The theme of classes is animals of hot countries. Do-it-yourself laptop in kindergarten. Topic: Animals of hot countries. Comparison of animals, identification of characteristic features

Abstract of the lesson in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution "Animals of hot countries"

Integration of educational areas: speech development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.
Program content: Expand children's ideas about the appearance, life, habits of animals;
Continue to develop monologue speech (compose a story-description about animals according to schemes);
Develop dialogical speech, consolidate the use of a variety of grammatical structures in speech utterances;
To cultivate curiosity, interest in the diversity of the natural world, the desire to help those who need it.
Methods and techniques: visual (looking at pictures, illustrations), practical (play, children's independent work), verbal (conversation).
Equipment: pictures depicting animals from hot countries, individual mimic tables, smart boards, laptops with additional video material.
Vocabulary: activation of the dictionary on the topic

The course of educational activities

It's a new day. Guys, join hands, look at each other, smile and think: how good it is that we are all here together today. We are calm, kind, friendly and affectionate. We are all healthy!

Today in the lesson we will talk about Africa and its diversity of representatives of the animal world.

This is a map of the world. It shows the continents. Continents are very large areas of land located on our planet and surrounded on all sides by water, that is, seas and oceans.
There are 6 continents on Earth: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica.
We are interested in Africa today. Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia. Africa is the hottest continent on the planet. It rarely rains there, so most of Africa is occupied by savannas and deserts, which are home to a wide variety of animals: giraffes, zebras, lions, elephants, hippos, monkeys, and there are many crocodiles in the rivers of Africa.
In general, Africa is a very interesting continent….
What is it? (Message from Computer)

Guys, did you understand the task of the Computer?

All research in the field of the animal world is carried out by zoologists. In our research institute, we will study animals.
So, I will be the senior researcher and you will be the junior researcher. (Recruitment of employees, presentation of badges).

Dear members of the expedition, I invite you to the department, where you will receive your first briefing.

You have received a dossier on each animal. Additional information needs to be collected. Go to the tables and determine what animals you have, what color, what they eat, where they live.

I also have an animal, for the placement of which I will be responsible.

Please go to the office. Do you think you have completed the task? You can collect additional information to make it more complete. To do this, we will work with computers. (3 for computers, 3 for a dynamic pause, then change children).

Dynamic pause.
We're going to the zoo
Everyone is happy to be there! (Walking)
There are bears and penguins
Parrots and peacocks
There are giraffes and elephants
Monkeys, tigers, lions (Turns left and right with outstretched arms)
We all have fun
And we make movements
Putting paw to paw,
chasing each other,
The penguins walked together in a row,
Like a small squad.
The bear shakes its head
Invites you to visit
Here comes the evening
Our zoo falls asleep,
Falls asleep until the morning
It's time for us to go home.

The game "Name the Cubs".
While we were working, several video messages came from the Computer.
Let's go to the pulpit to review the material.

"Recording" information on the microphone.
- We have finished with you the work of collecting information about animals for a computer database.
- What did you like the most?
- You are all great! Raise your right hand, now your left hand, and pat each other for our work.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson for children of the preparatory group to familiarize themselves with the outside world and develop speech.

Purpose: To give children elementary ideas about the features of the geographical location of Africa.

To give children ideas about the relationship of living organisms with the environment: desert, savannah, tropics.

Clarify children's ideas about the animals of a hot country: appearance, characteristic features.

Create a cheerful mood, bring children joy, new experiences, pleasure. Set children up for each other, create a positive background in the group.

