Modern problems of science and education. Combined method of processing potatoes for starch and alcohol Losses in the production of potato pulp

Dissertation abstract on the topic "Technology and dehydrator of potato pulp for livestock feed"


As a manuscript

ULYANOV Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

Uda 631.363,285:636.007.22 -


Specialty 05.20.01 - mechanization _ of agricultural production

dissertations for the "scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences"

Ryazan - 1990

The work was carried out at the department "Mechanization of animal husbandry" of the Ryazan Agricultural Institute named after Professor P.A. Kostycheva,

Scientific advisers: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Nekrashavich V.F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Oreshkina M.V.,

Official opponents - doctor of technical sciences, professor Terpilovsky K.F., candidate of technical sciences Mestyukov B.I.

The leading enterprise is the All-Russian Research and Design Institute of Livestock Mechanization (SIIIMZH), Podolsk.

The defense will take place "II" of October 1990 at a meeting of the regional specialized Council K.120.09.01 of the Ryazan Agricultural Institute at the address: 390044, Ryazan * st. Kostycheva, d. I.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Ryazan Agricultural Institute.

Scientific Secretary of the Regional Specialized Council Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

I.E. Lieberov

:department ertats&Z


1.1. Relevance of the topic. The "Guidelines for the Economic and Social Development of the USSR for 1986-1990 and for the Year 10, 2000" provide for a significant increase in livestock production. Of paramount importance for solving the tasks set is the expanded strengthening of the forage base through the use of by-products (waste) of the food and processing industry, including potato starch production.

Up to 1.5 million tons of potatoes are processed annually in the country for starch, while 40$ of potato dry matter goes into by-products - pulp and potato juice. The pulp and potato juice, containing starch, protein, fiber, fats and other substances, are the most valuable raw material in order to meet the needs of animal husbandry in feed. However, at present, the waste of potato starch production is not fully sold for fodder purposes, so in the country the loss of potato pulp is more than $15, juice - $80. This situation with the use of by-products of starch production is mainly due to their high moisture content of $ 94 ... 96 and a very large amount of education. The lack of special equipment for waste concentration leads to the fact that starch factories are forced to dump part of the pulp and potato juice into wastewater. Wastewater with high biological activity, getting into water bodies, pollutes the water, which causes environmental damage to the environment.

The most promising technologies for processing production waste for livestock feed with the use of mechanical dehydration, which ensure the concentration of potato pulp and solve the problem of "production of food protein contained in juice.

However, the practical implementation of mechanical dehydration of potato pulp and the technology of preparing feed from the waste of potato and starch production is hampered due to the lack of the necessary equipment for their implementation. Therefore, theoretical and experimental studies aimed at perfecting the technology of preparing food from by-products of potato-starch production and developing a high-quality * Tekgapny I reliable digester: kzr? e£ele0l pulp yael.t?) .channh tasks

1.2. Purpose and objectives of research. The aim of the work is to improve the technology for preparing feed from by-products of potato starch production and to develop a potato pulp dehydrator with justification of the parameters and operating modes. To achieve this goal, the following research tasks were set: 1 - to develop a technology and a constructive-technological scheme for a potato pulp dehydrator; 2 - to study the physical and mechanical properties. potato pulp; ,3 - substantiate the criterion for evaluating the working process of "dehydrators of dispersed moisture-containing materials; 4 - develop a mathematical model of the squeezed liquid from the pulp in a screw press; 5 - substantiate the parameters and operating modes of the dehydrator; 6 - test the dehydrator in production conditions and evaluate economic efficiency of its application.

1.3. Objects of study." The objects of study were: potato pulp with different juice content, a laboratory model of a double-sided compression screw press," technology and a pilot production sample of potato pulp dewarmer.

1.4. Research methodology. Theoretical and experimental investigations were used in the work. Theoretical studies consisted in the mathematical description of the physical essence of the process of squeezing "potato pulp in a screw press and the analysis of the equations obtained."

During the experiments, standard and private methods, instruments and installations were used. Friction coefficients, the influence of the main parameters on the dehydration process were determined using specially designed instruments and installations. In this case, the forces were measured by strain gauges. Laboratory studies of the process of otatin juice from potato pulp in a double-sided screw press were carried out using the mathematical method of planning experiments. Processing of experimental data was carried out by methods of mathematical statistics,

1.5. Scientific novelty. The use of mechanical dehydration for the concentration of potato pulp is substantiated. The physico-mechanical properties of potato pulp have been determined. A scheme of the technical-cological process for the preparation of feed from by-products of potato starch production and the design of a dehydrator for kaotoZelnoP pulp are proposed (positive decisions of the BNShYaLE on applications for inventions K-4297260 / 27-30, * 4605033 / 27-33, "5 4537442 / 31- 26 and

a.s. L 1512666). ¡ "[completed equations describing the process of dehydration-renya cargo Whole? with meegle in gzhevs1" press: double-sided compressed,

theoretically substantiated its main design parameters and ■ identified optimal technological modes of operation.

1.6. Work implementation. Based on the results of the research, a pilot production sample of the pulp dehydrator was made. The tests carried out in the production conditions of the Ibradsky starch-syrup plant of the Ryazan region showed its operability. The developed dewaterer is recommended for installation in the potato pulp recycling line at starch factories. The results of the research can be used by design organizations in the development and modernization of machines for dehydration potato pulp and other materials with a high moisture content Technical documentation for the developed decalcifier was handed over to the Ryazan Experimental Plant TOSSHSH.

1.7. Approbation. The results were reported and approved at scientific conferences of the Ryazan Agricultural Institute (1987 ... 1990), the Bryansk Agricultural Institute (1988), the Leningrad Order of the Red Banner of Labor Agricultural Institute (1989), at the All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference "The Contribution of Young scientists and specialists in the intensification of agricultural production "(Alma-Ata, 1989), at the All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Agricultural Mechanics" (Melitopol, 1989), at the Scientific and Technical Council of the NGO for Starch Products (Korea ;vo, 1989).

1.8. Publication. The main content of the dissertation was published in 5 scientific articles, two descriptions of inventions (ac. I5I2666 ti I4I99I4) and three applications for inventions (approved decisions of the VNZhGAE on applications 4297280/31-26, 4605033/27-30, 4657442/31-26 ).

1.9. Workload. The dissertation consists of an introduction, 5 sections, conclusions and recommendations for production, a list of references from 105 titles and 5 applications. The work is presented on 221 pages, including the main text of 135 pages, 35 figures and

II tables.

The introduction contains a brief justification for the relevance of the topic.

