How to calculate your number in numerology. Numerology of numbers: the meaning of numbers and key concepts

Different methods of predicting successful incidents, coincidences, cases have existed for centuries. People use for this everything that you can think of - from the flight of birds to coffee grounds, from Tarot cards to the location of stars and planets in the sky.

However, all these methods require additional "inventory". The same coffee, in order to guess on it, you need to purchase and brew. Nevertheless, there is a fairly ancient science, which today belongs to alternative knowledge. It helps people get to the heart of the matter through simple arithmetic and the knowledge of a few principles. Next, you will figure out how to find out your lucky number.

Numerology as an aid in revealing personality

Today we will consider and learn how to apply an amazing technique. Just imagine, for its implementation, any material at hand, on which you can make notes, will do! You can even do all the calculations in your head, with the proper skills and inclinations.

This science originated a very long time ago, even the Egyptians did divination based on calculations.

However, the ancient Greek Pythagoras popularized this knowledge by developing a special table. Next we will talk about it.

So, how to find out your lucky number by date of birth? There are several traditions that go back to antiquity. Let's look at them in turn.

First approach. Quantitative counting, no values

This method involves a simple count of the number of letters, without further analysis.

Let's take an example: Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, March 12, 1967
We write all the data in words in a column and count the number of letters in each line:
Ivan - 4
Ivanovic - 8
Ivanov - 6
Twelve - 10
March - 4
1967 - 32

An important caveat: if it turns out 2 identical numbers, in our case it is 4, then we add 0 to the second one. It turns out 4 and 40.

Total lucky numbers our example - 4, 8, 6, 10, 40, 32.

What to do with these numbers? It's simple - play with them! Compare with a phone or floor, apartment or car sign. Make appointments for these dates or for this time, visits to doctors, hairdressers, shops. Plan trips, etc.

It is also considered in this technique that by combining the numbers, you can improve the chance. For example, a meeting from 8 to 10 on the fourth (4) June (6) with a high probability will be very successful.

Second approach. Lucky number by date of birth. Classic variant

It was proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras. Each result - from 1 to 9 - has its own characteristics. This is a kind of analogue of the signs of the zodiac in the ancient world.
Here we simply sum up all the numbers of your happy event until you get one.

1+2+0+3+1+9+6+7 = 29 => 2+9 = 11 => 1+1 = 2

What lucky numbers matter:
  • The unit symbolizes pressure, the desire to achieve one's own, activity.
  • Two is harmony, balance, equality, the need for peace.
  • Three - creativity, the connection of times (from the past to the future through the present).
  • The Four is a realist and a pragmatist to the core, that says it all.
  • Five - adventurism, enterprise, thirst for risk and adventure.
  • Six - stability, traditions, responsibility.
  • Seven - thinker, scientist, researcher.
  • Eight is the most favorable number for achieving happiness in the material world.
  • Nine - hidden potential, it can be used to receive all the benefits or successfully derail life. All in your hands.

Third approach. The connection between man and higher powers

However, today a new trend has appeared in numerology, which is trying to find a connection between a person and a guardian angel. This technique tells how to find out your lucky number by the time of birth. If we add to this the calculation and decoding of the Pythagorean approach, it is possible to obtain powerful tool influence on fate.

Let's take a look at the table. On the left you see a column - time of birth. It has an interval of one hour. The following bars are the days of the week before noon (AM) and after noon (PM).

So, 14.25 - a gap of 2-3 hours in the afternoon (PM), Wednesday. We look - this is 5. Next, turn on your intuition, understand yourself, based on the data of the Pythagorean approach, play with this figure.

Have you figured out how to find out your lucky number?

The listed three methods are only the base, the basics, the beginning of the journey to Magic world numerology. If you are interested in this article, then understand further. You will certainly find that separately the birthday number affects the physical side of life, the month - the emotional side, the year - the mental side. You will learn how to calculate the number of a name, based on various alphabets and traditions, you will be able to make horoscopes and forecasts. With proper skill, you may be interested in sweepstakes, a racetrack or other entertainment, especially if you like gambling, lottery or roulette. The calculation of the probability of falling and the chance of winning, the pot and the bet in poker is all mathematics, but it is also numerology. back side academic science hides in itself mystical secret age-old wisdom.

You still have a long and informative way to go in this magical dimension.
Good luck dear reader!

The determination of the fate, character and temperament of a person by date of birth is carried out using the numbers of the Soul, Fate and the Square of Pythagoras. In modern numerology, all data has been systematized, so now it is enough to make simple calculations to predetermine what events and dangers lie ahead. But you need to pay attention to special magic numbers that can distort the result.

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    Possibilities of numerology

    Numerology is the science of numbers, which allows using the value of the date of birth to predict the fate of a person. Even in ancient times, it was believed that the date of birth has an impact on the character, temperament and actions of a person, predetermines personal qualities and twists of fate.

    Each number from 1 to 9 has a special vibration that exists whether the person feels it or not. The most significant role is played by 3 numbers:

    • Souls;
    • fate;
    • name.

    The most important for a person are the numbers of Soul and Fate. They are the ones responsible for General characteristics personality and the tests that he has to go through.

    Soul Number

    The number of the Soul determines the character and temperament of a person. It affects ambitions and desires, the choice of a partner for a relationship or friendship. This number affects a person throughout his life, but is especially pronounced at the age of 40 years. By calculating it, you can predict difficulties and try to avoid them in advance. In total, there are 9 numbers of the Soul, each of which endows a person with special properties.

