The meaning of the name Olesya for a girl born in spring. Nickname options for social networks. What will be the child named Olesya

AT recent times given name became popular - this is even mentioned in one of Akunin's novels. Is this good or bad? Will the owner of this feminine name, covered with Polissya legends, become happy or unhappy?

The main version of the origin is considered Slavic. Our ancestors held in high esteem the name Lesana (it meant "forest", "living in the forest"). Philologists are sure: later this name had many options: Lesya, Alesya, Olesya.

There is also an opinion that this is just an abbreviated form of longer female names. Let's say ("protector" from Greek), ("shining", also from Greek).

Friendly appeal to the bearer of this name: Olesechka, Lesechka, Lesya, Olya. And when they get angry, they exclaim: Leska or Olka!

What character gives the name of his mistress?

Advantages: Lesya is very active, loves sports. This is an independent, distinguished personality. She always believes in herself, and no failure can unsettle her. She is honest and always says what she thinks. Optimist.

Disadvantages: the girl is prone to eccentric acts, which in her youth cast fear on her parents, and at a more mature age - on her spouse or children. She does not trust others, relying only on her own strengths in everything (although she often overestimates them).

Life, that is, the fate of Olesya

  • Childhood. Outwardly, the girl resembles her father, but by nature she is the spitting image of her mother. She prefers to be friends with girls, and defiantly does not notice guys (even fascinated by the beauty and independence of this baby).
  • Youth. While her peers dream of becoming teachers, singers or hairdressers, this girl is interested in typical male professions. No matter how her parents persuade her, she will submit documents to the “navigator” or to the geological faculty. True, after studying for a couple of years among the guys, she can understand that she was still wrong, and transfer to economics to become an accountant.
  • Maturity. This bright girl she doesn’t ban herself near the stove - she loves to be among people, as they say, and show herself and see others. Most of all, she loves to be "something", so she can master a strange profession (say, a pathologist, climber), adhere to a special style of clothing.

Interesting facts for lovers of esotericism and astrology

  • Ideal zodiac sign: Aquarius. So if your daughter was born from January 21 to February 21, this is a sign: she is “asking” for the name Olesya!
  • Talisman stone: coral.
  • Ruler planet: Uranus.
  • Name color: shade of a sea wave.
  • Animal totem: jellyfish.
  • A plant that serves as a source of strength for the bearer of the name: willow and anemone (aka sea ​​anemone, the closest relative of the coral polyp).

Olesya's birthday: they are not, because in the calendar there is no such saint or martyr. At baptism, Lesya can choose different names, but most often the priest will advise the name. Angel Day for women who choose it: in spring - April 2, as well as May 6 and 31, and in winter - November 19.

Various aspects of life

  • Love. Most often, a girl is a monogamous, faithful and tender. In a relationship, she never "wags", but often turns out to be jealous. A partner will choose a strong one, and all his life he will reach for his “bar”. Her boyfriend or spouse needs to be prepared for the fact that Lesya will always want something new: today she will have enough of a romantic dinner in a restaurant, and tomorrow there will be little love on the roof.
  • Family. Olesya's first marriage may burst, but the second is guaranteed to be strong. In general, the family for this bright girl plays a very important role. For the sake of the children, she can even quit her job - in this case, mommy will give up all her originality to education (say, starting to temper her little ones according to the Nikitin system, or teaching them English from the age of two).
  • Health and disease. As a little girl, she does not “get out” of sore throats and bronchitis. AT transitional age she outgrows these misfortunes. In many ways, sports help her to be in a good physical company.

With what man is Lesya destined to know happiness, and with what - bitterness?

  • A happy marriage is guaranteed to a girl with: Andrey, Anton, Dmitry, Denis, Vitaly, Vadim, Evgeny, (this is not only Ideal husband for Lesya, but also the best business partner), Nikita, Roman, Ilya, Igor, Oleg, Kirill, Konstantin, Leonid.
  • More or less equal relations (although not without “jambs”) will develop with: Alexander, Vladimir, Marat.
  • And these guys will not be able to make Olesya happy: Yuriy. or - good lover for Olesya, but their bright relationship will not last long.

