Dubovitskaya biography personal life. Regina Dubovitskaya: biography, personal life, children. Early years, childhood and family

Regina was born in the city of Shadrinsk (Kurgan region) on December 31, 1948. Her father became a professor in the field ancient Russian literature, mother worked as a biology teacher. Later, the family lived in Chisinau (Moldova), where Regina spent her childhood.

The girl attended a circle of creativity, participated in the creation of wall newspapers. In her spare time, Regina was fond of literature and read a lot. When Dubovitskaya became a high school student, the family moved to Kostroma. After school, Regina studied at the institute foreign languages Pyatigorsk, where she studied German.


The first place of work of Dubovitskaya was the department of letters of the All-Union Radio. Then Regina got the position of editor of the program “S Good morning! On the project, she met with many artists who later became participants in the Full House program.

In the program "Good morning!" Vinokur, Evdokimov, Shifrin, unknown at that time, performed. With the beginning of perestroika, Dubovitskaya left the radio and began working on television.

In 1987, Regina Igorevna became the creator of the Full House program dedicated to humor. In it, she collected the best comedians of that time. The stars of the "Full House" were: Vladimir Vinokur, Evgeny Petrosyan, Novikova Clara, Viktor Koklyushkin, Shifrin Efim, Elena Vorobey, Gennady Khazanov and many others. Regina Igorevna herself compiled the program, choosing the best.

The program existed for 30 years, repeatedly changed the format, was broadcast on different channels, however for a long time remained rated. Its audience every year amounted to millions of viewers.

Starting from 2010, “Full House” began to lose popularity. The main reason is the appearance of other humorous programs. In 2011, the program was closed, but the holiday editions continued to be released. Later, Regina Igorevna began working as an editor on TV.

Personal life

Regina Igorevna's husband is Yuri Ayvazyan, an employee of the research institute. They met in 1965 and got married 4 years later. The couple have lived together for over 40 years.

Her husband is 10 years older than Regina Igorevna. Yuri Ayvazyan is a doctor of sciences, head of the sector of physical and radio engineering measurements.

Dubovitskaya has a daughter, Ilona. She studied at the university with a degree in Applied Mathematics, then worked with her mother, becoming an assistant director of the Full House program and other projects. Ilona had a girl, who was named Regina.

Dubovitskaya has no social media accounts, but Regina Igorevna continues to give interviews and participates in filming. The couple live in country house in Menedeleevo. Free time Regina Igorevna dedicates the garden, where much has been done by her hands.

Dubovitskaya Regina Igorevna - famous TV presenter and a mother to the hundreds of comedian artists who have gone through the Full House program over three decades. The woman constantly smiles and gives everyone sparkling jokes.

Dubovitskaya is an incredible woman who can charge the audience with positive, fun and good mood for a few days. More than a hundred thousand spectators from all CIS countries are ready to accept Regina Igorevna in their own home, as the most dear person.

Height, weight, age. How old is Regina Dubovitskaya

Fans of the TV program "Full House" all over the world are in a hurry to clarify what Dubovitskaya's height, weight, age are. How old is Regina Dubovitskaya can be clarified by knowing exactly the date of her birth.

Dubovitskaya was born in new year's eve 1948, so she turned sixty-eight full years. According to the zodiac sign Capricorn, Regina received such character traits as punctuality, stability, perseverance in achieving goals, and shyness.

The eastern horoscope gave the sign of the Rat, which is famous for its punctuality and artistry, rationality and ambition.

Regina Dubovitskaya: the photo in her youth and now has not changed, however, several wrinkles from laughter have been added to her face. The growth of the beauty was one meter and sixty-three centimeters, and her weight stopped at around fifty-five kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Regina Dubovitskaya

The biography and personal life of Regina Dubovitskaya prove that you can live in such a way as to get everything from life at once. It is worth noting that the TV presenter achieved everything with her own work, and also easily overcame obstacles.

Little Reginka was born in the Kurgan region, so she had few prospects and opportunities to achieve anything. Her parents were never rich or famous.

Father - Igor Dubovitsky - was famous, but far from being in the field of television or humor, he studied ancient Russian literature and language.

Mother - Nina Zhamkochyan - also devoted herself to science, studying practical biology, and then began to teach this subject in high school.

