Alla mustache cousin Ksenia Sobchak. Ksyusha Sobchak's sister does not communicate with her after her father's death. Ksyusha: “Native people can be like, not blood”

Before our eyes, the daughter of the first mayor of St. Petersburg, Ksenia Sobchak, unwittingly or quite consciously became a mirror of time. When in the "zero" "St. Petersburg" occupied the main places in Moscow, glossy magazines and entertainment television became the only social elevators, and the money turned out to be national idea that suits everyone - Sobchak personified all these processes, turning into the main media brand of the country. At the turn of the ages, the socialite and vicious maiden of glamor changed her role as a blonde in chocolate to the image of a public intellectual. Last year in the life of Xenia of Petersburg there was new turn: she became the mouthpiece of angry townspeople. Sobchak's strength is true, she, like a medium, brilliantly read the codes of time, more often than others said what she thinks, and did what needed to be done before others. We deconstructed this girl for all time with the help of her relatives, friends and colleagues.

Chapter 1.

Mayor's daughter

Ksenia and father, Anatoly Sobchak. 1986

Childhood, adolescence, youth in the cradle of revolution and democracy. Hide and seek at the Boyars. Sobchak refuses to be Ilyich's granddaughter and exposes the gypsy plot. The first St. Petersburg clubs and introduction to adult life.

Ludmila Narusova

Mother of Ksenia Sobchak, Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on Information Policy.

Ksenia has always been an independent child, from childhood she was able to think outside the box and independently. In the first grade, before being admitted to the Octobrists, the teacher began to conduct conversations with the class, telling that the Octobrists are the grandchildren of Ilyich, from whom they should take an example. The daughter said that she already has a grandfather Boris and she does not want to be anyone else's granddaughter. The teacher was indignant about our apolitical upbringing, I was called to school. And in our family, they really didn’t talk about Lenin.

Punishment did not work on her, only persuasion. I wanted her to learn English and French from childhood. Ksenia initially resisted, but now she speaks these languages ​​perfectly. She attended an art studio in the Hermitage and studied ballet at the studio of the Maly Opera House. We understood that she was unlikely to do this professionally, but this is necessary for the harmonious development of the child. And of course, there was music: a piano teacher came home, the composer Vladislav Uspensky, with whom we were very friends, also studied with Ksenia. Even his play in three parts has survived - “Mom”, “Dad”, “Xenia”, she played these three etudes.

She had a favorite Augustine doll: Ksenia loved her father very much, and he was born in August. Then the era of Ken and Barbie began. Although she preferred active physical games. She did not study at elite school, was friends with children in the yard, sometimes very dubious. It seems that in the sixth grade she had a hobby - a repeat boy, now he has three walkers. She was most interested different people, the principle of selection was unknown to me. But I am glad that now friends, whom she found in her youth, are going through life with her.

Ksenia has always read a lot of books and is still reading. I think that she has a wonderful writing style, I always open her articles with pleasure: apt language, observational approach. In childhood, instead of fairy tales, we read to her Plutarch, Tacitus, "The Life of the Twelve Caesars" by Suetonius. She knew perfectly well ancient history and all the sculptures in the Summer Garden. In the autumn we often walked in Pavlovsk, we called it “rustling the leaves”.

She has always been a humanitarian. She taught chemistry and math just to avoid getting bad grades. I think she didn't get along the most with physics. So, now Ksenia is building a house, and I live nearby. Recently, an electrician approached me and asked me to talk to my daughter: she decided to make a panel of nine outlets in one room, is it possible to somehow reduce their number? I asked Xenia why so many. She began to say that she needed one for a hair dryer, another for a coffee maker, a third for a kettle ... “Do you know that you can insert a tee into one outlet or use everything alternately?” I asked her.

Xenia was embarrassed that she was the mayor's daughter. She was driven to school by a car with security, but in such a way that other children did not see her drive up. When she went to study at the Hermitage art studio, she had to pass a creative competition there. She came back and said everything was over. A month later I meet Mikhail Piotrovsky and ask how my daughter is studying. He replies that he does not study. How so, I wonder, because twice a week goes! He promised to find out, and then called and said that she was not on the list of students. Then Ksenia admitted that she did not indicate the name Sobchak in the exams, because then she would have passed with a guarantee, and signed as Ksenia Parusova.