Namesakes, famous all over the world

  1. Olesya Sudzilovskaya (1974) - Russian actress. She starred in the films and TV series "Silver Lily of the Valley", "Stop on Demand", "Gangster Petersburg".
  2. Olesya Fattakhova (1989) - serial actress from Russia ("Doctor Tyrsa", "How I Met Your Mother" - Russian version).
  3. Olesya Zheleznyak (1974) - actress. Theaters (Lenkom, Theater on Malaya Bronnaya), cinema (My lovely nanny", "Sex and the City").
  4. Alesya (1976) - creative name soloists of the group "Syabry" from Belarus.
  5. Olesya Lyashenko (1979) - singer, former backing vocalist of the Mumiy Troll group. On the present time busy with a solo career.
  6. Olesya Malibu or Kozhevnikova (1989) is a well-known person in show business circles. They call her wet (a girl who has done a lot plastic surgery). She became famous thanks to the popular shows Let's Get Married, Dom-2.
  7. Olesya Forsheva (1979) - track and field athlete, Olympic champion.
  8. Olesya Barel (1960) - basketball player, master of sports.
  9. Olesya Zykina (1980) - athlete from Russia, world champion in running, Olympic champion.
  10. Olesya Abdullina (1989) - Latvian chess player, world and European champion. Born in Bashkortostan.
  11. Olesya Vladykina (1988) - Russian swimmer, paralympian, champion and record holder.
  12. Olesya "Ali" Alieva (1977) - champion skier from Adygea.

And in the end, of course, we cannot help but recall the famous Soviet song of the Syabry group, Olesya. Interestingly, the clip was created from frames of the film of the same name, based on the story of Kuprin.

Name Olesya, according to some sources, in the Old Slavonic interpretation is defined as "forest". Perhaps this is an abbreviated form of the ancient Greek male names Alexander and Alexei. Among the Poles, Olesya is a derivative of Oleksandra.

In this case, we can only guess where the roots of the name come from, however, wherever the origins begin, now Olesya in the Russian name book is a separate and independent name.

Olesya - character traits

Little Olesya looks like an angel. She has neat features, large expressive eyes, she is slim, athletic and attractive, and it is quite natural that, starting from school, she has a lot of secret admirers, but Olesya is more passionate about communicating with other girls, and boys, as a rule , pays no attention.

Olesya is a devoted and good friend! She will never forget to congratulate her friends on the holiday - she will call everyone, even if it takes a lot of time; she will always listen and never judge, and in difficult situation lend a helping hand; she tries to keep in touch with everyone, even when she is married. Olesya herself is overly trusting, ready to open her soul to every person, just give her free rein!

Olesya is an impulsive person, she can suddenly flare up and calm down just as quickly. The girl is optimistic, straightforward and eccentric. She is characterized by the desire to be different from everyone else, to stand out from the general crowd. This may manifest itself in wearing extravagant clothes or a profession unusual for a girl.

Olesya cannot be called ingenuous. Very often, in achieving the intended goal, the girl is able to cheat, but does not harm anyone. Olesya is one of those people who do not lose heart and do not complain about life. She goes forward without looking back, mistakes and failures will not push her off the intended path, she is a fighter for her destiny, and will fight to the last.

Olesya - name compatibility

Olesya, of course, attracts the attention of the male. The girl herself is selective and demanding, she looks closely, studies her partner for a long time, analyzes the intimate side of their relationship, and if the girl is satisfied with everything, she is ready to submit to a man and tie the knot.

Olesya will never fully devote herself to life and the arrangement of the family hearth, but her children and husband will always be fed, cared for and warmed by love. She is - faithful wife and a mother who adores her children.

In a man, a girl is looking, first of all, for support, both in material and moral and spiritual terms, understanding and the ability to please a woman in intimacy. Therefore, for living together, she should take a closer look at Rodion, Igor, Valery, Arkady, Vasily and Daniel. And with representatives of such names as Artem, Nikolai, Stanislav, Timur and Svyatoslav, relations may not work out.

