Church name Nikita and its meaning. Description of the name by different researchers. Childhood Nikita

short form named after Nikita. Nikita, Nika, Nikikha, Nikusha, Nikenya, Kenya, Nikesha, Kesha, Kita, Mikitka, Nikisha, Nikusya, Nicky, Niko.
Synonyms for the name Nikita. Mikita, Nikitas.
origin of the name Nikita The name Nikita is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Nikita translated from Greek means "winner". AT Western Europe you can also hear the female version of this name, it is identical to the male sound - Nikita. Woman's name Nikita (with emphasis on the last syllable) appeared after famous movie Luc Besson's "Nikita" ("Nikita", "La Femme Nikita"), where the main character took this pseudonym for herself.

The diminutive treatment of Nick is also an appeal to other names (Nikolai, Veronica, Monica, Nicodemus, Shushanika, Germanicus, Nina and others) and an independent name.

As a child, Nikita often dreams, comes up with various interesting and unusual stories. Everything is possible in his stories. At the same time, he weaves into these fairy tales everything that he draws from the world around him. If Nikita feels offended or quarreled with someone, then it will be sad or scary tales. If he managed to do what he could not do before, then the heroes of his stories will also be at their best and at the zenith of glory.

Nikita is a cheerful and stubborn boy. Thanks to his fantasies, he develops Creative skills. With age, Nikita finds himself a profession related to creativity or art. Perhaps he will be able to embody himself in such professions where a non-standard approach to the vision of the problem or to new solutions is needed. But Nikita will not be given everything easily and simply. Great success can only be achieved through hard work.

His curiosity and charm draw people to him. Nikita easily finds mutual language with other people and can even find admirers, as he knows how to express his thoughts beautifully and competently. Become like an idol for those who are not confident in their own forces. Nikita should be more careful in choosing friends, because, having got used to such attention, it will be more difficult for him to distinguish true praise from flattery.

In family life, Nikita will not be ordinary. He likes to change his life to suit his fantasies. This can be expressed either in frequent moves, or in a change in the situation in the house, or in a change in image. His wife will need to have time to notice and tune in to her husband's wave again. If Nikita meets resistance from his beloved, then at first he will try to negotiate, but if this is not possible, then he can simply change his muse. He is not windy man, but a man who does not want to part with his desires.

sound. Nikita is a short name consisting of three syllables. Most people pay attention to its beauty. In addition, masculinity (79%), tenderness (76%) and lightness (75%) of the sound of the name are often noted. Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Vasily, Thomas and Stepan.

Name day of Nikita

Nikita celebrates name day on February 13, March 4, April 2, April 16, April 17, May 13, May 17, May 27, June 2, June 5, June 6, June 10, June 30, July 4, July 7, September 22 , September 28, October 26, December 30.

Famous people named Nikita

  • Nikita Kozhemyaka (Slavic hero, character in the annals of the times of Kievan Rus)
  • Nikita Antufiev (Antyufeev), Nikita Demidov ((1656-1725) Tula gunsmith, Russian industrialist-entrepreneur, builder of Ural factories, by origin - a peasant, but received the nobility for his merits, founded the Demidov dynasty)
  • Nikita Mikhalkov ((born 1945) Russian actor and film director, received his first film role at the age of 14, winner of the Oscar, Kinotavr, Cannes Film Festival, and many other international film awards. He starred in more than 50 films, became a director of more than 30 films.)
  • Nikita Bogoslovsky ((1913-2004) Soviet and Russian composer, wrote more than 300 songs and music for 119 films and 80 performances. He was also a TV presenter of the Evening funny questions", which became the prototype of KVN.)
  • Nikita Dolgushin ((1938-2012) Soviet and Russian ballet dancer, also choreographer and choreographer, holder of various titles and awards, starred in the films Hamlet, Masquerade, Shakespeare and others)
  • Nikita Zotov ((c.1644-1718) Russian official, became the teacher of Peter the Great, was an approximate person of the tsar)
  • Nikita Khrushchev ((1894-1971) statesman USSR, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU)
  • Nikita Moiseev ((1917-2000) Soviet and Russian scientist, studied mechanics and applied mathematics, was actively involved in social activities, security environment. Founded several scientific schools, became the author of 10 textbooks, more than 300 articles, monographs and scientific papers.)
  • Nikita Trubetskoy ((1699-1767) Russian statesman, assistant to Elizabeth Petrovna)
  • Nikita Dzhigurda ((born 1961) Russian actor, singer)
  • Nikita Mikhailovsky ((1971-1990) Soviet actor, fame brought him the role of Roma Lavochkin in the film "You never dreamed of ...")
  • Nikita Semyonov-Prozorovsky ((born 1955) Soviet and Russian actor, dubbing actor for foreign films, cartoons and computer games, currently is the "voice" of the TV channels "NTV +", "Discovery")
  • Nikita Kamenyuka ((born 1985) Ukrainian football player)
  • Nikita Tolstoy ((1923-1996) Soviet linguist, folklorist, studied Slavic culture, wrote many works on dialectics, lexicology, ethnolinguistics, history of the Slavic language)
  • Nikita Tolstoy ((1917-1994) Soviet physicist, worked in the field of quantum optics, public figure)
  • Nikita Magalov ((1912-1992) Swiss pianist, by origin - from the family of the Georgian princes Magalishvili, the first to record all the works for piano by Chopin)
  • Nikita Salopin ((born 1970) Russian actor)
  • Nikitas Kaklamanis ((born 1946) Greek statesman and politician)
  • Nikita Stanescu ((1933-1983) Romanian poet)
  • Nikita Tserenok ((born 1993) Russian hockey player)

In this article you will find information about the meaning male name Nikita, his origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

Full name - Nikita

Synonyms for the name - Nick, Nike

Origin - Ancient Greek, "winner"

Zodiac - Taurus

Planet - Venus

Green color

Animal - Cat

Plant - Melissa

Stone - Beryl

Scientists have reliably established that the name has Greek roots. Νικήτας means "Winner", as it was formed on behalf of the goddess of victory Nike. AT Russian Empire it was more familiar as Nikita, the people were more comfortable with such a pronunciation. And so it took root in Russia.