Organizing time.- Guys, look, this morning the postman brought me a mysterious letter. It is for your group. Let's read it:LetterYoung sailor in sailor suitWent to the river bank.He took off his sailor suit in a sailor's way,He took off his sailor's shoes,Sailor undressed,Like a sailor, he sneezed,Like a sailor fledAnd ... dived like a soldier.Hello guys, you probably understand who is writing to you. I am a sea captain and I love to travel, and I decided to go to Africa today. Do you want me to take you with me?- What time of year is it now? (Spring)Yes, spring is outside, but frost, cold, snow, and today we will go with you to a very hot country and we will become warm and cheerful.Guys, try to find Africa on the map yourself.(Show children)And what is this (globe), but let's see if there is Africa on the globe? (there is)Look, what is that blue color around it? (Water)- How can we get to it? How can we go there? (on the ship)- That's right, here's our ship. LET WE TURN INTO SAILORS. Well, are you ready? Everyone to the ship.-Take your seats, stand three people in a row.-Listen to what is a good verse about Africa"Africa! Africa!Wonderland.Let's go to AfricaShe has been waiting for us for a long time.See you in hot AfricaHow do the animals live there?Rather, we are going to Africa, the jungle is waiting for us!”.Here we are getting ready for our journey.-Listen to our itinerary:"Let's sail to Zanzibar,Let's wander across the SaharaLet's see KilimanjaroWalking with Hippo.And back along Limpopo"- And so on the way.We swim to the song "Little Red Riding Hood" to the words of A. Rybnikov /If it's long, long, longIf for a long time on the track,If long on the pathStomp, ride and runThat, perhaps, then, of course,That's probably right, rightIt's possible, it's possible, it's possibleYou can come to Africa.So we got to Africa.We are leaving our ship. We sit on chairs.Depicting Africa on the map, they used a lot of yellow.What do you think yellow means?Africa is the realm of the world's hottest sun and hot sand.Africa is divided into desert, tropics, savannah,What is a desert, do you think? (desert from the word empty, deserted)Let's take a short walk in the desert.- See what the desert reminds you of? Does it look like the sea?- these small hills-like hills are called dunes. Hot winds blow here, and the sand seems to flow from one place to another.-Let's try to make a desert sea now and see how the sand moves when the wind blows.- And guys in the desert for years it doesn't rain.Do you think plants can live in this place? (answers)Teacher: It turns out they can. Low plants with small leaves grow in the desert.How do they manage without water? (answers)They have very long roots. If you climb a 15-story building, then their roots will reach the ground.Why do plants have such long roots? (to get water that is deep underground).It seems that there can be no animals in the desert.But there is one very hardy animal that lives in the desert, listen to my riddle and guess it with an eye?“I am a hunchbacked beast,I like the guys."Who is it? (camel, showing illustrations)The camel is called the ship of the desert.Why do you think? (movements are smooth, like a ship)Camels carry heavy loads, people. These are very strong and hardy animals.Why are they not hot in the desert?(Long thick hair protects the camel's body from the scorching sun).When the wind lifts the sand, it becomes difficult to breathe, the nostrils can close with the help of special muscles. And the ears are designed so that the sand does not get stuffed in them. They are small and overgrown with hairs.It almost never rains here. During the day it is very hot, sometimes violent winds blow, drying up everything around. But after sunset, the temperature drops sharply and it becomes very cold.Let's go further.Get on the camels, let's go further. (imitation trip, audio recording)It's hot in the desert! It's so hot that you can fry an egg on the stones heated by the sun. I really want to relax somewhere near the water, in the shade. And suddenly a small lake appears in front of us, along the banks of which date palms grow (illustration).Let's get off our camels.It is an oasis with fertile soil, where gardens grow around springs or along rivers.Guys, let's have a rest on the shore of the lake! (Yes)Let's take a swim, (to the relaxation music - swimming)- Well, did you rest? We sit down on camels and go further.Guys, the desert is left behind.Ahead - African SavannahWhat is the land in the savanna covered with? (grass).It is always thick here: dry yellow when there is no rain and juicy green after the rains. In some places giant trees grow. They are called Baobabs.Let's take a walk through the savannah, observe its inhabitants.