What do monkeys eat at home. Domestic monkey marmazette. Monkey care at home

The beauty and diversity of the animal world has not bypassed such a family of animals as primates. In the world there are not only representatives who are distinguished by their great height, weight and strength, but also quite crumbs. The marmoset is one of the smallest members of the marmoset monkey family. It will be discussed in this article.

Description and types of marmosets

Representatives of this species pygmy marmosets called pocket monkeys for his modest stature and enviable activity.

The weight of an adult monkey is about one hundred grams with a height of 20–25 centimeters. The tail reaches a length of 20-25 centimeters. It may seem that a long tail has a grasping function, however, it is not.

Standard color of dwarf marmosets- reddish with a dark undercoat may be with black or white patches. The skull of the marmoset is small, but the brain is quite strongly developed. To control environment, nature endowed the monkeys with the ability to turn their heads up to 180 degrees. The monkey's eyes are expressive, round with a slight slant. Monkeys have only two teeth. Developed five-fingered limbs allow marmosets to jump up to five meters in height, and sharp claws allow them to firmly grab and attach to tree trunks or branches.

Types of marmosets:

Habitat and lifestyle

Like most primates, these pygmy monkeys live in South America in the jungles of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador.

Monkeys live in the dense crowns of trees higher from terrestrial predators. Dwarf marmosets spend the night in hollows of trees. Marmosets are social animals and keep numerous groups which is built on the principle of a family, i.e., representatives of one family live in one group, which can consist of 4-5 generations. Female pygmy marmosets give birth twice a year. The protection and upbringing of babies falls entirely on the male, who gives the kids to the females only for feeding.

In the wild, monkeys live up to 10 years, in captivity with proper care this period is extended by 2-3 years.

The constant temperature for keeping marmosets should fluctuate between 25-30 degrees Celsius. Humidity of at least 60% is considered normal.


The diet of dwarf marmosets - marmosets varied and consists of:

  • various fruits;
  • flowers and leaves of plants;
  • insects;
  • bird eggs;
  • amphibians.

Monkeys quench their thirst with water, which accumulates on the leaves of trees. Thanks to powerful incisors, marmosets can extract tree sap, and their low weight allows them to reach fruits that other heavy competitors cannot eat.

Reproduction and the first year of life of marmosets

Female fertility begins from the age of two. The female herself chooses the future father. Pregnancy of marmosets lasts 140-150 days. Usually two, less often three cubs are born.

At birth, babies weigh about 12-15 grams. The first 2-3 months, babies spend with their mother eating breast milk. After that, they pass into the power of their father until they finally get stronger.

With three months can move independently, and from six months they begin to eat the same food as adults. Puberty begins at 12 months and ends at two years.

Threats to life

Choosing life on the branches, marmosets got rid of ground dangers, for example, from the attack of large cats. However, attacks birds of prey and tree snakes are very sharp, and if monkeys fight predators with their social structures, then they cannot protect themselves from human intervention. It is man who is the main enemy of marmosets. Habitat destruction and illegal trapping contemporary issues little monkeys.


If you have firmly decided to settle this cute animal in your house, you have the most reasonable question, how much does marmazette cost and where can you buy them? Most often, marmosets are purchased either at a specialized pet store, or directly from the breeder through bulletin boards on the Internet or through social media. The average price is about 50,000–60,000 rubles. Do not forget that the maintenance of these cute little animals will also incur additional costs.

Marmosets are social animals, so a lack of communication can negatively affect your pet's well-being. It should be borne in mind that if you are going to keep a pet in a terrarium, it should be quite spacious so that the animal does not feel discomfort. Marmosets are shy animals, so they need a place where they can hide and wait out the danger.

The mode of wakefulness and sleep is also important, which is better not to break. Also remember that monkeys mark their territory. You have to be ready for this.

Love and care - that's what is important in keeping any living creature and marmosets are no exception. Treat them the way you would like to be treated, and then the exotic merry fellow will delight you long years.

The content of the article:

throughout big planet Earth, probably, there is no such person who would not know anything about such an amazing animal as the chimpanzee monkey. And the source of information about these little animals is not only the pages of various books and encyclopedias about the animal world. Today, on the Internet, every day is laid out a large number of a variety of scientific articles amazing stories, commercials, photographs, videos and even comedy and science films, the main character of which is none other than the world famous monkey.

