What is the sea temperature in Cyprus in October. Weather in Cyprus in October: ideal conditions for a relaxing and leisurely holiday. Folk festivals in Protaras

Weather in Cyprus in October: weather forecast for the island

Compare: in the resort of Larnaca, the air heats up to 28 ° C during the day, and the mercury columns of Polis thermometers rise to 26 ° C. Night temperatures for these two resorts differ by 1–2°C.

The beginning of the month favors the rest of tourists. But still, the weather in Cyprus at the end of October changes in the worst side. Daytime and nighttime air temperatures differ by 10–12°C, the sun often hides behind clouds, and a cool wind blows from the sea. The latter can become uncomfortable for swimmers who want to go ashore. Take a warm terry towel to the beach: the chances that you will want to warm up after swimming are high.

Cyprus weather in October 2018 water and air temperature

Behind summer months The Mediterranean Sea warms up perfectly and continues to delight swimmers high temperature water (25–26°C in the coastal zone). Therefore, head to the beach early in the morning to soak up the gentle rays of the sun and warm waves. Don't forget to bring sunblock if you don't want to burn yourself and spend the rest of your vacation looking for some sour cream to ease the discomfort.

By the end of October, the water temperature drops to 21–22°C. The sea is still comfortable for a long swim, but sunbathing will have to be abandoned. The cool wind will not allow you to enjoy it to the fullest.

What to do in Cyprus in November?

Rest and favorable not so much for beach activities how much for hikes and excursions. At the same time, the cultural monuments of the island will be charmingly in harmony with autumn nature. Don't forget to bring your camera and an extra memory card for it, because you'll want to capture every corner of Aphrodite's island!

If you are a passionate lover of fishing, then you will be pleased with the chance to catch a couple of lake or marine fish. Trying is not torture: try your hand at fishing competitions with locals and other tourists.

Windy weather will be a real success for kite and windsurfers who want to ride the most high wave and show off your skills. For other tourists, amusement parks and water parks are suitable as entertainment. As you can see, October provides a lot of leisure options. to find out more about private guide services!

October in Cyprus- heyday velvet season.

This month, travelers who appreciate the autumn expanse of beaches and the affectionate, warmed summer sun water.

Ticket prices are traditionally lower this time of the year., but a holiday in October in Cyprus promises to be no less exciting than in the hot summer months.

Connoisseurs of architectural monuments should visit:

  • near the city of Ayia Napa - 15th century monastery and rock tombs of Makronisos;
  • close to Limassol ancient city Amathus;
  • in the vicinity of Larnaca - ancient city of Kition;
  • in Kyrenia - picturesque castles and ancient monastery of St. Macarius on the edge of a cliff;
  • near Paphos - Royal Tombs, Forty Columns Castle and the mysterious catacombs of Saint Solomon;
  • in Nicosia - the Venetian ruins of the XVI century, Archbishop's Palace and Famagusta Gate.

If you want to be inspired by the impressive views of the Cypriot nature, go to Cape Greco is the most famous place on the island.

Not far from the village of Pano Platres is the largest waterfall in Cyprus, Millomeris. It is located on the Troodos mountain range, which is very fond of photographers.

Stunning views, lush vegetation and a variety of wildlife will delight those who want to take spectacular shots.

October in Cyprus national holidays and festivals do not stop. On the first day of the month, the inhabitants of the island noisily and colorfully celebrate Independence Day.

In the state capital, Nicosia, this celebration is especially spectacular. Tourists will be able to see military parades, costume performances, show programs, take part in competitions and enjoy fireworks.

Continues in October large-scale art festival "Kipria" that started back in September. The festivities cover several largest cities: Nicosia, Paphos, Limassol and Larnaca.

People from all over the world come to "Kypriya" famous actors and famous musicians, crowded performances and concerts are held.

In Limassol this month the most important sports event autumn - Lemesia. This is a 10-day sports competition in which dancers, runners, boxers, cyclists and shooters participate.

The end of October is marked for the inhabitants of Cyprus memorable date"Oh" day. The event takes place on October 28 and is dedicated to the events of 1940, when the island was bombed.

In addition, spectacular theatrical performances on the water are traditionally held in October, the main characters of which are boats and ships. These spectacular performances remain in the memory of tourists for a long time.

