Saints female names February. Strong names for boys in the year of the dog

Name day or Angel Day is a special date for Orthodox believers.According to religious customs, the day of the Angel is a sacred holiday when the Saint is honored, after whom a certain person is named. Each name has its own sacred day, which can be designated in. Who is celebrating birthdays in 2019? What are the best names to call newborns in order to protect them from various hardships in life?

Determining the day of the Angel is quite simple. You can do this if . In any church temple the clergyman can also help in solving this issue. Why is the believer an angel? With this question, many young parents turn to priests who want only happiness and prosperity for their child.

According to religious customs, it is generally accepted that before his Baptism a person is completely defenseless, that is, he does not have an Angel who would protect him and sacredly protect him from misfortune and evil. Only after performing the rite of Baptism is a person endowed with heavenly protection. If you name a baby in honor of a saint, then he will have double protection from various earthly misfortunes.

Many young parents who are Orthodox believers try to give a newborn child such a name, which is indicated in the religious calendar as the day of the Angel. For example, if the baby was born on June 10, then it is preferable to call him as defined in the names. On the indicated date, the name day is celebrated by Nicholas and Dominica, respectively, a newborn boy or girl can be called just such names.

Orthodox name day calendar for 2019 to determine the dates when you can celebrate your own name day.

Name day in January 2019

The initial New Year's month is famous for severe and hard frosts.During this period of time, purposeful people with a firm and confident character are born. In the temper of the January people there is also a creative streak, it is she who helps such people achieve the highest earthly blessings.

January people are distinguished by a special feature - they do not know how to be upset over various trifles. Of course, they are worried in their hearts if difficulties overtook them. life path, but they never panic, but try to get out of difficult situations with their heads held high.

In the character of the January people, such qualities as responsiveness, kindness, honesty are in priority.

Name days are celebrated in January:

  • MenDmitry, Vasily, Nikifor, Konstantin, Peter, Athanasius, Pavel, Gabriel, Savely.
  • WomenUlyana, Neonila, Elena, Antonina, Vasilisa, Polina, Irina.

Birthday in February 2019

For February people, there is no word "No", they always achieve what they want to receive from their fate and life. There is selfishness in the character of such a person, but he knows how to manage this quality if circumstances require it. The character of the February man is quite complex, he is often aggressive towards people who were initially unsympathetic to him.

Complementing the difficult nature of the February people is that they are very fickle and constantly change their mood. In February, name days are met:

Name day in March 2019

Springtime brings a romantic mood into the character of people. March people are very vulnerable and impressionable, any trifle can touch them to the depths of their souls, they know how to empathize and often sacrifice themselves. The March man has an indecisive character, he is constantly unsure of himself and wants to change, but he does not have enough courage and willpower for this.

But there is also stubbornness in the character of the March man, if he truly wants something, then he will definitely achieve it.

The Orthodox name day calendar for 2019 by day indicates the holidays for people with names:

Name day in April 2019

For the April man, much in life becomes simple and clear. The main advantage of the nature of such people is a materialistic attitude. Such a person can achieve everything he wants, but often ordinary laziness prevents him from achieving his goals.

April people are almost always positive, they succeed in a lot, while they do not put any special effort into it. In the nature of such a person, there is an opportunity to simultaneously establish both his own career and his personal life.

For April people, financial benefits are of the utmost importance if they depend on material terms from someone, they suffer greatly from this, feeling unhappy and unsatisfied.

Name days in April meet:

  • MenMiron, Nikita, Dmitry, Vasily, Vladimir, Tikhon, Makar, Prokhor, Gabriel.
  • WomenLarisa, Uliana, Varvara, Daria, Alla, Adriana.

Name day in May 2019

Nature in May acquires unusual beauty and power. The May people are endowed with approximately the same qualities, they have firm and decisive features that always help them achieve the best benefits in this difficult life. The May person almost never makes concessions, for him there is simply no other person's opinion, he is confident only in himself.

The mood of the May people is sharply changeable, sometimes they themselves do not even have time to notice their inconstancy and windiness. Another feature of such a person is sharpness, he knows how to clearly express his thoughts, while often possessing bright wit.

Happy birthday in May, you can:

Birthday in June 2019

The sultry summertime brings mass positive qualities people, heat and heat endow them with vulnerability, which they try not to show to others. June people are very friendly, sometimes they themselves suffer from this, but still they never change their principles.

The June person does not like to conflict, he tries to avoid situations with "sharp corners". The possibilities of such people are endless, because they have a wide variety of talents, they are able to get involved in everything in a row, but they never grab onto several things at the same time.

For a June person, a career is close, they know how and love to work, as well as achieve excellent material benefits.