Almost each of us had the opportunity to see a monkey, stylishly dressed and in no way inferior to a person in elementary habits. The whole point is that it mysterious creature, nature has awarded very outstanding mental abilities. For this reason, with the participation of this primate, a mass scientific research and discoveries that to this day partly shape science and its history.

Many celebrities got this smart little animal as a pet, for example, the well-known Michael Jackson. It was he who lived such a miracle of nature named Bubbles, which means Bubble in translation. It's safe to say that the trend of having a chimpanzee as a pet has not lost its popularity to this day. Many people dream of having such an amazing and smart comrade.

It cannot be said that in modern world it is very difficult to get a monkey for yourself, this business is gaining more and more momentum in popularity every day. No one can be stopped by the difficulty of finding an animal, some people can be somewhat scared off and dissuaded from this idea only by the price of an exotic pet.

If you have firmly decided that you don’t feel sorry for any money and you are ready for anything, if only a cute little monkey would meet you from work, it’s up to you, but before buying this living creature, you still need to carefully weigh and consider everything. How not to argue, but this little animal comes from wildlife and, despite the level of his intellect, he is still a native of the animal kingdom. He will demand proper care and attention to yourself, in the event that you cannot guarantee this to him, you will ruin the life of not only your smaller friend, but also yourself personally.

The origin of the animal and its native territories

Common chimpanzee (lat. Pan troglodytes) is amazing creation originates from a kind of chimpanzee, which also includes the pygmy chimpanzee or, as it is also called, the bonobo, from big family hominids. The fact that together with them and big great apes man also comes from this family, already inflames not any interest in these primates. Also, scientists attribute this animal to the class of mammals.

As for the locations natural habitat, then they honor the southern and central parts of large and hot Africa as their homeland. But the distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bthese animals is quite wide, it seems possible to meet them in tropical forests Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Democratic Republic Congo, in the lands of Côte d'Ivoire and Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria, as well as in the territories of Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi, Zambia and many other African states.

The main characteristics of the appearance of a chimpanzee

If we talk about the exterior of this smart representative fauna, you should start with the parameters of his body. This is a relatively small monkey, its body length is on average 60-100 cm, but we must not forget that, like a person, it has the ability to stand steadily on its hind limbs. For this reason, it is necessary to mention her height, which is approximately 160–170 cm. Body weight varies between 55–85 kg. Females are often smaller than males, but this difference is not very significant. Having seen this miracle of nature at least once, it should be noted that his body is strong enough, with a well-developed muscular system like a person who keeps himself in excellent physical shape.

The coat of the monkey's body is usually of medium density, the animal's skin is clearly visible through it, this is also possible because there is practically no undercoat on the monkey's body. Nature has dyed the fur black, sometimes there are specimens with a dark brown shade of hair. Only the fur around the mouth and in the projection of the coccyx may have some white hairs. But his fur does not cover all parts of the body - the face, fingers and toes, soles are deprived of hair.

The “face” of the animal is also unique. On it you can easily notice large ears, which are very similar to the human auditory organs, relatively small, snub nose and highly developed brow ridges. In general, it can be noted that on the muzzle of the animal there is a kind of “mask”, which in its shape resembles a butterfly. The eye sockets of this creature are strongly shifted forward, and large supraorbital ridges are placed above them. This pretty creature has a very well developed mimic facial muscles, so they always have noticeable emotions that they experience, which, perhaps, can also be compared with a person.

The distinguishing feature between the forelimbs and hind limbs of the monkey is the size thumb and the limb itself as a whole. On the handle, her thumb is much smaller in size than on her foot. But, nevertheless, the brush of this animal is a means of many manipulations, such as building nests, a thorough search of the area and other relatives, in search of some hidden delicacies, they can also use and make various tools. If a we are talking about animals that develop at home, the structure of the upper limb allows them to learn to draw.

Since a chimpanzee is an animal with extraordinary intelligence, it should be noted that the volume of her brain is approximately 580-620 cubic meters. cm.

Chimpanzee behavior in open nature

It is impossible to say categorically what kind of lifestyle these natives prefer. rainforest hot Africa, because they spend almost the same amount of time, both high in the trees and on the ground. Most often, monkeys move on their four muscular limbs, doing it in a very original way: with their hind legs they completely step on the sole, but, the joints of the hands act as a support in front. If they have a walk for not very long distances, then they quite successfully move vertically.

