What kind of elections will be in September. Online broadcast "Kommersant": latest news, comments, opinions

It can be seen that the media began to increasingly address the issue of what presidential elections in the Russian Federation can pass ahead of schedule. According to some political scientists, the postponement of the elections is possible, because. every day in our country worsens the general well-being of citizens, the reserve fund is already running out, the exchange rate is still unstable. Despite the fact that the presidential elections are officially scheduled for, 17 billion rubles were allocated in the budget for the current year for holding early elections. In this article, we will discuss whether the elections in Russia in 2017 will be held, under what circumstances are they possible? Whom will the leading parties nominate as a presidential candidate?

Firstly, in Russia there has been a recession in the economy for several years, and an unstable exchange rate, low oil prices weaken financial position countries. The situation in foreign policy also adds fuel to the fire, there are many countries in the world that do not support actions Russian President. Some analysts believe that popular unrest will increase in Russia in 2017, which will lead to the loss of the authority of the head of state, and it may be necessary to elect a new leader ahead of schedule.

Presumably, the actions of oppositional forces will be able to provoke a change of power before March 2018, according to some political analysts, the elections may be postponed to the first half of 2017. There are opinions that an early presidential race is also beneficial for the current head, it will be easier to beat competitors, having high ratings and absolute trust of citizens.

Also, the negative mood of Russians was shown by an excessively low turnout in the elections in September 2016, perhaps this is due to the fact that citizens do not trust the authorities and do not want to take part in elections with known results. The general well-being of citizens is deteriorating, people are "crushed" by new taxes, contributions, many are dissatisfied with the policy of the ruling party. Therefore, the elections in Russia in 2017 can become a reality. However, there are legal grounds on which voting can be scheduled ahead of schedule.

Historical examples

There are many examples in history when another person takes the office of head of state ahead of schedule:

  • like the death of a president. As happened in 2010 with the Polish head, his plane crashed while landing near the city of Smolensk;
  • the overthrow of the president, in Russia in 1991 there was a putsch, as a result of which M. Gorbachev had to leave his post;
  • undercover games of other states, for example, the invasion of Iraq by American troops, the execution of Saddam Hussein.

As the past shows, not every leader can keep his place in the chair of the head of state in a difficult time for the country. Firstly, each president must have a high rating among his own citizens, the support of the people and a tough stance towards the opposition forces.

Will Putin or Medvedev run for office?

Assuming that the election date will still be set for 2017, will the current president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, participate? This question worries not only political scientists, but also all citizens of our country. No matter how the situation develops in our country, the majority of Russians see no other alternative as head of state. Vladimir Vladimirovich has been in power since 2000, and, in principle, he is doing his job well.

Unfortunately, to numerous questions from journalists about whether the head of state will propose his candidacy at the next vote, Putin always answers very evasively. He says he will not participate in the upcoming elections if the people decide that his activities as president are useless.

It is difficult to talk about the candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev, the prime minister has already held the presidency, during his tenure as head of state, many reforms and changes have been made, many of them were positively assessed by the citizens of the country. But some turned out to be controversial and incomprehensible to ordinary Russians.

Whether we will see in the lists of contenders for the presidency of the Russian Federation, if the elections are still held this year, time will tell.

Who else will apply for the seat

To be honest, on this moment The current president has no real competitors, the people trust their leader so much that they simply do not see a concrete alternative. But let's discuss who the leading parties can nominate during the pre-election period? After all, it is not yet known whether Vladimir Putin is going to participate in the next elections.

True, the list of real contenders for such a high post is small:

  • many experts say that Russian minister Defense Sergei Shoigu could become the next president. His prestige among officials top level very stable, and he is closest to the current head of state;
  • most likely the parties "KPRF", "LDPR" and " Fair Russia» nominated as candidates for the presidency of their leaders - Gennady Zyuganov, and Sergei Mironov, respectively;
  • the Yabloko party also reports that they will participate in the next elections, of course, Grigory Yavlinsky will propose his candidacy;
  • If we talk about the opposition forces, then perhaps Mikhail Kasyanov, Garry Kasparov, Mikhail Khodorkovsky will present their candidacies in the upcoming elections. Although there are practically no chances of taking the presidency, none of the candidates presented.

