Speech therapy lesson on the topic "Wild Animals" for children of the older group with OHP outline of a lesson in speech therapy (senior group) on the topic. Abstract of a lesson on the development of coherent speech in a preparatory speech therapy group on the topic: “Wild animals of our l

Synopsis of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech

"Wild Animals of Our Forests"

for children of the preparatory group

With general underdevelopment speech level 3

(With the use of gaming, health-saving, ICT technologies)

Target: contribute to the expansion, activation and generalization of the vocabulary of children (names of wild animals of our forests and their cubs, their dwellings; names of modes of movement; habits and appearance; lifestyle).


To consolidate and improve the skills of forming nouns with the help of suffixes -onok-, -enok-, -at-, -yat-;

exercise in education and practical use nouns in instrumental case;

To consolidate and improve the skills of forming possessive adjectives;

Exercise in making sentences with the preposition "B";

Strengthen the ability to answer questions complete offer, correctly building a phrase;

To develop the thinking of children on the material of descriptive riddles;

Improve general (combination of speech with movement) and fine (elements of self-massage of hands) motor skills;

Develop speech breathing (strength and duration of speech exhalation);

Improve visual-spatial perception;

Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards wild animals.



Synopsis of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech

"Wild Animals of Our Forests"

for children of the preparatory group

with general underdevelopment of speech level 3

(With the use of gaming, health-saving, ICT technologies)

Target: contribute to the expansion, activation and generalization of the vocabulary of children (names of wild animals of our forests and their cubs, their dwellings; names of modes of movement; habits and appearance; lifestyle).


To consolidate and improve the skills of forming nouns with the help of suffixes -onok-, -enok-, -at-, -yat-;

Exercise in the formation and practical use of nouns in the instrumental case;

To consolidate and improve the skills of forming possessive adjectives;

Exercise in making sentences with the preposition "B";

To consolidate the ability to answer questions with a full sentence, correctly building a phrase;

To develop the thinking of children on the material of descriptive riddles;

Improve general (combination of speech with movement) and fine (elements of self-massage of hands) motor skills;

Develop speech breathing (strength and duration of speech exhalation);

Improve visual-spatial perception;

Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards wild animals.

Material: disc envelope,presentation, picture with overlays, pictures of wild animals, their cubs, massage balls, labyrinths, medals, split pictures by the number of children.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen.

Lesson progress

Please take your seats. Sit nicely, back straight, put your legs on the floor, put your hands on the desk.

Look at each other. Give each other your smiles. What is your mood now? And if the mood is good, then we can start our lesson.

An envelope came to our school. Where do you think he came from? (a forest is drawn on the envelope)

The envelope came from the forest. Let's see what's in it?

There is a letter in the envelope, but not a simple one, but an electronic one! How can we read it? (you need to insert the disc into the computer). That's right, we'll insert the disk and find out who sent it to us.

Look carefully at the picture. Who did you see on it (a picture with superimposed images of wild animals on the screen). That's right - it's a wolf, a fox, a hare, a squirrel, a hedgehog, an elk.

As we call them in one word (wild animals). From whom did the letter come? (from wild animals). Today we will talk about wild animals.

Let's read their letter:“Hello, dear guys! We learned that you will be going to school soon. So, you already know a lot and can do it? Tell us what you know about us wild animals. If you complete all our tasks, you will receive interesting prizes! You are ready?"(Yes)

To find out from whom the first task you need to guess the riddle:

This beast lives in the forest

It gnaws bark at the trunks.

In the summer in a gray fur coat,

And in winter - in white. (Hare)

How did you guess it was a rabbit? (he lives in a forest, eats bark, changes the color of his fur coat in winter).

The task from the hare is:“Guys, why are we called “Wild Animals” like that?

Exercise "Why are they called so"

(We call them wild because they live independently and do without the help of a person. They get their own food, raise their young, build their own dwellings).

Well done!

And the next riddle and task awaits you.

Day and night he roams the forest,

Day and night looking for prey.

Walks, wanders silently

Ears are grey.(Wolf)

How did you guess? (gray, walks and looks for prey)

And here is the task from the wolf:“Guys, you know that I really like howling at the moon. Show me how I do it."

Breathing exercise "Wolf"

I. p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.

On inspiration - raise your head up, slightly press your half-bent arms in your chest.

