Eco Inform - news agency. The meaning of the word producers What does producers mean


(from lat. producens, genus. case producentis - producing, creating), autotrophic organisms that create organic through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. substances from inorganic. P. are opposed to heterotrophic organisms - consumers and decomposers. The main plants in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are green plants. P. make up the first trophic. level in the ecosystem (the base of the ecological pyramid).

.(Source: "Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary." Chief editor M. S. Gilyarov; Editorial board: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin and others - 2nd ed., corrected . - M .: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.)


One of the links in the food chain responsible for the production of organic matter from inorganic matter. The bulk of the producers are green plants.

.(Source: "Biology. Modern Illustrated Encyclopedia." Editor-in-Chief A.P. Gorkin; M.: Rosmen, 2006.)

See what "PRODUCERS" is in other dictionaries:

    - [from lat. producens (producentis) producing, creating], autotrophic (photosynthetic or chemosynthetic) organisms capable of producing complex organic substances from simple inorganic compounds. The main producers in water and ... ... Ecological dictionary

    - (from the Latin producens, the genitive case producentis producing, creating), autotrophic organisms that create organic substances from inorganic substances using photosynthesis or chemosynthesis; are the first link in the food chain. Producers... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    Producers- (from the Latin producens, genitive case producentis producing, creating), autotrophic organisms that create organic substances from inorganic substances using photo- or chemosynthesis; are the first link in the food chain. Producers... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from Latin producens genus n. producentis producing, creating), in biology, organisms capable of photo or chemosynthesis and being the first link in the food chain, the creator of organic substances from inorganic, i.e. all autotrophic organisms ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Autotrophic organisms that produce organic matter from inorganic constituents. Producers serve as the first link in the food chain and the ecological pyramid. lat.Producentis producing Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    1) organisms capable of photo-and chemosynthesis, creating primary biomass from inorganic substances (cf. consumers); 2) ; prom. microbiol. microorganisms cultivated for the purpose of obtaining certain products (for example, Penicillium chrysogenum - ... Dictionary of microbiology

    Ov; pl. (unit producer, a; m.). [lat. producens]. 1. Biol. Organisms (plants, algae, microorganisms) that convert inorganic substances into organic ones. 2. Honey. Organisms that serve to obtain what l. used ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Food chain Producers Consumers Decomposers ... Wikipedia

    producers- ov; pl. (unit producer / nt, a /; m.) (lat. producens producing) 1) biol. Organisms (plants, algae, microorganisms) that convert inorganic substances into organic ones. 2) honey. Organisms that serve to obtain what l. used ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    producers- gamintojai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Autotrofiniai (fotosintetinantys ir chemosintetinantys) organizmai, sugebantys gaminti organinę medžiagą iš paprastų neorganinių junginių, kurių pagrindiniai – žalieji … Ekologijos terminų aiskinamasis žodynas


  • Economics of mineral raw materials, N. I. Eremin, A. L. Dergachev. The textbook discusses general issues and basic concepts of the discipline. The features of the economy of 28 major types of fuel and energy, mining and chemical, ...
  • Animals are producers. Deontology of maintenance and use, Mardanly S.G. The paper presents an analysis of the applicability of deontological norms and rules for the maintenance and use of experimental animals to the maintenance and use of animal producers of biological…

- [from lat. producens (producentis) producing, creating], autotrophic (photosynthetic or chemosynthetic) organisms capable of producing complex organic substances from simple inorganic compounds. The main producers in water and ... ... Ecological dictionary

- (from the Latin producens, the genitive case producentis producing, creating), autotrophic organisms that create organic substances from inorganic substances using photosynthesis or chemosynthesis; are the first link in the food chain. Producers... ... Modern Encyclopedia

Producers- (from the Latin producens, genitive case producentis producing, creating), autotrophic organisms that create organic substances from inorganic substances using photo- or chemosynthesis; are the first link in the food chain. Producers... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (from Latin producens genus n. producentis producing, creating), in biology, organisms capable of photo or chemosynthesis and being the first link in the food chain, the creator of organic substances from inorganic, i.e. all autotrophic organisms ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Autotrophic organisms that produce organic matter from inorganic constituents. Producers serve as the first link in the food chain and the ecological pyramid. lat.Producentis producing Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