In June, name days are met:

  • MenAlexander, Konstantin, Makar, Yaroslav, Leonty, Roman.
  • WomenSophia, Evdokia, Anastasia, Elena, Faina, Harita, Anna.

Name day in July 2019

The main feature of the July people is the desire for independence. They love to make important decisions on their own and take full responsibility personally. The character of the July man is very difficult, such traits as selfishness, pride, irritability are leading in his disposition. Such people know how to be both trouble-free and kind, but in most cases they show these positive qualities only when they themselves need it.

The July man is a bright egoist, but in some situations he can become a faithful assistant, pushing back his own priority traits of his character.

Happy birthday in July, you can congratulate:

Name day in August 2019

People born at the end of summer can be called open optimists and positive personalities. They almost never lose heart and in every little thing they see only joyful moments. There is credulity and sincerity in the temper of the August man, it even happens that they suffer greatly from these qualities, but they do not show this in any way, yes, one might say, and they are not particularly worried.

A feature of the August man is that he knows how to hide his true feelings and emotions. It also happens that he laughs, but his soul is “very dark”, but even the closest person cannot understand this.

Name days in August are celebrated:

  • MenGeorge, Trofim, Nikolai, Mikhail, Naum, Cyril, Clement, Makar, Plato, Konstantin.
  • WomenChristina, Anna, Elena, Iraida, Seraphim, Elizabeth, Iya.

Name day in September 2019

Practical, prudent and selfish - these are people born in September. The golden autumn time gives such people positive qualities of character, they are kind, self-confident, determined and purposeful. It often seems that there are no negative traits in the character of a September person, but this is not so. He has a stubbornness in his soul, which often prevents him from achieving the highest blessings in life.

September people always strive for material well-being, they are very worried if they are in need for any reason. Such people are kind and sympathetic, but can be cruel and prudent.

In September, name days can be celebrated:

  • MenRaphael, Leo, Ivan, Arseny, Moses, Victor, Vasily, Semyon, Emelyan.
  • WomenThekla, Natalia, Love, Lukerya, Martha, Tatyana, Nadezhda, Xenia, Maria, Vera, Raisa, Sophia.

Name day in October 2019

People born in the middle of the autumn period have a changeable and unstable character. They often succumb to the influence of other people, which negatively affects their fate. October people are afraid of responsibility if they are required to accept important decisions, then they can just get scared and “step aside”.

Such people are creative natures, they are passionately interested in everything that can favorably affect their lives. For the October man important aspect life is a material good, often for the sake of it they even commit obscene acts.

Name days in October can be celebrated:

  • MenGabriel, Kuzma, Martin, Vladislav, Prokhor, Ephraim, Valentin, Vyacheslav, Fedor, Moses.
  • WomenTatiana, Anna, Ulyana, Maria, Veronica, Pelageya, Nadezhda, Zinaida, Praskovya.

Name day in November 2019

In the character of the November man, a huge number of solid features have been accumulated. One of the leading qualities is selfishness and the desire for power, they do not know how to listen to someone else's opinion and act as others wish. The November Man can be safely called a mysterious person; one can expect completely incomprehensible and inexplicable actions from him. In life, such people are often lucky, they achieve the blessings of life, although they do not even strive for this.

And yet, the nature of the November person often interferes with normal communication with peers and business partners, he constantly needs to monitor his actions and words in order to establish communication with loved ones.

Name days in November are celebrated:

Name day in December 2019

In the initial month of the cold winter, purposeful and reasonable individuals are born who are always aware of their desires and clearly represent their own capabilities. Calm disposition and strong character help such people to be "favorites" and "lucky". As the name day calendar for 2019 indicates, December is the month of a strong and independent person.

A feature of the December man is that he will never communicate and cooperate with a person who is unpleasant to him. From this kind of personalities, they try to move away. December people know how to distribute negative people and all those who have bad intentions. Thanks to this quality, they almost always manage to avoid deception and betrayal.

Name days in December meet:

  • MenIvan, Andrei, Yaroslav, Thaddeus, Ilya, Nazar, Daniel, Roman, Nikolai.
  • WomenTatyana, Valentina, Ekaterina, Antonina, Vera, Margarita.

However, do not draw premature conclusions. It is important to hear the opinion of professional astrologers, psychologists, as well as experts in the field of onomastics and anthroponymy. All of them as one claim that the name given at birth and baptism can affect the entire life path of a person, the formation and prevalence of specific characteristic qualities in him.

Also, experts advise taking into account the year and month of the baby’s birth, because the animal that rules the year (according to eastern horoscope) and a specific time period of the year have certain vibrations, which also makes its own adjustments to the fate of a person, regardless of his name. So, how to name a daughter who was born in 2018? How not to make a mistake with the choice? To do this, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the information that we bring to your attention.