Olesya - famous personalities with this name

- Sudzilovskaya - Soviet actress theater and cinema;
- Nikola Olesya - poetess, prose writer;
- ForshOlesya - Russian athlete;
- Barel - Soviet basketball player;
- Zykina - athlete;
- Stetsenko - artist;
- AliOlesya - Russian skier;
- Ivanova - Soviet film actress;
- Kurochkina - football player;
- Emelyanova - children's teacher, developer of many educational games and toys;
- Povkh - Ukrainian athlete;
- Mankovskaya is a theater actress.

Olesya - interesting facts about the name (astrology)

- zodiac correspondence - Capricorn, Libra, Taurus;
lucky number – 6;
- patron planets - Mercury, Venus;
- lucky colors - silver, red, orange, green;
- cherished plants - lemon balm, orchid, iris;
- animals - dove, cat, doe;
- amulet stones - sapphire, chrysolite, carnelian.

The patron saints of the name are: Alexandra of Rome (name day - May 6) and Alexandra of Amission (April 2).


The name Olesya is purely Slavic in origin, at least according to main version. It could have come from the name Lesan or Lesya, which means "a girl from the forest." According to the second version, it came from the name of Alexander, which is interpreted as a “protector” and is in demand in western Ukraine.

The female name Olesya is incredibly popular today. And all because this name has a pretty good meaning, promising carriers, as a rule, good features. Plus, this name has good compatibility with many male names

Conversational options: Olesechka, Olesenka, Lesya

Modern English counterparts: Lesana

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Olesya promises such qualities to the character of the bearer as moral strength, modesty, intelligence, nobility, responsiveness and kindness. At the same time, the fact that Olesya is always a girl was noticed more than once, which is too sensitive to other people's troubles - that is, she knows how to sympathize and understand.

And such traits in this girl as resentment and vindictiveness also predominate. Olesya will never forgive an offense, will take revenge on the offender and will definitely remind her of what she has done. There is also excessive emotionality, seriousness and rationality, but these characteristics are not manifested in all Oles, and mostly only in maturity.

Advantages and positive features: kindness, generosity, the ability to find ways out of such situations, from which it seems not to get out “dry”. Olesya is also creatively developed and has a good imagination. She is proactive and hardworking, purposeful, and moreover, very resourceful.

Olesya treats badly people aggressive, angry, rude and callous. She tries to avoid communication with people who do not appreciate her and do not respect her as a person. And Olesya can also avoid communication with people-leaders, because she is afraid of someone else's dominance over herself.

The name Olesya is often used as Alesya, which is not surprising, because both are interpreted in the same way and are used as synonymous names.

The nature of the name Olesya

The nature of the name is one of the most mysterious and complex parameters, and this specific case not an exception. The character of the girl, named after Olesya, is such that it implies the presence of such qualities as kindness, good nature, integrity, cheerfulness, optimism, positivity, and humor. She is not sociable, her character does not allow her to be popular in society, and even closed, but the person who has gained her trust will be unrealistically lucky, because then she will become the friend that every person on the planet dreams of. Loyal to herself and her principles, faithful, honest, ready to listen and help, both in deed and in advice - that's what she is, a girl whose character is patronized by this name. Olesya, this amazing person- her character never ceases to amaze, it is unpredictable, positive, and has only minor flaws, plus, it endows its bearer with naivety and shyness, with which Olesya wins the trust of people from the environment.

However, all of the above is not accurate - the character largely depends on a bunch of additional parameters, including the sign of the zodiac, the symbol according to Chinese horoscope and even the time of year. True, in this case, the greatest dependence concerns parental upbringing and the month of birth.

Early childhood

The childhood of a girl for whom parents at birth decided to choose beautiful name Olesya is overwhelmed with negativity and tears, and all because the girls usually named like that become inherently capricious hysterics, touchy, capricious, whiny and infantile.

True, after some time this will pass, but the essence will not change - Olesya, this is always an uncommunicative, not too eloquent, baby who does not want to make new contacts with people, often crying and offended by trifles. Parents will have to worry a lot about her. Plus, among her shortcomings are irresponsibility, unwillingness to be a leader, unwillingness to have fun and develop. Although the advantages of this baby, too, as a rule, are in considerable quantity.

