Types of domestic monkeys. Domestic monkey marmazette. Room for the monkey

Marmoset (marmoset) - the most small primate, and, accordingly, the smallest of all monkeys existing in the world. Growth adult reaches no more than 30 cm, and the weight does not exceed 300 gr. This charming animal is also called the marmoset. In our time, it is difficult to surprise someone with an exotic breed of cat or dog, so more and more often unusual animals appear among the pets of the townspeople - marmosets. tiny marmoset monkey fits in a pocket, which is very popular with everyone, without exception, both adults and children. And in this article we will talk about this miniature and amazing creature, which can become not only a universal favorite, but also a full member in your family.

Meet Marmoset Monkey

The marmoset is completely covered with hair, has almond-shaped eyes, which gives its muzzle a very serious expression. marmoset monkey perfectly takes root in the conditions of city apartments, if you create the right conditions for it and surround it with love and care.

The marmoset was brought to cold Russia from distant South America. Despite its small size, the marmoset is a full-fledged primate with the same habits as its larger counterparts.

There are several types of marmosets, they differ in color and size. In the usual habitat conditions, the diet of these little monkeys is quite diverse. They feed on fruits, bird eggs, tree sap, some plants and insects.

To keep a dwarf marmoset in an apartment, it is necessary to carefully prepare all the living conditions in advance. These are diurnal animals, they show the main activity in the morning and in the first half of the day. In order for the little monkey to feel good in captivity, it is better to start them in pairs. For a comfortable life, they need a spacious aviary with a place to hide, and branches imitating trees. Humidity should be at least 60%.

Feeding a marmoset at home is similar to human feeding. Marmosets prefer yoghurts, soft fruits, baby cereals and freshly squeezed juices. As a treat, you can offer the marmoset honey syrup and forage insects available for purchase at every pet store.

When deciding on the institution of this charming animal, it should be remembered that a monkey, even the smallest one, is part of wildlife. To have a presence in the house marmoset monkeys brought joy to its inhabitants, it is necessary to provide the animal with appropriate conditions for nutrition and maintenance. With due attention and responsibility, you can enjoy the harmony of wildlife and home comforts.

If you want to get a monkey, weigh the pros and cons. After reading the recommendations, tips, you will understand whether you can provide the animal good conditions existence, proper care and proper nutrition at home.

If you decide to keep a monkey at home, you should evaluate your capabilities. Macaques are wild creatures, they need certain living conditions. You need to know how to feed the animal, where to settle, how to care for it. If you can do all this, you can buy a monkey that will become a full member of the family.

First of all, you need to know what breeds of monkeys are suitable for keeping at home. It is most preferable to settle in a Javanese or Rhesus monkey. You can buy a Japanese macaque, but a Chinese or Ceylon macaque in captivity is not as resistant to diseases as Rhesus, Javanese, but it has a calmer disposition than the above breeds. But monkeys are not cheap, so it is better not to take macaques with less strong immunity.

  • Price Macaque Javanese in Russia from 50-80 thousand rubles and up to 180 thousand.
  • Price Macaque rhesus (Macaca mulatta) in Russia from about 90 thousand rubles.
So, the preferred breeds of monkeys for keeping at home are Rhesus and Javanese, let's dwell on the story about them in more detail.

The rhesus macaque is also called the bunder (lat. Macaca mulatta). An adult grows up to the size of a fox terrier dog. The weight of an adult macaque is 3.2–3.6 kg. The coat of the animal is brownish-yellow, there are bright red outgrowths on the seat.

In the wild, these macaques live in tribes, the number of monkeys in them can reach up to 150 individuals. The leader leads them. If for some reason it is not there, then the number of conflicts in the pack increases. At the same time, primates can make various sounds - scream, squeak, growl.

Pregnancy in females lasts 165 days, then they give birth to one, and less often two cubs weighing 300–650 g. Up to a year, the mother feeds the baby breast milk, and with her he is 6 or more years.

Rhesus monkeys enter sexual maturity upon reaching 2.5–3 years. Females are fertile until 18–22 years of age, after which they experience menopause.