Love named after Nikita

In his chosen one, the guy especially appreciates appearance, the ability to dress well, intelligence, emancipation and temperament. Only a real priestess of love can capture the heart of this man.

Nikita does not lack fans. They like his charm and ability to teach himself. But for him, women become just fun, a means of entertainment. At the same time, he can meet several girls, and he does not feel remorse.

In love, he is generous and kind, but very quick-tempered. In one moment it can destroy everything. His passion for change pushes for such actions. Unfortunately, the beloved will not become the meaning of life for him. He will listen to her only if she satisfies him sexually. But the girl must be prepared for the fact that she will definitely have rivals, and the guy will not even bother to hide his connections.

Sexuality named after Nikita

The young man is fickle in his affections. For him, first of all, the sexuality of the partner, her activity is important. It does not link sex and love. They don't have to be together for him. If he likes a girl, he can sleep peacefully with her without experiencing deep feelings.

Nikita is a great partner, well versed in female psychology. The intimate process itself gives a man pleasure, but he never relaxes, because he wants his partner to also be satisfied.

Marriage and family named after Nikita

In the family of this man, not everything is so smooth. He is incapable of diplomatically resolving the conflict. Even if a young man marries, then happiness married couple This marriage will not last long. Nikita will live for her own pleasure, and her husband will take on the bulk of the household chores.

Polite and able to maintain mutual respect long years. And he does it sincerely, especially if there are children in the family. For this, he will treat his wife well. It may change over time, but for this a man needs smart wife, which, without commanding, will be able to subjugate him. He loves children and only for the sake of them will not go to divorce. Financially, he always provides for the family.

Business and career

By nature, this person is a leader. But in the chosen profession he does not particularly strive forward, although he achieves amazing success and honor. The main thing he needs is a guiding star that would push him to exploits. But it doesn't have to be the wife.

Nikita does not tolerate idle chatter and hypocritical people. With such, he tries not to communicate, but the chosen profession does not allow him to follow his principles.

Most of all, creative professions and politics suit him. Here he can show his abilities. There is no doubt that this man is talented. Also, the desire to change everything beckons him to unknown distances, so he can become a traveler or discoverer.

The meaning of the name Nikita in character

As a child, this is a quick-witted and smart kid. Cautious and therefore his parents should not worry about his safety. The child will protect himself, he will never climb on tall tree, will not approach a stranger, will not eat a dirty apple.

If the boy is dissatisfied with something, he should explain your point of view. But never use force. And then from an affectionate and gentle son you will get a stubborn and spiteful person who will go through life with a negative mood. An adult young man becomes more demanding of himself and others. He will strive for the task, but in case of failure, out of desperation, he can commit rash acts. This man is fickle, for him to abort long term relationship easy, and making new ones is even more interesting. He does not like to choose, the problem of giving preference to one thing will always be for him.

Teen Nikita

At school, Nikita behaves great, he always does his homework, he is never late, he is not rude to adults. He studies well, but he achieves this not by diligence, but thanks to excellent memory. The guy likes to fantasize, there are always a lot of ideas in his head. He treats his peers well, but sometimes they do not reciprocate, which upsets the young man very much. Girls like Nikita, but not everyone is worthy of his attention. Also, a guy can quickly change his decisions and views regarding his studies. It is not difficult for him to leave the 3rd year of the university in order to get a job in a completely different industry.

Successful people and stars:

Nikita Mikhalkov - actor, director, TV presenter, producer
Nikita Mikhailovsky - actor
Nikita Presnyakov - singer
Nikita Khrushchev - politician
Perfect compatibility: Alla, Claudia, Lyudmila, Natalia, Svetlana
Unfortunate compatibility: Antonina, Vasilisa, Irina, Regina

Each name is unique in its own way. Each person named is also unique. The meaning of the name Nikita. The main characteristics of the name.

What does the name Nikita mean?

Nikita is the winner. A person who is not used to backing down and waiting for luck to turn to face him. Nikita himself decides when and what will happen in his life. He wasn't used to just asking for help.

The meaning of the name Nikita comes from the ancient Greek goddess Nike. Thanks to this, boys named Nikita from an early age strive to be leaders in everything, strive to win, find only the positive in all situations.

Origin and history of the name Nikita

The name Nikita has ancient Greek roots and characterizes its owner as a purposeful, formed personality. AT Ancient Greece it was believed that Nikita was patronized by the gods themselves, that he was under their strong protection.

Nikita has several name days a year. According to the Christian tradition, Nikita celebrate the day of the angel on the seventeenth of April, the sixth of June, the twenty-eighth of September. The sign of the zodiac that patronizes a man is Gemini.

He gives Nikita endurance and at the same time - sensuality. But, with some Nikitas it can be very difficult, they now and then show a certain amount of duplicity, a desire to be both good and bad at the same time.

The planet that gives Nikita energy is Mercury. She endows the heart of a man with passion and a desire to win. Therefore, in life he gets used to achieving everything very quickly and easily. Sometimes Nikitas are even super hot-tempered when Mercury has special power over other lights.