- Let's get off our camels and let them graze.Well, here we are in the savannah, a formidable roar was heard. (Audio recording)What animal is roaring? (lion, illustration showing).This is the king of animals - the lion.Guys, a lion can be invisible, as he hides among the yellow dry grass.Why is it important for a lion to be invisible? (he is a predator, stalking prey)It is very difficult to hide in the savannah, there are no dense thickets.How do animals escape from predators? For example zebras. (run fast)Riddle: “What kind of horses, all the vests” (zebra).Here is a lioness hunting a zebra. The zebra runs away with great speed. However, the lioness is also a good runner and can catch up with the zebra.What should a zebra do? (defend)The means of protection of zebras is a blow with hooves. In flight, the zebra strikes the enemy with its hind legs. Such a blow can greatly harm the predator.Zebra is very playful, graceful animal, each is covered with stripes and they do not repeat.-Let's turn into zebras and draw a lot of stripes on ourselves?- Look who's coming towards us.Educator:“Here enters with his head upNot because an important countNot because of a proud dispositionBut because he ... (giraffe) (showing an illustration or figure of an animal).The tallest animal on earth lives in the savannah.Why does the giraffe look proud and important? (he has a long neck, legs).The height of the giraffe is 6 meters, it is as tall as a 2-story house.Why does he have such a neck? (easily reaches the very tops of tall trees, tearing off the leaves).- Do you want us to turn into giraffes? look at him, too, an interesting color.The largest bird in the world lives in Africa. They say about her:“And he doesn’t singAnd it doesn't fly...Why are the peopleDoes he think he's a bird? (B. Zakhoder)Who is this? (ostrich)Why is it considered a bird? (the ostrich has wings, but they serve as an ornament). And ostriches also have one interesting feature: when they are afraid, they hide their heads in the sand.“There are a lot of stagsIn the zoo and in the forestAll have horns on their headsAnd he only has on his nose ”(rhinoceros, show)The rhinoceros is huge from two to four meters in length, weighs up to 4 tons. Its body is covered with thick skin of a dirty gray color.What's on his forehead? (horn)And here are the African giants.Did you recognize them? (elephants, show)Do you think a lion dares to attack an elephant? (no, the elephant is a powerful, very strong animal, a lion cannot cope with it).The most amazing thing about an elephant is its trunk.What does the elephant do to them? (with the help of a trunk, an elephant plucks leaves from trees, tears grass, drinks).Guys, let's play the game "African Teremok"Each player is given cards with images of various African animals. One card for each participant. One of the players is appointed as the owner of a conditional house (a rug or a children's house), and the others (or another) approach the house and ask to go to his house (for example, fairy tales):- Knock, knock, who lives in the little house?- I am a lion. And who are you?- And I'm a giraffe. Let me into the teremok?- If you tell me how you look like me, I'll let you in.I also have a tail.ZebraRhinocerosElephantOstrichAnd in what corner of Africa we have not yet been. Were in the desert, were in the savannah,- That's right, the tropics. There are many monkeys in the tropics, why? (Yes, that's right, monkeys live in the tropics because there are many trees, palm trees, coconut, banana, date trees. Monkeys jump, climb, jump over trees from palm tree to palm tree, clinging to creepers. They have a very interesting and fun life.And our journey continues.- Let's remember what was drawn on the map in brown? (pointing to mountains)This is Kilimanjaro. (show on the map). Translated from Swahili, this is the language of the peoples of Africa, a sparkling mountain, but why do you think? She sparkles in the sun.Many rivers of Africa originate here: the Nile, the Congo, the Zambezi, the Limpopo.“And a log floats on the riverOh and it's meanFor those who fell into the riverThe nose will bite off ... ”(crocodile) (show)- There are many crocodiles in the African rivers. They clip their prey in the water. When zebras, antelopes come to a watering hole, they pounce on them. Crocodiles are very strong animals.Along the banks of the rivers grow lemon and orange trees, coconut palms, bananas.Well, what have you been up to? Let's get some rest, shall we?