    To determine the numerological code, you need to add the numbers of the birthday to prime numbers. A person born on November 22 has a Soul number of 4 (2+2). A similar result is observed in people who celebrate name days on the 4th of any month. At the same time, the received quadruples differ. In the first case, the number of the Soul is formed by adding the numbers 2 and 2, which also affect a person's life, and in the second case, 4 is a pure number and manifests itself more clearly.

    People with an even number are explosive. They possess leadership qualities, propensity to plan and command. They quickly come to the fore and take what is theirs.

    At odd number Soul man is a fidget who needs constant change. He is well trained and has a thirst for knowledge. He does not need other people's advice and prefers to learn from own mistakes. He treats strangers ruthlessly, carefully thinks through any of his decisions. Has a craving for antiques and sensual pleasures.

    Number "1"

    People with Soul number 1 are born on the 28th, 19th, 10th and 1st. They are ruled by the Sun, endowing with clarity of mind and purposefulness. They are always full of new ideas and successfully implement them. They easily express their own opinion, are not influenced by others. Sometimes they are selfish.

    Such people have pronounced leadership skills. It is important for them to be the first in everything, while maintaining their independence.

    "Ones" like to criticize the rest, but they do not tolerate similar statements. Despite this, they do not enter into conflict situations and it is interesting to communicate with them. They are charming and energetic, which attract people to them.

    The main task of the "units" and their meaning of existence is to serve humanity and help the weaker ones. The most active years in their lives are 35-40 years.

    "Units" have creative thinking and can become successful journalists and scientists. Such people endure ups and downs without falling into depressive states.

    The magic of numbers recommends that they be more careful about finances and spend money with caution, as there is high risk losses. They should not make hasty decisions, be too careless, ambitious and wasteful. These people should not refuse someone else's help, fight alone, constantly demand close attention to their person.

    Number "2"

    Those born on 2, 11, 20 and 29 have a soul number of 2. They easily adapt to different conditions, their character is changeable, and they are characterized by indecision. "twos" have kind heart, faithful, gentle. Their kindness can be used by scammers and deceivers. The "twos" have developed intelligence. They know how to recognize lies and deceit, but often remain silent out of politeness and love for flattery.

    The main goal of the "twos" is unity, so they are submissive and responsive. Such people need harmony and comfort, they are idealists and romantics who are not averse to immersing themselves in a fantasy world. There are no leaders among them.

    "Deuces" can become outstanding speakers and are interesting conversationalists. Their mind and intuition work together to inspire other people to action. Such individuals are successful diplomats, mediators and peacemakers, helping to find a compromise in the most difficult situations.

    • develop self-confidence and will;
    • give up haste;
    • maintain independence;
    • stick to your own decisions;
    • do not postpone your affairs for the sake of others;
    • don't leave work unfinished.

    Number "3"

    Soul number 3 belongs to people born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th. These are creative and bright natures with natural intelligence and intelligence. They are characterized by a sense of humor and charm, they see people through, but can be too harsh in expressions.

    "Threes" love hard work, are distinguished by firmness of character, ambition, independence and activity. They want to be first in everything, and natural qualities allow them to do so.

    People with Soul number 3 dream of doing something heroic and great in life. When building a career, they have to go through many tests that favorably affect their personal growth. They do not like to obey, so they strive to organize their own business. Success is achieved thanks to logic and keen intuition, instantly realizing what is beneficial to them.

    Troikas always keep their promises and are reliable. Troikas will come to the aid of even enemies, if asked.

    They have good health, and in love they are lucky. Such people are very attached to the family and may sacrifice comfort in order to maintain feelings.

    Negative qualities include:

    • ambition;
    • pride;
    • dictatorial tendencies;
    • inability to control anger and passion.

    Among the "threes" are many teachers, writers and speakers. They are accustomed to finishing the work they started, no matter how tedious it may be. Quite often receive patronage and financial assistance from wealthier relatives.

    Number "4"

    Soul number 4 belongs to people born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st. They are reliable friends who are able to keep secrets and come to the rescue at any time. They are honest, decent and careful. Fours do not like to take risks and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

    Such people need spiritual peace and harmonious relationships. They often fall into a depressed state and feel lonely and unnecessary. They are distinguished by special secrecy and do not tell their secrets even to close people.

    Fours can be tyrannical with close people, and in relationships with them you should not expect romance. They look at things too realistically and are particularly straightforward. Due to their difficult nature, such people quickly make money. a large number of enemies.

    Such people are excellent organizers-managers.

    "Fours" exhibit the following negative characteristics:

    • like to argue and get into conflicts;
    • do not know how to appreciate others;
    • tend to make rash purchases;
    • make false promises.

    Fours often experience ups and downs that make them distrustful and prudent. But thanks to courage, stubbornness, perseverance and tremendous patience, they can withstand any suffering. Despite the honesty of intentions, they are often criticized.

    The success of the "four" is usually achieved after 40 years. To maintain peace of mind, they are advised to drink water and eat from silver utensils.

    Number "5"

    The "fives" include people born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd. They are very energetic and constantly need adrenaline. Can easily learn foreign language and master absolutely any science.

    It is important for the Fives to find an interesting and dynamic profession, since routine and passivity categorically do not suit them. They make money easily and spend it quickly. They are constantly looking for new ways to make quick money.

    In their personal lives, it is difficult for such people to be happy because of their restless nature. "Fives" easily strike up friendships, but because of their inconstancy, relationships are short-term. They have good intuition, which allows them to understand the intentions of any person. But it is difficult to build relationships with them because of their straightforwardness.

    Negative features include:

    • tendency to depression;
    • stubbornness;
    • irritability.

    With early age such people take care of their health and keep it until old age. Problems can arise with the nervous and cardiovascular system.