The origin and history of the name Nikita determine that the most suitable color for him is purple. The plant that will become a talisman for him is a bell. The hedgehog is considered the patron of a man, but by itself, he rarely, when he releases thorns, is offended and angry. Nikita is very outgoing. A pomegranate will become a talisman for a man. This stone will give him a feeling of peace and protection.

The character and fate of Nikita

Nikita is very kind and accommodating, if the question does not concern his personal space. He really wants to be the first and irreplaceable, and often he succeeds. Of the positive character traits, it is worth noting:



Speed ​​of decision making;

Love for patronage, guardianship.

Where Nikita quickly makes decisions - there he has already decided everything for himself. He is not in a hurry in those issues that are not yet clear to him, in which he doubts, but he is very active in situations where all decisions have already been made.

The character and fate of Nikita determine his negative sides:


Yes, Nikita, especially in childhood, he can be lazy and somewhat stubborn, especially if his parents have the imprudence to yell at him. Yelling from a boy will obviously get you nowhere. He only understands calm conversation.

Nikita is often mobile in games, but he can also sit for a long time at one thing and peer into landscapes that are pleasant to him. Outsiders may consider this to be a rather complaisant disposition of the child, although, in fact, Nikita is not distinguished by obedience, he just this moment time is more convenient.

Nikita can often have conflict situations with his father if he behaves somewhat arbitrarily towards his son. Nikita does not tolerate hypocrisy and yearns for recognition. It is very important for him to be in demand even in the most early age.

A mother may complain that communication with her child takes almost all of her free time and she does not have time to pay attention to herself and pressing family problems. Nikita is the favorite boy of his grandmothers. The child seems to them very smart and smart. They are always trying to cuddle him, feed him.

But do not spoil Nikita unnecessarily. He can turn into an overly pampered and very selfish teenager. In order for parents to inspire respect in Nikita, they should constantly talk with their son, argue their case, but not go over to shouting.

Nikita from an early age may be interested in sports. He will choose a mobile, team sport. It is important for him to remain a leader, to surpass his colleagues and partners in many ways. In art, Nikita will reach great heights. He will be able to realize himself as a poet, writer, publicist.

It is very important for him to be an expert high class, but he clearly knows in which direction he wants to develop. Therefore, at school he can Special attention pay attention to one subject and have little or no interest in others.

Nikita, with her independence and determination, often causes envy among others. They try to offend Nikita, to unbalance him, to prove that he is not that strong mentally. Often Nikita proudly defeats enemies.

He does not enter into empty disputes, but if he is sure that he is right, he will not back down. Nikita loves chess and checkers. He loves to compete. It is important for him to feel like a winner and not to think that he can ever lose at all.

Parents should not allow Nikita to withdraw into himself, otherwise he will become simply uncontrollable. He will often be offended and upset. He will try to prove with all his shouting that he is worthy of respect and attention.

Nikita has few real and sincere friends. But they are faithful to him to the end. They respect him and perceive him as if he is for them. native person. With his childhood friends, Nikita can keep in touch until old age.

What does the name Nikita mean at work

Nikita can improve his business pretty quickly. It is enough for him to rely on his own intuition and not allow anyone outsider to his own investments. Nikita may develop hidden talents. He can abruptly stop enjoying working in a large company and start his own business.

Sport is very important for Nikita. He can completely devote his life to sports. If parents from an early age begin to instill sports skills in their son, he will grow up to be a champion. But you should not combine many activities for Nikita. It is important for him to decide on one main thing.

Nikita can become a real specialist in journalism, can strive to get on television. A TV show for him is an important way to realize himself. If Nikita fails to reveal and realize his own talents several times, he can become withdrawn and angry. Then the relatives will have to for a long time reclaim his position.

The meaning of the name Nikita and his personal life

With Nikita in his personal life is very difficult. He madly loves and respects his mother, but he will not experience the proper emotions for his wife. He will be more focused on himself and his needs. For him, it is important first of all to be near beautiful woman and no feelings for her.

Nikita is realized due to the beauty and success of his partner, he grows in everything, thanks to loving woman next to him. Nikita is prone to betrayal, because he loves himself very much and believes that few women are worthy of him. constant attention to yourself.

Nikita has good taste and the women he chooses as life partners immediately dream of a wedding and try to persuade Nikita to her. The man is in no hurry to legitimize the relationship. If he appears early child- He will not immediately marry his mother. But will help in family matters.

Nikita can be married several times and divorced several times. It is difficult for him to deny himself such pleasure as a full-fledged sex life. But, if a woman does not reciprocate Nikita, he can stubbornly seek her for a long time. He's not used to being rejected.

If Nikita decided to marry and children appeared in the marriage, he is unlikely to break the union, but he can cheat on his wife. In order to avoid cheating, a wife should pay a lot of attention to her husband. Praise and support often. Do not forget about him, even if she has a huge amount of household chores.

Nikita good host and loves to have everything in his house. He loves when there is a lot of free space in the house, therefore, he will strive to provide his household with a huge living area.

Nikita tries to spend all his free time with his family only when his wife appreciates and waits for him very much. If the wife works more than Nikita, he will wait for her at home and take care of the children. But, he will not deny himself the pleasure of being alone with his beloved.

Friends for Nikita can be above the family if he has constant quarrels in his relationship with his wife. Then he will start running to friends and then make scandals at home. It is difficult to run a joint household with Nikita, he may be too rational in spending.

While Nikita is in love, he will shower his beloved with gifts. When Nikita enters official relations with a lover - he can suddenly become cold and rude. Romance may be gone forever.

