What does the name Alexei mean from Greek. Name for a boy Alexey: meaning, character and fate. What does the name Alexei mean in astrology

According to Florensky

The names Alexander and Alexei are manifested by almost opposite signs, and yet metaphysically very close to each other, and Alexei is some softening or softening of the name Alexander, as a result of which the main balance is disturbed in it: Alexander is solid, crystalline, while Aleksey is pasty. Alexei is the same Alexander, but near the melting point. Alexander is standing, while Alexei is falling, always falling, and there is not a single vertical line in him.

The nature of the name Alex

In Alexei, the composition of the personality is close to that of Alexander, and the elements of personality largely correspond to the elements of Alexander's personality. But Alexander is characterized by a very precise definition of the horizon of consciousness, as a result of which the conscious and the subconscious and the superconscious are in very exact correspondence with each other, and this determines the balance and self-isolation of this personality. In Alexei there is the same commensurate proportion of personality elements taken separately, but the totality of those that fall into the area of ​​consciousness is no longer commensurate with the totality of the elements of the subconscious. By shifting the level of consciousness in Alexander, and precisely by raising this level significantly upwards, we thereby get Alexei. In other words, the subconscious (including the superconscious) in Alexei forms a deeper layer than in Alexander, and the conscious is represented by a layer thinner than that of the latter.

According to the given depth of the subconscious, for the balance of the personality, Alexei would need a much greater degree of consciousness and intelligence than he has and can have. If we imagine Alexei having acquired such consciousness and intelligence, but without changing the depth of the subconscious that he had, then Alexei would cease to be Alexei and become Alexander, but not ordinary Alexander but a great, genius. But the fact of the matter is that the structure of Alexei's personality is such that any increase in consciousness in him leads to an accelerated, in comparison with the growth of consciousness, growth of the subconscious roots of the personality; growing spiritually, Alexei becomes even more Alexei, but at the limit he strives for foolishness. From this it is clear: for Alexander, the surrounding reality is perceived mainly through consciousness and therefore causes a consciously self-determined reaction, which, therefore, is verbal, separate, rational. On the contrary, the same external world acts on Alexei through the subconscious, and Alexei's reaction is also subconscious, emotional, does not come out in a single act, but, as it were, flows in a continuous current, emanate from him in an undivided and irrational way.

When the degree of consciousness in Alexander decreases, for example, from an illness, etc., then he shifts somewhat towards Alexei, just as Alexei's shift towards Alexander occurs during a temporary aggravation of consciousness. But for both of them, these shifts are only temporary deviations from their own, inherent correlation of the elements of the personality, and, having undergone a shift, both of them usually return to their own type. Comparative subtlety and lack of cohesion of consciousness is characteristic of Alexei. It is a loose consciousness, easily dissolving and revealing what is underneath; I would like to compare it with weakly felted and easily falling apart felt. Such a consciousness freely passes through itself the direct influence of external being on inner essence, and back.

The fate of the name Alexei

Aleksey comes into contact with the world with an almost discovered subconsciousness, and therefore his attitude to the world existentially - in a good or bad sense - depends on this person, but emotionally, spontaneously, mystical and unresponsible. Existence blows through Alexei, but he endures it; but what being - in different occasions it happens differently. Alexei seems to be devoid of a cover that separates him from the outside world, he is little united in himself, not at all a microcosm and not a monad, in contrast to the self-isolated Alexander; Aleksey is a curl of the world, and for at least temporary stability, he is certainly thought to be leaning against something or someone, and without this external attachment to a place, he will certainly be carried away no one knows where, no one knows what winds. There is something ontologically morbid about him; incapacity for independent existence in the world is an internal incapacity and, it can easily be, although not necessary, an external one. Extreme - it is, as it is said, holy foolishness. Aleksey in his highest revelation is a holy fool or something like that; and even when, at a superficial glance, this person has nothing in common with holy foolishness, a careful analysis will still reveal in such Alexei certain gaps in consciousness or looseness of consciousness through which direct movements of the subconscious ooze, that is, the basic constitution of holy foolishness.

In Alexei - defenselessness, if not in a rough sense, then in a more internal one. In this defenselessness and sickness, foolishness - ugliness corresponds to one degree or another to the signs of some squalor: either lisping, or stuttering, or wobbling, etc. The mind is subtle - understanding this word in both directions. In a positive sense, this is the ability of the mind to capture delicate, barely outlined shades - what has not yet been formed is sensitivity to symbols, and therefore a tendency to symbolism. For such a mind, only on the surface of its conscious mind, but developing its main activity subconsciously, and, moreover, emotionally, every word, every image, every judgment is colored by allegory, and therefore such a mind tends to be allegorical. But he is thin and in a different sense - not strong, has little control over himself, does not control himself, therefore, he does not know how and does not want to express himself in a coherent and open creativity; it gives more sparkles, individual stars, self-sufficient penetrations than a long fusion or even a mighty flash. It is a capricious and whimsical mind, now penetrating, now refusing to act. Its manifestations are little coordinated with each other, and if each separately as emotional, even saturated with emotion, in itself sounds very convincing and captivates with its immediacy, then taken together they destroy each other, because they are neither antinomic nor coordinated, but simply say different or in different ways.

Usually, in a certain period of life impressions, Alexei expresses a series of homogeneous, although not reduced to unity, judgments or, rather, exclamations; but in another lane, he squeamishly and irritably, although in the same tone of utmost spontaneity and inner conviction, sweeps and tramples all the former. It’s good with Alexei right now - and be satisfied with this: don’t expect that it will continue to be good on the same basis of communication. On the contrary, after a while, Alexei may hate you as a reminder of the past, his own past, and will hate - also only for a while thin, ringing at the very top, almost on the edge of hearing, notes, powerless in the sharpness of his disgust hatred. In you, he will hate himself, the coherence of his own existence, for Alexei is an impressionist by nature, and an instant impression takes possession of him completely, in order to be completely rejected further. And then, with a new streak of impressions, he can again return to the old ones, approaching them in a new way, and he can again become good with him.