Common character traits of girls born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

Astrologers and experts in other areas predict the birth of a large number of female indigo children in 2018. From an early age, they will amaze adults with their insight, foresight, special worldview and ability to subtly feel the surrounding reality. Moreover, the process of personal development of girls will proceed so harmoniously that all of them from an early age will have balance, emotional stability and calmness.

The extraordinary intellectual abilities of girls will also be pleasantly surprised. As a rule, such children learn to speak, sit, walk, count, read and write before their peers. Girls who were born in 2018 do not tolerate fuss around them, nor do they accept insincerity from those around them. Therefore, with early childhood they will in every possible way avoid communication with people with an explosive, quick-tempered character. Even subconsciously, girls will be more drawn to those who are peaceful and friendly.

Parents will also notice that their daughter (daughters) is drawn to everything beautiful. And since there is a very high probability that she is an indigo child, mom and dad will note that the daughter shows the ability to draw, choreography, music, theater. Often girls are very artistic and already in young age determined from future profession- an artist. And here, parents are not recommended to interfere with the choice of the child, since he has a well-developed intuition and knows better who he should be in life.

Experts draw your attention to another remarkable nuance: the nature of girls born at night is somewhat different from the nature of girls who were born in the daytime. The first category of children from their patroness (Dogs) will get a more restless and "fighting" character. The mistress of the year will endow them with enterprise, activity and leadership qualities. Daytime girls are the owners of a calmer disposition, very sensual, hardworking. But, if their interests are unfairly infringed, they can adequately respond to their offender.

Everyone has their own method of choosing a name for their daughter. Someone focuses purely on astrological forecasts, someone pays attention to the church calendar of names, someone names their daughter in honor of some relative, and some even prefer a name that is extremely fashionable for a given period of time. Experts give advice on methods for choosing a name for a daughter.

If there are heated arguments in the family

Often, all households gather to choose a name, arranging a so-called family council. How to make a choice so that everyone is satisfied? For example, a grandmother wants her granddaughter to be called Sofia, a grandfather will say that his favorite female name is Anastasia, dad will speak for the name Eugene, and mom will speak in favor of the name Angelina. Aunt's uncles, who may be members of the family council, will also express their opinion.

And what about in this case? It is necessary to agree on the compilation of an independent rating of names. This is done as follows: each family member writes down on a piece of paper, for example, 6 female names that he likes best. Then the sheets must be exchanged and each must cross out from the lists of the other participants in the rating three names that he categorically does not like.

Then each relative, having received his list back, arranges the three remaining names in such order that the most attractive name (in his opinion) is in the first place, the least attractive in the second, and the most inappropriate in the third. By comparing all the lists, you can make a single rating, in which the winning name is determined. Thus, an option will be chosen that will suit all relatives, and none of them will be offended.

Of course, not everyone wants to choose a name for a girl using only the technique described above. Many come to adopt other methods. Of the most popular and frequently used methods for choosing a female name, one can note:

  • euphony. The name should be successfully combined not only with the patronymic, but also with the surname;
  • accordance with the time of the year. Summer, spring, winter and autumn can also influence the fate of a person and, consequently, the choice of a name for him;
  • tribute to fashion. At any time beings canons of fashion on female names. However, it should be borne in mind here that after some time the name may not become as popular as it is now;
  • compliance with the Saints. According to this list, each day of each month, the name days of certain Saints are celebrated;
  • choice of two names. it ancient custom, according to which the first name chosen will be secret, it is intended only for use by the closest people. The second name will be publicly known;
  • fatefulness. This means that parents, choosing a name for their daughter, will be based on his direct meaning. Before dwelling on a certain option, you can find out what qualities this or that name will endow the baby with;
  • originality. Yes, for sociable girls, it may be very suitable rare name. But for girls who are less sociable, it can become an obstacle to communication with peers, because the name will aggravate psychological discomfort and prevent normal mental development child;
  • in honor of a relative. Some, in the old fashioned way, call their daughters the same name as the name of some relative in their family. And no prejudices that a girl can “pull” the fate of this relative onto herself are inappropriate here.

Fashionable female names 2018

Alexandra- has Greek roots and translates as "protector", "strong", "courageous". All Alexanders are contradictory natures, which is why it is difficult to determine their type. Despite the "masculine" name, these are very feminine persons. Sasha loves to amaze those around him with his mysteriousness, erudition and elegant appearance.

