Breeding marmosets. Marmoset primates are monkeys. Do you know that

AT recent times familiar pets: hamsters, cats and dogs fade into the background, giving way to more exotic pets. One of these overseas inhabitants of our houses and apartments is pygmy marmoset. This miniature monkey is gradually gaining more and more popularity, despite the high price of the monkey and some difficulties in its maintenance.


In conditions wildlife marmosets can be found in the upper Amazon, in the southern regions of Colombia and Ecuador, in the north of Bolivia and Peru, as well as in the western regions of Brazil. The smallest monkeys in the world prefer to live in trees and in very rare cases go down, so as not to endanger themselves from being eaten by predators.


Marmosets are fragile and miniature primates. Their weight is in the range of 100-150 g, and the body length is no more than 13-15 cm. The monkeys have an incredibly long tail for their small body, the length of which is from 17 to 23 cm. The monkey's eyes are large and have an almond shape. This gives the monkey a slightly surprised and incredibly cute facial expression. The body of the animal is covered with thick fur of a golden brown color. The head of the marmoset is decorated with a thick mane, which is formed by longer tufts of wool. The ears of the primate are small, so they are almost invisible.

Did you know? Grooming, or the ritual search of the wool of marmosets, is a special act that signifies trust and affection.

Terrarium Requirements

The temperature regime of the terrarium should be 25-29 ° C, air humidity - 60%. The "house" of the marmoset must be protected from drafts. These miniature monkeys love movement, so the terrarium must have a large number of various branches and snags, on which the monkeys will willingly jump.

In addition, the monkey's habitat should have a sufficient number of shelters where he can hide if something scares him. Such secret places are very important for the psychological comfort of the animal.

Marmosets are paired animals, therefore, having decided to purchase a monkey, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have two pets at once. Therefore, the terrarium for a couple should be as spacious as possible: at least a meter in length and two meters in height.

These babies are extremely active during the day and can suffer from a lack of sunlight. In this connection, it is best to place the terrarium on the sunny side of the apartment and provide its illumination with special lamps.

It is necessary to clean the terrarium at least once a month, the rest of the time you should simply replace the contaminated soil as needed.

Important! Irregular cleaning of the terrarium can lead to the fact that marmosets will begin to mark the territory, trying to kill someone else's smell.

Behavior and lifestyle

The rhythm of life of these primates is similar to the human one: during the day they are active, and after dark they go to bed.

While awake, they are busy jumping on twigs and vines, lying in the sun and looking for food. They also devote a significant part of their time to caring for each other's coat. They live in tribal groups of several generations. By nature, they are shy and cautious. Despite their small size, the monkeys jump well up to a meter away. We must be prepared for the fact that at first the monkeys will treat their master with distrust. Too violent a reaction of people can scare them, so at the beginning of your acquaintance with the marmoset, you should refrain from loud sounds and sudden movements.


AT wild environment miniature monkeys eat tree sap, which they extract with their sharp teeth nibbling the bark of trees. In captivity, the diet of marmosets consists of juicy fruits (banana, melon, mango, apple) and small insects. They love monkeys and natural honey nectar, as well as fresh juices. The diet of the baby can be diversified with baby food (without milk, so as not to cause allergies) and cereals.

To provide your pet with strong gums, it is necessary to give him washed dried fruits at least once a week, and bio-yogurt for comfortable digestion. Do not forget about adding special vitamin complexes to the diet, which the veterinarian will tell you about in more detail.

Feeding marmosets - good way tame her, because, taking food from the hands of a person, the marmoset begins to trust him.

Did you know?The head of the marmoset is able to turn 180° .

Care and hygiene

Caring for this funny baby comes down to regular cleaning of the terrarium, since these primates do all hygiene procedures on their own. Monkeys themselves put their hair in order and do not need outside help.

take care of good mood the owner of marmosets can buy their pets by purchasing a variety of toys for them (safe toys for kids are optimal). These monkeys are inquisitive and are very happy with everything new.


The female can have several partners, so the size of the family group can be up to five individuals. The eldest female leads the group. Marmosets can breed throughout the year, and the peaks of the birth of babies are observed from May to June and from October to January.

Marmosets reach puberty by two years. The cub of the female is nurtured for 150 days. As a rule, no more than two babies are born in marmosets. After they are born, all members of the group help in their upbringing. Males carry newborns on their shoulders, bring mothers for feeding.

