"Pictogram - as an intermediate link between internal and oral speech" - presentation

This method, proposed by A.R. Luria, is a variant of mediated memorization, but it is used not so much to study memory as to analyze the nature of associations. Can be used to study subjects with at least 7 grades.

To conduct the experiment, it is enough to have a pencil and paper. It is necessary to prepare in advance 12-16 words and expressions for memorization. Sample set words you can use:

1. Fun party

2. Hard work

3. Development

4. Delicious dinner

5. Bold act

6. Illness

7. Happiness

8. Separation

9. Poison question

10. Friendship

11. Dark night

12. Sadness

13. Justice

14. Doubt

15. Warm wind

16. Deception

17. Wealth

18. Hungry child

However, it is not necessary to use standard sets of words, they need to be slightly varied, i.e., while maintaining the main composition of words, replace two or three of them.

The subject is told that his visual memory will be tested, they ask if he noticed how it is easier for him to remember - "by ear or with the help of vision." Then they give him a sheet of paper and a pencil and say: “Neither words nor letters can be written on this paper. I will name words and whole expressions that you will have to remember. In order to make it easier to remember, you should draw something for each word that could help you remember the given word. The quality of the drawing does not play a role, you can draw anything and anything, as long as it can remind you of the given word - like a knot is tied for memory. Here, for example, I ask you the first expression "Merry Holiday". What can you draw so that you can later remember the "Merry Holiday"? It is advisable not to suggest anything else to the patient unless absolutely necessary. If he stubbornly complains about the inability to draw, you can advise: "Draw whatever is easier." If the subject declares that he is unable to draw a holiday, you can repeat to him that he should not draw a "jolly holiday", but only what can remind him of a merry holiday. If he easily selects the drawings and tells the experimenter aloud what he chooses and how he is going to remember, the experimenter silently takes the protocol. The protocol is conducted according to the following scheme.

Given Expressions

Drawings and explanations of the patient

Perception after an hour

If the subject himself does not explain, you should ask him every time: “How will this help you remember the given word?”.

No objection or disapproval should be expressed, no matter how unusual the patient's connections are, but if his drawings are too many subjects, you can ask him to draw a little faster.

In the process of completing the task, the experimenter varies the order of the words given to the subject: depending on whether the subject easily establishes connections, the experimenter offers easier, more specific expressions (“ delicious dinner”, “hard work”), then more abstract, difficult (“development”, “doubt”, “justice”).

After completing the task (from 12 to 16 words), the sheet with the pictures is put aside and only at the end of the study (an hour later) is the subject asked to recall from the pictures given words. Remembrance should be offered out of order, better one - from the beginning, the other - from the end. You can invite the subject to write down the word or expression that was given to him under the picture. You should definitely ask how he managed to remember the word, how the drawing helped him.

When interpreting the results of an experiment, first of all, attention should be paid to whether the subject is able to access the generalized symbolization of the word, i.e., whether he can independently find a generalized mediated image. Normally, even a schoolboy with a 5th grade education can find such an image; so, for example, for the words "hard work" he draws a shovel or a hammer, a person with a load, for the word "doubt" - a fork in the road (where to go?) or question mark or a door (whether to enter it?). For an intellectually handicapped subject, such a task is difficult. For the words "hard work" he would like to draw a whole scene of working in a mine, but he is afraid that he will not be able to do it. For the word "doubt" he can't think of anything at all. With mild mental deficiency, the subject is able to draw something for specific concepts: for the word "disease" - a bed; for the words "delicious dinner" - a table, plates. But such words as "justice", "doubt", "development" remain inaccessible for mediation. Such manifestations of concreteness of thinking, difficulties in generalization are observed in oligophrenia and epilepsy. In other cases, the subject copes with the task of generalization, but in no way can he limit himself to isolating one of any images and draws a lot of them.

So, for example, when deciding to draw a growing plant for the word "development", he draws not one sprout, but a whole series of gradually increasing flowers in the amount of 7.8. For the word “disease”, he draws a bed and a patient on a pillow, and a vial of medicine, and also a thermometer. Such multiple associations in pictograms indicate thoroughness of thinking, a tendency to detail and are usually observed in epileptics, as well as in some patients who have had encephalitis. Along the way, it is noted that the same categories of subjects draw too carefully and slowly, returning to the previous drawing and correcting it even when the experimenter has already asked them next word. Such "returns" and the desire for unnecessary thoroughness of drawings also testify to the inertia of mental processes.