The girl lived in Moldova, she not only went to school and at the same time attended a journalistic circle in the local house of culture. She constantly prepared a wall newspaper at school, and also told everyone that she would certainly become a famous journalist.

When the family returned to Kostroma, the girl entered the faculty German language at the Institute of Foreign Languages. Then she worked at the All-Union Radio, where she parsed letters from listeners, and later became an editor who invited little-known but talented comedians to the air.

In 1987, Dubovitskaya left the radio and began to create her own show, Full House, which lasted more than thirty years and simply wandered from channel to channel.

Regina Dubovitskaya's personal life is stable and bright, she is an example of how you can live with your beloved man all your life in peace and harmony, just by meeting him on a long-distance train.

Beloved daughter made a TV presenter a gift, in 1999 her granddaughter, Regina Ayvazyan, was born. The girl was named after her grandmother, but received the nickname Nika. Regina studied well at school, was cheerful and wayward, adored cats, sweets and pancakes.
It is worth noting that on the Internet there was news that Dubovitskaya had a terrible disease - cancer, however, it all turned out to be ridiculous and evil gossip.

Family and children of Regina Dubovitskaya

The family and children of Regina Dubovitskaya are what she lives for in this world, the TV presenter is proud of her parents, husband and daughter. The husband sought to save his own family, therefore he was loyal to the fact that his wife day and night on film set"Full house".

At present, everything has paid off in full, since Yuri and Regina have a wonderful and strongest family in the world. They live in the Moscow region, but the daughter and her family come to visit quite often.

By the way, Dubovitskaya also considers her family members of the team of the Full House humorous TV program. For a long time, the TV presenter considers Vladimir Vinokur to be his friend and brother, who always supported and helped her in difficult times.

Regina Dubovitskaya has few children, namely, her beloved daughter, who followed in the footsteps of her mother and is her reliable friend. Ilona is currently a mother herself, because she gave Regina a granddaughter.

Daughter of Regina Dubovitskaya - Ilona Ayvazyan

The daughter of Regina Dubovitskaya - Ilona Ayvazyan - was born literally immediately after the marriage with her father Yuri Ayvazyan was registered, in 1966. By that time, her mother had graduated from the institute and was able to completely surrender to the joys of motherhood.

It is worth noting that the active and inquisitive girl was brought up not by her mother, who was always busy in creative projects, but by her grandparents, whom Ilona often called parents.

However, the girl was a long-awaited and incredibly talented child, she studied well at school and was a pronounced "techie". Algebra, geometry, physics and chemistry were the easiest for her.

Ilona received a higher technical education at the Institute of Energy, but did not work by profession, becoming an assistant director in many television projects, including Full House.

Regina Dubovitskaya's husband - Yuri Ayvazyan

Regina Dubovitskaya's husband, Yuri Ayvazyan, appeared in her life absolutely by accident, when she found herself in the same compartment car with him in 1965. The train "Pyatigorsk-Sochi" was carrying an eighteen-year-old girl to her grandmother in the seaside Sukhumi, and young man in Sochi for a holiday.

During the conversation, it turned out that young people have a sea common themes, they talked until the morning and exchanged phone numbers.

The novel lasted about four years, and then a modest wedding was played, which grew into a joint history of four decades. Regina and Yuri never quarreled, did not reproach each other, but simply decided everything together.

Ayvazyan is a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, he works at a scientific research institute, researching the effect of magnetism on a person. The couple lives in the suburbs, while Dubovitskaya is still grateful to her husband for supporting her during rehabilitation after the accident in 2007.

Photo by Regina Dubovitskaya in Maxim magazine

A photo of Regina Dubovitskaya has never appeared in Maxim magazine, and on request on the Internet, as a rule, photos of completely different actresses, TV presenters and ordinary namesakes appear.

Naked Regina has also never been filmed anywhere, so if you enter this query on the Internet, you can get information in tandem with a ransomware virus. It is worth noting that candid photos the TV presenter is nothing more than a skillful photoshop and an attractive advertisement, behind which lies pure fraud.

Regina Dubovitskaya still appeared in a swimsuit, but they are most likely stored in the personal archive of the founder of the Full House. By the way, even without such photographs, fans and ordinary gossips do not stop talking about numerous plastic surgery that Regina made in order to maintain her shape.