On the exhale, they pull the sound “u-u-u-u…” for a long time, folding their lips into a tube, straining the muscles of the neck.

Goodies. Listen to the next riddle

From branch to branch I can fly.

Nobody can catch a red tail.

Once in the summer in the forest I play -

We must collect mushrooms for the winter. (squirrel)

As you guessed (jumping from branch to branch, red, picking mushrooms for the winter) Another squirrel changes its fur coat from red to gray for the winter.

Listen carefully to the task from the squirrel:“Guys, each of the adult animals has cubs. Tell me what they're called."

The game "Who has who?"(Children are given pictures of an animal and its cubs).

Who's with the fox? What if there are many? (A fox has a fox cub, and if there are a lot of fox cubs; a wolf has a wolf cub, and if there are a lot of fox cubs; a hare has a hare, and if there are a lot of rabbits; a hedgehog has a hedgehog, and if there are a lot of hedgehogs; a squirrel has a squirrel, and if there is a lot - squirrels, the elk has a calf, and if there is a lot - elk).

Very well! And the next challenge is ahead! From whom is it?

tail fluffy,

golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens in the village. (Fox)

How did you guess? ( fluffy tail, golden (red) fur, steals and eats chickens)

Fox task: “My foxes love to play. Please show me fun game for my kids."

Logorhythmic exercise "To the watering place"

(Children perform movements according to the text, taking steps on each stressed syllable).

Once upon a forest path

The animals went to the watering place (They go in a circle one after another).

A moose calf stomped behind the mother moose, (They walk, stomping loudly).

A fox cub crept behind the mother fox, (Sneaking on toes).

A hedgehog rolled behind mom like a hedgehog, (They move on squats).

A bear cub followed the mother bear, (They are waddling).

The squirrels rode behind the mother squirrel, (They move in jumps).

Behind the mother hare - oblique hares, (They continue to jump, making ears out of their palms).

The she-wolf led the cubs behind her, (Sneaking with long steps).

All mothers and children want to get drunk. (They turn their faces in a circle, make “licking” movements).

Well done boys! The fox and the cubs have greatly improved their game.

Next riddle:

The owner of the forest

Waking up in the spring

And in winter under a blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snow hut. (Bear)

How did you guess? (He sleeps in winter and wakes up in spring)

Here is a task from a bear: “Please answer, what do wild animals eat?”

Exercise "What do wild animals eat"

The wolf eats meat (hares, sheep, elks).

The bear eats raspberries (honey, fish, insects, roots).

The squirrel eats nuts (mushrooms, berries, young ones ran).

The fox eats mice (fish).

The hedgehog feeds on beetles (worms, mushrooms, berries).

The hare eats carrots (cabbage, grass, twigs).

Elk eats grass (twigs, bark, mushrooms).

Good! You have already told almost everything about wild animals. There is very little left. Next riddle!

All winter between the trees

Slept a bag of needles.

“F-f.f - stop sleeping,

It's time to get up!" (Hedgehog)

How did you guess? (the hedgehog has needles, in winter it sleeps under foliage and snow)

The hedgehog has prepared a task for your fingers.

Game with massage balls "Hedgehogs".

Hedgehog, hide your needles - we are children, not wolves!

(Squeeze the ball in hand, shift from hand to hand)

We want to pet you, we want to get along with you.

(We roll the ball on the table with the left, then with the right hand)

Hedgehog shook his needles, wrapped himself up and fell asleep.

(We roll and squeeze the ball in both hands)

And here is the latest riddle.

Touching the grass with hooves

A handsome man walks through the forest.

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (Elk)

How did you guess? (the elk has hooves and horns, he is a handsome forest man)

Moose offers you a very difficult task. “What are the names of the dwellings of wild animals?”

The game "Where does he live, whose house"

To do this, you need to answer my questions in full sentences one by one.

Where does the squirrel live? (Squirrel lives in a hollow). So whose hollow is this? (This is a squirrel hollow).

Where does the wolf live? (The wolf lives in a lair). Whose lair is this? (This is a wolf's lair).

Where does the fox live? (The fox lives in a hole). Whose hole is this? (This is a fox hole).

Where does the bear live? (The bear lives in a den). This is whose den (This is a bear den).