October Cyprus will appeal to lovers of a leisurely beach holiday. This month, the rhythm of life slows down, many tourists go home, and the eyes of the remaining vacationers appear spacious beaches and clear water.

autumn tan lays down softly and evenly, so the autumn season is especially recommended for families with small children.

Water sports are still available in October. Most of the beaches offer diving and windsurfing services. Night fishing is in demand - however, you will have to bring warm clothes with you.

And off the coast of the Akamas peninsula you can swim with giant turtles.

Those who are tired of a lazy holiday on the beach will be offered many organized excursions. If time permits, a must see:

  • The ghost town of Famagusta;
  • Cat Monastery;
  • Birthplace of Aphrodite;
  • Church of St. Lazarus;
  • Temple of Aphrodite;
  • Olympus - the most high mountain Cyprus.

Autumn in major cities x continues night life. In October, young people flock to the clubs of Ayia Napa, which is called the second Ibiza.

Tourists with children spend their days in water parks, finally free after the departure of schoolchildren. The largest water parks are located in Limassol and Ayia Napa.

In small villages they offer ride donkeys and camels- both adults and children will be delighted with this entertainment.

After an active walk, you must dine at local taverns: in October, prices drop significantly, so there is a chance to enjoy national delicacies for mere pennies.

Thus, October is a great time for a holiday in Cyprus: the gentle sea, the still warm sun and the absence of large crowds of tourists create ideal conditions for calm and leisurely vacation.

Cyprus - perfect place for recreation and excursions

What is the weather like in Cyprus in October? A question that worries all travelers who are going to the island in the fall. Will the rains or cool water in the sea ruin your holiday mood? The October days are quite suitable for traveling to Cyprus, because at this time the holiday season has not yet ended.

The end of the season is a good time to relax

Experienced travelers agree that the most best period for autumn holidays in Cyprus - September. At this time, the air temperature is most comfortable, it is no longer as hot as in summer. It will also be comfortable to swim in the sea, the water temperature is optimal at this time. In addition, many families with schoolchildren and students go home by the beginning of September. The beaches become freer, although in summer it is quite possible to find a place for sunbathing.

But holidays in Cyprus in October also have their advantages. This period is considered the closing holiday season. Prices for hotel rooms are falling. And if so, then a ticket to Cyprus can be purchased at a bargain price. It is better to book a hotel and plane tickets in advance: then you can save even more money. Seasonal price reduction is the advantage for which many tourists consciously choose October for their holidays in Cyprus.

Air temperature in October in the resorts of Cyprus

The territory of Cyprus is quite large, but a mild climate reigns throughout. In general, weather forecasters predict standard weather this fall. The temperature in Cyprus in October during the day remains around + 27 ° C, that is, it is great for walking and relaxing on the beach. However, by the night it can drop to +20°C, which is not so bad if there is no rain, but you need to take warm clothes to the resort.

If we consider individual resorts, you can find some differences in weather conditions. But in general they are insignificant. Like this daily temperature awaits tourists at popular Cypriot resorts:

  • Paphos +26°C,
  • Limassol +27°C,
  • Protaras +27°C,
  • Ayia Napa +27°C,
  • Larnaca +28°C,
  • Nicosia +27°C.

Night temperature fluctuates in all resorts from + 20 ° C to + 22 ° C, sometimes it is slightly lower or higher. Precipitation in October is also low, according to forecasts, only Limassol and Nicosia are at risk. But even there the rains are short-lived, after which the sun usually immediately peeks out and the wet city sidewalks and beaches dry before our eyes.

It is worth noting that such favorable environment typical for the first half of the month. The weather in Cyprus at the end of October can bring surprises. And there may be more rain, and the air temperature is lower. But usually, until November, tourists calmly sunbathe and walk along the streets of resort towns both during the day and after sunset.

Despite the decline in heat by mid-autumn, we must not forget to use sunscreen and wear hats. Many tourists neglect this, believing that if it is not so hot, then heat stroke or sunburn impossible to get. It turns out that it is still possible! In addition, one should not forget that the air temperature is always estimated in the shade, in the sun the values ​​\u200b\u200bare higher.

Water temperature in Cyprus in october

Despite the difference in weather in Cyprus at the beginning of October and at the end, the water in the sea remains consistently warm. During the sunny summer, it warms up so well that it simply cannot cool down quickly. Temperature values ​​fluctuate within +23…+25°C. This applies to everyone seaside resorts Cyprus.