Important!It is not recommended to take the monkey out for walks. Alien smells, loud sounds and a large number of people will become a strong stress for the baby.

attitude towards loneliness

Marmosets are social animals, life alone is not easy for them. They can get bored, get sick, and even die. Therefore, it is better to buy primates in pairs. If this is not possible, then the owner should do his best to compensate for this lack of communication.

Health and Prevention

In the wild, the life expectancy of marmosets is no more than 11 years, in captivity, with proper care, the monkey can live up to 20 years.

The most common disease of monkeys kept in captivity is osteodystrophy, provoked by an unbalanced diet (lack of vitamin D3) and the lack of the necessary amount of heat and light. In addition, errors in the nutrition of marmosets can cause various diseases oral cavity.

At the first signs of an incipient disease (lethargy, decreased activity), you should contact your veterinarian.


The average cost of a healthy individual with the relevant documents fluctuates around 1500-2000 conventional units. Females are usually $200-300 more expensive than males.

Before starting this exotic pet, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons well. Firstly, marmosets are an expensive pleasure, secondly, they require some care, thirdly, this baby is extremely active, mobile and inquisitive, and fourthly, these animals can never be fully tamed, so they cannot become faithful and safe friends for household members, especially children.

Video: pygmy marmoset

Currently, it is very common to meet unusual, exotic pets in the city. One of these animals is small primate, which is called the pygmy marmoset. This little one fits easily in the palm of your hand. She is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as smallest monkey on the planet.

This monkey weighs only 150 grams. But how much enthusiasm and energy in these tiny creatures! Unlike the kinkajou and lory lemur, which are predominantly crepuscular, this monkey is active during the daytime.

Little monkey - marmoset

The natural habitat is the Amazon jungle. They spend most of their lives in trees. They feed on tree sap, insects and fruits.

In nature, these animals live in packs in which several generations can be found. These animals lead a monogamous lifestyle. The female usually gives birth to 2 cubs.

Although these little monkeys live in the jungle, they will also get along well in a city apartment. In order for these primates to be healthy and live as long as possible, they need to create suitable conditions for them.

The most important thing is to know a few basic rules so that keeping a primate is not problematic.

  • Choose an aviary or terrarium. If you have chosen an aviary, then its size should be 1.5 * 2 * 2. But experienced breeders still recommend placing monkeys in terrariums.
  • They must be provided with optimal temperature regime. The air temperature should be 25 - 28 degrees. Humidity in the terrarium should be about 60%.
  • To keep the marmoset, equip a shelter so that it can hide there.
  • In a terrarium or aviary, install a large number decorative elements. It must be various plants, snags and branches for climbing.
  • These animals are very thermophilic and catch cold easily. Keep your pets away from drafts.
  • It is recommended to keep pygmy monkeys in pairs.

Obligation food

The main diet of this monkey consists of fruits, fresh juices. Although the food for these animals usually includes plant foods, they will happily eat insects and spiders. At home, they are given cereals, baby food and honey nectars.

Porridge for baby food give the monkey without milk content. After all, little animal You may be allergic to lactose. As a daily supplement for a pet, fructose or not very sweet sucrose is used.

Juicy fresh fruits are given separately as a treat. These monkeys are very fond of mangoes, pears, melons and bananas.

Fresh pure water should always be in the bowl of the animal. They will not refuse natural juices, nectars and compotes.

Washed dried fruits (prunes, raisins, dried apricots) should be given at least once a week to strengthen the gums.

And for good digestion occasionally, small amounts of bio-yogurt can be given.

Despite the fact that the diet of the animal is rich in plant foods, it is additionally necessary to give him vitamins.

Food supplements to give your monkey:

  • Vigantol (vitamin D)
  • Kinderbiovital
  • Calcium gluconate
  • pollen

As a protein supplement, marmosets are given their natural food, crickets and grasshoppers. Occasionally, you can give raw chicken meat, finely chopped. But, only in very small portions.

Price of dwarf marmoset

The cost of this monkey, like other exotic animals, is not small. The minimum price of a dwarf marmoset is 60,000 rubles.