If you want to keep such a monkey at home, you need to take it when the monkey is still small, as an adult individual adapts worse to new conditions and can show its angry and quarrelsome character.

The pet must be treated, depending on the situation, affectionately or strictly, then you can teach the monkey tricks, as they do in the circus. Therefore, quite often you can see not only in circuses, but also in summer in open areas in parks, like a rhesus monkey, under the guidance of its trainer, dancing to music or doing other funny things.

Javanese macaque

The second name of these monkeys is the crab-eating macaque (lat. Macaca fascicularis), but crabs are not its main food. Above the animal's coat is brown, and closer to the bottom is gray. According to the variety of color, 2 types of Javanese macaques are distinguished. The first coat is yellow-brown, the second is darker and the face of these monkeys is black. An adult animal reaches an average height of 60 cm. The weight of an adult male is 4.5–8.5 kg, and that of a female, 2.7–3.8 kg.

Pictured is a Javanese macaque in a diaper

Javanese macaques are quite unpretentious, so this breed is often kept at home. In the southern regions, an aviary and a warmed barn are enough for monkeys to live. Another argument in favor of this species is that they quickly become tame, however, there are cases when a benevolent animal abruptly changes its behavior - it becomes aggressive and can bite a person.

Whatever breed you buy a macaque, it must be kept in a cage or aviary. To do this, you can fence off part of the room for her. When you let the monkey walk around the room, apartment, you need to watch her vigilantly, otherwise the naughty can tear, ruin things, books. If she meets an aquarium on her way, it is likely that the pet will want to eat snails, fish that she will catch from it.

An inquisitive animal can open water taps, gas burners, start household appliances. Therefore, for the safety of people and the monkeys themselves, these animals need mandatory supervision when you let the primate out of the cage to walk around the house.

If a monkey's cage is located in one part of the room, then in the other - a larger one, there may be its walking area. From here you will take out everything valuable, breaking and what it can break. It is also convenient to give a whole room to a monkey for the reason that monkeys can be quite noisy, otherwise they will be less disturbing to the owner and his family.

When choosing a room for a monkey, you need to know that the temperature in it should not be lower than + 22 ° C, it should be dry and light enough.

When deciding which cage the monkey needs, remember that the animal is mobile. He needs to jump, move, so the cage for the monkey must be spacious and durable.

A retractable metal tray makes it easy to take care of your monkey. Large shavings, clean river sand are poured onto its bottom. And you don’t need to put paper, newspapers, so the animal will tear them into small pieces.

Don't forget that monkeys are pretty smart. Therefore, the cage must be nickel-plated, all-metal, welded from a thick mesh. If it is a team, on screws, then while family members are at work, study, a smart animal can disassemble this structure and break free. Then the consequences can be very unpleasant. In this regard, the door should close well so that the primate cannot open it - it is better to close it with a key.

In the summer, you can take the monkey with you to the country house, to the village and keep it in an aviary. A garden aviary is made on a foundation. Its area must be at least 9 square meters. m. A metal mesh is pulled onto the frame of the bars. For small primates, its cross section should be 2 x 2 cm, for large primates 5 x 5 cm. The net is stretched from three sides, from the fourth, northern, the aviary is adjacent to the building. The roof can be made single or gable, covered with slate, roofing material or other roofing material. The door is made high enough so that a person can freely pass through it.

Inside the cage, the aviary should have several perches so that the animal can rest on them. You can put a cut down and processed tree inside the enclosure and fix it well, the monkey will climb up and down on it, entertaining himself and those around him.

Drinkers, bowls for food are also necessary items that should be in a cage or aviary. Hang a small mirror on the wall, looking at yourself in it, the monkey will also amuse not only itself, but also those who will watch it.

If you do not know what to feed the monkeys, then read this section.

In nutrition listed species monkeys are not very picky, they can eat the same foods as humans. Of course, fried, smoked, spicy food should not be given to them. The basis of the diet should be plant foods. Cook rice milk porridge for the animal, give it White bread with milk. Boiled potatoes seasoned with vegetable oil are also useful for monkeys; they enjoy this dish with pleasure.

