How to destroy a witch in our time. How to recognize a witch, a sorcerer, a demon-possessed person, a child in a church, an Orthodox church? Signs of a sorcerer in a man, a witch in a woman, a possessed person, a child. How to protect yourself from witches and sorcerers, a demon-possessed man

Given that at present, "secret magical knowledge" is no longer secret, every day there is more and more more people applying them in practice.

Many are attracted by the opportunities they get along with magical abilities. Take revenge on the offender, eliminate the rival, or simply feel superior to other people. Such actions are not prosecuted by law, which means that you can go unpunished.

This is an imaginary impunity. If the "spoiled" gets to the clairvoyant or psychic, and he removes from him magical effect, then the owner will receive kickback amplified many times over. Fortunately, for every action there is a reaction. Having done simple manipulations, you find yourself under powerful protection from black magic.

Very often, negative programming occurs through food. This is a type of damage that is very common. In this case, first of all, the digestive organs are affected in humans. All ways drug treatment do not bring any relief for a long time. If you are familiar with such a situation, you have become a victim of a black magician. First, refer to alternative medicine. Protection against this type of damage is very simple. Before eating or drinking suspicious foods, blow on them. Imagine it's hot food and you're blowing it to cool it down.

Lining is damage induced with the help of objects. It is impossible to protect yourself from it in advance, but you can destroy it. In this case, he will not be able to harm you. Finding strange things at home, do not rush to pick them up! With a broom, collect the lining on the scoop and burn everything, including the broom and the scoop. Try not to stand under the smoke. Having collected everything that did not burn down and the top layer of earth where the fire was, take it to the river and throw it into the water. Say at the same time: "From where it came, there it went." You will have to return home by another road and not look back. The place where you found the lining must be cleaned with consecrated water and read over it three times "Our Father".

Having found a needle, do not rush to pull it out with your bare hands. Take it with tongs and break its point. The sorcerer will receive a reverse blow, after which he will hardly be able to conjure anymore.

The evil eye is not a corruption, but also a rather unpleasant thing. Especially if jinxed small child. To prevent this from happening, take a pin and at 12 o’clock at night pin it to your clothes with the tip down with the words: “It is knocking, but it will not enter. He said he didn't get it."

Your photographs are full information about you. Don't mindlessly give them away. When taking a photo, it is enough to cross your arms or legs, and you will be completely protected from any impact. Before posting your photos on the Internet, process them using Photoshop.

There is a universal and powerful method of protection that protects against almost all types of energy attacks. It does not work only for damage induced through food. It takes a little practice to master this technique. Be patient and in a few days you will succeed.

Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine a fiery cross descending from the sky and descending right in front of you. It starts from the top of your head and goes all the way to the ground. Then the second cross is lowered and placed behind your back. You place the third cross on your right hand. Fourth - by left side. You are surrounded by four fiery crosses. After that, imagine that you, along with the crosses, are surrounded by a transparent oval shell. Now cover inside this shell with silver. Thus, you will get a mirror with the mirror side facing away from you, which will reflect any negative blow directed at you. Over time, a few seconds will be enough for you to install this protection.

« There is no sin in a person - only diseases, impenetrable ignorance and the false use of forces and abilities » Sri Aurobindo.

Technique how to deal with a witch.

To deal with a witch, one must see, "be clairvoyant."

And if you have this clairvoyance, you should definitely see her "dead" relatives. It has always been a mystery to me how people without clairvoyance remove damage. It's the same as a blind man working as a bus driver.

It is necessary to properly isolate the living witch that you know from her physically dead relatives in the astral and on the ether, like dead witches who have died physically, but not in the astral and ether.

As soon as you interrupted the energy connection between them, a physically living witch instantly becomes weak and loses the ability of her clairvoyance in the astral and ether.

But I wrote the humane way of "half measure". Because there is pity. But pity for witches still won't save them from the Supreme Court. Pitying the witch, good, we still won’t do them.

Become and be a witch, the choice is voluntary. And to be a witch is very bad for a monad that is in the outer space of matter.

If the witch is not properly cut off from the ancestral witch energy, this energy connection between them to recover again. And everything will start again.

The task at the first stage of the fight against the witch is to isolate her from the energy from which she feeds.It's like pulling the plug out of the socket and the light goes off. And then, you decide what you will do with the witch. Because by cutting off a witch from a power source and clairvoyance, weak witches become like ordinary women, and why should she actually do something bad. Here are strong hardened witches, it is necessary to "strangle" harder, for this you need Strength.

How much time and effort it will take you to “de-energize” the witch depends on what initiation you have and on how you can see the ether and astral, and on what level the witch has. Because an independent struggle with a seasoned witch, for a person who does not have initiation in the White hierarchy, may not end with a "victory over the witch."

With the help of prayers, rolling eggs, casting wax, and so on, "incomprehensible" psychics or healers will not be able to remove the effects of a witch. Therefore, when people take on such a thing as “fighting a witch on an energy level” without initiation, it ends up being nonsense.

Many people are engaged in the technique of "de-energizing" energy isolation, success depends not only on who does it, but also on who they do it against.

I have always told people who have learned from me that before performing any actions in the astral plane or on the ether, everything must be properly examined, seen and scanned. “It is better to measure a hundred times and cut once.”

1. The first step - you see a witch in the astral plane.

2. The second step - you see in the astral plane a witch relative who is not physically alive. Usually, previous witches are visible behind it. Like, "chick from the witches."

3. The third step - you "destroy" them (already dead, who are in the astral plane). And if it worked out, then your witch will have no energy left.

4. The fourth step, you remove the impact that was made on you or your "ward".

5. Fifth step, it's up to you, I don't know what you want to do with the witch.

If at the beginning you looked at everything well, and it turned out that the witch does not have dead relatives in the astral plane, then she performed a ritual to initiate herself into a witch. In this case, you find intermediaries in this ritual and deal with them, as in the first "generic" version. And also find again the source of the "devilish" energy and try to cut it off. In principle, such cases, when women become witches not through the family, are extremely rare. But if you still get such a case, then there will be more “fuss” with such a witch.

