is blue… Varya is pink.” Wa-l-la ... goal-lu ... goal-luba ... Var-r-rya - p-pink! Perfectly! Very easy to remember!

- Let's check it out! Andryusha said. - Dad, who is this?

“With blue pigtails, that means Valya,” dad answered firmly.

- And who is this? Valya asked, pointing to her little sister.

- And this one with pink pigtails means Varya!

- I remember! Remembered! The boys shouted happily. - Mum! Finally remembered!

The fact is that Valya and Varya were twins and so similar to each other that only one mother could distinguish them without ribbons. In addition, dresses and fur coats - everything they had was also the same.

And dad just recently returned from a distant northern expedition and all the time confused his little girls. Of course, he knew how similar the twins were, but still, every time he saw them side by side, he shook his head and said:

- No, it's amazing! Well, they are exactly the same!

Dad glanced at his watch and took Mom's coat off the hanger.

“Please don’t worry, we won’t confuse anything, we’ll do everything right.” Besides, you're only leaving for two weeks! If several times we mistakenly call Valya Varya, nothing special ...

- Nikolai! - Mom put her right hand past the sleeve and said sadly: - So you forgot everything, everything! After all, I repeated to you several times: the doctor told Valya to walk as much as possible, but Varya was completely forbidden and the medicine was three times a day ...

- We'll do everything! finished Andryusha.

And my mother left. It was on Saturday. On Sunday it was possible not to rush to get up, so everyone overslept. The twins, however, were the first to jump up, who, even on weekdays, had absolutely nowhere to hurry. By the time dad came out of the bathroom, smoothing his wet hair, Varya had already lost her left pink ribbon.

“It doesn't matter,” Dad said, “we have a large supply. How much to cut? Is half a meter enough? Come here girls, I'll comb your hair.

“Daddy,” Andryusha asked, “can you do the braiding?”

- Hope so. I had to successfully complete more complex tasks.

Light soft hair obediently parted.

“You don’t braid like that, dad,” Andryusha said after a minute.

- No, yes.

- No not like this. Mom weaves a ribbon with her hair, and you just tied a bow on the ponytail - and that's fine.

“Doesn't matter,” Dad said, “it's even prettier that way. You see how big my bows are, and my mother has nothing left for bows.

- But it's stronger.

- That's it, Andrey, enough criticism to induce. What did mom say? Walk as much as possible. Drink milk, take Valyushka and go. And Varya and I will clean up.

After cleaning and walking, dad and Andryusha cooked dinner, washed the dishes and scraped with knives for a long time and cleaned the burnt frying pan. Finally, dad said “wow” and lay down on the sofa with a book in his hands. However, very soon the book slammed shut on its own, dad's eyes also closed on their own, and dad fell asleep. He was awakened by loud voices.

- Dad! Andryusha shouted. The twins are lost!

Dad jumped up as if on a combat alarm:

- Who? .. Where? .. But here they are! Is it possible, Andryushka, to frighten a person like that!

- That is, they were not lost, but confused. We played hide-and-seek... And under the tables, and under the hanger - well, all four ribbons were touched somewhere. I told you that you don't braid like that!

- Valya! Varya! Come here!

Two absolutely identical daughters stood in front of dad, looked at him with the same cheerful eyes, and even they were disheveled in exactly the same way.

- Not important! Dad laughed. - We have three and a half meters of these ribbons. Now I remember well: blue - Vale, and Vare ...

- Oh, dad, dad! Well, how do you distinguish them now - which one?

- Yes, very simple! After all, they know how to talk. Big girls... What's your name?

- And you?

The twins also burred in exactly the same way. Dad thought:

- We do it carelessly ... What can we do, Andryushka? After all, it’s time for Varya to take her medicine, and for Valya to walk as much as possible!

There was a familiar cough behind the door.

- Grandpa! - the guys shouted joyfully. Grandfather greeted everyone and began to wipe his glasses:

- Do you need to walk, you say? So I came early to take a walk with Valechka. I promised my mom too.

- You came just in time, Konstantin Petrovich! Dad said. - You see, we have ... that is ... Well, in short, the twins are mixed up! “And I told my grandfather what had happened.”

How are you, Nicholas? Grandfather looked at his father reproachfully. - Native, one might say, father, and relatives, one might say, mixed up daughters.

- What to do, Konstantin Petrovich, to blame, of course! Why, when I left, they were quite a bit sensitive. Excuse me, Konstantin Petrovich! And you yourself? Native, you can say grandfather? And relatives, one might say, granddaughters ... Come on, where is Valya? Where is Varya? Which one?

Grandfather slowly put on his glasses and looked at his granddaughters:

– Hmm! Ahem!.. N-yes! That is... Ahem!.. Ahem!.. My glasses are rather weak! Not in the eyes anymore. If only my glasses were stronger...

Andryusha laughed the loudest.

“And already you, Andrey, are completely ashamed,” said dad, “and you didn’t go anywhere, you see them every day ...

- Yes, yes, - grandfather supported dad, - without glasses, and your eyes are young, and relatives, one might say, sisters ...

- What am I? Andryusha justified himself. - I'm nothing. I could distinguish them very well before the illness: Varya was fatter. And in the hospital, they lost weight in different ways and became exactly the same!

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