Budgerigars at home. We distinguish the male from the female. Providing Proper Parrot Care

Of course, everyone wants their pet to live happily ever after. Such a life is impossible without some effort on the part of the owners. You will learn about what you need to do to ensure that your budgerigar is properly cared for and maintained at home and thereby help your bird live as long as possible, you will learn in this article.

What do you need to know before making a purchase?

A new pet in the house is not only a joy, but also a great responsibility. In this regard, you will have some problems and limitations. Therefore, before answering the question of how to maintain and properly care for a budgerigar at home, I will tell you about the restrictions that the owners of these birds have. There are several facts to consider here:

  1. budgerigars get up early and excellent sing. Therefore, every morning you will hear a cheerful song of your bird.
  2. You will have to clean up the room where the pet lives every day, as it will litter a lot feathers, various scraps of papers, husks from food, droppings and the like.
  3. If your house has a lot of flowers or other plants, then you will need to remove them from the room where the bird will live. The fact is that when you release the parrot, it will probably be nibbling the leaves of plants, will taste the earth. All this can lead to poisoning and helminth infections.
  4. Keeping and caring for budgerigars at home will force you to stop using various perfumes, aerosols, fresheners, smoking, painting nails, cooking, etc. in the room where the bird (birds) lives. Budgerigars (both females and males) have a very sensitive respiratory system . Therefore, such aromas can cause serious harm to their health.
  5. Morally and financially, be prepared for the fact that parrots may have various disease. You may also find yourself allergic to a feathered friend. All this wastes time and Money because timely medical assistance is indispensable.
  6. In no case don't leave the bird alone on the for a long time. If you decide to go somewhere to rest, then the duration of the rest should be no more than two days. Otherwise, you need to find a person in advance who could take care of the pet for some time, and introduce them to each other.

Readiness for such circumstances shows that the acquisition of a budgerigar is for you. Next, let's talk about what are the rules for the care and maintenance of such birds.

What things do you need to have to care for a budgerigar at home?

For a favorable mental and physical development birds need to create comfortable living conditions for her in the house. Nothing should threaten the health of a feathered friend.

Prepare a place for a cage, for the residence of a new pet, you need in advance, before you bring it home. To avoid possible injuries when walking a parrot around the room, remove all objects that can be in any way dangerous to his health: chemical substances, various crayons, markers, broken and small things, wires.

It is imperative to carry out proper care and maintenance of budgerigars at home, you need to buy cells. They must be comfortable and properly equipped. Namely - include a drinking bowl, a feeder, a bath, poles and toys. Special attention when buying, pay attention to the shape of the bird's dwelling. I advise you to buy large copies, rectangular shape. Since in nature these birds often fly from branch to branch, in order to feel comfortable they need a lot of space.

Bird housing should be located in a suitable for favorable mental and physical condition bird spot. Therefore, first of all, think not about the aesthetic beauty of the room, but about the comfort of the parrot.

What conditions are suitable to properly care for budgerigars?

The cage must be at home in quiet place. That is, where no one will interfere with the wavy, where he will not hear loud voices and sounds. Of course, the bathroom, kitchen or hallway are the worst options for its placement. In general, moving is a very stressful situation for birds, they see new places, strangers. Therefore, they need time and rest to adapt.

Climate the room should also be suitable for the comfortable living of the bird. In no case should you put a cage next to windows, with heating devices. Drafts should also be avoided. Necessary temperature regime is approximately - 22 - 25 degrees. Average percentage of recommended humidity in the room - 60% .

If it is warm enough outside, you can put the cage on the balcony. For the health of the parrot, being in the sun and outdoors will be beneficial. However, when keeping budgerigars, one must also take into account that they do not like too much high temperature, heat, heat. Direct rays from the sun should not fall on the bird, so cover half of the cage with a light cloth. Then your feathered pet will be able to hide in its shadow from straight lines. sun rays.


If you properly care for a budgerigar (boy or girl) after purchase (purchase at a pet store or from hands), then he can live up to about 15 years. Balanced feeding (or the necessary diet) is an important component of the competent maintenance and care of parrots. These birds have a high body temperature (about 41 degrees) and, accordingly, have a fast metabolism. In this regard, the pet must eat in the right way in order to replenish its body with all the necessary nutrients in a timely manner.

