FSB Special Purpose Center. Strong in spirit FSB Special Forces

The FSB Special Purpose Center was established in 1998 to combat terrorism in Russia and abroad. Its structural units are the Alpha special unit, the Vympel special unit and the Special Operations Directorate.

The center accepts officers and ensigns, as well as cadets of military schools as candidates for officer positions. 97% of the positions in the FSB special forces are officers. Ensigns are given 3%, in case of admission to the CSN, they serve as drivers or instructors.

In addition, each candidate must provide a recommendation of either a current or former employee of Alfa or Vympel. The CSN is also engaged in an independent search for the most promising young people. Why do the center's employees visit the universities of the Ministry of Defense in order to study the personal files of cadets and conduct interviews with the most suitable of them for service in the FSB special forces. The most “productive” in this regard are the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms School, where there is a special forces department, and the Moscow Higher Military Command School.

At the same time, there is an age limit - no older than 28 years. And also the height must be at least 175 cm so that the body armor does not hit the knees. However, these requirements are not dogma. If the candidate has any unique abilities or has combat experience, then they turn a blind eye to them.

A healthy mind in a healthy body

Having accepted from the candidates the documents necessary for admission, they begin to check their physical fitness. Testing is carried out within one day. Everything is done in dynamics with minimal breaks between exercises. The requirements for applicants for service in Alpha are a little stricter than for candidates for Vympel. Below are the standards for Alpha.

3 kilometers at the stadium must be run within 10 minutes 30 seconds.

After a 5-minute rest - 100 meters, the control standard - 12.7 seconds.

Pull-ups on the crossbar - 25 times. This is followed by a 3-minute rest after each exercise.

Within 2 minutes, it is necessary to do 90 flexions and extensions of the torso in the prone position.

90 push-ups from the floor.

After that, the candidate needs to perform a complex strength exercise 7 times:

- 15 push-ups from the floor;

- 15 flexion and extension of the torso in the prone position;

- 15 transitions from the position "squatting" to "lying" and vice versa;

- 15 jumps from the "crouching" position.

40 seconds are given for each cycle. Rest between cycles is not provided.

Bench press of a barbell of its own weight (but not more than 100 kg) lying down - 10 times.

The main thing is to take a hit and move forward

Three minutes after physical testing, it is necessary to demonstrate hand-to-hand martial arts skills. At the same time, the candidate speaks in a helmet, gloves and protective pads on the legs and in the groin. He is opposed by an instructor or an employee of the TsSN who is well trained in the field of hand-to-hand combat. The fight continues for 3 rounds.

In the allotted time, it is not at all required to defeat the instructor. During the fight, the instructor assesses the potential capabilities of the candidate: fighting qualities, ability to take a hit, the will to win, focus on attacking in conditions of physical fatigue, the ability to change combat tactics depending on the circumstances, reaction speed. Of course, the instructor does not seek to “beat” the subject. During the fight, he gives him the initiative to better understand what he is worth. The more active the candidate is in the ring, the higher the score he receives even in the case of significant errors in technique. Subsequently, during training, the recruit will learn all the techniques and skills necessary for effective hand-to-hand combat. Therefore, the main task of the instructor is to find out whether the candidate is capable of learning.

Those who are passive in combat are immediately culled, going on the defensive.

Major tests ahead

At the next stage, the candidate is placed at the disposal of doctors in order to undergo in-depth studies of his state of health. And here the requirements are higher than for cadets of military universities, since the future special forces officer must endure enormous physical exertion. And they should not interfere with the effective implementation of combat missions. At the same time, one of the primary tasks that the medical board solves is to determine the suitability for airborne training.

In parallel with these studies, a special check is carried out, during which the presence of undesirable connections in the candidate is revealed. And not only with him, but also with his closest relatives. Relatives are checked for criminal records.

The next stage of the competitive marathon is an examination by a psychologist. It is necessary to study the personality of the candidate - character, temperament, interests and predilections, moral attitudes, reactions to certain stimuli and other characteristics that are important for service in the FSB special forces. All this information is entered into a personal file.

This is followed by verification on the polygraph of the veracity of the candidate. First of all, the moments that he would like to hide, the “dark spots” of his past and present are revealed: connections with crime, addiction to alcohol and drugs, corruption tendencies, antisocial lifestyle.

On passing each test, candidates are awarded points. Then they are summed up, and those with the best performance are accepted for service in the TsSN FSB.