In principle, such methods of dealing with witches are no worse than the Inquisition.

Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

Witches fear the FUTURE TIME the most. With the help of time, you can deal with the witch. Believe in yourself and in God. I wrote about the time on other pages of the site. If you need further advice. About how to get rid of the witch, please feel free to call.

And also write about your experience and your stories on the forum. You can also ask questions on the forum.

10.07.2018Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

great God

Lord! Do not copy my texts and do not post them without my permission and a backlink on your sites and blogs, because before posting them on the Internet, I take into account and protect my copyrights, I know how to do it. In addition, many texts are taken from my book. If you do not respect my copyright, I can sue you at any time. Maya (Petenkova O.V.)

The greatest evil an enemy can do to us is to accustom our hearts to hatred. François de La Rochefoucauld

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    Damage types.

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    Who does the damage?

    Who removes damage, and who does not remove damage?

    How to remove (remove) damage to yourself (most)?

What are witches and sorcerers afraid of?

In our world, witches and sorcerers are tribal, when witchcraft is passed down from generation to generation (they begin to master their “profession” from the age of 12–13), and non-hereditary, who were taught to conjure by other witches or sorcerers.

Envy and anger, the thirst for wealth, fame, the desire to move up the career ladder - these are the motives for selling the soul to the devil. And they get it all from him. But at what cost?! Earthly life quickly flies, and after death, retribution for sins begins. But the worst thing is that their descendants suffer.

And no matter how witches and sorcerers call themselves (white or black), they are all servants of the devil. A certain number of devils, demons and semi-demons are transferred to their submission. And than more a witch or a sorcerer does evil to people, the more they are given subordination of assistants - demons. I associate witches and sorcerers with murderers in the truest sense of the word, as they can kill a person spiritually and physically. Your letters are proof of that.

What are witches and sorcerers afraid of and how they mischief

Witches and sorcerers fear God's wrath. But since they've sold their souls, they can't help dirtying. And they mess up for any occasion. So in the letter below, the witch - the most seemingly ordinary woman neighbor - after they put a candle for her health, asked God for help, changed - she suddenly became terrible, her face turned red.

“... I am applying because of the state of my health, because I cannot understand what is happening to me. I was born in the village. I was very ill from one grandmother - my neighbor. At night something choked me, sometimes at night I was lifted up somewhere, as if I was flying. Now I don’t live in the village, but when I come to my parents, a neighbor rushes to us. And once even I was left to spend the night with her, she asked for it herself. That night something choked me again, and at 12 o'clock in the morning something began to call me in her voice to get up. I began to ask God, scream and everything was gone. Then I put a candle in the church about the health of my grandmother neighbor. When I returned home from the church, my mother told me that a neighbor suddenly fell ill, blushed all over, and she suddenly became ill, she turned from a kind grandmother into a terrible witch.

This neighbor is now dead. Everything seems to be back to normal. I began to work, to live. But now I feel very bad, I don’t know what it is, nerves or something else. I went to the hospital, my head felt bad, the dead in the coffin stood before my eyes all the time, I didn’t know what to do, the state was like I was going crazy. Everything hurts. I went to church, where I screamed for half a month in a voice that was not my own. I'm in deep despair, I don't know what to do. Is the neighbor getting me out of the grave. »

“... I suffered a lot of grief: I buried my father, my mother, my older brother hanged himself.

We lived with my husband soul to soul. A neighbor lives next to us, who studied at psychic courses. She used part of our garden. One day her husband told her: "Aunt Katya, you have three gardens, so we'll take ours and we'll cultivate it ourselves." How many nasty things we heard in response: “I will “make” you that you will not live here. You will have only troubles, you will not give birth to anything, everything will go to a loss.

And it went ... We were always and everywhere together. My husband wouldn't let me go anywhere with my daughter. And now he says: “Lyuba, go away, live alone. Why should you answer and suffer for my sins? I tell him: “Maybe you have another woman, so say it.” “Don’t talk,” he says, “nonsense.” Since then, I have had pain in the shoulder joint of my left hand, now spreading to the cervical vertebrae. I rub, do massage, but nothing helps. And now a bump (tumor) has grown on the lip, it begins to fester.

The husband says that he has an idea - to hang himself. Yes, and I almost drowned with my daughter. They took me to church. Father read. The husband did not want to go. However, I still hope. They sanctified the house. The eldest daughter began to quarrel with her fiancé over trifles, shouting: "I'll poison myself." The baby did not sleep at night, she screams, she is afraid of something. The husband does not swear, but asks: "Go away." I feel that he was turned away from me, but before that he did not have a soul in me. The little daughter is crying, she wants to be with her dad. I was treated by my grandmother, but there is no result ... "

Witches - How to recognize and how to protect yourself from her spell. Part 2

In Russia, you can most often encounter witches and sorcerers (men have also entered the arena a long time ago) in churches - on big church holidays.

Not all believers know what dark things are going on in churches during the service.

Someone will be surprised: But how so? Why in temples?».

Energy! They need strength. In the temple, they are easiest to get. So.

How to recognize unclean people in the church:

When witches kneel in church, they try to cross their legs in this position.

Witches very quickly cross themselves with their left hand, that is, they make a cross, first they baptize the stomach, then the left shoulder, right and forehead.

They leave the temples with their backs and, as it were, walking backwards. This is due to the fact that on spinal cord there are many nerve endings, and the rays from the icons and the altar strongly burn the backs of witches and sorcerers.

In church, they can walk around you counterclockwise and poke you with their hand, then stand behind you and suck the energy out of you. If this happens, then immediately, without hesitation, hit the witch or sorcerer with your left hand so that the damage goes back. The second time a witch or sorcerer will not do anything like this to you.

Pay attention if you lit a candle, stood in some place in the church, and the candle suddenly smoked. Do not be lazy and look at your feet. There might be a needle in there. Normal damage in order to feed on your strength.

Do not allow strangers to rearrange your candle, make sure that it burns out to the end. Make sure that your candle is not extinguished, that another candle is placed on it and that your burning candle is not stuck in the candlestick. After all, in this way they damage you and take away your strength.