Go through the mazehelp the animal find its way to its home.

Well done boys! You have completed all the tasks of wild animals!

You made them and me very happy with your answers. (Praise each child for something different, done well).

Did you enjoy today's lesson?

Assignment: “Guys, why are we called Wild Animals”? This animal lives in the forest, At the trunks it gnaws at the bark. In the summer in a gray fur coat, And in the winter - in a white one.

“Guys, you know that I really like howling at the moon. Show me how I do it." Day and night he roams the forest, Day and night he searches for prey. He walks and wanders in silence, his ears are gray upright.

“Guys, each of the adult animals has cubs. Tell me what they're called." From branch to branch I can fly. Nobody can catch a red tail. Once in the summer in the forest I play - We must collect mushrooms for the winter.

“My foxes love to play. Please show me a fun game for my cubs.” Fluffy tail, Golden fur, Lives in the forest, Steals chickens in the village.

“Tell me, please, what do wild animals eat?” The owner of the forest Wakes up in the spring, And in winter, under a blizzard howl, Sleeps in a snowy hut.

The hedgehog has prepared a task for your fingers. All winter between the trees Slept a bag of needles. "F-f.f - stop sleeping, It's time to get up!"

“Tell me, what are the names of the dwellings of wild animals?” Touching the grass with hooves A handsome man walks through the forest. Walks boldly and easily. Horns spread wide.

Thank you guys!

Group (ONR) on the topic:

"Inhabitants of our forests"

( on lexical topic"Wild animals")

Conducted by a speech therapist:

MBDOU No. 24

Almetyevsk, RT

Lesson objectives

1. Expansion and activation of the nominative and verbal vocabulary of children, fixing in speech the names of wild animals of our forests, their cubs, body parts, dwellings.

2. Consolidation of skills to correctly use the prepositions "in", "from", "y", "from" when making sentences.

3. development of thinking on the material of descriptive riddles.

4. Formation of the ability to form possessive adjectives from nouns.

5. Development of visual and auditory perception of tactile sensations.

6. Consolidation of the ability to compose a story based on reference pictures.

7. Development of general and fine motor skills fingers.

For the lesson you will need:

Panel "Forest";


Type-setting canvas;

Silhouette and subject pictures depicting wild animals;

Model of dwellings of wild animals;

Didactic games: “Whose tail, whose head”, “Forest glade”, “Wonderful bag”.

Introductory part

There is a knock on the door.

Speech therapist: Who's there?

The postman Pechkin appears with a letter.

Pechkin: It's me, the postman Pechkin, who brought you a letter from the cat Matroskin and Sharik.

Speech therapist: Thank you Pechkin!


Silhouette photographs of animals are laid out on the typesetting canvas. The speech therapist invites the children to sit on the carpet and opens the envelope, which contains riddles and riddles in the form of already colored images. The child who guessed the riddle receives this image and puts it on a typesetting canvas, combining it with the corresponding silhouette.

Speech therapist: Tail with a fluffy arc,

Do you know such an animal?

Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,

Likes to climb trees.


cunning cheat,

Red head.

Fluffy tail - beauty.

Who is this? (Fox.)

The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring.

And in winter under a blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snow hut


fluff ball,

long ear,

Jumping smartly

Loves carrots. (Hare.)

Who is cold in winter

Gray, angry walks in the forest,

hungry? (Wolf.)

Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Too many needles

And not a single thread. (Hedgehog.)

Making sentences with the preposition "in"

Speech therapist: What are these animals? (Forest, wild.) Where do these animals live? (In the woods.) That's right, all these animals live in the forest, but each of them has its own home, just like people. Let's play now.

The game "Who lives where"

On the tables of children subject pictures. On the speech therapist's table is a manual depicting animal dwellings.

Speech therapist: Where does the bear live? (In the den.) Where does the wolf live? (In the lair.) Where does the squirrel live? (In the hollow.) Where do foxes and hedgehogs live? (In holes.) Where does the hare live? (Under the bush.)

Answering the question, the child must take a picture of an animal and place it on the image of the dwelling in which it lives. The speech therapist praises the children for correct answers.

Forming possessive adjectives from nouns: didactic game"Whose tail, whose head?"

