What do noses eat in nature. Nosuha as a pet. Is it worth it to get a nosukha as a pet? Feeding and feeding behavior

And an unusual, sometimes even a wild animal.

Among these animals, a native of South America stands out - coati or, as it is also called, nosuha.

Description and photo

The animal got its nickname due to the mobile and very sensitive nose. This is a mammal of the genus, similar in size to a small one.

In height, they grow up to 30 cm, in length - up to 40 cm females and up to 67 cm males. The tail can usually reach a size of 35-70 centimeters. Adult coatis weigh about 7-11 kg.

Outwardly, these animals are characterized by an elongated body, medium legs, and the hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones.

In a dark red color, they are somewhat similar to a fox, only the tail of the coat is decorated with rings of dark and light shades in order. Soft short hair creates the effect of a teddy bear and the desire to pet a raccoon.

Did you know? The paw of a raccoon is very similar in print to a human hand.

Is it worth starting a nosesuit: all the pros and cons

Nosukha adapts quite quickly at home, but do not forget that this is an animal from the wild, and in order to tame it, certain features must be taken into account.

Therefore, those who have already decided or are still thinking about such an acquisition should weigh the pros and cons.
Possible difficulties that coati lovers will have to face are as follows:

  • this type of raccoon is comparable in size to a small dog, which means that it is worth allocating a certain space in the dwelling for its habitat;
  • noses make specific sounds that resemble bird chirps, and sometimes these sounds are so loud that not everyone is ready to withstand them;
  • when walking an animal, you need to carefully monitor it or teach it to a leash, since it is accustomed to initially live in freedom, it can run away;
  • coatis do not go to the tray like, so you should be prepared for the fact that they will often have to be cleaned up, and the house will no longer be as clean as before;
  • by nature, raccoons have very long claws, and breeders should keep in mind that they can scratch pieces of furniture and you personally, they can be stronger than seals;
  • there is always a risk that the animal will not take root at home, which means that it will behave as it would in the wild, with all the ensuing consequences.
There are, of course, pluses in acquiring noses. In addition to their cute appearance, these pets are characterized by such positive features:
  • they do not emit an unpleasant odor;
  • do not shed like many other pets;
  • unpretentious to food;
  • centenarians (life expectancy - up to 25 years);
  • very sociable and friendly, like dogs.

After all the pros and cons of keeping raccoons at home have been considered and the positive aspects have won by a clear margin, special attention must be paid to the pet's place of residence.

An animal with a long nose is naturally very mobile, energetic, loves to climb a lot, explore and even swim. Therefore, you should evaluate the size of your own housing and the ability to share it with such an active resident.

The ideal option in this case would be a spacious aviary with a house, if you start a coat in a private house.

Important! If you keep a coati in an apartment, then it must be provided with a large spacious cage of at least 2 * 1.5 meters. In addition, periodically take the beast for walks.

If it is possible to install a pool for the nose, you should definitely do this, because the animal loves water very much.

What do noses eat

The diet of the nosuha raccoon does not require a special approach, and you can feed it in a variety of ways. But still, it is better to choose those foods that he is used to eating in his usual wild environment:

  • chicken eggs;
  • quail eggs;
  • chicken, turkey;
  • potatoes, carrots, zucchini;
  • berries;
  • a variety of fruits - from apples and pears to kiwi and avocado.
The more varied the diet of an animal, the more cheerful and healthy it will grow. In case there is suddenly nothing to feed the raccoon, you can give him food for cats or dogs, diluted with water.

Hygiene and care

Nosukh are kept in spacious cages, on the bottom of which a thick layer of sawdust is poured so that the animal has the opportunity to dig in it as in nature.
A variety of branches and crossbars are installed in the cage in order to bring the environment as close as possible to the one familiar to the animal, with the possibility of an active lifestyle. Also, the dwelling is equipped with a feeder and a drinking bowl.

Important! It is necessary to clean the cage and change the sawdust as often as possible, since raccoons do not get used to the tray.

If possible, nosukha housing should be equipped with a water tank in the form of a pool, since they are very fond of water. Feeding is quite varied and frequent. On the day, the animal eats 1/10 of its weight, which is approximately 1.5 kg.

Nose dogs need to be vaccinated just like other pets like cats and dogs. Since the animal does not shed, there is no need to comb it, but bathing, especially if it does not have direct access to water, is a must.

Compatibility with other animals

Cohabitation of an ordinary coat and other animals is quite possible. The main thing is to separate their habitats.
Since the raccoon is inherently a wild animal, then it must live separately from the usual domestic animals. This is especially true for birds, which the noses like to hunt in the wild.

