What does a girl's snub nose say? How to read a person's character by facial features - physiognomy. Physiognomy of men and women according to the shape of the face: examples with descriptions, photos

A little physiognomy

Pay attention to the lower part of the face. The ancient Chinese physiognomists believed that Bottom part face is associated with health, and also talks about the practicality of a person and his ability to achieve material wealth.


If lips fleshy, full, with softly rounded upper corners before you ambitious, serious and clever man. People with such lips usually live to a ripe old age in full health, have developed intellect, soft and delicate character, but not devoid of a certain hardness, and are able to achieve considerable success in life.

Lips medium fullness, elongated, with corners turned up testify to the mind of their owner. Such people perfectly learn everything new, are able to perfectly cope with the most complex work which helps them achieve career heights.

Owners thin lips with stretched corners love to gossip and gossip.

Soft, relaxed lips indicate that their owners are modest people, reliable and able to keep secrets. They are loyal and firm in their beliefs.

Fairly full lips, elastic but with transverse wrinkles- sign of peace pragmatic people. However, they are prone to pessimism and disappointment.


The nose allows you to learn about the mental abilities of a person and his emotional characteristics.

The straight nose is quite significant in comparison with the rest of the facial features.- a sign of an honest and just person. The owners of such a nose are noble and generous, able to achieve great success in their careers.

Those who have a nose fleshy rounded tip, have an extraordinary mind and are able to make mature, balanced decisions in critical situations.

Nose-"potato"- a sign of a generally harmonious, but prone to making rash decisions of a person.

pointed nose have those who have in their character such qualities as prudence and tolerance, outstanding performance and diligence. These people are pragmatists.

Greek nose (straight with a hump) indicates loyalty and moderate views. People with such a nose quickly find mutual language with almost everyone and are good listeners. They are self-sufficient, but this quality is based on pure egoism. They don't get bored on their own.

Roman nose resembling an eagle's beak, - a sign of an aggressive and risky character. Often the owners of such noses are adventurers and adventurers.

A nose that forms one straight line with the forehead, testifies to a weak indecisive character, a tendency to make irreparable mistakes and strong suggestibility. To persuade such a person to do anything - just spit.

Eye shape

It can also tell you a lot of interesting things about the character of your interlocutor. Pay attention to the position of the iris relative to the eyelids, as well as its color.

When the iris is surrounded on three sides by a white field and only on one side is pressed against the lower eyelid, this suggests that a person with such eyes is devoid of sentimentality, loves to gossip and loves to spread gossip. In addition, he always has a personal opinion on any occasion and conceit is higher than real dignity.

Those who have the iris is pressed against the upper eyelid, and on the other sides surrounded by a white field, do not have the habit of showing good feelings to others. Women with such eyes, because of their bitchy nature, are rarely happy in their personal lives.

Owners "bulging" eyes(the iris is located exactly in the middle of the eye and is surrounded on all sides by a white field) often suffer from their irritable nature, do not know how to show sympathy and respect even for loved ones, and often have a hypersexual temperament.

"Cat's eyes- large, wide open, shiny and bright - testify to willpower and decisive character, brave and honest. People with such eyes are usually distinguished by honesty and perseverance in achieving the goal.

"Eagle Eyes"- dark, with a golden tint; the iris touches both the upper and lower eyelids; brilliant and glowing with the mind - they speak of poise and tranquility. The harmonious nature of people with such eyes allows them to avoid conflicts from scratch and implement grandiose plans.

Eyes whose irises are a mixture of colors and shades, most often belong to people who are not particularly cordial, but, nevertheless, benevolent and faithful. They do not wish harm to anyone, but they can harm someone out of ignorance.

Happy owners large and round eyes, with corners raised to the temples, and with wrinkles in the corners, with rainbow bright color and slightly bluish sclera, they are distinguished by a joyful and light character, loved by everyone and pleasant to everyone. They are cordial and unobtrusive, always ready to help and disinterestedly arrange someone else's fate.

AIF. EN thanks www.liters.ru for the provided passage.