Monkeys are fed cabbage, beets, carrots, tomatoes, turnips. They are given boiled legumes, corn. In winter, for the prevention of diseases, offer your pet feathers and onions.

A picture of a monkey eating a coconut

Healthy primates have an excellent appetite, so you do not need to overfeed them. You can determine the daily rate for your animal by experience. Food is given to animals at a rate of 3-4 times a day. Scientists have developed a formula for monkeys that is perfectly balanced. Here's what it includes:
  • 36% meal;
  • 24% cornmeal;
  • 13% codfish meal;
  • 10% sugar;
  • 8% wheat bran;
  • 4% refined soybean oil;
  • 3% mineral mixture;
  • 2% vitamins.
But it is not so easy to find such compound feed on sale, so monkey owners, replacing one ingredient with another, prepare balanced food for their wards themselves. So, instead of flour, sugar and cereals, primates are given boiled potatoes 2 times a week. Dried fruits, eggshell powder (as a mineral mixture), vitamins, vegetable or butter are added to milk rice porridge.

Part of the diet of monkeys should be insects. It can be flour worms, silkworm pupae, May beetles.

So that the apartment does not have bad smell, clean the animal's cage daily. At the same time, see if it hides food. Such stocks must be discarded.

You can put diapers on the monkeys and change them like a small child. But at night they need to be removed. Wash the monkeys 2 times a day. In the evening, after you remove the diaper, bathe the animal in a bath or in a basin with warm water by applying baby shampoo without tears. After that, dry it well and let it dry in warmth. In the morning, the animal needs to be bathed again, and then put on a diaper.

Therefore, do not make sudden movements near the animal, speak kindly to it, do not shout. Strictly, but calmly and quietly, you can speak only when the animal does something wrong.

With good treatment, the pet will treat you well, understand what you want from him and be calm and accommodating.

Video, monkey in the house, how to contain:

The choice of the type of monkeys for keeping depends, first of all, on the thickness of the wallet. This animal is expensive, and its maintenance is also quite expensive. Weigh this argument well: if there is not enough money, then there is nothing to choose from. The answer to the question, how much does a domestic monkey cost - from 1 000 USD. Marmosets are sold at a price from 1 500 to 1 800 dollars. Some types of monkeys stand up to $8,000. Pay attention to the size of the living space: it is better if the monkey has a separate room. Monkeys can be carriers of dangerous diseases, so make sure you have a certificate from your veterinarian. Do not be tempted by low prices and attractive offers, refuse to buy primates from dubious dealers (read reviews). The animal must have a healthy and well-groomed appearance, not be aggressive.

It is good to buy baby monkeys, then it will be easier to tame them. When buying an adult animal, you must take into account that it is accustomed to the conditions of the previous owner, and considers him the leader. Keep in mind that these are very sociable animals. If you have a closed character or work "from morning to night", give them up home breeding. Some types of monkeys live up to 40 years, so consider whether your age will allow you to properly care for the animal all these years.

The cost of different types

brown capuchin

Brown capuchin (lat. Sapajus nigritus) weight of an adult animal can reach 6 kg, body length 30-35 cm, tail 30-56 cm. Males are larger than females. They are considered the smartest monkeys in the New World. These monkeys are easy to keep in captivity proper care life span up to 50 years.

Price: 160,000 - 180,000 rubles.

Saimiri squirrel

These small and intelligent monkeys are considered one of the most calm and non-destructive when kept at home. The sizes of saimiri are small. Body length 26-36 cm. Tail length 35-42 cm. Weight approximately 750-1100 gr.

Price: 110,000 - 130,000 rubles.

White-eared marmosets

Ordinary marmosets or marmosets are charming not big monkeys. Body length with head - up to 20 - 30 cm, tail length up to 40-50 cm. Weight: 250-320 g, males are slightly larger than females. Life span 10 years in captivity up to 16 years.

Price(medium): 85,000 - 90,000 rubles.

