The meaning of the question mark in Russian. Question mark

Question mark inverted vertically and horizontally by 180

As a rule, in Russian it is hardly possible to meet an inverted question mark. But in Spanish this sign is important. It is used at the beginning of a sentence and serves as an addition to the main question mark, which, like in all other languages, is traditionally placed. Or it may not have anything to do with the main question mark at all, since intonation in Spanish can change. And the first few words in a sentence can be questioned. Also, an inverted question mark can be used not only at the beginning or end of sentences, but also in the middle of a sentence. Right before the question word.

Where is the inverted question mark used?

1. An inverted question mark is used in operating systems Microsoft Windows, as it is forbidden to use the traditional question mark there.
2. Inverted 180 degrees horizontally question mark (curl rotated in reverse side) is used in Arabic.
3. A vertically inverted question mark (i.e. dot above and hook below) is used in Greek and Church Slavonic.

Perhaps, and it would be possible to use the question mark in an inverted form and in our language as not an interrogative, but rather affirmative and meaning that this is the answer to a question. But! Why additional rules in Russian?

How to write an upside down question mark

Writing it in any file is as easy as shelling pears. Yes its not on the keyboard, but that's not a problem. There is a keystroke combination to write a character. You must press the ALT key and while holding it, dial the combination of numbers 0191. In this case, the language should be switched to English.

A punctuation mark (?) placed at the end (in some languages, for example, in Spanish, and at the beginning, inverted) of an interrogative sentence ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

question mark- (Question mark) A punctuation mark expressing an interrogative intonation. It is placed at the end of a sentence, and in some languages ​​(for example, in Spanish) also at the beginning of a sentence inverted ... Font terminology

question mark- The graphic sign "?", used to indicate an interrogative sentence. Spanish has two question marks, one upside down at the beginning of a sentence and one at the end. Topics… … Technical Translator's Handbook

question mark- Cm … Synonym dictionary

Question mark

Question mark- 1. A question mark is placed at the end of a simple sentence containing a question, for example: Did their brother come? Vladimir Ivanovich? (Chekhov). Matchmaking? Yes? (Fedin). Note. A question mark can be placed in ... ... A guide to spelling and style

Question mark (?)- ? Request "?" redirects here. See also other meanings. The question mark (?) is a punctuation mark, usually placed at the end of a sentence to express a question or doubt. It has been found in printed books since the 16th century, but for expression ... ... Wikipedia

question mark- a punctuation mark (?), placed at the end (in some languages, for example, in Spanish, and at the beginning, inverted) of an interrogative sentence. * * * QUESTION MARK A QUESTION MARK, a punctuation mark (?), placed at the end (in some ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Question mark- Question mark (inosk.) About the unknown, mysterious, doubtful. Wed Some of the phenomena that attracted my eyes while walking along the Nevsky, still remain mysteries, a question mark, something of a kind of history ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

question mark- A punctuation mark that is placed: 1) at the end of an interrogative sentence. Won't you leave? Not? (Chekhov); 2) optional in interrogative sentences With homogeneous members after each homogeneous member in order to dismember the question. Who are you ... ... Dictionary linguistic terms


  • Attack of viruses, Igor Budkov. Residents of the virtual world - letters, signs, numbers daily watch from the monitor screen for the real world. Adults work on the monitor, children study at school. The question mark is in...

Anyone who is familiar with ancient Russian writings knows that they were created by a continuous “ligature” of words without intervals, especially since they did not have any punctuation marks. Only by the end of the 15th century did a period appear in the texts, at the beginning of the next century a comma joined it, and even later a question mark “registered” on the pages of the manuscripts. It is noteworthy that up to this point, his role was played by a semicolon for some time. Following the interrogative was not slow to appear and

The symbol originates from the Latin word quaestio, which translates as "search for an answer." To depict the sign, the letters q and o were used, which were first depicted on the letter one above the other. Over time, the graphic appearance of the sign took the form of an elegant curl with a dot at the bottom.

What does the question mark mean

The Russian linguist Fyodor Buslaev argued that punctuation (the science of o) has two tasks - to help a person express his thoughts clearly, separating sentences, as well as its parts from each other, and to express emotions. Among others, a question mark serves these purposes.

Of course, the very first thing this symbol means is a question. In it is expressed by the appropriate intonation, which is called interrogative. It can also mean confusion or doubt. Sentences with a question mark sometimes express what is called a rhetorical question. It is asked not to ask, but to express admiration, indignation, and the like. strong feelings, as well as to encourage the listener, reader to comprehend this or that event. The answer to the rhetorical question is given by the author himself. In company with exclamation mark interrogative conveys the meaning of extreme surprise.

Where to put it if you need to express a question

Where does a sentence in Russian put a question mark? The symbol is usually located at the end of the sentence, but not only. Let's consider each case in more detail.

  • The question mark is at the end of a simple sentence expressing a question. ( For example: What are you looking for here? Why does water turn to ice?
  • The question mark is located inside the interrogative sentence when listing homogeneous members. ( For example: What do you cook - soup? roast? turkey?)
  • In compound sentences, this sign is placed at the end even if all its parts contain a question, even if it contains only the last part suggestions. ( For example: 1. How long do I have to wait for the call, or will my turn come soon? 2. He sincerely laughed, and who would remain indifferent to such a joke?)
  • A question mark is placed at the end:
    1. When the question contains both the main and the subordinate clause. ( For example: Do you know what surprises happen on campaigns?)
    2. When it is contained only in the main sentence. ( For example: Don't we also want peace?)
    3. If the question is enclosed in subordinate clause. (For example: Various bold thoughts overcame his inflamed mind, although could this help his sister in any way?)
  • In a non-union sentence, a question mark is placed at the end:
    1. If the question contains all of its parts. ( For example: Where should I go, where should I seek shelter, who will give me a friendly hand?)
    2. If the question contains only the last part of it. ( For example: Be honest with me: how long do I have left to live?)