I'm walking in Africa (walking in place),
I notice as I go
Like over a sea of ​​lush grasses
giraffe stretched its neck

(arms up, stretching).
Over my head

(tilts to the sides with raised arms)
The palm tree will rustle with foliage,
But you gotta squat (squat)
To collect dates.
Here is velvichia, tourist

(hands alternately stretched forward):
Left sheet, right sheet (hands to the sides).
And a huge gray elephant (circle with hands)
Sends us a bow (leaning forward).
We will complete the walk (walking in place)
And let's hurry to the desks (sit down in their places).

Oh, guys, while we were talking here. all the animals hid and left only their photographs as a keepsake.-What - apparently a couple for us to return home to kindergarten?- We sit in our ship, take our places and go.- So we arrived at the kindergarten, goodbye guys, (goodbye)For example, a lion has a big mane, so what is it like? (big-maned)And the ostrich has thin legs, so what is it like? (thin-legged).If an ostrich only eats grass, then what is it? (herbivorous)A crocodile swims in water, so what is it? (waterfowl)The giraffe has a long neck, so what is it? (long neck)The elephant has a long nose, so what is it like? (long-nosed)The crocodile dived into the water, and then out of the water ... (surfaced)The ostrich buried his head in the sand, and then he dug it out of there .. (dug)And they all move differently.How does a crocodile move? (floats, walks)And the rhinoceros? (walks)And the turtle? (creeps)

TOTAL:Tell me, did you enjoy the trip?Guys, I will now give you signal cards: red and green. I will now make the following sentences. If you think that it is correct, we raise a green signal card, and if it is incorrect, then a red one. So let's go:We traveled in Australia today.Africa is divided into 3 zones: desert, tropics, savannah.In Shroud there are giant trees - baobabs.Africa is the realm of cold.
Well, well done guys!
This is where our journey ended. Goodbye! (say goodbye to guests)

Summary of the lesson for the preparatory group

"Animals of hot countries"


year 2012


· To teach children to create a plot composition - to place animals on the panorama of the African savannah. Continue to develop teamwork skills and abilities.

· To develop the ability to use various artistic and visual materials: watercolor, wax pencils and a simple pencil and their combinations, giving the image more expressiveness and a more accurate embodiment of the idea.

· Improve technical drawing skills using familiar drawing techniques, draw in a certain sequence.

· Encourage independent children's creativity and imagination, initiative, the ability to make additions to the composition that correspond to a given topic.

· Build collaboration and interaction skills. Education of goodwill, independence, initiative, emotionality.

Developing Environment: Africa Outline; "Board of choice"; paper, watercolor paints, drawing brushes, glue stick, scissors.

Visual rows : images of a kitten, lion cub, tiger cub, horse, zebra, giraffe.

Preliminary work:

· Conversation about animals of hot countries

· Reading poems “Monkey” by V. Jain, “Rhino” by H. Bellock, “Giraffe”, “Lions”, “Zebras” by S. Marshak, “Giraffe”, “Kangaroo” by B. Zakhoder.

· Examination of reproductions and photographs with landscapes of Africa.

· Acquaintance with the works of animal artists.

· Acquaintance with the appearance of exotic animals (photographs, illustrations, visual and didactic aids, atlases, encyclopedias, etc.)

· Drawing a compositional basis (panorama of the African savannah).

· Reading the book "The ABC of Animals" by Shalaeva.

· Animal world coloring book

Origami "Giraffe"

Lesson progress

1. organizational part.

Getting to know the guests

Children stand in a semicircle - call their names and give each other a hand. Then they all say together: We will fold our palm to palm

And we invite each other to be friends.

Let's sing, practice, play

To become kind, smart, friendly.

caregiver: Children, a strange package came to me today, there is some kind of map in it, there are several animals from hot countries on it. And here, excuse me, there is also a note: “Dear guys, I turn to you with a big request to draw animals from hot countries for me.

I used to have a map with all the animals, but something happened to me. I got into a big storm on my ship, the waves were so strong that they hit my cabin and blurred the map. True, several animals remained, but I don’t remember at all what a giraffe, elephant, lion, camel, monkey, zebra, tiger looks like. At first I turned to animal artists, but they do not remember exactly these animals. I need the map urgently, all the animals in Africa are sick.