Jeanne- Came from France. Translated from the Hebrew language, they mean "Divine", "Gifts of God", "grace". Zhanna is kind and generous, but at the same time capricious and stubborn. Knows how to stand up for himself, protect own interests. Thanks to perseverance, hard work and perseverance, he achieves a lot in life. As a rule, Jeanne is a careerist who achieves what she wants exclusively through her work.

Elizabeth- the name is considered Jewish, means "Conformity to God's laws", "God's oath inside", "Honoring the Lord." Despite the loyalty and flexibility of character, the Elizabeths manage to create a small kingdom around themselves, which they lead all their lives. This name endows its owners a rare combination external beauty and outstanding intellect.

Pauline- there are two versions of the origin of the name - French and ancient Greek. In the first case, the name means "baby", "affectionate", "small". In the second case, the name is translated as "Apollo's adherent", "sunny". Charming girls with the ability to literally bewitch people. They are communicative people. They are kind, they know how to empathize, they are the first to come to the aid of friends. Polinas are not particularly demanding of people, therefore it is easier for them to forgive the offender than for women with other names.

Arina- they say that this name is an outdated form of the more common name Irina. From an early age, Arinas show independence in everything. They always know what they want from life, and systematically go towards their goal. Endurance, will, composure, purposefulness are the main character traits. Many Arinas are endowed with supersensitivity, if this quality is developed, they can become strong psychics, magicians, seers.

Names for girls 2018 by months

winter names

During this period, smart and a little wayward girls are born. They seem to know everything better than adults. Parents are not recommended to keep them in strictness or punish them for being too independent, as this can lead to the fact that the little ones begin to withdraw into themselves. Many winter girls are real intellectuals, from the very early age they need daily food for thought.


Ekaterina, Anna, Marina, Augusta, Barbara, Anfisa, Angelina, Zoya, Olga, Matryona, Zinovia, Cleopatra, Claudia, Maria.


Anastasia, Agafya, Milan, Evgenia, Polina, Nina, Irina, Tatiana, Agrafena, Olga, Fedora, Vasilisa.


Agnia, Xenia, Vitalia, Efrosinya, Svetlana, Natalya, Martha, Rimma, Inna, Evdokia, Valentina, Aksinya, Veronica.

spring names

Incredibly determined girls. Their perseverance in achieving goals begins to manifest itself literally in everything. They never give up, even if they face a lot of difficulties. Deep in the soul spring girls sentimental and dreamy. Growing up, they become faithful and economic wives, as well as caring mothers. For the little ones born in spring 2018, it will be very important that during their growing up there is a person nearby who can be trusted with their hidden secrets. And the best candidates for this role are, of course, mothers.


Christina, Zhanna, Galina, Marianna, Margarita, Regina, Lyudmila, Irida, Marina, Antonina, Kira, Nika.


Daria, Theodosia, Larisa, Capa, Eva, Susanna, Alexandra, Sofia, Lydia, Ala, Tamara, Akulina.


Elizabeth, Evdokia, Zina, Evgenia, Love, Angelina, Nina, Julia, Taisiya, Pelageya, Lukerya, Faina.

summer names

Mobile, impressionable, excitable girls. It is very important for parents from the very early years accustom daughters to any occupation that will develop their perseverance and patience. girls born in summer time 2018, can be called little know-it-alls. They are constantly interested in something, ask adults a lot of questions, love to read, and are drawn to new knowledge. Since summer girls are overly suspicious, and also have a sensitive nervous system, they are not recommended to be left alone in the dark or jokingly scare.


Alena, Sofia, Valeria, Kira, Xenia, Antonina, Elena, Nelly, Martha, Anna, Akulina, Kaleria.


Sarah, Inna, Olga, Maria, Vera, Aza, Julia, Rimma, Grunya, Svetlana, Alevtina, Larisa, Evgenia.


Maria, Christina, Seraphim, Evdokia, Susanna, Alla, Valentina, Magdalene, Olympics, Milan, Daria.

autumn names

These girls are very different. strong-willed character and directness. These babies can not be called vulnerable. Like all girls, they love to dress in beautiful outfits and be the center of attention. Almost all autumn girls have good health, only in deep childhood they can suffer infectious diseases in mild form. They are very similar to little princesses, they love and know how to show integrity and good business qualities.


Elizabeth, Antonina, Nadezhda, Victoria, Julia, Marina, Leah, Vasilisa, Natalia, Tamara.


Tatyana, Amalia, Valentina, Galina, Elena, Ekaterina, Alice, Kira, Inna, Veronica, Margarita.


Anfisa, Lukerya, Alina, Maria, Claudia, Matryona, Viola, Marina, Christina, Lana, Alexandra, Nadezhda.

Families planning the birth of a child in 2018 will be pleasantly surprised at what wonderful qualities the patron of this year, the yellow earth dog, will endow the newborn with.

