Jim Carrey with his son Jim Carrey's daughter stepped out of the shadow of a famous father. The actor has always played naive romantics, ready for anything for the sake of his beloved. However, in real life, he is more pragmatic and does not believe in long-term relationships ...

Jim Carrey is a wonderful actor whose roles make his fans smile again and again. And, if his career is developing very successfully, then with his personal life everything is a little more complicated.

Jim Carrey, his family and children

Comedian, parodist Jim Carrey is already over 50, and he still hasn't started a family. As you know, he was married, and more than once:

  • in 1987, Kerry married Comedy Store waitress Melissa Womer, but after a couple of years the couple broke up - after the divorce, Melissa admitted that living together with Jim is comparable to a relationship with Mickey Mouse;
  • The "victim" of the second marriage was actress Lauren Holly, but their marriage broke up less than a year later for similar reasons.

Jim Carrey was almost never alone, he was always surrounded by beautiful women - his girlfriends were Anine Bing, Jenny McCartney. Relations with some of them lasted a couple of months, while others lingered in Kerry's life for several years.

Often admirers of the actor's work are interested in the question of whether Jim Carrey has children. It turns out that yes, in 1988 she became a father. Daughter Jim gave birth to his first wife, Melissa Womer.

Jim Carrey's relationship with daughter Jane

Little is known about Jim Carrey's relationship with Jane when she was still young. The actor broke up with her mother when the baby was about a year old, but all this time he talked with his daughter, helped his former family.

In 2009, Jane got married, which made Jim Carrey very happy, who never managed to start a family by the fiftieth anniversary. He attended the wedding, spoke with pleasure about this event to reporters, called the celebration sweet and wonderful.

When the daughter gave birth to a grandson to a famous actor, he was just happy. In one of the interviews, he admitted that he was very afraid that a granddaughter would be born, which, from his point of view, might not be interested in a joker grandfather. Judging by the photographs, he does not have a soul in his little grandson, spends a lot of time with him.

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Unfortunately, the marriage of Jim Carrey's daughter did not last long, she divorced and is raising her son with her dad. Jim Carrey has not given up on his personal life either, he is still dating attractive women. It is possible that Jim Carrey will have more children.

Jane Kerry is the daughter of a famous comedian and comedy cafe waitress. Her parents married on March 8, 1987. And on September 6, a girl was born. Jane divorced his mother and married his co-star in the film "Dumb and Dumber" - an actress The adventures of the comedian did not end there, but according to rumors, he gave decent compensation to all his former passions.

Jane Kerry. Biography

Jim had a friendly relationship with his daughter. Following the example of her father, who did not finish his studies until the ninth grade and suffered many failures, before becoming a star, the girl went through a thorny path. Her personal life was unsuccessful. At first she worked as a waitress, she got married early. Already at 22 she gave birth to a son, which made Jim Carrey happy. Jackson Riley Santana (that's what the boy was called) is simply adored by the star grandfather. Jim Carrey treats his duties very reverently.

Marriage Jane Eyrin Kerry fell apart, like their parents. Exactly one year later, her husband left her with a nine-month-old son. Alex Santana plays in the band Blood Money under the pseudonym Nitro. The divorce was hotly debated in the press, which caused even more pain for the aspiring star. However, the girl did not lose heart. Jane organized her own group, which blew up America overnight.

Helping hand

Jane always emphasized that she did not need her father's help. Jim provides his daughter with exceptional moral support. On the contrary, the surname attracts too much attention and prevents viewers and critics from soberly assessing the abilities of a star. Jane has repeatedly stated that it was very difficult for her to succeed precisely because of her father's popularity.

Outwardly, the beginning star looks like Jim. She has the same charming smile and the same warm eyes. Often in photographs they can be seen together, embracing, like very close people. Jim's eyes just glow with happiness. The girl is far from, however, she has a strong voice, which she decided to demonstrate at the talent show. All participants described Jane as pleasant and sweet.

Unlike celebrity children, whose every move is known in the press, Jane appeared out of nowhere. She was practically unknown before the start of the show. Unlike stellar kids who have been preparing for a dizzying career since childhood and doing everything for show, Jane was in the shadows. At the same time, the girl did not waste time in vain. And even though vocal lessons were paid for by her father's money, otherwise the path to success is her personal merit.