Sincerely, Dr. Aibolit.

caregiver: Guys, I propose to help Dr. Aibolit.

Children's answers.

2. Consolidation of previously acquired knowledge

caregiver: Guys, what do you think, who are these animal artists?

Children's answers:

caregiver: Can we be called such artists?


caregiver: Of course, we drew a lot of animals, including those from hot countries, but I suggest not to brag, but to draw those animals that the doctor asks, and the guests will appreciate them and say if we can be called that.

caregiver: Many animals are very similar to each other. Here, for example, is a kitten. Knowing how to draw him, what animals can be drawn like him.

Children's answers: Tiger, Lion.

Find the differences between a cat and a tiger (ears, tail, color)

And between the cat and the lion (ears, color, mane, tail) A row is displayed on the easel. Knowing how to portray a cat, you can draw a lion, if you draw, the details are different, what?

Children's answers.

Knowing how to portray a cat, you can draw a tiger, if you draw, the details are different, what?

Children's answers.

Here's another hint for you. We drew a horse, knowing how to depict it, what animals can be drawn?

Children's answers.

Exhibited row: horse, zebra, giraffe, camel. Find the differences:

A) between a horse and a zebra (stripes, tail, short mane)

B) a horse and a giraffe (spotted color, tail like a donkey, short mane, long neck and legs, horns)

C) horse and camel (hump, neck, feet)

What distinguishes an elephant from other animals (large round head, trunk, tusks, thick legs)

What is characteristic of a monkey (hind front legs are the same, long tail, ears like a person)

Now we are ready to help Aibolit, but before we start working, let's play with our backs and fingers.

3. Physical education - a minute.

Dily-dily appeared crocodiles,

Moty-moty hippos appeared,

Afa-afy chew the leaves of a giraffe,

We-we-we are splashing elephants with water,

Yana-yan monkeys jump on the branches,

To make it easier for us to work, let's stretch our hands.

4. Finger gymnastics

5. Practical part

A) Selecting the drawing object.

Educator: I offer you drawings of animal artists, and you choose which one you like best.

The teacher prompts children who find it difficult, depending on the opportunity from the child

B) Drawing animals.

Children should clarify what exactly they want to draw. Briefly discuss the sequence of work. If the children find it difficult, the teacher suggests once again recalling the external signs of animals: it resembles the color of the animal, suggests drawing a contour with the back of the brush, then circle it.

In the process of drawing (if necessary), the sequence of work, methods of breeding, mixing paints are discussed.

C) While the work is drying, offer the children gymnastics for the eyes.

"Fun week"

1. All week in order

The eyes are charging.

Monday, how to wake up

Eyes smile at the sun

Look down at the grass

And back up.

Raise your eyes up, lower them down, the head is motionless (relieves eye strain).

2. Tuesday watch-eyes

Looking back and forth

Walking left, walking right

They will never get tired.

Turn your eyes to the right side, then to the left, the head is motionless (relieves eye strain)

3. On Wednesday we play hide and seek

We close our eyes tightly.

One, two, three, four, five -

Let's open our eyes.

We squint and open

So we continue the game.

4. On Thursdays we look into the distance

It's not a pity for this time.

What is near and what is far

Eyes must be considered.

We look straight ahead. Put your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, look at the tip of the finger and look at it, lower your hand, look into the distance (strengthens the muscles of the eyes).

5. On Friday we didn't yawn

Eyes ran around

Stop and again

Run to the other side.

Raise your eyes up, right, down, left, up and back (improves complex eye movements).

Without gymnastics, friends, our eyes cannot live!

D) The teacher offers to cut out the silhouettes of animals and stick them on the map.

6. Discussion of works

During the discussion, the teacher uses an artistic word.

This is a lion - he is the king of beasts

There is no one stronger in the world.

He walks very importantly

He is handsome and brave

And here is a smart good elephant,

Sends greetings to everyone

He nods his head

And gets to know you.