The girl who was born at this time will turn into a real charmer, kind and sympathetic, winning the hearts of the opposite sex. It is possible that the girl will grow up in love with some kind of art: dancing, singing or drawing. But every character trait that a Dog can convey to a child will be to everyone's taste. We will find out what character the girl who was born in 2018 will have.

The character of girls born in 2018 year of the Dog

Lovely, kind and sympathetic girls grow out of girls born in the year of the Dog. They have a good memory and a vivid imagination, are often fond of art, write music, draw or dance well. They are self-confident and quickly converge with other people. It will always be a pleasure to be friends with such a person. The fair sex, who were born, are able to imagine themselves in the place of another person, easily get into a position and help in trouble. However, they are very touchy and often overthink things that can put them in trouble. unpleasant situation. They sincerely believe in self-invented fears, often exaggerate the tragedy of the situation. Such girls are offended for a long time, but move away, and again turn into pleasant companions and faithful friends.

How to choose a name for a girl according to the church calendar

The most common and time-tested way to choose a name for your baby is according to the church calendar or according to the Saints. If parents decide to prefer this particular way of choosing a name for a child, then they should go to church and talk with a clergyman who will help determine suitable name. According to the Saints, the name for the girl is chosen according to the date of birth. The Orthodox Church offers a lot of names for girls, but at the same time, it is also allowed to remake male names, for example: Alexander - Alexandra, Eugene - Evgenia, Valentin - Valentina, Oles - Olesya, etc.

Orthodox calendar of names for 2018 by months

Beautiful female names

Milana ("dear"), Pelageya ("sea"), Vasilisa ("queen"), Elizabeth ("God's oath"), Alice ("baby"), Praskovya ("Friday"), Elena ("bright"), Margarita ("pearl"), Olesya ("special").

Popular names in 2018 for girls in Russia

Natalia ("native"), Diana ("divine"), Eva ("life"), Victoria ("victory"), Marina ("sea"), Ruslana ("lioness"), Veronica ("faith in victory") .

Rare female names

Beatrice (“bringing happiness”), Alla (“column of light”), Larisa (“pleasant”), Zlata (“golden”), Clara (“bright”), Lada (“dear”).

See also: detailed by year of birth.

After reading our article, you can easily choose a name for a son born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. Information regarding fashionable male names in 2018 will also be useful. You can find out what character traits are inherent in boys who were born in a specified year. In addition, the article gives recommendations on choosing a name for a boy according to the month in which he was born. So let's go.

The character of a boy born in 2018 Yellow Earth Dog

Craving for communication, sociability, ability to find mutual language with everyone - these qualities will become the hallmarks of boys born during the reign of the Yellow Earth Dog. They will not only have a desire to surround themselves with numerous friends, but also an incredible ability to unite all people, finding for them common goals. The guiding star of each boy will be the talent, like a magnet to attract others to him, causing them sympathy from the very first minutes of communication.

From early childhood, boys will strive to move. This will lead to the fact that their development, both on a physical and psychological level, will be rapid. In this they will overtake many of their peers. Hence the second main character trait - curiosity, which is one of the key components of high intelligence. Boys will learn to speak, stand, walk, read, count before others.

From the boys born in 2018, many outstanding athletes will grow up. Purposefulness, great fortitude and diligence will help them achieve brilliant results in sports. Some boys, on the contrary, will show more interest in scientific and teaching activities. A developed mind and innate intuition will allow them to easily perform tasks of increased complexity.

Boys born in 2018 are kind to their parents and other relatives. Particularly respectful attitude will be traced to the older generation. The positive qualities of boys born in 2018 include:

  • a responsibility;
  • courage;
  • the ability to keep promises;
  • brilliant organizational skills;
  • the ability to competently manage the work process;
  • easy adaptability to new circumstances;
  • self-criticism;
  • desire to acquire new knowledge;
  • sociability;
  • good nature;
  • the ability to quickly assimilate the information received;
  • justice.