Ordinary girl

Jane Kerry loves chocolate chip cookies and home cooking. She is an excellent cook herself, but tries to stick to healthy food. The image of the “correct” American woman was the best fit for the singer. She is like millions of girls: imperfect, dreamy, persistent and hardworking. Recently, the girl changed her image, having dyed her hair in a darker color. Her resemblance to Jim Carrey is now simply obvious. In addition, she began to wear elegant dresses and lost weight.

Where did it all begin?

According to Jane, her work was inspired by the film "Dumb and Dumber" with the participation of her father, released in 1994. Rather, it was the soundtrack to the film. At that moment, the girl was 7 years old, and she had been living with her mother for more than a year after her parents divorced. The picture was the first successful film for a comedian. Upon learning that her father had become successful, her daughter believed in him and decided to follow in Jim's footsteps.

Jane Kerry admits that she still has some funny quotes from the film in her soul. The singer always has a photo of her father with her. This helps to avoid discouragement and depression. The film "Dumb and Dumber" really went into short sayings, fans copy the facial expressions and movements of the main characters. After the picture, the image of a cheerful jerk took a firm place on the Hollywood film. This determined not only the fate of Kerry Sr., but also his daughter, Jane Erin Kerry, whose photo he also always kept close by.


Jane dedicated several of her songs to the film "Dumb and Dumber". Sticky Situation and Breathing Without You are the names of the songs played by her band. They became the soundtracks for the second part of the picture. The sequel was released in September 2014, 20 years after the first tape.

Father and daughter worked together on the new film. Jim cheered up the girl with sparkling jokes, and Jane revealed all hers. Both note that the joint creation made them even closer. The picture has become long-awaited for many fans of the actor. For fans of the singer Jane Kerry, the new tape opened up previously unknown facets of her talent.

First try

Like many aspiring stars, Jane Kerry tried her hand at the famous American talent competition American Idol. She commented on her participation as follows: "The surname definitely helps and harms."

This explains Jane's participation in the All-American Talent Show. The girl deliberately went to audition so as not to use the influence of her father and achieve everything herself. She went through the competition round after round, in which she was highly valued.

The show was judged by Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez. Jane performed the song "Things to Talk About" by Boney Wraith. The jury unanimously noted the performance technique and recommended that the singer learn to establish contact with the audience. Jennifer Lopez immediately recognized Jane, but this did not affect the judging. However, the girl passed the tests by unanimous decision of the jury. Her father all this time was rooting for his daughter behind the scenes. After the audition, he said that he could not wait for the moment when the whole world knew about the talent of Jane Carrey. Photos and recordings from the project filled social networks and gained millions of views around the world.

Forward to glory!

Participation in the project was not enough for the ambitious Jane. She organized her own and is called - Carrey Jane Show ("Kerry Jane Show"). In addition, the singer starred in one of the seasons of the Hooligans series, which was released in 2007-2008.

The series is a treasure trove of sketch comedy in the spirit of Jane's father. He does not let the viewer relax for a second. The show has been hanging in the TOPs of American TV channels for several years. Jane considers it a great success to participate in these shootings. This was a kind of hit on the bull's-eye, because for young film actors it is extremely important not to spoil the start.

The project began with a meeting of standup artist Aziz Anzari with two friends Rob Hubel and Paul Shear. Before the meeting, everyone had a good luggage, while the whole trio happily stumbled upon the famous producer Vuliner. The result was a sparkling series that riveted the attention of millions of Americans. The sketches in the show are reckless and original. No politics, no humor below the belt. Only crazy, sometimes long, sometimes unsaid and too abstruse, but outrageously funny jokes.

Poor Jimmy

Jim Carrey (actually James Eugene) was not lucky at the very beginning of his career, but his parents always supported him. He was cleaning toilets, tomatoes were flying at him from the auditorium, but Jim did not give up. His parents, unfortunately, passed away early, which provoked severe depression and divorce. By maintaining a relationship with his daughter, Kerry ensured not only peace of mind, but also career success. Throughout his life, he soared to the peak of popularity and went into the shadows, got divorced and started dizzying novels. We hope Jane has a smoother career path and wish her the best of luck!