    Number "6"

    Soul number 6 belongs to those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th. These are honest, frank and delicate people. Family and social responsibility is important for them. They radiate positive and warm energy, and people are drawn to them. They get pleasure when they make the life of loved ones more comfortable. Feelings of anger and resentment are hidden behind a sweet smile.

    Such individuals love to travel and meet new people. Among them are many creative natures. They are slow at work, and when speed is expected of them, they become nervous and make many mistakes. People are completely unthinking and disinterested. They easily spend money, regardless of the level of earnings.

    People with the sign of Soul 6 must learn to deal with laziness. They should not take revenge on offenders, simply wasting energy. Before starting any relationship, they are advised to check people and the words they said.

    To maintain health, such people need to give up too sweet and fatty foods.

    Number "7"

    For those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th, the soul number is 7. They are kind, peaceful, frugal and a little insecure.

    These are people with developed imagination and intuition, diligent and prone to analysis. They are born philosophers who are practically not interested in the material side of life. They want to know everything unknown and mysterious, often gifted magical powers. They can become successful artists, judges, scientists and reformers.

    Such people usually find their calling by the age of 35, but they achieve real success and wealth in adulthood.

    "Sevens" are individualists who are used to doing all the tasks alone. They may have only a few friends, but they prefer to meet with them as little as possible. They are independent and do not need someone else's help and advice.

    "Sevens" are difficult enough to deceive, as they see people through. They do not believe gossip and prefer to check the words they hear. They have the ability to run away people, so even their opponents accept their point of view.

    They need to stop communicating with people who use alcohol or drugs.

    Number "8"

    "Eights are born" on the 8th, 17th and 26th. These are two-faced people who go from one extreme to another. They may change their mood several times a day, as well as general plans. They are particularly vindictive and never forget offenders.

    However, G8s have a strong sense of justice and often help other people. Representatives of the number 8 steadfastly overcome any difficulties and never leave their friends in trouble.

    They know how to earn financial resources turn dreams into reality. They quickly climb the career ladder thanks to their mental abilities, but because of their conflict, they quickly make enemies. "Eights" refuse the help of strangers and prefer to do everything themselves.

    Such people easily attract the opposite sex and easily start relationships.

    The distinctive features of the "eights" are:

    • patience;
    • seriousness;
    • melancholy;
    • diligence;
    • love of life;
    • equilibrium.

    Number "9"

    Soul number 9 belongs to those born on 9, 18 and 27. These are restless people with strong energy. They won't stop until they reach their goal.

    The "nines" have a strong character and high ideals. They are very sensual and loving, have a craving for mysticism and everything unknown. They love to travel and meet new people.

    They are leaders who are able to control other numbers. They are easy to communicate with and never create problems.

    "Nines" are born in order to achieve success, and have all the required abilities for this. Respond quickly to changing situations. They are not burdened by their own problems and do not waste energy in vain. These are optimistic and independent people who are used to getting the most out of life.

    AT young age"Eights" experience many difficulties in communicating with people, and achieve success after 40 years.

    They need to give up any thoughts of revenge, false pride and hypocrisy. Eights should not judge close people and work colleagues, it is important for them to learn how to cope with their own anxiety. You should not get involved in unnecessary arguments and communicate with people who take alcohol or drugs, as you can easily succumb negative influence.

    The fate of a person by date of birth

    After 40 years, the number of Destiny begins to influence a person's life. The method for calculating this figure was developed by the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras. Later it was detailed by his followers.

    This number shows what the fate of a person will be and what he deserves, depending on the karma of past lives.

    The number of Destiny is the sum full date birth. First you need to add the numbers of the day, month and year separately, and then sum them up to a single digit.

    So, with a date of birth of 22.11. 1991 you can get the following figures:

    • 2+2=4.
    • 1+1=2.
    • 1+9+9+1=20=2+0=2
    • 4+2+2=8.

    The number of Destiny at the date of birth on 22.11.1991 is 8. The meaning of each of the numbers is indicated in the table:



    A favorable number gives a person good luck and prosperity, good health. Such people are born leaders who easily achieve success. In love, they are often unhappy. Helping the poor and disadvantaged

    This number makes people not very lucky. They often become victims of unforeseen changes. Such people are endowed with strong intuition, but in love they are pursued by failures. The main advisers should be inner flair and intuition

    Number 3 is not easy. Its owners have to work hard, which causes stress and emotional instability. But they are different physical health, diligence and able to withstand any overload. Due to excessive criticism, they make many enemies and have problems in their personal lives. Capable of making money quickly

    In the lives of people with the number 4, unforeseen circumstances and changes often occur that make their existence unbearable. Even if they have all the benefits and live in luxury, they are constantly missing something. They often miss opportunities due to feelings of doubt and self-doubt. They have many secret enemies due to their quarrelsome nature.

    This is the best number of fate that will make a person happy, wise, strong and independent. Such people are able to solve problems themselves and reach heights in their careers. AT family life they are happy

    People with this number have a lot sexual problems for which they are not to blame. They enter into unwanted love affairs, which only disappoint them. They are lucky in their work. They know how to make money, but they spend it quickly. Such people can be addicted to the occult sciences and black magic.

    The number gives a person good luck. Its owners are good advisers, to whom even opponents listen. They are able to find a solution to any problem. Often engaged in spiritual practices

    The holders of this number often face setbacks, obstacles and humiliation where it can least be expected. They manifest themselves most fully in adverse conditions. Achieve fame and success in old age. Such people can become outstanding politicians and leaders, but they will never run away from imaginary and real failures. They prefer to live alone and not tie the knot

    People of this number are distinguished by their temper, spitefulness and love of quarrels. They are restless, and even during the holidays they need something to do. They can be lucky if they can overcome their negative qualities and love for sense gratification.