If this impressionism were not so emotional and so instantaneous, then dangerous and destructive passions could arise from this variability, crushing everything around like hammer blows. But it is precisely the instantaneousness of these impressions and the mutual struggle

them, not generalized in the mind, does not allow them to take root in the will, and therefore Alexei remains relatively quiet and inactive during outside world. His will does not keep pace with the impressions of his feelings, and through the mind, accumulating and generalizing in it, they cannot act according to their own

reciprocity. Hence the helplessness in Alexei, although in the sense of an elementary life order, Alexei can adapt; despite his helplessness, or perhaps precisely because of it, Alexei is characterized by a cunning, not a cunning, but a cunning in his mind. Alexey is a man with a cunning. It is not for worse or not for great worse, but rather a means of self-defense, a kind of mimicry: Alexei pretends to be Alexei more than he is, and hence his craving for foolishness. If he is reputed to be stupid, then he will show more foolishness than he really is, laughing in his heart that he fooled those who wanted to use his helplessness with this mask. If he stutters, then in other cases he will portray a greater stutter than he really is, when it is necessary to hide absent-mindedness or ignorance. Alexei is simple and rustic; but, in addition, he forgives under simplicity, cultivates in himself the subtlety and looseness of the mind, and seeing in it the refinement of the spirit, and instinctively masking his helplessness.

Realization in society

But this does not mean that Alexei does not understand his "simplicity" and the attitude of those around him: he suffers. Alexei is a man with a wounded self-esteem, which is all the more painful because feeling lives in him as the main spiritual ability. But he is not proud, and therefore mentally does not decompose with this wound: he wears a thorn in his heart and is humbled by its constant reminder of himself. There is humility in Alexei - such is his spiritual appearance, which can be unexpressed, since this Alexey not yet formed. But, in addition, in addition to humility, Alexei is also on the path of humility. However, genuine humility, already given or taken upon oneself, is the path of Alexei.

The foolishness characteristic of Alexei, the mask, is at the same time a kind of shielding himself from responsibility, declaring himself outside of responsibility. Relying on his disguise, he, like all masked ones, is inclined to allow himself such things that he would not have dared to do without a mask, and he believes that he, who has declared his irresponsibility, should let down what is unpermissible to others. Then Aleksey allows himself - he does allow himself, and not just eat this - rudeness, harshness, sometimes, if the mask is taken - rudeness, some kind of servility, vulgarity.

Alexey is direct. But his immediacy is also exaggeratedly shown by the mask of immediacy, the mask of simplicity, the mask of the non-intellectual structure of the inner life. This mask is a way to restore relations with the world, an internal lack of something - broken in Alexei. Making life possible, this mask cannot, however, fully compensate for the Alekseev’s natural inferiority, and they, living in the world, are still not adapted to it: everything is “wrong” with them, and therefore they inevitably strive for their upper limit, to foolishness. Although not in the rough form of a mask, but in the thinnest veil of spiritual isolation, incomprehensible to everyone and not visible to the majority, they try to artificially create a shell for themselves, which is not given to them by nature, and separate themselves and hide themselves from the world.

According to Mendelev

Good name. But this is no longer majestic and big, but an ordinary, gentle and reliable person. True, all his wonderful qualities are somehow blurred, expressed dimly - “beautiful”, “light” and even “round”. He is a man destined for everyday life. Passions, ups, sharp twists of fate, unexpected decisions- not his element, but in family life, in daily small deeds and worries, the character of Alexei manifests itself most fully.

The perception of diminutive names shows and confirms that it is in the kaleidoscope of daily affairs that the character of Alexei is revealed, his nature is manifested. Alyosha is simpler, more active than Alexei, he is brighter and braver. Remaining also reliable and gentle, Alyosha acquires kindness, which Alexei lacks. Lesha is similar to Alyosha, but more cheerful, brighter and kinder, although at the same time Lesha loses his masculinity and power. Pet names more feminine, but also more bright and brave. Alyosha, Lesha, Lekha are always a good neighbor and friend. Together and next to him it is pleasant to relax and have fun. The joys of Alexei are the simple joys of life.

Alexey is a whole person. If you do not make too much demands on him, he is quite good in almost all life situations, and above all in the family and his household - these values ​​​​mean for him, perhaps, more than anything else, but you probably should not expect a strong, mad, insane passion from him.

Decide for yourself what to prefer - sparkling ups or reliable (albeit rather boring) everyday life?

Name color is green.

In this article you will find information about the meaning male name Alexey, his origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

Full name - Alex

Synonyms for the name - Lesha, Lech, Alyosha, Leshik, Alex

Origin - Ancient Greek

The meaning of the name is protector, protector

Name stones - lapis lazuli, alexandrite, jasper

This name of the boy comes from the ancient Greek word "Alex" and it is translated as a patron, protector, protector. Alexey is a real shield for his loved ones. Remember Alyosha Popovich, such a powerful and good-natured strongman from a Russian fairy tale.

This name has been around since Kievan Rus. The Slavs used the following forms: Oles, Leksey, Ales. Its main patron is Saint Alexy, who founded the Chudov Monastery.

Love named Alexey

Alexei's love relationship begins only in student years. The first feeling is always bright and leaves an indelible mark on a guy's life. Love means a lot to him and is an indispensable component for marriage. Before Alexei marries, he will have little experience in love relationships.