The meaning and energy of the name Olesya can give this girl a good imagination and an excellent fantasy, a desire to develop, energy and efficiency, kindness and justice, disinterestedness and devotion.

AT kindergarten Olesya will feel superfluous - well, she was not created to communicate with children, especially when we are talking about mass gatherings of children. All she needs is one, or maximum two friends (girlfriends), no more.


The girl, who has reached the teenage stage of life, and received the name Olesya at birth, has a character that is also not very good, but already more tolerant. The meaning of the name Olesya can give the wearer a whole bunch of additional good qualities, among which are not only kindness and justice, but also determination, and diligence, and perseverance, and persistence, and daydreaming, and romance.

Olesya, who is patronized by the meaning of this name, is versatile developed person. But she also has big shortcomings, and they relate primarily to her studies. The problem is that it needs to be stimulated everywhere, it needs to be pushed in everything, because without a push it will not move. And also she has complex nature, it is impossible to interest her in the subject without sweetening her studies, she needs praise, compliments, and most importantly, the opportunity to express her own point of view. An uninteresting and rude teacher can only scare Olesya away from the subject.

As for communication with peers, everything is quite simple here - she can find mutual language with any person, but is not friends with everyone. Becoming her friend is very difficult, you need to earn her trust, which is almost impossible. But she will never leave a trusted person in trouble and will not betray.

grown woman

Adult Olesya is no longer the owner of the character of that girl, which was discussed in early childhood, no - this is a completely different person, with a bunch of characteristics that together create a unique nature. adult girl with the name Olesya, the meaning of this name bestows many important qualities - she is purposeful and hardworking, persistent and assertive, easily wins people over and can gain the trust of any even the most distrustful person, eloquent and charming, likes men and can support any topic of conversation.

She has the makings of a leader, she can become an excellent leader, but there is one small problem - to achieve something in professional activity Olesya can only if she feels the support of loved ones. Olesya needs support, pushes, trust, otherwise she will achieve absolutely nothing. But she is always an ideal friend and comrade - the meaning of the name form Olesya endows her with such traits as devotion, honesty, justice, the ability to listen and listen, readiness to support and help. Moreover, in a society of friends, everyone usually trusts her more than each other, and everyone knows that she is both positive and optimistic, and will never let you down at the right moment.

The interaction of Olesya's character with the seasons

Summer - here under the influence of meaning summer months that bearer of the name Olesya is born, a girl in whom perseverance, diligence, love for stability and determination are raging. Such a person plans everything minute by minute, follows the plan and strives for the goal along the personally drawn path. In her personal life, she is very successful, because she always takes relationships with men seriously - stormy romances few, but all are durable and sincere.

Autumn - by the origin of nature, this girl is noble, reasonable and tactful. Her goal is to achieve harmony with the world around her. Loyal to family and friends, incapable of betrayal and lies, not selfish, but always benefits from her actions, unwillingly and unintentionally. In relations with her spouse, she will be imperious - she will lead the chosen one in a righteous way, shelter her from the hardships of modernity.

Winter - this girl is vulnerable and unbalanced, too quick-tempered and emotional, sensitive to the troubles and hardships of the surrounding world. This is not easy to live in our modern cruel world- she will easily go into a depressive state even in the case. If you just become a witness to injustice. Prefers solitude - it is easier for her to achieve harmony of mind and body.

Spring - at this time a newborn is born, in the future becoming frivolous and windy. Spending, inability to make plans, lack of intuition and complete exclusion any common sense in action - these are its disadvantages. But with such it is easy for everyone around - she is the soul of the company, an excellent wife, a reliable keeper of the hearth.

The fate of the name Olesya

The fate of the name Olesya in love, marriage, and as such in relations with representatives of the opposite sex is such that it implies many disappointments for the bearer of this name. The fact is that Olesya's fate is to become an idealist, a person who idealizes all her potential relationship partners - in the end this always leads to disappointment in a person. But such is her fate that she does not see and does not want to see shortcomings in her beloved.