    The meaning of special numbers

    When calculating the number of Soul and Fate, the numbers 11 and 22 can occur in the date of birth. They can either be the sum of the numbers of the full date of birth, or simply be one of the numbers.

    These figures have some features that must be taken into account when general analysis. So, 11 is a detailed designation of the number 2, which gives a person more determination and courage.

    People with the number 11 in their date of birth never turn off the chosen path, and others follow them. This is most pronounced at the age of 40 years. This number inclines a person to spiritual development and makes her an excellent adviser and teacher. If a person does not have such abilities, then his fate is under the number 2.

    With the numerological code 22, the task of the individual is the enlightenment of all mankind. Such people are given to operate with knowledge without the right to an individual point of view. Most often they hold seminars and give lectures.

    Square of Pythagoras

    This concept refers to separate structure in numerology. It allows you to calculate the psychotype of a person, the degree of his sociability, professional abilities and state of health.

    To compile the Pythagorean Square, a few simple calculations are carried out:

    1. 1. Add up the sum of the digits of the year of birth, month and day (for example, for the date of birth on November 22, 1991: 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 \u003d 26).
    2. 2. The resulting number leads to a single-digit (2+6=8)
    3. 3. From the sum of the digits of the date of birth (26), double the digit of the 1st day of the date of birth (2 * 2) is subtracted. Get the third number (26-4=22).
    4. 4. The last value leads to a simple figure (2+2=4).

    After the calculations, all numbers, including the date of birth, are written in a row - 22. 11. 1991. 26. 8. 22. 4. The resulting numbers are distributed among the cells of the matrix in ascending order:

    The number of digits in each cell has its own meaning. The first describes the character:

    • 1 or no units - an irresponsible person;
    • 11 - a person subject to someone else's influence;
    • 111 - stable positive character corresponds to three units;
    • 1111 - strong character;
    • 11111 and more - a dictator who does not tolerate other people's opinions.

    The second cell indicates bioenergetics. The result obtained is interpreted as follows:

    • 2 or no deuces - a person is energy vampire, actively absorbs energy;
    • 22 - enough energy to share with others; reserves are replenished when communicating with people who are stronger in energy;
    • 222 - a person has a strong energy;
    • 2222 - a person can heal others;
    • 22222 - a person "jamming" someone else's biofield, and after communicating with her head hurts.

    Cell number 3 is responsible for the ability to science. Deciphering the received numbers:

    • absent - the person is well educated and very accurate;
    • 3 - the person is a person of mood;
    • 33 - a person has ordinary abilities;
    • 333 - a person can clearly formulate a task and a plan for its implementation, but will begin to act at the last moment;
    • 3333 - a person is successful in the exact sciences.

    The fourth cell can tell about the state of health. The number of digits has the following interpretation:

    • absent - the presence of health problems;
    • 4 - diseases that appear with age;
    • 44 - good health and high resistance to disease;
    • 444 - very good health, in which a person is practically not susceptible to diseases;
    • 4444 and more - possible genetic pathologies.

    The fifth cell indicates the level of development of intuition. Its decoding is as follows:

    • number 5 is missing - a closed channel of intuition; a person can think everything over and try to take only the right actions, but he cannot avoid mistakes;
    • 5 - weak intuition, errors are possible with a lack of information;
    • 55 - strong intuition;
    • 555 - almost clairvoyance, a person understands everything that is happening around;
    • 5555 and more - a developed intuition that allows you to achieve success.

    Cell number 6 indicates grounding. The number of digits in it means the attitude to work:

    • absent - does not like physical labor, but works;
    • 6 - perceives physical labor as a normal phenomenon;
    • 66 - likes to work, although physical work is a hobby;
    • 666 - does not work and will do everything to shift the required tasks to others;
    • 6666 and more - can teach or lead, as it is not adapted to physical labor.

    Cell 7 indicates talent or lack thereof. The result can be deciphered according to the following data:

    • absent - no talent;
    • 7 - there is a subtle talent that can be developed when it is discovered;
    • 77 - a person is talented;
    • 777 and more - the person is very talented, she is often envied.

    Cell 8 speaks of a sense of responsibility. Deciphering the result:

    • missing - an irresponsible person who loves to lend, but forgets to give;
    • 8 - a person with a developed sense of responsibility;
    • 88 - a person who is ready to help many people, even to the detriment of himself;
    • 888 – outstanding personality ready to serve the people;
    • 8888 - a person with parapsychological abilities.

    Cell 9 indicates the presence of mental abilities. Deciphering the result:

    • 9 or no nines - low level intellect;
    • 99 - mental abilities are developed, but laziness is stronger;
    • 999 - high mental abilities that allow you to achieve success;
    • 9999 - opportunities through which a person can succeed in any field.

    life timeline

    Numerology allows each person to build a chart indicating ups and downs, as well as important events, knowing only the date of birth.

    To build a chart, you need to draw 2 axes - vertical and horizontal. Years of life should be located on the horizontal line, starting from conception to any age. The time period that is used for divisions on this axis is 12 years (0-12, 12-24, 24-36, 36-48, 48-60, 60-72 years).

    On the vertical axis, you need to designate numbers from zero to 9 in ascending order. After that, you need to multiply the numbers of the date of birth. For example, for a person born on 11/22/1991, calculations are made - 22*11*1991=481822. The control points characterizing the 12-year period of time are 4, 8, 1, 8, 2, 2. The first digit of the received code (4) characterizes the year in which the person was born. In this example, this is 1991.