If we talk at all about obvious contenders for the presidency, except for the current head of state, then one gets the impression that the result is already known. Most likely, there will be no surprises in the election campaign, everything will go on as usual.

When will the official elections take place

Officially, the next presidential elections in Russia are scheduled for March 2018. But it is worth noting that the issue of postponing the elections to 2017 is very acute, oppositionists are constantly adding fuel to the fire, calling on the people to rally against the current government.

The opposition authorities skillfully use the difficult economic situation, which has developed in our country in the past few years. (folded themselves - they themselves use)

The government is trying in every possible way to limit the activities of the opposition, but so far no real results are visible. Corruption scandals in the highest echelons of power also do not add confidence to the head of state. Whether the presidential elections in Russia will take place in 2017, time will tell, now there is no official information about the postponement of voting.

Presidential elections in 2017 in other countries

Literally on the eve of the New Year in the United States, elections were held for the head of state, which made not only American citizens, but the whole world surprised. Hillary Clinton predicted victory for the presidency of the United States throughout the entire election campaign, but despite a tough and sometimes dishonest presidential race, the people chose billionaire Donald Trump. The whole world followed each candidate debate like a reality show.

In 2017, some countries will hold presidential elections. For example, the pre-election race has already begun in France, where for the first time in history the current president, Francois Hollande, does not run again.

At the end of the summer, it is planned to hold elections for the German chancellor, where we should also expect more surprises. After all, the rating of the current Chancellor Angela Merkel is now quite low, the Germans consider the internal and foreign policy its leader. And the riots caused by the influx of refugees from the East add fuel to the fire every day. According to experts, most likely the current heads of state are unlikely to retain their positions.

The world is also waiting for the presidential elections in Syria, because now there is an acute issue of maintaining the candidacy of Bashar al-Assad as president, in 2017 presidential elections will be held in South Ossetia and Iran.

And whether early elections will take place in our country is not known until the information is officially confirmed. According to leading political scientists, the election of the President of Russia will be held in the normal mode in 2018. Whatever events are taking place in our country now, they are unlikely to affect the overthrow of President Vladimir Putin. Now the rating of the current leader of the Russian Federation is high and stable, so do not be afraid of political upheavals.

It was established by the federal law "On Amendments to the federal law"On Political Parties" and the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens Russian Federation dated October 2, 2012 (entered into force on November 1, 2012).

According to the law, a single day of voting in elections to bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies local government is the second Sunday of September of the year in which the terms of office of the said bodies expire, and in the year of elections of deputies State Duma of the next convocation - the day of voting in these elections.

Elections to public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies on other days are allowed in cases of early termination of the powers of these bodies, the election of newly formed public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies of newly formed municipalities holding repeated and by-elections, as well as in other cases provided for by law.

Election voting can only be scheduled for Sunday. It is not allowed to schedule voting on a non-working holiday, on the day preceding it, on the day following the non-working holiday, and on Sunday, which is declared a working day in accordance with the established procedure. If the second Sunday of September, on which the elections are to be scheduled, coincides with a non-working holiday, or the day preceding it, or the day following the non-working holiday, or the second Sunday of September is declared a working day in accordance with the established procedure, the elections are scheduled for the third Sunday of September.

In 2016 single voting day was and . deputies of the State Duma of the seventh convocation, governors of nine regions and deputies of 39 legislative assemblies, numerous municipal elections were held in different parts of the country, as well as more than 150 local referendums. In total, more than 5.3 thousand elections were scheduled for a single voting day different levels, in total, more than 39.5 thousand mandates were filled. Only in three regions - Mari El, Kalmykia and the Magadan region - did the Russians elect anyone other than State Duma deputies.