The active period of these young animals falls mainly during the daytime, but at night they prefer to sleep sweetly in their nests in the trees. Moreover, it should be noted the great diligence of chimpanzees, because every evening, and even day, they construct a new sleeping place for themselves. For the afternoon rest, they make cozy nests for themselves, mainly on the ground, but for the night, the monkeys are already moving to the middle floors of the trees. They like to sleep on a barrel, with slightly bent knees, or on their backs, tightly pressing their knees to their tummy.

Chimpanzee is an animal quite social and sociable. They live in the wild large groups, in which there are from 30 to 160 individuals. As for the composition of groups, there are many variations: there are communities in which females and males live, there are only female or male groups, there are also colonies in which only the female and her children of different generations live. The composition of these groups is completely unstable and may change from time to time. It can be argued that these mammals are extremely sociable, because in their sound arsenal there are over 30 of the most diverse signals, they also have a very well-developed language of facial expressions, gestures and postures. A variety of emotions monkeys also express in the usual way for humans. If it is painful and unpleasant for her, she can easily burst into tears, only the crying of this little animal is never accompanied by lacrimation, but when he has peace and joy in his soul, he also does not hold back his smile.

How to understand their communication? There are several features by which you can determine what this mammal has in mind. In the event that a chimpanzee needs to call someone, a corresponding “calling” grimace appears on his “face” and he “hoots” in a peculiar way. If the animal wants to demonstrate aggression and readiness to attack, then it is common for him to purse his lips, accompanying this with an attentive and piercing gaze. In a situation where a humanoid creature opens its mouth, while parting its lips and exposing its gums, it is a signal that someone frightened him. If the animal makes aching sounds, this may mean that something is wrong, he is either not very comfortable, or he is hungry.

The process of reproduction in these primates does not depend at all on the season and weather conditions. The gestation period lasts an average of 220-225 days, at the end of this period, most often one chimpanzee baby is born, but, like in people, there are cases of twins being born. The cub is born completely, devoid of hair, only after some time hair gradually appears. For many weeks and months, the baby exists in close and inseparable tandem with his mother, at which time he gradually learns the art of independent adult life. Males and females reach sexual maturity at different ages- female chimpanzees at 6–10 years old, but males at 7–8 years old.

When purchasing such a very exotic pet, you should remember that you are bringing into the house not just an animal, but a creature that requires no less attention for care than Small child. He also needs to be educated and trained in various skills. Due to the fact that the intelligence of this exotic is much higher than that of all other representatives of the fauna of our planet, you will often be pleasantly surprised at what this African pet is capable of. But it is impossible not to mention that there is a downside to these good mental abilities.

Just like a child, a chimpanzee needs to be taught all the basic concepts. It seems possible to teach him to go to the toilet and even flush after himself, wash his hands before eating and after a walk, sit at the dinner table, like a full-fledged family member, eating not with his hands, but with a spoon. With this companion, you can absolutely safely go shopping, while buying clothes for yourself, do not forget that more than one came and your friend will also not refuse a new T-shirt, blouse, shorts or a fashionable cap that he will wear with pleasure, only you need him to get used to it. And after a while, the animal will dress up on its own.

The learning process is best done visually, perform all the actions that your child should learn. pet, before his eyes and after some time he will begin to imitate you and he will succeed.

In the event that you have some troubles at work or just a bad mood - know that you have someone to cry on your vest, at home you will find the faithful and reliable shoulder of your home monkey. She will not rub against you and purr like a cat, or wag her tail happily like a dog, this monkey is able to pity and sympathize, like your very own. best friend. She may also wake you up in the morning if she develops the same sleep pattern as you. On your day off, when you just want to lie down and watch TV, your four-legged friend will be happy to keep you company. You can also come up with a number of entertainment for him, such as drawing, simple computer games or new toys, most often something that he has not seen before, takes his attention to long time. The monkey will not refuse various entertainment procedures in the yard, for example, playing with a ball, it will gladly run with you for company.