Perhaps he would not mind flirting, only low self-esteem and fear of rejection force him to stop. Failures with women hurt his pride. In addition, he must trust the chosen one, because Lesha himself is honest and open. If a guy feels insincerity in a relationship, he becomes withdrawn, jealous and suspicious for no particular reason. Alexey is able to love sincerely, to self-forgetfulness, and can make his chosen one the happiest woman.

Marriage and family named after Alexei

This man marries closer to thirty years. At this time, he will already be firmly on his feet, have a material base to provide for his family, and own real estate. In general, Alexei's life will turn out well. He will treat the issue of marriage thoughtfully and balancedly. How well he will know his chosen one, the first years living together will get used to it, get to know better.

The wife can be calm that he will not cheat on her. If this happens, then only if family relationships there will be a big crack and misunderstanding. But this will not last long, since Alexei does not like to lie, he honestly admits and demands a divorce. honest, trusting relationship are very important in the life of a young person.

The material side is important and essential for him. Alexei tries to give only the best to his loved ones. All homework performs with pleasure, often masters with his own hands. Appreciates quality and durability, so he always buys expensive items.

He loves children, tries to spend as much time with them as possible, is ready to play or read to them for hours. He tries to think over any trips in advance and organize a vacation at the highest level.

Business and career

If he does right choice then he will be successful in his career. It can be management, diplomacy, design art or small business. Can be a good leader.

The meaning of the name Alex in character

This name is very attractive to women, it sounds soft and gentle. Therefore, Alyosha never knows a lack of attention from the opposite sex. With them, his life is going well, mostly without significant problems. Alexey has a well-developed intuition, he soberly assesses any situation, his strengths, and will always find a worthy way out. Therefore, success in everything is guaranteed to him. The boy is balanced and calm, it is pleasant to communicate with him, he is also an excellent adviser.

Alexey sincerely sympathizes with absolutely all people, does not like quarrels, rudeness and rudeness. You can always count on the owner of this name, he will help without hesitation, spend all his strength, money, time. But he rarely asks for help himself.

Although he is a gentle person, he will never submit to someone else's will. Self-righteousness and other positive character traits help him influence the team. Alexey maintains integrity and purposefulness throughout his life and is always the soul of the company.

He constantly strives for excellence in everything and therefore achieves success in any field. AT family affairs Alexei is calm and trusting, which his wife can sometimes abuse. His health is at a low level, he quickly gets tired and suffers from gastrointestinal problems.

Teen Alex

As a child, Alexey is kind and calm child. He respects not only his parents, but also the people around him. Despite this, he has a mischievous character, sometimes stubbornness manifests itself. He loves to defend his point of view. If you talk to him in an imperative tone, then the dialogue will not work. Such communication will greatly hurt him and push him away from the interlocutor.

The boy likes to study, he learns the world around him with interest. studies well, has excellent memory. Having become a little older, Alexey is engaged in self-education. He feels responsible first for his mother, then for all the women close to him and always stands up for them.

Successful people and stars:

Alexei Yagudin - figure skater

Alexey Vorobyov - actor, singer

Alexey Chadov - actor

Alexey Kovalev - hockey player

Alexey Makarov - theater and film actor

By Higiru

Ancient Greek origin - "protector".

A calm, self-confident, quiet woman by nature will call her son Alexei. Alyosha is very attached to his mother, outwardly similar to her, but the meekness inherent in the mother is rarely inherited. On the contrary, from the very early childhood he feels like a protector of his mother, and having matured, he becomes a protector of those women who surround him, Alexei is friendly, verbosity is not typical for him, he is a man of action. And although in childhood he does not lead a gang of boys, for some reason they always turn to him for advice.

Adult Alekseys are distinguished by diligence in all matters, with obvious pleasure they are engaged in painstaking work and strive for perfection in the area in which they work. Whatever Alexey starts doing, sooner or later he will know his business better than anyone; at the factory he is an indispensable master, in teaching he is an experienced mentor, in sports he is a patient coach, in business he is an obligatory partner. Alekseys are ambitious, and this helps them, given their business qualities, to achieve a good position in society.

Alexey is a person with pronounced creative abilities, and therefore artists, writers, and actors are not uncommon among them. Exact sciences are not alien to them either. They make good engineers and good physicists, surgeons and forensic scientists. Alekseev's success is largely facilitated by their subtle intuition.

Alexei has a character trait that all mothers-in-law appreciate - complaisance. He is almost always calm, thorough, hardworking, persistent and conscientious. He yields to his wife in trifles, but in serious matters he shows such firmness that those who know him closely do not even make attempts to convince him. Aleksei, however, are touchy and vulnerable. In women, Alexey values ​​cleanliness most of all. God forbid to appear before him in a greasy dressing gown: he will be silent, but will make it clear that this is extremely unpleasant for him. In the conflicts of the wife with others, she always takes her side, even if she is not right. Not jealous, sometimes a wife can lead Alexei by the nose for a long time.

Alexei is faithful, most often - from his inherent sense of disgust. He cares more about his children than about himself. Until old age, he retains filial affection for his parents. Alekseys born in winter are more difficult to communicate with.

Marriage and family named after Alexei

Good luck in marriage awaits Alexei with Anastasia, Angela, Anna, Barbara, Galina, Claudia, Larisa, Lyubov, Nadezhda, Roxana and Svetlana. Marriages with Alina, Vera, Oksana, Tamara, Yulia are less preferred.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name:"Defender", "Protective" (Greek)

Energy and character of the name: This name is not burdened with any negative energy. In terms of sound energy, it is quite calm and cheerful. Let the name not call its owner to leadership; it nevertheless very reliably hides a person from all sorts of troubles. A much greater role in the fate of Alexei is played by upbringing and the environment in which he grows up. Many parents, naming their child that way, do it in a fit of parental care, intuitively or consciously feeling the neutrality of the name.