Childhood traits that have disappeared or perhaps buried deep It's sentimental and romantic. I remember we read Pushkin's "The Station Master" and specially went to Vyra to look at his house. And she cried, hugging me, and said that she would never leave us, she would never marry, she would always live with us. But from the age of sixteen she began to live separately. Misha Orlov taught her to clubs: "Pyramid", "Stable Yard". A common hobby of teenagers who want to seem older. Of course, I didn’t like it, but I understood her desire to join adulthood.

Our views do not always coincide. Sometimes we quarrel. She is a completely independent person, which I sometimes forget about and try to patronize her. But for any mother, a child, even if he already has grandchildren, always remains a child.

Alla Usova


She was brave enough recalcitrant, with a strong character - everything that you see now was in childhood. In any company, she became a leader, reaching out to her elders. I never tried to influence her, which is probably why we are still close. I really listened only to the opinion of my father. Xenia has always had a heightened sense of justice. When she was seven years old, we rested on the sea. At the forecourt, they bought chewing gum from the gypsies, and these turned out to be sweets. And Ksyusha was not afraid, she went to figure it out, which was not so safe. When she was brushed off, she began to shout in front of the counter: “People, don't buy! It's a lie, it's unfair!" With what she says today, it is quite associated.

Liza Boyarskaya


We were neighbors. As a child, when my parents were busy, my brother and I were left in the Sobchakov apartment, and Ksenia was with us, and we spent time together. Ksenia and Sergey are six years older than me, but the age difference did not matter - we played hide and seek together, constantly coming up with something. Then she moved to Moscow and we met several times at ceremonies where we did not have time to talk.

Svetlana Kiseleva


We were friends then long time when my father, producer Vladimir Kiselev, collaborated with Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak on the White Nights of St. Petersburg rock music festival. Ksenia and I went to trendy clubs like Dominique and even flew to France together.

Maria Antonova


We met when Ksyusha was fourteen years old. In her heart, she has always been a vulnerable person and remains so. It seems to me that now she has become more open, even unprotected - she wants to be herself, to abandon the image that was created by the Dom-2 program. Although Ksyusha can skillfully transform into any image. I remember, before my daughter Agafya was born, I met with Ksenia - and she really didn’t want me to fall out of the secular party - and said that I had two news: bad and good. Firstly, I am pregnant, and secondly, it is known that there will be a girl and she will be born on November 5–6, and Ksyusha was born on the fifth. Upon learning that her daughter would be Scorpio according to the horoscope, she decided that everything was in order. And she became her godmother.

Yana Raskovalova


We met in St. Petersburg when Xenia was seventeen years old, and have been friends ever since. I'll tell a story. Recently I had a birthday, but all my friends were on the road, I also got sick - in general, it didn’t work out. But Ksyusha is very kind to the holidays of her friends and always makes them unforgettable. She knew about my mood, and that no one was next to me that day. Exactly a month later, I received a call allegedly from television with an offer to give an interview about Ksyusha for a program dedicated to her. We agreed to meet at her Bagel cafe, I arrived at the appointed time, and instead of a reporter, all my friends, balloons, cake, candles, champagne and finally a holiday were waiting for me there. Despite the heavy workload, Ksyusha remembers all the preferences and hobbies of her loved ones and loves to give gifts!

Mikhail Orlov


I first met Ksyusha at a fashion show with top model Eva Herzigova at the Conti Casino. Someone brought me to her: meet Sobchak's daughter. And from that day on, we started talking. I was wondering what the mayor's daughter is, and she turned out to be advanced and cheerful. Then she was a little silly girl. And on birthdays, she added two years to herself all the time. In fact, I raised Ksyusha from the age of fourteen, took part in her upbringing, spent all the time with her. She ran to me to skip classes and hung out everywhere with me. I began to go to nightclubs with might and main, and then there were only those clubs that I was engaged in - after all, I was the main city promoter. Maybe, of course, she had some girlish feelings for me, but I, rather, became for her someone like an older brother. My close friend then was Sveta Kiseleva, she and Ksyusha were inseparable, and the three of us often walked. She did not really like Petersburg, this city was small for her. I remember I came to visit her in Moscow, I say: “Do you miss it?” And she replies: “I don’t miss it at all, I like it so much in Moscow.”

