Mgutu Razumovsky is the first Cossack university. Moscow State University of Technology and Management K.G. Razumovsky. Secondary vocational education

MSUTU them. KG Razumovsky (PKU) was founded in 1953 as the All-Union Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry. To date, the university has the status of a leading Russian university that trains specialists for food and processing industries of various forms of ownership. In addition, the university was included in the ranking of the best food universities in the world.

Currently, the university trains specialists for various sectors of the food and processing industry, because it is this industry that is developing at a rapid pace today, and the income from the export of agricultural products is almost equal to oil and gas.

Therefore, against the backdrop of a shortage of qualified personnel, technologists-graduates of our departments successfully find interesting, well-paid jobs and are always in demand by large enterprises.

We provide students with a full range of in-depth knowledge, including the development of new ideas and successful technologies in close cooperation with reputable Russian research institutes and centers.

Practice shows that university graduates not only quickly adapt to a market economy, work in a dynamically changing environment, but are also able to take part in the formation of new, efficient, high-tech economic clusters.

Over the years of the existence of the university, the area of ​​buildings under the operational management of the university has been expanded 4 times.

A sports and recreation complex was built. It was possible to significantly modernize the international activities of the university.

Cooperation with universities in China, India, Norway and Iceland is being developed.

Levels of education

Secondary vocational education:

Secondary vocational education (VET) is a level of vocational education aimed at training practitioners and mid-level workers for all sectors of the economy.

Training is based on:

  • basic general (after grade 9),
  • secondary (complete) general (after grade 11)
  • initial vocational education.

Training period

based on grade 9:

  • 3 years 10 months on the basis of grade 11:
  • 2 years 10 months.

Higher professional education:

Higher education aims to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel in all major areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, meeting the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development, deepening and expanding education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications. (Article 69 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation").

Undergraduate- the first level of higher professional education. Confirmed by a bachelor's degree with the award of an academic bachelor's degree or a bachelor's qualification.

When applying for a job, it gives the right to occupy a position for which the qualification requirements provide for higher education, and also gives the right to continue education in the magistracy.

Bachelor's programs involve the selection of profiles that are designed to form students' special competencies in the learning process and prepare them for professional activities.

The term of full-time study - 4 years.

Master's degree- the second part of the two-level system of higher education, which graduates professionals with more in-depth specialization, capable of solving complex problems.

The term of full-time study is 2 years.

Postgraduate professional education:

PhD- a form of advanced training for persons with higher education in order to prepare them for the degree of candidate of sciences. Postgraduate studies are carried out in full-time and part-time forms.

The term of postgraduate study in full-time education should not exceed 3 years, in correspondence - 4 years.

Doctorate- forms of advanced training of persons in order to prepare them for the degree of Doctor of Science. The term of doctoral studies should not exceed three years.

Second degree- this is the development of the main programs of higher education on the basis of existing or incomplete higher education.

The second higher education makes it possible to become a specialist in another area, but unlike the first higher education, this can only be done on a commercial basis.

The choice of direction depends on the goals set by the applicant: either to get a specialty adjacent to the first one, or to complement it. Duration of training from 3 years.

Additional professional education:

The Center for Additional Professional Education provides additional professional education for specialists in all areas and specialties of the university in order to improve their professional knowledge, improve business skills, and prepare them for new professional activities.

The Center for Additional Professional Education offers students about 300 programs. The term of development of programs is from 72 to 500 hours. (Article 76 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation").

Forms of study

Full-time education

Having chosen this way of obtaining higher education, the student must attend lectures and seminars, and take exams at the end of the semester.

Part-time education

The possibility of obtaining higher education without stopping work is provided by part-time, also known as evening education. Classes in this form are held in the evening or on weekends, and during the day the student can work.

Extramural studies

Correspondence education involves a sufficiently large degree of self-study in combination with elements of full-time education.

The correspondence form is usually divided into two phases:

  • installation session, when a student is provided with a list of literature necessary for self-study, and he carefully studies it, receiving a knowledge base, and
  • a test-examination session, when teachers in person check the learned material from students.

Usually, the phases are significantly spaced apart in time, and exams are held twice a year - in winter and summer.

Distance learning

With the advent of the possibility of remote interaction with students, a corresponding new form of education arose.

Distance learning involves the delivery of the studied material to students and their remote communication with teachers using Internet services:

  • specialized distance learning systems,
  • Email,
  • chats,
  • video conferencing
  • in other ways.