In fact, Alyosha fits into almost any team without causing rejection, but not always everything goes as smoothly as parents would like; especially when, thanks to the upbringing of Alexei, his ambition will be overdeveloped. On the one hand, completely devoid of ambitious aspirations, Alexei runs the risk of becoming a terribly lazy person; on the other hand, with the immoderate development of this quality, an internal conflict can occur that can provoke all kinds of “extraordinary” situations. The fact is that the balance inherent in this name, although it gives a person calmness and confidence, nevertheless prevents him from becoming noticeable. Remember: even among the three Russian heroes, Alyosha Popovich is perceived as if in the background, despite the fact that his exploits are no less significant than those of the others. Like this: he is loved, respected, but due to his calmness, he is not very noticeable.

However, the conflict for Alexei is still a rarity and is far from always noticeable to others. It's just that he often prefers to stay on the sidelines, to live with his own mind, which deserves the glory of an independent and self-confident person. He is disgusted by anyone's attempts to subordinate him to someone else's will, and he himself is not very prone to violence. Aleksey's poise makes him diligent, patient and thoughtful, which can serve him well in business, medicine, and diplomatic work. If Alexei loses his inherent balance, his life can turn into a real hell, but inner experiences may find their expression in creativity, and the world will get another writer or artist.

Communication secrets: Aleksey's poise makes him an excellent listener and adviser. He is capable of compassion and is ready to provide support to the best of his ability. Just do not, perhaps, try to, as they say, put pressure on him.

Type of the name Alexey:

Alesha Popovich

Alyosha Popovich - perhaps the most beloved of the epic heroic trinity - was even born, according to legend, not at all like an ordinary person. "Alyoshenka Chudorodych young" - so the Russians affectionately call him folk tales- was born on the day when thunder rumbled in the middle clear sky; and, only freed from the womb, he asked that blessing to walk around the wide world and swaddle him not with diapers, but with chain mail. The baby, according to legend, already perfectly kept in the saddle, wielded weapons and was ready to perform feats of arms.

Interestingly, in contrast to his harsh and "correct" fellow travelers - Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich - Alyosha in fairy tales is drawn not only as the most provocative warrior, but also as the bearer of all the inherent ordinary person qualities. Sometimes he is not averse to cheating, at times he even “sets up” his comrades, and in response they express their noble indignation to him. According to epics, Alyosha Popovich is a favorite of women, often acting as a don Juan and seducer. So, in one of the legends, he intensively spreads the rumor about the death of Dobrynya Nikitich in order to woo Dobrynya's wife, the beautiful Nastasya Mikulishna. In another version of the epic, Alyosha Popovich deprived the Zbrodovichi's sister of innocence, for which the angry brothers were about to cut off the disgraced sister's head, and only at the last moment Alyosha stood up for the girl, promising to marry her.

For his strength, as well as his male attractiveness, this hero is least of all obliged to physical virtues (on the contrary, Alyosha Popovich is often portrayed as weak and even lame); his true weapon is the mind and, as a result, cunning. Among other things, Alyosha is sly, boastful and overly self-confident, but that is precisely why he is one of the brightest fairy tale characters, in which there is much more life than in many purely positive epic heroes.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

He is not very skilled in sexual games, but nevertheless easily wins. Alexei vulnerable, sensitive and cautious in contact with partners - this mainly concernssummer men. In general, he is curious, strives to know all forms of sexualconnections, to gain experience. He is seriously looking for a way to adapt to a partner, becausehis modesty prefers a woman somewhat older than him, more experienced, but at the same timeaffectionate and delicate. Unexpectedly can show him unknown abilities,which make him free in sex, liberated. If it happens that at the firstintimacy with a woman, he is defeated, this does not lead him to sexualstress, but only increases the desire to meet your partner, and the more successful and faster thisthe search ends, the more confidence Alex gets in sex.

He does not like to change girlfriends often, as Alexander can do, in this sense hecautious and indecisive. With intimacy, he tries to choose a position so thathis partner experienced an orgasm, doing it gently, very delicately and naturally. enjoyinglove, he is not in a hurry to be the first to finish sexual intercourse. His behavior increases arousalpartner, her desire to prolong the foreplay. "Winter" Alexei is trying tointimate relationships play a leading role. He should not choose a woman to be his wife,also born in winter - this will be a rather complicated union.

1. Personality: those who hide

2. Color: blue

3. Main features: intuition - will

4. Totem plant: lilac

5 Spirit Animal: Crab

6. Sign: Cancer

7. Type. To understand these men, you need to remember that their totem animal is a crab that attacks with claws, backs up, drags its prey, and if the fight is unequal, it burrows into the sand.

8. Psyche. Introverts, this means that they are more introverted, running away from reality, hiding in the sands of their subconscious. They have a vivid imagination. Often they try to justify their actions in advance, especially when they are frightened or afraid of condemnation.

9. Will. At first glance, very strong, but in their determination there is some instability, shakiness.

10. Excitability. In their perseverance, one feels some kind of anxiety, which emphasizes a certain inconstancy of character.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. Friendship is taken very seriously, and often passionate love degenerates into friendship, which not all women like. They experience fear, fear of failure, most often unreasonably.

12. Field of activity. They are not attracted by science, or rather, they study for themselves. This is a type of independent loners who do not tolerate pedagogical process They don't tolerate coercion. Artistic natures. They can become talented actors, directors, entertainers, television workers. Among them are travelers, sailors, lawyers, people who have retired from the society they reject.

13. Intuition. Female type.

14. Intelligence. Synthetic type of thinking. They have a reliable memory and a frightening curiosity.

15. Susceptibility. They are difficult to understand, they are very independent, although they strive to find a haven where they could find care and peace.

16. Morality. Capable of dubious acts.

17. Health. Average, easily overtired. They suffer from gastric diseases, so they must take care of their digestion.

18. Sexuality. Their sexuality is mostly speculative. Tend to dream of love instead of living it. There is something childish in their sensuality, with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth.