Many beginners do not know where to put a lit candle. A witch or sorcerer will definitely try to approach such a person with advice. They say to a person: "Put a candle and leave the church backwards." If a person does this, then he will damage himself.

There is such a situation. You have a lighted candle in your hands, and you are asked to light your candle from yours. It is better to politely refuse, let them light their candle from burning candles standing on a candlestick.

If a man or a woman stands with a burning candle, and holds the candle not vertically, but horizontally, they cause damage.

Don't believe? Go to the temple for a big feast and watch.

But not only in churches you can meet witches. We all know about the "evil eye" of gypsies. To protect yourself from them, try to silently walk past and in no case look them in the eye. So it will be much more difficult for a gypsy to do something bad to you.

Refrain from picking up small things on the street - warts, diseases and spoilage are most often reduced on it. Do not touch crutches, sticks, canes, gloves and other lost items.

If you suspect that you are talking to an unkind person who may say or wish bad things, hold on to something metallic during the moment of communication.

You should be careful about the food that you are persistently treated to. With the help of food and drink, bringing illness to a person is not difficult.

Be wary of accepting wool as a gift. It is easiest to damage the wool, which will then be transferred to the owner of the thing. Do not give or accept as a gift without a symbolic “payback” scarves and gloves (for parting), watches (for longing), sharp objects (for a quarrel).

Did you suddenly find a pin in yourself or your husband's clothes? It is better not to unfasten it. Because one of the most common ways to destroy your marriage is to attach a charmed pin to your clothes. The action of the conspiracy begins at the moment when you unfasten the pin. And believe me, it really works ... It's better to get rid of the thing where the pin was found. In the villages, such things are burned to this day, but in the city ... at least just throw it in the trash.

Imagine, sorceresses can live with you in the same house, and you don’t even suspect why someone close to you suddenly fell ill, why things don’t go. And why did one continuous black streak in life begin. Pay attention to if some neighbor often drops by to ask you for some salt or eggs. It is better not to give anything at all and to ward off the importunate lady. And certainly nothing should be taken from her hands. And if you took it, sprinkle the thing with holy water. In the house, hang a bag of wormwood or a clove of garlic above the door. Since ancient times, wormwood and garlic have been reputed to be the most reliable protection from evil spirits.

Stones - tiger's eye, agate and amethyst are considered good defenders from the evil eye and damage.

If you suddenly find yourself at sea, bring a small flat stone with you from there, which you will get out of the water. There is no magic here. It's just that the energy of the sea is very strong and will be able to protect you from the evil eye.

Try to keep your wardrobe less black and dark things. It is much more difficult to bring trouble on a person dressed in light.

If there are serious suspicions of induced damage: children get sick in an incomprehensible way, dishes break by themselves and objects fall, other incomprehensible phenomena occur and bad dreams are dreamed, do a general cleaning.

Inspect the door jambs and door frames for any stuck needles (just don’t touch them with your hands), throw out any

misplaced paper clips, lying coins, other metal trifles. Wash everything, wash it, rinse it all.

And if you decide to turn to psychics and magicians, be extremely careful. Many do not even realize how much worse they make themselves and their loved ones with such appeals. Yes, there are people who really help.

But remember that such people never set tariffs for their services. They serve God, and therefore help, regardless of whether the person who turns to them has money or not. If you are asked for fabulous sums allegedly "for candles", run away from such magicians without looking back.

Anyone who has not had a chance to deal with all this will be very surprised - well, the topic, well, and advice. And some will think - I'm so good, why would anyone harm me.

Believe me, the victim of a witch is often completely innocent.

Most witches don't aim to hurt others. They are doing well for themselves. They cannot live without it. And God save you from meeting people who, by their actions, distort the true meaning of the word "witch."

The moon has a strong influence on our lives, including the things we plan.

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Protection from witches: prayers, protective amulets and amulets

Evil awaits a simple person at any turn. And no one guarantees that the source of negative energy is not constantly hanging around you, trying to draw you into a sad story, which will undoubtedly come out sideways. Protection from witches is relevant today, even more than in ancient times. Evil has become more cunning, its methods more sophisticated. Let's talk about how to protect yourself from a witch, how to recognize her and where to find the strength to confront this terrible threat.

Are there sorcerers and other evil entities?

You can talk for as long as you like about sorcerers, goblin, sorcerers, there is little sense in this if a person denies them as a phenomenon. And it is up to everyone to decide what is true and what is a lie, on their own, sometimes on their own painful experience. Evil forces do not take into account the opinion of the victim, disbelief plays into their hands. They take root in consciousness and push to strange, destructive, destructive actions, enjoying the torment of the human soul, feeding on its pure energy. The peoples of the world have known this for a long time. Therefore, people tried to figure out how to protect themselves from the witch.

Religion has given a lot in this regard. It unites people, which means it makes them stronger. After all, everyone relies on a common power resource, and this increases protection by a multiple. For example, many have heard that praying to Cyprian from witchcraft works wonders. With its help, people get rid of terrible ailments, correct their fate, become happier, feel freer. Prayer is a way to call for help from those who share the same faith. Their souls create a special essence, so to speak. Esotericists call such formation an egregor. This is the union of thoughts, feelings, hopes, that is, the energy invested in a certain idea. Believers in the past and present, through prayers, unite their forces in precisely such an energy formation. And everyone uses its potential as needed. It turns out a powerful shield from witchcraft, protection from witches, a source of strength for the soul and body. And in such groups in the energy-informational world all adherents of this or that idea or thought unite. Witches and sorcerers create their own egregors, while the enlightened ones work on the generation of opposing entities. We, one way or another, join one side or another when we make any decision in ordinary life. He uttered a bad (obscene) word - an egregor of evil reached out to you; felt sorry for the crying child - a bright essence was nearby. How does this relate to the theme of "protection against witchcraft"? Now let's explain.