At lectures, we rarely crossed paths, so it’s hard to say who mowed down more from studying. But I remember the episode when, in her second year, Ksenia made a brilliant report on sociology - we were asked to conduct our own small study, including a survey. She was well prepared, it was evident serious attitude to the point.

July 10, 2017

The TV presenter recently tried to lull Plato in a special way.

photo: globallook

Periodically, they delight fans with pictures of their son Plato, who will soon be 8 months old. The other day, before that, the couple tried not to show the boy's face. The mother of TV presenter Lyudmila Narusova told about how they bring him up.

She lives with her daughter and son-in-law. Now Lyudmila helps them take care of their grandson. She admitted that Ksenia reads a lot of books on parenting, which help her develop her son properly. Not so long ago, the TV presenter tried new way lulling children. Now Plato falls asleep to the sounds of nature: the singing of birds, the splashing of the sea wave. Many noted that Sobchak changed thanks to motherhood: she became softer and softer. Despite this, she brings up her son in severity. Narusova believes that her daughter will spoil the children when she already becomes a grandmother.

Previously, she admitted that she does not share some of the methods of education that Maxim and Ksenia use. The baby is taken to swimming lessons in the pool from the age of four months. And it has already given results. Sobchak's cousin Alla Usova noted in an interview with StarHit magazine that she loves to swim and swims beautifully.

In mid-July, the heir of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan Platon will be 8 months old. The mother of TV presenter Lyudmila Narusova helps the spouses raise the baby, now she lives with her daughter and son-in-law. Nanny comes when needed. All those close to Ksenia are delighted with Plato - the cousin of the TV presenter Alla Usova came to see him more than once.

“The nephew is smiling, calm, not a screamer at all, he looks like a dad in character,” Alla tells StarHit. We don't see each other often enough for him to recognize me. Usually I bring him all sorts of rattles, I give him clothes, but the baby is growing incredibly fast. He has a lot of toys, everything has already been bought for a year in advance.

As the mother of TV presenter Lyudmila Narusova told StarHit, Ksenia reads a lot of different literature on education - about how to develop a baby. And recently I tried to lull my son with music.

“Now before going to bed, Ksyusha and Maxim turn on the sounds of nature to Platosha - he falls asleep to the singing of birds or the lapping of the sea,” Alla continues. “The boy also loves to swim and is already a great swimmer.”

All relatives noted that motherhood changed the character of Sobchak: she became more tender, softer. But it turns out that Xenia is responsible for the strictness in raising the heir. “I think she will be a strict mother,” Usova smiles. “And grandma will spoil you.”

Despite the desire to protect the baby from the close attention of outsiders, sometimes Sobchak and Vitorgan still share his pictures. Fans of the couple from time to time see either tiny hands or chubby legs of Plato, the frames of which are posted on social networks by his parents. However, no one has yet managed to see the face of the star successor. In June, StarHit photographed little Plato in his father's arms at the airport in Sochi, where the family flew to Kinotavr, but even then the child only got into the frame from the back.

The newspapers are full of news reports from her life. Glamorous beauty constantly gets into history. Then she came out in ultra-candid outfits and with a new lover. Then there were reports that she had enlarged her breasts. Even at the recent Kinotavr, the film "Europe - Asia" was heatedly discussed solely because of Ksyusha's participation in it - she defiantly did not come to the premiere, saying that she did not like the film. And this "reality show" from the life of Ksyusha made her a household name. Meanwhile, few people know that Ksyusha has older sister, native to the father, about which almost nothing is heard! Who is she, what does she do, what connects her with the promoted younger sister? We decided to fill this gap and find out about Xenia's relative, who remained in the shadows.

The property was not divided

Ksenia's paternal sister Maria Anatolyevna Sobchak is 16 years older than Ksyusha, was born in Leningrad and now lives in this city. Anatoly Sobchak has been married to her mother for 23 years. As Maria admitted, her father inflicted great mental trauma on her mother by going to Narusova.

Nonna Stepanovna said that she managed to overcome this pain and save good relations with ex-husband. “I tried to accept everything as it is,” said Nonna Stepanovna. - Masha talked with her father, they were friends. There were no problems. The division of property too. We are intelligent people. My daughter is very honest man. She followed in her father's footsteps and became a lawyer.