So, you have decided to purchase this wonderful animal as a pet. First of all, it is worth remembering that the monkey will get used to you faster if it is still a cub when buying. It is best to acquire them at the age of 4 months.
We wish you good luck in choosing a pet.
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Toys play a very important role in human life. It is a mistake to believe that they perform only an entertaining function; from time immemorial, houses have been decorated with toys, household items, amulets and amulets have been made in the form of toys. But most importantly, toys made for children were designed not only to please and amuse the child, but also to develop him, teach him, prepare him for adulthood. Therefore, toys were often made in the form of swords, costumed dolls, animals. The surrounding elements served as materials for manufacturing: wood, clay, pieces of cloth and thread. Do-it-yourself soft toys were also created from ancient times, they were filled with the remains of rags, cereals, aromatic herbs.

Now the topic of making toys with your own hands is becoming relevant again. They can be carved from wood, weaved, molded from clay, salt dough, modern special masses for modeling. Developing puzzles can be easily crafted from metal wire. It has long been used in the manufacture of souvenirs and children's crafts. natural materials: cones, acorns, chestnuts, shells and pebbles, twigs and herbs, feathers and leaves; Today, waste materials are also actively used in the work: plastic bottles and cups, containers from Kinder Surprises, etc. But Stuffed Toys with their own hands are the most popular among craftswomen of all generations.

Materials for making soft toys

The most common way to make a toy is to sew it. There are a huge number of fabrics, from which, with a certain skill, the most beautiful exclusive toys are obtained: velvet and plush, corduroy, fleece and felt bunnies and bears create comfort in the house, it will be nice to receive such warm beauty as a gift not only for a child. Previously, when there was a shortage in everything, and I wanted to pamper the children, almost all mothers and grandmothers sewed soft toys for children with their own hands. The photo (Fig. 1) shows a colorful cat that will fit into any interior. In addition to the fact that a funny cat cheers up, it easily functions as a pillow, albeit a decorative one. Moreover, the sewing of this charming beast can be entrusted even to a child, this process is so simple: we cut out 2 parts of the body according to the pattern and sew it from the wrong side, having previously attached eyes and a nose to one of the halves. After the parts are sewn, we turn the workpiece through a specially left hole and stuff it with any of the fillers.

There are countless options for knitted toys, but each of them is original and unique, no matter what toy you knit (large or small, funny or touching), it will not leave indifferent those for whom it is intended. Very popular today tiny toys amigurumi, knitting patterns for these kids, like the trend itself, came to us from Japan. The largest specimens usually do not exceed 15 cm, but if the author has enough skill, lovely toys are born into the world, sometimes no larger than a walnut. In Russia, these cute little animals have gained particular popularity as key chains: such an ornament will surely draw the attention of others to its owner. At the heart of amigurumi toys is a ring with a slip knot, the product is knitted in a circular pattern. It will not be difficult to tie the cats from the picture (Fig. 2), even if the hook first fell into your hand. With even the slightest experience, it will take no more than an hour.

Do-it-yourself soft toys can be made by felting. Charming little animals are felted using special needles, that is, dry felting. Unlike simple knitted souvenirs, creating a fluffy animal that is indistinguishable from the original requires true skill and hard work. It is not enough to master only the felting technique, you need to have broader artistic abilities, since felting is only one of the stages in creating a toy, after that, with the help of a pastel, “make-up” is applied to the muzzle, which gives the animal realism. Sometimes the work does not end there, and for some animals they sew or knit clothes to complete the image.

A separate item is soft toys sewn from pieces of leather, fur and felt - such animals are appearance as close as possible to the original. Although sometimes funny toys are sewn from felt, sewn with decorative seams on the front side of the product. Toys are also sewn from parts of old clothes: nylon tights, socks and even shirt sleeves. As for tights, this is a universal material for manipulating them: forming the details of a toy from nylon is a fairly simple and exciting activity, besides, the material can be easily tinted with pastel, which is very important when creating faces.

Fillers for soft toys

In order to give the toy volume and justify its name “soft”, it is necessary to fill the sewn or knitted toy. Felted toys do not require filler, as they are made entirely of felting wool.

Do-it-yourself soft toys can be filled with natural ecological materials. Toys filled with fragrant herbs such as lavender, mint, oregano and coffee beans are not meant to be played, but to create a cozy atmosphere at home. To develop the child's tactile sensations, toys can be filled with cereals, grains, buckwheat husks, peas and beans, dried berries and fruits, and sand. Washing with such fillers is contraindicated, so it is worth considering the possibility of extracting them or considering options for synthetic fillers. You can also stuff the toy with feathers or down, but this is also impractical.