The second criterion on which the performance evaluation is based given task, is a criterion for the adequacy of associations.

Mentally healthy people usually make varied but meaningful connections. So, for example, to the expression "jolly holiday" they can draw a flag or flowers, or even a glass of wine; to the word "separation" - an envelope or a locomotive, or a hand waving a handkerchief; to the word "development" - a growth chart or a plant, or a baby, or an egg, or an athlete. All these and many other connections are equally good, since they can really serve as a means of remembering a given word, they mediate it.

But here, a patient with schizophrenia draws a river for the word "doubt" and explains it this way: "There is Glinka's romance "Doubt", and Glinka is Neglinka - a river." Such a connection is cumbersome, abstruse in nature. In another case, to memorize the words “delicious dinner”, the patient draws a toilet room and in the reasoning during the performance of tasks comes to this as follows: “Delicious dinner means - it smells good ... the smell ... I will draw a toilet.” There is also a paradox in this association. Another elderly patient draws lips to memorize the words "warm wind" and explains that this is a "mother's kiss." Despite the bright emotionality, this association is not adequate to the task; because painted lips do not serve the purpose of remembering given words.

In some cases, the emasculation, the emptyness of the association of patients with schizophrenia reach such an extent that different words they draw only dashes, ticks. Such brightness of images is often observed in persons of a hysterical warehouse, although it is not excluded in mentally healthy people. Some patients perceive each word given to them for a pictogram through the prism of their personal tastes and aspirations. So, for example, the patient says: “Warm wind”, I can’t remember at all, since in our north warm wind can not be; “delicious dinner” - for me, only curdled milk is suitable for dinner; “joyful holiday” - I don’t have holidays; “fairness” - I am being treated unfairly”, etc. Such egocentricity of perceptions is observed in epileptics and some psychopaths. At the same time and normal people a small proportion of personal reaction is characteristic, especially to emotionally significant words.

Therefore, if patients to all such emotionally meaningful words they select completely neutral abstract universal images, for example, “happiness” - the sun, “sadness” - bad weather etc.), this can be assessed as a manifestation of some emotional isolation, introversion, or even coldness.

The last criterion by which the results of the study of pictogram methods are evaluated is the memorization criterion. The technique itself was created for the study of memory. Of particular interest is the comparison of the results of the study of memory by the method of memorizing 10 words and the pictogram method. If the patient memorizes 10 words poorly, but remembers the words in the pictogram much better, this indicates an organic weakness of memory. Assimilation of the new is difficult, but the ability to meaningfully mediate, logically connect the material helps the patient, so he copes better with the pictogram.

If the subject easily learns 10 words, but cannot remember the words in the pictogram, this indicates that indirect connections only prevent him from remembering. This ratio is observed in patients with schizophrenia with mental disorders and the preservation of formal abilities to learn new things. Some conclusions about the patient's memory can also be drawn by how accurately he reproduces the given words - sometimes patients reproduce only the approximate content of the given words.

The pictogram should be judged “as a whole”, i.e. according to the general nature of the images chosen by the subject, and not according to individual associations. So, for example, abstract signs and symbols are often found in pictograms completely healthy people. Let us give an example of a pictogram drawn by a mentally healthy, very capable student (Fig. 2.3).

In this pictogram, abstract symbols alternate with emotionally rich, lively, figurative ones.

In this pictogram, very abstract associations to the words "separation" and "justice" could alert. However, its general liveliness and diversity, lightness and simplicity of design, and finally, the complete reproduction of all the given words convince us that these two associations were not emasculated, but truly abstract symbols.

Rice. 2.3. Healthy female student pictogram

The pictograms made by patients with schizophrenia with emasculation and lack of content of association look completely different (Fig. 2.4).