In fact, Maria Sobchak is a super-closed and non-public person. She does not give interviews, does not advertise herself in any way. Personally, I found out about it by chance when I was talking with the organizers of the upcoming event in St. Petersburg scientific conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Emmanuel Nobel. It turned out that Maria Anatolyevna was invited to the conference in memory of her father, because, unlike her sister, she enjoys great prestige among the scientific elite. We decided to ask her about life.

Managed father's business

Maria Anatolyevna works at the St. Petersburg Bar Association. By the way, she studied at the university under the name Petrova. The mayor's daughter did not use a loud surname. Only when she herself achieved success, she confessed to her colleagues who her father was.

I graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Leningrad State University. My teachers at the university were dad's teachers, - said Maria Anatolyevna. - My direction is criminal law. But I always wanted to do civil affairs. Today I deal with criminal cases, although I don’t really like them, and civil ones. I handle housing, family and divorce cases. Now we do not have many lawyers who specialize in one thing.

- Did you manage your father's business? For example, about the protection of honor and dignity?

Yes, she did. I finished one thing and started one. But they were hopeless. Because everything is very politicized. There was another huge devastating article after 1996, after the election. Absurd things happened at the trial. For example, the judge asked to bring a certificate confirming that Anatoly Aleksandrovich is really a scientist, that he is a good teacher. And the fact that he had already been awarded titles was of no interest to anyone. It all dragged on ad infinitum. And the results were null.

We are different people

- How did your sister Xenia react to these cases?

She was small. She was 17 when her father passed away.

We do not communicate with that family after the death of my father. There is no need to communicate with Lyudmila Borisovna (Narusova, Sobchak's second wife. - Ed.). We are different people, we have a different worldview and understanding of the world. We do not have a conflict, but we do not love each other ... We do not want to communicate. It so happened. Only dad connected us. After his death, there is no communication.

- Are you married?

Yes. I have a husband and a son. I ordinary person. I communicate with intelligent people. This is our circle.

- Have you tried to establish friendly relations with Xenia?

I don't see the point in this. We are so different.

- Ksenia annoys many with her behavior ...

It's true. Now there are too many Ksyushas. That's why I don't want to show myself. With Ksyusha already too much.

- In your opinion, Ksyusha defames the name of his father?

Yes. But I don't want to blame anyone for anything.

- Do you watch on TV, for example, "Dom-2"?

No, I don't watch TV at all. And not because "Dom-2" is led by Ksenia Anatolyevna. I don't like the level of TV in general.

- Does Ksyusha annoy you?

It is unpleasant for me that the name Sobchak is now associated only with Ksyusha and show business.

- Your rejection of your sister, perhaps due to the fact that she is more popular than you, richer?

I don't need that kind of fame. I'm not rich, but I'm quite wealthy. I have everything for happy life- family, apartment, cottage, car. With Ksenia big difference aged and have nothing in common. She is her mother's daughter. An adult, mature person, and somehow it is impossible to influence her. And neither she nor I need it.

It is surprising that two sisters, very similar in appearance, turned out to be so different - in character, lifestyle, fate.

Elder Maria is a respected, respectable lady who cares about her spotless reputation. Ksyusha herself says that she is "the Fuhrer of glamor." “Everyone should hate me, if I don’t hear barbs in my address, I start to think that it’s time for me to retire,” Ksenia once admitted.

Well, each of the sisters chose their own path. And I'm sure he's right.


Ksyusha: “Native people can be like, not blood”

We got through to Ksenia with a question whether such a negative attitude of her relatives towards her would hurt her.

You know, I'm used to the fact that many condemn me, - said Ksenia. “I don’t think I’m dishonoring my father’s name. I modern girl and live in modern world. I do not depend on anyone, I try to be independent, to achieve everything myself. I have great respect for all relatives. Not against communication, friendship. If they don't accept me, that's their business. If we are not kindred spirits, why should we communicate?!


Does Xenia have a new romance?