Synthetic fillers of the XXI century

The first and proven stuffing material is synthetic winterizer. This resilient non-woven fabric is very warm and lightweight, non-toxic and non-irritating. allergic reactions, it is often used as a heater in the manufacture of clothing, blankets, bedspreads and bedding. To the list of advantages, you can add the fact that it is resistant to washing, dries quickly and restores volume.
In order to shape the toy, the synthetic winterizer can be twisted into a roll - this is suitable to fill the little animal's body. For a more even distribution of the stuffing, the synthetic winterizer is first torn into small pieces.

Foam rubber is used as the basis for toys that have certain geometric shapes, such as soft cubes. Washing the material is also not terrible, but it should be borne in mind that toys with such a core have certain period suitability: over time, the foam rubber shrinks or, conversely, sticks together and can become toxic. If, while probing the toy, you feel deformed parts: exfoliated pieces, sharp corners - you should stop using the product, especially by a child.

Sintepukh is a substitute for natural swan down. It is no less actively used by craftswomen who create soft toys with their own hands. Unlike synthetic winterizer, which is produced in layers, synthetic fluff is a lush mass. This voluminous and incredibly light material has 3 advantages over the original. Firstly, the price: the cost of synthetic down products is much lower, but this is due not to inferior qualities, but to simpler production. Secondly, hypoallergenicity: bugs and ticks avoid this filler. Thirdly, he is indifferent even to machine washing and drying - the material dries quickly and instantly restores volume.

One of the most common materials in the production of pillows, mattresses, toys, products for newborns, insulated clothing, including expedition clothing, is holofiber. There is an opinion that this is the same synthetic winterizer, only in a different form of release, but this is not so. Although both materials are based on 100% synthetic polyester fibers, the production process is different. Without going into details, differences in the manufacturing process add advantages to the finished material. Hollofiber has a number of advantages that make it one of the best materials in its class: it is hypoallergenic, wear-resistant, antistatic, does not absorb moisture and odors, does not deform during washing, drying, heat treatment, creasing, does not contain glue and other toxic substances, not subject to combustion (the material melts without contributing to the spread of fire), bacteria, fungi and mites do not live in it. And its thermal properties can be discussed separately, but for toys it is not so important.

The material of another brand - komforel - has almost identical properties, outwardly it is the same elastic lumps or balls, which, evenly distributed, make the filled products soft and airy. Its fibers are also twisted into spirals, which makes it more resilient, fluffy and warmer than synthetic winterizer.

Textured padding

You have probably seen pillows and toys labeled “anti-stress” in stores, they are just filled with such materials, which are soft or hard crumbling particles - granules. In addition to the anti-stress effect, such toys have a developing function: probing balls of different sizes through the fabric contributes to the sensory development of the child. We have already talked about natural textured fillers, but there are also artificial analogues that are inferior in some ways, and in some ways superior to natural ones.

Porous polystyrene foam is almost weightless foam balls 2-7 mm in diameter. The material is hygienically safe, it is actively used for the production of pillows for pregnant women and feeding, toys and frameless furniture. Washing does not deform the structure of the balls, but it is not recommended due to the fact that products with such stuffing dry for a long time.

Polyethylene granules are also small balls, only made of plastic. There are glass and metal granules, but such fillers are not used in the production of toys. If you make a toy with your own hands, you can replace the granulate with large beads, beads of different sizes, bullets from toy guns. It is not necessary to fill the entire toy with such a filler - often the granulate is added to the same holofiber or synthetic fluff, stuffing their paws, legs and handles. Washing the filler is not contraindicated, water simply flows off the plastic granules.

You can add several “rattles”, “ringers” or “rattles” to the main filler: pieces of foil, candy wrappers, bells or a container filled with beads from a kinder, hidden in the middle of the toy, will become additional entertainment for your child. Make soft toys with your own hands, involving the whole family in the lesson: children will remember joint creativity for a long time, and their imagination will suggest new solutions!

Be careful!

When creating toys with small particles inside, make sure that the filler does not leak out through the outer fabric, the child should not be able to chew or tear the toy: for this Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the tightness of the seams and the strength of the materials used.

Almost each of us still has Soviet toys at home, ordinary cotton wool was the main filler in them. This was due to the lack of synthetic analogues (for example, holofiber appeared on the Russian market only in 2005). Our parents, many of whom also made soft toys with their own hands, also had to use cotton wool. She has, despite natural origin The cons are much more than the pros. Ticks and bacteria are happy to live in cotton, which are very fond of natural materials, it supports combustion, clumps and dries for a long time - improper drying leads to mold, and a toy stuffed with cotton becomes heavy and short-lived. In addition to cotton wool, rags were used as fillers: old shreds and scraps of fabric, as well as curly threads from loose knitting. The disadvantages of these materials are the same as those of cotton, besides, a toy stuffed with patches is too heterogeneous and unpleasant to the touch, and knitted “curls” straighten out after the first wash.