Fig.2.4. Diluted meaningless symbols

The same words were offered to this patient, but there is no need to decipher them here. Neither at the time of composing the pictogram, nor during reproduction (which turned out to be completely impossible, despite the fact that when memorizing 10 words, the patient found good retention opportunities), she could not explain why she could remember “jolly holiday” by the cross, and “development” - by tick, "disease" - by two points, and "friendship" by one. Some subjects (in most cases this is characteristic of patients with schizophrenia, but in several cases over decades such pictograms were made by both those who had encephalitis and those who suffered from epileptic seizures) try to associate the concept with various outlines of the line. So, for example, the patient symbolizes a "merry holiday" with rounded outlines of a winding line (above) and separation with an angular zigzag line (below). He does not explain in any way why he designates “happiness” with a straight line resting on a shapeless lump above “separation”, and “doubt” with a straight line resting on a zigzag.

Geometric symbolization of concepts in general is very often found in pictograms of patients with schizophrenia. So, for example, a patient with schizophrenia, who made a pictogram from some geometric shapes, symbolizes “doubt” as a circle, but then begins to doubt whether he chose the diameter of the circle correctly. He says that “the circle is uncertainty,” and quite seriously asks the experimenter: “What do you think, will “uncertainty” be narrower or wider than “doubt” in area?”.

Let us give examples of two more emasculated pictograms made by patients with schizophrenia (Fig. 2.5, 2.6).

Fig.2.5. Symbolic zigzags (of a schizophrenic patient)

Fig 2.6. Pictogram of a patient with schizophrenia

It makes no sense to decipher them, since there are only separate strokes-symbols (in Fig. 2.6 in the center, a spiral rising up means “happiness”, and going down next to it means “illness”). Basically, arrows, ticks, lines, crosses and circles are devoid of objective content and even for the patients themselves do not serve as a means of communication and memorization; attempts to read their pictogram, i.e., to recall the given words, are unsuccessful. Some pictograms should also be given, which, according to appearance give the impression of being simple and concrete, but upon closer psychological analysis, they reveal signs of a deep pathology of thinking. Figure 2.7 shows a pictogram of a schizophrenic patient with verbal hallucinosis. The patient's associations are specific, meaningful, but they are striking in their stereotypy both in the content and in the execution of the drawings.

The last pictogram is also specific. Thought disorders are found here not in the drawings, but in the explanations of the patient (schizophrenia, defective state)

The patient reproduces some words approximately, others cannot remember. Her explanations testify to the bizarre vague nature of the associations and at the same time to their significant inertia, since the choice of some new images is influenced by the previous images and thoughts of the patient (illness - work, drunkard - fence).

Fig 2.7. stereotypical drawings

In general, the "pictogram" technique is very versatile, it allows you to make many observations regarding the essential features of the psyche of patients.

The pictogram technique was developed by Luria. AR for mediated memory analysis. Using this method, you can get information to study the nature of associations and thinking.

The essence of the pictogram

This pictogram technique consists in the fact that the patient is asked to remember about 15-20 words and phrases, among which there are the following specific concepts: a hungry child, hard work, a delicious dinner, and so on. More abstract words are also used: doubt, development, and so on. At the same time, for each expression, it is necessary to draw any sign or image, that is, write down a number of concepts using a pictogram.

What expressions to offer for memorization to the patient are chosen taking into account his state of mind. If there is a need to track the development of schizophrenia, a number of specially selected expressions are used.

Data analysis pictogram

The pictogram technique consists of a thorough analysis of each image with a further assessment based on attribution to certain type. The quantitative ratio of images is estimated various types in this pictogram, analytical factors that are not available for formalization are taken into account. The graphical features of the drawing are also taken into account.

Methodology "Pictogram Luria"

In domestic clinical psychodiagnostics, the pictogram is the most common cognitive environment and personality. This method does not limit the subject either by the content of the images or by their completeness. Also, the patient is allowed to use any materials. He is not limited in time.

Processing and interpretation

When processing experimental data, if the "Pictogram" method is used, the interpretation contains indicators of all criteria, as well as procedural issues: emotional attitude to the task, the ease of its implementation, the need for a wide space, and so on.

Criteria for evaluation

The methodology is evaluated according to four criteria:

To evaluate this criterion, sometimes one figure is enough, but in some cases it is necessary to obtain Additional information at the author. If there is a reasonable connection between the proposed concept and its image, then the specialist puts the “+” sign, if there is no connection, the “-” sign. The adequacy criterion is characterized by rather high rates of the norm - more than 70%.