Irina Danilina

Nose occupies central location on the face and is the most convex part of it. The size and shape of the nose testify to the character of a person and his ability to achieve financial success. It is not difficult to determine the character by the nose, knowing the basics of the Chinese art of reading by the face called "physiognomy". According to physiognomists, the nose characterizes the period of a person’s life from 41 to 50 years and indicates his possibilities in terms of achieving wealth and success in a career or business, since by this time a person, as a rule, occupies a strong position in society.

perfect nose

The area between the eyes is called "Moon Dust": here is the Star Point, which characterizes the process of ascent in the world of business and the Palace of Health. This area of ​​​​the face should be clean and smooth, then luck will not be long in coming. Rough, uneven skin, the presence of a transverse fold indicate problems in the home and business.

A smooth, well-shaped nose at the "foot of the ascent" portends good luck in career growth and family well-being. The bridge of the nose should be straight, then you can count on excellent health, vitality and longevity. People with a slightly flattened bridge of the nose will have to work hard. The tip of the nose represents the Palace of Wealth: it should be rounded, clear.

Round, slightly expanding nostrils promise success in life: honors, wealth, the opportunity to have good family, friends. Full, wide nostrils indicate a sociability of character, and thin and narrow, most often, avarice and greed for money.

However, a successful nose shape from birth does not in itself lead to success without the participation of the person himself. The shape of the nose and character are interconnected: if a person has perfect nose, then he will have traits in his character that ensure success - determination, activity, passion, courage, etc.

The shape of the nose and the character of a person

The formation of the nose ends only by the age of 20-21. Sometimes a nose that is ugly from the point of view of aesthetic canons can be ideal in terms of achieving wealth and well-being in life. In physiognomy, the nose and character are considered to be closely interconnected elements that determine the fate of a person.

  • A straight nose promises financial success and testifies to the honesty, even character and energy of its owner.
  • A thin, narrow-boned nose, sometimes with a pointed tip, is considered aristocratic and beautiful, but is a sign of arrogance and excessive pride of its owner. Often the owner of such a nose lives alone because of the quarrelsomeness and self-centeredness of his character.
  • The aquiline nose, or Cleopatra's nose, testifies to increased sexuality, business acumen, practicality and cunning of its owners. People with similar noses are expected, as a rule, by grandiose success and wealth.
  • A short nose looks pretty and youthful. The owners of such a nose are optimistic, sociable, cheerful, complaisant. The nose does not promise heights in a career, but its owners can easily find a successful life partner.
  • A long nose is called the "thinker's nose": its owners are characterized by such personality traits as foresight, rationality, and conservative views.
  • A snub nose testifies to the sociability, optimism, lightness of the disposition of its owner.
  • An upturned nose with a rounded tip belongs to kind-hearted, gentle, self-sacrificing people. This nose has amazing ability attract money!

Types of nostrils and human character

The nature of the nose is also determined taking into account the shape of the cutout of the nostrils, depending on their basic configuration. There are four types of nostrils:

  • Triangular nostrils indicate personality traits such as stinginess and caution.
  • Square nostrils testify to the health, activity, determination and reliability of a person who is able to fight for a cause to the end.
  • Round nostrils are a feature of rational and resourceful people capable of creative problem solving.
  • Oval nostrils indicate an adventurous nature and a love of adventure.

The wings of the nostrils are involved in the formation of the shape of the nose, therefore, they also determine the character of a person.

  • If the wings are symmetrical and in proportion to the size of the nose, then they enhance the success that the nose itself promises.
  • Too fleshy and large wings of the nose indicate a person's ability to lose money, however, wide and swollen wings indicate his ability to become a millionaire.
  • Small wings of the nose indicate the caution of their owner and unwillingness to take risks in financial matters.
  • Very narrow and thin nostrils speak of possible problems with earning and spending money: it will be a pity to part with them!

Nose color

Do not neglect such a characteristic of the nose as its color. A shiny nose, which is perceived by women as a disaster, from the point of view of Chinese physiognomy, is considered a good sign promising prosperity and financial success.

The most attractive in terms of success is a nose that is pinkish, peach or slightly golden. A red nose promises loss, which is confirmed by the practice of communicating with red-nosed partners.

The earthy-grayish hue of the nose indicates the presence of hidden ailments, and the greenish one indicates a tendency to default on monetary obligations.

The nature of the nose can be predicted if you remember the basic principles of physiognomy, however, do not forget that a lot depends on the person: the nose will not help an alcoholic or drug addict become successful and rich!