    The second figure (8) characterizes the period of time from 1991 to 2003 (1991 + 12 years). To subsequent years, 12 years are added in the same way and a time period is obtained.

    After constructing the diagram, it is required to decipher the received points.

    Chart example

    The meaning of the numbers can be as follows:



    The path is interrupted, and luck is lost. You need to start all over again, since the previous period led a person to a dead end

    The person is moving in right direction. His labors are not in vain, and soon he will be able to come to victory, but you need to work hard

    hard to do right choice, and constant thinking negatively affects the mental state

    A person is completely confident in his choice and business, but in order to achieve the goal, he will have to make a lot of effort.

    It is necessary to forget about earthly problems and focus on spiritual development spending more time with family

    A person is in search of love and a life partner

    Man is waiting happy years filled with creativity, harmony and creation

    You need to be as careful as possible to avoid material problems

    A great time when luck itself will go to a person and he will be able to find a life partner

    The man has a job to finish. When the plan is completed, a new life cycle will begin

    Each person builds his own life, and numerology and simple divination help to avoid mistakes that are destined for fate. After all, almost all the tests encountered in life are the result of karma. In order for what is happening to be favorable, it is necessary not to forget about spirituality in difficult situations and to abandon any negativity.

On this page you can calculate Name Number and Destiny number and understand how numerology affects your life.

Name Number

Name Number shows what a person is capable of. The number of the Name reveals the forms of self-expression to which he resorts due to the development of his inclinations, skill, talents, knowledge, observation, and so on. Being Number of Self-expression, it indicates the vocation of a person - at least the general orientation of the activity that should succeed him best.

Usually relatives and friends call a person simply by their first name. In some circles, he is called by his last name. It is written in the passport full name. For numerology, the “public name” is important, under which strangers know him. Most often, a public name is a given name and a surname. In Russia, this is the name and patronymic, which are important in establishing working relationships.

You can calculate both the number of the first name and the number of the full name, including the last name and middle name. Women in this case can trace how it has affected or will affect Name Number as a result of marriage and change of surname. Name number- the sum of the numbers of your full name of birth - is calculated according to the table: A is 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc. All numbers are added up to a simple number (for example, if you get 48, add 4 + 8 = 12, then 1 + 2 = 3, i.e. your number is 3.) If the number 11 or 22 appears in the intermediate results, it is not add up with the rest of the numbers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Destiny number

Destiny number is obtained by summing all the numbers of the date, month and year of birth. AT Western tradition it's called a number life path. For example, for a person born on April 3, 1978, the path number would be 3+(0+4)+(1+9+7+8)=32=3+2=5. There is an exception to this rule: if, when adding, you get the numbers 11, 22, 33, then they should not be reduced to a single amount, since they are special numbers.

Destiny number shows what your nature is, and what abilities you have to fulfill the destiny directly. At the same time, the Soul Number is under the influence of the Destiny Number. Interaction in this case can be both harmonious and be in disharmony.

Destiny number means a life lesson that a person needs to learn; this is the true goal of his current incarnation, the experiences that you need to go through, as well as the way to find harmony in relation to other people, phenomena and circumstances. If a Destiny number exceeds Heart Number the lesson will be difficult. Such a ratio of two numbers implies that the ideals of a person are below the spiritual level of the life lesson intended for him. On the other hand, if the Destiny Number is less than the Heart Number, the person has enough idealism to rise above everyday experiences and not be very sensitive to them.

Calculate Number of Name or Full Name

Calculate date of birth number

Your name: Birthday:
Your last name: Month of birth (number):
Your middle name: Year of birth (4 digits):
When all fields are filled in, it will automatically calculate Name Number and Destiny number. Meaning your his numbers you can find out by clicking on your result or the links below.

When Destiny number coincides with Name number, it can be assumed that a person is endowed with innate abilities that will allow him to easily learn the lesson of life - in other words, his life path will be fairly even. If the vibration of the Number of Destiny is lower in frequency than the Number of the Name, this indicates that the life path will run through everyday circumstances and spheres of communication that are limited in terms of social and financial opportunities. On the other hand, if the Number of Destiny more Numbers Name, then circumstances will change in such a way that a person will certainly be able to succeed in the field where his talents will lead - of course, if his ideals are lofty and his will is strong enough. The vibrations of the Number of Destiny have a kind of attracting power, that is, they attract other people to a person and life circumstances in accordance with the spiritual level of these vibrations and the qualities with which they are associated.

Destiny number more important than Soul Number and Name Number. The soul can desire anything, but fate gives only what a person really deserves. It is associated with past karmas (deeds) of a person and comes into full force after 35 years. It allows us little freedom of action, but it gives us great freedom to reap the fruits of our own actions.

Destiny number not subject to any external influences. If it's bad, you can't fix it, but you can change the name to Name Number partly softened the action of the Number of Destiny, to prepare an appropriate talisman, to do charity work. Then a person will still have to go through what fate has in store for him, but this path will be easier for him.

Soul Number

Soul number is the date of birth. According to the Soul Number, one can determine how a person feels in society, whether he needs a partner, what needs, ambitions and desires. For the calculation, the same technology is used to reduce the sum of numbers to a single number. (if the number 11 fell out, it remains so). In the Vedic tradition, if a person was born 2 hours before sunrise, the previous date is taken into account.

The planetary influence on the human soul can be easily understood if one knows Soul Number. This number remains in effect throughout human life and especially shows its strength at the age of 35-40 years. After 35 years, another number comes into play, which is called the Number of Destiny. The number of the Soul, however, does not lose its importance.