2. Recoverability of concepts after a delayed period

To evaluate the patient according to the second criterion, the specialist suggests that after some time he restore the list of proposed concepts according to the pictogram he created. To do this, the list of concepts is closed, and the subject must randomly restore them. This criterion is also quite high, indicators above 80% are considered normal. The pictogram technique for this criterion allows you to determine what role memory plays in the thinking of the subject.

3. Concrete-abstract

Experts evaluate this criterion according to the degree of conformity of the pictogram to the real object. The maximum specific correspondence is estimated at 1 point, the abstract image - at 3 points. In some cases, the images are difficult to attribute to any type. In this case, they receive a score of 2 points. Further, the expert's estimates are added up and the average data is calculated. A value of 2 points is considered the norm.

4. Standardity-originality

Experts also evaluate the originality or standardity of the created pictograms. If different subjects have the same images, then this indicates the mediocrity of the task. Such pictograms are judged on the basis of low score, equal to 1. Intermediate options are evaluated at 2 points, for the uniqueness of the pictograms, the subject receives 3 points. A score of 2 is considered normal.

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The use of pictograms in the correction of developmental disorders of students.

Paul L.A. - teacher speech therapist,

Ryskalina T.E. - social teacher

The logical memory of an adult is

"inward-rotated mnemotechnical memory"

L.S. Vygotsky

The words "mnemonics" and "mnemonics" mean the same thing - the technique of memorization. They come from the Greek "mnemonikon" - the art of memorization. The art of memorization is called "mnemonikon" by name ancient greek goddess memory of Mnemosyne - the mother of nine muses. It is believed that this word was coined by Pythagoras of Samos. Mnemotechnical techniques are such special techniques that are designed to facilitate the process of memorization. Here are just a few of them: The first technique is the technique of forming semantic phrases from the initial letters of the memorized information. The second is rhythmization, that is, the translation of information into poems, songs, rhymed or rhythmic lines. In modern pedagogy, this technique is successfully used to memorize spelling rules, multiplication tables, and more. educational material. Modern teachers willingly use this technique on various professional competitions demonstrate their works. (For example: Psychiatr and pediatr go to the theatertr .) The third is the memorization of long terms with the help of consonant words. Fourth - finding bright, unusual images, pictures, plots, which, according to the "bundle method", are connected with memorized information. This method is used, for example, to memorize a number of words: So, for example, for foreign terms, Russian words similar in sound are searched for. This technique can be both an assistant and a “pest”. Sometimes consonant words are remembered, but the meaning of the original cannot be restored. The fifth is the method of Cicero. Imagine that you are walking around your room, where everything is familiar to you. The information that you need to remember, arrange mentally in the direction of travel. You can remember it again by imagining the same room - where everything will be in the same places, go along the route and collect everything that you "left" last time. Mnemonics uses the natural memory mechanisms of the brain and allows you to fully control the process of storing, storing and recalling information. Modern mnemonics has made significant progress, both theoretically and technically, and makes it possible not only to fix a sequence of textual material in memory, but also allows you to accurately remember any accurate information that is traditionally considered unmemorable: lists of telephone numbers, chronological tables, various numerical tables, personal data, complex educational texts containing a large number of terminology and numerical information, etc. Modern mnemonics allows you to accumulate a large amount of accurate information in memory, save time when memorizing, and store memorized information in memory. it powerful workout attention and thinking. This is a real chance to quickly master several new specialties and become a professional in your field. This is the ability to use information: a person can apply knowledge only when they are in the head. This is just great gymnastics for the brain - the brain needs to be trained so that it does not atrophy. In our article, we will dwell in more detail on one of the types of mnemonics, namely the memorization of information using symbols and pictograms. The use of which, as our practice of working with schoolchildren with mental retardation and mental retardation shows, makes it possible to achieve the greatest efficiency. Per recent times in correctional schools, the number of children with moderate and severe mental retardation has increased. Mostly they are speechless children. Therefore, the socialization of children in this category has become an acute problem for teachers. Often, even parents do not know how to help their children, and even just how to communicate and understand with them. From the earliest stages of development, communication involves close interaction between the child and the adult. The need for communication is not innate, it is formed in the process of contact of the child with the environment. Children with moderate and severe mental retardation often experience a lack of communication (this is especially true for autistic children), which negatively affects their further development. Due to damage to the central nervous system they are hard to master colloquial speech, that's why aids communication is often a more successful way of communicating this category of children with others. Here pictograms come to the rescue - simple drawings-symbols that are understandable to both children and adults.