Estimated prices based on recent listings:

  • marmoset babies available in St. Petersburg - 80 thousand;
  • male white-eared marmoset 2 years old from owners in Sochi - 50 thousand;
  • marmoset in Kemerovo without the possibility of forwarding - 80 thousand;

Red-handed tamarin

Red-handed tamarin (Saguinus midas) is a species of marmoset monkeys from the tamarin genus. The body length is from 21 to 28 cm, the tail is from 31 to 44 cm long. Weight is from 400 to 550 g. Life expectancy is 10 - 15 years. The red-handed tamarin is an omnivore and is active during the day. The main diet is fruits, insects, nectar and tree sap.

Price: 85,000 - 95,000 rubles.

Javanese macaque

The Javan macaque is one of the most common macaques in both circus training and home keeping. Medium sized monkey. Body length from 40 to 60-65 cm. The weight of an adult male is 4 - 8.5 kg, females 2.5 - 3.8 kg.

Price: 165,000 - 180,000 rubles.

Marmoset pygmy

Dwarf marmoset (lat. Cebuella pygmaea) is a species of primates from the marmoset family (Callitrichidae). It is one of the smallest representatives of the entire order of primates. Their size is only from 11 to 15 cm, not counting the tail from 17 to 22 cm long. Weight pygmy marmosets ranges from 100 to 150 g.

Price: 80,000 - 90,000 rubles.

Green monkey

Green monkeys are medium-sized representatives of the Old World monkeys, these monkeys were known back in ancient egypt. Body length with head 57-71 cm, tail 30-48 cm, weight: females 2.5-3.5 kg, males 5-7.5 kg. Life expectancy in captivity is up to 45 years.

Price: 145,000 - 160,000 rubles.

When estimating expenses, consider the pet's relocation (if necessary), the execution of a veterinary certificate and a financial contract. As a rule, this can be waived in favor of saving. Selling a pet with all documents will cost 5-10% more.

Room for the monkey

Whatever breed you buy a macaque, it must be kept in a cage or aviary. To do this, you can fence off part of the room for her. When you let the monkey walk around the room, apartment, you need to watch her vigilantly, otherwise the naughty can tear, ruin things, books. If she meets an aquarium on her way, it is likely that the pet will want to eat snails, fish that she will catch from it.

An inquisitive animal can open water taps, gas burners, start household appliances. Therefore, for the safety of people and the monkeys themselves, these animals need mandatory supervision when you let the primate out of the cage to walk around the house.

If a monkey's cage is located in one part of the room, then in the other - a larger one, there may be its walking area. From here you will take out everything valuable, breaking and what it can break. It is also convenient to give a whole room to a monkey for the reason that monkeys can be quite noisy, otherwise they will be less disturbing to the owner and his family.

When choosing a room for a monkey, you need to know that the temperature in it should not be lower than + 22 ° C, it should be dry and light enough.

When deciding which cage the monkey needs, remember that the animal is mobile. He needs to jump, move, so the cage for the monkey must be spacious and durable.

A retractable metal tray makes it easy to take care of your monkey. Large shavings, clean river sand are poured onto its bottom. And you don’t need to put paper, newspapers, so the animal will tear them into small pieces.

Don't forget that monkeys are pretty smart. Therefore, the cage must be nickel-plated, all-metal, welded from a thick mesh. If it is a team, on screws, then while family members are at work, study, a smart animal can disassemble this structure and break free. Then the consequences can be very unpleasant. In this regard, the door should close well so that the primate cannot open it - it is better to close it with a key.

In the summer, you can take the monkey with you to the country house, to the village and keep it in an aviary. A garden aviary is made on a foundation. Its area must be at least 9 square meters. m. A metal mesh is pulled onto the frame of the bars. For small primates, its cross section should be 2 x 2 cm, for large primates 5 x 5 cm. The net is stretched from three sides, from the fourth, northern, the aviary is adjacent to the building. The roof can be made single or gable, covered with slate, roofing material or other roofing material. The door is made high enough so that a person can freely pass through it.

Inside the cage, the aviary should have several perches so that the animal can rest on them. You can put a cut down and processed tree inside the enclosure and fix it well, the monkey will climb up and down on it, entertaining himself and those around him.