At the same time, students themselves choose the time for independent work, and with any questions they can contact the teacher.

With distance learning, you can get an education in another city without leaving home.

Institutes and areas of training:

1.Institute of Food Technology

Food of animal origin
- Food products from vegetable raw materials
- Chemical Technology

2. Institute of System Automation, Information Technology and Entrepreneurship

Automation of technological processes and production
- Innovation
- Informatics and Computer Engineering
- Information systems and technologies
- Applied Informatics
- Management in technical systems
- Quality control

3.Institute of Economics, Management and Law

- Management
- State and municipal administration
- Trading business
- Jurisprudence

4. Institute of Technology Management

Technological machines and equipment
- Product technology and catering
- Technology of printing and packaging production
- Merchandising

5. Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies

Technology of light industry products
- Design of light industry products
- Psychology
- Personnel Management
- Advertising and public relations
- Service
- Teacher Education
- Psychological and pedagogical education
- Design

6. Institute of Biotechnology and Fisheries

- Refrigeration, cryogenic equipment and life support systems
- Technosphere safety
- Ecology and nature management
- Aquatic bioresources and aquaculture
- Fire safety

University- a higher educational institution where specialists in fundamental and many applied sciences are trained. As a rule, it also carries out research work. Many modern universities operate as educational, scientific and practical complexes. Universities combine several faculties, which represent a combination of various disciplines that form the basis of scientific knowledge.

Created in 1953 on the basis of the correspondence department of the Moscow Technological Institute of the Food Industry. Previously it was called the All-Union Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry (VZIPP), the Moscow State Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry (MGZIPP), the Moscow State Technological Academy (MGTA), since 2004 the Moscow State University of Technology and Management (MGUTU). Since 2010, the full name of the university has changed to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky" (FSBE HPE "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky").

Since 2010, the university has been involved in the implementation of the largest project - targeted training of specialists from among the Cossacks. The total number of Cossacks studying at the university is more than two thousand people. It was this work and a large amount of scientific research that became the basis for conferring the name of K.G. Razumovsky, a Cossack from Little Russia, the first Russian President of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University) (MGUTU (PKU))

Average rating score: 4.8

until 1999 - All-Union Correspondence Institute of the Food Industry (VZIPP); until 2003 - Moscow State Technological Academy (MGTA); until 2010 - Moscow State University of Technology and Management (MSUTU)

Faculties / Institutes:

  • . Institute of food technology MSUTU. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)
  • Graduates Institute "Food Technology" FGBOU VO MSUTU them. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU), having serious fundamental training, they quickly master advanced production technologies and market mechanisms for its conduct at food industry enterprises. At the same time, they are widely demanded by small and medium-sized businesses, academic and departmental research institutes, enterprises and institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science, associations, industrial unions, holdings, agricultural holdings, firms, etc.

    The Institute of Food Technology pays great attention to attracting students, starting from the first year, to the research work of the departments, preparing and publishing articles and patents based on it. Round tables are periodically held, including in the State Duma, with the participation of students, masters, graduate students and teachers, which allows us to talk about the work begun to integrate science into the educational process. This gives each student the opportunity to acquire the skills of research activities even before graduation. At the university and its institutes, it is practiced to attract students to work in the Methodological Councils.

  • . Institute of System Automation, Information Technology and Entrepreneurship K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)
  • Institute of System Automation, Information Technology and Entrepreneurship (SAITiP) K.G. Razumovsky (PKU) was formed as a result of the merger of the institutes of AIS and IITP (former RGUITP) of Moscow State University of Technology named after K.G. Razumovsky (PKU).

    The Institute provides its students with great opportunities to participate in scientific work from junior years. This is facilitated by the active work of the scientific schools of the faculty and modern equipment of the laboratories of the departments.

  • . Institute of Economics, Management and Law of Moscow State University of Technology. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)

  • . Institute of Technological Management of MSUTU. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)

  • . Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies MSUTU. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)
  • Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies FGBOU VO MSUTU im. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU) one of the young and dynamic institutes of the Moscow State University of Technology and Management, carrying out educational, methodological and research activities in the field of pedagogy and psychology. Founded in October 2008 as the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and Technologies, it gained independence in two years and on May 17, 2010 was transformed into the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies, which is associated with the creation of new departments and the transformation of old ones. The staff of the institute is more than 100 people. Among the teaching staff - 14 doctors of sciences, professors, 45 candidates of sciences, associate professors. Teaching experience averages 10-15 years.