2.1, In the first section "Modern methods and means of preparing feed from by-products of potato-starch lroiz-. bodstee" on the basis of published works, the main sections are given

information about the composition and types of by-products of potato starch production, the issues of the effectiveness of their use in animal husbandry are considered. There are various ways of preparing feed from the waste of potato-starch production. The basis of all technologies is the mechanical dehydration of potato pulp. Technologies using mechanical dehydration make it possible to concentrate potato pulp and work on solving the problem of food protein contained in juice.

The analysis of patent and scientific and technical literature showed that with a wide variety of designs of dehydrating presses, there is no reliable equipment for dehydrating potato pulp. The effective operation of dehydrators largely depends on the correct choice of their main parameters based on the study of physical and mechanical properties and the process of dehydration of the processed material. Significant experience in theoretical and experimental studies on the mechanical separation of liquid from dispersed materials has been accumulated in soil mechanics, wet fractionation of green plants, chemical, food and other industries. These issues are discussed in the works of H.H. Gersevanova, V.A. Florina, K.F. Terpilovsky, V.I. Fomina, I.I. Iodo, V.A., Nuzhikova, N.I., Gelperina, T.A. Malinovskaya, A.Ya. Sokolova, A.A. Gelgera, A.B. Ivanenko and a number of other researchers. An analysis of theories on the dehydration of dispersed materials showed that the process of dehydration of potato pulp has been studied extremely insufficiently.

The description of the process of dehydration of potato pulp can be carried out on the basis of various theoretical approaches. If we consider the process of dehydration of potato pulp as two combined stages, the first one is the thickening of the original pulp to 85 ... .

In accordance with the goal of the work and based on the results of the review and analysis of the literature, the objectives of the research are formulated at the end of the section.

2.2. The second section "Physical and mechanical properties of potato pulp" describes the program, methodology and results of studies of the physical and mechanical properties of potato pulp. The study of these properties is necessary for the development of technology and equipment for the dehydration of potato pulp. Therefore, the task of the research was to determine the numerical indicators of the main properties at the

viah corresponding to the modes of dehydration.

In accordance with the task, the following were determined: the density of solid particles of potato pulp, the change in the coefficients of friction, lateral pressure and filtration-compression characteristics from the pressure of the extraction. The density of solid particles of potato meegz lies within 1026...1040 kg/m3. It has been established that the numerical values ​​of the coefficients of friction of potato pulp on a smooth steel surface decrease from 0.135 to 0.10, and on perforated brass - from 0.37 to 0.24 with an increase in pressing pressure from 0.35 to 2.0 MPa. The coefficient of internal friction of the pulp with an increase in the pressure of the extraction from 0.40 to 2.83 MPa decreases from 0.66 to 0.24, and the coefficient of lateral pressure decreases from 0.9 to 0.68.

It has been established that the filtering and compression characteristics have a significant effect on the process of filtering juice from the squeezed pulp. With an increase in the pressing pressure from 0.20 to 2.60 MPa, the filtration coefficient decreases from 60" NG9 to 0.73 * 10 - 9 m / s, the compressibility coefficient - from 5.13 * 10 "® to O ^6TO" 6 and compressibility modulus - from 1.56 to 0.17 The coefficient of porosity of the brain with a decrease in humidity from 90 to 52.36% decreases from 9.0 to 1.1.

2.3. In the third section "Theoretical prerequisites for the substantiation of the parameters of a double-sided compression screw mash press" the existing criteria for evaluating the working process of dehydrators of dispersed materials are considered, the design of a potato pulp dehydrator is proposed, the process of squeezing the pulp in a double-sided compression mash press is theoretically studied and a generalized model describing the dehydration process is obtained . Analytical expressions are proposed for determining the basic geometrical parameters of a double-sided compression screw press.

The proposed criterion for evaluating the working process of the dehydrator has the form:

Pv (\Usr-\ChT)- (SO O-W/u)-(40Q-Wg) ■ Wu, j

Co ~ fWp- Wil) ■ (Wu - Wr)*- ü- JOO > ^ 1 >

where £a is a generalized criterion, kW "h" ?! /t;

Ры - power consumption, kW;

Wu, W

This criterion characterizes the specific energy costs attributable to the reduction of the moisture content unit of the pressed product. Yari in-

The power of the generalized criterion revealed that promising designs are presses with screw working bodies, working in conjunction with devices that provide filtering of the liquid during the movement of the suspension.

The proposed potato pulp dehydrator (Fig. I) consists of two interconnected devices - a thickener I and a double-sided screw press 2. The pulp thickener contains a vertical cylindrical-conical body 3 with a tangential nozzle 4 for supplying a suspension, a nozzle 5 for the filtrate outlet and a nozzle for removing thickened sediment . On nozzle 5, the surface of which is perforated, an inertial cleaner 7 is installed coaxially. The inertial cleaner is a paddle wheel with scrapers located along the perforated nozzle and rotating together with the paddle wheel around the nozzle. The shnokovy press consists of a frame 8, a perforated cylinder 3, at the ends of which there are necks 10 dan for receiving material from the thickener. Inside the perforated cylinder there is a screw II with a variable shaft diameter, increasing towards the middle. The screw is made of two symmetrical parts with opposite spiral directions and constant pitch. In the middle of the perforated cylinder, there is a window 12 for the exit of og - "aat pulp" and a device for controlling the degree of dehydration, made of two conical disks 13, located on both sides of the window and having the possibility of symmetrical movement along the perforated cylinder. Filtrate collectors 14 are installed under the cylinder.

The design features of the dehydrator include the following. Pulp thickeners are installed outside the raw material bins. The neck press at the opposite ends of the perforated cylinder has loading necks for the product, and in the middle there is a section for double-sided compression. The screw is symmetrical with respect to the middle with an "opposite pile of spirals and a gap in the area of ​​the outlet window for withdrawing the squeezed product. This design of the press makes it possible to compact the material from both sides with a uniformly distributed pressure, thereby increasing the degree of dehydration of the pulp and "increasing productivity theoretically by two times in comparison with PN "short presses of one-sided closure. The radial output of the pressed product contributes steadily to: *: holding the "cork" from the debarked material. In the zone of the exit window, which stabilizes the working process of the psoss, -

Structural and technological scheme of potato pulp dewatering: I - thickeners; 2- auger press of double-sided compression; 3- cylindrical-conical body; 4- tangential branch pipe; o - branch pipe for the removal of yiltrate; 6 - thickened sludge outlet pipe; 7- cleaner shtrtsnonshl; 8- bed; 9 - perforated cylinder; 10 - receiving necks; II - auger; 12 - day off, window; 13 - conical dasks; 14 - collections of filtrate.

of the sides of the screw are directed towards each other and theoretically mutually cancel, and this makes it possible to abandon special thrust bearings.