In 2017 on a single voting day on September 10, elections of different levels. In general, 55.8 thousand election campaigns and referendums will take place, more than 36.5 thousand elective posts and deputy mandates will be filled. At the same time, governors will be elected on a single voting day in 16 subjects, deputies of regional parliaments will be elected in six, and heads of regions and deputies of legislative assemblies will be elected simultaneously in Udmurtia and the Saratov region.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Single voting day

Until 2004, elections in Russia were held spontaneously: different time countrywide. Almost every weekend there was a vote of a local or regional level which greatly hampered the work of the election committees.

In October 2012 President RF Vladimir Putin established a single election day second Sunday in September. The exception is the holding of federal elections this year.

In this case, the day of elections of the head of state or deputies is declared as a single voting day. The time was not chosen by chance: the officials elected during this period must have time to start the process of budget formation and determine it on coming year. The first elections under the new law were held on September 8, 2013.

Where and when will the 2017 gubernatorial elections be held?

This year, elections will be held immediately in 16 regions of Russia. Ten governors are about to expire, and in republics of Udmurtia and Mari El, in the Kirov, Tomsk, Novgorod and Kaliningrad regions elections will be held early. In three of the six regions, previous governors have been arrested and charged with criminal offenses. Of all the candidates running for direct elections, 11 are “newcomers” who received positions less than a year ago.

The popular vote will take place on Belgorod, Kaliningrad, Kirov, Novgorod, Ryazan, Saratov, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Yaroslavl regions, as well as in the republics of Buryatia, Karelia, Mordovia, Mari El, in the Perm Territory and in the city federal significance Sevastopol.

Adygea is the only region where the elections will be "indirect". Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed three candidates for the post of head of the republic. The governor will be appointed by parliament.

How to vote on a single voting day

In Russia, all citizens over the age of 18 have the right to vote in political elections. It is forbidden to vote for Russians who have been declared legally incompetent by the court, as well as for convicts serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty.

Russians will be able to vote for a candidate on specially equipped polling stations. Citizens already today can find out the address of their polling station or find themselves in the list of voters using the online search system on the official website of the Central Election Commission.

Governor elections in Sevastopol

September 10, 2017 is a significant day for the residents of Sevastopol. The first direct election of the governor will be held in the city. Previously, the townspeople could not influence the choice of the mayor - he was appointed from Kyiv.

There are approximately 306,000 voters in Sevastopol. 180 polling stations will be organized for them. According to official data, about 20,000 disabled people live in Sevastopol, of which 9,000 have the first and second groups of disability. They will be able to vote without leaving their homes.

Approximately 300 volunteers will help those who need help at the polling stations: the disabled, the visually impaired, those who cannot understand the voting procedure themselves.

How to become a candidate for governor in direct elections in Russia

Candidates for governor can be nominated political parties. They may or may not be party members. A self-nominated person can also propose his candidacy.

A citizen of the Russian Federation over 30 years of age has the right to compete for the governor's chair. One of the conditions is the absence of an outstanding or unexpunged conviction.

In addition, a potential candidate must obtain consent to his nomination from municipal deputies in the subject of the country where he intends to work. He needs the support of 5 to 10% of the deputies of the representative bodies of municipalities.

A “political Uber” took place in Moscow, and stability came in the regions.

To bookmarks

In Russia, on September 10, the last elections before the 2018 presidential campaign were held in 82 regions. The unified voting day was remembered, first of all, by the unexpected results of the opposition in Moscow and the mass victory of the candidates from the authorities in a number of subjects.

Municipal elections in Moscow

In 125 districts of Moscow, 1,502 municipal deputies were elected. The turnout is 14-15%. Opposition candidates drew attention to the lack of pro-government agitation in the streets and district newspapers, the federal authorities scolded the capital's commissions, and only a third of voters sent SMS about the upcoming elections.

Candidates « United Russia​They can get 76-77% - this is about 1150 mandates, 11.7% will be received by the Yabloko party - this is about 176-177 instead of the previous 25 in the last elections. In third place are self-nominated candidates - 7.2%.

Valentin Gorbunov

Head of the Moscow City Electoral Committee

The final results have not yet been summed up, but according to preliminary data, the democratic opposition received 250 mandates out of 1502. These are self-nominees and candidates from Yabloko, the Communist Party or Parnassus, who were supported by former State Duma deputy Dmitry Gudkov.