  • . Institute of Biotechnology and Fisheries, Moscow State Technical University. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)
  • Institute of Biotechnology and Fisheries, Moscow State University of Technology K.G. Razumovsky (PKU) is one of the leading and promising divisions of the University. The Institute includes departments that implement industry-specific professional training and retraining of specialists for the agro-industrial complex, the country's fisheries, nature management and environmental control, refrigeration systems and technologies, air conditioning and ventilation, and technical physics. Our institute has 15 professors and 26 associate professors. At the graduating departments, a huge scientific work is being carried out, to which all interested students can be involved. The Institute has been honorably fulfilling the tasks of training young specialists in the field of priority and promising areas of the country's development for a long time. Some of these areas are identified by the Russian Government as "critical". First of all, these are: aquaculture, hydrobiology and bioecology, modern innovative technologies in the field of conservation of hydrobionts and biodiversity, artificial reproduction of valuable fish species, innovative technologies for processing and preserving products at low temperatures.

  • . Center for Socio-Economic and Humanitarian Technologies of Moscow State Technical University named after K. G. Razumovsky
  • To the task Center for Socio-Economic and Humanitarian Technologies of Moscow State Technical University named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU) includes not only the development and implementation of a wide range of relevant innovative educational projects in the field of additional professional education, the center is also an integrated business platform for several leading university institutions at once, the joint activities of which allow the implementation of a lot of interesting ideas and projects of scientific and technological, consulting, marketing, management , engineering. All of them are aimed at the development of the agro-industrial complex, the food and processing industry and other sectors of the Russian economy and are based on knowledge and analysis of the conjuncture of the modern market.

  • . International Business School "MGUTU - Schneider Electric"
  • International Business School of Energy Efficiency in the Food Industry (MBSHEPP) "MSUTU - Schneider Electric" - a division of Moscow State University of Technology. K.G. Razumovsky, created on the basis of the Center for Scientific Research and Training "MSUTU - Schneider Electric".

    MBSHEPP has two areas of activity: training in automation tools and consulting in the field of automation.

  • . International Scientific and Methodological Center for the Study of the Literary Heritage of M.A. Sholokhov
  • Goals and objectives of the Sholokhov Center:

    • Study, dissemination, popularization of M.A. Sholokhov - writer, citizen, Nobel Prize winner.
    • Maximum use of the potential of Sholokhov's creativity in the framework of the humanitarian and patriotic education of young people, familiarization with the study of the writer's heritage, collecting, preserving and disseminating information about the life and work of Sholokhov in order to involve young people involved in the history and culture of the Cossacks in this process.

  • . Center for Food Technologies and Food Security of Moscow State University of Technology named after K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 18:00

Latest MSUTU reviews

Anna Vyacheslavovna 17:17 10/29/2015

I am a 4th year student at university. After graduation, they were promised employment. There is an internship, we had an internship in a military court. MSUTU leaves a lot of impressions, more good ones, because the team got good and in 4 years they have already become like a family, after graduation I will miss the methodologist)) there are not so many teachers, so we know everyone and we can come up to ask questions of interest to everyone

Evgeny Mirzaev 18:44 13.10.2015

Good afternoon)

I am writing here already as a graduate of the 2014-2015 academic year)))

No matter what they say, but the university really gives knowledge. There were problems with the schedule, and with especially principled teachers (whoever knows Rozhkova will understand: D)

However, the university is good. State. And now I work by profession, a legal consultant. By the way, I found a job while studying on a tip from a teacher and they were waiting for me to get a diploma)

All institutes and universities have jambs, ...

Gallery MSUTU

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University)"

Branches of MSUTU

Colleges of MSUTU

  • College Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky


No. 01125 is valid Indefinitely from 11/10/2014


No. 01505 is valid from 29.10.2015 to 31.05.2019

Previous names of MGUTU

  • All-Union Correspondence Institute of Food Industry
  • Moscow State Correspondence Institute of Food Industry
  • Moscow State Technological Academy

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for MSUTU

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 5 6 6 3
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education55.24 56 71.28 65.27 65.43
Average USE score credited to the budget74.03 73.47 71.72 73.50 68.96
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis78.9 73.77 69.05 - 67.76
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department72.19 71.32 66.54 70.40 60.41
Number of students9924 12515 12079 16104 17460
full-time department6914 7738 7569 5074 2758
Part-time department656 821 645 1765 974
Extramural2354 3956 3865 9265 13728
All data Report Report Report Report Report


MSUTU is an advanced university that trains personnel for work at food and processing enterprises that are part of Russia's large-scale agro-industrial complex. University graduates work in the sector of the strategic economy, designed to supply the country's inhabitants with the necessary amount of high-quality food products.