In view of the greater knowledge of thickening devices and the limited volume of the dissertation, the research task was to theoretically and "experimentally substantiate the double-sided compression screw press.

The process of dehydration of potato t.gazgi in a double-sided screw press has two characteristic zones. From the feed necks of the press to the end of the last turns of the screw - the squeeze zone, from the end of the last turns to the unloading window - the compaction zone. By investigating the process of pulp dehydration in the squeeze zone of a screw press, a general dc was obtained. A simple equation describing this process. It looks like this:

Rice. 2. Calculation scheme of a screw press of double-sided compression.

Humidity of the squeezed pulp; £ - spin time;

2 - coordinate directed along the screw axis; " O. - theoretical coefficient. Theoretical coefficient a. is determined from the expression:

where szb - angle of taper of the screw shaft, hail; /Cdz - filtration coefficient, m/s; /tc - compressibility factor, m?/N; ^ - os5ё1.shaya mass of potato juice, kg / m3; ^ - free fall acceleration, m/s.

Coefficient a. reflects the relationship of both design parameters and physical and mechanical properties of the pressed pulp.

For the solution of Eq. (2) to be completely definite, the function ¿) must satisfy the boundary conditions corresponding to the physical conditions of the problem. For the process of squeezing liquid from potato pulp in the device being developed (Fig. 2), we choose the following initial and boundary conditions:

(9 law of change in the humidity of the squeezed pulp along the length

shock press; Y/0 - initial moisture content of potato pulp.

The solution of equation (2) is found by the method of separation of variables - *, ■ “. After solving the differential equation and the corresponding "re-engineering, we obtain a formula for determining the moisture content of the mash in any section of the squeezing zone of a two-sided compression bale press:

De. Jk is the coefficient of the Fourier series; k - 1,2,3,

The length of the pressing zone of the press, and; e is the base of the natural logarithm; £ - spin time, s."

The stability of the proposed press depends on the formation and holding of a "plug" from the pressed "material in the area of ​​the exit window. The stability of the "plug" primarily depends on the length of the compaction zone located between the ends of the last turns of the screw.

Since the two-sided compression of the ice press is symmetrical about the H-H axis, we consider that in this section there is a conditional partition, to the right and left of which the same pressure is applied. This allows us to consider both parts of the press separately (Fig. 3). To determine the optimal length of the compaction zone, consider the equilibrium of the elementary layer s/g. at a distance of 2 from the H-H axis. Under the action of force factors arising in the process of compaction; axial pressures Pg and (Ras^P^), lateral pressures, the equilibrium equation will look like:

Rg-R-rg + MgUR+uh-r + (8)

where P is the area of ​​transverse baking of the selected layer; tr;

Brain friction coefficients on the inner surface of the perforated cylinder and screw shaft; T), c1 - respectively, the diameter of the perforated cylinder and the shaft of the monk, m.

After appropriate substitutions, transformations, and solution of the differential equation (8), we obtain φ<тулу для определения длины

zone seals: / n " ,"

/ (/r T) + -¿grr, o 5

Rice. Fig. 3. Schemes for calculating the length of the compaction zones (a) and the width of the exit window (b) of a double-sided compression bar press: I - perforated cylinder; 2- auger; 3- output window.

where, P - "pressure in the section of the last screw turn, N / m2;

Pa - pressure in the oozing at a distance / 2 from the axis H-H.N / m2; - coefficient of lateral pressure; d-, - the width of the outlet window, m. Due to the fact that the squeezed product is removed from the press in the diametrical direction, then in the area of ​​​​the outlet window, where the axial movement of the pulp changes to radial, the layers of the pulp move relative to each other, which must be taken into account by entering coefficient of internal friction /d. Therefore, we compose a differential equation for the equilibrium of a selected element of material with a thickness c|_p at a distance t from the axis of the screw shaft at the moment of its shift in the direction of the exit window (Fig. 36):

0 (10) where is the cross-sectional area of ​​the elementary layer, m^;

£ - persheter of the transverse layer of pulp, m. Having solved the equation, we obtain a witzkening for determining the lateral pressure C,0 at the surface of the screw shaft:

e / p (b-c *), (I)

where the backing is daplann on the tahod from the window, N/m^.

From Eyrakpng.ya (II) it follows that the lateral pressure increases in the zone of the odg.yga along (.tapo approaching the screw shaft and at the

it reaches its maximum value.

We modify expression (II) in some way, i.e. add to both parts of this ratio and divide by two, we get:

where ^c is the average lateral pressure in the shear zone, N/m2. .

Replaced the pressure through Ra. and substitute into the expression (9.) ". we obtain a formula for determining the optimal length of the compaction zone:

Analyzing expression (13), it can be noted that the length of the compaction zone of a double-sided compression screw press with known diameters of the perforated cylinder and the screw shaft depends on the force factor (), physical and mechanical properties of the pulp

design parameter (.¿?/).

Solving expressions (7) and (13) together after transformations and substitutions, we obtain a generalized model of dehydration of potato pulp in a double-sided shock press:

tt. t ""pVg", \ rg * "14)

where C) is an empirical coefficient;

1Lo - compressibility modulus; . .

general coefficient of the Fourier series; A - coefficient equal to, and ~ ;

/i ■(£>-(()

Coefficient equal to ^--

Cr - coefficient equal to SoSch-^-TsU- s.Qi))\u003e

P - screw speed, rpm; C - the angle of elevation of the screw line of the schnack, deg; Ш - the angle between the direction of movement of the material and the plane

side surfaces of the screw winding, hail; EU<- среднее значение коэффициента пористости мезги. Выражение (14) описывает процесс обезвоживания картофельной мезги в шоковом пресса двухстороннего сжатия и может быть использовано при расчете пресса.

Productivity of a screw press of double-sided compression.

not be determined from the expression:

where X is the thickness of the pulp layer in the compaction zone, m;

- £ - screw pitch, m; £ - screw channel width, m; - - pulp density in the area of ​​the first turn of the auger, kg/m3.

Analytical expressions have also been obtained to determine some parameters of the screw working body.

■ 2.4. The fourth section "Experimental study of the process of dehydration of potato pulp in laboratory conditions" ■ presents the program, methodology and results of research into the process of dehydration of potato pulp on a laboratory model of a screw press ■ double-sided compressed.