The actor has always played naive romantics, ready for anything for the sake of his beloved. However, in real life, he is more pragmatic and does not believe in long-term relationships ...

Jim Carrey, his daughter Jane Carrey and Jenny McCarthy. Photo: Rex Features/Fotodom.ru.

Don't tell your kids this, but it's a fact: Jim Carrey dropped out of school when he was only in the ninth grade. It's just that he, who scrubbed toilets at the Titanium Wheels factory at night, realized that he was not ready to spend his whole life like this. “Son, you are doing wrong, because you want to earn a lot of money in the future, and not work odd jobs? And for this you need to get an education, ”his parents exhorted the boy (they were gentle people and always tried to find a compromise in communicating with their son. Jim usually listened to the advice of his relatives, but this time he was firm. He made his choice.
He was only fifteen when he had his first performance at the Yuk-Yuk comedy club. Kerry remembered his debut for a long time: when a rotten tomato flew right into his face, at first he did not even understand what was happening. The first was followed by the second, the third ...
Returning home, he made a vow to himself - to return to school, and forget about the stage. But ten minutes later he was already learning a new program.
Not immediately, but Jim received the same recognition. First, in the same Yuk-Yuk club where he had once been booed. And after the fame of him went all over Canada.
Of course, like any artist who dreams of world fame, he soon left his native country and went to America with a one-way ticket. And although Hollywood usually does not immediately accept newcomers, Carrey soon became successful there too. In the autumn of 1984, the influential People magazine named him the best young American parodist, then he received a role in the comedy series The Duck Factory. And although it was far from a real triumph (the film "Mask", after which he woke up famous, appeared on the screens only in 1994), nevertheless, Jim was quite satisfied with his life. In addition, it was then that he acquired a new status - a married man.
... It is unlikely that Jim Carrey knew about the existence of such a holiday as International Women's Day. However, for the first time he appeared before the altar just on March 8. It happened in 1987. His chosen one was a girl named Melissa Womer, an aspiring actress who never managed to clearly express herself in the profession and worked as a waitress. Judging by the fact that their daughter Jane was born just six months after the wedding, this marriage was a forced measure.
The young lived, not to say very happy. After the honeymoon (it lasted exactly a month, no longer), weekdays began. Gray, dull, depressing and thoughts of a huge mistake that both made. Jim sometimes had bouts of uncontrolled aggression, which he managed to cope with only after another scandal. In addition, the higher Jim's career went uphill, the worse his relationship with Melissa became.
They decided to leave in 1995 - right after the whole world found out about Jim Carrey and started talking about his talent. True, the actor, whose fees have already skyrocketed, had to pay a decent compensation for the coveted divorce stamp - seven million dollars. It is difficult to say: either the loss of an impressive amount, or the collapse of the family impressed him so much, but after the divorce, Jim fell into depression. He began to swallow handfuls of tranquilizers. And perhaps he would have been dragged into this bottomless pool if he had not caught himself in time.
Sports, healthy food and vitamins - that was his recipe for a new life. And he turned out to be effective. Jim was even going to write a book so that as many people as possible would know about his way of dealing with blues. However, he had so many new proposals in the cinema that he never sat down at the desk.
With his second wife, actress Lauren Holly, Kerry met on the set of the movie "Dumb and Dumber". According to the recollections of witnesses to their meeting, Jim and Lauren began to flirt from the first second, barely seeing each other. And although their marriage, concluded in a terrible hurry, lasted only ten months, nevertheless Kerry still speaks warmly of his ex-wife. And now Jim and Lauren often appear together at parties. And, importantly, they also leave together, gently holding each other's hands. And when, four years after their divorce, Holly met down the aisle again - with the banker-investor Francis Greco, it was Kerry who was among the first to congratulate her on a joyful event.

"Without him I'll die"

Although Jim Carrey did not have a family life with any of his chosen ones, he showed himself to be an exemplary father and caring grandfather. The actor is proud of his daughter Jane. She became a singer, organizing her own group, which she called the Jane Carrey Band. When Jane was only twenty-two years old, she gave birth to her first child - from the musician of her own group, Alex Santana (he has nothing to do with that same Santana). The boy was named Jackson Riley Santana, and Jim Carrey loves him. “I was afraid that if a girl was born, then she would not be so interested in me, if you know what I mean. Therefore, I am happy that I have a grandson, ”the actor told the public immediately after the birth of Jackson. “This boy is just a magician,” Jim admitted a couple of years later, when his grandson grew up a little. - Once I was playing with him and suddenly I thought: “But without him I will die!”