Instagram and Wikipedia Regina Dubovitskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia Regina Dubovitskaya are very popular among fans of the TV presenter, who simply cannot imagine their life without the Full House humorous program. Official page Dubovitskaya on Wikipedia contains only up-to-date information about the personal and family life, creative plans and awards, as well as childhood, youth and education, wife and daughter.

Followed on Instagram profile a large number of her fans who can enjoy photos and videos from family archive, filming programs and travel. At the same time, Regina leads a very active life, constantly posting photo reports. The article was found on alabanza.ru

How did your creative activity in the genre of satire and humor?

I started working in the editorial office of satire and humor of the All-Union Radio, in the department of letters. Writers-satirists, humorists often came to our editorial office and we arranged gatherings that lasted for hours. Then I got the opportunity to make the Good Morning program, in which the plots of then little-known satirists sounded. I had, for example, the debut of Efim Shifrin on the radio, I managed to stage miniatures of Kartsev and Ilchenko. It was a wonderful story. I interviewed one of the astronauts a few days before the flight. He said he admired new scene Kartseva and Ilchenko. I put it in my program. I was immediately called to the management and offered to remove it from the air. But a strong argument that even in space they would listen to Kartsev and Ilchenko helped defend these two wonderful artists, who were completely forgotten that day. Thus gradually formed a circle of authors and performers, with whom I have been working for many years.

- Why are there so many Jews in the humorous genre?

Firstly, a heightened sense of humor helps, which helps people of this nationality to look at life in a special way. Secondly, they continue the traditions of Babel, Ilf, Sholom Aleichem, in whose work humor occupied, not the last place.

- How often in your life have you had to feel like a Jew?

You know, I've been considered Jewish since childhood, I don't know why. Jewish blood flows in me, but on a par with Polish and Armenian. The first time I felt it was in Chisinau, where I studied at school. There, the word "Jew" was completely ordinary and did not carry an aggressive connotation. But national disunity was felt. Then, after moving to Kostroma, the situation was exactly the opposite, and the feeling of any national hostility did not haunt me.

- What, in your opinion, is indicative in the Jewish mentality?

The main thing is the feeling of unity. Where others try to cope alone, Jews always solve problems together. Apparently, this has developed due to the historical situation, when people of this nationality were persecuted and persecuted.

- How often do you tour in Israel and how do you meet the local audience of our former fellow citizens?

We visit Israel every year, for example, and now we have received invitations. And as for the public, they are met enthusiastically, sometimes even too much. People come up to the street literally grab by the sleeve and shout loudly: "Here is Regina Dubovitskaya! - or - Mikhail Evdokimov!". After all, immigrants from various places live there, those who could not afford to see the stars of humor due to different reasons. But what is most striking is their awareness of the events taking place here. They watch Russian television, read newspapers and are always up to date with everyone. latest news. All the reprises and jokes about our problems cause them a violent reaction. There I also had to deal with longtime fans who remember episodes from old programs. Let me tell you a funny episode. On the set of one Full House, according to the script, Efim Alexandrov was supposed to jump into the water, but did not bother to say that he could not swim. We watch as he artistically drowns, not realizing that this is no longer a game. Producer Alexander Dostman runs up and shouts that Fima must be saved. We thought that he was only playing along with him, after quite desperate cries, we finally guessed that we had to save our comrade. And this episode surfaced on tour in Israel, apparently, one of the participants in the program was present then on the ship during the filming.

- What are your plans for the near future?

We will continue to release programs, we plan to organize a competition for young comedians. After all, the main influx of authors comes from the regions. In general, working with young writers, we devote Special attention. They send us dozens of cassettes that we have to watch, but the final choice is up to the viewer. Only he decides how successful the performance of this or that artist is.

Material prepared


Our today's heroine is the permanent host of the "Full House" Dubovitskaya Regina. Biography, year of birth, marital status- all this interests her fans. you too? Then we recommend reading the article. It contains comprehensive information about the TV presenter beloved by many.

Biography: family

On December 31, 1948, in the city of Shadrinsk (Kurgan region), a girl, Regina, was born. Dubovitskaya - real name our heroine, inherited from her father.

In what family was the famous TV presenter brought up? Her mother, Nina Zhamkochyan, received higher education majoring in biology. And her father, Igor Aleksandrovich, was a professor. Between 1940 and 1942 he headed the department of Russian language and literature at the Pedagogical Institute of Shadrinsk.

