Belotserkovsky Agrarian University. Forum about education in Kyiv. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

general information

Areas of training

Forms of study:

Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University (BNAU) - additional information about the higher educational institution

general information

The composition of the Belotserkovsky National Agrarian University (BNAU) includes:

6 higher educational institutions of 1-2 levels of accreditation, scientific institutions and industrial agricultural enterprises, 5 research institutes, 13 problem laboratories, the Institute for Postgraduate Education of Managers and Specialists of Veterinary Medicine, the Institute of European Integration, the Educational and Research Center of BNAU.

Ensuring the educational process of the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

The educational process is provided by 12 academicians, 54 doctors of sciences, professors, 241 candidates of sciences, 24 honored workers of science and technology of Ukraine, honored workers of education, higher education, agriculture, physical culture and sports of Ukraine.

Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University has 7 faculties:

Agronomic, Biological and technological, Veterinary medicine, Ecological, Economic, Linguistic, Legal.

Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University provides training in the following areas and forms of education:

Areas of training

Agronomy (bachelor, specialist, master); forestry and landscaping (bachelor); veterinary medicine (specialist, master); technology of production and processing of livestock products (bachelor, specialist, master); ecology, environmental protection and sustainable nature management (bachelor, specialist); aquatic bioresources and aquaculture (bachelor); finance and credit (bachelor, specialist, master); accounting and audit (bachelor, specialist, master); enterprise economics (bachelor, specialist, master); management (bachelor, specialist, master); law (bachelor); philology (bachelor).

Forms of study:

Daily (with a break from production); part-time (on the job); external student

Here, before the first course, one can see how bad it is, embarrassing state employees to pay 1000 UAH, if you don’t pay a session not here, there are more shortcomings, corruption prospers. Clean up the first course in the toilets and blame it, crap everything in the kitchen, and clean up the first course, clean up the first course, so the move didn’t get pennies on ... Here, before the first course, one can see how bad it is, embarrassing state employees to pay 1000 UAH, if you don’t pay a session not here, there are more shortcomings, corruption prospers. Clean up the first course in the toilets and blame it, shit in the kitchen, and clean up the first course, clean up the first course, so the move didn’t get pennies on the apartment, then clean the toilets. There is one tidying room for 3 on top, wanting to pay more, to save on everything. Even in the university itself, it is still cold in autumn and winter, everyone walks in jackets and often gets sick. Don't go to Bnau

The teacher sits down the places of employees for food, can it be cheaper? They feed the Litvinskys, then they seat their relatives, and this is a Jewish clan and do not disdain prostitution and murder.


  1. Kirilyuk Olga Fedorovna


  1. Kirilyuk Olga Fedorovna

You can do it without bribes if you go and study. BUT there is a "charitable fund" in which every year a state employee must put 1000 hryvnia. The so-called admission to the session. Didn't pay, goodbye scholarship, because they keep a list of who paid and who didn't, and they will blame. Do not expect any practice here, except for digging flower beds and painting walls. Students don't matter here. Will you clean... You can do it without bribes if you go and study. BUT there is a "charitable fund" in which every year a state employee must put 1000 hryvnia. The so-called admission to the session. Didn't pay, goodbye scholarship, because they keep a list of who paid and who didn't, and they will blame. Do not expect any practice here, except for digging flower beds and painting walls. Students don't matter here. If you clean up the stones around the hostel, if you don't, you will be evicted.


  1. A lot of preparations at the department of anatomy.

there is a teacher Pererva - the worm is still the same ..... he will know "everything" about you and behind his back will tell students which of the teachers has prostatitis, which circumcision "probably" was done and who sleeps with whom .... at the exam, the girl can all of a sudden about female circumcision ... there is a teacher Pererva - the worm is still the same ..... he will know "everything" about you and behind your back will tell students which of the teachers has prostatitis, which circumcision is "probably" done and who sleeps with whom .... in the exam, the girl can all of a sudden ask about female circumcision ..... so don't be in a hurry to laugh at others next you can be

Please tell us who knows what about studying at the Faculty of Agronomy. And about material contributions, too, if such exist here

ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! FOR APPLICANTS. From the very beginning, I was thinking about joining the BNAU, because there is a budget, or an inexpensive education, I did it on purpose, because I wanted to work easier for my fathers. And then it was on my direct preparations for 10 months, 3 people spent on a net budget, and another 7 on a target, out of 10 state employees started 5. I thought that... ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! ATTENTION!!! FOR APPLICANTS. From the very beginning, I was thinking about joining the BNAU, because there is a budget, or an inexpensive education, I did it on purpose, because I wanted to work easier for my fathers. And then it was on my direct preparations for 10 months, 3 people spent on a net budget, and another 7 on a target, out of 10 state employees started 5. I was thinking that I could spend on the budget on another course, and I continued to read it, but they didn’t give me the budget, but only half of it, I was transferred to a well-formed group without my help, I didn’t want to go there, it was like that, that I was thrown into a smitnik for a good education. In the other group, it was 6 out of 21, but before that, the starosta-lyceum was missing a lot of training and the starosta-lyceumir helped his sleepers, covering them up. I asked to go back to the first group, but they didn’t transfer me and they didn’t transfer me, even though 3 other people were transferred back. In the other group, it was not a fair incident, there were few people on my side, after I had spent a lot of time to learn, the ice-ice finished the initial speech, and if the dean found out about those that I want to rejoice, then I immediately began to promote the transfer to the first group, but it was already too bad, having left BNAU and transferred to another VNZ. Do not join the BNAU, there is a place for Bilotserkivsky selyukivs, for those Bilotserkivskys who do not want to learn. Inshim there is no place.


  1. Vikladachi are good, the education is not expensive, you can spend it on the budget.


  1. You can get along with you like zі smіttyam. It is very important to spend on the budget after the ZNO, in the rest of the day, evaluate your estimates when you request for the budget. The place is suitable only for Belarusian villagers.

2) They teach old methods, 50 - 60 years, now no one is like that ...
1) There is a base, there are a lot of preparations in the anatomy, operating rooms, but operations are the initiative of teachers, if you get a good one, you will have an operation, if you get a bad one, only stupid cramming of manuals, almost by heart. They force them to bring animal bones and a herbarium. In principle, there is some kind of base, but graduates of this university are unable to take blood from a vein and put a dropper.
2) They teach old methods, 50 - 60 years, now nobody works like that in the industry.
3) Teaching staff: 20% really want to teach something to the student, 80% just read the hours. 70% treat students with no respect, allow themselves to shout and swear. Some teachers allow discrimination on a geographical basis, considering the inhabitants of the left-bank Ukraine as third-class people (students, for them, are second-class people).
4) Voluntarily-compulsorily require a charitable contribution in the amount of 1000 UAH. If you do not want to pay, they can be evicted from the hostel and flunk at the session.
5) Many teachers cannot pass without a bribe.
6) Hostels are in poor condition (6 and 7), very cold, elevators do not work (6), there are no doors in showers and toilets, constant drunkenness, dirt, vodka and beer bottles.

Not the worst university in the country, but one of the best among Agricultural companies, studied at the Faculty of Agronomy, already entered the National University "BNAU", in general, the teaching staff is adequate, sometimes there are glimpses of a modern approach, but the Communism of the administration surprises. There will be a good base and knowledge if you yourself want to study, not only listen in pairs and receive a diploma according to the ZZZ system, but how according to the program, ... Not the worst university in the country, but one of the best among Agricultural companies, studied at the Faculty of Agronomy, already entered the National University "BNAU", in general, the teaching staff is adequate, sometimes there are glimpses of a modern approach, but the Communism of the administration surprises. There will be a good base and knowledge if you want to study yourself, not only listen in pairs and receive a diploma according to the ZZZ system, but how according to the program, learn 40% of the material on your own, I personally studied for 6 years in the state form of education, I know I could study at the university better, but generally satisfied. About corruption, no one will personally "milk" you and does not demand, did not study, skipped, you can't hand over yourself, look for other methods. More than 50% of the teaching staff can be "handed over" for cash, but it is not the teachers who are to blame for this, but the students themselves. I graduated from Bila Tserkva Agrarian University three years ago. What can I say - it's not hard to study there, everyone will pull it. But personally, I'm unlikely to hire their graduates.

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