You can feed a winged friend:

  • granular food,
  • vegetables,
  • seeds,
  • cereals,
  • fruits.

Sometimes in small amounts you can give:

  • pasta,
  • bread,
  • boiled chicken,
  • sweet pastries.

Wherein do not often give sweets! Their use leads to excessive activity.

Do not under any circumstances give salted, pickled and fried foods, avocados, strawberries, papaya, alcoholic dairy, tea and coffee drinks, cocoa, chocolate, meat and fish products.

The parrot should always have clean water in the drinker. Also, in addition to fresh water, he needs vitamins and minerals, which contain large quantities phosphorus and calcium. Therefore, it is recommended to give the bird limestone. Also, the presence of grains of sand and small pebbles in the diet of a parrot helps the work of its digestive tract. Therefore, make sure that your feathered friend can receive these elements that are important for his health.

How many times a day should I feed my budgerigar?

Usually, once a day is enough. During the day, the bird eats a special mixture of grains, the amount of which is approximately two or two and a half teaspoons.
If you notice that this feed rate is not enough, that the bird does not eat up during the day, then there are 2 options:

  1. add another 1/2 teaspoon;
  2. feed 2 times a day, divided daily allowance in half.

Do not feed your feathered pet only dry food! In nature, they do not feed on dry grain. They should have a varied diet!


The conditions for keeping, breeding and caring for budgerigars at home provide for communication. Budgerigars need to communicate either with a person, or with relatives. It is better if the bird has the opportunity to spend time with both the owner and other birds. Monotony, boredom, lack or lack of communication lead to health problems. The pet may begin to suffer depression and pluck its feathers.

So every day, talk and play with the bird. Also let go so that she can fly freely in the room.

Before releasing parrot in free flight, check the closedness of doors, refrigerators, windows, washing machines and so on. In addition, it is first necessary to hide or close all objects containing water. For example, bathroom and toilet room. Open aquariums and filled glasses also do not belong in a room where a parrot will fly. The fact is that, perhaps, he wants to swim, choke and drown.

Keep an eye on the parrot so that nothing happens to him. And, of course, if you have other animals at home (cats, dogs, etc.) that are not averse to playing or hunting a bird, remove them from the room with the parrot.

Of course, you will not always be with your feathered pet, so make sure that he has toys. Great happiness for a parrot can be brought by the settlement of another bird to him, which would become him couple. Properly caring for budgerigars means not only looking after them, but also looking after their offspring. That is, to create all the conditions for the birds to take care of their chicks. If you have a male and a female, then they will need a nest box with a nest for chicks.

Cage Care

Clean the cage every week at least two times. To do this, use warm water. It should not contain any substances that you usually use in your home to clean or clean anything. That is, do not use powders, floor liquids, etc. to care for the parrot's home. Make sure you have a cleaning brush. For these purposes, for example, an unnecessary, used toothbrush is perfect.

After you wash all the things that are in the cage, do not forget to wipe them with a dry cloth. The dirtiest part of the bird's dwelling is the pallet. So clean and wipe it thoroughly. When the cleaning is completed, you can place on the bottom of a clean cage new paper or sprinkle with special sand bought at a pet store.

Bird care

Periodically, parrots need sharpen one's claws and beaks. For this purpose, they need objects made of wood. It can be some kind of wooden toy, a small toy tree, a stick, a floor feeder, a wooden drinker, etc. The owners must take care in advance that their birds can easily satisfy the need for grinding claws and beak.

Parrots also have seasonal molt. Useful information about these difficult periods in the life of feathered friends and about.

Monitor your pet's behavior. If he behaves differently than before, and you do not know the reasons for this behavior, seek help from a veterinarian. This should be done as soon as possible - in the presence of the first suspicion of the disease.

Monitor the condition of bird droppings. Liquid droppings for a long time may indicate that the parrot is sick.

I hope that this article helped you find everything you were interested in about the life, care and maintenance of budgerigars at home. And now you know what all owners of these winged pets need to know.

I also post below interesting video on this topic. I highly recommend watching it.

Please tell us in the comments how you take care of your budgerigar?

Budgerigar belongs to the parrot species and is the only representative of wavy birds. When purchasing a budgerigar, for starters, you should decide on the purpose of his stay in the house. It can simply act as a beloved pet that will become a great friend, or the purpose of acquiring it may be to further breed these birds.