It will not be too comfortable to swim in the sea only when there is a windy day or it starts to rain. It will just be chilly to get out of the water in such weather, it is better to immediately rub yourself well and wrap yourself in a towel. Most often this is possible at the end of the month. On sunny days bathing season actively continues, almost the same as in summer.

Even the smallest tourists can take water procedures. Some parents consider the water temperature of +23°C to be insufficient for babies under three years old. Pediatricians insist that this is not the case. You don’t just need to splash in the water for a very long time, “sea baths” for 10-15 minutes are the most useful.

Entertainment program in Cyprus in October

The weather in October-November in Cyprus contributes to an active excursion program. If in summer it is too hot for this, then in autumn the weather becomes comfortable for walks and events. And in October, a lot of interesting things happen in Cyprus:

    • Independence Day. This holiday in the Republic of Cyprus is celebrated every year on October 1st. It's an official holiday and there's a lot to see on the streets local residents who decided to take a walk with family and friends. A parade is held in the capital Nicosia. Perhaps many tourists will be interested in seeing it.

  • Grape Festival. These are local events held in Cypriot villages. Residents put on national costumes, arrange competitions and, of course, organize wine tasting. It will be very interesting for foreign tourists to visit such a holiday; travel agencies arrange special excursions for them.
  • Music festival of Cyprus. Concert venues are organized right on the streets of resort towns. Musicians from all over the world perform there. And also during the festival you can get to the exhibition of painting and sculpture.

Well, no one cancels visiting the sights of Cyprus in October. The country has a sea of ​​architectural monuments, museums and other historical places.

Visit Cyprus in October! This trip will allow you to plunge into the summer in the middle of a dank autumn and have fun!

October in Cyprus, according to the weather, is the most classic “velvet season”. Only if on the domestic seas this velvet season, which is a month earlier, is very unpredictable, then Cyprus is more stable in this regard. Although, there are rare exceptions. What is good about the Cypriot velvet season?

Weather in October on the map of Cyprus

Air temperature in October in Cyprus

Early October to mid October the weather stays within +28-30 degrees during the day and +22-23 degrees at night.

At the end of October the air temperature is about 5 degrees lower. On average + 23-25 ​​degrees during the day and + 19-20 degrees at night.

Precipitation in Cyprus quite rare, especially in October. Can pass once heavy rain and then at night. Mostly clear cloudless skies during the day. In the middle and end of October, rare cirrus clouds can appear.

As for the weather in Cyprus, there is a certain similarity with Egypt, because. weather all year round quite smooth and predictable and no drastic changes in climate.

wind force

There are practically no windy days in October, the wind force does not exceed 3.5 m/s. By evening, the wind is picking up and waves are appearing on the sea. But again, the wind is pleasant and warm. Comfortable for walking.

Air humidity

Extreme humidity in Cyprus in the summer - in July and August. In October, the humidity is comfortable, about 50%.

Water temperature in October in Cyprus

The sea in Cyprus is Mediterranean and warm in October. The temperature of the air and the sea are practically equal - the water temperature is around + 25-26 degrees.

Early October The water temperature can still hold up to +28 degrees. But mid to late October these indicators fall by 2-3 degrees.

The warmest sea in October is in Larnaca, Ayia Napa and Protaras. It will be 1-2 degrees cooler in Paphos and Limassol.

In general, there is such a tendency that the sea in Cyprus is warmer than in Greece, although everything is nearby. It happens, of course, that cold currents come and cool the sea. But swimming is still quite comfortable.

Weather in Cyprus in October by city

Daily approximate temperature, on average in October for 10 years.

  • Nicosia +22-27 o C
  • Ayia Napa +26-28 o C
  • Limassol +24-26 about C
  • Kyrenia +25-27 o C
  • Famagusta +26-28 about C
  • Protaras +26-28 about C
  • Larnaca +26-28 about C
  • Paphos +24-26 about C

What to see in Cyprus in October

And now let's talk about what you can do in Cyprus in October, taking into account the weather conditions.

When the temperature in Cyprus in October is around 25-28 degrees, of course, it is preferable to choose water activities, since various archaeological parks and the tombs are outdoors with no shady areas. If you want to visit them, then you most time to spend under the scorching sun.

But there are enough water entertainments in Cyprus. These, of course, are boat trips on the water, as well as water parks - there are at least four of them.

Are situated in:

  • Protaras (Fun Park Waterpark),
  • Ayia Napa (Waterworld),
  • Limassol (Fasouri Watermania),
  • Paphos (Aphrodite).