But the acceptance process does not end there. The end point is set after a conversation with the parents and wife of the newly minted commando. They are told about the peculiarities of service in special forces, and then they take written consent from them with the admission of their son / husband to the Alpha or Vympel group. This is due to the fact that the service of a commando is associated with an increased risk to life.

And only after that is enrollment as a young employee with the presentation of a black beret and an anti-terror knife. However, the fighter has three more years to master his chosen profession under the guidance of experienced colleagues, acquiring the necessary knowledge and mastering the necessary skills. During the first two years he is not involved in special operations.

The Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia was established on October 8, 1998 on the initiative of Vladimir Putin, who then held the position of director of the FSB. The decision to create it was dictated by the terrorist war actually unfolding against Russia. As a result, the legendary Alfa and Vympel groups were united into a single powerful unit, which became Directorates A and B of the Central Security Service of the FSB, as well as the Special Operations Service. In 2008, subdivisions were also created in the structure of the Center in the North Caucasus, and in 2014 - in the Crimea.

We arrived at one of the most closed and secret units of the FSB almost on the eve of the anniversary, which is celebrated on October 8th. In the Center there was a usual daily service and study. Here, employees in black uniforms and with heavy trunks in their hands unloaded from the bus - they arrived from mountain climbing training. In the gym at that time there was a physical training test - employees passed pull-ups and other standards. At the same time, snipers were training at the shooting range and practical pistol shooting was carried out - this is when fighters need to hit targets in a few seconds from a standing position and from a kneeling position, while changing clips.

We leave the shooting gallery - a group of special forces in full gear, several of them with impressive beards, meet us.

“We just returned from a business trip - in the mountains and in the forest, you know, it’s not at all up to shaving,” one of the special forces ahead of my question about the tiredness of the beard. “We’ll return home in the evening and shave.”

Most military operations in which employees of the FSB Special Purpose Center participate are classified as "secret"

Another group worked out training tasks on the Falcatus armored car, which seemed to have left a science fiction movie, paired with a no less futuristic Viking armored truck.

"And when will we see ourselves in the newspaper?" - the guys ask.

"So you are wearing masks, how do you recognize yourself - after all, they all look the same?" - I'm interested in the answer.

“This is one thing for you, and we, not only in masks, but even recognize ourselves among hundreds of backs,” the employees smile.

In general, the situation in the center is surprisingly calm, there is no nervousness and tension, everyone is busy with their own business - at the same time they are smiling and friendly.

"Did you expect to see evil killers with twisted faces?" - the special forces are interested.

I understand that everything is in order with a sense of humor. Well, it probably shouldn't be different in a unit where everyone risks their lives and knows deep down that they might not return from the next mission.

“Having been in “hot spots”, you begin to relate to life differently and evaluate people and events in a different way,” one of the CSN instructors shares his feelings.

Even relatives do not know about the details of their service, and for everyone around them, their husband, son or dad is just a military man.

Most of the combat operations in which employees of the FSB Special Purpose Center participate are classified as "secret".

Naturally, we cannot name either their faces, surnames or even names.

At the same time, the activities of the FSB special forces, hidden from the eyes of ordinary citizens, are always shrouded in a certain halo of mystery and often give rise to rumors and conjectures that are far from reality. As they say in the Center, the strength of the modern special forces is in daily exhausting training, in overcoming oneself, in every minute readiness for action and self-sacrifice. Despite the difference in characters and ages, the operational-combat units are predominantly officers, and these are young lieutenants who have just graduated from schools, and 30-40-year-old experienced employees. During a real fight, there are no young or older - everyone is in charge of each and every unit. Therefore, brotherhood in arms and a heightened sense of responsibility are not just big words, they really live by this. Any successful operation is a common victory, and the death of an employee or hostages is pain and loss for the entire Center.

22 officers and warrant officers of the Special Purpose Center were awarded the title of Hero of Russia, 12 of them posthumously

“Coming to serve in the Center is not just a dream, it is a conscious choice, so we don’t have random people,” say the commanders of the Center for Strategic Research.

As such, there is no competition here, although letters asking for admission come in hundreds every month from all over the country. Candidates for service at the Center are selected by themselves. They are mainly looking at graduates of military schools. First of all, they look at the personal qualities of future employees, their ability to endure physical and, most importantly, psychological stress.