The foundation of the educational institution falls on 1953. In 2012, it received a perpetual license and passed state accreditation, without which the implementation of educational activities would be impossible.

The teaching staff includes honored scientists and figures of the country, holders of academic degrees and titles.

Structure of MSUTU

The university is a complex consisting of several institutions:

  • Technological Management - trains bachelors and masters who will be able to work in the field of the catering industry in the future;
  • Management and informatization - trains mechanical engineers and personnel to work in the field of the latest information technologies;
  • Food Technology - teaches students innovative production technologies and allows them to master the market mechanisms for its regulation in the food industry;
  • Social and Humanitarian Technologies - trains highly qualified teachers and psychologists of a wide profile;
  • System Automation and Innovation - teaches bachelors and masters who are in demand at automated enterprises working on innovative technologies, as well as in the field of information and computing systems;
  • Management - prepares professional managers to work in the field of providing services of a legal, economic and psychological nature;
  • Biotechnology and fisheries - trains students in the fields of fisheries in Russia, nature management and control of the ecological state of the environment, refrigeration units and their production technologies, air conditioning systems and some others.

Education at MSUTU

The following types of education can be obtained at the university:

  • Secondary vocational. It is based on the training of mid-level specialists who are able to conduct their work activities in the field of economics and related industries.
  • Higher professional (bachelor's and master's degrees). The main goal is to ensure the necessary level of training of highly professional personnel in all areas existing at the university that benefit society and the country as a whole.
  • Postgraduate professional (postgraduate and doctoral studies). Active in-depth training of persons with at least one higher education in the chosen specialization is being carried out. The ultimate goal is the competition for the degree of candidate or doctor of science.
  • Additional professional. Carries out its activities in order to provide specialists with an opportunity to improve their skills, supplement professional knowledge, improve their business skills and prepare for an unexplored professional activity.

The Institute allows its students to acquire basic knowledge and additional scientific and pedagogical skills.

Classes are held in the following forms of education:

  • Full-time. The student is obliged to attend all lectures, practical, laboratory and seminar classes daily. At the end of the training course, tests are carried out in the form of an examination session.
  • Part-time (in the evening). It is possible to attend classes on the job. During the day, the student has the opportunity to be at work, and in the evenings or weekends to study at the university.
  • Correspondence. Here, independent study of the material prevails with some elements of the full-time department (installation and test-examination sessions).
  • Remote. It assumes remote communication with the teachers of the Institute by means of a computer with access to the network. Consultations take place via e-mail messages, chats, video conferences or other means of interaction. The time allotted for independent work is chosen by the student.

Infrastructure of MSUTU

The university has modern material and technical support, which allows organizing lectures, laboratory, research and practical classes, as well as preparing the necessary base for the implementation of cultural and other leisure activities. This includes:

  • laboratories;
  • computer classes with equipment simulators;
  • classrooms;
  • spacious lecture halls;
  • seminar rooms;
  • library (including electronic);
  • swimming pool;
  • sports grounds and gyms with exercise equipment;
  • dining room;
  • laboratory restaurant complex;
  • 7 small subsidiary production enterprises;
  • hostel for students and graduate students.

Student life at MSUTU

An English club, a sports club and the international business school Schneider Electric were created on the basis of the university. Conferences, master classes, round tables, exhibitions, competitions, excursions and many other entertainment events are regularly held for students.

General information:


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Company details:

Checkpoint: 770901001

OKPO: 02068812

OGRN: 1027700200494

OKFS: 12 - Federal Property

OKOGU: 1322600 - Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

OKOPF: 75103 - Federal state budgetary institutions

OKTMO: 45381000000

OKATO:- Moscow, Administrative districts of Moscow, Central, Districts of the Central Administrative District, Tagansky





Is or was a former founder of the following organizations:

the dateNameTINShareSum
28.01.2019 OOO MIP "RAZUMOVSKY"7709462270 48% 19.231 thousand rub.
28.08.2018 NP "ORUPOS"7702373052
20.02.2017 OOO MIP "BEMI"7704779259 95% 14.25 thousand rub.
20.02.2017 OOO MIP "KOVENT"7704779682 95% 14.25 thousand rub.
20.02.2017 LLC MIP "STROEVTEK"7704779308 95% 14.25 thousand rub.
20.02.2017 LLC "InKa"5835094583 12.5% 1.25 thousand rub.

Registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 087102084420

Date of registration: 28.09.2011

Name of the PFR body: State institution - Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 10 Directorate No. 2 for Moscow and the Moscow Region, Tagansky municipal district of Moscow

State registration registration number of entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 6117747910296


Registration with the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 771400389277251

Date of registration: 01.09.2018

Name of the FSS authority: Branch No. 25 of the State Institution - Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

State registration registration number of entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 6187749778639

Date of entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 04.10.2018

According to dated August 16, 2019, according to the TIN, the company is included in the register of operators processing personal data:

Registration number:

Date of registration of the operator in the register: 21.08.2018

Grounds for entering the operator in the register (order number): 200

Operator location address: 109004, Moscow, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 73

Start date of personal data processing: 01.01.2010

Subjects of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the processing of personal data takes place: Bryansk region, Kaliningrad region, Krasnodar region, Lipetsk region, Moscow, Moscow region, Omsk region, Penza region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Rostov region, Smolensk region, Tver region, Ulyanovsk region

Purpose of personal data processing: In order to assist in the optimal selection and implementation of educational programs, ensuring compliance with the admission rules in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and university regulations, publicity and openness of the selection committee. And also in order to ensure the execution of labor relations between the employee and the university, the preparation of reports in accordance with applicable law.

Description of the measures provided for by Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: The Regulations on the protection of personal data of employees and students of FSBEI HE “MSTU named after M.V. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU). The Regulations on the policy regarding the processing of personal data have been developed. Employees of FGBOU VO “MSTU named after M.V. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)”, directly involved in the processing of personal data, are familiar with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, the requirements for the protection of personal data. Personal data is available to a strictly defined circle of employees, security and fire alarms are installed in the building, information on paper is stored in safes or lockable metal cabinets, places for storing personal data are determined, physical security of the information system (hardware and information media), providing for access control to the premises of the information system of unauthorized persons, the presence of reliable barriers to unauthorized entry into the premises of the information system and the storage of storage media, accounting for all protected media by means of their marking and entering credentials in the accounting log with a note on their issuance (reception).

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, property status, education, profession, income, nationality, state of health For a University employee: 1. Information about employment and general experience 2. information about the composition of the family 3. transport data 4. information about military registration 5. position held 6. the presence of a criminal record 7. home phone number, email address 8. place of work or study of family members and relatives 9. nature of relationships in family 10. content of the employment contract 11. composition of the declared information on the presence of material assets 12. content of declarations submitted to the tax office 13. copies and originals of orders on a personal file 14. personal files and work books of employees 15. grounds for orders on personnel 16 .cases containing materials on advanced training and recertification of employees, their certification, internal investigations 17.copies of reports sent to the organizational statistic data 18.results of medical examinations for personal files, employee IDs 20.recommendations and characteristics 21.administration and control of Internet traffic 22.results of visiting the scientific and technical library of the University For the University entrant: 1.Medical certificate (086u) 2. Information about the results of the exam 3. information about benefits 4. photos for a personal file For a student (students of all forms of education) of the University: 1. information about military registration 2. information about TIN, insurance certificates of state pension insurance and medical insurance , student card and record book 4. form of study, specialty, group number 5. data on academic performance and implementation of the curriculum 6. data on the contract for receiving educational services 7. data on issued documents on education received at the university 8. data on employment 9 .information about incentives and disciplinary sanctions imposed 10.electronic address e-mail and identifier for access to the university computer network 11. results of medical examinations 12. administration and control of Internet traffic 13. results of visiting the university scientific library

Categories of subjects whose personal data are processed: Students and their parents (other legal representatives), Persons who are and have been in labor relations with the University, Individuals in connection with the conclusion of civil law contracts, Other persons applying to the University.

List of actions with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data

Processing of personal data: with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet, mixed

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data", Chapter 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 01, 2012 No. 1119 "On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data when they processing in information systems of personal data”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 2008 No. 687 “On approval of the Regulations on the specifics of the processing of personal data carried out without the use of automation tools”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 06, 2008 No. 512 “ On approval of requirements for material carriers of biometric personal data and technologies for storing personal data systems.

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location details: Russia

According to dated August 12, 2019, according to TIN, he is the founder (co-founder) of 7 mass media (s):

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