Where to put a question mark if you need to express doubt

When indicating doubt, suspicion, reflection, a question mark is placed in the middle of the sentence and enclosed in brackets: Some people in robes, prisoners or workers (?) Came and sat around the fire.

When a question mark can be omitted

In a complex sentence in which the subordinate clause sounds like a question mark, it is not put. ( For example: I did not tell him why I did not read this book.) However, if the interrogative intonation is too large, then a sentence with an indirect question can be crowned with this sign. ( Example: I can't figure out how to solve this problem? They were persistently interested in how I became a millionaire?)

Figurative meaning

Sometimes the interrogative symbol is mentioned in a speech with an allegorical purpose, wanting to express something mysterious, incomprehensible, hidden. In this case, the phrase "question mark" sounds like a metaphor. ( For example: Those events forever remained for me an unexplained mystery, a question mark, some kind of bright but confusing dream.)

Question mark somersaults

There are languages ​​in which this symbol becomes "upside down". For example, in Greek and Old Church Slavonic (used Orthodox Church) languages, it is written with a hook down, a dot up. In Spanish, the sign at the end of an interrogative sentence is complemented by its inverted "twin". Curl turned the other way, it adorns Arabic texts. The question mark turned upside down and the programming language.

When is a question mark?

    The question mark is put in two cases: 1) When a specific question is posed, or thoughtfulness is expressed. For example: What is the date today? 2) When surprise is expressed or a rhetorical question is asked, the question mark is used with an exclamation point. For example: You?!

    A question mark is a punctuation mark, which, as a rule, is placed in sentences that are interrogative for the purpose of the statement, i.e. in sentences containing a question. In addition, this sign is also put in rhetorical questions, i.e. questions that do not require an answer. And here the function of the question mark is rather to draw attention to the problem raised by the author.

    The question mark is placed after a direct question, including after incomplete interrogative sentences following one after another, for example:

    Who is this? Was he the commander in chief? (L. Tolstoy).

    Will I fall, pierced by an arrow, or will it fly by? (Pushkin).

    Who are you? Live? Dead? (A. Blok).

    Note. In interrogative sentences with homogeneous members, a question mark can be placed after each homogeneous member in order to divide the question, for example:

    What am I to whom? before them? to the whole universe? (Griboyedov).

    A question mark in parentheses is used to express the doubt or bewilderment of the writer, most often within the quoted text.

    The question mark is put in interrogative sentences when there are interrogative pronouns that are at the beginning of the sentence: who, what, how much, why, why, how, when, or interrogative particle whether. Sometimes a question mark is put in a sentence if the question follows from the context, usually this happens when direct speech is transmitted. For example: A stranger asked: Is your dad at home? the verb before direct speech indicates that the phrase contains a question and therefore a question mark is required.

    A question mark is placed in simple sentences with interrogative intonation, having, as a rule, an interrogative pronoun or an interrogative pronoun adverb.

    Where does the sun live?

    Who will tell the baby a bedtime story?

    What is the nightingale singing about?

    A question mark is also placed in unionless sentences if a direct question is asked.

    Let us ask ourselves the question: Is evil growing or not growing on Earth?

    I don't understand: why are you interested in describing the hurricane?

    He walked home and thought: why is grandfather ill?

    Rhetorical questions that draw the attention of listeners to the problem posed and do not require an answer are also made out with a question mark.

    What is beauty?

    What does a scientist leave behind?

    First of all, it is worth noting that the question mark is one of the punctuation marks. But determining when to put a question mark is easy. It is necessary to put a question mark in those sentences in which a question is implied and, accordingly, an interrogative intonation. For example, what's your name?

    We put a sign at the end of the sentence.

    If we ask a question, then writing There should be a question mark at the end of the sentence. AT oral speech such phrases have an interrogative intonation.

    In addition, at the beginning of the sentence there may be interrogative words, such as who, what, what, etc.

    In other cases, there is no interrogative word, but the interrogative intonation is preserved. In addition, such questions (without a question word) can be answered in the affirmative (yes) or in the negative (no).

    A question mark is a punctuation mark that is not used in all sentences containing a question. Question it should be direct:

    In sentences with homogeneous members, a question mark can be placed after each of them, because in oral speech we can make a special pause and raise our voice after each of such homogeneous members. Read more about this here.

    AT indirect matters no question mark.

    This is not just a made-up rule designed to make our lives even more difficult. It is due to the difference in intonation in sentences with an indirect question. In fact, it is no different from the intonation of affirmative sentences, and this must be taken into account.

    Regarding all punctuation rules,

    the answers are wonderful.

    But there are situations in life

    when questions creep into dreams.

    When you try to find the answer painfully,

    all in search of going concentrated,

    then the question grins significantly,

    and there is no answer ... only ellipsis ...

    The one who came up with this interrogative,

    so necessary, but also very complex sign,

    I didn't think it was that boring.

    when the answer is not found in any way.

    A question mark is used when a question is asked. Regardless of whether this is a rhetorical question (not requiring an answer) or not. For example: What are you doing?; How are you?. Well, rhetorical: Is it really starting to rain? etc

    The question mark is one of the basic punctuation marks, which is almost always placed at the end of a sentence. A question mark can be in the middle of a sentence and enclosed in parentheses, in cases where this punctuation mark indicates doubt - We met a neighbor from the fifth or sixth (?) Floor.

    In written language, a question mark can sometimes be combined with an exclamation point or an ellipsis to give a more emotional tone to a sentence.

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