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Physiognomy is a method for determining personality traits and state of mind according to facial features and facial expressions.
The art of face reading was born in Ancient China and in the time of Confucius it was already extraordinarily popular. The Chinese are sure: whoever learns to read the face will be able to penetrate into the soul of a person and even see his fate!
The nose is the most prominent part of our face, it sets the face proportions and creates balance. Therefore, according to physiognomists, in order to determine the character by the face, attention should be paid to the nose in the first place. Check out what your nose can say about you!

character on the nose

Roman nose

An elongated nose with a slightly curved down tip speaks of the courage, determination, and masculinity of its owner. A person with such a nose is able to make difficult decisions without hesitation, has an analytical mindset, and easily climbs the career ladder.

fleshy nose

People with such noses are endowed with creativity. They are passionate and charming, generous and smart, always ready to come to the rescue, protect, help ... Women with this type of nose are excellent housewives and caring mothers.

Upturned nose

These are people with a great sense of humor, optimists in life. Sensual natures, they are prone to frequent mood swings, but at the same time they charm almost from the first minutes of their acquaintance!

Greek nose

Hardworking and serious people. They are always confident in their rightness and tend to even show some stubbornness. But behind the seeming inaccessibility lies a very vulnerable nature that needs praise and approval.

snub nose

A snub nose differs from an upturned one in that its tip is more rounded and fleshy. Having met a person with a snub-nosed nose, you willy-nilly imbue him with confidence. These people literally radiate reliability and calmness, have the gift of eloquence, are always ready to provide assistance ... often to the detriment of their interests.
This is probably why the owners of snub noses always have so many friends and acquaintances!

Roman nose

They are born businessmen! They have a special flair for money and unmistakably make profitable deals. And they are great teachers who are ready to give their all to work.

small nose

A short nose speaks of the flexibility of the character of its owner, the ability to compromise. These people are open, optimistic and attractive, but at the same time very vulnerable and need support and approval.

Straight nose

People with a strong character and a clear mind have an exceptional aesthetic perception, a deep understanding of art and all that is beautiful. In the professional field, they confidently go to the goal and achieve success!
The art of face reading gives our sense of smell an important role in determining vitality, intelligence and sensuality and health.

Upturned nose -
Liza Boyarskaya

Short nose -
Kirill Pletnev

Narrow nose - Meryl Streep

Meaty nose -
Gerard Depardieu

Straight nose - Ekaterina Guseva

Potato nose -
Natalya Krachkovskaya

Roman nose -
Nicolas Cage

Nose and character character definition
according to the shape of the nose

The size and shape of the nose testify to the character of a person and his ability to achieve financial success.

The formation of the nose ends only by the age of 20-21. Sometimes a nose that is ugly from the point of view of aesthetic canons can be ideal in terms of achieving wealth and well-being in life. In physiognomy, the nose and character are considered to be closely interconnected elements that determine the fate of a person.

The shape of the nose and character are interconnected: if a person has an ideal nose, then he will have traits in his character that ensure success - determination, activity, passion, courage, etc.

However, a successful nose shape from birth does not in itself lead to success without the participation of the person himself.

Bridge of the nose

The area between the eyes (the bridge of the nose) should be clean and smooth, then luck will not be long in coming.

A smooth, well-shaped nose at the bridge of the nose portends good luck in career growth and well-being in the family.

Rough, uneven skin, the presence of a transverse fold indicate problems in the home and business.

The bridge of the nose should be straight, then you can count on excellent health, vitality and longevity.

People with a slightly flattened bridge of the nose will have to work hard.

Nose shape and character

A straight nose promises financial success and testifies to the honesty, even character and energy of its owner.

Long and narrow nose called the "thinker's nose" is usually characteristic of conservative and capricious individuals prone to intellectual achievement.

Long and wide nose (meaty)- stable character and calm temperament. Charming, kind and economic people. Endowed with great sexuality.

Eagle nose, indicates increased sexuality, business acumen, practicality and cunning of its owners. People with similar noses are expected, as a rule, by grandiose success and wealth.

A short nose looks pretty and youthful. The owners of such a nose are optimistic, sociable, cheerful, complaisant. The nose does not promise heights in a career, but its owners can easily find a successful life partner.