“For example, a candidate does push-ups 100 times, but we are not interested, but we are interested in how he will push-ups 101, 105, 110 times, that is, how much he can overcome himself,” said the CSN instructor. “And with this skill, that is, work at the limit and beyond their capabilities, all the military personnel of the Center are in command.

In general, each employee of the TsSN is a universal master who can solve the most complex combat missions.

But at the same time, everyone has a specialization in which he is better than others, for example, in diving, parachuting or mountain training. As for general training, all employees, for example, should have mastered the possession of weapons to automaticity. The main skill is to hit the target with the first shot, with limited visibility and a dynamically changing tactical environment.

On average, one employee of the Center accounts for up to 10 different types of personal and group weapons. Naturally, everyone is fluent in hand-to-hand combat. True, they joke that, "if in battle it came to hand-to-hand combat, it means that up to this moment everything was very bad."

In addition, vocational training includes the study of mine-explosive business. Employees of the Center are able to conduct reconnaissance of mine-explosive barriers and overcome them. Mountain training takes place in natural extreme conditions and is a tough test for special forces.

Each employee of the TsSN is a universal master who can solve the most complex combat missions

In addition to working in the mountains, employees are trained in industrial mountaineering. One of the tactics that they use is the "live ladder", when in a matter of minutes a battle group without insurance can climb onto the roof of a multi-story building. The Center has units of combat swimmers designed to conduct operational combat operations in the coastal strip and at water transport facilities. Airborne training allows you to solve the problem of delivering units in a short time to the right place. Skydiving can be performed by employees at a great distance from the object at any time of the day from various types of aircraft. The operational combat group is able to land on a limited area with high accuracy. The skills of parachuteless landing from helicopters are constantly being practiced, which makes it possible to solve complex combat missions where the delivery of combat groups by other means is impossible or impractical. Trainings to free hostages and detain criminals take place on real objects: airplanes, helicopters, trains, buses, cars, buildings and structures. The Center's snipers have many years of fruitful experience in participating in combat operations, and have repeatedly become winners and prize-winners of international competitions at various levels. Such, for example, as the championship of snipers of the Czech Republic with a foreign presence and the world championship among police and military snipers in Hungary. At the international tournament of combat teams in Germany, which is organized by the GSG-9 service, the team of the Center became the winner in shooting disciplines.

At the World Championship among SWAT special forces police units, which took place a few years ago in Orlando, USA, the CSN team became the best foreign team. And two employees took first and second place in the championship for the best Super Swat fighter. For twenty years, the FSB Special Purpose Center has rightfully earned the authority of one of the leading anti-terrorist units in the world, which has been waging a successful war on terrorism all these years. And if at the end of the 90s Russian employees learned something from their Western colleagues, today, on the contrary, everyone comes to the TsSN - to adopt the accumulated colossal combat experience.

"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" congratulates all current employees and veterans of the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia, as well as their relatives and friends on the 20th anniversary of the Center.

Fight against terror

In total, since 1999, in close cooperation with the operational units of the Federal Security Service, employees of the Central Security Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia, the criminal activities of over 2,000 active members of gangs, including such odious leaders of the bandit underground as Maskhadov, Raduev, Baraev, Khalilov, Astemirov, Said Buryatsky, have been suppressed. As well as a number of emissaries of international terrorism operating in the North Caucasus - Abu-Umar, Abu-Havs, Safe Islam and others.

For twenty years more than two thousand times the employees of the Center were awarded state awards. 22 commandos were awarded the title of Hero of Russia, 12 of them posthumously.

Every year, the Center's employees conduct many military events, during which hostages are released, leaders and active members of gangs are neutralized. In addition, employees of the CSN stop the channels for the sale of weapons and drugs, and detain especially dangerous criminals. They also ensure the safety of holding important socio-political, religious and other public events in the event of a threat of terrorist attacks.

Congratulating the employees of the Central Security Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation on the 20th anniversary of its foundation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that “the Center carried out hundreds of successful operations to neutralize terrorists and militants, agents of foreign special services. Under enemy fire, risking yourself, you saved the lives of civilians.

The fighters of the Center are the best of the best, high-class professionals with outstanding moral and strong-willed qualities. And so it has always been. You selflessly serve Russia, stand as an insurmountable barrier to terrorism and organized crime, show examples of bravery and bravery, of true combat brotherhood. The whole world has repeatedly witnessed the courage and self-sacrifice of the fighters of the Center who freed the hostages and covered them from bandit bullets ... We will always remember those who did their duty to the end and did not return from a combat mission. We will always be with their loved ones."