If Nikita's mother does not accept his wife, he will not live long in marriage. For him, the opinion of his mother about his wife is very important. He may even criticize his beloved because her mother does not like her.

Nikita likes to have a rest actively and with this family. He can choose a long tour of various countries in order to promote himself and his business, or for a comprehensive holiday. Nikita has a lot of opportunities to realize himself in business when everything is calm at home and his wife shares his financial priorities.

If his relatives are against the business that Nikita wants to open, he will go against them and do it his own way. He loves to try again and again, even if it seems impossible and unrealistic - he will prove to everyone that he is worthy of the result, this is the strength of his spirit.

The name Nikita is of Greek origin, and in translation it means "winner." In Russia, this name appeared at the dawn of Christianity, along with many other now famous and popular Byzantine names, but initially only monks were baptized with it. In the 13th-14th centuries, canonized as a saint a large number of Russian state and public figures who bore church dignity.

In the 18th century, the name Nikita entered the category of private ones, and continued to remain so until the end of the 19th century. In the 20-30s of the last century, the name lost its popularity, as it was considered too simple and had nothing to do with the revolution. Interest in the name arose again in the 80-70s of the last century, and since then only its popularity has only been growing.

History knows a lot of outstanding personalities who bore the name Nikita. Among them are the Soviet composer Nikita Bogoslovsky, politicians Nikita Khrushchev and Prince Nikita Trubetskoy, director Nikita Mikhalkov, Russian actor Nikita Vysotsky and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The first saint named Nikita, canonized christian church, was St. Nikita Gotfsky, Constantinople. He was born and lived on the banks of the Danube, and by his example of a pious life led to Christian faith many pagans.

However, some pagans hated Christians and persecuted them in every possible way, and the sad fate of Saint Nikita did not pass. He was subjected to many tortures and thrown alive into the fire, which is why he died in 372. His friend, under the cover of darkness, found the body of the martyr - he found it intact by fire and illuminated by a wonderful light. The body of the holy martyr Nikita was transferred to Constantinople and buried there.

All owners of the name Nikita can celebrate name days on the day that coincides with the date of birth, or immediately following it. These days are: January 3; February 13; March 4; April 2, 16 and 17; May 12, 17 and 27; June 2, 5, 6, 10 and 30; 4 and 7 July; September 22 and 28; October 26; December 30th.

Name characteristic

Nature endowed Nikita with unpredictability and brilliant talents, he was born to be a leader and a winner. He is a very determined person, balanced and firm, he likes to stand out among everyone, to feel chosen. He knows his own worth very well, is always purposeful and selfish, knows how and loves to resist society.

Nikita feels like the master of his own destiny, and therefore does not tolerate any pressure and dictate, but he is reasonable enough to listen to smart advice. Touchy, does not immediately converge with people, at first he looks closely at him for a long time. To the goal is a straight road, persistently and steadily. Usually he understands well what he wants, he always takes care of himself, without causing trouble to his loved ones. Under the stubbornness and self-will of Nikita, a very vulnerable and lonely soul is hidden.

Diplomacy is not the best forte character of Nikita, he hates to adapt, tries to "bend" this world for himself and with difficulty "bend" himself. For this reason, he has few friends, although he is charming, witty and resourceful, he is adored by the public, especially the female audience.

Negative features can be considered excessive categoricalness, straightforwardness, as well as impatience of someone else's superiority. It is very important for a man to impress others, otherwise he will look for a society where he will be admired.

Another one distinguishing feature Nikita's character is lack of assembly. It is difficult for him to gather and concentrate on one thing, and his sympathies and affections are just as little constant. He is able in one fell swoop to cross out a long-established relationship, to break a love affair.

In general, Nikita is a very talented, hardworking and charming person. He is controlled by the mind, not emotions, and it is to the voice of reason and reasonable arguments that he listens before committing this or that act. Nikita can be called the owner of a tough and uncompromising character, but at the same time he remains a vulnerable, sentimental and deeply worried man.


Little Nikita is a calm and cheerful child, but he was born to be a leader, and leadership qualities have been present in him since childhood. He is moderately inquisitive and hardworking, with great creative potential, and the spirit of self-will lives in him, therefore, in no case should you put pressure on this boy - you can only negotiate and convince him. This is just the case when it is better not to educate a child, but only gently guide him - he himself knows perfectly well what is best for him.

Parents will not have any special problems with Nikita the schoolboy, since knowledge will be given to him easily. In order for the child to develop harmoniously, it is best to alternate moderate physical exercise with mental.

In adolescence, Nikita is very vulnerable, and it is this age that will be the most difficult in his life. This will be a time of searching for yourself and your place in society, and the choice will be very difficult. Pride and eccentricity will appear in the character, and the straightforwardness of a teenager can create many problems.

This young man prefers to learn from his mistakes, and not from strangers, to fill his own bumps. But if his parents are delicate and sensitive people, Nikita will listen to their advice.


Usually Nikita carefully monitors his health, does not abuse alcohol and smoking, leads an active lifestyle. Therefore, he has every chance to live to an advanced age without experiencing health problems.

However, he should be wary of overwork, monitor his pressure and eat right. He will also have a tendency to neurasthenia - such things as emotional comfort and calmness will always be important for Nikita.


Sexuality in Nikita is inherent in nature and it awakens very early. It is not difficult for him to win a woman, he knows how to beautifully look after and compliment. This man can break women's hearts easily and naturally, without tormented by remorse.

For Nikita, the external data of the partner is extremely important - they must be impeccable. He appreciates in women free attitude to sex, her intellect, active sexual behavior.