It seems that Ksyusha is not afraid of anything. Desperate, what few! In love, she is as indefatigable as in work. We were told in secret that not so long ago she started an affair with a regular at an elite golf club in Nakhabino - a German entrepreneur who has his own business in Russia. This 40-year-old man with the appearance of a 30-year-old Don Juan, excellent manners and a good Russian, confessed to us: “Ksyusha is in good sense crazy, does not leave men indifferent! Ksyusha and I walked here in a nightclub, met, talked and ... love twisted us. We talked about politics, about life, about business. She has more business than me. She is both a producer and a TV presenter. She's just wasting money. We persuaded her eight bottles of champagne. Thank God, she paid (laughs). She has something to talk about, she interesting person! Amazing woman! She wanted to marry me, but I'm not ready for marriage. I love freedom. I have girls and children, but I am not married. Often strong women lonely, but I sincerely wish her to conquer the peaks and remain as independent in spite of her enemies.

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Ksenia Sobchak's sister Maria: It's a shame that our surname now sounds unworthy. Today, the surname Sobchak is no longer associated with a political figure, the former mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak, but with his daughter, socialite Ksyusha

The famous surname Sobchak for many is not associated with a person. politician, the former mayor Sobchak, and with his daughter Ksenia, a glamorous socialite, scandalous news about whose life newspapers are constantly full of. But few people know that the famous diva has a paternal elder sister. Who is she, what does she do? Where does Maria Sobchak live? What connects girls? The article presents short biography Maria Sobchak, as well as stories about her relatives and friends.


Ksenia's sister, her father's, is 16 years older than her. Journalists became aware that she lives in St. Petersburg and is a woman who rarely gives interviews, preferring not to advertise herself. It is known that Maria is married, has a son, communicates exclusively with intelligent people who are in her circle.

Maria Sobchak and Ksenia Sobchak

For many, it seems surprising that two sisters, outwardly very similar, can be so different in their lifestyle, character, and fate. Elder Mary known as a respected, respectable lady who cares about the integrity of her reputation. Ksyusha is known as the "fuhrer of glamor", which, as she herself believes, "by all means everyone should hate: if she does not hear barbs in her address, then she begins to think that it is time for her to retire." Each of the sisters has chosen their own path, which they consider to be the only right one for them.

It is known that after the death of his father eldest daughter and her mother do not communicate with his second family. As Maria, Sobchak's daughter from her first marriage, admitted, this is absolutely not necessary. They are very different people, with different worldviews and worldviews. There is no conflict between them, just women, according to their confession, do not love each other, and therefore do not want to communicate.

Maria, the sister of Ksenia Sobchak, told reporters in one of the infrequent interviews that she had never tried to establish friendly relations with the younger, because she did not see the point in it. In addition, like many other relatives, Ksenia annoys her with her behavior. Maria Sobchak believes that Ksyusha is recent times became too much. Therefore, the older sister does not want to show herself. According to Maria Anatolyevna Sobchak, Ksyusha defames the name of their father, besides, she is unpleasant that many associate his name exclusively with show business, in which Ksyusha actively works.

The rejection of the younger sister by the older sister is by no means due to the fact that she is richer and more popular. As the woman told reporters, she is not looking for fame, because she is not a rich person, but quite wealthy, having everything necessary for happiness, including a family, an apartment, a summer house, a car. She and Ksenia, Maria sums up her conversation with the media, have a big age difference and absolutely nothing in common.

The protracted boycott of each other by the sisters exists, as the journalists learned, and another explanation. According to the information they received from a reliable source, the sisters are extremely hostile towards each other. The reason for this is that for a long time they were not able to divide the inheritance of their father. How everything was resolved, the press does not know. But the sisters have no chance of reconciliation, according to informed persons.


image scandalous socialite Ksenia Sobchak has repeatedly undergone changes. It is known that in October 2017 youngest daughter politics announced its intention to run for president of Russia. She published open letter in the media, in which she positioned herself as a long-awaited candidate "against all". The news was received in Russian society ambiguously. Ksenia was accused of collaborating with the Kremlin to steal votes from Alexei Navalny. Later, the telediva promised to withdraw from the election race if Navalny was still admitted to it.


About the first family famous politician Sobchak, as well as about his relatives, is almost impossible to find information on Internet sites and in print. There is neither their memories of a famous relative, nor a photo. One gets the impression that in the life of Anatoly Alexandrovich before his second marriage to his mother Xenia, Lyudmila Narusova, there was nothing significant. Meanwhile, his marriage to the mother of Maria Sobchak lasted about 23 years.