Our work shows that the use of pictograms in working with children with moderate and severe mental retardation, whose speech is significantly underdeveloped or completely absent, contributes to a more successful formation of social and everyday skills, better assimilation of the rules of behavior and the transformation of skills into sustainable habits. This is due to the fact that children do not know their meaning enough, they do not know the properties of certain objects well, or the property that the word means is associated with only one characteristic. The use of algorithms for dressing, washing, and other self-service actions written in the form simple pictures, pictograms contributes in children with moderate and severe mental retardation, when carrying out correctional and developmental work, to more successful formation of social and everyday skills and their translation into stable habits. In addition, the systematic knowledge of pictograms allows you to streamline and supplement the existing knowledge of children, develop the speech sphere, facilitate the adaptation of the child to environment. The study of pictograms by all children of the group, and not only by those who have significantly underdeveloped or completely absent speech, contributes to the development of understanding and mutual assistance in the team of pupils. In addition, the use of pictogram cards is a means of alternative communication for people with disabilities (cerebral palsy, problems with speech, mental retardation). The pictograms are pasted on thick paper or other dense square-shaped material 10x10 cm in size. These cards can be placed wherever the child is: in the dining room, near the washbasin, etc. And in the future, having learned to recognize the meaning of symbols and, having a set of pictograms at hand, a person will be able to explain himself in a store, on the street, in a family and in other situations when in the usual way it is difficult or impossible to communicate. To this end, we introduce students to famous pictograms that they can meet in life: at the station, on the bus, in the store and in other public places.
Today - figurative, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions, speech in children school age is a very rare occurrence. There are many problems in the speech of children studying in a special (correctional) school of the 8th type:

    Monosyllabic, consisting only of simple sentences speech. Inability to construct a common sentence grammatically correctly. Poverty of speech. Inadequate vocabulary. The use of non-literary words and expressions. Poor dialogic speech: inability to formulate a question competently and in an accessible way, to build even a short answer. Inability to construct a monologue. Lack of speech culture skills: inability to use intonation, adjust the volume of the voice and the pace of speech, etc. Poor diction.
Considering that in given time children are oversaturated with information, it is necessary that the learning process be interesting, entertaining, developing for them. According to S. L. Rubinstein, A. M. Leushina, L. V. Elkonin, the use of visualization helps children name objects, their characteristics actions performed with them. Like any work, the use of mnemonics is built from simple to complex. It is necessary to start working with the simplest mnemonic squares, sequentially go to mnemonic tracks, and later - to mnemonic tables. The content of the mimic table is graphical or partially graphic image characters of a fairy tale, natural phenomena, some actions, etc. by highlighting the main semantic links of the plot of the story. The main thing is to convey a conditionally visual diagram, depict it in such a way that the drawing is understandable to children. M
nemotables on speech therapy classes used for:
    vocabulary enrichment, when learning to compose stories, when retelling fiction, when guessing and guessing riddles, when memorizing poetry.
Based on the experience of teachers, we have developed mnemonic tables for compiling descriptive stories about toys, dishes, clothes, vegetables and fruits, birds, animals, insects. These schemes help children to independently determine the main properties and features of the subject under consideration, to establish the sequence of presentation of the identified features; enrich children's vocabulary. For the manufacture of these pictures, artistic abilities are not required: any teacher is able to draw similar symbolic images of objects and objects for the selected story. For primary school students with mental retardation and mental retardation, it is better to give color mnemonic tables, because children retain separate images in their memory: a Christmas tree is green, a berry is red. These diagrams serve as a visual plan to create monologues, help children build: - the structure of the story, - the sequence of the story, - the lexical and grammatical content of the story. Upon acquaintance with fiction and teaching storytelling us mnemonics. Together with the children we talk through the text, look at the illustrations and track the sequence of a pre-prepared model for this work. The use of mnemotables when learning poems facilitates and speeds up the process of memorizing and mastering texts, and forms techniques for working with memory. In this type of activity, not only auditory, but also visual analyzers are included. Children easily recall the picture, and then recall the words. Thus, the transition from the creativity of a speech therapist to the joint creativity of the child with the teacher is gradually being carried out. If on initial stage work, ready-made schemes are given, then at the next one it is already a joint collective creativity of children with an adult, at the third stage, students independently try their hand. It should be noted that students in this category experience some difficulties, since it is difficult to follow the proposed model plan. Very often, stories based on models are very schematic. But, nevertheless, gradually such work with literary texts gives a positive result. This is very important for students of the 8th type school, because. even in high school, many of them cannot retell the text and only answer the teacher's questions in monosyllables.