A nose with potatoes - a slow and phlegmatic and slow person. It is also worth noting that its owners are intolerant of lies, squabbles and gossip.

Upturned, upturned nose testifies to sociability, optimism, ease of disposition of its owner. Belongs to people kind-hearted, gentle, prone to self-sacrifice. Such a nose has an amazing ability to attract money!

Nose with a slight hump- pride, stubbornness, aggressiveness and determination.

Nose tip and character

The round shape of the tip of the nose is a prosperous personality.

If the tip of the nose sags like a piece of meat - a supersexual nature.

Pointed, not fleshy tip of the nose - a treacherous, treacherous personality.

Tip of the nose like an eagle's beak- vindictiveness.

Full, large, convex tip of the nose - kindness, warmth, readiness for self-sacrifice.

drooping nose covering a large part upper lip- betrayal and perfidy.

An upturned nose with nostril openings is a free sexual morality, an inability to keep secrets.

Split tip of the nose- suspiciousness, suspiciousness and shyness.

Nostrils and character

small nostrils- pliability, softness, suppleness. Hospitality. Disgust.

Wide nostrils - imperiousness, high opinion of oneself. Conflict with relatives and colleagues. Ambition, arrogance. Rancor, cruelty.

Round, slightly expanding nostrils promise success in life: honors, wealth, the opportunity to have a good family, friends.

Full, wide nostrils indicate a sociability of character, and thin and narrow, most often, avarice and greed for money.

Nose color and character

most attractive in terms of success, the nose is pinkish, peach or slightly golden.

Red or earthy grayish the shade of the nose indicates the presence of hidden ailments, and the greenish one indicates a tendency to default on monetary obligations.

The nature of the nose can be predicted if you remember the basic principles of physiognomy, however, do not forget that a lot depends on the person: the nose will not help an alcoholic or drug addict become successful and rich!

Victoria Morozova

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The nose is one of the useful elements in determining the character of the facial features. It is allowed to describe the human character in the form of this part of the face, but it is important to understand that this is required, taking into account other facial features. In addition, it is impossible to see the whole picture on one basis.

Nose Features

Let's try to understand the key features that will help to understand the whole complex. But what features of the nose give a chance to determine character traits?

It is believed that the proportional length of the nose is 1/3 of the length of the face. For convenience of definition, this size is used as a reference point. Therefore, a nose that is shorter than this indicator is short, and one that exceeds this length is long.

The nose is distinguished by the greatest variety, compared with other features of the face. This indicates a considerable deviation from the ideal in nature. And this alone indicates the use certain types nose as a guide that indicates differences in character.

perfect nose

The area between the eyes is called "moon dust". In this place is the Star point, which characterizes success in entrepreneurial activity. This area should have a smooth surface, then luck will certainly come. The folds in this zone speak of failure in business and relationships.

A smooth nose, which is perfectly formed, promises career heights, as well as good luck in relationships. If the bridge of the nose is straight, then a person can count on excellent health and long years life. If a person has a flattened bridge of the nose, then he will have to work hard. The tip of the nose is the wealth zone. For success in this area, it must have a clear and round shape.

Widened round nostrils speak of successful life. And wide and full show that a person is sociable. If they are narrow and thin, then this is evidence of greed.

But a perfect nose alone will not lead to success. Its form and features of a person are connected with each other. If the nose is perfect, then it has all the makings to succeed.

The shape of the nose and the character of a person

The process of forming the nose is completed only by the age of 21. Often an unaesthetic nose is an ideal for reaching heights. In physiognomy, character traits and the nose are connected by the fact that they determine fate.

Initially, you need to pay attention to the shape of the nose, this will help determine the character:

a narrow nose is an indicator of high efficiency, the ability to value the time of others and one's own. But such people treat love as hard work;
a long nose makes its owner talented. Such individuals have abilities in science and creativity. They are trying to realize themselves spiritually. Doing your own business is not worth it, because failure is expected in such an area. This is due to the fact that such individuals are supporters of conservative views, they are wary of innovations. Common features are the desire to gain power, balance of character;
people with short noses are characterized by narrow thinking, they have a superficial attitude to life. Such individuals do not try to burden their person with responsibility. They live for themselves, do not take into account moral principles. To common features it should be attributed: openness, excessive impulsiveness, as well as attractiveness;