Sobchak and his marriages

It is known that for the first time Anatoly Sobchak married in his student years. His chosen one was Nonna Gandzyuk, a student of the Faculty of Philology of the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen. The family had a daughter, Maria, who later became a lawyer. Now she works as a lawyer, specializes in criminal law, and is raising her son Gleb.

In 1980, Anatoly Aleksandrovich married Lyudmila Narusova.

According to Maria, leaving the family, the father inflicted great mental trauma on his ex-wife. Nonna Sobchak, the first wife of a politician, confessed to reporters that she accepted everything as it was, and managed, overcoming pain, to maintain good relations with her ex-husband. According to her, she did not obstruct communication between her daughter and her father.

One love story

As the brother of the politician Alexander Alexandrovich told reporters, for a long time he and Anatoly lived in the same yard in Kokand with their friends Rita and Nonna. The eldest, Alexander, was in love with Rita. Her friend Nonna really liked Anatoly, her younger brother. The girl was a student at Leningrad University, she came to Kokand for the holidays. Soon Anatoly transferred to Leningrad. In his fourth year, he married Nonna, while Rita became the wife of his brother. The youthful friendship of the brothers was carried by them throughout their lives. Even the names of their daughters, they gave almost the same.

According to Alexander, his wife helped his brother a lot in life, who, thanks to his wife, became a real aesthete. Sobchak Sr. calls his brother's first wife a subtle and intelligent kind, while the brothers came from a simple family and could not boast of a special upbringing.

After graduating from the university, Anatoly Sobchak was assigned to Stavropol region. Nonna left with her husband. They rented a room from the Cossacks in the village. The local population responds warmly in their memories of the young lawyer. Soon the family returned to Leningrad. In 1965, the young couple was born long-awaited daughter Masha. When the girl was one year old, her parents moved into their own apartment in a cooperative house on the street. Bestuzhevskaya. In 1973, Anatoly Alexandrovich began to teach at the university, the family life gradually improved. But in 1977, their marriage broke up.


According to Alexander Alexandrovich, Nonna had to go through a lot in marriage with his brother, whom she selflessly loved. Not only men make mistakes in life, the elder Sobchak believes, this also happens to women. According to his stories, Nonna cheated on her husband with a man, once former friend family, Professor Tolstoy. As a member of the VAK, the professor subsequently interfered in every possible way with Sobchak's defense of his doctoral dissertation, accusing him of plagiarism.

At that time, a certain Lyudmila Narusova worked in the library of the university where Sobchak taught. Having met Nonna, she became her friend. When a crisis occurred in Anatoly's family, having heard gossip about Nonna, Narusova turned to Anatoly Alexandrovich as a lawyer. She asked for his help in the division of property with her ex-husband. From this began their acquaintance, developed a relationship. The elder brother of the politician is very sorry that he could not dissuade him from destroying his family.


To communicate with the first wife of a politician for journalists is not an easy task. Nonna Stepanovna usually flatly refuses to give interviews. The woman lives quite secluded and quiet, avoiding any kind of publicity, in one of the "sleeping" areas of St. Petersburg, on the street. fidelity.

The woman can be seen buying fertilizer at the flower shop. They say she has a lot of flowers in her apartment and at her dacha in Vaskelovo. Neighbors speak very warmly of her. For them, she is not a relative of a celebrity, but just a pleasant neighbor. Nonna Stepanovna's house has a rich home library. After a divorce from Anatoly Alexandrovich, the woman never got married. About my ex-wife and 30 years lived without him, she does not tell. He calls his happiness only daughter Maria Anatolyevna Sobchak, born in 1965. In her opinion, she raised a good girl.

Maria Sobchak, daughter of Anatoly Sobchak

The eldest daughter of a famous politician is a non-public and super-closed person. As it became known to journalists, Maria Anatolyevna works in the bar of St. Petersburg. Maria Sobchak is a graduate of the law faculty of Leningrad University. She studied with the teachers who taught her father. According to lawyer Maria Sobchak, her main focus is criminal law, however, as the woman said in an interview, she is not averse to dealing with civil cases. Today, she handles many family, housing and divorce cases.