Experimental studies using the method of planning the experiment were obtained adequate regression models that make it possible to determine, within the range of factor levels, the moisture content of the pressed pulp and the energy intensity of the pressing process in a screw press, which in named quantities have the form: for the moisture content of the pressed pulp. ...

127.73 - 2.341 - 0.247a< - 4,330л. +■ + 0,024 V/о[ц + 0,075 + 0,027а, -Л +

0.0155 Uiorg - 0.043 a / -0.119 ne (16 ^

don energy intensity of the spin process

E (/g \u003d 62.145. - 1.0536 - 0.9957 a. - 1.0267 P + .. ". + 0.0065 \ K / o-a, + 0.0086 Mo-i 0.005 a- n+

0.0046 ^ + o.oyu a* + o.oyu n& (I?)

"where. is the initial moisture content of the original pulp,%; D1 is the width" of the output window of the press, we; P - screw speed, rpm.

The analysis of regression models was carried out using two-dimensional sections (Fig. 4) and at the same time a compromise problem was solved, in which it was required to find the values ​​of the factors that give a minimum of energy consumption. spinning, with a high degree of dehydration of potato pulp. As a result, the following optimal parameters were obtained: the initial moisture content of the pulp is 90$, the width of the exit window is 0.011..0.015 m, the frequency of the blast is 4.0...6.0 rpm. At the same time, the moisture content of the pressed material is in the range of 58 ... 65 $, and the energy intensity is only

the spinning process is 0.6 ... 0.3 kW "h / t.

To check the convergence of the results of theoretical and experimental studies, Figure 5 shows partial dependencies obtained from the theoretical< 14) и экспериментальной.

window O.) and the frequency of rotation of the auger P. on the "moisture content of the squeezed pulp and the energy intensity of the squeezing process. at an initial moisture content of the pulp 90 $: --- - moisture content of the squeezed pulp; - - - - energy intensity of the squeezing process.

(16) models - dehydration of potato pulp in a screw press of double-sided compression. Theoretical dependencies are built taking into account the empirical coefficient С^ = 1.27. As can be seen from the figure, the moisture content of the squeezed potato pulp increases with an increase in the width of the output window and the speed of the screw. The presented graphic dependences show that the convergence of the results of theoretical and experimental studies is quite high, the error does not exceed 5.0%. Therefore, the theoretical model (14) can be used to justify the parameters of a double-sided stack press.

Rice. Fig. 5. Dependence of the moisture content of the pressed potato pulp W on the width of the exit window of the press (a) and the speed of the screw P. (b): I-W0 \u003d 90%, n \u003d 4.25 rpm: 2- Wo "\u003d n. = 4.25-rpm: 3-VD = SC $, OTs = 0.015 m; 4-

Wo = BQ%, Ctj = 0.025 m;

Theoretical dependence;

" " - - experimental dependence.


In the course of experimental studies, the dependences of the productivity of a screw press on the initial pulp, liquid and solid squeezed fractions on the width of the output window and the speed of the screw were also revealed.

,■ 2.5. The fifth section "Production tests, implementation of research results and their economic efficiency" presents the program, methodology and results of tests, the proposed technological scheme for the preparation of feed from by-products of potato starch production, as well as the methodology and results of calculating the economic effect from the introduction of the developed ■ dehydrator as part of the potato pulp recycling line for livestock feed.

Tests of a pilot production sample of a potato pulp dehydrator were carried out at the Ibredsky starch and syrup plant (Ryazan region). The pneumatic press of the dehydrator had a diameter of 0.205 U and a total for a perforated cylinder of 2.0 U, on

in the loading necks of which two thickeners with an inner diameter of the cylindrical part of the body of 0.04 m were installed.

Figure 6 shows the results of production testing of the dehydrator. As can be seen from the figure, with an increase in the width of the exit window of the press, the productivity of the dehydrator increases and the energy intensity of the process decreases, but at the same time the wetness of the pressed material increases.

Analysis of the results of production tests of the dehydrator made it possible to recommend the dates for obtaining dehydrated pulp with a moisture content of 70 ... 75% at a supply pressure of the initial mixture of 0.3 ... output o;sha 0.015 ... O.02 and, at the same time, the productivity will be 5.2 ... 6.0 t / h,

Rgs. 6. Change in the productivity of the dehydrator (2d, moisture content of the squeezed pulp V/ and energy intensity of the process E from

press exit width

and specific energy intensity - 1.6 ... 1.25 kW * h / t.

We propose to improve the technology for the production of dry and raw feed as by-products of potato and starch production in two ways, depending on the capacity of processing plants (radar 7). According to the first option

suspension (a mixture of pulp and potato) is divided into two fractions by mechanical dehydration: tvordu and liquid. Solid - is used for feeding livestock as a substitute for root crops, and liquid is diverted for disposal. According to the second option, the takhe suspension is divided into two fractions. A protein is secreted from gldksya with a too-footnote "coagulation", which is gteaalyaetsya in "^lztp" l-vated, and then after obzzBozyavyaya ostz^tst z te^doy g-i::::. vnsupagletgya 2 where:.-"■ s,-

Rice "" "7" Scheme of the technological process of preparing feed from. by-products of potato starch production: I-pump? 2- collection; 3- pipeline; 4- dehydrator; 5 - coagulator; 6-belt filter; 7- monolith shaper; 8- drying unit; 9- conveyor; Yu-gathering-" "nick drive.

file to a moisture content of 12 ... 133?. The result is a complete

concentrated protein food.

The economic effect from the introduction of the developed dehydrator "as part of the potato pulp disposal line for livestock feed will be 6,786 rubles in the production of 6,000 * dehydrated feed with a moisture content" of 75%.

transportation costs for the delivery of potato pulp to the consumer.

and rdamshAdai production

I. Feed preparation process

from the by-products of potato production, it is recommended to carry out according to two technologies. The first technology includes separation of the initial mixture of pulp with potato juice into solid and liquid fractions, thermal coagulation of bedok in the liquid fraction, its thickening and mixing with the initial mixture, solid enrichment;; irada protein with mechanical

dehydration of the resulting mixture, the formation of monoliths from the solid fraction and their drying, which ensures the production of a feed product with a high protein content. The second technology includes the separation of the initial mixture of meegi with potato juice by mechanical dehydration into liquid and solid fractions, the removal of the liquid fraction from production and the use of solid for livestock feed, resulting in a fodder product in the form of potato pulp with a moisture content of $ 70 and a content of 0, 3 q.vd. in one kilogram. The basis of these technologies is the mechanical dehydration of potato pulp.