19. Activity. This is not their forte. Sometimes it seems that while working, they only dream of returning home, where they can do what they like ... or do nothing at all!

20. Sociability. Often they expect something impossible from friendship. Luck, a happy accident helps them get out of unpleasant situations.

21. Conclusion. All their lives they have been looking for support in a strong partner - be it a mother or a wife.

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most powerful day lunar month. day of the strong decisive action, today you can dramatically influence events. It is today that you can take a step that will decide the outcome of all projects that have been started earlier. The most important thing...

The name Alexey does not have rough, "growling" sounds. It is smooth and melodious. A person with this name is quite good-natured, soft, not conflict. He is certainly very sociable and versatile.

Translated from Greek, Alexei means "protector".

origin of the name Alexei:

The name comes from the Greek word "alesios" - "to protect". In Russia, it has gained great popularity because of its euphony and ease of pronunciation.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Alexei:

Alyosha is very attached to his mother and outwardly similar to her, but such an important character trait as meekness is not inherited from them. From early childhood, he is a protector for his mother, and, having matured, for his entire family too. In the company of friends, he does not show leadership qualities, but they always turn to him for advice.

Alexei, by nature, are kind people. Not verbose, they are men of action. Their word is the law, "said - done." Given these business qualities, Alexei achieve a high position in society. They are always calm, hardworking and conscientious. But they are very vulnerable and often take offense over trifles. Easily mastered in a team. Sometimes, a highly developed ambition interferes with them, but, most often, it still helps in achieving their goal. The fact is that a calm and balanced character makes the owner of this name invisible. Therefore, it is important for Alexei to somehow stand out from the crowd. It is hard to persuade Alyosha to your side. He does not like pressure and violence. He lives by his own mind, has his own opinion, therefore he stays away from conflict situations.

Alexei loves painstaking work, they treat their work with responsibility. Whatever they do, they bring it to perfection. In any field, they excel others and know the specifics of their work better than anyone else. In production, Alexey is an excellent master, in studies he is an experienced mentor, in the sports field he is a patient coach, in business he is a reliable partner. They have creative abilities, thanks to which people with this name make good artists, writers and actors. The exact sciences are also easily given to them. They can reach good results in the field of physics, surgery, criminalistics.

Alyosha often gets along well with his mother-in-law, due to his complaisance. He is ready to give in to his wife in small things, but in serious matters, Alexei shows perseverance, such that even relatives cannot convince him. They love clean women. If his wife appears in front of him in a dirty bathrobe, he will be silent, but by his behavior he will make it clear that he is not pleased. If a wife argues with someone, she will always take her side, even if she is not right. Not jealous, sometimes the wife provokes him to jealousy, but this is to no avail. Aleksey is monogamous, but rather because of a feeling of disgust than because of polygamy. Cares about children more than anyone else. Until old age, he retains the memory, love and affection for his parents.

Usually, only a calm, quiet, self-confident woman can call a boy that name. This name carries positive energy. It reliably protects its wearer from any trouble.

For Alexei, for a good family life, women with the names Alena, Nina, Svetlana, Tatyana, Olga and Evgenia are perfect. He will not develop relationships with Inna, Rimma, Angelica and Victoria.

Most of the names came to us from the Greek language, the origin of the name Alexei is no exception. This name gained immense popularity in the 70s of the last century, and currently does not lose its relevance.

Translated from Greek Alexei means protection, amulet. In Russia, this name began to enjoy the love of parents after the baptism of the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. It sounds like a church Alexy. There are many saints with this name, the most famous is Alexy of Constantinople, who suffered because of the icon.

This educated man, a native of the nobility, did not allow to disrupt miraculous icon The Savior from the Copper Gate, in connection with which the emperor became angry with him and ordered him to be put in prison, where he was tortured for 8 months. Then he accepted martyrdom, and after 139 years, his relics remained incorruptible. There are many days of honoring this great man, name days are chosen depending on the date of birth.

Except Alexei of Constantinople, the patrons of the name are Alexey Pechorsky, Saint Alexy, Prince Alexy Nevsky. Among those who came from the common people, it was the Monk Alexy who, according to legend, devoted himself to worship, lived as a hermit in prayers, was most revered. His relics helped people heal from many diseases.

The meaning of the name Alexei is largely determined by his talismans. The Aquarius zodiac sign patronizes him, boys born under this sign are always lucky, which means that all their affairs are going well, and their plans are easily implemented. The patron planet is Neptune, the favorable season is winter, and important decisions best taken on Saturdays.

Owners of the name Lesha are suitable colors - green, blue, red. Animal totems are elk and crab. Elk personifies calmness and balance, gives greatness to the name, helps to deal with problems and find the right solution, gives hope. The crab is an indecisive animal, in connection with which, Alekseys often try not to cope with problems, but to get away from them.

The best plants for Lesha are mistletoe and lilac. Mistletoe - amazing plant, which cannot be attributed to either a tree or a shrub. So the character of Alexei is often similar to plasticine, does not have clear-cut features. Lilac gives the character sensitivity, responsiveness, Alyosha is always friendly. However, this plant gives loneliness and disappointment in love.

Among the stones, lapis lazuli and alexandrite become mascots. Lapis lazuli is the embodiment of sincerity, love, friendliness, it gives harmony in life, peace, happiness, helps in the realization of desires. Alexandrite is an unusual stone that expresses a seal. It has the ability to change color, which is a warning of impending troubles.

The full name sounds Alexey, the abbreviated name is Lesha, Alyosha. Affectionately boys can be called Alyoshenka, Leshka, Leshik, Alyoshka, Alyoshechka, Alik, Leshenka, Leshechka, Alex.