Protection mechanism

Of course, you can simply talk about what magical manipulations should be performed in order to avoid the networks that dark forces scatter around the world. But this is not enough. As it is now fashionable to express, the psyche must have a rationale for everything that happens. Otherwise, it slows down the order of consciousness, ceases to operate. Much is said by esotericists about belief in miracles, in other world, in bioenergy and the like. But we live in a very realistic, pragmatic space. It is better to understand once what is happening and how, in order to use it constantly, for yourself and your loved ones, and to the detriment of witches and sorcerers.

And the mechanism is simple. Imagine two waves: black and light. Each has an autonomous power source. They try to build it up and take as much as possible more space in the world, squeezing out the enemy. This confrontation is eternal, like the Universe. And every single person takes part in it. It is alternately connected to the energy source of one side or the other. Only saints constantly interact with good forces. Ordinary people give their energy to both participants in the confrontation. But sorcerers with witches shy away from the light side, they cannot deal with it under any circumstances. They are trying to win over to the side of the dark forces as many people as possible. After all, the opposing sides on our planet have no other sources of life-giving energy - only human souls. Witch defense is about connecting to the bright side of this eternal struggle. She will cover the sufferer with her umbrella of goodness, drive away the negative being along with its owner.

Practical methods of protection

Having learned theoretical basis, you can go to the specifics. Witchcraft protection consists of several stages. You can’t miss a single one, otherwise the meaning of the event will be lost. And you need to do the following:

  1. Reveal the witch.
  2. Choose the best way to neutralize it.
  3. Apply it.
  4. Rate the result.
  5. Repeat if necessary.

You know, the first point of the above plan is often omitted. There is a risk of error here. We all tend to evaluate other people's behavior based on our own worldview. Sometimes we take for evil spells the results of our mistakes, wrong intentions, and the like. Then we appoint a “witch” of a person who is not involved in the situation, who does not have evil thoughts. And some protection rituals directly harm such a person. For example, a prayer from a witch covers the person who turned to her, fencing off the alleged offender with a dome. This wall is not visible in physical world, but quite real and tangible in the energy. It cuts off connections between people, stops the exchange of fields. And if you suspected your "offender" in vain, then aggression will fall on your head. And that person gets hurt. Suspicion, not to mention certainty, is the same negative program. You attack an innocent person with it no worse than a witch.

Ways to counter evil

Did you pay attention to the second point of our action plan? There it is proposed to choose the optimal method of protection. This means that you need to have an idea of ​​what exactly they are, how they work, what are the advantages of one or another. There is nothing particularly new here either. Protection from witches has long been carried out in the following ways:

What exactly is right for you? Look into your value system. It is necessary to take on the tool that is beyond doubt. It is better for believers to pray, for atheists to speak, for realists to engage in auto-training, and the like. By the way, everything psychological practices These are special rites in our system. Dark forces work at all levels subtle world. They penetrate thoughts, try to fill the astral plane with negativity, reduce the vibrations of feelings and emotions. They have many ways to influence people. And our business is not to succumb, to be able to distinguish their pernicious influence. If you use the scheme described above - stay close to the light, reject the intrigues of the negative side of the confrontation. And then not a single witch will be terrible, the sorcerer will not be able to sneak up and harm. What is the bright side? You subconsciously feel it. Contact with it gives rise to sincere joy in the soul, not connected with anything, like a child.

How to identify a witch

Evil forces are rich in fiction. The appearance of a witch for certain and accurately cannot be described. It is only in fairy tales that an ugly old woman with a club exists. In our real life the witch takes the form of a beautiful girl or a gorgeous lady, depending on the object of the attack. She can pretend to be a friend or benefactor, a passer-by or a colleague (boss). "Horror everywhere!" the optimist will exclaim with doubt, and the pessimist with fear. Not everything is so scary. Logic and intuition will help to identify the witch. This person is bad for everyone. You must have met such a person. She complains, tries to please or help, but all inappropriately. The more active he behaves, the more confused the situation. The purpose of the witch is to get as much negativity out of the people around her as possible. Intuitively, each of her victims feels this. You just need to connect logical conclusions with inner insight. And identify the terrible danger. But, by the way, there are not many real witches on the planet. Those who foolishly want to become black witches do not count. From them, more troubles are not for others, but for themselves.

Protective amulets and amulets

This way of resisting evil spells is thousands of years old, if not more. In ancient times, people endowed objects with magical powers, not yet realizing that they themselves fill them with light. And now amulets are in great demand. They work independently, you activate once and you feel protected. The best amulets- donated loving person. They are directly connected to the light forces through feelings.

What kind of thing is suitable for making a charm out of it? Every nation has its own traditions. For example, in the East they believe in a blue eye. This is a special glass talisman. It is believed that he collects dark energy in himself. Many nations understood and now welcome magical properties precious metals and minerals. Any decoration is a natural amulet. It distracts, scatters the witch's attention. It's no secret that evil beings are greedy. They are greedy for everything shiny, especially expensive trinkets. For the amulet to work, it must be activated. To do this, hold the little thing in the sun, warm it, nourish it with life-giving energy. If it is a stone or jewelry, rinse with running water beforehand. In conclusion, hold in your palms, feel its surface, remember. And also ask the amulet to protect against dark forces.

Believers lean on the Lord in their own opposition to witchcraft. They are more suited to talking with the Almighty. You can conduct it constantly, at any time when you feel threatened. For example, a prayer to Cyprian from witchcraft is read so that the Lord saves from evil spells and his own sinfulness. That is, it protects from outer and inner darkness. It is necessary to visit the temple, buy candles and an icon. Before her and pray at home to get rid of the threatening situation. Words must come from the soul.

There is a special text in the prayer book. You can, of course, use them. But in prayer it is important to open your heart to the Lord. That is why Jesus commanded to speak with the Father for behind closed doors, with a pure soul, free from pride. And this is interpreted as the use of one's own words. But here is a short text of the prayer to St. Cyprian for those who are not yet able to fully open their souls. Here it is: “Lord Jesus! Hear the prayer of your servant (your name) and Cyprian! Forgive my sins, committed by the temptation of the devil and human weakness. Lord, without Your will the birds do not fly in heaven, the vine is not born, the tree does not bear fruit. Everything happens on earth according to Your will! I pray, Lord, forbid by Your power all witchcraft and sorcery that seduces a person, protect from the spell of the devil, strengthen the strength of Your servant (name). Autumn by Your mercy, do not let perish from the spell of the villainous, support on the earthly path, leading to Your holy abode. Amen!".