Target: the study of mediated memorization and the ability to generalize.

Material: 1) several sheets of blank paper (unlined); 2) pencils (simple and colored); 3) a set of stimulus words and phrases in which simple concepts can alternate with more complex, abstract ones, for example: “tasty dinner”, “hard work”, “happiness”, “development”, “sadness”, etc.

Instruction: “Memorize the words. To facilitate memorization, make sketches on paper for each word. But you cannot write a word or designate it with a letter. You can draw anything, as long as the drawing helps you remember the word. The quality of the drawing doesn't matter.

Procedure: if the experiment is conducted with children, then, having explained to the child that his memory will be tested, you can choose the first expressions from the easy ones for a more detailed explanation, clarification of the instructions, even showing if the child has difficulty understanding it. In the course of work, it is advisable to ask the child to give explanations for the idea, details, content of the drawing. Only when the drawings are too multi-subject, and the child himself is more interested in the process of drawing than in choosing a connection for memorization, can he be somewhat limited in time.

Whatever connections and drawings the subject makes, disapproval should not be expressed.

After the end of the work, the drawings are taken from the subject. And an hour later he is offered to remember the given words in a row. You can name words from pictures or make captions to them.

In the protocol of the experiment, the reasoning of the subject is recorded, explaining the relationship between the word and the picture.

The psychologist selects words for memorization in advance, taking into account the age of the subject, his level cultural development. In total, 10-15 words are presented. The list must include words that have significant emotional overtones.

Stimulus material to remember:

For the younger ones:

For older:

1. Happy holiday

1. Hard work

2. Deaf old lady

2. Poison question

3. Angry teacher

3. Coward boy

4. The girl is cold

4. Warm evening

5. Illness

5. Sadness

6. Separation

7. Development

7. Feat

8. Feud

9. Hope

10. Envy

10. Power

11. Regret

11. Despair

12. Happiness

To conduct repeated surveys using the pictogram method, it is necessary to have parallel sets of concepts used for mediated memorization.

Data processing: the number of correctly reproduced words is counted in relation to the total number presented for memorization. These data can be compared with the results of direct memorization (according to the “Memorizing 10 words” method).

In addition, the data obtained using the pictogram method can be conditionally divided into 4 groups:

1) pictograms-images built to remember the presented concepts, their content;

2) verbal explanations of the drawings given to the subjects;

3) observational data on the behavior of the subject as a whole, during the experiment (this also includes the questions of the subject, his spontaneous statements, attitude to the experience, answers to the questions of the experimenter, etc.);

4) data relating to the formal pictorial features of the implementation of pictograms (pressure, method of material arrangement, size of drawings, etc.).

Analysis of results: involves a comparison of these 4 groups of results and a conclusion regarding the individual characteristics of the cognitive activity of the subject. Based on the results of the task, the level of generalization and abstraction processes is judged: whether the subject can designate a word with a symbol, how much his difficulties increase when words of an abstract nature are mediated. It is equally important to establish the nature of the associations that guide the subject in the selection of pictograms - the correspondence of the pictogram to the given word, the excessive specificity of the associations or, conversely, their extremely abstract, conditionally symbolic nature, the presence of associations based on a “weak” attribute. According to the results of the study, one can judge the logical memory of the subject - how much the mediation of words in visual images helps to remember them. The emotional richness of the pictograms plays a significant role. To a certain extent, it reflects the emotional state of the subject.

A preschooler is very plastic and easy to train, but children are characterized by fast fatiguability and loss of interest in the activity. The use of pictograms is interesting and helps to solve this problem.

The use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorization and assimilation of material, forms techniques for working with memory.