On the flannelgraph behind the Christmas trees are hidden drawings of body parts of wild animals (tails, ears, paws). On the second flannelograph there is an image of wild animals that lack these parts. Children should take a picture of the parts of a body part and attach it to a drawing of an animal that does not have it. While doing the task, the children answer the questions.

Speech therapist: Whose tail is this? (Fox tail, squirrel tail.) Whose ear do you have? (Bear ear, hare ear.) Well done, you correctly named the body parts of animals.

Fizminutka with elements finger gymnastics

Children perform movements to the music and poems that the speech therapist reads.

Speech therapist: And now let's play "Teremok".

Children open the tower: spread their arms to the sides.

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,

Raise your arms above your head.

He is not low, not high.

Squat and rise to the toes.

There is a lock on the door.

The fingers are folded into the castle.

Who could open it?

Make movements with the wrists back and forth.

On the left - a bunny, on the right - a bear -

They turn their heads.

Move the latch!

Try to pull the lock to the sides.

On the left - a hedgehog, on the right - a wolf -

Make head turns.

Click on the lock!

Squeeze, unclench the wrists.

Bunny, bear, hedgehog, wolf

Open the teremok.

Raise your arms to the sides.

Making sentences with the preposition "y":

didactic game "Help the cubs find their mother"

Children must memorize the names of animals and their cubs.

Speech therapist: Animals with their cubs walked on the lawn, the kids played and got lost. Guys, help the cubs find their mothers and name them!

Fox cub (cubs) - at the fox;

Hare (hare) - at the hare;

Squirrel (squirrels) - in squirrels;

Hedgehog (hedgehog) - at the hedgehog;

Wolf cub (wolf cubs) - at the she-wolf;

Teddy bear (cubs) - at the she-bear.

Well done, helped the cubs find their mothers!

Drawing up a story based on reference pictures on a flannelgraph

The speech therapist invites the children to listen to the story "Hunter" and retell it according to the reference pictures that he hangs on the flannelgraph.

Speech therapist: One day a hunter went into the forest. I took my gun with me. He walks, walks, suddenly sees a bear's lair. In it, a she-bear with cubs sleeps. And next to the tree is a squirrel hollow. There lives a squirrel with squirrels. The hunter goes on. I saw a wolf's lair. There lives a she-wolf with cubs. I walked a little more and saw a fox hole. A fox lives in it with cubs. Only the hare has no home. The hare house is under a bush. The hunter did not disturb anyone, because in his hands he did not have a hunting rifle, but a photo gun. It was he who took pictures of animals as a keepsake.

Children retell the story in a chain and in its entirety.

Development of tactile sensations:

didactic game "Gifts from animals"

The speech therapist invites children to find a wonderful bag under the Christmas tree in which the animals left gifts. Children must guess by touch what is in the bag, and say who this gift is from. For example, squirrel nuts. In a wonderful bag are nuts, carrots, cabbage, a barrel of honey, apples, berries.

At the end, the lesson is summed up.

In the presented summary of the lesson, a game situation is used, which is based on the use of familiar to children fairy tale character- Little Red Riding Hood. Together with her, the children take a walk through the forest and at the same time perform various tasks. Children learn by playing.

Throughout the course, there are various situations, then the animals lost their cubs and you need to help them, then you need to help Little Red Riding Hood figure out who is hiding behind the bushes, then the wolf blocks her way, and the children must guess the riddle, etc.

The use of game situations in the classroom allows you to make the lesson interesting and not boring, helps to reduce the fatigue of children and maintain interest throughout the lesson.

Applicable visual material stimulates the speech activity of children. And the selected tasks correspond to the abilities of children and cause them a lot of positive emotions. At the same time, educational, upbringing and correctional tasks set by the teacher-speech therapist are successfully implemented.

Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson on the development of lexical and grammatical means of the language in the preparatory school group "Wild Animals".

Objectives: to systematize children's knowledge about wild animals; learn to form possessive adjectives; agree nouns with numerals; explain the meaning of proverbs; pick out the main word related words; select words-objects, words-signs, words-actions, develop thinking and attention.

Equipment: pictures depicting animals, animal body parts (ears, tails), a plane doll Little Red Riding Hood.

Lesson progress

Organizing time. Tricky questions.

Who has more paws - a hare or a squirrel?
- How many ears, tails, paws do two squirrels have?
- Who (what) is more - hares or rabbit ears?