It is on this criterion that the care for the budgerigar.

Rules for caring for a budgerigar, how to choose a feathered friend

Most people who are going to buy themselves budgerigar, absolutely do not know what to look for before buying and how to keep your pet in the future. In order for a feathered friend to grow up healthy and cheerful, one should dwell on this issue in more detail.

How to choose a budgerigar?

Worth the maximum seriousness deal with this issue. It is best to purchase a budgerigar from a specialized breeder rather than from a bird market. This will provide an opportunity to inspect the place where the budgerigars live. Moreover, in such a place, the risk of acquiring a sick bird is much less than in the market.

The bird you like should be visually inspected. A healthy individual is active with clear eyes, the plumage is glossy and does not bulge in different directions. Each paw should have 4 toes. Two of them in front of the foot, two behind. A sick budgerigar, as a rule, sits motionless, he is not interested in what is happening around him, the plumage is fluffy, and the area around the cloaca may be smeared with liquid feces.

Optimal age for the acquisition of poultry is considered a period of 2 to 4 months. It is during this period that budgerigars quickly get used to the person and the place in which the bird will live, which will greatly simplify the process of further maintenance.

Age determination

In order to avoid deception on the part of the seller about the age of the bird, you should be able to independently determine how old the budgerigar is. For this, there are certain signs:

It should be noted that these criteria are not suitable for colorful birds, the entire color of which is always white or yellow. In such individuals, the eyes are always black, and the beak is light.

Determining the sex of a budgerigar

You can distinguish parrots by gender by the color of the wax. While the birds are still young, both sexes have a light purple cere. At 4 months, the area above the beak in males acquires Blue colour, and in females this part of the beak becomes beige. But after puberty, and this is the age of 9 months, in females, the cere begins to darken down to brown.

Budgerigar care and maintenance, choice of housing for budgerigars

For prosperous keeping a budgerigar at home, he needs not only the availability of high-quality food, but also correct placement cells.

How to choose the cell location?

The best place where the cage will be located is the bright part of the room. It is not recommended to install a cage on the windowsill, since budgerigars are susceptible to drafts. However, for budgerigars, the presence of daylight is vital: in summer time at least 12 hours a year winter period from 10 o'clock. That is why in the cold seasons, when the daylight hours are quite short, the owners should additionally illuminate the cage. In order for a pet to quickly get used to its owner, it is necessary to place the cage at the level of human growth.

Cell selection

In order to correctly select a cell, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

Cage Equipment

In order for the parrots to feel comfortable in their home, it is necessary to put at least two perches of different diameters, drinkers, feeders and various toys.

All perches should be positioned in such a way that the parrot can easily fly from one to another.

drinkers must be made of glass or porcelain. In such drinkers, the water stays fresh much longer. Every day the drinkers must be washed in hot water. For cleaning, you can use soda, which then needs to be thoroughly washed off and wiped with a dry cloth.

Should be a minimum two. One will contain dry food, the second fruit and vegetables.

Especially in hot summer days bath should be placed in the cage. The water in the bath should not be too cold or hot. As soon as the bird has freshened up in the bath, it should be removed from the cage.

If only one parrot lives in the cage, then a small mirror should be placed in the upper part of the cage. It will help the budgerigar not to feel lonely.

Budgerigar: care, maintenance and diet

The diet of these birds includes a large number of various fruits, vegetables and dressings.

Cereals mixtures consist of oats, flax and millet. It is best to purchase such a mixture in a sealed package, on the surface of which there is a transparent area. This will help to visually assess the quality of the purchased product.

Parrots get vitamins mainly from fruits, vegetables and various berries. They are very fond of nibbling carrots, cabbage leaves and cucumbers. As for fruits, apples, oranges and peaches are ideal. The berries included in the diet of the budgerigar are blackberries and raspberries. However, parrots will not refuse strawberries either.

In order for parrots to grow up active and shine with health, they should be given mineral top dressing. Chalk or sand can be used as organic top dressing. These substances are filled with calcium, which is necessary for the body of birds.

The first days after acquisition, the bird should be kept separately from other birds, if any.