In some cases, synthetic materials are inferior to natural ones in terms of safety, consumer qualities and ease of use.

Do-it-yourself soft toys are new skills, useful time spent and priceless gifts to your family and friends. Create with pleasure!

The dwarf marmoset is the smallest of the entire order of primates on Earth.

Habitat of the pygmy marmoset

Dwarf marmosets live in South America- the upper reaches of the Amazon (Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru).

These tiny monkeys prefer bamboo and reed beds, and can also be found along temporarily flooded coastal areas. tropical forests and near economic areas.

Appearance of a dwarf marmoset

The length of adults of the pygmy marmoset is from 20.8 cm to 38 cm, most of which falls on the tail.

Their weight is 100-150 grams.

The body color is mostly yellow-brown, the belly is white, and the tail is decorated with black and gray rings.

All five of her thumbs grow unnaturally long and prehensile claws. The hind legs are longer than the front.

The eyes of these little monkeys are large, almond-shaped. The circumference of the eyes is devoid of wool. The ears are small, bald, and almost invisible due to the thick and long hair. The fur on the upper body is longer than on the lower. The face is completely covered with fur.

A long tail is needed for pygmy marmosets to maintain balance.

Feeding the pygmy marmoset

Dwarf marmosets are insectivorous animals. In addition, they often feed on bird eggs, honey, and small lizards. Clinging to tree branches and making holes in them, the marmoset drinks juice. She can be in this position for hours until she sucks out the liquid. As a rule, more than half of the diet of marmosets is occupied by plant juice.

Lifestyle of the pygmy marmoset

This species of monkey lives mainly near the Amazon. They rarely descend to the ground, live mainly in trees, sleep in a hollow and are diurnal. The pygmy marmoset monkey is rather shy. Sensing the slightest rustle, animals of this species hide in the branches of trees. Marmosets live in groups, protect their family members, but do not tolerate strangers in their habitat. Most often, their group consists of three to four adult monkeys, two teenagers and two babies. They make a variety of sounds: chirping, chirping, squealing when frightened.

They move along the branches of trees on four limbs, they can move vertically along the trunks thanks to sharp claws on their fingers. When moving, use vertical branches at a height of up to 20 meters.
Marmosets are very agile and active primates. Able to make vertical jumps up to 5 m, and in length up to 2 m.

They usually feed at altitudes below 6-15 meters.

They rest, play and engage in social care (when one animal cleans the hairline of another with its fingers and teeth) at a height of 10-20 meters.

For sleep, hollows are used in trees, which are located at least 6-12 meters.
A group travels no more than 100 meters per day, however, single individuals looking for their mate sometimes travel up to 850 meters per day.

During continuous rains marmosets eat less and rest more.
A typical daily schedule for a group of pygmy marmosets:

  1. Eating gummi during the first 30-90 minutes after sleep.
  2. A period for warming, grooming and playing, then eating insects.
  3. The second afternoon rest, care, games and "afternoon tea".
  4. Abundant feeding in the evening, return to the place of lodging for the night.

Places for lodging (hollows) are used many times, there are usually 2-3 trees on the group site, one of which is used constantly, and the rest - sporadically. The dominant male leads the group for the night.

Cubs, teenagers and semi-adult marmosets take part in the games. There are two types of games: single and social. The single player game includes: acrobatic hovering, jumping and running, as well as imitating chasing and catching insects. Pursuit and fighting are the main types social game, in which 2-4 individuals participate. Usually marmosets play during the rest period: late in the morning and early in the afternoon.

Reproduction of the pygmy marmoset

Females have the right to choose their own partner, each of the females may have more than one male. One pregnancy of a female pygmy marmoset brings 2-3 cubs of 14 grams each. Up to 6 weeks, babies move on the backs of males. Lactation lasts up to 3 months. By 24 weeks, the cubs reach the size of adults and become completely independent, it is at this age that they are already able to look for their own food.

Population status of the pygmy marmoset

A large number of dwarf marmosets live in nature, so their species is not protected. However, in addition to the main danger of losing the species of pygmy marmosets, there is a threat of extinction of their habitat.