Introduction to the topic.

Once upon a time there was a girl, She never parted with her hat.

The speech therapist exposes a plane doll.

What is the girl's name? (Red Riding Hood).

And then one day Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother. The road went through the forest. So many interesting things in the forest! And Little Red Riding Hood was a very inquisitive girl.

The game "Whose tail, whose ears?"

Little Red Riding Hood is walking along the path and sees that someone's ears are peeking out from behind the bushes, then someone's tail.

Little Red Riding Hood thought: “Who is this hiding behind the bushes?”

Children from the pictures determine whose tail, whose ears.

This is a hare's tail and hare's ears, etc.

Game "Gather a family"

Little Red Riding Hood came out into the clearing, and there animals from all over the forest gathered, crying. It turns out they lost their cubs.

Guys, we need to help animals. Name the mother and her cubs, and then they will all come together.

fox - foxes
moose - moose
bear - cubs
she-wolf - cubs
bunny - bunnies
badger - badger

Count to five game

Many animals gathered in the clearing. Little Red Riding Hood decided to count them.

One clumsy bear, two clumsy bears... five clumsy bears.
One sly fox, two sly foxes... five sly foxes.
One prickly hedgehog, two prickly hedgehogs...five prickly hedgehogs.

"When do they say that?"

Keep in tight grip.
The bear stepped on his ear.
To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

Children discuss proverbs with a speech therapist.

The game "What word does not sound like?"

Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest and suddenly sees a huge oak tree in front of her. And on this oak tree lives a squirrel family. The squirrel asked the girl a riddle. What word doesn't fit? Can you guess?

Squirrel, squirrel, white, squirrel.

And what are the words squirrel, squirrel, squirrel called? (Related) Name the main word. (Squirrel)

If you guess my riddle, I'll let you go to grandma's. What word doesn't fit?

Wolf, wire, cub, she-wolf.

And what are these words called: wolf, wolf cub, she-wolf? (Related). Name the main word. (Wolf)

Physical education "Bear and ball" (T. Tryasorukova)

Teddy bear by the forest is coming, (hands on the belt, step in place)
He carries the ball in the foot, (we raise our hands through the sides up and roundly connect above the head)
The ball flew into the sky, (we shake our hands above our heads)
The bear roared menacingly. (We say sound r-r-r, loud and angry)

"Choose a couple of words"

Missed the wolf Little Red Riding Hood. She walks, and she herself thinks: “Where do the animals live, where do they hide from the weather, where do they feed the cubs?”

Pick up paired words: animal - dwelling.

Squirrel - hollow, bear - ... (lair), fox - ... (burrow), wolf - ... (den), beaver - ... (hut).

And Little Red Riding Hood thought that all animals are so different. Choose a word for each animal.

Fox (what?) - cunning
Hare (what?) - ... cowardly
Wolf (what?) - angry
Bear (what?) - ... clubfoot

The game "Who is superfluous?"

The animals decided to play with Little Red Riding Hood in the game "Who is superfluous?" Can we help her?

We stood in front of Little Red Riding Hood:
Wolf, fox, dog, bear.
Elk, hare, wolf, deer.
Owl, magpie, squirrel, crow.

Children identify an extra item and explain why it is superfluous.

"What is common and what is different?"

Little Red Riding Hood continued her journey through the forest. And suddenly he sees a deer and an elk standing. Oh how they look alike! (How?)

Children look at pictures of animals and tell how deer and elk are similar.

The girl looked at the animals. Although the elk and deer are similar, they are still different animals. How are they different?

The children are talking.

A squirrel sat in a tree nearby, and a fox lived in a hole under the tree. How are they similar and how are they different?

If you listen closely, you can hear many different sounds in the forest.

Wolf in the forest - ... howls
Bear - ... roars
Boar - ... grunts
Fox - ... yapping

Summary of speech therapy.

This is where the forest ends. Our journey is over. Who did we meet in the forest? Why are these animals called wild?

Petrishina Elena Vilenovna,
teacher speech therapist,
MBDOU kindergarten of combined type No. 39,
Apsheronsk, Krasnodar Territory

1. Correctional and educational goals:

Consolidation of ideas about wild animals, their appearance. Expansion and activation of the vocabulary on the topic "Wild animals" (animals, bear, wolf, fox, squirrel, elk, wool, paw, tail, lair, hollow, den.)