And funny monkeys

The lianas shook so

What bounces up and down

And soar above all.

The giraffe has a long neck

He can see everything around him

A zebra has a horse's mane

She is a good friend to everyone.

From the sun everything sparkles in the eyes

A tigress lies with the cubs.

Where cars won't pass

A camel will pass through the sands.

Summary of the lesson on the topic "Animals of hot countries"

Lesson objectives:

    Consolidation of ideas about the animals of hot countries and their features.

    Fixing the grammatical forms of nouns in the genitive case of the singular and plural, the names of the cubs.

    Exercise in agreeing nouns with adjectives.

    Consolidation of words of a complex syllabic structure.

    Strengthening the ability to form complex words by adding bases.

    Repetition of the scheme for compiling a story-description of an animal.

    The development of the ability to compare animals on essential grounds.

    The development of coherent speech (the ability to compose a story-description).

    Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

    Development of general and fine motor skills.

    The development of attention.

    Education of cognitive interest in the fauna of hot countries.

    Cultivating positive motivation for classes.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Good morning, guys!

All friends in this group

I you he she.

Hug the neighbor on the left

Hug the neighbor on the right.

Stroke the neighbor on the left

Stroke the neighbor on the right.

Smile at the neighbor on the left

Smile at the neighbor on the right.

We are all a friendly family

I you he she.

2. Goal setting

Guys, today we are going on an unusual journey. We must visit different continents. What do you think, which transport will we travel the fastest? (By plane)

Then please get on the plane. Sit down, fasten your seat belts. Look how high we fly. Time to land.

3. The main part.

Where do you think we landed? Why? (In Africa) (On the board is an image of the desert and savannah)

In Africa, there are deserts covered with sand, and there are savannas covered with grass. What other animals live in Africa?

Listen carefully to the riddles.

1. He walks with his head up,

Not because an important count,

Not because of a proud disposition,

And because he... (giraffe) .

2. A log floats along the river.

Oh, and it's wicked!

For those who fell into the river

The nose will bite off ... (crocodile).

3. When he's in a cage, he's cuddly.

There are many black spots on the skin.

He is a predatory beast, although a little,

Like a lion and a tiger similar to a cat. (leopard)

4. What a miracle! That's such a miracle!

Dish on top, dish on bottom.

A dish is walking along the road,

The head sticks out and the legs. (turtle) .

5. They look very wonderful,

Dad has curls in a wave,

And my mother has a haircut.

Why is she offended?

Gets angry often

For all mother…. (lioness).

6. The hedgehog has grown ten times,

It turned out .... (porcupine).

Game "Go on"

    two-humped ... (camel)

    maned regal ... (lion).

    long-necked spotted ... (giraffe).

    big-eared gray ... (elephants).

    thick-skinned warlike ... (rhinoceros).

    striped ... (zebra).

Comparison of animals, selection of characteristic features.

- Look carefully. It must be an African goose! He's so long!

- Guys, is it a goose? Let's help figure it out!

Children compare goose and giraffe:

Both the giraffe and the goose have long necks. BUT:

The goose is a waterfowl and the giraffe is a land animal.

The goose lives in our area, and the giraffe lives in Africa.

The goose is covered in feathers, but the giraffe is not.

The giraffe has a spotted coat, while the goose has no spots.

And this is probably an African cat. Prove it's a lion.

The jungle is a humid and hot forest. Palm trees and creepers grow in the jungle.

What animals live here.

Game "Go on"

... cheerful long-tailed ... (monkey).

... scaly sharp-toothed ... (crocodile)

Also, an armadillo, an anteater, a sloth live here.

Fizminutka "cheerful Safari - park"

This is a lion. He is the king of beasts. Children walk in a circle slowly,

There is no one stronger in the world. Measured, head held high.

And funny monkeys Stop, put their feet shoulder-width apart and,

Rocked all the vines. Bending your arms at the elbows with spread fingers, Perform a spring.