the slightly upturned shape of the nose gives a person some frivolity, especially with members of the opposite sex. People with similar noses do not try to start a relationship, they prefer long time be lonely. In work, they also do not show initiative and responsibility. These are connoisseurs of freedom;
a snub nose is evidence of the good nature, generosity and extravagance of a person. The owners of such noses live one day without thinking about the future. They appreciate what they have now, they know how to enjoy life;
a person with a sunken nose is distinguished by ease in the ability to express feelings. Such people are calm about money, they are generous in everything: money and love affairs;
a convex nose makes its owner businesslike. Such people are not easily capable of feelings, they do not know how to feel joy and happiness. Differ in an aggressive attitude towards the pursuit of success;
bony high nose evidence of inordinate pride. These people try to subordinate everyone to themselves and their desires. In the soul they remain true tyrants;
hooked nose speaks active position and ambitious personality. The owners of this nose look at life soberly, do not live in dreams. They are trying to fulfill them. Usually, a hump nose endows an individual with qualities that help to quickly reach the top in a career and relationship;
a wide flat nose indicates coldness in decisions, prudence, especially in financial matters. Such people are fluent in the art of love, but are faithful to their halves and family. They are distinguished by good nature and unpretentiousness;
a smooth, straight nose speaks of indifference to art and a mundane attitude to the world. Such people are distinguished by a materialistic mindset;
a fleshy nose speaks of kindness and charm. People with such a nose are good housewives / owners, but unlucky, emotional, loyal and devoted to close people. They are easy-going, love to travel;
the Greek shape of the nose shows the independence and pride of its owner. Such people are excellent leaders, they are loyal to the principles and are supporters of the dictatorship. Loyal to friends and family, hate lies.

But form is not the only criterion that tells about character traits. It is worth paying attention to the tip of the nose. In particular, notice two types of tips: full convex and bifurcated:

the owners of the convex tip are kind-hearted people who are distinguished by sincerity and generosity. These personalities are open to others, they help in difficult times;
bifurcated tips speak of a doubting personality, closeness and inability to solve important matters. Usually these people have a hard time. They are talented and smart, but due to disbelief in their own strength, they are not able to realize themselves;

the tip in the shape of a bulb speaks of the desire for success and love for life;
the tip bent down speaks of the cunning and vindictiveness of the owner;
with a chopped-off form of the tip, a person becomes grasping, able to stand up for himself and others, independent. Such people are hypersexual;
if the tip of the nose is dimpled, then the person is distinguished by the emotional experience of failures, sensitivity, readiness to help.

Nostril shape and character

In addition, when determining the character, the shape of the nostrils is taken into account, because this is also part of the nose. There are 4 types of nostrils in total:

triangular nostrils. They talk about the stinginess of the individual, a cautious attitude to life;
square-shaped nostrils are evidence of an active position, health, reliability and determination. Such people are ready to fight to the end;
rounded nostrils are characteristic of inventive and rational individuals who know how to find a creative way out of the situation;
the oval shape speaks of a love of adventurism and the search for adventure.

The wings of the nose are involved in creating the shape of the nose, therefore they also affect the human character:

if they correspond to the size of the nose, differ in symmetry, then this is a factor that enhances success;
too large and thick wings speak of a person’s ability to easily part with money. But inflated wings help to achieve true wealth;
small wings are evidence of a cautious attitude to life, unwillingness to take risks in monetary matters;
too narrow nostrils indicate a problem with receiving money and spending it. Such people are greedy and stingy.

Nose color and character

It is impossible not to mention that the color of the nose will help determine the character. This characteristic is also involved in the analysis of the face. A shiny nose, perceived by the weaker sex as a catastrophe, is considered in Chinese philosophy to be a positive sign that will help in business.

The most attractive nose color that promises success in money matters is peach, pink or a shade of gold. The red color of the skin on the nose indicates loss.

The grayish-earthy color of the skin on the nose indicates hidden diseases, and the greenish tint is a tendency to non-compliance with financial obligations.

You will learn to predict character traits by the nose if you learn the main principles of the science of physiognomy. But remember that the main factors depend on the person himself. If he does not, does nothing to achieve it, then well-being itself will not come.

March 18, 2014, 18:18
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