Improving the grammatical structure of speech (use of nouns with suffixes - onok, -yata,).

Correctional and developmental goals:

The development of speech hearing, visual attention, spatial orientation, thinking. General motor skills, coherent speech. Development of creative imagination and imitation.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Formation of skills of mutual understanding, goodwill, cooperation, responsibility, initiative.


  • expansion and activation of the subject dictionary;
  • enrichment of the passive vocabulary of children;
  • development of visual attention, memory, development of auditory attention, logical thinking.

Goal: Activate the attention and memory of children, develop logical thinking, expand vocabulary in preschoolers, it is correct to use prepositions in sentences.

Tasks: To fix in speech the names of wild animals of our forests. Their babies, body parts, dwellings. Develop thinking on the material of descriptive riddles. Cultivate an interest in the environment. Develop a realistic understanding of nature.

Equipment: laptop, task cards, pencils, tambourine, chest

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment. Announcement of the topic of the lesson. Creating an emotionally positive background.

Guys, today I received in the mail a beautiful chest with a surprise from funny Smeshariki. But to open the chest, you need to collect 5 magic keys. Each key is a correctly completed task.

Do you want to see a surprise? Ready to complete the tasks of Smeshariki? Then we start.

1,2, 3, 4, 5
We will now again:
Watch, listen, think,
But don't interfere with each other
Clearly, clearly speak, do not spin, do not play pranks.

The first task from Kopatych. Kopatych likes to make riddles. (Slide) And now we will try to guess them.

1. In the summer he walks without a road or Who goes to sleep in a lair-

Near the pines and birches, a wolf, a bear or a fox?

And in the winter he sleeps in a den.

Hiding your nose from the cold. (Bear)

2. A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly, loves carrots (Hare)

3. Fluffy tail, golden fur, lives in the forest.

And in the village he steals chickens (Fox)

4. Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest

He carries the horns easily, even though he spreads them wide (Elk)

5. I walk in a fluffy coat or What kind of naughty is this

I live in a dense forest spruce branch bump.

In a hollow on an old oak, it gnaws out the seeds in it

I chew nuts (Squirrel) throws a husk on the snow

6. All the time he prowls through the forest
He is looking for prey in the bushes
He clicks from the bushes with his teeth
Who say it... (Wolf)

(all answers are shown on the slides)

How can one word describe them all? What are these animals? (wild)

Where do they live? (in the forest).

Now complete the sentence.

In winter, the hare is white, and in summer ...

The hare has a short tail, and ears ...

The squirrels have long hind legs, and the front ...

The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog is ...

The squirrel is small, and the elk is ...

And now let's listen to a fairy tale about a cheerful squirrel. Listen carefully and do the articulation exercises with the squirrel.

Little cheerful squirrel Mouth wide open, tongue relaxed

Slept in her hollow "Shovel"

Then she woke up Touch the tip of the tongue to the alveoli

smiled happily "Smile"

The squirrel looked out of the hollow, quickly looked around "Watch"

The squirrel was neat, she washed herself. Circular movements of the tongue over the lips.

Brushed her teeth Circular movements of the tongue behind closed lips

Then the squirrel went for a walk. She jumped up and down the branches

(Tongue movements up and down)

With the tongue of a squirrel tsokala "clatter"

Picked mushrooms "Fungus"

After the walk, the squirrel returned to the hollow and fell into a deep sleep.

(Open mouth wide, tongue relaxed.)

Well done all answered correctly. And the loading was done well. You receive the first key.

Krosh prepared the second task for you. (Slide)

(Children call)

Well done, they also did a good job with this task and Krosh gives you his key. (slide show)

The next task from Losyash. (Slide)

All animals have their own home in the forest, called a dwelling.

Now I will give you cards and pencils. You carefully look at the picture and draw a path from the animal to its home. (hand out cards with pencils) Now let's remember what the dwellings of animals are called. (slide show)

Well done guys, get the key.

Task from Sovunya. (Slide)

In the old old times animals lived, lived. But no one in those days had tails. And without a tail, the beast has neither beauty nor joy. Once a rumor spread through the forest: tails will be handed out! They brought many different tails: large and small, thick and thin, long and short. Fluffy and smooth... And the animals ran from all sides. Rushed, rushed at full speed behind the tails.