How to read conspiracies from witches

It should be noted that prayers work only for those who feel a connection with the Lord. In other cases, it is recommended to choose another tool, a conspiracy from a witch, for example. Formulas were created by different magical schools. But all of them are effective, as they are connected to the egregor of protection. One has only to start reading special words, as this powerful force will rush to the aid of the needy. It has been created for as many centuries as there is a religion. Rather, they came out of the same root, and then dispersed. The conspiracy "protection from the witch" awakens in the depths of the subconscious the most ancient instincts of kinship with the planet. All nature helps the psyche to cope with the threat, to resist the eternal evil personified by the sorceress. You need to read the words automatically, like the believers "Our Father". But magic formula is not just a set of sounds, but an interaction with nature.

The following conspiracy was recommended to be pronounced while holding onto a tree or other plant. The words are as follows: “I speak from the living, from an evil enemy, from a sharp fang, from snake venom, from black divination, from bad friendship, from the evil eye, from leprosy, from thinness and any misfortune. A star will not fall from the sky, but a witch will pass by! Amen!". The plot should be memorized so that the words do not fly out of your head under the influence of stress. It is read at the moment when they felt the evil directed in your direction. And the faster you react, the less chance the sorceress has to take possession of a piece of your energy.

What to do if the witch harmed

Sorcery produces a change in a person's aura. In the people, this phenomenon is usually called damage. To remove it, to correct the damage, it is necessary to conduct a special ceremony. Spoilage is cast with wax, rolled out with an egg, removed with salt. Any ritual will do. At home, for example, you can use ordinary salt. You need to take a frying pan. Pour salt on it with a wooden spoon and warm it up, reading prayers. Magicians advise the following texts: "Our Father", the 90th psalm, "Let God rise again!". Stir the salt and say the words of the prayers. The whole ceremony lasts from fifteen minutes to an hour, or even two. Its effectiveness is judged by the behavior of the salt. Smokes - damage comes out, smokes - strong witchcraft, does not emit gases - suspicions are groundless. After the ritual, it is necessary to put protection from the witch. And for this you need to buy a charm and activate it (see above).

It should be noted that not always independent work helps to completely get rid of witchcraft. The result of the confrontation depends on the balance of forces. If you feel that you cannot overcome it, then urgently seek help. And she can be very close. For example, it is customary for Muslims to make a dua. Old women gather in the house of a man afflicted with witchcraft and read surahs from the Koran over the poor fellow. So, all in a herd and cope with grief, expelling the messenger of dark forces.

Personal war

You know, a person cannot live to old age and never encounter evil. Confronting witches, sorcerers, and other entities is part of our earthly experience. You shouldn't be afraid of it. It is important to understand that in this world a person is free, that is, he decides which side eternal confrontation support at any given moment. And, only having made a mistake, he needs advice on how to get rid of the witch. Her presence in your destiny suggests that there is something in the soul that attracts, a dark side. Just like that, these forces do not send their messengers to a person. They are waiting for a signal that the victim is ready to cooperate. Analyze your reaction to events last days before realizing that they were the victim of a witch. Emotions such as envy, jealousy, resentment, discontent, anger and others show dark side that you are ready to join the ranks of its adherents. Do not attract this force only absolutely happy people. This is the most insurmountable defense for a witch! Be happy all the time, strive for creativity, love and get the same feelings in return. No sorcerer comes close. And you also need to have courage in your soul. It strengthens the protection with light. Good luck!

If you recognize a witch among people, you can more effectively protect yourself from evil spells and the machinations of ill-wishers. These methods are simple and at the same time effective. They were invented in ancient times by our ancestors, and then finalized by esotericists.

In the article:

How to recognize a witch and why you need it

The first sources that teach how to identify a witch according to various criteria appeared in the Middle Ages. Some have been used inquisitors, interrogating people associated with witchcraft and heresy. Some of these signs are superstitions, it is not known how preserved to this day. Witches were feared, they were seen as the cause of disease, crop failure and famine, and therefore they were burned at the stake.

If during the medieval witch-hunt, methods for identifying sorceresses had practical use, now it is simply illegal to use most of them. And why do this when the study of esotericism and the application of the acquired knowledge is not punished or exiled? But still, ways to identify witches are useful.

With the help of the available verification options, you can find out if there are witches in your environment. This way you will avoid negative witchcraft if you suspect the enemy has a penchant for magic. Known fact- after removing the damage or other negative program, the one who brought them will definitely get in touch. This is also a way to identify a witch, which is suitable if she harms you.

Perhaps the signs of a witch will help some of the readers find a like-minded person or be convinced of their abilities. It is easy to find out for yourself whether you are a witch.

Do not forget that not every witch practices and dreams of damaging you. Most of them are not up to petty sabotage. In addition, witches gained such a reputation in the Middle Ages, when people with magical abilities were considered accomplices of the devil and burned at the stake.

From Old Slavonic, the approximate translation of this word is “a knowing mother”. In Russia, they had a positive attitude towards witches, knowing that they were able to cure the disease, help the woman in labor, and remove the evil eye. However, if the witch sent damage to people, livestock or crops, she was drowned or burned in her own house.

Signs of a witch in a church

Temple - Holy place, but that doesn't mean the sorceress can't be there. Women who practice black magic rarely believe in God. But holy water church candles and other objects are often obligatory components of ceremonies. In addition, one of the ways is to put a candle for the repose of a living person. White witches also often appear in churches, but for completely different purposes. They rarely stand out from the crowd of other parishioners.

Clean Thursday is a special day in the life of every believer. The witch in the temple can be recognized by Easter signs who warn against their intrigues, because the sorceress can take away prosperity and peace in the house, if she so desires. Light witches are trying to get special church candles and consecrated salt, which has healing powers. In addition, there are many conspiracies on Clean Thursday - for beauty, money and other goals.