2. Comparative evaluation of dehydrators of various designs should be carried out according to a generalized criterion that takes into account the specific energy costs for reducing the moisture content unit of the squeezed product. With the help of a generalized criterion, it was revealed that the promising designs are presses with screw working bodies, working in conjunction with devices that provide liquid filtration "in the process of suspension movement,

3. The design and technological scheme of the potato pulp dehydrator should include a double-sided compressed screw press and centrifugal thickeners with a self-cleaning filtering surface installed on its feed necks, which ensures the dehydration of the pulp in two stages by thickening and mechanical squeezing, which allow removing from the dehydrated product up to bj % moisture. G"

The press must be performed with a working body consisting of two screws with conical shafts connected by large bases in the exit window area by means of a cylindrical insert without a winding. Both augers must be enclosed in perforated cylinders with slots for juice filtration with dimensions of 0.25 x 5.0 mm. Between the cylinders it is necessary to place a window with an adjustable cross section for the exit of the squeezed product, and at the opposite ends of the loading necks. This design of the press makes it possible to compact the product from both sides with a uniformly distributed pressure, thereby increasing the degree of pulp dehydration by 15% and increasing productivity by about two times compared to single-sided screw presses.

The developed generalized model of dehydration shows that the moisture content of the pressed potato pulp in a double-sided shock press depends on the design and kinematic parameters

press unit and physical and mechanical properties of the removed product.

4. It has been established that the numerical values ​​of the coefficients of friction of potato pulp on a smooth steel surface decrease from 0.135 to 0.10, and on perforated brass - from 0.37 to 0.24 with an increase in the pressing pressure from 0.35 to 2.0 Sha. The coefficient of internal friction of the pulp with an increase in squeezing pressure from 0.40 to 2.83 Sha decreases from 0.66 to 0.24, and the coefficient of lateral pressure - from 0.9 to 0.68.

It has been established that the compression-filtration characteristics have a significant effect on the process of filtering juice from the squeezed pulp. With an increase in the pressing pressure from 0.2 to 2.6 MPa, the filtration coefficient decreases from 60 to 0.73 * 10~9 m / s, the compressibility coefficient - from 5.13 "KG5 to 0.06" 10-6 m ^ / N and modulus of compressibility - from 1.56 to 0.17. The coefficient of porosity of the pulp with a decrease in humidity from 90l to 52.38,? decreases from 9.0 to 1.1.

5. Laboratory studies of the double-sided compression screw press model showed that its design is efficient and can be used for pressed potato pulp.

Optimization of the working process of the screw press by the method of two-dimensional sections of the obtained multifactorial regression models made it possible to establish that with an initial moisture content of the initial product of 90$, the following parameter values ​​are required to obtain pressed pulp with a moisture content of 58...65$: screw speed 4.0...6, 0 rpm; press exit window width 0.011...0.015 m; energy costs only for the process of exhausted 0.6 ... 0.3 kWh / t.

6. Production tests of a pilot production sample of the potato pulp dehydrator, developed on the basis of theoretical studies and a laboratory model of the press, showed that it is necessary to control the technological parameters of the process by changing the width of the output window of the screw press. With its increase from 0.01 to 0.03 m at a supply pressure of the initial mixture of pulp with potato juice of 0.30 ... .37 to 77.07^, and the energy intensity of the dehydration process decreases from 1.94 to 0.8 kRt "h / t.

7. For the stable operation of the dehydrator in the production us-ll-ith for s ta si g. "zga and potato juice with an initial moisture content? 5T> sl ^-tet rec? m? n,::? 30...0.3? ".:~a, frequency w?t;? cue auger 6.0 rev / ch, output window width

ecca O.015...0.020 m. Productivity in this case will be 5.2... O t/h, humidity of the squeezed product - 70...1b% and energy intensity of the dehydration process 1.60...1.25 kW * h/t.

8. The economic effect from the introduction of the developed dehydration gel as part of the line for the utilization of potato pulp for livestock feed is 6786 rubles in the production of 6000 tons of dehydrated feed with a cost of $ 75.

1. Hydrocarbon dehydrator. - Positive decision of the School of Economics on the application 4297280/31-26 dated February 26, 1990, (co-authors V.F. Nekrazvich and M.V. Oreshkina).

2. Inekov press. - Positive decision of VNIIGOZ on the application BO5033 / 27-30 dated 10.23.89, (co-author M.V. Oreshkina).

3. Filter for separating the suspension, - A positive decision of the ShZhPE according to the application-4657442 / 31-26 of 09.22.89, (co-author M.V. Oreiana).

4. A.o. I5I2666 B04G 5/16. Suspension dewaterer, - Publ. I B.I., 1989, No. 37, (co-author M.V. Orepkina).

about. A.c. I4I99I4 VZOV 9/20. Press for extracting liquid from substances - Publ. in B.I., 1988, JK32, (co-authors M.V. Oreyakina and P.I.]vetsov).

6. Substantiation of technologies for the utilization of waste from potato starch production for livestock feed. Sat. nzuch. tinder. - Gorky, 1990, - P.42,..45, (co-author M.V. "Oreshkina).

7. Technology and dehydration; shvatol gartotelnok mezga for cow * t livestock // The contribution of young y ^ ei; gakh and specialists to the intensification of agricultural production / Material of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference. ~ Alma-Ata, 1939, - S. 106.

8. Dehydration of potatoes. "Lzzga lay siege tey.chsh dentrdfugiro-ranlem // Improvement of agricultural equipment used in animal husbandry. Sat. scientific works, - Gorky, 1990. - S.29 ... 31.

Potatoes are not only a valuable food crop and a feed product used in animal husbandry, but also one of the most common types of raw materials for a number of food industries, in particular alcohol and starch-treatment. Nitrogen-free extractives are represented in potatoes by starch, sugars, and a certain amount of ientosans. Depending on the storage conditions of potatoes, the sugar content in it changes markedly, and in some cases it can exceed 5%. The nitrogenous substances of potatoes consist mainly of soluble proteins and amino acids, which account for up to 80% of the total amount of protein substances. Under the conditions of starch production technology, soluble substances, as a rule, are lost with washing water. The waste of production at potato starch plants is the pulp, which, after partial dehydration (moisture content 86-87%), is used for livestock feed.