Special Purpose Arsenal

It is no secret that modern equipment and weapons can significantly expand the capabilities of special forces units. And in this direction, the CSN not only keeps pace with the times, but in some cases is ahead of it.

Thus, to ensure the maneuver of assault groups in the face of enemy fire resistance, as well as protection against explosions of mines and land mines, the Viking and Falkatus armored vehicle systems were created and put into service. These machines, capable of speeds up to 160 km/h, have no analogues in the world. The jamming complex against remote explosive devices is one of the best in the world. Buggy and all-terrain vehicles have been put into operation and are actively used for rough terrain and forests.

In the near future, a special biomonitoring system is expected to be adopted, which will remotely monitor the health status of an employee directly during combat operations. The latest reconnaissance and strike robotic systems equipped with video cameras, machine guns and grenade launchers are not inferior, and sometimes ahead of the best foreign models. They are used not only for reconnaissance, but also for effective fire support of special forces units.

Various types of unmanned aerial vehicles of helicopter and aircraft type, equipped with high-resolution video equipment, help to receive information about changes in the operational situation in real time.

Regular small arms are also domestic - for example, Kalashnikov assault rifles of the hundredth series AK-100 and Yarygin pistols. True, all weapons are deeply modernized specifically for the needs of the CSN and differ from conventional army models. At the same time, the Center's subdivisions are equipped with modern optical-electronic surveillance devices and sighting systems. All this is also domestic production.

Tests of a mechanical exoskeleton are being completed, which will help employees carry an additional load of 100 kg. Under the same exoskeleton, a reinforced armor shield with an increased degree of protection against bullets and shrapnel is being developed. Among the promising developments is a new protective suit that will withstand high temperatures, protect against radiation and aggressive environments, as well as a helmet with a video surveillance system.

The picture on the screen in the helmet will be fed from the camera mounted on the weapon. That is, a special forces soldier with intensive shelling will be able to shoot from around the corner without exposing himself to terrorist fire.

Good day, airsoft players, militarists and all those who are not indifferent. Today we begin a series of articles about various law enforcement agencies. It will be about both the Russian special units and the special forces of the rest of the civilized world. We will touch on the interesting features of a particular squad, learn about training regimes, standards and similar things that may be of interest to both airsoft players and people who are simply not indifferent to the military theme. We decided to start with the guys who serve in the special forces of the Federal Security Service, that is, the FSB.

Naturally, there is no complete information about the training of FSB special forces fighters and will not be in the public domain, which is logical in principle. However, a certain amount of knowledge nevertheless became public knowledge and thanks to it we can at least a little imagine how many tasks and how difficult the goals are for those who serve in the FSB special forces unit.

The FSB special forces are not at all a single consolidated detachment. The special forces of the FSB of Russia include a fairly large number of units. In fact, the FSB special forces include many Regional Special Purpose Departments, and have representative offices in such cities as Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Nizhny Novgorod (the second department in Sarov), Yekaterinburg "Malachite", Novosibirsk and many others.

Of course, the most recognizable and famous are the special forces of the Directorate "A" (Alpha), Directorate "B" (Vympel). The glory must be said to be well-deserved - a vivid confirmation of this can be considered the performance of ALPHA fighters at the international competitions Super SWAT International Round-Up 2011, where the guys took two first places at once, and the title of the best international team.

In general, the Alpha Group initially consisted of only 13 people, and their main task was to protect the diplomatic missions of the Seventh Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. By the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the number of Group A, taking into account regional divisions, was already about 500 people.

A celebrity and wide publicity, and the very name "Alpha" acquired in 1991 - by the way, the name came out with a light suggestion from journalists, and eventually took root.

A very wide range of tasks is set before the employees of the special forces of Directorate "A". Just look at the incomplete list of countries where the guys had to perform combat missions. In addition to Russia, Alpha fighters managed to visit countries such as Cuba, Jordan, Afghanistan, Switzerland, USA, Israel, England, France, Canada...

FSB special forces training, as a rule, is carried out in non-standard conditions in order to prepare the fighters for an adequate response, regardless of the circumstances - this includes not only a variety of kill-house variations and a standard set of exercises aimed at improving small arms skills, but also joint training with other units, and not only from Russia. Naturally, the FSB special forces also have their own developments in terms of training and tactics - the most effective things are state secrets and are not subject to disclosure.