Drinkers, bowls for food are also necessary items that should be in a cage or aviary. Hang a small mirror on the wall, looking at yourself in it, the monkey will also amuse not only itself, but also those who will watch it.

What to feed monkeys at home?

In principle, rhesus macaques and cynomolgus macaques are not picky in their diet, and they can eat food from your table, with the exception of fried, smoked, spicy and salty. However, make sure that the basis of the diet is plant foods. You can cook milk porridge for monkeys, give them bread soaked in milk, boiled potatoes seasoned with vegetable oil, and prepare vegetable salads for them.

By the way, in winter, for the prevention of infectious and viral diseases give the macaque onions - it will increase the immunity of the primate and help him not get sick.

The appetite of macaques, if the animal is healthy and does not bother him, is excellent, however, make sure not to overfeed them, because in the absence physical activity, sedentary lifestyle and unbalanced diet, these animals are prone to obesity. Therefore, break total food for 3-4 meals, and feed the macaque at certain times without allowing it to snack.

By the way, we managed to find the developed compound feed for monkeys, which, according to experts and scientists, is perfectly balanced. You can use it as your basis when you think about what to feed your monkey. It contains 34% meal, 13% cod fish meal, 24% cornmeal, 10% sugar, 4% refined soybean oil, 8% wheat bran and 3% mineral mixture, as well as 2% vitamins. You can experiment with such a menu base, and instead of flour, cereals and sugar, give boiled potatoes to the macaque 2 times a week, add dried fruits to the milk porridge, vegetable oil, eggshell powder as a mineral blend. And, now, the most interesting moment. In order for your macaque to be healthy, its diet must include ... insects. It can be Maybugs, silkworm pupae, mealworms... without such a specific part of their menu, a monkey can start to get sick.

Monkey care at home

To avoid unpleasant odors in the apartment, clean the animal's cage daily. At the same time, see if it hides food. Such stocks must be discarded.

You can put diapers on the monkeys and change them like a small child. But at night they need to be removed. Wash the monkeys 2 times a day. In the evening, after you remove the diaper, bathe the animal in a bath or in a basin of warm water, using a tear-free baby shampoo. After that, dry it well and let it dry in warmth. In the morning, the animal needs to be bathed again, and then put on a diaper.

Therefore, do not make sudden movements near the animal, speak kindly to it, do not shout. Strictly, but calmly and quietly, you can speak only when the animal does something wrong.

With good treatment, the pet will treat you well, understand what you want from him and be calm and accommodating.

Diseases and their treatment

In a damp and cold climate, it is very difficult for primates to maintain health. But still, it is a little easier to deal with disease prevention than to treat an already sick animal. Monkeys can suffer from all human diseases, so it is very easy for them to get infected from a sick owner. In turn, they can infect their hosts. If the acquired animal is sick, then the health of the owner will be at risk. The most dangerous diseases are hepatitis and HIV.

Monkeys are very vulnerable to pulmonary and colds, they can get dysentery, pneumonia, turning into tuberculosis. Quite often, diseases end in the death of animals. You need to check your pet every day. At the slightest sign changes in her usual appearance - drowsiness, lethargy, increased disheveledness, it is best to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible. True, there are not so many doctors who treat primates specifically, but still, any veterinarian will provide some help.

Monkeys can have toothaches, headaches, constipation and indigestion. Over time, the owner understands how to treat this or that disease, what herb to give, or what to exclude from the diet. But in all incomprehensible cases, you should consult a doctor, the sooner this is done, the more chances to cure the animal.

Monkey in the house: pros and cons

Benefits of monkey breeding include:

  1. Cheerful character.
  2. Funny look.
  3. Friendly character.
  4. Well developed intellect.
  5. They are very attached to the owner, actively showing love with affection, kisses, hugs.
  6. Primates require a lot of attention, so they will brighten up loneliness.

Minuses home content monkeys:

  1. Aggressive, spiteful behavior in case of improper care.
  2. The need to constantly care for the animal, play, caress, pay attention.
  3. Females have monthly menses.
  4. Animals can masturbate.
  5. Monkeys can infect humans with hepatitis or HIV.
  6. Some species mark their territory or rub themselves with urine.
  7. The high cost of monkeys, high maintenance costs.