Judging by the old signs from the time of testing water for suspected witches, witches in the church become invisible. To determine one of them on Maundy Thursday, you need to put your clothes inside out, go to church and not touch anything. In the old days, it was believed that in this case you can see a naked witch near the priest.

In the past, it was believed that the witch came out of the church with her back to the front. But the reason for this is not at all the holy rays that burn her tail, the presence of which was not in doubt. Some rites do require leaving the holy place in this way, and there are many of them. So it is impossible to find out why the witch entered the temple by watching how she leaves it.

If you are wary of witches' tricks while going to church, take a rowan branch with you. It will allow you to follow the magician and not be noticed by her, protect against black witchcraft and enhance observation. With such a talisman you will learn more about witches. It can be taken not only to the temple.

There are witches. The church for many representatives becomes a suitable place to recharge someone else's energy. Not everyone knows how to do this imperceptibly, and at this moment the witch can be detected. To feed on your energy, she will go around you counterclockwise, and then lightly touch her left hand, as if by chance. If this happens to you, push the witch back with your left hand, after which her attempts to feed will be useless. Most likely, the vampire witch will remember you for a long time.

On Easter, witches try to be the first to cross the threshold of the church and touch the doorknob. If a woman has come to the morning festive service and does not leave the door in order to have time to go in first, most likely she practices magic.

How to recognize a witch - ancient superstitions

Previously, it was believed that one of the signs of a witch is the ability to turn into a small animal - a cat, a snake, a toad. They love fresh milk, so it's possible to catch a witch in sheds and other pet areas. If you notice a frog, a black cat or a snake drinking milk from an abandoned plate, the animal must be driven away.

If you injured him, the witch will have the same damage in human form. Witches were searched for in the villages by a broken arm or leg, a large bruise. The Inquisition accepted such evidence, and it was difficult for a villager accused of witchcraft to prove that she was not involved in stealing milk using magic.

In the past, they were afraid of the arrival of a witch in the house. Suspected of witchcraft could come with unclean intentions. In the old days, those who wanted to or steal the things necessary for this rite tried to expose. It used to be believed that if you put a knife under the tablecloth of the dining table, the witch would not be able to leave the house. She will come up with different reasons for staying longer, and after a while she will become desperate. The same properties are attributed to the needle in the corner of the doorway.

In remote villages, it was believed that if a family had seven daughters, one of them would definitely become a witch or her mother. According to legend, the seventh son of the seventh son will become a sorcerer.

How to identify a witch by inquisitorial methods

It is no secret that witch hunters used torture during interrogation. It was believed that she sold her soul to Satan in exchange for magical abilities has pain-insensitive areas on the body. If you prick them with a needle, the suspect will not feel anything. The masters of torture were great specialists. If they believed that the accused was faking, she was declared a witch. True, now this method can lead to criminal liability.

The inquisitors believed that a witch could be recognized by her appearance. They used in their work not only torture. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that Satan puts special marks on the bodies of those who sold his soul with red-hot claws. We were looking for moles located in inconspicuous places - near the genitals, in the armpits, in the hair, in the mouth. They were pierced with a needle, and if there was no blood, the woman was sentenced to death.

A modern witch may have peculiar large moles that will betray her true nature. But, if you don't know the suspect well enough, finding the Witch's Mark is difficult. The stamp can be of any color and size. It does not look like an ordinary mole, although there are often marks in the form of constellations, which are also considered signs of a sorceress.

During the time of the witch hunt, babies with a ponytail were believed to have supernatural powers. It was not uncommon for such children to be executed. Small processes in the region of the coccyx continue to appear in modern world, most often they are removed in the hospital.

How to recognize a witch by appearance

Take a close look at her eyes. With a witch, he is tenacious, heavy, penetrating the very essence of a person. From such a look it becomes uncomfortable, I want to stop communication and move away. Even if you are faced with a light sorceress, your eyes will give out a store of knowledge and life experience. The carrier of dark power may have an unpleasant, shifty look.

Eye color is no help in determining a witch. They can be any color, but green and grey-green are more common. Almost always, the eyes of a real sorceress are bright and unusual, with an extraordinary shade, for example, purple or amber. Eyes of different colors are a relatively reliable sign of a witch.

Almost all women who have achieved considerable success in the study of magic are very attractive. They have a special magnetism, although they often have something repulsive in appearance. However, at real witch always smart enough to make flaws his features. This is especially true for young girls, but older witches are not inferior to them in beauty. True, it is usually difficult to understand what exactly seems attractive in the appearance of a witch.

Women who know the secrets of witchcraft practically do not change their appearance with age. If there is a lady in your environment who looks 20 at 45, but does not use the services of plastic surgeons, perhaps this is a witch. The same applies to the figure, it does not change much, regardless of the woman's eating style.

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In the image of most sorceresses, there is at least one masculine trait. It could be low voice, high growth, large wrists. Witches are considered to be feminine creatures, but this does not stop them from preferring unisex clothes and perfumes. Some of them do not have a passion for cosmetics, because beauty magic provides great opportunities.

Witches have long, thick and well-groomed hair. They know that these are their antennas, which conduct energy from space or other sources. In the old days, it was believed that a witch would lose her strength if her hair was cut. This is not true, but still they wear long hairstyles even in the modern world, when the power of superstition is not as great as it used to be.

It is believed that witches prefer dark clothes. However, the color of the wardrobe depends only on preferences and the concept of style. Witches, like the rest of the fair sex, create own image. But the presence of strange jewelry, amulets and esoteric symbols should alert. Magicians and sorcerers rarely do without such things and almost never give them into the hands of strangers.

How to calculate a witch by behavior

To identify a witch, pay attention to her physical form and state of health. Witches rarely suffer from any disease. They have excellent immunity and even a common cold for one of the representatives becomes a rarity. This is especially true for young witches. They are in good physical shape and have good grades in physical education, they are often fond of sports.