Meaning of the name

The character of Alexei is soft, which means that there is no place for conflicts in his life. This person has great patience, and seeks happiness, both in family life and at work.


In a man named Lena miraculously combines such remarkable qualities as firmness of spirit and complaisance, patience and compliance, reliability and good nature. This allows him to become perfect person, with which it is always easy and interesting. But great accomplishments are not for him, you should not expect exploits and bright deeds from Leshenka.

The characteristics of the name also include such negative qualities as laziness, absent-mindedness, high emotionality. Lesha is not able to turn his or someone else's life around. Infantilism makes him go with the flow, ambition, as a rule, is not developed. In some cases, there is stubbornness, and then he tries to attract attention by any means.

Fair, does not tolerate deceit and lies, knows how to be sincere, bring harmony and peace to the world. Any enmity is unpleasant for him, he does not accept violence, but he can show himself if necessary. Softness of character does not mean that everyone can impose their will on a person., there is enough hardness in Lesha to resist this.

Family, parents for Leshenka mean a lot, he honors family traditions helping and protecting their loved ones. Inactive, does not like a lot of movement, works with the feeling that he is ready to give up everything and return home. Dreamer, spends a lot of time in his inner world able to fantasize.

Lesha's mindset is rather female. He pays a lot of attention to trifles, has an excellent memory and curiosity. Sociability and goodwill allow him to easily inspire confidence in people, he is a nice person and an interesting conversationalist.

Failures are hard to bear, trying to find an excuse for them. He does not tolerate criticism, it offends him very much. In general, all the character traits of Alexei can be called unfinished, they are not clearly expressed, and it is definitely not possible to say that this person is such and such. It reflects honesty bordering on straightforwardness, regularity, a heightened sense of justice, devotion and sociability.


The fate of an adult Alyosha largely depends on factors such as family and upbringing. If we develop strengths this person since childhood, he will be able to achieve a lot. But it should be understood that a complex incomprehensible character does not guarantee a quiet life. He will always be accompanied by difficult moments, but thanks to his well-developed intuition and efficiency, he will be able to get out of difficult situations pretty easy.

Non-conflict allows Lesha to avoid trouble. But at the same time, his stubbornness plays against him, because it is not easy to convince this person of something.

He will never agree to accept someone else's opinion if it runs counter to his understanding. In general, the fate of Alexei, as a rule, though not easy, but happy, despite all these nuances.


Alyosha has a natural gift of charm, he is courteous with women, which allows him to easily win their hearts. In the fair sex, she appreciates not only such qualities as devotion and sincerity, but also appearance. He will not meet a girl who does not take care of herself, Lesha is quite squeamish.

By nature - monogamous, despite the fact that he is always surrounded beautiful ladies who are ready for a relationship with him. Flirting and changing partners does not like. For life, he chooses a woman a little older than himself, with experience. It is important for him that she knows how to be affectionate and caring, while also being delicate.

As a rule, Alexey is ready for marriage by the age of thirty, he makes a choice in favor of economic and good woman, the main thing for Leshenka in marriage is trust and honesty. Only with such a lady can he become a real head of the family, protector and father of the family. He will never forgive betrayal, and he himself will not even look in the direction of other women.

Lesha is attached to his parents, and even in adulthood, the opinion of his relatives is important to him. In spite of complex nature, in the family Alexey will be complaisant. For him, this is a quiet marina, which should not contain squabbles and scandals. In trifles, he listens to the opinion of his wife, but he makes all important decisions on his own.

Children are very fond of, and will take care of them constantly, even when they grow up. Household chores do not burden him, he will be happy to help his wife with the housework, play with the children, and, in addition, provide for the family financially. Alexey can become perfect father and a husband who will always be good.

A favorable marriage will develop in Alexei with women named Anna, Anastasia, Larisa, Galina, Lyubov, Svetlana, Barbara, Nadezhda. You should not tempt fate and associate life with the fair sex named Vera, Oksana, Tamara, Alina, Tatyana, Elena, Julia, Veronica.

Business and career

The right choice of profession for Alexei is very important. His success in the professional field depends on this. If he likes the work, natural laziness will not prevent Lesha from reaching heights. He can be an excellent teacher because he can get along with people and loves children. Alyosha does not give in to other people's influence, has his own opinion and easily compromises.

Alexei pronounced creative inclinations, these people make excellent writers, artists, designers, artists. Exact sciences too a good choice, the owner of this name can achieve success in forensics, engineering, physics or medicine. But monotonous work does not attract him, although Alexei will perform such work responsibly. He cannot afford to work carelessly, which management will definitely appreciate.

Lesha cannot be called a careerist, but he needs a job with an opportunity professional growth.A good option for this person is to open their own business. He will understand everything to the smallest detail, and lead with a firm hand. Here he will find an opportunity to constantly grow and develop, since monotonous and routine work does not give such a chance.

Names: origin and forms

Alexei - (from Greek) defender.

Colloquial: Lexey.
Old: Alexy.
Derivatives: Alekseyka, Alyokha, Lyokha, Alyosha, Lyosha, Alyonya, Lenya, Alyoka, Lyoka, Lyolya, Alya, Alyunya, Lekseyka, Lexa, Lexa.

Directory of Russian names

Assistant(from Greek).

The majority are concentrated, serious, righteous. Persuasive in defending their views. Persistent in achieving the intended. However, sometimes meek, meek. People are useful. Respectful to parents. AT intimate life not always lucky.

The secret of the name oculus.ru

Alexei protector (ancient Greek).
The name is calm and cheerful, very common. In Russia, it was worn by tsars, generals, patriarchs, boyars, nobles, mere mortals.
name zodiac: Aquarius.
Planet: Neptune.
Name color: greenish.
Talisman Stone: lapis lazuli.
auspicious plant: poplar, mistletoe.
name patron: Elk.
Happy day: Saturday.
happy season: winter.
Main features: modesty, benevolence.