Heart Number

In order to calculate Heart Number, you need to mark the vowels of the name with the corresponding numbers, then reduce them to one digit and add them up (remember that the numbers 11 and 22 do not add up and are written separately). The total is the Heart Number.

The number of the Heart is an esoteric, subjective and internal number indicating the vibrations of the innermost Self, individuality, the "superconscious" mind of a practical psychologist. It expresses ideals, goals, aspirations, spiritual impulses and impulses directed at the most important problems of being. These are the aspirations and dynamic vibrations of the soul, its ideas about life, its spiritual need to express itself in action and form, and in its own way, in a way that is characteristic of it.

Personality Number

Personality Number obtained by adding the numbers that correspond to the consonant letters of the name, after which this sum is reduced to a single digit.

Personality Number symbolizes exoteric, objective vibration. It points to external manifestations individuality - on how a person looks in the eyes of others. This is a clear expression of a person's mental activity - his thoughts, feelings, desires, will and life force. It testifies to the activity of the conscious and subconscious mind, the manifestation of individuality, or character, in the manners of behavior and habits of a person.

Number Gift of Fate

Number Gift of Fate comes from two last numbers the year of birth. For example, for a person born on April 3, 1978, the number of a gift will be (7+8)=15=1+5=6. There is an exception to this rule: if during addition you get the number 11, then it should not be reduced to a single sum, since it is a special number.

Number Gift of Fate is a gift from birth, additional bonus abilities given at birth.

Jump Number

Destiny number added to Full name number is yours Transition Number. This number can be influenced by changing the name, with the help of education, initiation into spiritual practices, marriage, etc.

If your full name number is 2 and your birth date number is 7, then your Jump Number- 9 (2+7). There is an exception to this rule: if during addition you get the number 11, then it should not be reduced to a single sum, since it is a special number.

The meaning of numbers in numerology

The main rule of numerology is: all numbers are good. Each number has different energy aspects that manifest in people as strong and weak, attractive and disgusting qualities.

Practice shows that some numbers are good as the Numbers of the Soul, but bad as the Numbers of Destiny, while others have the opposite. To get accurate information about a person, one number is not enough. Most numerologists say that it is absolutely necessary to know all your Numbers - all your vibrations.

Your birthday is also considered numerological analysis. Each number has its own special quality. In the East it is becoming more and more common to induce labor on the day that parents consider most favorable for the birth of their child.

Meaning of date of birth number

The ideas that are associated with the birthday are not as important and strong as those of the life path number. Birthday can change some characteristics of the life path. For example, people with a life path of 7 tend to be calm and introverted by nature. But if they were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th, they will acquire the sociability and emotionality characteristic of a life path with the number 3, and will be more sociable than other people with a life path of 7.

Birth number value 1

People, born first numbers, get the pure first energy of the month. They tend to:

  • analytic skills;
  • logical thinking;
  • energy;
  • independence;
  • enthusiasm.

By nature, they are leaders and at any good opportunity they are ready to show what they are capable of. They are afraid to seem weak, so they tend to hide their feelings from others.

Birth number value 2

People born on the second day:

  • friendly;
  • loving;
  • responsive;
  • dreamy;
  • emotional;
  • with developed intuition.

Their mood is sometimes changeable. They like to communicate with other people, but feel uncomfortable in big company. They tend to become discouraged and then they need the support of friends and relatives. In work, they prefer to cooperate with someone rather than doing business on their own.

Birth number meaning 3

People born on the third day:

  • friendly;
  • endowed with a rich imagination;
  • good interlocutors.

They strive to experience all the pleasures of life. Often very popular. They are good at suggesting ideas rather than implementing them. They are restless in terms of love. Slopes often change partners. They are good speakers, so they make good managers, teachers, etc.

Meaning of birth number 4

People born on the 4th are well organized. They easily solve difficult situations, are strongly attached to home, family and country. These people are conscientious, can work hard and for a long time to achieve their goal. They tend to be stubborn. Decisions made they rarely change.

Meaning of birth number 5

Those born on the 5th are friendly and versatile. They want to experience a lot in their lives, so they need to learn how to concentrate their strength. They like to communicate with like-minded people. Often these people become businessmen. By their nature, they are scrupulous and restrained. They need variety in life and freedom.

Birth number value 6

Such people are caring, cheerful and generous humanists. They like to help others. In family life, they take on all the responsibilities. They have a lively mind, sharp sensitivity and strong emotions. They are open to other people.

Meaning of birth number 7

People born on the 7th are reserved and impressionable. They have good intuition, prefer to work for themselves. They like to spend time on their own for research and study. They have their own way of doing work. Very attached to their friends. However, building relationships with them is difficult.

Birth number value 8

Those born on the 8th are born businessmen. They like to work in the financial sector, brilliant ideas are born in their head on how to make money. They are purposeful, ambitious, practical, can work hard if they know that their efforts will bring results.

Meaning of birth number 9

These people are humanists by nature. These are creative people with a rich imagination, patient idealists. They give more than they receive in return. This quality is often used by others. People born on the 9th are unhappy in marriage.

Birth number value 10

Those born on the 10th are considered decisive, cheerful and creative people who know how to profitably present their ideas and themselves to others. They can quite successfully do several things at the same time. Sometimes they need to be reminded that in addition to work, they also need to relax. They are ambitious, independent, self-confident people who prefer to hide their feelings from others.

Meaning of birth number 11

These people are often visited by worthwhile ideas, but they rarely can bring them to life. They have excellent abilities and developed intuition, they can inspire others with their ideas. Due to their quick temper and nervousness, it is sometimes difficult for them to achieve their goals. They often go from one extreme to the other.