And here is a smart good elephant. The fingers are pressed to the head. Children perform

Sending greetings to everyone. torso forward - to the right, forward - to the left.

The leopard jumps so fast, they perform light jumps in place, bending their arms at the elbows.

Like my favorite ball.

Zebra shakes his head, Feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level.

He invites you to visit. Raising either the right or the left leg, the children sway from side to side.

Here the boa constrictor scares me. Hands are stretched forward in front of you.

And he doesn't let himself go. Children perform wave-like movements with their hands.

Here is a peacock, he is a miracle - a bird Walking in a circle. Hands back, fingers wide apart.

And always proud of himself. Children move gracefully, easily stepping from foot to foot, pulling the sock.

The pony runs, frolics, children in a circle perform light jumps.

Wants to befriend us. Hands move in front, back in time with the movements of the legs. (according to S Marshak)

The game "Who is so big." (with a ball) .

I throw a ball at you and name an animal, you catch the ball and name this animal so that the name contains the -search part.

For example:

ostrich - ostrich

3 giraffe -

4 zebra -

5 crocodile -

6 rhino -

7 hippo -

8 camel -

I know that among animals, as well as among people, every mother loves her cub. Let's tell African animals about it.

Game "Whom Mom Loves"

I show you a picture, and you tell me who this mother loves. Tell me who this "mom" loves: (Show pictures)

Giraffe loves giraffe

The lioness loves the lion cub

Elephant loves baby elephant

A camel loves a camel

The crocodile loves the crocodile....

4. Fixing

Game "Add a word"

Agile, tailed (monkeys) live in Africa

Large, thick-skinned (hippos) live in Africa

Huge, strong, thick-legged (elephants) live in Africa

Spotted, long-necked (giraffes) live in Africa

Hardy, two-humped (camels) live in Africa

Strong, yellow-maned (lions) live in Africa

In Africa live shy, fast (zebras)

In Africa live green, dangerous for everyone (crocodiles)

In Africa live slow, short-legged (tortoises)

Small, funny (monkeys) live in South America

The largest predators (jaguars) live in South America

The smallest birds (hummingbirds) live in South America

Scaly (armadillo) lives in South America

animal drawing

Look, and here we are in for a surprise - a magic easel with empty posters with the names "Africa" ​​and "South America". But they don't have enough animals. Your task: color your animals on the coloring pages, cut them out and stick them on a poster with their habitat. Color gently in one direction and press down on the pencil.

5. Summing up

Guys, did you enjoy our trip? Where did we fly on the plane today? What do you remember? What did you like the most? What didn't you like? What have you learned? Do not forget, guys, that we should not offend animals, but should take care of them!

What kind of outlandish animals you will not meet in the expanses of hot countries: huge elephants, long-necked giraffes, formidable tigers and jumping kangaroos. But sometimes all knowledge about them is limited to all known facts that will not surprise even the smallest children. For those who want to tell children more, the following interesting facts about animals will be of interest.

The kings of animals keep a lot of interesting things, namely:

  • Despite the courage and courage of all predators, they have the smallest heart in size.
  • Lions are real dormice, per day they sleep 20 hours.
  • The muzzle of these predators is unique, it is impossible to find two lions in which it will be completely the same, although people do not always notice this.
  • Maybe in appearance they are formidable creatures, but in the circle of their pride they behave very affectionately, they like to rub their muzzles against each other.
  • Lions can start roaring only after two years, before that time they simply do not know how to do it.
  • Lionesses feed with their mother's milk not only their cubs, but also all others in the pride.
  • Taking food from other predators is not the style of lions, they disdain to eat what jackals and hyenas have touched.
  • Just for fun, they do not hunt, so next to an unhungry lion, even zebras can sleep peacefully.

Herbivorous giraffes are no less interesting.