This man is able to become attached to a woman only when he achieves love and sexual satisfaction with her. He has an orgasm the highest degree bliss, especially if experiencing love feelings to your chosen one.

Marriage and family, compatibility

A narcissistic and independent man named Nikita is in no hurry to start a family. And even when he marries, it will be difficult to name him exemplary family man. His marriage does not always work out well due to the desire to rule and lack of diplomacy. Most likely, Nikita marries more than once. But he is not a supporter of divorce, so he will try to do everything to save the family.

A man is not constant in his attachments, so betrayal can become the reason for a divorce. Nikita himself is very jealous, he will not tolerate any flirting from his wife.

Children, whom Nikita will be very attached to, can become a strong link. He will try to do everything so that they grow up in a calm and comfortable environment.

The most successful relationships can develop with women named Alla, Veronica, Irina, Lyudmila, Lydia, Natalya, Svetlana and Polina. Marriage with Anastasia, Anna, Angelica, Valeria, Galina, Zhanna, Ekaterina and Tatyana should be avoided.

Business and career

Nikita is a talented and creatively gifted person, and the realization of his talents depends only on him. He is purposeful and responsible, a real workaholic. It is in his work that his leadership qualities are best manifested, Nikita's opinion is always authoritative and weighty. Very often, he chooses the creative profession, since he has a great desire for fame and glory, but not for power and big money.

A man can succeed in any activity, because it is not for nothing that his name means “winner”. He does not like competition, intrigues, envy and hypocrisy are alien to him. Most of all, his ability is suitable where non-standard solutions are needed and new approach. Slightly inflated self-esteem implies the presence of a high bar and demands on one's own person.

Self-manage own business Nikita can be hindered by slight self-doubt and indecision, while he has a negative attitude towards partnership. He is not a team player, it is difficult for him to obey and adapt to other people. Such a person works better alone than in partnership or in a team. It is very important for Nikita that the chosen profession brings him moral satisfaction.

Talismans for Nikita

  • The ruling planet is Jupiter and Mercury.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Gemini and Sagittarius.
  • A good time of the year is spring, a good day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky colors are brown, red, orange.
  • Totem plant - bluebell and ash. The bell is a symbol of frivolity and talkativeness. In the Christian tradition, the bell symbol resembles a church bell, for this reason the flower is also considered a symbol of spirituality, faith and love. Ash is a symbol of renewal, the desire for life, fertility and immortality. This is a real male tree from which the best weapon, so the tree represents masculinity, strength, war and revenge.
  • Totem animal - hedgehog. This animal symbolizes self-defense, and our ancestors attributed to him the ability to drive out evil spirits and fight witchcraft. In the East, the hedgehog is considered a symbol of wealth, hospitality and friendliness, and in the Christian tradition, the animal is associated with greed, irascibility and gluttony.
  • Talisman stone - garnet and fire opal. Pomegranate will give Nikita vitality and self-confidence, inspire optimism and help overcome difficulties. But this stone should only be worn by an energetic man, since a grenade will only further morally exhaust a person who is inactive and lazy. Fire Opal is a unique stone and powerful talisman, protecting its owner from the evil eye and witchcraft spells, opening the gift of clairvoyance and foresight. But it can only be worn strong-willed man, since he will not bring anything good to a weak and melancholy man.


Aries- an emotional, stubborn, selfish person. He always strives to be the center of attention, can be obsessive. In achieving his goals, he is stubborn, has a fighting character and excellent organizational skills. Nikita-Aries tends to lack caution, easily making both enemies and friends. With regard to material well-being and career development, then there are no unattainable limits for him. Success usually accompanies this person in everything. In Nikita-Aries' personal life, everything is not as simple as in his career - and this despite the fact that his soul longs for romance and close relationships. In my heart he will forever remain big baby- touchy, vulnerable and vulnerable, with difficulty admitting that they were wrong. He is a real rebel, denying any power over himself. Therefore, the wife must support him in everything and be unquestioningly faithful and devoted.

Taurus- Personality is stubborn and strong. He is used to achieving everything himself, overcoming obstacles and ignoring people who are weaker than him spiritually. This person is extremely practical, cautious, patient and cunning. Material well-being and independence is what he strives for all his life. Nikita-Taurus cannot be a poor person, he will always find a way to make money. He has amazing endurance and capacity for work, can go through great stress and fatigue, and is not afraid of any work and load. But he will achieve success and prosperity only by honest work, as he hates intrigues, lies and hypocrisy. From Nikita-Taurus it will turn out lovely husband- he knows how to love and take care of a woman like no other. He is very family-oriented, for him there is nothing more precious than close people. However, the wife will have to be patient and learn how to delicately manage her husband, since he has one distinguishing feature - amazing stubbornness.

Twins- a charming man with a bright appearance, infinitely charming and attractive. He is very kind to his person, considers himself irreplaceable. The mood of Nikita-Gemini is changeable, just like his tastes and addictions - he does not differ in constancy. Being by nature an intellectual, he organically does not tolerate fools and narrow-minded people, while in relation to himself he does not tolerate any criticism. Ambition makes Nikita-Gemini move up the career ladder, but having achieved some success, he quickly loses interest. The most suitable job for him is where diplomacy and the ability to communicate with people are required. In a financial matter, this person may not be too conscientious, his strong point is quick enrichment schemes. In addition, it is difficult to find a bigger spender than Nikita-Gemini. In marriage, this person is extremely unreliable, as he is not distinguished by fidelity and constancy, as well as financial stability.