Meaning of birth number 12

Those born on the 12th receive the energy characteristic of the 3, since 1 + 2 = 3. They also have qualities 1 and 2. They have more complex nature than people born on the 3rd. They know how to present themselves favorably to others. They are good and cheerful interlocutors, have a special charm and have a rich imagination. They tend to embellish events in their lives. They have every opportunity to apply their potential in creativity. Their main shortcomings include impatience and desire to receive everything at once.

Meaning of birth number 13

These people are hardworking and accurate, they have every chance of achieving success. Persistent and disciplined, they pay increased attention to detail, which is sometimes detrimental to the overall picture. They are stubborn and suspicious. They are not always satisfied with the results.

Meaning of birth number 14

They are bold and enterprising, able to adapt to different conditions, love variety and are always on the lookout. By nature, they are given a good intuition. They may be led. They love to work with others. If necessary, they can work a lot. Everything is always done well.

Meaning of birth number 15

People with this date of birth are devoted and sensitive. Have Creative skills especially when it comes to music. They intuitively feel when others need help and are always ready to provide it. They are:

  • caring;
  • emotional;
  • very sociable;
  • benevolent;
  • responsible;
  • conscientious;
  • responsive.

Cherish their independence.

Birth number value 16

These people are suspicious, withdrawn and reserved. Sometimes it is difficult for them to tell others about how they feel and what they want. Being in difficult situations, they withdraw into themselves. They have a hard time building relationships. Life experience forms their deep faith and philosophical views. They are interested in science. Often they associate their lives with it.

Meaning of birth number 17

Those born on this day know how to make money. To achieve their goals, they go with particular perseverance. They always get what they want. Reliable and self-confident, they have all the data to cope with large tasks.

The value of birth number 18

These people are inherently humanists and good leaders. They are:

  • patient;
  • benevolent;
  • sensitive;
  • use creativity in problem solving.

Many of them are pursuing a career in philanthropy. Although they always strive to help others, there are often problems in their family life. It is important for them to understand that mercy is needed not only for other people, but also for those close to them.

Meaning of birth number 19

These people:

  • ambitious;
  • responsible;
  • diversified;
  • with idealistic views.

They don't like it when others interfere with their work. Sometimes their emotions dominate logic, which can fail them at a crucial moment.

Birth number value 20

Those born on the 20th are friendly and sociable, easy to get along with people. They clearly express their thoughts. Sometimes it is easier for them to write than to say. They prefer a quiet life, avoid fuss and unrest. Prone to mood swings, need the support of loved ones.

Meaning of birth number 21

Fun, smart and creative main characteristic people born on the 21st. However, they tend to worry about trifles, because of which they sometimes become discouraged. They can reach "sky-high heights", and in a minute "fall into the abyss". They have good oratory skills.

Birth number value 22

The number 22 is the main one, so people born on this day experience ups and downs. And all because they have access to different types energies that others do not meet. Because of this, they sometimes suffer from physical and nervous exhaustion.

Despite a well-developed intuition, they often worry about and without. But still, such people are able to achieve much more than others in life.

Meaning of birth number 23

These people are sensitive, benevolent and independent. They have a natural sensitivity and love to help others. They are diversified, easily cope with difficult life situations.

Birth number value 24

People born on the 24th are purposeful and caring. They have a lot of energy. Their positive approach to problem solving helps them achieve their goals quickly. What others take months to solve, they can solve in five minutes.

Birth number value 25

These people have good intuition. They need to spend time on themselves and developing their abilities. They are light-hearted and meek. When people or circumstances hurt them to the core, they stop communicating with someone and withdraw into themselves. They have a hard time getting along with other people. But if you are lucky enough to be friends with a person born on the 25th, then know that this friendship is for life.

Birth number value 26

People with a firm, stubborn, but purposeful character. They know how to make money from scratch. For relatives and friends can be very generous. They inspire confidence in people, so many turn to them for advice or help.

Birth number value 27

Those born on the 27th are gullible, quick-tempered and determined people. They like variety and change. They are responsible and always ready to help others. attached great importance emotional background They love a calm and peaceful environment.

Birth number value 28

These people are free-spirited and loving. They are smart, interesting and sensitive. Sometimes they lose self-confidence and tend to become discouraged. At times like these, they need support. loved one. They can't stand being bossed around and are happy working for themselves.

Birth number value 29

These people receive the energy characteristic of the numbers 2 and 9, so they are given the potential of the number 11. These numbers also influence the luck in their lives. Having big potential, which is visible to the naked eye to everyone around them, they do not even know about it. They are dreamers by nature. Often it is difficult for them to realize their cherished ideas.

Birth number value 30

Creative, smart and loving - these qualities are possessed by people born on the 30th. They often lack motivation. In achieving something, they use their charm, not their abilities. They can achieve success by cooperating with a person who encourages and praises them.

Meaning of birth number 31

Such people have good managerial and organizational skills, achieve success in business. Often they start from the lowest positions, and slowly but surely rise to the top. They are faithful friends always help those who need it. They have a good memory. People who did bad things to them or, on the contrary, helped them out in a difficult situation, they never forget.

Video: numerology - karma by date of birth

Numerology does not dictate human behavior, but only gives it the potential that it reveals over the years, or leaves the character trait passive. It helps to find out your purpose, to find the correct number and characteristic.

It is possible that a person will change throughout his life, or it may happen that, having discovered a certain talent in himself, he will follow him until the end of his days. How does numerology help and how can you unravel your own number?

Influence outside world on the new life obviously. This is the time and place of birth, zodiac signs, horoscopes and social stratum. The date of birth undoubtedly becomes one of the "fairies" that endow the new person with features that he will manifest throughout his life.