  • If people have unique patterns on their fingers, and lions have muzzles, then giraffes have a heel on the skin as a unique recognition sign.
  • Giraffe cubs begin their lives with a difficult test: falling from a height of two meters.
  • The maximum how much this long animal sleeps per day is one hour, and more often twenty minutes in general. Moreover, this dream occurs in a standing position, one can only be surprised at how they do not fall at this moment.
  • The color of their tongue is black, and has an incredible length of 50 centimeters.
  • There is no order in the herds of giraffes, no matter what gender and age they are, everyone is equal and free access to it is open to everyone.
  • Only a giraffe can't yawn.
  • They sleep little, but they eat a lot, up to 20 hours a day. We can say that food is the main part of the life of these amazing animals.

What is unusual behind an animal that looks so much like a person?

  • In fact, the relationship between humans and gorillas is scientifically justified, because DNA matches 98 percent, in addition, they, like humans, have 10 fingers on the lower and upper limbs and 32 teeth.
  • Many females do not give birth, like other wild animals, of which one offspring can reach 20 cubs. Most often, in a lifetime they have no more than three children. Pregnancy lasts quite a long time. Approximately 8 months.
  • Gorillas know how to cry, but not with tears like people, but by making mournful sounds.
  • Up to three years, cubs are not able to exist without the help of their mother, she feeds them, wears them and protects them from danger.
  • These large primates do not like water, they try to hide from the rains, and water is obtained from green leaves.
  • Gorillas live quite a long time for animals, up to 50 years.
  • At the age of 8, females have to leave their family and look for a new one, so they become adults and enter adulthood.

So black with white stripes or white with black? Eternal mystery.

  • Multiple studies have proven that the zebra is still black with white stripes.
  • Despite the love of cleanliness and the constant crawling out of each other, zebras do not deny themselves dirty dust baths.
  • Zebra mother's milk is not white, but a delicate pink.
  • Zebras are team animals, they coexist in herds and stand guard while their relatives rest.
  • In the herds, everyone is divided into small families, family in general is the main distinguishing feature of these amazing animals.
  • Since ancient times, people have tried to make zebras domestic, to tame them, but even today no one succeeds. Zebras love freedom, although their coexistence cannot be called absolutely free.
  • Females carry babies for a whole year before giving birth to those.
  • Zebras can sometimes mix with ponies, horses, and even donkeys. The resulting hydroid individual is called a zebroid.

What if the elephant was a predator?! Then many would have had a hard time, because they are able to kill by weight alone. But only they are not predators, and everything else is very kind. And here's what else is interesting about them:

  • For two whole years, females bear their cubs, it remains to be hoped that all this time they, as people, are not tormented by terrible toxicosis.
  • Elephant calves do not have teeth at birth, as in human cubs, they first have milk teeth, and only after molars.
  • 300 liters and 300 kilograms: Only elephants can eat and drink that much in one knock.
  • Matriarchy reigns in the herds of elephants, mature and strong females become leaders.
  • Each individual elephant has its own unique ear rim.
  • Elephants do not know how to run at all, their fastest movement is accelerated walking.
  • They eat not only grass and leaves, berries, fruits and even the bark of trees - that's what a real delicacy is for them.
  • There are animals weighing 6 kilograms, and there is the brain of an elephant, which weighs exactly the same. By the way, this affects their mental characteristics, because they are one of the most intelligent animals.

The world of animals is very amazing, sometimes the facts about them can delight, and sometimes even scare. Our smaller brothers will surprise us more than once with newly exposed discoveries. In the meantime, here are some more amazing facts about animals from exhausting hot countries:

  • The lion remains king only in a hot climate; in a cold area he will be overcome by another king - a polar bear.
  • Ostriches can be safely called single fathers, they mate with several females at the same time, and subsequently they lay their eggs in one nest and leave it to the care of their father.
  • Male monkeys go bald.
  • Crocodiles, in addition to tasty food, also swallow stones, which helps them dive deep.
  • If gorillas are fed birth control pills, they will not get pregnant during mating, just like humans.
  • Elephants can draw.
  • One monkey received a medal and a military rank during the First World War, maybe they really look so much like people?

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