Prices for water parks bite, but if you like this type of entertainment, then welcome!

In the evening, the air temperature remains, as a rule, comfortable, so there are also options for how to spend time. It could be a visit open cafes, in Ayia Napa there is an amusement park, and in all cities where there is a sea, there are ennobled promenades and footpaths along which you can walk overlooking the sea and breathe the sea air.

On the beaches of Cyprus in October, all bars, entertainment, water attractions are open, as in summer

At the end of October it is already comfortable to go on long excursions during the day, An additional bonus is fewer people on the beaches and cities of Cyprus in general

Various events are held quite often. For example, we somehow accidentally got into some kind of costume procession, where the participants were bizarrely dressed, with music and drums.

Which city to choose for a vacation in October?

Taking into account the weather in Cyprus in October, in particular the air temperature, it certainly makes sense to go to a city that has access to the sea. These are all cities except Nicosia.

Nicosia - interesting city, the capital of the Republic of Cyprus, divided into Cypriot and occupied, but we will talk about it in separate article. Now it should be understood that it is located far from the sea, and in hot weather it may not be very comfortable to be in it.

If you prefer hotter or are afraid to freeze, choose Larnaca, Ayia Napa, Protaras, Paralimni for your vacation.

If, on the contrary, you want to spend more time walking without languishing in the heat, we recommend choosing Paphos or Limassol.

But it is important to take into account that the division of these cities precisely according to the weather in October is very conditional, because. air temperature and water temperature will differ by 1-2 degrees.

Prices in Cyprus in October 2019

In October, it is better to fly to Cyprus through tour operators, because. a charter flight during the season is much cheaper than with regular airlines or low-cost airlines, and hotels give good discounts tour operators.

We really don’t like package tours and always choose independent travel, but, unfortunately, in the season and in October it’s even more expensive to fly to Cyprus with Pobeda.

Looking at prices- October cannot be called some kind of “off season”, so accommodation prices can be approximately the same as in summer.

Compare prices for hotels in Cyprus in October →

Tour for 2 weeks in October 2019 (breakfast + dinner) for two will cost:

  • In Ayia Napa - from 80,000 rubles.
  • In Paphos - from 96,500 rubles.
  • In Protaras - from 95,000 rubles.
  • To Limassol - from 95,700 rubles.
  • In Larnaca - from 86,000 rubles.

And for one flight the most budgetary comes out at 30 thousand rubles. Plus, you will have to pay 2 thousand each for choosing a seat on the plane and for luggage. Thus, it will 34 thousand rubles.

Accommodation for 2 weeks in a hotel without food will cost, approximately, from 64 thousand rubles and more. Accordingly, the tours show an advantage. BUT! in April, May, November, December it is more profitable to fly to Cyprus without a tour, on your own.

In Protaras, the price level in shops and cafes is the lowest in Cyprus. Increases as you get closer to Paphos. Europeans are very fond of Paphos, so the price level there is not exactly extortionate, but higher than throughout Cyprus.

If you want to save on food, you can choose apartments and cook food from the store. Cooking some pasta or ravioli is a matter of 10 minutes, and the savings in money are quite tangible. Yes, and in time too. Moreover, there are quite a lot of chain stores in Cypriot cities.

Choosing a hotel in Cyprus in October: what to look for?

Taking into account the fact that October in Cyprus is a rather warm and sunny month, it is possible not to focus on any particular conditions. More carefully you need to choose a hotel to stay in Cyprus, starting in November. So choose according to reviews, focusing on availability hot water, cleanliness and the distance that will need to be overcome to the beach, i.e. on the standard features of the hotel that affect comfort.

What to bring to Cyprus in October?


Since the weather in Cyprus in October can still be potentially changeable, it is necessary to take some kind of windbreaker and long pants with you. Of course, this is a certain volume in a suitcase, as well as additional weight, but on the other hand, in our homeland, the air temperature is no longer a fountain either. And if it’s not very warm there in the evening, then you’ll only say thank you to yourself for taking warm clothes.


The sun in Cyprus in October may not be as hot and scorching as in summer, but ultraviolet radiation no one canceled, so you need to take some sunscreen with you. At least with an index of 30+, but take it.


Since there is a lot of ultraviolet, sunglasses for 100-200 are a mockery of the eyes. Only normal glasses, ideally glass, with UV protection. Otherwise, you can start catching "bunnies".