The starch content in the pulp depends on the degree of potato grinding. According to M. E. Burman, at large, well-equipped plants, the starch extraction coefficient from potatoes is 80-83%, and at low-capacity plants, 75%. Its increase is associated with a significant increase in the energy capacity of the enterprise, and, consequently, capital costs. At present, at some advanced enterprises of the starch-treacle industry, it reaches 86% and more. The pulp used as feed is a low-value and perishable product. 1 kg of pulp contains 0.13 feed units, while fresh potatoes - 0.23. Feeding fresh pulp to livestock should be limited. When processing potatoes at specialized starch plants, 80-100% pulp is obtained by weight of potatoes, and a significant part of it often remains unsold.

Use of potato solubles

Many years of experience in the starch industry has shown that the problem of using potato soluble substances is one of the most difficult. It is still not allowed both at domestic starch factories and at foreign enterprises. Even in pre-revolutionary Russia, in order to use potato pulp more efficiently, they began to process it at distilleries located near starch ones. However, according to G. Fot, such processing turned out to be unprofitable due to the low alcohol content in the mash. At some distilleries in Czechoslovakia, a combined processing of potatoes for starch and alcohol was used, in which not only potato pulp was used, but also part of the concentrated washing water.

Such a technique not only increased the starch utilization factor, but also made it possible to partially use the soluble substances of the potato. Below is a diagram of the solids balance of potatoes in the combined production of starch and alcohol in a pilot plant in Norway. In the USSR, M. E. Burman and E. I. Yurchenko proposed a combination of starch and alcohol production on a fundamentally new basis. It is recommended to extract only 50-60% of starch from potatoes, which makes it possible to transfer the pulp richer in starch for processing into alcohol, and also to simplify the process of starch isolation, eliminating the operations of repeated washing of the pulp and secondary grinding.

With this method of processing potatoes, the following factors ensure the efficiency of production: the almost complete use of the starch contained in the potato for the production of basic products (starch and alcohol); obtaining bards instead of low-value pulp -. highly valuable nutritious feed for livestock; the use of most of the soluble substances of potatoes in the distillery or for microbiological production organized at distilleries; reduction of transport and general factory costs; savings in capital investments in the construction of a starch plant according to a simplified scheme at an existing plant.

The method of combining the production of starch and alcohol based on an alcohol plant has found wide application in industry. By 1963, more than 60 potato starch workshops were put into operation at distilleries. Technological schemes for the production of starch are based on the above principle, however, in terms of hardware design, they are somewhat different from each other. Below is a diagram proposed by M. E. Burman and E. I. Yurchenko for the Berezinsky plant. It provides for the use in alcohol production not only of pulp, but also of soluble substances of potatoes. The latter are isolated in the form of cell sap on a shaking sieve with a slight dilution of potato porridge with water.

To separate the starch, the cell sap is sent to a sedimentary centrifuge, after which it is sent to a collection of products transferred to the distillery. The pulp is washed on a two-tier extractor or a shaking sieve and sent to the pulp press, then enters the collection. Mud starch from traps is also supplied to the distillery for processing. Starch milk is cleaned from soluble substances in a sedimentary centrifuge, and from fine pulp - on refining sieves.

Its final cleaning takes place on the gutters. The separation of potato soluble substances is provided before the starch is washed out of the porridge in order to obtain the potato cell juice in a slightly diluted form and not to reduce the concentration of dry substances in the mixture of products entering the distillery. However, as factory experiments have shown, a shaking sieve is an unsuitable apparatus for isolating concentrated cell sap. According to the author's research, on a sieve with an area of ​​2.5 m2 with a twill mesh No. 43 with a potato productivity of 1.0 thousand per 1 m2 of a sieve and a frequency of vibrations of 1000-1200 per minute, cell juice from an undiluted porridge is released in a small amount. In table. 1 shows data characterizing the release of cell sap when diluting potato porridge with water.

Potato processing generates a large amount of waste. In potato starch production, the main waste products are potato pulp and cell juice.

The high moisture content in potato pulp (over 90%) makes it less transportable, which makes it difficult to sell. In favorable years, potato pulp is not fully used for fresh livestock feed and is stored in pits, which leads to large losses of nutrients (up to 30 35% dry matter). In the farms located next to the starch-treacle factories, fresh and silage pulp is fed to cattle, pigs, and poultry.

Potato pulp is sold for livestock feed in its raw form (streamlined, with a moisture content of 86 87%. In order to facilitate transportation and disposal, it is advisable to dehydrate it. To reduce losses and increase transportability, the pulp is dried. In this case, all substances are completely preserved. 100 kg of dried pulp contains 95 feed units. It is used as a feed ingredient. Potato cell juice contains up to 6% dry matter. However, it is hardly used. Cellular juice makes up about 50% of the mass of processed potatoes.

Currently, a scheme is being introduced into production for the disposal of waste from potato-starch production with the production of carbohydrate-protein hydrolyzate and protein feed. It allows you to use dry matter of potatoes by 97%, reduce the consumption of fresh water for technological needs. Enrichment of pulp with cell juice increases the nutritional value of feed. Protein feed (coagulated cell sap protein) is digested by animals by 80%.

The full sale of pulp and potato juice in its raw form is possible only at small plants that process up to 200 tons of potatoes per day. At larger plants, it is advisable to build recycling shops with the production of concentrated and dry feed.

When processing potatoes in the alcohol industry, the bulk of the stillage containing 3.2 4.1% dry matter, fed to animals. Barda is a valuable, but watery and poorly transportable food. Its transportation in farms by road is inefficient, since the cost of this feed increases significantly. Therefore, fattening farms should be located near distilleries.

The most rational way to dispose of potato stillage is to process it into fodder yeast and use it in animal husbandry in a dry form as part of compound feed, as well as in the form of a liquid feed product. Many distilleries are experiencing difficulties with the sale of stillage in the spring and summer, when the need for it is sharply reduced due to the presence of green fodder.

Much attention is paid to the development of liquid fodder yeast, since their addition to feed rations enriches them with highly digestible protein.