With cats and dogs, domesticated raccoons are friendly and do not show hostility. But in case of offense, they are always ready to stand up for themselves. In general, these are quite affectionate and friendly animals that get along both with people and with other pets.

Did you know? When meeting with the enemy, the raccoon will flee, and in case of failure, it will pretend to be dead.

How much and where can you buy

Today, buying any animal, even the most exotic, is not difficult. But there is always the possibility of cheating and acquiring an unhealthy or wild animal.

In order not to face such a problem, the issue of buying a nosesuit must be approached very seriously.
So, when searching, you should follow these rules:

  • before buying, it is better to first meet with the seller and look at the animal;
  • it is more reliable to look for an animal on specialized forums, where it is possible to choose offspring from raccoon breeders;
  • find a nursery for breeding coats and visit it before buying, in order to personally see how it is kept, how it is looked after, whether the animal is healthy or not;
  • inspect the animal before buying: a sick nose will have a dry nose, a sluggish look, and dirty eyes.

You should not buy a raccoon with home delivery. Thus, wild or sick animals are usually sold.

The cost of a small coat on the market ranges from $400 to $550, depending on the sex and age of the animal.
Despite the fact that the habitual habitat of nosukh is wildlife and there are certain inconveniences in keeping them at home, nevertheless, these animals may well become pets and live in harmony with humans.

They differ from raccoons in their muzzle. The upper lip of the nose flows into a long nose, which in terms of functionality resembles a small proboscis (like an elephant). Nosuha at home is very interesting, but we will talk about domesticated individuals a little lower in the text.

The nose of these animals has increased sensitivity and mobility. The main task of the nose-proboscis is to search for food under the litter layer of soil.

The coat lowers its proboscis nose under the foliage and begins to ruffle and loosen it. Various insects and even small rodents with lizards immediately climb to the surface. This living creature is the main diet for noses. Due to its omnivorous nature, the maintenance of nosoha does not become too burdensome.

Also, in addition to food of animal origin, nosuha eagerly feast on various fruits, vegetables, nuts and many other gifts of nature of this plan.

In the wild, nosoha breeds once a year (most often in early spring). The brood is 3-6 individuals. Only females are engaged in education.

The life expectancy will depend on what the nosoha eat.


The nose family is not so numerous. There are 2 main types of noses:

  1. Nosukha ordinary
  2. coati coati

The common nosoha is most commonly found in South America. Coati is more common in North America. They differ from each other in color and composition. Ordinary coats have a coat color closer to red. Coati have a more pronounced gray-brown color. Due to the fluffy fur, the ordinary coati seems to be larger than the coati.

Friendship with a person

Nosuhi are excellently domesticated,. These animals are more intelligent than cats and dogs. You need to find a common language with noses, they are sensitive and emotional. Nosuha in a private house is becoming more and more common. The main advantages of nosoha as a pet are:

  • Cleanliness (nosukhas do not stink)
  • playfulness
  • curiosity
  • Unpretentiousness to food (everything goes to food)
  • Speaks in different voices (from grunting and yapping to bird chirping)

According to the habits, the nose is compared with a dog. This exotic animal is just as playful, it is interesting to spend time with it.

Nosukha at home is a completely tolerable and normal pet.

Among the shortcomings of nosuh can be noted:

  • The need for arranging a spacious aviary
  • Nosoha must live as a couple, otherwise the animal will often get sick
  • Nosukha does not go to the tray, as soon as the animal is not accustomed to this
  • The nose needs to be walked often
  • The aviary of the coat needs to be cleaned almost every day.
  • The nose has claws, this animal scratches

The main difficulty in handling nosuha lies in the organization of the life of this animal. But in general, the content of the nose is not so problematic.

Firstly, the coat in the apartment should live in a spacious aviary. Inside the corral there should be at least 2-3 large branches for each individual so that the animals climb on them. Also, in the aviary you need to put a house for spending the night, a feeder and a drinker. You can not put the tray, coats are not able to get used to the tray.

Secondly, with an adult nosoha, you need to walk down the street at least once a day. A leash is used for walking. Also, the coat needs to be released from the aviary so that it walks around the apartment (house).

Among other things, do not forget about vaccinations. As with any pet, it is better to vaccinate the coat.

In a word, nosuha needs careful care.

What do noses eat?

By nature, noses are omnivores. Most often, noses are fed:

  • Boiled meat - better lean poultry or beef
  • Raw and boiled eggs - chicken and quail
  • Boiled vegetables - potatoes, carrots, etc.
  • Kasham - buckwheat, rice, barley, etc.
  • Fruits and berries

As a rule, noses need to be observed, noting for themselves their eating habits. Each individual nose has its own tastes. Meals should be organized according to their preferences.