Alexy of Constantinople, martyr on August 22 (9).
Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, February 22 (12), June 2 (May 20), October 18 (5). With prayer, he healed the wife of the Tatar Khan from an eye disease, which saved Russia from many Tatar troubles. In 1378 he founded the Chudov Monastery in Moscow.
Alexy Nevsky (see. Alexander Nevskiy).
Alexy Pechereky, recluse, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, March 7 (April 24), October 11 (September 28).
Alexy Man of God, March 30 (17). It was named so by a voice from heaven. Born in Rome to pious, wealthy parents. As a young man, he began to strictly fast, distributed alms and wore a hair shirt under rich clothes. The desire to leave the world and serve God ripened early in him. However, the parents were going to marry Alexy. On the day of the wedding, he secretly left home and boarded a ship bound for Mesopotamia. Once in the city of Edessa, Alexy sold everything he had, distributed money to the poor and began to live at the church on the porch and be fed by alms. He ate only bread and water, and distributed the received alms to the weak and old. So he lived for 17 years. Once, when I saw the sexton of the church where Alexy lived, the Mother of God, through Her holy icon, commanded that a man of God be brought into the church: "His prayer ascends to God, a fragrant censer, and the Holy Spirit rests on him." The sexton found Alexy and led him into the church. Many learned about the righteous man and began to revere him. The saint, avoiding fame, secretly boarded a ship bound for Cilicia, but a storm carried the ship far to the west and washed it ashore in Italy. The blessed one went to Rome. Unrecognized, he humbly asked his father for his permission to settle in some corner of his yard. Living in parental home The blessed one continued to fast and spend days and nights in prayer. After 17 years, he was informed by the Lord about the day of his death. Then he took a scroll and described his life, asking for forgiveness from his parents and bride. On the day of the death of Alexis, when Pope Innocent of Rome served the liturgy in the presence of the emperor, a voice rang out from the altar: "Find a man of God departing into eternal life let him pray for the city." They began to search all over Rome, but did not find a righteous man, then a voice was heard again in the temple, saying in which house to look for the man of God. Everyone hurried there, but the saint had already died. A scroll was clutched in his hand By which he was recognized by his parents.Healings began to be performed from the body of the saint.This happened in 411. The life of Alexy, the man of God, has always been one of the favorites in Russia.


Leave the sleigh for Alexei, equip the cart.
If on this day water runs from the mountains, then they expect a favorable spring, and with it good harvests.
What are the streams on Alexei (large or small), such is the floodplain (overflow).


Bright creative person, calm and friendly. He is an excellent interlocutor, he knows how to listen to a person, understand him, sympathize with him, support him. Alexey is modest, diligent, patient.

Alexei has a good memory, receptive to everything new. He is ambitious, and no matter what he does, he always knows his business perfectly.

Alexey internally experiences failures hard, suffers from criticism, is very vulnerable. mental suffering can knock him out for a long time. He does not aspire to power, but he does not tolerate pressure on himself, although he does not openly express his protest.

Alexei is amorous, feels like a protector of women, in childhood - mothers. She loves affectionate and benevolent women, appreciates family comfort, is ready to meet the desires of the household, takes care of children tenderly.

The deep meaning of this name was remarkably revealed by P. Florensky:

"The names Alexander and Alexei appear as almost opposite signs, and yet metaphysically very close to each other, and Alexei is some softening or softening of the name Alexander, as a result of which the main balance is disturbed in him: Alexander is a solid body, crystalline, while Alexei is dough-like. Alexei is the same Alexander, but close to the melting point, Alexander is standing, Alexei is falling, always falling, and there is not a single vertical in him...

In Alexei - the same proportional proportion of the elements of the personality, taken separately, but the totality of those that fall into the area of ​​consciousness is no longer commensurate with the totality of the elements of the subconscious. By shifting the level of consciousness in Alexander, and precisely by raising this level significantly upward, we thereby get Alexei ... If we imagine Alexei acquiring such consciousness and mind, but without changing the depth of the subconscious that he had, then Alexei would cease to be Alexei and I would become Alexander, but not an ordinary Alexander, but a great one, a genius. But the fact of the matter is that the structure of Alexei's personality is such that any increase in consciousness in him leads to an accelerated, in comparison with the growth of consciousness, growth of the subconscious roots of the personality; growing spiritually, Alexei becomes even more Alexei, while at the limit he strives for foolishness ...

When the degree of consciousness in Alexander decreases, for example, from an illness, etc., then he shifts somewhat towards Alexei, just as Alexei's shift towards Alexander occurs during a temporary aggravation of consciousness. But for both of them, these shifts are only temporary deviations from their own, inherent correlation of the elements of the personality, and, having undergone a shift, both of them usually return to their own type.

He is thin and in a different sense - not strong, has little control over himself, does not control himself, therefore, does not know how and does not want to express himself in a coherent and open creativity; it gives more sparkles, individual stars, self-sufficient penetration, than a long radiance or even a mighty flash. This is a capricious and whimsical mind, sometimes penetrating, sometimes refusing to act and moderately sharp.

His will does not keep pace with the impressions of his feelings, and through the mind, accumulating and generalizing in it, they cannot act according to their mutual combativeness. Hence the helplessness in Alexei, although in the sense of an elementary life order, Alexei can adapt; despite his helplessness, or perhaps precisely because of it, Alexei is characterized by a cunning, not a cunning, but a cunning in his mind. Alexey is a man with a cunning. It is not for worse, or not for worse, but rather a means of self-defense ... a kind of mimicry: Alexei pretends to be Alexei more than he is Alexei, and hence his craving for foolishness.