The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the chemical composition and safety indicators of potato production waste. The main indicators that control the quality and safety of products include: the content of solids, ash, crude protein, starch, sugars, humidity, as well as toxic elements and microbiological indicators. Determination of physical and chemical parameters was carried out in accordance with GOST 7698-78. "Sampling and methods of analysis". When processing potatoes, about 20% of the dry matter of raw materials is lost in the form of potato juice and 20% in the form of pulp. The complete utilization of secondary products helps to use potatoes more rationally and economically as an industrial raw material, and also contributes to solving the problem of providing feed and significantly reduces the pollution of water bodies with wastewater from the potato processing industry. Based on the conducted studies, it was shown that the amount of dry substances in potato pulp and cell juice contains 14.6 and 1.5%, respectively. In addition, the chemical composition is also supplemented by vitamins such as C, PP, B9, carotene, pantothenic acid, minerals, monosaccharides and others. At the same time, the limits of potato moisture change in laboratory and production conditions are 86.65±4.6% and 97.4±0.85%, respectively. The content of toxic substances, as well as microbiological indicators in the pulp and cell sap, do not exceed the current permissible levels. Safety indicators, including the moisture content of potato pulp and cell juice, prove that this type of product is perishable and not subject to long-term storage. The results showed that the composition of potato production waste is more dependent on the quality of the feedstock, thereby establishing the possibility of their use as feed for farm animals.

potato production waste

chemical composition

safety performance


feed additive

1. Anisimov B. V. Potato growing in Russia: production, market, problems of seed production // Potatoes and vegetables. - 2000. - No. 1. - S. 2-3.

2. Anisimov BV Potatoes 2000-2005: results, forecasts, priorities // Potatoes and vegetables. - 2001. - No. 1. - S. 2-3.

3. Gapparov A. M. The problem of food supply for the population of Russia // Food industry. - 2001. - No. 7. - S. 13-14.

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5. Kokina T. P. Quality control and certification of seed potatoes / T. P. Kokina, B. V. Anisimov // Potatoes and vegetables. - 2001. - No. 2. - P. 6-7.

6. Kolchin N. N. Potato complex in Russia: state and development prospects // Potatoes and vegetables. - 2000. - No. 4. - S. 2-3.

7. Poznyakovsky V. M. Hygienic fundamentals of nutrition, quality and food safety: textbook. - 5th edition, corrected. and additional - Novosibirsk: Sib. univ. publishing house, 2000. - 480 p.

8. Prosekov A. Yu. Market capacity of the Kemerovo region for semi-finished products from potatoes / A. Yu. Prosekov, Ya.M. Karmanova // Food industry. - 2005. - No. 6. - S. 76.

9. Pshechenkov K. A. Suitability of varieties for processing depending on the conditions of cultivation and storage / K. A. Pshechenkov, O. N. Davydenkova // Potatoes and vegetables. - 2004. - No. 1. - S. 22-25.

10. Stepanova V.S. Substantiation of the needs of the population of the region in food products // Food industry. - 2004. - No. 7. - S. 42-43.


One of the priority areas of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and the Regulation of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food Markets for 2013-2020 is the development of biotechnology and the rational stimulation of the growth in the production of basic agricultural products and food production.

Waste from the food industry, in most cases, in moderate quantities can be directly used in agriculture for animal feed. They have high energy and biological activity, are harmless, hypoallergenic, easily amenable to enzymatic and microbiological bioconversion, various types of processing. The limiting factor, however, is usually a high content of water in the waste, which increases the cost of transportation, limits the amount of this waste in diets and does not contribute to long-term storage of the product.

At most potato processing plants, due to the lack of recycling shops for waste processing, only a small part of them is rationally used for feed purposes. At the same time, the amount of waste is constantly growing. It is known that during the processing of potatoes, by-products are formed that have an increased amount of moisture. In Russia alone, the following potato production wastes are generated per year: pulp - 60-70 thousand tons, waste in the production of dry mashed potatoes - up to 10 thousand tons, wastewater - 100-120 thousand tons.

Only on the territory of the Kemerovo region, up to 600 thousand tons of potatoes of various varieties are processed daily to obtain various types of products, and in the process of processing up to 30-50% of potato waste remains, from which starch can be obtained.

Despite the fact that the chemical composition and properties of potatoes and their waste products are covered in sufficient detail in the reference literature, they vary significantly in relative numbers depending on various factors.

Based on the foregoing, the purpose of this work is to study the chemical composition and safety indicators of potato production waste.

Research objects were: potato production waste (potato pulp, cell sap, starch).

When performing the work, standard, generally accepted and original research methods, including physical and chemical: spectrophotometry, polarimetry, microscopy, refractometry. Determination of physical and chemical parameters was carried out in accordance with GOST 7698-78. "Sampling and methods of analysis". The results obtained were compared with the standards and requirements for the quality of potato starch in accordance with GOST R 53876-2010 “Potato starch. Specifications".

Research results

When using potato pulp and cell juice for food or feed purposes, it is necessary to know their chemical composition and other indicators that evaluate their technological properties. Therefore, to clarify the chemical composition of potato pulp and cell juice, studies were carried out in the direction of assessing their quality and safety.

Table 1 shows the limits of change in the parameters of the physicochemical properties of potato pulp and cell juice.

Table 1

The chemical composition of potato pulp and juice



cell sap

Dry matter, %

Crude protein, %

Starch, %

Reducing sugars, %

Cellulose, %

Table 2 shows the data on changes in the moisture content of potato pulp and cell juice, obtained in laboratory and production conditions. During the research period, the limits of moisture change (average value) of potatoes in laboratory and production conditions were equal to 86.65±4.6% and 97.4±0.85%, respectively. The high humidity of the obtained by-products does not allow them to be stored for a long time.

table 2

Change in moisture content of potato pulp and cell juice

Humidity, %

cell sap

Laboratory conditions

Production conditions

Laboratory conditions

Production conditions

The pH value of the juice is 5.6-6.2. The high acidity of the cell sap is due to the presence of a significant amount of organic acids in the tubers. Among them are citric, malic, oxalic, pyruvic, tartaric, succinic and some other acids. Especially a lot in the tubers of citric acid (up to 0.4-0.6%).

Assuming that the technological properties of biological objects are determined by the content of protein substances and amino acids contained in them, therefore, potato juice could become one of the promising sources of natural vegetable protein. In the study of cell sap in this direction, at least 12 free amino acids were found, among which there are vital amino acids: valine, leucine, methionine, lysine, arginine.

Fresh potato juice and pulp also contain vitamins such as C, PP, B9, carotene, pantothenic acid. However, when in contact with iron parts of the equipment, the content of some vitamins, especially vitamin C, in potato juice is significantly reduced compared to their content in tubers.

The ash elements of the juice are widely represented. About 60% of the ash is potassium oxide. The ashes of the juice contain almost all trace elements. It was noted that there were no significant differences in the amount of mineral substances in the studied samples.

The study of cell sap carbohydrates showed that they are mainly represented by monosaccharides: glucose, mannose, fructose. The content of reducing sugars depends on the variety, maturity of tubers, growing and storage conditions. With an increase in the content of reducing sugars in tubers to 0.5%, the potato product acquires a brown color and a bitter taste, which are unacceptable for the final product.