If there is a witch in your environment, who is also energy vampire, feeling the need to recharge someone else's life energy, you are unlikely to doubt the existence of sorceresses. After communicating with such a representative, people feel depressed and devastated. Her presence is especially well felt by individuals with weak energy, who are highly susceptible to hypnosis.

Witches often know more than others and sometimes share their hunches. You should listen to the warnings of such a friend if she treats you well. Their words come true. A bad wish expressed in a state of passion in such a person will work like a curse. That is why even in bad mood the witch will weigh her every word.

If a woman makes sure that strangers do not touch her hair, and also carefully destroys everything from a comb or hairpin, this indicates that she knows what they can be used for in magic. A real sorceress will never give hair, nail clippings and other biomaterial into the hands of another person. Having acquired them, you can cause serious damage to her.

Healing sorceresses most often have an attractive appearance. In their presence, disagreements are settled, the atmosphere becomes pleasant. They are often religious, rarely refuse help. Talking to such women has a calming effect. Black magicians cause irrational, inexplicable fear.

There are many men around the sorceress - she knows how to attract them and is popular. In the family, she will be the head and her decisions will dominate.

The sorceress has many acquaintances, especially if we are talking useful links. But in terms of friendship, they are more selective than the rest. Few are able to strike up a friendly relationship with a witch. If she decides that she has blurted out too much to her friend, it can cause a memory lapse. A person will forget an inadvertently expressed secret, but along with it, something else. True friendship- a rarity for witches, they often face envy because of their bright appearance, youth, beautiful figure, success and, of course, the attention of men.

A strange atmosphere reigns in the witch's house. She could clean up before guests arrive, but such people rarely care about other people's opinions, and a few strange objects will still catch their eye. These are rare things with an incomprehensible purpose, candles, dry herbs, crystals. The owner of an unusual apartment may have new furniture and interior items, but this will not diminish the strangeness of the room. Home amulets and amulets are located in inconspicuous areas, it is undesirable to study them in detail and touch them with your hands.

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How else can you recognize a witch among people? She is calm and self-confident, knows how to control emotions, because she knows what it is for. True, it is believed that if you approach one of them from the back and suddenly put your hand on their shoulder, you can make her very angry. But it can be applied to anyone - who would like that? By the way, it is not easy to go unnoticed to a strong witch, the energy of each person can be felt even before he comes into view.

Witches are always smart and educated. For them, the number of diplomas does not matter, as well as the very fact of having higher education. On any issue, a suspected witch will have an opinion. She is erudite and can amaze with knowledge.

Most witches love nature because they draw nourishment from it. True, each representative has her own places of power. Your friend may be betrayed by an addiction to visiting cemeteries, crowded places, reservoirs, and even objects of battles and executions. She can advocate for the protection of nature and even be a member of one of the environmental organizations.

Often sorceresses are well versed in herbs, which are one of the magical tools. They use natural cosmetics and medicines, they can give advice on this topic. Witches often prefer unusual herbal teas and experiment with different seasonings. No meal is complete without them. A huge supply of herbs, roots and spices also betrays the sorceress.

Light witches love animals, and they love them back. A considerable part of them refused meat and wearing animal skins. If your usually unfriendly cat is happy to go to the arms of a friend, he may understand her. inner essence. Witches are not afraid of street dogs, they know how to negotiate with them and do without barking and biting. Sorceresses rarely remain indifferent to street animals, often help them - feed them, put them in good hands.

Since now there is no need to hide an addiction to witchcraft, people practicing it communicate on the appropriate resources, and in real life they are ready to support such topics in conversations. They often have their own theories of the mysteries of the universe, and they share them.

The knowledge gained will help you easily recognize the witch in your environment. The goals of this are the most diverse - to protect yourself and loved ones from the pernicious influence of evil spells or to find a mentor or girlfriend in the world of witchcraft.

I immediately answer main question: "Do witches really exist?" - and I say, yes, there are, and I am an example of this. I'm a witch and that's a fact. Fairy tales and movies tell you that an evil sorceress must have long black hair, long claws and an evil smile. Now, this is absolutely not true. I have neither claws, nor a black long dress, much less a tail and horns. I wear jeans and my hair is short

But I am a witch, a real dark witch, as you say, with an altar, ritual tools and old books with a set of complex conspiracies, slander and the like.

What can a witch do and why does she do it?

I work with energy, and I do not always use my skills and knowledge for the benefit of people. I know how to inflict damage, do rituals for death and illness, I can jinx you or make you collapse all plans ... but I don’t do this. More precisely, I do, but very, very rarely. And if you didn’t harm me, didn’t cause me a fit of rage, then you have absolutely no reason to be afraid of me. And I'm unlikely to write a book about this, and I won't reveal all my secrets to you, and I won't make a business out of it. But still, I will tell you about what you are afraid of, I will open for you a small door to the world that delights, attracts and frightens you, to the world of magic.

Whoever reads my publications remembers that I do not recognize the division of magic into colors, there is no white or black magic, there is aggressive magic and there is active magic without malice and aggression. My area: aggressive magic, but I respect the adepts of positive magic.

What is the purpose of the department

When I was looking for an answer to the question why people are afraid of such strange girls, who were called witches or witches in the world, I read a lot of information on the Internet, and did not know whether to laugh or cry. According to the stated version of antiquity, I, as a representative of the witch's caudle, must meet the following criteria:

  • connection with the devil;
  • the ability to fly through a pipe;
  • the ability to direct the evil eye with just one look;
  • do only dirty tricks.

If we take a more modern version of the description, then the witch must:

  • wear strict black clothes;
  • carry a set of talismans;
  • ideally master hypnosis;
  • to feed on the energy of people to drink their strength;
  • afraid of the cross and the church.

But I don't quite meet the requirements, I don't have devils in my lovers, and I'm not afraid God's Temple. I’ll surprise you, but I go to church like all of you, I know how to drive a car, and I don’t know how to fly on a broomstick, and I do dirty tricks extremely rarely and extremely reluctantly.

The essence of the witch and the department is not to harm, she is such a witch not because she is evil, she is such because she knows exactly what is not available to everyone.