Maria Sobchak, in a conversation with journalists, somehow admitted that she still has a “feeling of abandonment” in her. She once admitted that she never had any secrets from her father. She calls him the only person able to fully understand it. As a six-year-old girl, she once told her mother that when she grew up, she would marry her father. When asked by her mother how to be her, the baby replied that her mother had already lived with him and that was enough. The woman admits that she always compares men with her father, and in this comparison the father always wins. Therefore, the personal life of Maria Sobchak for this reason, despite the presence of a husband and son, cannot be considered happy.

On the divorce of parents

The family idyll of her parents collapsed in 1977. One day, the mother said that she had taken the keys from the father and he would not come to them anymore. Maria never understood her mother, she was always on the side of her father. She was very sorry that her parents broke up. The father left her mother during the most difficult period of her life, the daughter says. At the time, her mother was seriously ill.

"Why do you trust Sobchak"?

In A. Sobchak's book "Journey to Power" there is an episode in which a certain lady appealed to Narusova during a rally: "Why do you believe Sobchak?! After all, he is heartless! His wife is dying in the hospital, and he won't even bring her an apple! Poor woman!". In response, she took out her passport: "Look, Sobchak's wife is me ...". Both women were right. At that time, the first wife of Anatoly Alexandrovich, indeed, was in the hospital. A woman who has been with him for twenty years, helping him, first a student, then a budding lawyer, to build a career.

It is known that Anatoly Sobchak gave ex-wife the last money for the operation. Having recovered, Nonna Stepanovna never married again. She confesses that after two hours of conversation with another man, she always got bored. “There is no other like Anatoly Aleksandrovich,” the woman shares.

Cases "for the protection of honor and dignity" of the father

It is known that the daughter of Anatoly Sobchak, Maria Sobchak, took part in the judicial review of her father's cases. According to her, she started one thing and finished another. The woman characterizes the affairs as unpromising, since everything was very politicized. At the trial, according to her, simply absurd things happened. For example, the judge demanded to provide a document confirming that Anatoly Sobchak is indeed a scientist, that he is a good teacher. Nobody was interested in the fact that by that time he had already been awarded titles. Cases dragged on indefinitely, with a zero result.

What are we talking about?

Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak is called the man who returned Leningrad to its historical name, a democrat without quotes, a true intellectual and a real scientist. He is revered not only by the people of the star team he created, but also by thousands of ordinary citizens.

However, it is known that in last years politics actively pursued various troubles: rumors, gossip, accusations of corruption. As befits a faithful wife, the second wife of the mayor, Lyudmila Narusova, zealously defended her husband. So, in the newspapers there was a message that the mayor of the northern capital had a young mistress, whom he arranged for the director of one of the St. Petersburg shops and helped to buy an apartment in the center on the cheap. Having come to power in the early turbulent 90s, some time later Sobchak lost both the mayoral elections and then the gubernatorial ones. And later on, all honest people became aware that the first, “most democratic”, ex-mayor was very dishonest: he took bribes, lived in a luxurious apartment not far from the Hermitage - that is, he used his official position with might and main.

When in law enforcement agencies the decision was ripe to bring it to clean water and Sobchak was summoned for interrogation, his wife took him to Paris and launched a wide campaign in his defense. In her opinion, a certain "Leningrad case" against her husband was fabricated in order to denigrate the entire Russian democracy, the symbol of which is Anatoly Alexandrovich.

Memories of fellow students

Unlike her fellow students, after graduating from the university (St. Petersburg University), Maria Sobchak does not communicate with graduates. At the Faculty of Law, she speaks very well of her as a former student. Oddly enough, but her photo student years not survived, although the university, as evidenced by the biography of Maria Sobchak, she graduated not very long ago.

According to her classmate, a police major, who, in an interview with journalists, asked not to mention her name in publications, until the very fifth year, the guys did not know that the daughter of their professor Sobchak was studying with them. Masha then bore the name Petrova and was a very stubborn girl. It was felt that she would certainly achieve what she wanted. However, as a fellow student testifies, the professor’s daughter did not forget about the joys student life. It is known that Maria has always enjoyed great success with young people. Many girls envied her. Although she did not shine with special beauty, she had great charm. According to people who knew her in her youth, the older sister of the famous film star, after twenty years, looks almost the same as in her student years.