Nosukha is one of the best candidates for the role of an exotic pet. This animal is very groovy and playful. Its appearance is fundamentally different from the appearance of familiar domestic animals. The noses are curious. They love to touch and hold things that are interesting to them in the lamps. Nosukha in a private house takes root very well.

The common nose (lat. Nasua nasua) is a funny predatory mammal of the Raccoon family (lat. Procyonidae), resembling a fox. It lives in Central and South America. Local Indians adore this animal.

Nosuhi are friendly and sociable in nature. They are easily tamed and love to play with people.

Farmers treat them more coolly because of their habit of periodically visiting chicken coops for young chickens, so they set traps on them and shoot them on the approaches to their possessions. Fortunately, there are still a lot of these beauties and nothing threatens their population.


The habitat of the noses extends from the southern states of the United States to the northern provinces of Uruguay and Argentina. Animals are perfectly adapted to life in a wide variety of natural conditions. They thrive in tropical forests and dry savannahs. In the mountains they can live at altitudes up to 2500 m above sea level and are not found only in the High Andes.

Most of all, they like to settle in coniferous and deciduous forests of the temperate climate zone. Nosuhi easily tolerate both summer heat and winter cold.


The common noses are active throughout the day. For the night, animals settle on thick branches of trees. Early in the morning, without waiting for dawn, they descend to the ground. After the morning toilet, which consists in a thorough cleaning of the fur, they go fishing. They go hunting in high spirits, always keeping their tail upright.

The animal searches for food by carefully rummaging through fallen leaves and turning over stones and branches. Its diet includes spiders, earthworms, various insects, crabs, lizards, small rodents and frogs.

Nosuhi love to feast on ripe fruits, tearing them off the branches with their paws or picking them up on the ground. They rest at noon only on the hottest days.

Females with cubs live in groups of up to 20 individuals, while males prefer to stay apart in splendid isolation. Some males try to join groups of females, but are usually met with fierce rebuffs.

The noses communicate with each other using a rich set of sounds, signal postures and developed facial expressions.

Their natural enemies are boas, birds of prey, and jaguars. In case of danger, they usually try to hide in the nearest hole or pit.

Fleeing from predators, they can run for up to three hours in a row at speeds up to 30 km / h. On calm days, the coats gracefully and unhurriedly bypass their home plots (40-300 hectares), passing from 2 to 7 km per day.


During the mating season, females become more accommodating and allow one male into their group. To attract a handsome man, all the ladies begin to intensively and for a long time clean their fur, making an indelible impression on the wandering gentleman with their unheard-of cleanliness. By the end of the season, the male is expelled from the group.

Pregnancy lasts 7 to 8 weeks. Approximately 10-12 days before giving birth, the female leaves the group and starts building a nest on the top of a tree. Childbirth usually occurs on the 74-77th day.

3-5 blind, deaf and toothless cubs are born. The body length of a newborn baby is 25-30 cm with a weight of 100 to 180 g. On the tenth day, the babies begin to see clearly, and on the fourteenth they begin to hear. In the third week of their lives, they make their first forays out of their mother's nest and begin to explore the surroundings.

Mothers take great care of their offspring, constantly licking and feeding them.

At six weeks old, cubs can already follow their mother everywhere. She takes them to her group, where all the other females are very happy to meet the new arrival and begin to take care of him.

At 2 months, babies acquire a full set of milk teeth and gradually move on to regular solid food. Nosoha become sexually mature at the age of two.


The head is elongated and narrow. The long muzzle ends with a movable nose. The ears are rounded and small. Close-set small round eyes are brown.

The tail is covered with thick short fur. When walking, the animal rests on the entire width of its paws. The toes are armed with strong claws.

The life expectancy of the common nose in the wild is about 14 years. At home, they live 17 years or more.

Coati, they are also noses - mammals of the raccoon family. These animals got their name due to the elongated and very mobile stigma-nose.

Previously, noses were called badgers, but when real badgers got into Mexico, where the noses live, the coati was given an individual name.

There are several types of coats: ordinary coats, mountain coats, coati and Nelson coats.

Coati habitats

To date, coati are found mainly in the Andean valleys in South America, but they also come across in Argentina and the New World. In addition, they are common in Honduras, Colombia, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua and Belize.

Coatis are not picky about weather conditions, so they can live in tropical forests and deserts. But they give preference to forests, dense shrubs and rocky areas. Due to human intervention, they increasingly choose clearings and forest edges for life.