The most primitive way to find out your personal number is to add the numbers of your birthday. Consider people born on 13, 31, 4, 22 ... In sum, their numerological personal number will be 4. That is undoubtedly creative and kind people who can endure for a long time and participate for the benefit of society. But as soon as their bar falls below the level of patience (personal), they will instantly find a way out of any situation where they will win, no matter how it backfires on others. In 75% of cases this is a reliable fact. However, to say that everyone whose number will converge on 4 will live just such a life as the “neighbor on the left”. The influence of the planets and another set of numbers in life will exclude exact repetition. Although, there are people who live one day after another, similar to important events and details. This is what happens with twins. They often get sick together, they have the same mood and one idea for two. It so happened that in different parts of the city, and even the globe, with relatives united by the same birth number, the same situation happened, although they might not recognize it right away.

Another way

This way to find out your number tells more about a person. The figure is calculated from the full date of his birth. Some numerologists believe that the number of the month is not the correct calculation option and are sure that you need to spell it: look for the corresponding numbers and add them up.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
And Y To L M H O P R
With T At F X C H W SCH
Kommersant S b E YU I

Calculation example

First, let's find the number from September. According to the table, this number is 35. Since our numerology deciphers the human essence in numbers from 1 to 9, we add the resulting number and get 3 + 5 = 8.
January -1 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 16 = 7;
February - 2 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 2 = 21 = 3;
March -3 + 1 + 7 + 9 = 20 = 2;
April - 1 + 6 + 7 + 6 + 2 = 22 = 4;
May -3 + 1 + 9 = 13 = 4;
June -9 + 9 + 4 = 22 = 4;
July -9 + 9 + 2 = 20 = 2;
August - 1 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 8 + 9 = 26 = 8;
September - 8 + 6 + 4 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 7 = 37 = 1;
October - 5 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 7 = 25 = 7;
November - 4 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 7 = 19 = 1;
December - 5 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 7 = 22 = 4.

And so, we get the equation: 13+8+1984 and, of course, add up all the numbers that are in stock: 1+3+8+1+9+8+4 = 3+4=7. Since one and two cannot exist in these calculations, the decoding of numbers begins with a three

3 - active, tireless nature.

4 - a born leader, you try to solve everything on your own.

5 - sociable, contact, friendly person.

6 - a man of rare charm and creative abilities.

7 - purposeful, risk-loving person.

8 - a serious, reasonable, responsible person.

9 - a wise, prudent and often lonely person.

10 - fatalist, player, with the makings of a leader.

11 - energetic, cheerful, active.

12 - a hardworking, purposeful person.

13 - lively, spontaneous, tired of the routine.

14 - patient, accurate, meticulous person.

15 - cheerleader with indefatigable energy.

16 - a very emotional, deeply feeling person.

17 - romantic, purposeful.

18 - emotional, but hiding his emotions, receptive.

19 is a confident person.

21 - lively, spontaneous, adventurous.

22 - inquisitive, erudite.

And the difference in the digits of the birthday number will show your main problem. The 13th number needs to be turned into an example 3-1=2 - this is the number of your problem:

The resulting numbers are interpreted as follows:

0 - no problems;

1 - you are too dependent;

2 - you are insecure;

3 - you do not know how to express yourself;

4 - you are lazy;

5 - you are afraid of change;

6 - you evade obligations;

7 - you are indecisive;

8 - you are bad at distinguishing good from evil;

9 - you do not know how to sympathize.

Numerology is one of the most interesting and useful areas

Values ​​of numbers obtained by date of birth


Leading person. Powerful, positive, smart, kind, defending his position. With an innate sense of justice..


Soft, understanding. Able to cooperate in the company. Often comes to the rescue, complicity and sympathy. Despite the modesty and flexibility of character, he can easily make it clear that the rest of the opinion is not correct - there is only his word.


This person is everywhere and everywhere the initiator of good deeds. The instigator of events, who knows how to distribute, decide, find ways out of difficult situations. Must always be in a good mood. A lover of friendly companies and will always come to the aid of a dear person.


Practical, stubborn, hardy, careerist, workaholic. Sociable, attentive to people, but values ​​his own interests above all else. No one can help him in life except himself. He is used to thinking this way and is not disappointed in people, because initially he did not dream of hopes that there is an impeccable love on earth, best friends and boundless happiness.


Freedom-loving, amorous and easy-going person. Definitely a lighter. Creative person carrying positive and new ideas. Quite good architects, talented artists, fashion designers come out.


Family man. Trusted friend. An excellent leader. An excellent accountant and generally a memorable kind person.
With such people, you can go into intelligence and trust the most secret secrets.


Deep thinking person. Filosov. Lover of books and history. Subtle psychologists. People with heightened sensitivity to higher powers.


Very smart, talented, cool-headed person. Able to stand up for himself, his family and friends in the event that it will be beneficial for him and, in his opinion, right.


It's more like a priest. A man of high principles. Beautiful outside and inside. His whole life is devoted to self-improvement and the desire to make the world a better place.
Thus, self-confidence and leadership turn into selfishness and dominance, and sometimes into cruelty; hypersensitivity- in indecision; the ability to attract the attention of the public - into self-centeredness; rationalism and cold analytical thinking into stubbornness; love of freedom and freshness of perception - into intolerance; caring for others develops into neglect of one's own needs; thoughtfulness; the ability to penetrate into the essence of things - into isolation; seriousness and a certain amount of detachment - into callousness; religiosity into fanaticism. Our strong character traits are what we must skillfully use in the proposed life circumstances.

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