Crayfish- a contradictory and very independent person, sometimes causing hostility with his "correctness". He has a difficult inner world, not understandable and accessible to everyone, and for all his independence, Nikita-Rak is a very sensitive and vulnerable person. He is prone to depression and melancholy, especially if he does not feel love and support from his loved ones. In general, he has a very vivid imagination, Nikita-Rak can easily “inflate an elephant out of a fly” and suffer from non-existent problems. By nature, he is a pessimist, so he should trust his intuition more and not lose faith in success. The intelligence and vivid imagination of this person can bring him success in life, besides, he has a great desire for financial independence. Nikita-Rak is a wonderful host, diligent and economical, very successful in saving. As a husband, this man is excellent - he is a caring husband and a brilliant father. But his wife will have to learn to speak words of love and support to him a hundred times a day, and never give rise to jealousy.

a lion- a very exalted personality, which is hard not to notice, because the charm and charm of this person overflow. He knows his own worth and knows how to quietly adjust people to his needs and interests. Nikita Leo can be called lucky, because luck very rarely turns away from him. In addition, he is generous, noble, knows how to forgive and never holds a stone in his bosom. But if attacked, he will be able to quickly and accurately strike back. Nikita-Lev does not like to work, but at the same time he gravitates towards a luxurious and idle life, because of which he can fall into financial bondage. However, he is usually successful financially, as he knows how to get money from unexpected sources. Having a very independent character, this person does not tolerate anyone's control or pressure, but can stubbornly move towards his goal on high speed. He has power over people, is able to lead a team. Love and admiration Nikita-Lev craves much more than money, by nature he is a born leader. If success contributes to him in life, then the man will become an excellent husband and loving father may even allow his wife to command him. But if luck turns away from Nikita-Lev, he has every chance of turning into a domestic tyrant, blaming his wife for everything.

Virgo- a prudent and restrained person who knows how to keep his emotions and feelings under control. He wears a mask of benevolence and good nature, always modest, neat and attentive to details. Nikita-Virgo has a brilliant and inquisitive mind, therefore he is successful in business, however, as in any other profession. He is a materialist to the marrow and bones, never dreams of the impossible. Excellent taste and sense of humor make him a pleasant person in all respects. However, excessive pedantry and pettiness can sometimes be annoying, as can conservatism. He does not like people who are lazy, incompetent and optional, but everyone knows that the word of this person can be trusted. In love, he is as conservative as in life. Nikita-Virgo is not distinguished by romantic nature, but is distinguished by reliability and fidelity. He is born with an instinct for love of work, his family, duty and discipline, and nothing can change his nature. Such a man lives on a material level, and you should not expect a serenade from him under the balcony or passionate declarations of love. There will be no place for scandals and Mexican passions in his family, the flame of his love will always burn evenly and steadily.

Scales- nature is impressionable and delicate, with a refined taste and a heightened sense of justice. Nikita-Libra is a hardworking person, but he tries to avoid responsibility, it is difficult for him to make responsible decisions. He has such qualities as an intuitive instinct, the gift of foresight, and he needs to learn to trust his intuition more. Good-natured by nature, he loves communication, can be a very attentive listener and sensible adviser. He has an innate desire to make this world a better place, the desire for harmony in everything. But he is also characterized by stubbornness and selfishness, he rarely listens to the opinions of others. This person can work very hard, painstakingly and persistently, but such periods often alternate with periods of laziness and “doing nothing”. At the same time, he is extremely scrupulous, responsible and honest in his work, but leadership roles are not suitable for him. He is a team player and a great performer. Nikita-Libra cannot imagine his life without love, and more than one marriage usually happens in his life. He is a romantic and womanizer, but his heart is cold, and therefore rarely broken.

Scorpion- irascible and nervous person, sometimes not controlling himself during a quarrel. In anger, he can be disgusting, at this time he does not see or hear anything around. But then he regrets his outbursts, becomes ashamed of his emotions, and retreats into himself. In his character, Nikita-Scorpio combines all the best and worst that can be in a person, good and evil. Despite everything, he is very attractive to others, as he has innate skills in manipulating people, has the gift of persuasion. A man can literally work for wear and tear, sparing neither himself nor anyone around. Any manifestation of weakness causes contempt in him. Sooner or later, Nikita-Scorpio will show interest in the occult sciences, as he knows how to observe and analyze the character and actions of other people. The life of Nikita-Scorpio will never be simple or easy, but sooner or later success will surely await him. Family life with this man will always be associated with emotional stress, since it is difficult to find a more jealous, owner and brawler.

Sagittarius- unpredictable person, with often changing mood. He prefers to be free and unencumbered by any obligations, but at the same time he can be an excellent worker and a good performer. Nikita-Sagittarius is usually successful in business, but at the same time he prefers not to stop there. High-energy, with favorable energy, he is a gifted interlocutor, a wonderful storyteller and the soul of any company. However, Nikita-Sagittarius is inclined to go to extremes and make sudden decisions, or cancel decisions already made, so his promises should not be trusted too much. But he does everything quite sincerely, falsehood and deceit are alien to him. In addition, Nikita-Sagittarius simply beckons danger, he loves physical and emotional risk. He is a born optimist and sincerely believes that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. The weakest points of this person are a tendency to alcoholism and gluttony, and his sin is tactlessness and inattention, but never deliberate cruelty. Only that woman who will not restrict his freedom and can adequately perceive some oddities in the character of her chosen one can become happy in marriage with Nikita-Sagittarius.