The animal world is incredibly diverse and fascinating, while people know so little about it. Primates are of particular interest, their demeanor attracts animal lovers, so many of them want to have a monkey as a pet.

smallest primate

The pygmy marmoset is the smallest representative of primates. This miniature monkey is funny and playful. Its dimensions are amazingly small: from 10 to 15 cm, and the length of the tail is about 22 cm. The weight of the monkey is no more than 100-150 g. Despite its size, it is a real primate.

The only thing that distinguishes her from her relatives large sizes, is that her tail is not grasping, and her hind legs are longer than her front legs. Ears are not visible and hidden under the coat, and smart eyes are most often gold or Brown color framed by light circles. The pygmy marmoset has a soft, thick and fluffy coat, which can be of various colors: from light brown to almost black, sometimes with black or white speckles. Due to the splendor of fur and thick undercoat, animals seem larger than they really are.

The habitat of the smallest primate

This species of monkey lives mainly near the Amazon. They rarely descend to the ground, live mainly in trees, sleep in a hollow and are diurnal. The pygmy marmoset monkey is rather shy. Sensing the slightest rustle, animals of this species hide in the branches of trees. Marmosets live in groups, protect their family members, but do not tolerate strangers in their habitat. Most often, their group consists of 3-4 adult monkeys, 2 teenagers and 2 babies. They make a variety of sounds: chirping, chirping, squealing when frightened.

The pygmy marmoset is an exotic animal. Grooming is an important part of her life. Primates feed mainly on insects, but their diet also includes fruits. They like to eat berries, leaves and small mammals drinking tree sap. Predatory beasts and birds are life-threatening marmosets.

Primate puberty

After 2 years of life comes puberty. The gestation period of females lasts from 130 to 140 days. Often twins or triplets are born. But there are no more than 3 cubs in the litter. For the first few months, little monkeys hang on their mother's stomach and suck her milk. After 5 months, the cubs become independent, and are considered adults and mature at 2 years from birth. There are times when the male takes care of the litter no less than the female.

The pygmy marmoset can be a good, mischievous and cheerful pet, but it is quite difficult to care for it. Such monkeys do not survive in conditions that are too far from their natural habitat, therefore they require special care and a lot of attention. But it's worth it. If you go out and tame this monkey correctly, he will become cheerful and active and will never mind playing with the owner. Marmosets are very funny. Live in natural environment approximately 18 years, and in captivity - 15 years.

The biggest hassle is arranging housing for the monkey. The homeland of marmosets is the jungles of Latin America, so living conditions in a cage should be very close to the natural environment. The temperature should be maintained throughout the year within the range of +25 ... +28 degrees Celsius. This is very important for the viability of the animal.

Inside the cage, you must definitely put a small house where the animal can hide. In addition, there should be enough spacious space inside and many decorative elements, such as branches, sticks, lianas, on which the marmoset can climb.

It is better to hang the animal house at a distance from the floor. Here the animal will feel safe and calm. It is better to keep primates in pairs, then they young age much easier to get used to life in captivity and give birth to offspring. The cage should always be clean, general cleaning should be carried out at least once a month. The animal must have clean water, but in no case cold, otherwise it will easily get sick. Cold drink, food and open drafts are dangerous to the health of primates. You should not let the marmoset out of the cage unattended, it can run away, and it will be extremely difficult to find an animal the size of a mouse in the house.

Primate nutrition

Feeding a monkey does not cause much trouble and unnecessary costs if you know the simple principles and rules. A monkey should not be given human food. What is tasty for a person can be deadly for a "pocket" monkey. You have to be careful with sweets. You can't give sugar at all. Fruit should be in your daily diet. Water should be filtered or defended. Once a week, you can treat unwashed dried fruits - they are useful and strengthen the gums. You can give compote or juice, but not purchased, but freshly squeezed. This is a very important clarification, because purchased juice additives can be poisonous for this little animal. Proteins are also an important part of the diet. The norm of protein can be given in the form of crickets, grasshoppers or chicken meat.

How much will it cost to buy the smallest primate?

Many, probably, will certainly want to become the owner of this cute animal after reading the article. How much does a pygmy marmoset cost and where to buy such an animal? Today it will not be difficult to find offers for the sale of such monkeys. However, you should immediately warn those who are interested in the dwarf marmoset: the price of the animal is quite high. Few can afford to pay $ 1200-2000 for a primate - and this is exactly how much this little monkey costs.

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