When deciding to buy a pet monkey, remember that this animal will require a lot of time and effort. Be ready not to retreat from the goal, do not throw the objectionable pet into the street, take pity on him, because it is not in vain that they say that we are responsible for those we have tamed. Study the nature of the primate, guarantee the attention of the animal - and love will be rewarded to you a hundredfold.

For people who cannot imagine their life without pet, the appearance of a handmade monkey in the house becomes a real holiday. The little ones look like a funny little man, they please those around them with their tricks and instantly attract attention. Such monkeys become Internet stars, delight their owners with a cheerful disposition and do not require complex care, like other exotic animals.

Is it possible to keep a monkey in the house?

At first glance, there are practically no objective reasons why this should not be done. These are well-studied, independent animals, similar to humans. Food for them is sold in zoo galleries, and many articles have been written on how to provide them with the right content.

Nevertheless, a huge number of people make the same mistakes when they are kept in captivity. Mainly because they forget: pet monkeys are not children. They cannot exist in the same conditions as humans, they cannot eat our food. A monkey needs a pack, it does not perceive a person and cannot be trained, like a dog or a cat.

Difficulties begin when the grown up monkey refuses to wear a diaper - it is extremely difficult to accustom this animal to walking, or at least to the tray. They can also show aggression, expressing their dissatisfaction. In order for the monkey to feel comfortable and calm at home, you will have to try to provide her with all the necessary conditions.

Javanese macaques

Breeds of domestic monkeys are quite diverse - small animals that can be picked up and which will not require significant space are best suited for keeping in captivity. One of the most common breeds are

These domestic monkeys are distinguished by their calm disposition and touching appearance and behavior. They have very expressive eyes, graceful hands with thin fingers. In nature, in families, these macaques take care of each other with deep tenderness, do not let go of their cubs.

The favorite food of Javanese macaques is mollusks, crabs: they live off the coast of water bodies, and this is their natural food. Another name for these animals is crabeaters. Females are better suited for keeping in the house: they do not have fangs, like males, and they will not be able to harm their owners. The length of Javanese macaques is about half a meter.


This is one of the smallest monkeys that is customary to keep in the house. Their body length is only about 20 cm, they are distinguished by a bright, beautiful color - the whole body is covered with thick hair and stripes, and the ears are decorated with white or black tassels.

These are very touching animals: they have a cheerful, emotional disposition, they love to play and have fun, frolic, they jump a lot and actively along the branches. However, in the event of a danger, they are very frightened and literally panic: they have a very delicate psyche.

Wistiti are very fond of fruits and vegetables, they can be fed with infant formula milk. Among all others, these domestic monkeys adapt most comfortably to the conditions of captivity.


Capuchins are perhaps the most common and famous monkeys which are usually kept in captivity. These types of domestic monkeys have miniature size from 30 to 50 cm in length, their natural environment habitat - south South America. Capuchins have a fairly long lifespan for monkeys - about 25 years.

Breeds of domestic capuchin monkeys have a cheerful and unpredictable disposition. These are funny, stubborn animals that love to play pranks, make faces, mimic the owners and their guests. The facial expressions of capuchins are very rich - they are mobile, emotional animals that never sit still. To be kept in captivity, they need reproduction natural conditions: a cage where they could jump on branches, hang on their tail.

Capuchins love children's toys - they really look like little fidgets who do not want to grow up. During games, they make a huge amount of sounds, mutterings and chirps, so you need to be prepared for the fact that these animals are quite noisy. Another feature of these monkeys is that they love rags, they busily wipe their faces with them, take cover during sleep.

Habitat equipment

A monkey at home loves space, so it is important to responsibly approach the issue of placing an animal in an apartment or house. An animal should be treated like a member of the family, and therefore it would be most correct to allocate a small, brightly lit separate room in which one could recreate natural natural conditions. It is necessary to place ropes, tree branches throughout the room so that the animal can splash out the accumulated energy.