Regina asked her parents for a sister or brother for a long time, but they never decided on a second child.


Soon after the birth of their daughter, the entire Dubovitsky family moved from Russia to the Republic of Moldova. Childhood future star"Full House" was held in the city of Chisinau. Regina attended a comprehensive school, as well as several circles (needlework, dancing, and so on).

Our heroine grew up as a smart and obedient girl. She learned to read and write early. While her peers played outdoor games, Regina spent the day reading another book. When she was 11 years old, the family again changed their place of residence. This time the Dubovitskys settled in Kostroma.

student body

In 1964, our heroine was awarded a certificate. Where did Dubovitskaya Regina continue her studies? The biography says that the girl went to Pyatigorsk, where she entered the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(Department of German). Friends and relatives were confident that Regina would become a successful journalist. The girl herself dreamed about this. That's just for admission to the appropriate university required at least 2 years of experience in journalism.

Getting Started on Radio

In the late 1960s, the girl graduated from the university with honors, but she did not begin to work in her specialty. Dubovitskaya Regina, whose biography is discussed in the article, got a job in the department of letters, created at the editorial office of humor and satire of the All-Union Radio. For two years, Regina sorted out correspondence. Management noticed and appreciated her efforts. Dubovitskaya was appointed editor of the program "Good morning!".

It was in the studio in which the radio program was recorded that she met some of the future participants in the Full House. The first humorist with whom Regina became friends was Vladimir Vinokur. M. Evdokimov and E. Shifrin also performed in her radio program. They were listened to by a huge number of people. It would seem that our heroine could continue successful career in this domain. But one day she announced her decision to leave the radio.

"Full house"

The beginning of changes in Regina's life coincided with the period of perestroika in the country. On TV, publicity began, and only radio continued to live according to the old laws and rules. Despite this, Dubovitskaya decided to take a chance and break into television.

In 1987, Regina Dubovitskaya (the photo of the presenter is presented in the article) created a program with the catchy name "Full House". The participants in the transfer to different years were Yu. Galtsev, Novikova Klara, S. Drobotenko and others. Each of them performed with their own jokes, funny scenes and parodies. The theater of humor often went on sea cruises. This gave the show a special flavor.

Over the 20-year history of the existence of "Full House" several times moved from one TV channel to another. The format of the program also changed, but this did not affect the respect and love of the audience for comedians and the permanent host of the program.

In the early 2000s, the popularity of "Full House" slowly but surely waned. And there is nothing to be surprised here, a lot of humorous programs have appeared on Russian TV, suitable for viewers of different age categories. Of course, the "Full House" has loyal fans. These people are ready to watch this program now, but it is no longer found on the air network.

Regina Dubovitskaya: biography, personal life

In her youth, our heroine was a slender, pretty and modest girl. Many guys liked her, but Regina was in no hurry to build relationships with one of her boyfriends.

Dubovitskaya met her future husband Yuri Ayvazyan at the age of 18. They met by chance on the Pyatigorsk-Sochi train. The student went to Sukhumi to visit her grandmother, and Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yuriy was heading to Sochi. They exchanged phone numbers. After some time, Regina and Yura met in Moscow. Their romance lasted 3 years, then the lovers got married. There were many guests at the celebration, and all of them did not skimp on gifts and wishes for the newlyweds.

Today, many of us know who Dubovitskaya Regina is. Biography, the children of the presenter are of interest to fans. Especially for them, we inform you that Dubovitskaya has one daughter (b. 1968). Her name is Ilona. She is already a grown woman who is married. Ilona has a journalistic education and works on television.

R. Dubovitskaya and Y. Ayvyazyan have an 18-year-old granddaughter, Regina. Grandfather and grandmother in a girl, try to pamper her with gifts.


In 2007, R. Dubovitskaya and while on vacation in Montenegro, got into an accident. The host of the "Full House" and a popular comedian almost died due to the fault of a drug addict driver who crashed into their car. In the case of Elena, everything ended with minor bruises, but Regina's doctors predicted a loss of leg mobility. Both victims were sent from Montenegro to Moscow.

Dubovitskaya was admitted to one of the best clinics in the capital. Fellow comedians visited her every day, brought different goodies and tried to distract her.