A change of scenery can create stressful situation for the bird. Therefore, the main rule for caring for a pet is to protect it from external irritating factors. These factors include loud noises. In no case should you raise your voice to a parrot. When talking to him, you should make your voice as gentle as possible. No need to try to forcefully take your pet into your hands. This will only aggravate the situation, and the adaptation process will be delayed for long time. But, as soon as this barrier is overcome, you can begin to teach your bird to talk.

For a normal life and good health? How to properly care for this bird?

Budgerigars need Fresh air, clean cage, good quality food and light. At the same time, when choosing a place in an apartment to install a cage, it is worth considering that parrots are afraid of drafts and do not tolerate stuffiness. You need to place the cage at the level of human growth, away from heating devices, a computer and a TV. The light day of a parrot should be 15-16 hours, which means that at night they need to turn on the light. Optimum temperature air for budgerigars is 18-20C.

The feathered cage should always be clean. General cleaning is done once a month. During this cleaning, the cage is thoroughly cleaned of all dirt and washed. For disinfection, the cage must be washed with soapy water, then rinsed well in clean water and rinse with a decoction of chamomile. The usual cleaning of the cage is done once a week, unless there is any reason to do it more often. The feeder and drinker must be kept clean and washed daily with detergent.

Since all birds have a fairly fast metabolism, even a short fast can lead to the death of a bird. That's why proper feeding plays a very important role in their care. Considering that both hunger and overeating are dangerous for parrots, you need to give them enough food so that they eat up, but at the same time they do not choose tidbits from what they receive, but eat everything. Over time, you will be able to know quite well the amount of food your pet needs and stick to this norm.

The main food for parrots is a grain mixture. You can buy this mixture at any pet store. However, this is not enough to fully provide the bird's body with everything necessary. You have to give more mineral feed, and additional food in the form of cereals, boiled eggs, white bread, cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is given to parrots in a dry form; egg finely chopped and mixed with semolina or crushed crackers, fresh carrots are rubbed on a fine grater, and also mixed with semolina.

Greens play an important role in the nutrition of parrots - this is a source of vitamins and minerals. Of all the available greens, parrots especially prefer apples, lettuce, dandelion leaves and cabbage. At the same time, in no case should parrots be given parsley - for them it is poison. It is necessary to constantly monitor the purity of the water in the drinking bowl, it must be changed every day.

Like all birds, parrots are subject to molting. The first molt in budgerigars occurs at the age of 4-6 months. If the molting is too intense, it is necessary to feed the parrot with eggshells, canary seed, give more greenery - all this contributes to more rapid growth plumage. Soda baths will also help in this case. To do this, a teaspoon of soda is diluted in a liter of water and the bird is carefully immersed in water, while trying not to wet her head.

Budgerigars love to bathe, so you can put a bath in the cage, or sometimes give the birds the opportunity to rummage through the wet grass, previously placed in a spacious bowl.

Parrots are always pecking at something. To meet this need, twigs must be placed in the cage deciduous trees. In addition, solid food and twigs help the parrot wear down its rapidly growing beak. And to improve digestion, there should always be clean sand in the cage (it is sieved and changed daily).

It is necessary to select the perches in the cage correctly and in size. If the perch for the parrot is too thin or, conversely, too thick, this contributes to the rapid growth of too long nails which will need to be shortened. For this, it is better to purchase special tweezers in advance.

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Many decide to get a parrot, naively believing that these are the most trouble-free pets. Like, caring for a parrot is easy. In fact, small birds need more care and attention than we used to think.
How to care for budgerigars and what should never be done, we will tell further.

Place for a cage

The first commandment in the care of parrots is to protect from drafts and noise.

To nervous system birds did not suffer, budgerigars should live in a quiet room, preferably remote. Ideally, there should not be any equipment such as speakers or a TV. Because wavy do not like sharp and loud sounds. And also because miracles modern technology interfere with the observance of the bird's regime of activity and rest.

If there are no options, carefully monitor the behavior of the birds. And when the budgerigars begin to nod, hide it in feathers, cover the cage with a thick blanket that does not let light through. Just leave one side of the cage open so that air can pass through and the parrot is not lost in space.

Caring for a budgerigar in the early days is to provide him with maximum peace. Let the pet get used to the new house, look around. The cell all this time should be located at the level of human growth. So the budgerigar gets used to the face of its owner, his voice. Later, the cage can be rearranged a little lower. On a dresser or coffee table, for example.

You can not place the cage in the kitchen or in a dark hallway.