There are no ideal people. Therefore, it is worth mentioning negative traits, which can appear in boys born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, if their development and upbringing will take place in adverse conditions. The following qualities may not be very attractive:

  • touchiness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • the tendency to "cut off the shoulder";
  • short temper:
  • vindictiveness.
  1. Start from the time of year in which the baby was born. Astrologers are sure that not only the year, day and time leave their mark on the boy's disposition, but also the month of birth.
  2. Make sure that the name matches the patronymic and surname as much as possible. That is, the full name should be harmonious, when pronouncing it should, as it were, “pour” and not be sharp for hearing.
  3. Do not forget to look at the Saints - the calendar of church holidays. It usually indicates who it is named after. According to the name of a certain Saint, a child can be named. It is believed that this Saint will help the child throughout his life, protecting and protecting from different kind trouble.
  4. Some people believe that the most successful option is to choose a fateful name for the boy. To this end, it is important to clarify the meaning of each male name and, according to the information received, make a choice. First, decide what kind of person your son should grow up to be. Perhaps you want his character to be dominated by such qualities as quick wit, high intelligence, resourcefulness, the ability to get along with others and find compromises. Or maybe you want your son to become fair, kind and generous? The information below will help you choose a name whose characteristics are dominated by certain qualities.
  5. Many pay tribute to fashion in such a matter as choosing a name for their son. Today it is fashionable to call sons by foreign names, which are extremely rare in the countries of the former CIS. Astrology sees nothing wrong with this. But psychologists, on the contrary, do not advise doing this, since the child may have psychological problems with social adaptation. Of course, these recommendations are conditional. However, if the name is so rare and at the same time dissonant for the inhabitants of our regions, peers can collectively offend and even humiliate the child. After all, children are so spontaneous!

Fashionable names for boys in 2018

Mark- This name has Greek and Latin roots. Mark is smart, quick-witted and wayward. He does not like to lose and always strives to take a leading position among his peers. Boys with that name find it difficult to get along with people. Only those who have become a really close person for them will be able to arouse their trust and take possession of the heart. Mark studies, as a rule, well, shows special interest in the exact sciences. He feels lies very subtly, so experts do not advise parents to lie to their son, even with good intentions.

Kirill- from ancient Greek it is translated as "master", "ruler", and from Persian - "sun". Boys with this name are very inquisitive, they are interested in everything that happens around. Their precocious intelligence is able to quickly figure out even difficult situations. Cyril's favorite activities are sports and reading. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to send their son to some sports section and buy for him as much "correct" literature as possible. Cyril's key qualities are enormous willpower, impartiality, ambition, nobility.

Elisha- there are two versions of the origin of the name: from Greek name Odysseus and from the Hebrew name Elisha, which means "Salvation of God." Boys with this name are creative natures. In the depths of their souls there is a huge potential that needs to be revealed and realized from childhood. These are real dreamers and inventors. Many Elishas have a literary gift, so even at a young age they often write novels, poems, detective stories, and poems. Distinctive feature Eliseev - comprehensive development and purposefulness, sometimes bordering on stubbornness.

Benjamin- Russian name. But many experts are inclined to believe that this is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Benjamin - that was the name younger son Rachel and Jacob. All Benjamins have a multifaceted character. By psychological type they can be both introverts and extroverts. But, regardless of this, the Benjamins in the highest degree generous. These are sociable boys who strive to be in time everywhere, to be aware of all events. Most often, detailed, intelligent and rather conservative personalities grow out of them.

Bogdan- the name has Slavic roots and means "Given by God." Bogdan is often the only and long-awaited child in family. Experts have noticed that parents call their son Bogdan, whose birth was associated with many anxieties and problems. In infancy, Bogdan can often be capricious, because his parents spoil him. But as he grows older, he becomes more calm and balanced. The main character traits of Bogdan are prudence, moderation, regularity. It should also be said that almost all Bogdans have a well-developed intuition.

Male names 2018

winter names

Boys who are born in winter time are endowed with excellent health. By nature, they are well developed volitional qualities. Winter boys are purposeful and rarely retreat if obstacles appear on the way to achieving their goal. Very often, these are workaholics who, for the sake of a just cause, are ready to work for days on end. Increased activity and prudence allow winter boys to achieve a lot in life.


Vsevolod, Vasily, Athanasius, Gennady, Nikolai, Leo, Arseny, Valerian, Yaroslav, Klim, Guriy, Spiridon, Innokenty, Gabriel, Stepan, Naum, Savva, Zakhar, Anton, Pavel, Foma, Arkady, Arkhip, Modest, Tryphon, Semyon.


Elizar, Prokhor, Adam, Trofim, Seraphim, Yakov, Efim, Yegor, Naum, Philip, Mikhail, George, Maxim, Nikita, Athanasius, Ivan, Emelyan, Valentin, Peter, Artem, Sergey, Nikanor.


Porfiry, Akim, Nikifor, Julian, Yakov, David, Yuri, Vsevolod, Pavel, Lavrenty, Philip, Vitaly, Leonty, Arseny, Peter, Konstantin, Alexei, Fedor, Cyril.

spring names

Even at a young age, boys are endowed in an adult way developed intellect. Very careful, any decisions are made only after a few careful fact checks. Maybe that's what saves them. fatal mistakes and wrong actions. However, such caution often plays with them. bad joke making it difficult to be decisive and achieve outstanding results. Spring boys are endowed with "diplomatic" qualities: loyalty, flexibility, the ability to bypass " sharp corners and adapt quickly to changing circumstances.