Pictogram- (from Latin Pictus - to draw and Greek Γράμμα - record) - a sign that displays the most important recognizable features of an object, objects, phenomena to which it points, most often in a schematic form.

Non-speaking children and children suffering from speech underdevelopment have limited opportunities for the formation of communication skills and interaction with the social environment. Oral speech playing leading role in the cognitive and emotional development of the child and is the basis social interaction, in most cases is not available to such children. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with another communication system that will help



Consultation of preschool teachers

Topic. Using pictograms with children preschool age»

teachers - speech therapist

Vetrova Marina Vladimirovna

The relevance of using pictograms in working with preschoolers is that:

A preschooler is very plastic and easy to learn, but children are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson. The use of pictograms is interesting and helps to solve this problem.

The use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorization and assimilation of material, forms techniques for working with memory.

Pictogram - (from Latin Pictus - to draw and Greek Γράμμα - record) - a sign that displays the most important recognizable features of an object, objects, phenomena to which it points, most often in a schematic form.

Non-speaking children and children suffering from speech underdevelopment have limited opportunities for the formation of communication skills and interaction with the social environment. Oral language, which plays a major role in the cognitive and emotional development of the child and is the basis of social interaction, is in most cases inaccessible to such children. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with another communication system that will helpfacilitate communication, improve comprehensive development child, as well as to increase his participation in pedagogical process and thus will contribute to the integration of such children into the wider society.

The pictogram method was first developed by D.B. Elkonin, L.A. Wenger, N.A. Vetlugina, N.N. Poddyakov. This method was used by D.B. Elkonin and L.E. Zhurova to teach preschoolers to read and write, i.e. the use of visual models to determine the sound composition of the word, the scheme of the word and the scheme of the sentence. Pictograms for stories and fairy tales contribute to the development of coherent speech in children. Children not only hear their speech or speech addressed to them, but have the opportunity to see it.

Pictograms are non-verbal means of communication and can be used in the following ways:

As a means of temporary communication, to keep the child motivated and willing to communicate;

As a means of constant communication for a child unable to speak in the future;

As a means of facilitating the development of communication, speech, cognitive functions (symbolization, formation elementary representations and concepts) ;

How preparatory stage to the development of writing and reading in children with developmental problems (word scheme, sentence scheme).

Thus, the content of pintograms is intended to provide the child with the opportunity to enter into communication at home, in kindergarten, classroom, in a variety of situations of everyday life.

Objects are depicted (on a blue background), their signs (on a green background) and actions with them (on a red background). background) that are often found in the social world around the child.

Methodology L. B. Boryaeva, E.T. Logina, L.V. Lapatinnaya

"I say!" , involves the following stages of teaching a child to work with pictograms:

1. Familiarization of the child with the sign-symbol and clarification of his understanding:

Symbol identification.

The adult consistently shows the child pictograms, offers to identify them and correlate them with a real object or with its realistic image in the picture;

Selecting the desired icon from a number of others.

From several pictograms, the child must recognize and show the one that the adult named;

Selection of two identical icons among a number of others;

The choice of the same icon among a certain set of others;

Phrase construction with pictograms.

An adult invites the child to consider pictograms depicting the object of the action, the process of the action necessary for this subject, etc., and pronounces a phrase corresponding to these images. The child selects and shows the pictograms in the order in which the words are pronounced in order to get the desired phrase;

Selection (showing) from several phrases made up of pictographic images, the one that was named by an adult.

2. Algorithm for establishing a connection between images of objects and their function:

Make a pair of pictograms.

First option : an adult offers the child to connect with an arrow a pictogram depicting an object with a pictogram reflecting an action that can be performed with this object.For example, doll -> play, apple -> eat.

Second option : an adult shows the child a pictogram depicting an action and asks him to connect this pictogram with an arrow with a pictogram on which the corresponding object is drawn.For example, listen->ears, drink->water;

Among a certain set of pictograms, select only those that belong to one thematic group, for example, to a group of clothes;

Fifth extra.

An adult shows a child five pictograms depicting four objects from one thematic group, and the fifth - from the other. The child finds an extra object and shows it;

Find and correct an error in pairs of pictograms by connecting the corresponding ones with an arrow.For example, ears -> see, eyes -> listen;

Find and correct the mistake in the phrase.