Capricorn- a man of courage, a little harsh and laconic. In society, he holds himself importantly, he looks down on others, he is always confident in himself, spiritually strong. He is a thinker and intellectual, almost always successful in business and in any other business. Nikita-Capricorn has a very independent and noble character, so he cannot stand being under someone's supervision. One of his striking features is a subtle sense of humor, the ability to laugh at himself as well. From the outside it may seem that this person stone heart, but under the imperturbable appearance lies a compassionate soul, he is ready to sacrifice a lot, not expecting to get something in return. Home and family life Nikita-Capricorn is often restless, as she can feel lonely and unappreciated, even if she is not. But if he falls in love for real, then even no time and circumstances can destroy his marriage.

Aquarius- a sentimental, nervous person, but able to feel deeply. He often loses control of himself, which he later regrets, feels offended and lonely. In work, Nikita-Aquarius is active, does a lot for common good, can easily give everything he has for the sake of a suffering person. He is not naive and not too wise, but full of enthusiasm and not indifferent to people. He may have many friends, but he will always strive for loneliness. With this person you always have to be ready for all sorts of surprises, he loves to shock and challenge public opinion. He has a broad outlook and an inquisitive mind, but a very subtle nervous system, prone to depression and melancholy. A woman who wants to connect her life with Nikita-Aquarius should first of all interest him - open book won't interest him. He has a negative attitude towards marriage and is trying with all his might to delay it. He is not jealous, unpretentious in everyday life, a wonderful father, but not a very attentive and caring spouse, and the wife will have to take care of the material well-being of the family herself.

Fish- as a rule, this is a man with a very beautiful appearance, having tremendous success with women. At the same time, he is a kind and trusting person, generous by nature, not possessing an iron will and a strong character. Nikita-Pisces is prone to depression, especially if things go badly, but he only blames himself. He is highly susceptible to other people's influence, touchy and sensitive, hardly tolerates criticism in his address. He does not like loneliness, he needs love and support of loved ones like air. He tries to avoid any responsibility, does not like to take important decisions often doubts his abilities. This person is not a fighter in life, prefers to go with the flow, rather than resist circumstances. One of his subtle tools is humor, which can range from harmless and kind to sarcastic and hurtful. In love, Nikita-Pisces is a great romantic and dreamer, but in material terms he is not always happy. His wife will have to learn how to save money or make good money herself.

Nikita - "winner" (Greek)

From early childhood, he is a smart, quick-witted boy. He does not immediately enter into a conversation with strangers, silently looks at them. One gets the impression that he does not want to talk, but for Nikita it is important to get to know the person better, to understand whether he can be trusted.

Rude shouts and slaps have a bad effect on him, the child becomes withdrawn, touchy, which can lead to neurasthenia. Nikita often finds it difficult to make any decision on her own. Parents should help him understand his childhood problems. You should not put Nikita in front of a difficult choice, he is lost, does not know what to do. At school, he studies well in all disciplines, grasps everything on the fly. However, there are subjects that he does with pleasure, he should not be forced to do something against his will, he himself will do everything later.

"Winter" Nikita, especially "December", does not like to write essays, not because he does not know how, it's just hard for him to put his thoughts on paper, it's easier to tell it all. He is a complex, emotional boy, fidget. It's hard for him to do just one thing. It is important for him to alternate mental stress with physical. Nikita enjoys cycling all day long, watching cartoons, military films, programs about animals. He is too energetic, his energy is looking for a way out, if he is limited in some way, he can play pranks in spite, do what his parents do not like. He is persistent, stubborn. Outwardly similar to the mother, but the character is paternal. Growing up, he becomes self-confident, knows his own worth, is able to achieve great success, is purposeful.

"Spring" Nikita is selfish, easily hurt, squeamish. Painfully perceives criticism, does not tolerate comments, although in his heart he agrees that he was wrong. The spirit of contradiction lives in it. He is able to admit his mistakes himself, but if someone points out these mistakes to him, he will vehemently defend his innocence. Parents should carefully lead him to think about whether he is doing the right thing, make him think about what is happening. All his life he has been looking for the truth, he is not in a hurry to draw conclusions, he is able to put himself in the place of another in order to sort out problems. The nature of the philosophical warehouse, very spiritual. Has a literary and artistic gift. Able to deeply empathize. He is very attached to his parents, always finds support in them.

"Summer" Nikita is versatile talented. He loves nature and animals very much. Good-natured, to some extent an altruist. Specific, fair. Somewhat slow. Cannot stand pressure, too independent from early childhood. Does not know how to adapt to anyone, proud and independent. Having acquired a family, he does not seek to establish his leadership, all household chores fall on the shoulders of his wife, but in work he will not allow anyone to be ahead. Obsessed with ideas, knows how to implement them, easily takes responsibility, is not afraid of difficulties. Just like the "spring", "summer" Nikita is a vulnerable person, it is easy to offend him, outwardly he does not show it. He is very sociable, willingly makes new acquaintances, is well versed in people. In childhood, it is very difficult to determine what he is more inclined to - how versatile his interests are. Parents should not direct his abilities along any particular channel; having matured, he himself will find his place without much difficulty.

"Autumn" Nikita is the most unique personality of all Nikita. All abilities are embodied in it. He is a writer, and a musician, and a dancer, and an actor, and a director, and an artist, and a mathematician, and a physicist, and a chemist. Everything comes very easy to him. A favorite of the public, not a single celebration is complete without him, he is in great demand among the girls, his friends are jealous of each other, everyone wants to get more of his attention than the rest. Nikita is very reasonable, purposeful, practical. He knows how to give good advice, support his neighbor at the right moment. Charming, witty, resourceful.

“Winter” and “autumn” Nikita are suitable patronymics: Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Alekseevich, Viktorovich, Antonovich, Maksimovich.

"Summer" and "spring" - Veniaminovich, Anatolyevich, Vyacheslavovich, Borisovich, Leonidovich, Stepanovich.