Here we are, and we can’t do anything about it, we can’t turn into good fairies in pink dresses and give you candy. And, to be honest with you, I'll tell you, we don't aspire to become like that. We are not like this because of our malice, but because we see in your essence everything that you are trying to hide. We also see the good in your hearts, but more clearly we see your hidden, those very negative parts of your inner self. If I look at a person in reality, he is so clean and smiling in beautiful clothes, but I see, and that’s all, the bad that he is capable of and I don’t close my eyes to it. You think that people like me extra part world and we are not needed, because we are taking away your hope that the world is big and kind? Yes, I will not hide, I can harm, but I can help, I can punish, but I can also protect. I know how to work with energy, I know how to transform it, I know how to direct it, I know how to put it together simple words in a chain, so that they become my weapon, but not only a weapon, but also a tool. This is the whole essence of the department: work with certain energy flows, often negative ones, the ability to work with a magic tool and complex phrases, creating these same energy flows.

The witch herself does not create or create anything, this is the ability to take the energy flow, give it the right charge and direct it in the right direction.

When should you be afraid of a witch?

Ever since childhood, we were firmly inspired that: a witch is evil. And this word is already a priori associated with something negative, evil, otherworldly. Should a witch be afraid? Necessary! But only if you yourself have done evil. But evil is such, its degree of negativity is difficult to determine, and it all depends on what angle to look at. I give an example, a person climbs the career ladder with all his might, goes almost over his head. I will not argue today such behavior is even a priority in honor. This man is devoted to his superiors, he is hardworking and smart, but ... but, there are those on whom this very hardworking one stepped on in his blind striving for the top. Hooked up a colleague. And this colleague has a family, children, pride, after all. And this person will come to me, because he thinks that my cherished desire to harm everyone has got indiscriminately and will tell his misfortune and ask for help, and I will help him moderate the ardor of the presumptuous one, I will help him with my own methods, but not with damage, and even more so not with a curse. Am I evil? Yes, the real thing. Only the person whom I helped will say that I am kind and will be grateful to me.

When a witch consciously begins to harm a person

Another moment of debunking the myths in your head concerns the fact that such craftsmen harm you just like that. Here, you have one short period a lot of trouble happened. And, you say that someone jinxed it. It may very well be. And if you have a losing streak, tell me what? What damage was done. But you don’t even know what, it’s not so easy to damage it, it’s a big expenditure of energy and strength. Remember, not a single practitioner, whether it is three times a witch or a witcher, will spend such energy, precious for his health or life, to punish someone for a quarrel with a neighbor.

The world of magic in the world of energy also has its own laws, and if this is a magician, and not a charlatan, then he will not agree to damage for such an act for any money. And if he agrees, then this is a charlatan, that is, clearly not a practitioner who knows what work with energy is and his deeds, if they give an effect, it is very weak.

Professional damage is rare.

In my practice, there were people who were simply sure that they had been spoiled for health or even death. As a result, according to the check, it turned out that something dark had entered their energy, but this was not a curse or damage - it was just anger, strong anger from the opponent. Before you get scared that you can be spoiled, think about the fact that such work costs a lot of money, because it costs a lot of strength and energy for the magician himself. It is rare that anyone has enough reason and money to order a professional witch to do damage or curse. Yes, I did not make a reservation, namely the grounds and means, the means alone, that is, money is not enough. I, and all those whom I know who work in such a field, if this true magician, a true sorcerer, does not sell his services simply for money, there must be reasons. If it will be easier for you to understand the meaning of what has been said, then I will quote fairy tales and say that we are also obliged to maintain the balance of this world, since we feed on it and give it our energy.

This is such a cycle of energy, and no one gets anything just like that. I don’t protect myself from simple everyday troubles, I don’t make myself successful and prosperous, everything should go its own way, and I don’t seek to lose my knowledge for getting impudent in the process of working with energy.

How to protect yourself from the influence of a witch?

Well, this is a difficult question. It all depends on how strong the witch is, what harm you did to her (well, or not to her), how strong your own energy and natural defenses are, and much more. various factors. I am quite young and my practice is not so voluminous. But if someone infuriates me, I can slap such a charge that the natural energy protection of this person will be torn to shreds, and I won’t even need to damage or induce curses on a person without a natural energy protection exposed to such a barrage of negativity that it can adversely affect all areas of his life. But, in all my 32 years they managed to bring me to such a state only once, and then I did it very gently, but intelligibly.

The witch will not curse you for stepping on her foot in the store, this is not our method.

The witch is more likely to apologize herself for inadvertently colliding with you, and she will smile, and you will even feel joy, thinking that: this is what good man this girl, I'm to blame, and she apologized. The only defense against a witch is not to provoke her or any other person to show anger and hatred towards you.

If you consciously do evil, no accessories, amulets and talismans of protection will help you escape from revenge or punishment.

Somewhere, once I read that the Lord will protect from witchcraft. I believe in the Lord and recognize his power. But I know that when doing evil, you should not humiliate your Faith in Him with requests for help and protection. This is hypocrisy. I am not hypocritical and I thank you more often than I ask, I thank you, including for everything that I know and that I can do. If an abandoned woman comes to me with a request to exterminate her rival from the face of the earth, I will not do this, for me human life and health and wellness matters. I will offer her other ways to solve the problem. I will offer to fully open and enhance her natural sphere of attractiveness and sexuality, and she will meet another worthy man, one who will not betray. But don't be under the illusion that this is a witch's iron rule. Not at all. If I see enough reason to punish the rival of this woman, I will punish and I do not guarantee that I will do it carefully gently or kindly. She will not be able to protect herself from my case, or she will not have time, or simply will not even think about it.

And a few words at the end of the acquaintance

From today I will be blogging here, where I will tell you about witchcraft affairs, help you understand everything that is connected with the sphere of office and magic. You can ask questions, write comments. You can even be angry with me, argue with me and discuss. I will not be angry with you and I will not offend you, as I recognize any opinions and accept any point of view. I would be glad to talk with everyone who liked "Bewitch" and who found something useful and necessary for themselves on the pages of our site.

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