In adulthood, Olesya may face more large quantity problems - not only does her fate involve many disappointments, but also betrayal will not take long. Olesya is poorly versed in people, and when love arises, she completely ceases to see the bad in a person. However, her fate presupposes the final find good man one who will appreciate and understand her.

In the family, only understanding and good relationships are important for her, her destiny is to become perfect wife, faithful, kind, caring and considerate. But there is also a “but” - according to the story, Olesya’s fate does not imply her becoming a good housewife, but all because her nature is simply not created for everyday life and “four walls”. But she can become an ideal mother, and even a large one - such is her fate.

Love and marriage

Olesya is a convinced monogamous. Serious relationship with a man, and even more so marriage, are impossible without deep feelings on her part. The power of love for her is much more important than the material wealth of the chosen one.

Do not forget that she is very honest and open, incapable of betrayal or deceit, therefore she will never forgive the betrayal of her soulmate.

Lesya loves true romantics. It is important for her that the future spouse is able to fill her whole life with romance and diversity. And also Olesya, this self-sufficient personality Therefore, only a strong and responsible man can conquer her.

Olesya can get married early, but because of her unpreparedness and because of the failure of the man, this marriage collapses. And the second time, she is already much more serious about choosing a husband. They become responsible, serious and strong man whose support she can always count on. When creating a family, Lesya sets only one condition for her husband - personal separate housing. She is categorically against living together with her parents, as there will be criticism, and criticism against her is unbearable for her.

Olesya is learning to be a good housewife and devotes herself to creating home comfort and ennobling the family nest. She is especially enthusiastic about learning how to cook, bake, clean, and even draw up a family budget. Lesya tries to solve the main domestic issues on her own, but she does it so tactfully that her husband will never have the idea that he is henpecked.

Olesya as mother

Olesya becomes a truly caring and loving mother, because children are her so-called asset. With the advent of the baby, the young mother tries even more to make love and understanding always reign in her family. She does not hesitate to ask her husband for help in caring for the baby, but she copes with most of the trouble on her own.

She skillfully combines duties loving wife and caring mother. Olesya quickly learns to properly allocate her time and energy. When a second child appears in the family after a while, she tries to make sure that the eldest child can actively help her. So she not only provides herself with additional help, but also instills in him a sense of responsibility, independence and a desire to help others.

Her children are always deliciously fed, neatly and beautifully dressed, and cleanliness and order reign in the house. Lesya brings up children without screaming and punishment, but she can be strict where it is required. From the cradle, they know that their mother considers them the meaning of her life, so they try to upset her as little as possible. Olesya connects her husband to educational process especially if they have a son. She will send them fishing, and to the store, and ask her husband to teach her son how to work as a tool.

From childhood, she will teach her daughter to housekeeping, early on she will allow her to cook. In addition, it is important for her that her children can get a decent education.

Compatibility with male names

The name Olesya has the best compatibility with such male names as Arsen, Arseny, Timofey, Trofim, Styopa, Maximilian, Danila, Arthur.

The ideal match would be a marriage with a guy who received one of the following names at birth: Vasily, Eugene, Roman, Elisha, Vyacheslav, Cyril, or Gordey.

There is no compatibility with such male names as Maxim, Gleb, Dmitry, Stefan, and Artemy.

The first version can be called Slavic origin name. According to this version, the name Olesya comes from the names Lesyan and Lesya, and the etymology of these names is directly related to the word "forest". It is believed that in this case the meaning of the name Olesya is "forest", "girl from the forest" or "living in the forest".

According to the second version, the name Olesya came from the name Alexander. If this version is to be believed, then the meaning of the name Olesya is "protector" or more literary "protective of mankind". But that's not all.

There are versions that the name Olesya is short for Elena, Larisa or Alice. Accordingly, it is believed that the meaning of the name Olesya and the original name are identical. You can find out the meaning of these names by clicking on the links.