It is impossible to confuse coatis with other mammals, as they have characteristic elongated noses. The nose moves in a funny way. The tail is long and has a bright coloration, consisting of alternating light red, brown and black rings. The coati uses its tail as a balancer while climbing trees.

The ears of these animals are practically invisible, they are hidden. The coat of the coat is short, the color of the fur is dark brown or orange. Limbs and muzzle are dark brown or black. There are light spots around the eyes, which makes the look look surprised, and the coati looks defenseless.

The height of the coati at the withers ranges from 20-29 centimeters, and the body length can reach 80-130 centimeters, while the tail takes 32-69 cm from this length. .

The females are half the size of the males. The weight of these small animals is quite significant - 3-5 kilograms.

coati lifestyle

In trees, coati hide from predators and spend the night, and they hunt mainly on the ground. On the ground, they move in an unusual way, which looks very interesting. First, they step on the palms of the forelimbs, and then roll over with their hind legs forward. Because of this manner of walking, coatis are called plantigrade animals.

All noses are predators, and coatis too. They find prey with the help of their nose, while constantly grunting and sniffing to inflate the foliage and find ants, termites, larvae and scorpions there. Also, the noses diet includes frogs, land crabs, rodents and lizards. When the coati attacks the victim, she presses it with her paws and bites her head. In years when there is little animal food, nosuhas switch to a vegetarian diet, eating fruits, which are always plentiful in the forests. Nosoha stocks do not make, but return from time to time to the tree and reinforce themselves there.

The main natural enemies of the coati are terrestrial predators and wild birds. Although the noses are rather large, they try to avoid encounters with enemies without engaging in fights.

The main feature of the coati is an ear for music, these cute animals demonstrate amazing vocal abilities, making different sounds: screams, chirping, snoring, whimpering and grunting. Animals communicate with these sounds. When alarmed, the coati barks like a small dog. When a mother is looking for a lost baby, she whimpers plaintively. In general, these musical animals are able to make sounds in different ways.

Nosoha breeding

Nosoha live in groups of 5-40 individuals. The majority of the group is made up of females. Before mating, females unite in small groups, during the breeding season, which occurs from January to March, they return to the flock again. During courtship, males compete for females. The strongest male winner is accepted into the group.

After mating, males are expelled from the group, as they are very aggressive, and this can harm the babies. The gestation period lasts 75 days. At this time, the female carefully arranges a den for her offspring. The female, as a rule, is born 3-6 babies. Coati cubs are very tiny, their weight is only 100-200 grams. At first, the cubs do not leave the den, and when they get stronger, they join the group.

In the language of the South American Indians, the name of this unusual animal sounds like "coati", but we are more accustomed to calling it "nosoha". The noses are a bit like raccoons, with which they are related, but differ from them in a long, mobile, trunk-like nose. Also, noses are the owners of a striped yellow-brown tail, which the animal almost always holds up for balance, and also in order not to lose sight of its relatives.

Nose are cute calm animals. They are very patient and not as capricious as raccoons. This animal can live both at home and in the summer cottage, bringing joy to its owners.

Nose in the wild

The typical habitat of the noses is the USA, Mexico and the countries of South America. These animals perfectly adapt to the environment and can live in the tropics and on the border with deserts. They are most often found in places with dense bush, forests or rocky landscape. Nosuhi are diurnal, and this is another difference from raccoons.

Nosuha are not picky eaters, but prefer a meat diet that includes bird eggs, larvae, crabs, insects and lizards. With pleasure they eat both fruits, as well as the harvest of farmers, to whom these curious animals often visit.

Nosoha live, most often, in groups of 5-6, and sometimes 30 individuals. The flock consists mainly of females and cubs. Adult males keep their distance from them and approach females only for the mating period.

Keeping noses in the garden

Nosuhi climb well, so it is advisable to place ladders, vertical trunks or blockages of branches in an aviary or cage so that the animals can exercise, as well as build a shelter and a small pond, stream or waterfall with stones and logs.

In captivity, with appropriate care, noses live up to 20 years.

Nosuha perfectly take root at home. They are more accommodating and calm than raccoons and do not have the habit of biting if they do not like something. They easily get used to the owners and willingly communicate and play with them.

As a rule, they settle nosukh in large spacious cages, on the bottom of which sawdust is poured. In the cage, there must be a shelter, a drinking bowl, a feeder, as well as structures on which the animals can climb. Unfortunately, these animals are not accustomed to the tray, so you should prepare for frequent cleaning of their homes.

They eat lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, bread, bananas, and the animal eats up to one and a half kilograms of food per day.

Rusecolog Services

Our company sells coats in Moscow. All animals have the necessary documents and vaccinations. Buy a coat you can use the form below.

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