The content of parrots in these premises adversely affects their health and longevity. So, in the kitchen, a feathered comrade will be surrounded by various pungent odors, to which the tender nostrils of a bird are sensitive. Again, people are talking loudly, the hood is noisy or the refrigerator is buzzing. People do not notice these noises. And the bird reacts to them anxiously. There are often drafts in the hallway.

And budgerigars will not be able to navigate in time: the biological processes in their bodies are subject to daylight hours. In conditions of constant darkness, they even stop eating.

Proper lighting

Caring for budgerigars at home is a tricky thing.

Take at least lighting for these birds. In the absence of daylight, so that miniature organisms do not know malfunctions, you need to take care of its additional sources. And ordinary lamps will not work. In its light, everything will be seen by the birds in black and white.

Ornithologists advise purchasing a full-spectrum fluorescent lamp.

By the way, it is easy to find it among the goods for budgerigars, in pet stores.

They can and should be included in the breeding seasons of birds. And also for young individuals, whose body is just beginning to form.

Under the influence of special light, vitamin D3 is produced - an important component of bone tissue.

Its deficiency can even lead to pathologies of the endocrine system, behavioral disturbances, and metabolic problems.

High-quality UV lamps are equipped with a timer that regulates the on and off lighting. The term of operation is not more than a year. Since the phosphorus in the lamp tends to decay. And the lamp ceases to be effective.
Thus, caring for a budgerigar is impossible without proper lighting in the cage.

Balanced diet

Caring for budgerigars also means regular feeding.

The basis of the diet is grain feed.

There is a great variety of bird food on the shelves of pet stores. But not everyone will benefit. Those who have kept these ornamental birds for more than a year and know everything about budgerigars say with one voice: they eat mainly millet.

Oats and other useful, from the point of view of the manufacturer, ingredients remain at the bottom of the feeder. Where to go for pure millet? It is sold by parrot sellers. But it is better to buy food from a trusted person. Since unscrupulous distributors do not follow the rules for storing food, which is the cause of poisoning of parrots.

When choosing food for a budgerigar at a pet store, look at the packaging. It doesn't have to be cardboard.

In it, the food dampens, and is also saturated with foreign odors if the boxes are stored next to goods that have a sharp aroma. It is good if the package is equipped with a zipper, which will allow you to “seal” the food package after pouring.

Do not get carried away with food enriched with vitamins and iodine.

They should be given as food to a bird, unless the body has a deficiency of some trace elements or problems with the endocrine gland. Of course, after one pack of food, no pathological changes will not occur in the body. But next time, be careful - do not overdo it in caring for a budgerigar.

Chalk is what a budgerigar needs at any time of the year.

It is available at any pet store. But pieces of chalk should be changed periodically. After all, the parrot will constantly clean its beak about it or grind its claws. As a result, a dirty coating forms on the chalk. As mentioned above, the main danger to parrots is food poisoning. And constant contact with a piece of dirty chalk is exactly what threatens.

It does not hurt to add mineral supplements to the diet once a week. To make sure the budgerigar gets a dose useful substances, mix top dressing with millet.
There are also a variety of "spikelets", which include a variety of seeds soaked in egg yolk. As practice shows, birds do not eat "spikelet", but simply gnaw. As a result, all the usefulness and goodies lie at the bottom of the cage, and the budgerigar frolics with a piece of wood on which it was all attached.

Proper care of a budgerigar involves the presence of several feeders. One is for dry food and mineral supplements. And in the second they put juicy food: vegetables and fruits according to the season. You can also purchase several holders for seasonal gifts of nature, because the budgerigar can throw everything out of the feeders to the bottom of the cage.

Caring for a parrot also means feeding it seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables.

To avoid having to spend money on vitamins for poultry, provide daily availability of juicy fruits and pieces of berries or vegetables.

In small doses, grapes, quince, apricots will benefit. In winter, please the feathered with steamed dried apricots or a slice of kiwi. Naturally, most of treats will pass by the beak, but what is digested will benefit the body.

By the way, caring for a budgerigar at home in the summer is regular cleaning of the cage. Indeed, in the hot season, the processes of decay of the same fruits that you give to the bird are accelerated. Do not be too lazy to once again clean the bottom of the bird house from debris.

Water procedures

How to care for a budgerigar during the heat?