The meaning of the name Nikita option 2

Ancient Greek origin: winner. These are men who know their worth. They are selfish and purposeful, choose a goal for themselves, go to it in a direct way. They do not like to be commanded, they are persistent and stubborn and at the same time sensitive and vulnerable.

Outwardly, they look like a mother, but their character is paternal.

Their family life is difficult, but, loving children, they prefer not to get divorced. Very devoted sons.

These men have talent from God. They are leaders, however, this does not apply to seed life. They have few friends, Nikita is devoid of diplomacy, does not want to adapt to anyone and does not tolerate anyone's superiority.

"Winter" - difficult to communicate, great debaters. Hardworking, their plans are thought out to the smallest detail. Can't stand long phone calls.

"Summer" is not very lucky in marriage, but they are patient. They love animals, often keep a dog in the house. They like to go on business trips and drive their car (but not repair it). Caring sons.

Ada, Veronica, Zinaida, Alla, Irina, Natalya, Lydia, Svetlana, Polina, Tatyana, Eleanor can become a good wife for Nikita, which cannot be said about Agnes, Anna, Vera, Albina, Galina, Glafira, Maya, Ekaterina, Martha, Tamara .

The meaning of the name Nikita option 3

Direct, specific. Despite their high sexuality, they are righteous, rich in their inner spiritual world. If they are modest, then on sexual grounds they experience neuroses, deep depressions.

AT early childhood sociable, affectionate. With age, good thinking, memory, and the ability to create come to light, and for an exhaustingly long time.

They are unlucky in marriage, children are born of different sexes, more often girls.

The meaning of the name Nikita option 4

Nikita - from the Greek. winner; unfold Nikitin; vernacular Mikita.

Derivatives: Nikitka, Nika, Nikikha, Nikish, Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikenya, Kenya, Nikesh, Kesha, Kita.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

  • Olenka in diapers, Nikita at her tits.
  • Nikita was born on red tape.
  • If on April 16-17, the ice did not go, then the fishermen will not see the catch.
  • September 28 - Nikita the goose fly, Nikita the cutter, goose, hussar. This day has so many nicknames because they begin to cut turnips, beat domestic geese; and wild geese at this time are going on the road to the southern regions.


Nikita was born to be a leader: from childhood he knows what he wants, and, overcoming any obstacles, persistently goes to his goal. Nikita himself is the master of his own destiny and therefore does not tolerate any pressure and dictate, except that he can sometimes listen to his father's advice. Very talented, hardworking, charming person. Women easily give their hearts to him, but just as easily Nikita parted with the vanquished in order to achieve new victories. True, in the depths of his soul this Don Juan is very sensitive, vulnerable and lonely.

The meaning of the name Nikita option 5

NIKITA- winner (Greek).

Name day: April 17 - Hieromartyr Nikita-Albanian, Slav, labored in the Russian-Athos monastery; for preaching Christ and denouncing Mohammedanism, he was subjected to terrible tortures and strangled.

June 6 - The Monk Nikita the Stylite, the miracle worker of Pereyaslavl, in the world was a tax collector and a great sinner, then repented, took the veil as a monk and labored on the pillar; He cast out demons and healed the sick through prayer. Killed by robbers in 1186. September 28 - The Holy Great Martyr Nikita the Warrior, for the faith of Christ after the torment was thrown into the fire, but did not burn; buried by Christians in 372.

  • Gemini.
  • Planet - Mercury.
  • Color - purple.
  • Auspicious tree - ash.
  • The treasured plant is a bell.
  • The patron of the name is a hedgehog.
  • Talisman stone - pomegranate.


Nikita has known her worth since childhood. He is selfish and purposeful, and having chosen a guiding star for himself, he goes to it without doubts and hesitation. He does not like being commanded, he is persistent, stubborn - and at the same time vulnerable and sensitive. As a rule, hardworking and talented; he is a leader, but he has few friends: he does not tolerate anyone's superiority, except for the superiority of his father. He is a man of a specific cause, he cannot stand idle chatter and boasting, Nikita has a charm that is detrimental to the weaker sex, but a woman for him is just fun, like a beautiful cat.

The meaning of the name Nikita option 6

Nikita looks like a mother. Feature a person with this name is a lack of assembly. It is impossible to make Nikita focus on one thing, but you can be interested.

Lack of concentration is, as it were, a measure of his actions and actions, and even to some extent predetermines his fate.

Nikita grabs at once for several cases, but is not able to bring a single one to the end. He is easily carried away by some idea, but just as quickly cools off, although a lot of effort and money have already been expended. More active in words than in deeds. Scatteredness prevents Nikita from fully concentrating on one thing: today he is passionate about yoga, and tomorrow he is engaged in karate with the same zeal; while studying in the third year of a technical university, he can become passionately interested in acting or archeology, transfer to other educational establishments etc. He is talented, he can equally succeed everywhere. The problem is different: where to stop? Nikita is just as changeable in his sympathies and affections. He is kind, but quick-tempered and at the slightest discontent can instantly cross out the previous relationship.

In marriage, a woman should not count on Nikita's constancy, although he can be a touchingly gentle and caring spouse, a good father.

The meaning of the name Nikita option 7

Nikita, translated from Greek as a winner, was born to be a leader: from childhood he knows what he wants, and, overcoming any obstacles, persistently goes to his goal.

He himself is the master of his own destiny and therefore does not tolerate any pressure and dictate, except that he can sometimes listen to the advice of his father. Nikita is a very talented, hardworking, charming person. Deep down, he is very sensitive, vulnerable and lonely.

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