Since the 70s, almost all the most modern models of special small arms have passed through the hands of Alpha. Pistols, rifles, machine guns - all this wide range of weapons goes to the guys from Alpha, and the best examples remain there on a permanent basis. The group's employees use the most technologically advanced and advanced body armor and other protective equipment with the highest level of protection. The soldiers are trained to use in the operation not only the most modern domestic machine guns, machine guns and sniper rifles, but also samples of foreign weapons. In special cases, Alpha does not disdain even crossbows and other exotic weapons and equipment.

Despite all the secrecy in terms of training and training of special forces, some information is still available to ordinary citizens. For example, on the network you can stumble upon the staffing standards of the FSB special forces.

Standards and requirements for combat and physical training for FSB special forces

  • Run 100 m. (Shuttle run 10 to 10) - 12.7 s (25 sec)
  • Cross 3000 m - 11.00 min
  • Push-ups from the floor - 90
  • Pull up - 25
  • Press (lying on your back, flexion-extension of the body) - 100
  • Bench press (own weight, but not more than 100 kg) - 10 times

Brief summary of hand-to-hand combat standards for FSB special forces operatives

  • Demonstration of the technique of punches, kicks - 2 min. On a boxing bag
  • Sparring according to free rules with throws and painful holds - 3 fights of 3 minutes each.
  • Jumping up with a change of legs - 90

Other standards for special forces soldiers of the FSB of Russia

Complex-strength exercise (performed sequentially 8 times: - 10 push-ups from the floor, 10 press times, 10 times squatting - lying down, 10 jumping up from the crouching stop). 8 reps (no pause)

It should be noted that all exercises are performed alternately without rest breaks!

A significant part of the operatives of the Alpha group are able to drive all types of vehicles, are familiar with the management of a huge number of types of armored vehicles, and have special mountaineering and diving training. A separate category of Alpha special forces employees have serious flight training skills. All this is designed to solve the most important and important task - to neutralize and eliminate the terrorist threat and at the same time save the lives of people who have become hostages in the hands of terrorists.

Finally, I would like to tell the reenactors a note - if you are going to get used to the image of Alpha, then try to pay serious attention to physical training. Alpha is primarily skills and endurance, and only then equipment and weapons.

Developed in the late 1990s on the basis of a biathlon rifle for arming OMON and FSB special forces. With low ballistic characteristics for a sniper weapon, it has a very high firing accuracy and a quiet sound of a shot.
Reloading is done manually. Detachable magazine holds 10 rounds.
The stock is symmetrical in shape (equally convenient for shooting from the left and right hand), consists of two parts. The buttstock is detachable, of skeletal construction, equipped with a recoil pad and a cheek piece. In the lower part of the butt, under the hinged cover, there is room for two spare magazines. Instead of a butt, a pistol grip can be installed. The forearm has a groove for attaching a height-adjustable bipod.
On rifles of the first years of production, the stock and stock were made of lacquered wood, however, in 2007, the SV-99 received a stock and buttstock made of durable aircraft-grade dark green plywood of the SV-98 type, and in 2009, an improved version of the stock and stock from black plastic.
There are no open sights, but the rifle has a dovetail mount for mounting an optical sight.
What special tasks are performed by special forces units with the help of such a weak and short-range (what a word!), Almost toy weapon?
1. Covert destruction of enemy manpower not protected by personal protective equipment. The .22 LR cartridge used gives a very quiet and accurate shot at short distances. “The accuracy of a shot with such a cartridge at 20-30 meters is simply amazing, and the weak recoil allows you to make two or three very accurate shots in a row. When combined with a silencer, the sound of a shot is no longer audible even from two steps with the usual noise background on a city street, and a properly selected ammunition can inflict a rather serious injury to a criminal. By the way, a shot from this weapon at a distance of up to 100 m affects not only people, but also service dogs.
2. Covert destruction of enemy technical means. True, not any technical means, but only those that are affected by such a weak cartridge as the .22 LR. Lighting equipment, video cameras, signaling units, electrical distribution boxes, radio communications, car wheels ... That is, in other words, a small-caliber sniper rifle with a silencer is an almost ideal means of preparing a bridgehead for assaulting those objects that are technically possible to approach at a direct shot range from a small-caliber rifle (50-70 m.)
It must be said that when ordering the development of such a peculiar weapon as a "sniper small thing", the Russian military were not pioneers in this area. American special forces have been using small-caliber .22 LR weapons ever since such weapons were born, from the end of the 19th century. And, apparently, they are not going to refuse it yet.