Yabloko itself received 180 candidates in 51 constituencies and a majority in six of them. "Solidarity" took the majority of mandates in one region, the current government lost its advantage in 15 regions.

Lots of talk and nothing to say...

Report of the Governor of the region Evgeny Savchenko on the results of the activities of the Government of the region in 2016

Dear deputies of the Belgorod Regional Duma! Dear invitees! Dear friends!

Belgorod region entered the landmark, symbolic for our people year 2017 confidently, with a good start for the future, as evidenced by the final indicators of the development of the region in the past year and five months of this year. All statistical materials for 2016 were distributed to those present in the hall. They have been repeatedly published in the media and speak about one thing: all social obligations to the inhabitants of the region for last year fulfilled, and most of the indicators economic development areas for the past year, in fact, exceeded the forecast.

But today, speaking with an annual report on the work done, I cannot fail to note in this historical context one more fateful date: we have been living in a new state, the Russian Federation, for 25 years. Passed responsible and milestone constitutional building and state structure new Russia. Together we have come a long way, overcame many obstacles, acquired, sometimes making mistakes, unique experience, and today the gigantic breakthrough that was made is obvious - a strong, sovereign, democratic world power, our Motherland - Russia, has revived from the post-perestroika chaos and disorder.

Therefore, summing up the results of the socio-economic development of the region over the past year, I want to deviate from the usual format and evaluate the significant contribution of the Belgorod region to the formation modern Russia over the past quarter of a century, and then, together with you, dear friends, determine the ways for the development of the Belgorod Region in the medium term, taking into account the upcoming five-year election cycle. This is what we're talking about today.

So, modern look The Belgorod region is strikingly different from what we had at the beginning of the journey. Today, our region is at the forefront of the socio-economic development of Russia in many respects, is famous for its record achievements in industry, agriculture, housing construction, development of the social sphere. And this is the great merit of our fellow countrymen, who did not give in to difficulties, did not complain about fate, but stubbornly went forward and selflessly achieved their goals.

Over the past quarter of a century, we have managed not only to preserve, but also to create a new framework for the regional economy, to provide a developed social, transport and engineering infrastructure. We did not allow the impoverishment of the people, but on the contrary, we created relatively decent conditions for the work and life of Belgorod residents. Hence the conclusion: the task of the authorities at all levels, and if you like, the mission to comprehensive development area and improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. How it looks in dry statistics, let's see.

Dynamics of development of our region for a quarter of a century. The population in 1990 was almost 1 million 400 thousand people. Over the past years, it has increased by 155 thousand. And as of January 1 of this year, the population of our region amounted to 1 million 553 thousand people.

The next indicator is the index industrial production– relative to 1990 increased by 3.2 times (?).

The agricultural index over the years has increased by almost three times (?).

Entering housing. In 1990, the region commissioned 717 thousand square meters, last year 1 million 350 thousand square meters - almost twice as much. Including the commissioning of individual housing - earlier, individual housing construction was practically not encouraged at all, not only in our region, but in the whole country - last year the figure increased 20 times compared to 1990.

Important social indicators. Child mortality: in 1990 it was 14.7 per 1,000 births, last year - 6, decreased by 2.5 times.

The number of students in our five leading universities. In 1990 - 18.7 thousand people, last year - over 50 thousand people, increased by almost 3 times (?).

How has our intellectual potential, scientific. The number of doctors of sciences increased more than 6 times during this period.

And another very interesting indicator, please take it without any irony, is alcohol consumption. It is known that in the 90s the whole country consumed at least 11 liters per person per year. In 1996, 1 ​​Belgorod citizen consumed 8.26 liters of alcohol, in 2016 - 5.33 liters. Decrease in one and a half times. It is also, I think, very important indicator, and we occupy leading positions here together with the republics of the North Caucasus.

On the other hand, how has the place of the Belgorod region changed among the regions in 25 years.

In terms of population in 1990, we occupied 39th place among the regions of the Russian Federation, over the past year we have risen by 10 points - 29th place.