The meaning of the name Olesya (Alesya) for a girl

Olesya is growing up as an active and joyful girl. She has independence of judgment and is slightly stubborn. At the same time, Lesya has been endowed with pronounced female features. The character of Olesya is more like the character of her mother, but this does not mean that they will get along well. Girls named Olesya usually love dad more.

Olesya is doing well at school. She easily learns the material and remembers it for a long time. The girl has a penchant for the exact sciences, which later may affect the choice of profession. Olesya happily goes to various circles, and especially sports. The only thing, despite the wonderful innate hearing, Olesya does not like music lessons.

The health of the child does not cause any particular problems. The girl grows active and loves to spend time outdoors. Playing sports will further enhance your naturally good health, so that parents can only rejoice.

Abbreviated name Olesya

Lesya, Leska, Lesek.

Diminutive names

Lesenka, Lesyunya, Lesyusha, Lesena.

Name Olesya (Alesya) in English

AT English language the name Olesya is spelled as Lassie and Olesya.

Name Olesya for a passport- OLESIA, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Olesya into other languages

in Belarusian - Alesya
in Chinese - 奧列西婭
in Polish - Olesia (Pronounced as Olesya or Olesya)
in Ukrainian - Olesya
in Japanese - オレシヤ

Church name Olesya(in Orthodox faith), not church name. It does not have a specific name change rule, such as Svetlana = Fotinia (the church name of Svetlana). Olesya will receive a church name at baptism and it will be different from the secular one.

Characteristics of the name Olesya (Alesya)

Characteristic for the name Olesya can be called a mixture of activity and prudence. This is a rather rare type of character, since these features are opposite to each other. Olesya is positive and at the same time cautious. Decisions are made after careful consideration. Can't stand being rushed.

Olesya loves unusual work. She chooses professions that are rare for a woman, which usually causes resistance from her parents. Can become an electrical engineer or a geologist. True, quite often, having received an unusual education and even having worked a little in her specialty, Olesya changes her profession. Considering how Olesya wins people over, her second profession will be directly related to this and she will succeed in it.

The family in Olesya's life is top priority. At the same time, Olesya approaches the creation of a family thoroughly. She is ready to spend a lot of time to find that one. Olesya is very jealous and she needs a man who will not give her even the slightest reason for suspicion. In the family, Olesya tries to build trusting relationship which she usually succeeds. Likes to spend time with his family.

The secret of the name Olesya (Alesya)

Olesya's secret can be called her commercialism. Olesya justifies herself and calls it frugality, but many do not agree with her in assessing her actions. She needs to be careful in the manifestation of this character trait, and especially with loved ones.

The second secret of Olesya can be called the desire to be a leader in the family. Even after marriage this feature becomes noticeable immediately. She, when looking for a husband, is looking for a partner who subconsciously agrees to this state of affairs.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

totem animal- Medusa.

Name color- Sea waves.

Wood- Willow.

Plant- Actinia.

A rock- Coral.

The meaning of the name Olesya begins exclusively with positive notes. This is woman's name just radiates positive energy. Adults have an irresistible desire to communicate with the child, her sayings cause tenderness. A girl can be quite selfish if her parents do not pay due attention to her upbringing, especially if she is only child in family.

The meaning of the name Olesya for the child testifies that she should go in for sports regularly, it is necessary to realize the energy that at certain life moments simply overwhelms her. In many ways, the interpretation of the name reflects male traits, the girl is capable of deeds that cannot be ignored. Lesya is ready to conquer mountain peaks, jump with a parachute, even men can envy her courage.

At school, he easily makes friends, attracts the attention of boys. He studies well, attributes all failures to bad luck, does not look for problems in himself. Strives to take part in self-activity, theatrical performances, I am sure that she has the talent of an actress, recognition of her abilities is important for choosing a profession.

It is especially pleasant to study the meaning of the name Olesya for a girl to a young mother, presumably she will inherit the character from her, one might say, she will become her copy.

If parents prefer strict upbringing measures, the result of their efforts will be a workaholic, a girl from school will give her best in order to be among the best.

Severity will temper her character, and often she will show firmness completely unreasonably.