Stepan, Nikanor, Rostislav, Nikifor, Yuri, Timofey, Trofim, Alexei, Viktor, Vasily, Ivan, Grigory, Anton, Philip, Alexander, Fedot, Makar, Leo, Danila, Ilya, Kuzma.


Plato, Tikhon, Khariton, Peter, Yegor, Foma, Semyon, Gabriel, Leonid, Benjamin, Sergei, Artem, Anatoly, Cyril, Terenty, Polycarp, Innocent, Jacob, Vadim, Mstislav.


Grigory, Denis, Vitaly, Leonty, Foma, Maxim, Nikita, Boris, Roman, David, Dmitry, Yegor, Valentin, German, Athanasius, Pakhom, Lavrenty, Fedor, Vsevolod.

summer names

In the summer, boys are born with a generous and kind soul. FROM childhood they understand that it is not necessary to exchange for trifles. They always make grandiose plans, fantasize, think a lot. Sometimes it seems as if they are completely immersed in themselves. However, these boys have an amazing ability to quickly transform from a reserved person into a very sociable person. They also have such qualities as impressionability, impulsiveness, intemperance, readiness to act contrary to circumstances.


Ivan, Konstantin, Leonty, Semyon, George, Denis, Pavel, Leonid, Fedot, Timofey, Gabriel, Arseny, Matvey, Tikhon, Cyril, Nikifor, Gennady, Ignatius, Sergei, Dmitry.


Julius, Artem, Svyatoslav, Yakov, Valentin, Philip, Thomas, Alexander, Innokenty, Daniel, Vladimir, Anatoly, Gury, Terenty, Maxim, Demyan, Stanislav, Gleb, Alexey.


Galaction, Seraphim, Makar, Naum, Konstantin, Anton, Stepan, Leonid, Ivan, Miron, Pavel, George, Savva, Polycarp, Prokhor, Elizar, Roman, Ilya, Boris, Christopher, Nikolai, Fedor.

autumn names

Boys born in autumn, are distinguished by a calm character and prudence. They have a clear mind, which allows them to quickly absorb new information and study well. The behavior of autumn boys is not devoid of prudence, thoroughness and some kind of adult deliberation. These are little pedants who try to complete any task as well as possible. This character of the autumn boy will remain forever, this is not at all childish maximalism! Among other positive qualities of boys who were born in the autumn period, prudence, foresight, responsibility, honesty should be noted.


Andrei, Philip, Ivan, Alexander, Makar, Gennady, Gleb, Zakhar, Mikhail, Konstantin, Lev, Igor, Svyatoslav, Alexei, Roman, Ignat, Khariton, Dmitry, Efim, Stanislav, Evgeny.


David, Fedor, Oleg, Dmitry, Grigory, Sergei, Maxim, Zinovy, Yuri, Stepan, Ivan, Porfiry, Christopher, Karp, Evgraf, Alexei, Julian, Kuzma, Denis, Ignatius, Vyacheslav.


Yakov, Anton, Zinovy, Konstantin, Vasily, Alexander, Zakhar, Ignatius, Anton, Prokhor, Artem, Plato, Kirill, Stanislav, Yaroslav, Herman, Valery, Fedot, Orest, Athanasius, Yegor, Pavel.

Many people live according to the church calendar. It is very important for them to observe religious canons and traditions. In addition, many celebrations associated with Orthodoxy have become long-awaited folk holidays that bring families together and unite in faith and a common meal. In this article, we will talk about church holidays in Russia in 2018 year.

We marked all religious celebrations in the calendar with symbols. Looking at the calendar of each month, one can easily understand when and what holiday according to the church calendar 2018 should be honored.

Visually religious events we noted as follows:

  • The days of the great twelfth holidays are highlighted in blue.
  • Gray color indicates the days of the weeks in which everything is allowed to eat.
  • The days marked in pink are the days when you need to observe a strict fast.
  • Days of non-strict and obligatory post (we are talking about every Wednesday and Friday, on which you can’t eat meat and fish, even when there is no fasting according to the church calendar).
  • A transparent square in a black frame indicates the days of commemoration of dead people.

Church holidays in January 2018

2018, like all previous ones according to the Orthodox calendar, will begin with a strict Great Christmas Lent ( January 2-6) which ends January 7- on Christmas Eve.

The first food that can be eaten after a long abstinence from it is everyone's favorite kutya with honey, berries and fruits. Before January 17 Orthodox people can remove all food restrictions from themselves, because Christmas time will come - holidays in which people have fun, carol, tell fortunes and eat deliciously. January 18 appetites need to be tempered, it is better to fast before Epiphany frosts January 19.