In terms of gross regional product, economy. In the 1990s we were ranked 36th, last year we were 27th, up 9 points.

The volume of gross regional product per capita is the most important economic indicator. In 1998, we ranked 36th, last year - 17th, an increase of 19 points.

The volume of agricultural production in agricultural enterprises. In 1998 - 15th place, last year in 2nd place after Krasnodar Territory, an increase of 13 points.

The turnover of small enterprises is an important indicator showing how small business is developing in our country. In the 1990s, we were in 49th place, now we are in 19th place. An increase of 30 points.

turnover retail per capita. In the 1990s, we occupied 40th place, now we are already 27th, an increase of 13 points.

Unemployment rate, social indicator very important. In the 90s, we were in 23rd place, last year we were in 7th, an increase of 16 points.

The next indicator is the population below the poverty line, according to which we ranked 18-20 in the 1990s, last year we were in 2nd place, that is, in fact, we have the least population below the poverty line relative to almost all regions of the Russian Federation.

And a couple more indicators that characterize the social dynamics of our region is the subsistence minimum. In the 1990s, we were in 24th place, last year we were in 2nd place, an increase of 22 points.

Average per capita cash income per month. In the 90s, we were 47th, now, last year, we are in 21st place among the regions of the Russian Federation.

As a final commentary on the statistics, I will say that according to the results of the rating of the quality of life of the population in the Russian regions, conducted by the RIA Rating agency, Belgorod region currently occupies the 6th place in the Russian Federation. Ahead of us are Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow Region, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Krasnodar Territory.

And today, analyzing the path we have traveled, and most importantly, learning lessons for the future, I will allow myself to note the key strategic decisions of the regional authorities, the implementation of which allowed us to take the path of social stability and advanced economic growth in the nineties and zero years. Among these factors, I would like to highlight the following.

First. In the 90s, when the country was in full swing economic transformation, which led to the collapse of the economy and the impoverishment of people, the authorities of the region were faced with the task of how, on the one hand, to maintain the standard of living of people, and on the other hand, to preserve and strengthen their hope for tomorrow. In this regard, two projects were initiated: firstly, it is support for individual housing construction, and secondly, a decision was made to gasify the region by the method of public construction. In a few years, the Belgorod region, the first in the country, completed gasification and 2/3 of rural residents received "blue fuel".

The project to support the construction of one's own house also proved to be very successful, especially in the conditions of not monetary, but barter relations in the 90s. Individual housing construction received priority and resource support (initially, as you know, in rural areas, and then in regional centers and cities in our region). Over the years, more than 14.5 million square meters have been built in the region. meters of estate housing, which allowed almost 500 thousand people, or every third Belgorod citizen, to improve their existing living conditions or change their apartment to their own house, and this is our great social achievement. Moreover, already in the 2000s, we managed to switch to a new urban planning format for Russia - agglomerations. And no one has yet been able to repeat this experience of ours. Having implemented these two projects, people felt that they were not left to the mercy of fate.

The second factor. A dramatic situation in the 1990s developed in agriculture. The practically uncontrollable disintegration of collective forms of management brought almost the entire village and the villagers into a state of stupor. However, we were the first in the country to find a way out of this situation and boldly embarked on a radical reform of agriculture by organizing large vertically integrated structures. And today our agriculture is one of the most advanced in Russia, and we have no equal in terms of production per hectare of arable land.

Along with the industrialization of agriculture and the advent of large enterprises in the region, a project to support rural entrepreneurs “Family Farms of Belogorye” was initiated and is currently operating, which today unites over 5 thousand family enterprises. And this project has not so much economic as great social significance.

Of course, our extraordinary decision to buy up agricultural land into regional ownership also became the basis for success in agriculture. We bought almost half. Thus, we proved that it is not at all private ownership of land that leads to the prosperity of the village, but rather the opposite.

Third factor. All these years, the Regional Government has been building a favorable investment climate based on trust, transparency and maximum involvement of regional and district authorities in the implementation of investment projects of any format, as well as sharing risks with investors through the provision of guarantees, guarantees, etc.