According to the memories native uncle, Masha in her youth was quite windy. She got married for the first time at the age of 17. He calls the first husband of Maria Sobchak some kind of unreliable, almost a drug addict. They broke up very quickly. Then the eldest daughter of the politician got married again. It is known that the famous grandfather was very fond of his only grandson, the son of Maria Sobchak, spoiled him. Often his daughter and son Gleb visited him at his dacha in Repino.


The current spouse of the famous lawyer is Turgut Jeran. In an interview with, he said that for more than 13 years he has not been able to divorce his Russian wife. AT given time Turgut is an employee of one of the prestigious hotels in the city of Belek (Turkey). The only thing he dreams of at 35 is to quickly divorce his wife and get the opportunity to build new family. Turgut told reporters the story of his marriage to Maria Sobchak.

"Turkish gambit"

They met in Marmaris in May 2000, when Maria came to rest. We met one evening in a restaurant. The guy was then 23, and Mary was 34. Their romance lasted 10 days. A week later, according to the man, his beloved came to him and began to tearfully beg the young man to marry her. He agreed. The fact that the father of his beloved is a famous Russian politician He, he said, did not know at the time. The wedding was played in November of the same year in one of the restaurants in Marmaris. All his relatives and friends were present. From the side of the bride was her friend from Russia, who became a witness. According to him, Turgut's relatives accepted his wife very well, despite the fact that the woman did not plan to convert to Islam.

Before the wedding, Maria Sobchak introduced the chosen one to her son Gleb. Then, having arrived in Russia, he met her mother and sister Xenia. The man says that the mother of his fiancee was categorically against their marriage. She, he believes, made a lot of efforts in order to destroy their marriage.

The young man sincerely believed that their union was based on love - both on his part and on the part of his wife. But over time, their relationship deteriorated greatly, and the mother-in-law played a significant role in this, he believes. Most time young lived in Turkey. Arriving in Russia, they lived in Masha's apartment in St. Petersburg on Vasilyevsky Island. fifteen year old son Maria Gleb stayed in Russia with his grandmother.

His wife then left everything at home and moved to him in Marmaris. They lived together for about a year. The wife did not work, he earned one. The young people talked about starting their own business and bringing her child here. However, a year later, Maria packed her things and went back to Russia.

How does he explain everything to himself?

As the young man later realized, Maria arrived in Marmaris in 2000 four months after the death of her father. The political situation in Russia at that time changed, it was under pressure. After the death of her father, it became very difficult for her to live in her homeland. The husband of Maria Sobchak believes that at that time she simply fled from her country, and used him to make it more convenient to live in Turkey. With the change of policy in Russia, feeling safe, Maria Sobchak returned to her homeland. She no longer needed a Turkish husband.


They are still considered husband and wife, married for more than thirteen years, twelve of which do not live together. According to the man, he fought for his family for a long time, begging Mary to return. But nothing happened. When his wife left, she was six months pregnant, Turgut says. With the help of hired detectives, he conducted an investigation and found out that his wife had a son in 2001. The man is sure that this is his child. He does not know his son's name and is unable to see him. According to Turgut Jeran, he specially came to Russia to see his son. But it turned out that Maria changed her place of residence. As he told reporters, his wife did not tell him about the birth of the child. Since Turgut not only did not raise the boy, but also never saw him, he believes that now he will not be able to become for him. Therefore, he decided to abandon the search for the child. He calls the Sobchak family dangerous people who are risky to deal with.


According to Turkish law, Turgut is still married to Maria Anatolyevna Sobchak. He and his wife call up extremely rarely and only to talk about divorce. In Turkey, the divorce process is very complex and lengthy, requiring the indispensable presence of both parties. Everything would be much easier if Maria agreed to come to Turkey. Because of her refusal, a man cannot establish his personal life. From the last telephone conversation, he learned that his wife allegedly filed for divorce in Russia and got divorced. But Turgut does not believe: since she has Turkish citizenship, and the marriage was registered in Turkey, they should be bred according to Turkish laws.

And yet he wants to remarry a Russian

After a divorce from Maria Sobchak, Turgut dreams of marrying a Russian girl again. Wants a normal family and children. He wants his wife to be successful and happy. Let her come and divorce him.

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