- (from lat. producens, genus. case producentis producing, creating), autotrophic organisms that create organic through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. substances from inorganic. P. are opposed to heterotrophic organisms by consumers and ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

1) organisms capable of photo-and chemosynthesis, creating primary biomass from inorganic substances (cf. consumers); 2) ; prom. microbiol. microorganisms cultivated for the purpose of obtaining certain products (for example, Penicillium chrysogenum - ... Dictionary of microbiology

Ov; pl. (unit producer, a; m.). [lat. producens]. 1. Biol. Organisms (plants, algae, microorganisms) that convert inorganic substances into organic ones. 2. Honey. Organisms that serve to obtain what l. used ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

producers- ov; pl. (unit producer / nt, a /; m.) (lat. producens producing) 1) biol. Organisms (plants, algae, microorganisms) that convert inorganic substances into organic ones. 2) honey. Organisms that serve to obtain what l. used ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

producers- gamintojai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Autotrofiniai (fotosintetinantys ir chemosintetinantys) organizmai, sugebantys gaminti organinę medžiagą iš paprastų neorganinių junginių, kurių pagrindiniai – žalieji … Ekologijos terminų aiskinamasis žodynas


  • Economics of mineral raw materials, N. I. Eremin, A. L. Dergachev. The textbook discusses general issues and basic concepts of the discipline. The features of the economy of 28 major types of fuel and energy, mining and chemical, ...
  • Animals are producers. Deontology of maintenance and use, Mardanly S.G. The paper presents an analysis of the applicability of deontological norms and rules for the maintenance and use of experimental animals to the maintenance and use of animal producers of biological…

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This is the unity of all living things and the environment. The ecosystem exists as a whole, everything is interconnected. In this article, we will consider nutritional relationships, namely, what are producers, consumers, decomposers.

Links of the food chain

Let's start with the concept of biogeocenosis. This is the relationship between different types of organisms and their inanimate environment. So, in each biogeocenosis, four links are distinguished:

  • These are all manifestations of inanimate nature, which in one way or another affect living organisms. An example would be light, temperature, and so on.
  • Producers. What is a producer? These are primarily plants. They synthesize organic compounds from inorganic ones, some bacteria belong to the same category.
  • Consumers (or in other words - consumers). These are organisms that feed on substances created by producers.
  • fungi, protozoa, bacteria). They recycle the dead to inorganic.

What is a producer?

As mentioned earlier, these are organisms that process inorganic compounds into organic ones. What are producers in biology and what place do they occupy? Let's start with green plants. What is a producer in a food chain? This is the very first link, everything starts from it. Whatever you come up with, it always starts with a plant.

pond ecosystem

Consider the pond ecosystem, namely the biotic component. What is a producer in this ecosystem? Here their role is played by algae, large plants and benthic flora. With an abundance of these organisms, the water acquires a green tint.

There are also primary and secondary consumers. The former include organisms that eat plants and their remains, the latter include predators that feed either on primary consumers or on each other.

The third inhabitants of this ecosystem are saprotrophs that live everywhere, but a special accumulation is observed at the bottom, where dead organisms are in abundance, the processing of which they are engaged in.

Laboratory Ecosystem

Scientists create special laboratory ecosystems in order to study all phenomena in more detail. Of course, there are also enough bioecosystems, but they are so large that it is not possible to fully study everything in detail. An example of such a laboratory system is an aquarium.

Examples of food chains

Whatever ecosystem we take (natural or laboratory), it is always possible to make a food chain. To compose it correctly, you need to know that it consists of three to five links. For example, an elementary food chain of three elements: cabbage - rabbit - man. Or a more complex chain: plant - insect - frog - eagle. There are many such examples.

The examples presented above are not the only ones possible. These are examples of grazing chains, but there are also chains of decay that start with dead organisms and end with small animals.

Circulation of substances

As already mentioned, in nature everything is natural and everything is interconnected. If we study all the processes in more detail, we will notice that there is a vicious circle that cannot be broken. Here is an example: producers from inorganic substances synthesize organic substances using the energy of the sun (this is how solar energy is converted into the energy of chemical compounds). These organic compounds are needed by heterotrophic organisms during splitting, resulting in the formation of inorganic compounds, and so on.

Everything is natural in the world, the existence of our planet will be impossible if some element disappears. Energy never disappears without a trace, it passes into other states.

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