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Special forces units of the Russian Federation- special units and parts of various special bodies (special services) of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces and the police (militia), as well as anti-terrorist units designed to neutralize and destroy terrorist organizations, conduct special events deep behind enemy lines, sabotage and perform other complex combat missions .

Article 2., Section I., Law of the USSR "On Compulsory Military Service", Approved by the CEC of the USSR, Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, August 13, 1930, No. 42/253b

On October 24, 1950, the Directive of the Minister of War of the USSR No. ORG / 2/395/832 was signed with the stamp "Secret". She laid the foundation for the creation of special forces units (SpN) ( deep exploration or special intelligence) for operations in the deep rear of the enemy. In the autumn of the same year, 46 separate Special Forces companies of 120 people each (parts) were created in all military districts. Later, Special Forces formations were created (one brigade for each military district or fleet and a brigade of central subordination). If the NATO countries begin military operations against the USSR, the units of units and formations of the Special Forces will be the first to defend. The reconnaissance groups were supposed to appear in the immediate vicinity of the command posts and other strategic facilities of the armed forces. Their task was to conduct reconnaissance, and, if necessary, destroy command posts, missile launchers, strategic aircraft, nuclear submarines, disrupt communications, power supply, destroy transport communications, sow panic and bring chaos to the military and state administration of the aggressor countries . Units of units and formations of the Special Forces of the GRU played a huge role in the Afghan war, in Tajikistan and in operations on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

Special Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia

  • 42nd naval reconnaissance point (Russian Island, Novy Dzhigit Bay, near Vladivostok, Pacific Fleet);
  • 420th naval reconnaissance point (Zverosovkhoz settlement, near Murmansk, Northern Fleet);
  • 431st naval reconnaissance point (Tuapse, Black Sea Fleet);
  • 561st naval reconnaissance point (Sailing settlement, near the city of Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region, Baltic Fleet).

Special Forces of the Airborne Forces

  • 45th Separate Guards Order of Kutuzov Order of Alexander Nevsky Special Purpose Brigade. SF. military unit 28337 Cuban.

Special forces of the FSB of Russia

  • Office "A" "Alpha" TsSN FSB of Russia
  • Directorate "B" "Vympel" TsSN FSB of Russia
  • Office "C" "Sigma" TsSN FSB of Russia
  • Special Forces (SSN) TsSN FSB of Russia in Essentuki
  • Special Forces (SSN) TsSN FSB of Russia in the Republic of Crimea - two units

Regional Departments of Special Purpose (ROSN):
Initially, in the 1990s, the ROSN were created as 12 units throughout Russia under the name Regional Special Operations Departments (ROSO). Tasks - the fight against terrorism, the release of hostages and the power supply of counterintelligence operations of the FSB.

  • Appointment (ROSN) "GRAD", St. Petersburg
  • Regional Department of Special Purpose (ROSN) Khabarovsk
  • Regional Department of Special Purpose (ROSN) Vladivostok
  • Regional Department of Special Purpose (ROSN), Irkutsk
  • Regional Department of Special Purpose (ROSN) Nizhny Novgorod (second department in Sarov)
  • Regional Department of Special Purpose (ROSN) Yekaterinburg "Malachite"
  • Regional Department of Special Purpose (ROSN), Novosibirsk
  • Regional Department of Special Purpose (ROSN) "Voron", Voronezh
  • Regional Department of Special Purpose (ROSN) "Kasatka", Murmansk
  • Regional Department of Special Purpose (ROSN), Krasnoyarsk
  • Regional Department of Special Purpose (ROSN) Krasnodar (Departments in Krasnodar, Sochi, Novorossiysk)
  • Operational Support Service (SSOM) "Caspian" of the FSB of Russia in the Republic of Dagestan.
  • Operational Support Service (SSOM) "Granit" of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Chechen Republic
  • Operative Activities Support Department (OSOM) of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Ingushetia
  • Operative Activities Support Department (OSOM) of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria
  • Operative Activities Support Department (OSOM) of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Bashkiria
  • Operative Activities Support Department (OSOM) of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan
  • Operative Activities Support Department (OSOM) "Wolverine" of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Republic of Karelia
  • Operational Activities Support Groups (SOM) in the subjects of the Russian Federation

Special Forces Federal State Unitary Enterprise Svyaz-Safety

  • OSN "Mars"
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