Church holidays in February 2018

  • The biggest feast of February is the Presentation of the Lord, which is celebrated annually 15th. There are no special restrictions on this day. As a rule, on this day people go to church services in temples.
  • 18th of Febuary Shrovetide week will end, during which people can eat pancakes and other pastries with sweets and meat without any restrictions. This day is called church calendar Forgiveness Sunday, as it is the last before the start of the big post.
  • But February 19 in 2018, the Great Lent before Easter will begin, in which every believer must refuse food in order to show his compassion to the Son of God.

Church holidays in March 2018

Throughout March 2018, a strict fast will last. But among it 3, 10 and 17 March will memorial days for dead people. March 31 on Lazarus Saturday, you can relax your fasting a little and allow yourself to feast on fish caviar.

Church holidays in April 2018

April 2018 will begin with Palm Sunday - a festive church celebration, which has a second name - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem ( 1 number). On this day, the Orthodox people bless willow branches and put them in their homes.

April 8 Great Easter is coming - the biggest and most significant holiday of the church calendar. Before 14th of April the Bright Easter week will last, when you can eat everything without limiting yourself in anything. April 17- Parents' Day, on which people commemorate their dead loved ones, visiting their graves, ordering a funeral service in the church.

Church holidays in May 2018

In May 2018, three major church events:

  • The first one is 9th May dedicated to the commemoration of the killed soldiers during the Patriotic War.
  • May 17- a great church holiday - the Ascension of the Lord. This day is the fortieth day after Easter.
  • May 25- another day of commemoration, but only for those who were killed, and did not die a natural death.
  • May 27 Orthodox will celebrate the feast of the Holy Trinity. The next day, a new, but not strict fast will begin, which will last about a month.

Church holidays in June 2018

June 2018 is the month of fasting, in which you need to eat only bread, raw vegetables, fruits, boiled food without oil. Only on Saturday and Sunday of this month is it allowed to eat fish and drink a glass of red wine.

Church holidays in July 2018

In July 2018, according to the church calendar, the Orthodox will celebrate two church holidays:

  • July 7- Nativity of Ivan the Baptist (the fast will still need to be observed)
  • July, 12- Day of Saints Peter and Paul (from this day the Trinity fast ends)

Church holidays in August 2018

Last summer month summer is full of various church events in 2018. It will begin with the annual Day of Elijah ( August 2), which imposes bans on further swimming in reservoirs, rivers and lakes.

Beginning with August 14 holidays dedicated to the Savior begin. On this particular day, the Honey Spas and the strict Dormition Fast are honored, which will end August 27, and immediately after it August 28 Assumption will follow Holy Mother of God, the day on which the Orthodox remember the death of the Mother of God.

August 19 in the midst of Lent, we will celebrate the annual Apple Savior, and 29 - Walnut.

Church holidays in September 2018

In September 2018, we will be honoring three important church events:

  • 11th- a fasting day dedicated to the commemoration of parents and slain soldiers
  • 21st- Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (fasting is obligatory)
  • 27th- Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (you can eat only raw plant foods)

Church holidays in October 2018

October 8 2018 is the great church holiday of St. Sergius, who in Russia is called the great ascetic of the "Russian Land". BUT 14th we will honor the annual commemoration of the Intercession. It is believed by the people that on this day the meeting of Autumn and Winter takes place, after which sharp colds come.

Church holidays in November 2018

November 2018 for the Orthodox is not significant for something special in terms of celebrations. This month, on the contrary, the most severe restrictions begin. In the end of November - 28th starts Great Lent, which is the most complex and tough, compared to all the other posts.

Church holidays in December 2018

In December, despite the fact that fasting will last the whole month, there are two significant church holidays in 2018 - this is the Entry into the Church of the Virgin, which is honored 4 numbers, and beloved by all children, St. Nicholas Day, celebrated December 19th annually.

What holidays coincide with church holidays in 2018?

Some church holidays have become popular. These days people make real festivities and celebrations:

  • January 14 When the Circumcision of the Lord is celebrated according to the Orthodox calendar, the people celebrate the Old New Year.
  • The 25th of January in the church calendar is the day of Tatyana, who is considered a great martyr in Orthodox Church. We know this day and perceive it more as the Day of Students, because Tatyana is considered the patroness of students.

  • July 8- this is the day of memory of Peter and Fevronia - the patrons of families, Great love and devotion. It is these important life values formed the basis national holiday on this day, which in our country can easily compete with the Catholic Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14th.

Video: Orthodox calendar. cover

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