An adult shows the child a pictographic image of a phrase containing an error, and invites him to choose the right one from several pictograms in order to correct this error.

3. The sequence of the logical construction of the phrase by self-selection of the required symbol:

Compose a phrase spoken by an adult from pictograms;

Compose a phrase from pictograms, connecting them with each other according to the meaning with arrows;

Select a group of icons according to a given attribute;

Make logical chains.

Thus, the system of non-verbal means of communication provides for the formation of a logical chain:

the original concept of "sign» (pictogram) ->generalizing concept-> pinning independent action skillswith pictograms -> independentorientation in the sign system.



Slides captions:

"The use of pictograms in working with children of preschool age" Teacher - speech therapist Vetrova Marina Vladimirovna

The relevance of using pictograms in working with preschoolers is that: a preschooler is very plastic and easy to learn, but children are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson. (The use of pictograms is of interest and helps to solve this problem) The use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorizing and mastering the material, forms techniques for working with memory.

Pictogram - (from Latin Pictus - to draw and Greek Γράμμ α - record) - a sign that displays the most important recognizable features of an object, objects, phenomena to which it points, most often in a schematic form.

The relevance of using the pictogram method lies in the fact that it helps to: - Facilitate communication. - Improve the overall development of the child. - Activate speech-thinking activity (memory, attention, thinking).

Pictograms are non-verbal means of communication and can be used in the following ways: - as a means of temporary communication, to keep the child motivated and willing to communicate; - as a means of constant communication for a child unable to speak in the future; - as a means of facilitating the development of communication, speech, cognitive functions (symbolization, the formation of elementary ideas and concepts); - as a preparatory stage for the development of writing and reading in children with developmental problems (word scheme, sentence scheme).

Methodology L. B. Boryaeva, E.T. Logina, L.V. Lapatinnaya "I - I say!", involves the following stages of teaching the child to work with pictograms: 1. Familiarizing the child with the sign-symbol and clarifying his understanding; 2. Algorithm for establishing a connection between images of objects and their function; 3. The sequence of logical construction of the phrase by self-selection of the required symbol.

1. Familiarization of the child with the sign-symbol and clarification of his understanding: - identification of the symbol. The adult consistently shows the child pictograms, offers to identify them and correlate them with a real object or with its realistic image in the picture;

Selecting the desired icon from a number of others. From several pictograms, the child must recognize and show the one that the adult named; - selection of two identical icons among a number of others; - selection of the same icon among a certain set of others;


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Slides captions:

Phrase construction with pictograms. An adult invites the child to consider pictograms depicting the object of the action, the process of the action necessary for this subject, etc., and pronounces a phrase corresponding to these images. The child selects and shows the pictograms in the order in which the words are pronounced in order to get the desired phrase;

Selection (showing) from several phrases made up of pictographic images, the one that was named by an adult. girl eating in the kitchen

2. Algorithm for establishing a connection between images of objects and their function: - make a pair of pictograms. The first option: an adult offers the child to connect with an arrow a pictogram depicting an object with a pictogram reflecting an action that can be performed with this object. For example, doll -> play, apple -> eat. The second option: an adult shows the child a pictogram depicting an action and asks him to connect this pictogram with an arrow to the pictogram on which the corresponding object is drawn. For example, listen -> ears, drink -> water;

Among a certain set of pictograms, select only those that belong to one thematic group, for example, to a group of clothes;

Fifth extra. The adult shows the child five pictograms depicting four objects from one thematic group, and the fifth from another. The child finds an extra object and shows it; - find and correct an error in pairs of pictograms by connecting the corresponding ones with an arrow. For example, ears-see, eyes -> listen;

Find and correct the mistake in the phrase. An adult shows the child a pictographic image of a phrase containing an error, and invites him to choose the right one from several pictograms in order to correct this error.

3. The sequence of logical construction of the phrase by self-selection of the required symbol: - compose a phrase spoken by an adult from pictograms;

Compose a phrase from pictograms, connecting them with each other according to the meaning with arrows;

Select a group of icons according to a given attribute; - make logical chains.

Thus, the system of non-verbal means of communication provides for the formation of a logical chain: the initial concept of "sign" (pictogram) a generalizing concept, the consolidation of the skill of independent actions with pictograms, independent orientation in the system of signs

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