Let's help the animals find their tails now. After connecting the tail with the animal, I ask whose tail? (Children go to the table and everyone chooses a card for themselves, then you need to connect the animal and the tail)

Well done guys, you got the job done. Get the key.

Let's take a break and play a game "Bear, hare, heron"


We stand in a circle. The tambourine knocks quickly, we jump like bunnies, the tambourine slowly walks like clubfoot bears, the tambourine is silent - we stand in place, raising one leg.

The next task from the Hedgehog. (Slide)

You need to listen carefully to the story, and then we will answer questions.

"Foxes" E. Charushin (abbreviated)

The hunter lived in a room with two little foxes.

They were nimble and restless animals.

During the day they slept under the bed, and at night they woke up and raised a fuss - they rushed around the room until the morning.

This is how the cubs play out, they get so naughty that they run over my friend, as if on the floor, until he shouts at them.

Somehow a hunter came from the service, but there were no fox cubs. He started looking for them...

I looked at the closet - there is none on the closet. Under the table - no, under the chair - no,

And not under the bed.

And then my friend even got scared. He sees - the hunting boot that was lying in the corner moved, rose, fell on its side.

And suddenly jumped on the floor. So it jumps, rolls over, bounces.

What kind of miracle is this?

The boot jumped closer.

The hunter looks - the tail protrudes from the boot. He grabbed the fox by the tail and pulled it out of his boot, shook the boot, and another jumped out.

What tricksters! (there is a slide show for everyone)

questions on the text. You must answer in full.

Who is this story about? (About foxes.)

Where did the foxes once hide? (Get into boots.)

How did the hunter find the foxes?

How does the story end?

Well done. Guys, you did a great job with this one too.

Get another key from the Hedgehog.

Guys, did you like the tasks from Smesharikov? Who are we talking about today? (About wild animals.)

Let's count how many keys we have collected? (5) .

You did a great job with all the tasks, collected all the keys, I think it's time to open our chest from Smeshariki. (children receive coloring pages from Smeshariki)

Olga Kudrevatova
Abstract of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: Wild animals

Goals: 1. Activate and expand the children's active vocabulary on the topic;

2. Fix generalizing concepts in the active vocabulary of children " wild


3. Teach children to form possessive adjectives;

4. Fix the formation of the names of the cubs animals;

5. Fix in the active dictionary of children adjectives that reflect

essential features wild animals;

6. Work on building compound sentences;

7. Work on building simple sentences, common

addition in the genitive and instrumental cases;

8. Work on plasticity, the ability to convey characteristic movements in movements

peculiarities wild animals;

9. Development of observation.

Equipment: typesetting canvas, a cube with an image animals, pictures "Whose

tail, whose head? ”, subject pictures with wild animals,

subject pictures "What is missing?", subject pictures with

cubs animals.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

Today to us occupation came guests. They will watch how you exercise and how you behave. On our guests during classes do not be distracted.

Now let's look at me. Get ready for occupation. On the lesson you need to answer with full answers and follow the sounds.

Now the one who will repeat after me will sit down phrase:

cowardly hare,

gray toothy wolf

agile fox,

clumsy bear,

agile squirrel,

prickly hedgehog,

Brown bear,

Deceitful fox.

2. Post topic lessons.

Did you guys guess what animals today we will speak lesson? (We will talk about wild animals) .

Right on today lesson we will talk about wild animals.

3. Conversation on the topic.

name wild animals that live in our forests? (fox, hare, bear, squirrel, wolf, hedgehog, elk, lynx, badger, etc.).

Why do you think these animals are called wild? (These animals live in the forest and find their own food, Man does not care about them). Correctly.

4. Lexico-grammatical work.

a) Guys wild animals sent us interesting tasks from the forest. Do you want to complete these tasks? (Yes). We can find the envelope with the task by looking at the picture of their favorite treat.

Now with the help "Magic Cube" we will find out whose task will be the first. (throw the dice).

b) Selection of words of signs that answer the question which one, which one? to wild animals.

Who dropped out? (wolf). What does a wolf eat? (fish, meat, mice, hares).

Will suit me. and find an envelope with a task from the wolf.

(Reading assignment).