At first, Regina did not believe in her recovery. But at some point she pulled herself together, began to perform the simplest and the right exercises. And the results of the efforts were not long in coming. The accident occurred in May, and already in December, Dubovitskaya participated in the filming of the New Year's edition of Full House. Such willpower can only be envied.

present tense

Since 2011, the Full House program has been extremely rarely aired, usually special issues are filmed for the Old New Year. Most of the comedians known to us from the "Full House" began performing in the "Laughing is allowed" program. And where did Regina Dubovitskaya disappear to? Her biography continues to interest many Russians.

Regina Igorevna lives in a country house with her beloved husband. She did not say goodbye to television. It is known that Dubovitskaya collaborates with the Russia-1 channel. Our heroine holds the position of editor of several programs. She considers the idea of ​​​​reviving the "Full House" unpromising.


We talked about where Regina Dubovitskaya was born and studied. The biography, career and personal life of the TV presenter - all this was discussed in detail in the article.

Regina Dubovitskaya is a well-known TV presenter of both the Soviet era and modern Russian television. Her brainchild on the TV screen can be called the Full House program.

Biography of Regina Dubovitskaya

The city of Shadrinsk, Kurgan Region, met a newborn girl, Regina, on December 31, 1948. The family in which this beautiful girl was born consisted of scientists. Father - philologist Igor Aleksandrovich Dubovitsky, mother - biologist Nina Zhamkochyan. After the appearance of their daughter, the family soon left Russia, moving to Moldova, the city of Chisinau. Having received a certificate of education middle school Regina, together with her parents, returns to Russia, the city of Kostroma.

Even from school, Regina decided to become a journalist. At school, she was engaged in the production of a wall newspaper, found for her interesting stuff and wrote about it. But the faculty of journalism did not shine for her, because for admission to a university, she needed at least two years of experience in journalism.

Her father helped Regina, brought her to a friend in the newspaper Kostroma Pravda. A few days later, while walking with a colleague, we met a good friend who worked on the radio. The girl was invited to the editorial office of the Kostroma radio. Regina fell in love with the radio.

She entered the correspondence department at the Pyatigorsk Institute of Foreign Languages, specializing as a teacher of the German language. Regina Igorevna's father's health deteriorated, and the family left the town of Kostroma, moving to Pyatigorsk.

In her fourth year at the institute, Regina tied the knot, received a diploma with honors and changed her place of residence, moving to her husband in the Moscow region.

The end of the 60s was marked in the life of our heroine by receiving the position of junior editor for letters, in the department of satire and humor of the Good Morning program on All-Union Radio.

Many famous artists came to the radio editorial office, but they all worked with the sharks of the pen. Regina had to look for talents herself, and she began the search with young actors. Vladimir Vinokur was the first to get into the program. Subsequently, many young actors who sounded on the radio at that time switched to television in the Full House program.

The end of the 80s brought publicity to the country, old venerable wolves worked on the radio, who did not let a lot of things on the air on the radio. At this point, Dubovitskaya leaves the radio and switches to television.

In 1987, Regina created the Full House program on television, the task of which was to introduce the viewer to the colloquial genre.

In 2000, due to competition, the arrival of young actors, the program began to lose its popularity. A lot of criticism began to pour into her address from the media.

In 2007, Regina Dubovitskaya, along with Elena Sparrow, got into a car accident. She received a fracture in her right hip. But in the fall of 2007, Regina had already become one of the presenters and began filming new releases of the Full House program.

Dubovitskaya has a wonderful hobby, she collects dishes and bottles.

Personal life of Regina Dubovitskaya

Regina Dubovitskaya has been married for forty years. The husband of the TV presenter is Yuri Mkrtichevich Ayvazyan. He is a scientist in the field of physics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. In the field of magnetism, he laid the foundation for a physical direction.

She met her husband, then a young girl, on the train Pyatigorsk - Sochi. She went to Sukhumi to visit her grandmother. Seeing Yura, according to Regina, she immediately realized that this is exactly what I need. Young people met for about four years. At a certain point, they put an end to their meetings by entering into a marriage with each other.

Children of Regina Dubovitskaya

AT happy marriage between Regina and Yuri, a girl was born - the daughter of Ilona. it significant event in the life of young spouses happened on August 28, 1966. Ilona received a diploma from the Energy Institute, is considered an applied mathematician. On the this moment works on television, assistant director of the TV show "Full House".

In 1998, Ilona gave birth to a daughter, for Regina Igorevna, a granddaughter - Regina.

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