How much money to take?

It is difficult to orient here, because everyone has different tastes and costs. We go to Cyprus about 3 times a year, in different months and seasons.

According to expenses, we fit in for two for 1-2 weeks at 65-80 thousand rubles. These amounts include everything: accommodation, flight or tour, car rental, food, expenses for cafes, excursions, souvenirs, etc.

In October, we got 75,000 rubles for 2 weeks. But, this is not the maximum amount, our friends got about 100,000 rubles.

If you have any questions about the weather, expenses and holidays in Cyprus in general, be sure to ask in the comments below, we answer everyone.

How do we save on hotels?

Everything is very simple - look not only on booking.com. We love the RoomGuru search engine. He searches for discounts simultaneously on Booking and 70 other booking sites.

In October, the velvet season continues in Cyprus, although rains, winds and slight cold snaps are no longer excluded, especially towards the end of the month. But there are pluses - there are fewer vacationers, and prices are lower. Read on the Tour-Calendar what Cyprus can please you in October!

Weather in Cyprus in October

The weather in October is mostly warm and dry, sometimes hot. average temperature air in the region of +25 ° C, at night it is also warm - about + 20 ° C. It doesn’t happen year after year, but sometimes it can rain, even with thunderstorms, or cloudy weather can settle for some reason, a storm or unpleasant windy weather is possible. Against this background, the air temperature may also drop to +20 ° C and below. Note that this option is possible, but not required. For example, such early autumn observed in 2011. Still tune in good weather After all, October is the time of the velvet season! By the way, the water in the sea, warmed up during the summer, is still warm and will cool down only by November. In addition to summer clothes, we recommend taking warm clothes, even a jacket in bad weather can come in handy.

Nicosia Ayia Napa Limassol Famagusta Larnaca Paphos Protaras

The weather in October in Cyprus continues to promote not only beach holidays, but also wonderful long walks along the sea, along nature trails or around the city. October - beautiful time for trips to the mountains, through picturesque villages, or to visit historical and archaeological sites on the island.

beach holiday

Most days in October are fine for relaxing on the beach, but sometimes unpleasant winds can rise or the sky will be covered with clouds - at such times the beach will not be particularly comfortable. True, such days will be rather an exception, so take your swimsuits, swimming trunks and sunglasses and - full speed ahead! The sea in October, as a rule, is warm - about + 24 ° C, because it warmed up for 5 whole months and will cool down only by November.

It is extremely rare in October that such things happen. natural phenomena, like a tornado, but let's face it, you are unlikely to be so "lucky".

Entertainment and excursions

If the main summer fun there were parties on the beaches and in nightclubs for young people, and families with children were content beach holiday and trips to water parks and attractions, then October in Cyprus is a relaxing time for lovers of a leisurely romantic getaway, because tourists on the island in the middle of autumn becomes much less. October is also a great time for fishing, this is when fishing competitions take place on the lakes, which finally replenish a little with water after the rains. You can also go sea fishing, where fish are caught even bigger.

But this does not mean that life in Cyprus has stopped, many entertainments are still present on the island. In October, attractions and water parks are open, including Waterworld in Ayia Napa, Fasouri Watermania in Limassol, Fun Park Waterpark in the Protaras area and Aphrodite in Paphos. Night life it still continues, although, of course, not as stormily as in summer, because the youth have long since left and have already sat down at their desks. In the evenings in Protaras, the shows of singing fountains, beloved by both adults and children, continue.

In October, winds happen in Cyprus and expanse comes for lovers of such aquatic species sports like windsurfing and kitesurfing. However, there may not be any winds here, as luck would have it. Apples, pears, grapes, oranges, peaches, plums, and even mangoes with bananas continue to ripen - expanse for fruit lovers!

Holidays and festivals

Cyprus in October still pleases with a variety of bright holidays and events. On October 1, Cyprus celebrates Independence Day, especially celebrated in the capital Nicosia, where military parades, theatrical performances, street concerts and others take place. festive events. In October, the Cyprian Arts Festival, which started back in September, continues. Various interesting cultural events, which attract actors, singers, musicians from all over the world, take place in major cities of the island, such as Limassol, Paphos, Larnaca, Nicosia. Limassol hosts an important sporting event for Cyprus - Lemesia, where runners, boxers, shooters, cyclists, and even dancers compete.

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