Always surrounded by people who are charged with positive from her. Even serious life trials cannot cause depression. All her life she is ready to fight for a place in the sun, failures make her stronger.

Endowed with a rare dignity in our time - knows how to make friends. Close people in difficult moments do not need to ask for help, the girl, thanks to the ability to reason and achieve her goal by any means, will solve the problem as her own.


Belongs to the category of monogamous. An affectionate girl gives tenderness to her chosen one, performs touching deeds. Can't imagine life without romantic dates. This means that feelings are of great importance to her, she will not pretend and betray, she expects a similar attitude from her partner. If she lost interest in young man, immediately breaks off relations. A man should make every effort so that the girl does not get bored, diversity and leisure are essential to the continuation of the relationship.

Unpredictability and lack of fear often draw attention to a young person who prefers not to think about the consequences under the influence of emotions. Men are drawn to her, but her companion should not doubt that loyalty is a life principle that a girl will not violate. If he finds out about the betrayal, he is unlikely to forgive.


Having created a family, she devotes herself completely to her husband and children. Jealousy accompanies marital relations until old age. Narcissism and stubbornness can cause a divorce, especially if the spouse has given rise to jealousy.

The hospitable hostess gladly welcomes guests, but does not indulge those invited with culinary delights. This means that he prefers to spend a minimum of time in the kitchen. Often provides an opportunity for a spouse to demonstrate culinary talents.

Pays due attention to appearance, not leaving children and husband unattended, they always have a well-groomed appearance. Children are of particular importance to her, for their sake the mother does the impossible.

The organization of family holidays is her strong point, it will definitely not be boring: representatives of all ages will be involved in the original competitions.

Children are proud of their mother, who becomes a true friend, sympathizes with reckless actions, without which it is impossible to imagine early years. Will give advice if necessary.

Business and career

can realize itself in various fields activity, great importance in choosing a profession gives the opportunity to communicate regularly with people. Takes pleasure in the benefit. Her temperament does not match the atmosphere in the office, which means that monotonous paper work is not for her.

Service sector, trade, public catering, medicine, social work, in a word, any activity that involves direct communication with people. Achieving heights in a career is facilitated by self-confidence, the ability to ignore defeats, rise and confidently move on.

origin of the name Olesya

Etymology will allow you to find answers to questions that often arise among believers, for example, where did it come from. History relates the origin of the name Olesya to Ancient Greece. Although other versions are common. Slavic roots of Lesan, Lesya.

It should be noted that the secret of the name deserves attention, often traits appear in a person that develop with early age close people. Of particular importance is a person whose name is an authority for parents who make difficult choices.

Characteristics of the name Olesya

Optimism is the most attractive characteristic of the name Olesya. It energizes those around her. It is almost impossible to take her by surprise, she is ready to cope with any difficulties. Even mature people can envy her prudence. Pros and cons appear with age, for example, sometimes it can be stingy.

Her character allows her to take a leadership position in the family, while her husband will not become henpecked, millet will give her the right to solve domestic issues. Relatively most of the fair sex is ready to take part in extreme entertainment. Most of her actions deserve respect, close people value friendship with a strong personality. Does not count on help and patronage, makes the most significant decisions on his own, confidently copes with troubles. Always in a good mood.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone: coral.
  • Name days: March 22, May 31, October 13 and December 23.
  • Name horoscope or zodiac sign: Aquarius.

Famous people

  • Olesya Ivanova - actress;
  • Olesya Sudzilovskaya - actress;
  • Olesya Nikolaeva is a poetess.

Different languages

Be sure to know the translation of the name Olesya into different languages, this will help to avoid a lot of unpleasant misunderstandings. When drawing up documents, you must additionally ask how to translate in official sources:

  • in Chinese 阿列夏 ā liè xià A le xia;
  • in Japanese 林業子 - Ringyoko.

Name Forms

  • Full name - Olesya.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Alexa, Leska, Lesenka, Olesechka, Olesenka, Lesya, Lesana, Oleska, Osya.
  • Declination of the name - Olesya, Olesya.
  • Church name in Orthodoxy - in the process of baptism, options are possible, the most common is Alexandra.
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