If he is reputed to be stupid, then he will show more foolishness than he really is, laughing in his heart that he fooled those who wanted to use his helplessness with this mask. If he stutters, then in other cases he will portray more stuttering than he actually has, when it is necessary to hide absent-mindedness or ignorance, Alexei is simple and simple; but, in addition, he will say goodbye to simplicity, cultivating in himself the subtlety and looseness of the mind, and seeing in it the refinement of the spirit, and instinctively masking his helplessness ... "

Surname: Alekseevich, Alekseevna.


Alexei Mikhailovich (1629-1676), the second tsar of the Romanov dynasty, was one of the brightest personalities of the 18th century.

The little Tsarevich Alexei was taught according to the then established order: a primer for him was compiled according to the instructions of his grandfather, Patriarch Filaret. By the age of ten, he could already read in church, sing in the kliros, and studied the charter of worship to the smallest detail. But there were also innovations: grammar, cosmography and lexicon printed in Lithuania; musical instruments, German maps, Western European engravings. The child was dressed in a German dress. Throughout his life, his love for his father's traditions was combined with his interest in foreign "novelties."

Having lost his father and mother, at the age of 16 he took the Moscow throne. He got a very difficult time, full of endless contradictions. Lawlessness left from the time of troubles, devastation, urban and peasant uprisings. "Rebellious time" was called by contemporaries of their age. Revolts are generated even by religion - it is at this time that the church schism. In sketes, schismatics burn themselves, Archpriest Avvakum sends frenzied curses. And an amazing time! - all this coexisted with a genuine interest in the scientific and artistic achievements of the West, a general craving for enlightenment.

Alexey Mikhailovich had a remarkably mild, good-natured character, was, according to his contemporaries, "much quiet." He was smart and an educated person. He read a lot, wrote letters, according to his will it was drawn up and approved in 1649 " Cathedral code"- a code of laws. In 1654, he took an oath of allegiance to Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky "with all Little Russia." Involved in this war with Poland, he brilliantly conducted a campaign that gave him the titles of Grand Duke of Lithuania, "White Russia" and others.

Alexei Mikhailovich was engaged in the country's economy, destroyed the wild situation when only English merchants had the right to duty-free trade within the Russian state, and the Russians were forced, overpaying huge sums of money, to buy Russian goods from the British. Im still made whole line transformations.

Alexei Mikhailovich sincerely considered himself the head of all world Orthodoxy, thereby encroaching on the spiritual authority of the Patriarch, which ultimately led to a break with Patriarch Nikon. Yes, already in mid-seventeenth century, the reforms of his son, Peter I, were being prepared. The first Russian ships were made in the village of Dedilov by decree of Alexei Mikhailovich.

The sovereign worked hard, under him the country was reborn. Many were built in Moscow and the provinces. The king was the patron of craft workshops at the armory, it was during the years of his reign that their activities flourished. Alexei Mikhailovich was a lover of innovation and supported Simon Ushakov, a reformer of the icon painting tradition. With pleasure, the tsar amused himself with foreign comedies that were played out in the village of Preobrazhensky. Alexei Mikhailovich was a man of order, the popular expression "Time for business is an hour for fun" was first uttered and written down by him.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

The name Alexei comes from the Greek Alexios, which means "protector". He really becomes a real support for his family and friends. At baptism, the old Russian version of the name is used - Alexy.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
  • Ruler Planet: Neptune
  • Talisman Stone: Lapis Lazuli
  • Green color
  • Wood: poplar
  • plant: mistletoe
  • Animal: moose
  • Favorable day: Saturday


Alexei always strives to protect women. He is responsible, decent, honest, modest and does not strive for leadership at any cost. He communicates kindly with people around him, prefers to help others than to seek it himself. He has a great sense of humor, likes to have fun and fool around, so he is always welcome in any company.

Aleksey is successful wherever it is necessary to fulfill a responsible and precise work and always gets things done. However, he can be shy and insecure for no reason. Painfully perceives criticism in his address or in the direction of his work, is absent-minded and forgetful. Lyosha, as a rule, is touchy and vulnerable, can be overly harsh.

Lesha, born in winter or autumn, is more strong-willed character. It can be overly stubborn and persistent than those born in the summer months.

Interests and hobbies

The secret of the name Alexei is that his hobby often becomes a profession in the future. A boy who is fond of painting grows into a famous artist. And Lesha, who collected airplane models as a child, has every chance of becoming an aircraft designer. After all, his character combines many Creative skills and perseverance, the ability to bring things to the end.

Profession and business

Alexey has a high creative potential, so he can become both a person of art and a figure in science and technology. Has every chance to achieve a high position in society. This is possible only if he is not let down by the almost complete lack of ambition inherent in the bearer of the name.

The main criterion for choosing a profession for him is her fascination. If he is passionate about his work and can realize his creative abilities in it, he will be successful. Aleksey is not eager to be a boss, but if he becomes one, he performs his managerial functions very competently and responsibly, and is respected by colleagues and subordinates.


Alyosha usually good health, but vulnerable spot sometimes becomes gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, from a young age you need to watch proper nutrition. In addition, Lesha often overworks at work, which can cause nervous overload and problems with insomnia.

Sex and love

A man named Alexey is capable of deep and passionate love. In his relationship with a woman, he puts honesty and trust in each other in the first place. He does not torment his beloved with unreasonable jealousy. However, if she loses his trust, then forever.

Family and marriage

Alexey marries for love, but carefully considers this step. He often marries in his 30s. He dates his fiancee for several years before he dares to propose to her. He chooses a neat and well-groomed girl as his wife, keeps away from sloppy young ladies. At the same time, he is well able to build relationships in the family, complaisant, tactful, modest, accepts Active participation in the upbringing of children, he is not jealous and does not change himself. AT conflict situations most often takes the side of his wife, even if she is wrong. By this he expresses his support and protection.

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