In the course of the research, the content of toxic elements, nitrates, pesticides and radionuclides in the studied samples was studied. The research results are presented in tables 3-4.

Table 3

Safety indicators of potato pulp and cell juice


Permissible level of content mg ​​/ kg, no more

cell sap

ochratoxin A


T-2 toxin

Dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls

ng WHO-TEF/kg, not more than:

Radioactive cesium, Bq/kg

Radioactive strontium, Bq/kg

Table 4

Microbiological indicators of potato pulp and cell juice


Permissible content level

cell sap

HP, CFU/g, no more

QMAFAnM, CFU/g, no more

BGKP (coliforms), in 0.01 g

not allowed

not detected

not detected

The presence of pathogenic microorganisms:

salmonella in 50.0 g

not allowed

not detected

not detected

pathogenic Escherichia in 50.0 g

not allowed

not detected

not detected

Yeast, CFU/g, no more

less than 1.0 10 1

Molds, CFU/g, no more

less than 1.0 10 1

less than 1.0 10 1

It was noted that the content of radionuclides in the pulp and cell sap does not exceed the current permissible levels. The presence of toxic substances and pathogenic microorganisms in the studied samples of raw materials and by-products of its processing was not found. Mercury, arsenic, mycotoxins and pesticides were not found in potato pulp and cell sap. The content of nitrates in potato pulp and cell juice is on average 89.75 mg/kg.

It has been established that controlled potentially hazardous chemicals are contained in the product in concentrations not exceeding the established standards and comply with the requirements of SanPin "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products" and the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On the safety of feed and feed additives ".

Thus, the analysis of the literature and our own experimental data showed that the chemical composition and indicators characterizing the physicochemical and technological properties of potato pulp and cell juice depend to a greater extent on the quality of the feedstock. This predetermines further research on the use in the food industry. The chemical composition of by-products of potato processing indicates the possibility of their use as food components. At the same time, the main indicators of the technological properties of by-products indicate the need for special methods of their processing or preparation.

With the introduction of innovative processing technologies, with a change in demand for manufactured products, food production waste can change its social utility and become a raw material for obtaining new high-quality feed.


Kurbanova M.G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department "Technology of storage and processing of agricultural products" FSBEI HPE "Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute", Kemerovo.

Popov A.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Mechanics, Kemerovo Technological Institute of the Food Industry, Kemerovo.

Bibliographic link

Dyshlyuk L.S., Asyakina L.K., Karchin K.V., Zimina M.I. STUDYING THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND SAFETY INDICATORS OF POTATO PRODUCTION WASTE // Modern problems of science and education. - 2014. - No. 3.;
URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The method relates to fodder production. The method consists in adding granulated sulfur or sodium hypochlorite solution to the crushed pulp at a consumption of 1.8-2.3 g and 420-25 ml per 1 kg of ensiled mass, respectively. The method allows to reduce the loss of nutrients. 1 tab.

The invention relates to animal husbandry, specifically to methods of fodder conservation, and can be used in their ensiling.

Feed conservation is widely used in feed production to improve the safety of feed.

Various chemicals are used as preservatives - acids, salts, organic substances. As a result of transformations in feed, chemical preservatives contribute to lowering the pH of the medium, inhibiting unwanted microflora and obtaining high-quality feed.

In starch-treacle production, potato pulp is formed as a by-product - a watery, low-transportable product that is immediately used for livestock feed, because it quickly deteriorates or it is subjected to ensiling. Due to the presence of carbohydrates in the pulp, fermentation occurs, and silage is obtained, suitable for feeding to farm animals. However, relatively high nutrient losses occur.

The technical result is the use of available preservatives to reduce nutrient losses. This is achieved by the fact that in the proposed method for the preservation of potato pulp, locally produced chemical preservatives are used - granular sulfur - a waste product from the purification of petroleum products (TU 2112-061-1051465-02) at a consumption of 1.8-2.3 g/kg or sodium hypochlorite - preparation "Belizna" after dilution with water in a ratio of 1:9 at a flow rate of 20-25 ml/kg of weight.

Composition of potato pulp, % wt.:

Granular sulfur is yellow hemispherical granules with a diameter of 2-5 mm with a content of the main substance - sulfur of at least 99.5% wt. organic acids 0.01% with a bulk density of 1.04-1.33 g/cm 3 .

The drug "Belizna" is a commercial product - a solution of sodium hypochlorite with a concentration of up to 90 g / l.

Under the conditions of ensiling, under the action of enzymes and potato pulp juice, chemical transformations of sulfur occur with the formation of hydrogen sulfide, sulfites and sulfates. These compounds, as well as sodium hypochlorite, have bactericidal properties and inhibit the development of undesirable microflora. At the same time, the activity of lactic acid bacteria is practically not inhibited, the silage mass is acidified, as a result of which good-quality silage is obtained. In the available literature, no data were found on the use of chemical preservatives in the ensiling of pulp.

Example. Under laboratory conditions, crushed potato pulp with a moisture content of 80.0% is loaded into sealed containers in layers, granulated sulfur is added - a waste from the production of petroleum products at the rate of 2 g / kg, in the second variant - the diluted preparation "Belizna" (1: 9) at the rate of 20 ml /kg, in the third version - without preservatives, compacted, hermetically sealed and left for storage at room temperature. After 35 days, the containers are opened, the quality of the silos is assessed. Get quality silage with the smell of pickled vegetables with a pH of 3.9-4.1.

Zootechnical analysis showed the following results

Thus, the use of chemical preservatives - granular sulfur or sodium hypochlorite solution - improves the quality of potato pulp silage, reduces the loss of nutrients compared to the known method.


1. Taranov M.T. Chemical conservation of feed. M.: Kolos, 1964, p.79.

2. Muldashev G.I. Influence of sulfur and sulfur-urea complex on the quality of winter rye silos and the productivity of bulls during fattening. Abstract diss. for the competition scientific degree cand. agricultural sciences. Orenburg, 1998.

3. Gumenyuk G.D. and other Use of industrial and agricultural waste in animal husbandry. Kyiv, Harvest, 1983, p.15.

A method for preserving potato pulp, characterized in that the pulp is crushed and chemical preservatives are added to it: granular sulfur - a waste from the production of petroleum products refining or a solution of sodium hypochlorite - the preparation "Belizna" after dilution with water in a ratio of 1:9 with a consumption of 1.8-2, respectively, 3 g and 20-25 ml per 1 kg of ensiled mass.

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