And our efforts were not in vain: the region has never experienced a lack of investments, and in the National rating of the state of the investment climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Belgorod region took second place last year. Our credo - economic freedom for entrepreneurs with the maximum support of the authorities - will continue to determine the main vector of the region's economic development.

The fourth factor. We understood that the region cannot be successful without an intellectual, scientific elite, modern universities and above all universities. That is why it was decided more than 20 years ago to organize the BelSU Development Fund. With the support of the whole area in place Pedagogical Institute a powerful State University, which soon entered the country's university elite and acquired the status of a national research university.

Other universities of the region are not far behind: for example, the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law became the first in the country among non-state universities, and the Technological University has recently become a pivotal university playing key value in the development of innovative economy. Significantly changed their external and internal appearance and became very prestigious universities agricultural university them. Gorin, Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Putilin, Regional Institute of Arts and Culture.

Fifth. The region's economy cannot develop sustainably without a well-established system for the reproduction of qualified blue-collar workers. That is why our region was the first in Russia to implement a project to create a Belgorod model vocational education, the essence of which lies in the deep integration of the interests of employers, colleges and students themselves. And we have achieved the main thing: studying in our technical schools has become attractive and prestigious for young people, and enterprises of the region receive well-trained personnel.

The sixth factor. Nothing influences the formation of the mood and consciousness of citizens as much as the state of living environment a habitat. Realizing this, the Green Capital project was initiated, which is being successfully implemented at the present time. This project has many sub-projects: landscaping of public places, and continuous afforestation, and the laying of new parks and recreational areas. The project "Green Capital" appealed to all Belgorod residents. As there is no limit to the perfection of the environment, there will be no end to this project. It is our given, as it changes not only the environment, but also the souls of people for the better.

Not limited to the "Green Capital" project and realizing that for our region it is extremely important to preserve natural environment and ecological balance, which have been severely deformed over the past centuries and decades, especially with regard to soil fertility, the Concept of Basin Nature Management and the Program of Biologization of Agriculture have been developed in the region. The first years of their implementation gave an encouraging result: for the first time in the last few centuries, the degradation of our main wealth, black soil, has been suspended. This is an extremely important result for the present and future generations of the region's residents.

Seventh factor. A special approach in the Belgorod region has also been developed in road construction. So, in the zero years, a program for the development of pavement all streets in all settlements areas. Tens of thousands of households have received paved roads thanks to this program. Their length was 9175 kilometers. This project received strong support from the residents of the region, and only those who lived in rural off-road conditions can truly appreciate its significance.

Eighth factor. In the years of radical changes that we have experienced, it was more important than ever to preserve the spiritual and moral code of society and not to lose the cultural values ​​of the people. I believe that we have successfully coped with this task. Hundreds of cultural institutions have been rebuilt and renovated - clubs, houses and palaces of culture, libraries, museums, theaters, philharmonic halls, new ones have appeared and hundreds of creative teams have been revived. The museum-reserve "Prokhorovskoye Pole" has become a spiritual, historical and cultural mecca of national importance. Hundreds of churches have been restored and rebuilt during this time, and we are grateful to the Russian Orthodox Church for productive cooperation in the spiritual revival of the region. The fruits of our efforts are reflected in the ranking of regions in terms of spiritual and moral state, where our region took 1st place in the Central Federal District.

Ninth factor. Along with the development of culture in the region, great attention has always been paid to education, health care, social protection, support for the elderly, the disabled, children, and support physical education and sports, including high performance sports. Svetlana Khorkina, Fedor Emelianenko, the Belogorye volleyball club have become the pride of all residents of the region.

Tenth. An innovative approach was also demonstrated in the organization of management in all government bodies. We were the first in the country to make a historic transition from the old situational management to the new project management managerial model. It, in combination with the transition to an electronic format for the provision of public services to residents of the region through the MFC on the principle of "one window", not only increases the efficiency of public and municipal government but also builds a new client-oriented type of relationship between government and citizens.

I have listed, dear friends, the main, but far from complete list key areas of our joint work, which made it possible to transfer the region to a new, modern, competitive paradigm of socio-economic development…..etc. etc.


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