Unfortunately, these little animals cannot be taught human speech in any way, and the point is not that they lack intelligence, because they will perfectly understand your speech. The reason for this is a completely different structure. speech apparatus, although, as some experiments and studies show, chimpanzees learn the language of deaf-mute quite well.

  1. The negative side of the content of such a pupil. The ingenuity and intelligence of an animal is not always fun and funny, as it might seem at first glance. Returning home from work, you will never know for sure what subject of your apartment has been touched by the intellect of your tenant. He is able to unscrew cabinet doors, beat dishes, turn on and forget to turn off the water, ruin furniture and wallpaper (this is especially often the case in anger). It is rarely possible to hide anything from them, unless you have a reliable safe.
  2. Hygiene. These little animals are afraid of water, so you need to very carefully accustom them to water procedures, but you can’t do it forcibly, this measure is fraught with animal aggression or long-term resentment. In general, you should not do anything against his will, do not forget that this is a very touchy creature, and just a wild animal that has strength many times greater than a person. And not only the interior of your home, but also its inhabitants themselves can suffer from a fit of anger. If you find the right approach, then it is still possible to instill in this little animal a love of cleanliness and then she will gladly take a shower and take a bath. You should only be especially attentive to your household after bathing, he can easily catch a cold.
  3. Housing for your friend. Of course, it will be nice if you build a spacious cage for him, equip it with various branches, on which the monkey will climb and jump. But the presence of a personal enclosure does not mean that she will spend all the time there. Long stay in captivity can negatively affect the mental state of the animal and lead to excessive aggressiveness. It is best to allocate a small room for him.
  4. Nutrition. Due to the fact that chimpanzees have many qualities in common with humans, their diet is also not much different. You can of course use regular primate food as a main meal, but it will be easier and more economical to feed him just healthy food. Its menu should include such products as bread, boiled vegetables, crackers, various cereals, butter, cabbage, onions, sugar, nuts and many other products that are in your refrigerator. You need to limit fatty foods. AT summer time you can pamper your friend with grass, acacia branches and dandelions, so he will definitely like them. This monkey can keep you company in a tea party. From time to time you can give boiled eggs, fruits and berries.

Many exotic animals become residents of ordinary apartments and houses, filling them with joy and fun. So miniature marmoset monkeys, with proper care and maintenance, will amuse and give gifts for many years. positive emotions to their owners.

Marmosets: content

Domestic marmoset monkeys, whose maintenance is not as simple as it seems, are primarily social animals, so they must be kept in pairs. For keeping marmosets in an apartment, a spacious cage of small rods or a terrarium is suitable, which maintains a constant temperature and humidity. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200ban apartment or house allows, then monkeys can be kept in an aviary. The place of their maintenance must be decorated with branches, sticks, artificial plants, ladders and ropes. It is also necessary to put a place for the shelter of the animal - a wooden house with warm bedding and 2 feeders, and 1 drinker.

Decor elements must be washed periodically boiled water with plain soap and rinse well. Do not use aggressive detergents for washing, as marmosets gnaw on objects and can be poisoned by unwashed residues of substances.

At the bottom of the cage or aviary, it is necessary to lay baby diapers or processed flaps made of natural fabrics, change them once a day. For cages that have a tray, you can use a filler without a strong odor, which must be changed every 4 days.

Marmosets need humid climate, therefore, with their content, you need to install a humidifier and set it to 60%. Temperature regime fluctuates between 25-290C, it is advisable to install a lamp on top for additional heating.

It is necessary to exclude drafts, so there should not be open windows and air conditioning near them.


Small pet monkey She will always be healthy if her diet is balanced and consists of: fruits, vegetables, cereals, protein foods (insects, eggs). Fruits that can be fed: ripe apples, pears, bananas, pitted cherries and grapes, kiwi, mangoes, watermelons and melons; vegetables: lettuce, cabbage, sweet pepper, cucumber, carrot, avocado. Vegetables and fruits must be finely chopped and warmed to room temperature before being given to marmosets. Every day, give the monkeys protein food: crickets, cockroaches or fresh peeled shrimp or boiled eggs. You can feed baby yogurt or cereals in water without sugar. In no case should you feed canned food, sweet, fried, sour and legumes.