Provide him with access to saving moisture! True, not all parrots tend to plunge into specially equipped bathing suits. Some "conservatives" prefer saucers with water. Or green leaves soaked in water at room temperature. It can be cabbage, lard, parsley - whatever. Even tree leaves will do.

When pouring water into a saucer, cup or bathing suit, make sure that its level does not exceed 2 cm. greater depth the bird may choke or be frightened.

AT special occasions bird fright ends lethal outcome. In order to avoid tragedies, we recommend playing it safe.

About budgerigars that do not like to swim - a separate item. To gradually accustom cowards to water, put a mirror on the very bottom of the bathing device. The bird will become interested and gradually begin to enter the water.

Among the most beloved pets are budgerigar. Small size, beautiful plumage, graceful appearance, unpretentiousness and easy adaptation to captivity rightfully made him a favorite among feathered creatures.

Like any other animal, a parrot needs proper care and conditions of detention. Knowing how to care for budgerigars will help them live a long and happy life to the delight of his master.

Budgerigar Care in the First Days

  • Before you bring your budgerigar home, get him cage. Its size should depend on your plans. If you want him to fly around the room, the cage can be small, but if not, then stop the choice on a spacious option. Also immediately decide where the cell will be located. Together with the parrot in the first days of his stay in the house, it is no longer possible to transfer it. Choose a location for the cage that is well lit, but not in front of a window. If you want to hang the cage, then it should be at eye level so that the budgerigar gets used to you faster.
  • After the most important thing is done, a house is bought for the future pet and a place is chosen, you can safely bring it home. In order for you to immediately improve relations with the new tenant of the house, it is necessary from the very first days to follow the rules for caring for budgerigars, since in the future all actions will affect the character of the parrot, and in particular, its attitude towards you.
  • Once you have brought your budgerigar home, place it in your purchased cage. After that, try not to touch it for the first 7 days. Despite the fact that right now you most of all want to hold him in your arms, treat him with something tasty, pet him, you should not do this. Give him the opportunity to get used to the new conditions for him. It is also important that he understands that his food is only in the cage.
  • At the 2nd week, the parrot can begin to be released from the cage so that he gets to know surrounding area. Do this in the evening 1.5 hours before bedtime. Don't get him yourself, just open the cage door for him, let him come out by himself. If after 1.5 hours he does not return to the cage on his own, catch him with a net and put him back.

  • Before letting him out of the cage, close all doors and windows with vents, and also remove other animals. You should not treat a budgerigar from your hands in the first 4 months. Also, choose a name for him in advance so that he gets used to it from the first days. The name should be short with hissing letters.

Budgerigar: maintenance and care

  • Place the cage with the parrot in a place where there is no direct sunlight and drafts, heaters and batteries. It is better to put it and as far as possible from the computer. It is advisable to provide an opportunity for the parrot to hide from the bright rays of the sun if it is not possible to completely rid it of their direct hit.
  • In the cage of a budgerigar there must be at least 2 perches, a place for bathing, a feeder and a drinker. It is very good to hang special rings inside, on which parrots like to swing. The bottom of the cage should be retractable for your own convenience during cleaning. Sand can be added to the bottom. You need to wash the cage for at least 1 r. a week, and clean every day.
  • The nutrition of budgerigars is best done in a balanced way. Therefore, it is more correct to put separate bowls in the cage for fruits, grains and fresh vegetables. Budgerigars eat a little. adult enough 2 tsp. grains per day. They can be given fresh herbs, sunflower seeds, sprouted cereals, lettuce, cottage cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables. The body of the bird also needs protein, so it needs to be given 1 tsp per day. finely chopped egg. Clean river sand without impurities is also necessary for a budgerigar for normal digestion.

  • By nature, budgerigars are very smart and friendly, they live an average of 20 years. They are trainable and eventually learn to recognize their owners. But they need to be protected from disorders and stress so that they do not get sick. And also make sure that they do not fly around the room where there are open windows.

Showing concern and concern for your pet, You can enjoy the company of a budgerigar for many years. The main thing is to choose a suitable cage for him, place it in right place, provide everything necessary and carefully monitor that the diet of the budgerigar is balanced and includes fresh vegetables and fruits.

By following the basic rules, you can provide proper care and become a true friend for the budgerigar.

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