If it is not possible to allocate a separate room, you can solve the issue of placing the monkey with the help of a cage. The cage should be spacious, the size of an aviary. It should also have ropes that resemble lianas for animals, tree branches, a house in which they could feel protected. The cage must be cleaned daily.


In no case should you feed the monkey from the table. The main diet should be a special food for monkeys, which contains the necessary elements and minerals. You should give fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, seeds, sometimes you need to include in the diet boiled eggs. Once a week, a pet monkey should receive boiled fish or meat. Insects will become a real delicacy for the monkey.

All products must be fresh, thoroughly washed and free from preservatives. If the animal's diet is not balanced, it lacks vitamins, this will immediately affect its health.

Given that the year 2016 has begun is the year of the Red Monkey, it is not surprising that many fans of exotic creatures in their home are thinking about getting ... no, not, and not even, namely a monkey in their home. But, before they confirm their decision and go in search of such a really unusual pet for our latitudes, we invite you to find out all about keeping monkeys at home. You may not get a monkey, but you will learn a lot interesting facts about these creatures...

Is it possible to keep monkeys at home

A monkey is not a cat or a dog, but a wild creature, and in order to adapt it for living at home, it needs to create certain and comfortable conditions for it, find out in advance what you can and should feed such a pet, and how to care for it. him. If you can provide the monkey with all this, then it will be able to become a full member of your family, if not, your cohabitation will turn out to be a torment for both you and it. Therefore, in many ways, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to start a monkey at home or not depends on your capabilities.

What monkeys can be kept at home

Like cats and dogs, monkeys have different breeds. And, not all of them are suitable for home keeping. According to experts, it is preferable to have monkeys of the breed in the house. javan monkey or rhesus. Why it is impossible to start monkeys of other breeds - although, outwardly, they may not differ much from the representatives of the recommended breeds above, in fact, it turns out that, for example,

Ceylon or Japanese macaques are in poor health and often get sick in captivity, while they are somewhat violent, unlike Javanese macaques, which are calmer.

These practical points in the process of communication with primates are very important, and they should be paid attention to. Therefore, it is about these 2 breeds that we will tell in more detail today ...

By the way, the cost of a Javan macaque in Russia ranges from 50 to 180 thousand rubles, but the cost of a rhesus macaque is slightly lower, up to about 90 thousand Russian rubles. As you can see, the money is not small ...

Description of the rhesus macaque monkey breed

Rhesus macaques are known to specialists under another name - bunders. Adults reach the size of a dog breed, and their weight is 3.5 kilograms. The coat of the animal is brownish-yellow, and bright red growths can be found in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seat of the macaque.

In the wild, these monkeys live in families that are more like tribes. So, the number of monkeys in such big family may be 150 individuals. The head, the leader, leads the family, and if for some reason he is absent, conflicts are observed within the family, accompanied by loud cries, squeak, growl. This is how monkeys express their emotions.

Macaques reach sexual maturity at 2.5-3 years, while females have a reproductive function up to 18-22 years, after which they lose the ability to reproduce offspring. Pregnancy in females lasts 165 days, and 1-2 cubs are born at a time, weighing from 300 to 650 grams. Up to 12 months, the monkey feeds the cubs with milk, and then transfers to an adult diet. However, next to the mother, children are up to 6 years old and older until they create their own families.

For those who want to keep rhesus monkeys at home, it is worth considering a few important points -

you need to buy a small individual, since an adult macaque may not adapt to new conditions, and never become tame.

A negative feature of rhesus monkeys in some cases is a quarrelsome and angry character.

With such a pet, you need to communicate a lot, adjusting to the situation - sometimes you need to be affectionate with him, and sometimes strictness will not hurt. With the right upbringing, you can teach the monkey not only tricks, but also the rules of behavior, and you will have it cultured and educated. By the way, it is rhesus macaques who most often perform in circuses, dance to music and perform funny tricks.