Fruits and vegetables are placed in one feeder, protein food in the other. The water in the drinking bowl is changed every day. It is better to use thawed water or still bottled water. Feed 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

It is also necessary to give a vitamin complex - Kinder Biovital gel and vitamins of groups B, D3 and 1/8 tablet of calcium gluconate. Vitamin complexes should be given strictly adhering to the prescribed dosage.

For Russia, a monkey in an apartment is exotic. Firstly, because these animals are not representatives of the domestic fauna, and secondly, because they are wild with all the ensuing consequences.

However, despite both of these arguments, having a monkey as a pet is very, very interesting, because this animal will definitely not let you get bored. But, first of all, we advise you to become more familiar with the habits and character of monkeys suitable as a pet.

According to experts, it is better to choose from the following species: Javanese monkey and rhesus monkey. We strongly advise against buying Chinese or Ceylon macaques, because in captivity they lose their immunity, start to get sick a lot and eventually die. And the character, in truth, these monkeys leaves much to be desired. They behave restlessly, as if they are in a state of constant anxiety. The Javan macaque, like the rhesus, is quite resistant to diseases, and the temperament of representatives of both species is characterized by friendliness and poise. In addition, these monkeys behave very amusingly and are able to deliver a lot of positive emotions to their owner.

So, as you yourself have already understood, it is better to get a monkey with good immunity, which will live a long time and delight family members with its cute antics, or you can simply lose money (and a lot) if a monkey with a weak immune system get sick and die.

The pleasure of owning a Javanese monkey will cost you at least 50,000 rubles, and a maximum of 180,000. The price of a rhesus monkey on the Russian market is close to 100,000 rubles.

Now more about each:

  • The Javanese macaque, otherwise called the crab-eater for crab meat, has a rather attractive appearance. He has two types of color: one is brown-yellow, the second is dark with a black muzzle. Growth adult does not exceed 60 cm with a weight of 4-8 kg. As you can see, the animal is compact and does not take up much space in the apartment. In addition to strong immunity, this type of monkey also has a second advantage for keeping in the house - the “Javanese” is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and quick getting used to the person (the owner and his family members). In the south of Russia, it can be kept outdoors in an aviary, and in the northern regions - in an aviary in the house. However, it would be wrong not to warn you about the rare cases where cynomolgus macaques show aggression and even bite their owner;
  • Rhesus monkeys are smaller than Javanese. Becoming an adult, it weighs up to 3500 g, and is comparable in height to the fox terrier. The body of the monkey is covered with yellow-brown fur, and there is a growth on its ischial part. bright red colors. Rhesus in different situations makes various sounds from menacing growl to baby squeaking. It is better to take on the upbringing of Rhesus at a young age. So he better adapt to life in new conditions for himself. An adult animal adapts extremely difficult, therefore it regularly shows anger towards others.

The principles of raising domestic monkeys are the same as for dogs. They should be treated kindly or strictly, depending on their behavior in this moment. Both species are willing to learn, so they can be taught to perform some circus tricks that will make your children and guests at home laugh.

At good nutrition, conditions of detention and good treatment, the monkey will be imbued with confidence in you, learn to understand you and be complaisant and calm.

Among exotic pets, the monkey occupies one of the first positions in popularity. It is associated with an interesting pastime, intelligence, playfulness. But when it comes time to choose which monkey to buy, many are faced with the problem of choice. After all, under the name "monkey" there are a lot of subspecies of animals, each of which has its own characteristics of care and maintenance.
It is also sometimes difficult to choose where to buy a live monkey, the price of which will be acceptable, and the health will be strong. In our pet store, this problem is no longer relevant. Experienced managers will help you choose the best representative and provide all necessary information according to his competent maintenance of the house.

Huge species diversity

Habitat, life expectancy and nutritional habits are only a small part of the factors that influenced the development of primates. One only species diversity forced zoologists to divide primates into groups of the New and Old Worlds. They have hundreds of species. The New World group includes animals native to Central and South America (97 species). Representatives of the Old World, originally living in Africa and Asia, have more than 136 species of animals. This is the home of such known primates like chimpanzees, bobonos, gorillas and other great apes.
Finding out exactly where your home is different types done, and today it is not difficult to buy a tame monkey of any breed, anywhere. But not always she will be able to take root normally in captivity. An important role is played by the nursery, which will contain the primate. For example, in an artificially created closed ecosystem like a reserve, almost any species can take root. But the content at home is not comfortable for everyone.