The wolf sent us this exercise: “Pick up as many words as possible - signs that answer the questions what, what? to wild animals».

Fox (cautious, agile, deceitful, cunning, fluffy, redhead);

Wolf (gray, toothy, angry, hungry);

Bear (big, clubfoot, hairy, brown, clumsy, rough, huge, brown);

Squirrel (dexterous, agile, orange, fluffy);

Hare (fluffy, grey, white, cowardly);

Clarify: At what time of the year is the hare gray (white ?;

Hedgehog (prickly, grey, smart).

Well done. You completed the task of the wolf and picked up a lot of words about animals.

c) Game "Fix the mistake".

(I roll the dice). Who fell out: (Fox). What does a fox eat? (meat, mice, chickens).

He will come up to me ... and find an envelope with a task from the fox.

(Reading assignment).

The fox is cunning and wanted to deceive us. She sent such a task, listen carefully to what she writes:

The bear lives in a hollow

(No, the bear does not live in a hollow, but in a den).

The squirrel lives in lair.

The wolf lives in a hollow.

The hare lives in a den.

The wolf lives in a hole.

Bear under a bush.

Did the fox manage to deceive us? (No).

d) Game "Tails Messed Up".

(I roll the dice). Who dropped out? (Squirrel).

What does a squirrel eat? (nuts, mushrooms).

He will come up to me ... and find an envelope with a task from a squirrel.

(Reading assignment).

Belka writes that wild animals messed up tails. She asks you to help everyone find their own tail. Let's help animals? (Yes).

Did you recognize them by their faces? Let's call. (Squirrel face, wolf face, hare face, etc.). Now we will select for each animal tail. (Children call tails and say to whom it belongs - this is a wolf tail. The wolf needs it, etc.).

Well done boys. Animals are very happy that you helped them find their tails.

e) Phys. minute.

(I roll the dice). Who dropped out? (hare). What does a rabbit eat? (grass, carrot, cabbage).

He will come up to me ... and find an envelope with a task from a hare.

The hare asks us to rest a little and portray wild animals to music. (Children stand in a circle and imitate the movements of a hare, fox, wolf, bear, squirrel, hedgehog).

Well done boys. You moved like the real ones animals.

f) Game "What is missing?".

(I roll the dice). Who dropped out? (Hedgehog). What does a hedgehog eat? (apples, mushrooms, worms)

He will come up to me ... and find an envelope with a task from a hedgehog.

(Reading assignment).

The smart hedgehog asked you to take the envelope that is on our table. Get a picture out of it. Carefully consider it and say what is missing from animal.

The squirrel is missing a tail.

The bear is missing ears.

The hedgehog is missing needles.

The rabbit is missing ears.

The fox is missing a tail.

The wolf is missing a leg.

Well done. You were very attentive and coped with the task of a smart hedgehog.

g) Game "The Cubs are Lost".

(I roll the dice). Who dropped out? (Bear). What does a bear eat? (honey and berries).

He will come up to me ... and find an envelope with a task from the bear.

(Reading assignment).

The bear invited to his son - a bear cub for the birthday of his friends. They ran and frolicked in the forest in the clearing. And when evening came, they realized that they were lost. The little bear asks you to help them find their mothers.

Can we help the kids? (Yes).

This is a wolf cub. His mother is a wolf.

This is a teddy bear. His mother is a bear.

This is a fox. His mom is a fox.

This is a bunny. His mother is a rabbit.

This is a squirrel. His mother is a squirrel.

This is a hedgehog. His mom is a hedgehog.

Well done. You helped all the cubs find their mother. Everyone is very happy. Remind me again what animals? (It wild animals) . Why are they called wild?

5. Summing up lessons. Evaluation of children's activities.

Well done! You were all active, attentive, diligently completed all the tasks. Wild animals and I was satisfied with your answers.

You can be free.


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2. Vasilyeva S. A., Sokolova N. V. « speech therapy games for preschoolers». M. 1999

3. Konovalenko V. V. Konovalenko S. V. Frontal speech therapy classes in

senior group with OHP (I-III period). Moscow "Gnome-Press",1999

4. Timonen E. I. Tupoleinen E. T. A continuous system of correction of OHP in

special group conditions kindergarten for children with severe

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5. Agranovich Z. E. Collection of homework to help speech therapists and parents

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