Javanese macaques are also called macaques crabeaters, however, do not think that this breed of monkeys feeds exclusively on crabs. This is not true. The coat of these animals is brown in the upper part of the body, and gray towards the lower part of the body. At the same time, according to the variety of color, 2 types of this breed of monkeys can be distinguished. In the first species, the coat is yellow-brown, while in the second it is darker, and the skin on the face of the monkeys is black. The growth of an adult Javan macaque reaches 60 centimeters, the weight of an adult male is from 4 to 8 kilograms, and the female is from 2.7 to 3.8 kilograms.

These creatures are quite unpretentious in matters of maintenance and feeding, therefore, they are often started at home. In the southern regions, they can be kept in an aviary or in a warmed barn. They quickly get used to the person and become tame. True, you should not lose your vigilance, there are quite a few cases when Javanese macaques abruptly changed their line of behavior and became so aggressive that they could bite their owner. So, they should be trusted, but remember that you are not dealing with a faithful dog, but with a cunning monkey.

Keeping monkeys at home

After we got acquainted with the 2 breeds of monkeys that are most suitable for home keeping, we suggest moving on to the practical aspects of living together with them under the same roof.

Remember the main rule no matter what breed you have purchased a monkey, and what size it is, you must keep it in a spacious metal cage or in an aviary. You can also arrange an indoor aviary for her and fence off part of the room with a dense metal mesh. Such precautions are necessary to ensure that your monkey does not harm you or itself.

Since monkeys are very mobile creatures, the dimensions of the cage or enclosure must be such that the animal can move freely there, run and jump. In order to facilitate the cleaning process in the cage, it is better to install a metal tray below, you can pour large chips or clean river sand on its bottom. Do not use paper or newspapers as filler. The macaque will tear them apart.

In order for the dexterous, cunning and strong macaque not to escape from its cage, it is better to choose nickel-plated options, all-metal, welded from a thick mesh. As experience shows, it's easier for a macaque to spin a prefabricated cage on screws, disassemble the entire structure and break free. It's just a matter of time. So, do not forget about the precautions to protect both yourself and your exotic pet from possible troubles.

If you have the opportunity, you can keep the monkey not in a cage, but in an aviary - this option is ideal for the summer time somewhere in the country. The size of the enclosure should be at least 9 square meters, from the foundations, and a metal mesh should be stretched over the frame of the beams, with a section of 2 by 2 centimeters for small primates, and 5 by 5 centimeters for large macaques. The mesh is stretched from 3 sides, while the 4th side of the enclosure is tightly adjacent to the wall. In order for the animal not to be constantly under the scorching rays of the sun and not to get wet in the rain, it is necessary to make a 1-2-pitched roof, cover it with roofing material on top. The door to such an aviary is made high so that you can pass through it without bending over.

Inside the enclosure, you can install perches and shelves on which the primate will rest. You can place a processed tree frame - the macaque will climb on it, entertain itself and you.

If you hang a mirror in an aviary or in a cage, then the monkey will spend hours in front of it, grimacing. However, make sure that the mirror is securely fastened, as if the monkey drops it and breaks it, it can injure itself with fragments.

Of course, inside the cage or enclosure there should be drinking bowls, food bowls, a bath of water, toys for the monkey ...

walks around the house

During your walks around the house (and, it will be possible to let the monkey out of the cage when you tame it), you will have the opportunity to observe the destructive power and irrepressible curiosity of primates. A prankster or a prankster can tear things, spoil books, turn over an aquarium, open taps, start household appliances ... At the same time, she will do it faster than you will try to eliminate the consequences of her walk. Therefore, in any case, do not leave the monkey unattended, and take care in advance that during walks it does not come across valuable and important objects and things for you.

Some owners, if the premises allow them, set aside an entire room for the monkey to walk around. There is nothing in it that the monkey can break, tear or destroy. At the same time, the animal feels free and relaxed there.

Special conditions for detention

Since macaques are heat-loving creatures, in the room where their cage or aviary stands, and where they walk, the air temperature should not be lower than +22 degrees above zero Celsius, the room should be light and dry. Considering that macaques are very noisy creatures, and their screams can disturb both you and your neighbors, it doesn’t hurt to worry about additional soundproofing.

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