Domestic primates that adapt well to captivity home content the following types are considered:

  • Monkey.
  • Tamarin.
  • Igrunka.
  • Gibbon.

These species adapt well to captivity, are unpretentious in keeping, capable of proper arrangement cells live in any climatic conditions. But it is important to remember that these primates historically evolved in warm climates. Therefore, the conditions of detention and diet should meet their needs. This is especially true for winter period- despite the frost, the pet's nest should always be warm and dry.
Primates are distinguished by an inquisitive mind and a great tendency to be mischievous. Try to treat with understanding those tricks that the domestic monkey does. Avoid rash actions such as yelling at your pet or using physical punishment. The monkey that is being beaten will become aggressive, bored, withdraw into itself. Poor conditions of detention very quickly lead to death.
Therefore, just specifying how much the chosen monkey costs, remember that you are buying not a toy at all, but a living joy - which at times can cause trouble.

Some interesting representatives of domestic primates

There is a huge species diversity of monkeys on the planet, many of which are kept in protected or domestic conditions. Their most famous representatives are:

  • Chimpanzee.
    This species is considered the animal closest to humans in terms of intelligence. Primates are able to show wide range emotions, be cheerful, funny, sad, capable of aggression. The animal considers the owner as the leader of the pack. To improve it emotional state it is recommended to regularly take it in your arms, stroke it, allow you to examine your hair, hands.
    This primate is one of the most popular species of exotic animals due to cleanliness, intelligence and interesting live reactions. For example, after receiving a treat, he almost always smiles back. These monkeys feed on special food purchased at a pet store, but they can also eat from the owner's table. When handled properly, they make an excellent choice for those looking for a moderately large, intelligent and affectionate monkey that can be trained.
  • Marmoset.
    Marmosets are one of the smallest primates on the planet. Their second name is marmoset or mini monkey. It is hard to imagine, but a real marmoset is easy to carry in a pocket of clothes, surprising others with the unexpected appearance of a tiny muzzle from it with an unusually serious expression. The weight of an adult marmoset is about 300 grams, so it is quite economical in nutrition, but demanding on the conditions of detention.
    by the most important rule content is to protect the animal from drafts. Weather in Russia they are distinguished by severity, and the homeland of the marmoset is sunny South America. Therefore, this little monkey should not be exposed to low temperatures, her tiny body, despite the fur, is quickly supercooled. Marmosets are very fond of warmth - this is easy to verify by placing a lamp over the cage. The place where the warm rays fall will almost immediately become a favorite for the animal.
    Marmosets are very fond of society, so it is better to buy two individuals at once. These full-fledged primates in vivo live in families, raise offspring together, and are quite inexpensive. The diet of marmosets consists of fruits, bird eggs, tree sap, some insects and plants.
  • Toque.
    The small Javan and Rhesus monkeys are popular exotic pets that peaked in 2016, the Year of the Red Monkey. The macaque is most often chosen due to the fact that this animal the most famous. It is with her that photographers travel along the beaches, offer to take a picture in a circus or a zoo.
    Depending on the species and age, the price of the acquired macaque can vary over a wide range. The cost of buying a primate can range from fifty to almost two hundred thousand rubles. But do not immediately accept the offer to become the owner of a monkey unusually cheap. A popular method of fraud is the sale of unvaccinated, sick or simply old animals for next to nothing.
    The macaque is unpretentious to the conditions of detention and diet. The animal may well eat the same as the owner, but the diet should be made with caution. The basis should be plant foods, but spicy, smoked, salty and fried foods should be excluded.

Many species of domestic primates are intelligent and cheerful in nature. For this they are loved by both owners and poachers. After all, considering how much an individual of an endangered species costs, it is easy to make money on monkeys. The sad result is that many species of primates, such as the Javan macaque, are on the verge of extinction.
Therefore, when choosing where to buy an exotic pet, contact our online pet store. Buying animals in Moscow only in certified outlets allows for a double effect:

  • Get a guaranteed healthy, vaccinated, properly developed pet and all the necessary information on its content.
  • Reduce the demand for animals caught by poachers, thereby saving wild representatives from hunting for profit.

Sometimes even the most obscure actions can help protect wildlife diversity. Buying pets from a certified pet store is one of them.

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