The actor does not believe in a long-term relationship ...

In addition to official marriages, Jim Carrey had many hobbies. And some of them lasted much longer than those connections that turned out to be (for various reasons) legalized. Jim met with his colleague Renee Zellweger for quite a long time - many then even managed to marry them. Then he had a protracted affair with personal physician Tiffany Silva, even later with Playboy model Anine Bing, and he lived with fashion model Jenny McCarthy for five whole years. However, the actor does not believe in a long-term relationship. “All this talk about eternal love is just fairy tales. I think that ten years with one person is more than enough. During this time, you can give your partner enough love.” Jim and Jenny announced their separation on their personal pages on the social network.

Kerry's latest passion was a student at New York University, who is originally from Russia. The relationship between the popular comedian and the Russian beauty began back in 2010, almost immediately after breaking up with Jenny McCarthy. According to rumors, the 50-year-old actor will soon propose to his beloved.

Production: USA / 2000 / 1 hour 56m. / 16+
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Jim Carrey, Renee Zellweger, Anthony Anderson, Mongo Brownlee, Jarod Mixon, Chris Cooper
Director: Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly
Plot: The comedy "Me, Me Again & Irene" tells the story of an intelligent, reserved policeman named Charlie, though with one "but" - he has a split personality. When Charlie finds himself in an extreme situation, a second "I" named Hank appears.

Hank is aggressive, persistent and rude, but at such moments it is he who rescues Charlie. Irene is a traffic violator that Charlie is trying to deliver to another state. But Irene was also the lover of a famous bandit who now wants to kill her.

Budget: 51 000 000 $
Fees in the world: 149 270 999 $
Awards: Not
Ratings: 6.5 IMDb | 7.3 Kinopoisk

Production: USA / 1994 / 1 hour 47m. / 16+
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Lauren Holly, Mike Starr, Karen Duffy, Charles Rocket
Director: Peter Farrelly, Bobby Farrelly
Plot: When it comes to films with Jim Carrey, this one is one of the first to be remembered. Two stupid idiots living in Providence are trying to return a suitcase of money to a girl.

But they do not suspect that she left it specifically to her husband's kidnappers as a ransom. Throughout the film, they travel in search of a stranger. This is accompanied by funny situations, ridiculous accidents and funny jokes.

Budget: 17 000 000 $
Fees in the world: 247 275 374 $
Awards: MTV Channel Award: Best Kiss, Best Comedy Performance (Jim Carrey)
Ratings: 7.3 IMDb | 7.3 Kinopoisk

14. Ace Ventura: Pet Wanted

Production: USA / 1993 / 1 hour 26m. / 12+
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Jim Carrey, Courteney Cox, Sean Young, Tone Lock, Dan Marino, Noble Willingham, Troy Evans
Director: Tom Shadyac
Plot: He is the best in his business, the one and only! He is Ace Ventura, a pet detective. When mysterious attackers kidnap a dolphin called "Snowflake", the mascot of the local football team "Dolphins", Ace immediately gets to work, showing miracles of ingenuity.
Budget: 15 000 000 $
Fees in the world: 107 217 396 $
Awards: Not
Ratings: 6.9 IMDb | 7.6 Kinopoisk

15. Lemony Snicket: 33 misfortunes

Production: USA, Germany / 2004 / 1 hour 48m. / 12+
Genre: Fantasy, comedy
Cast: Jim Carrey, Emily Browning, Liam Aiken, Meryl Streep, Billy Connolly, Luis Guzman
Director: Brad Silberling
Plot: In films, Jim Carrey usually plays the positive character, but in Lemony Snicket: 33 Unfortunate Things, he played the negative character Count Olaf. The count is trying to take over the inheritance left to three orphaned children. Olaf does everything to achieve his goal...
Budget: 140 000 000 $
Fees in the world: 208 199 382 $
Awards: Oscar: best makeup.
Ratings: 6.8 IMDb | 7.3 Kinopoisk

Biography of Jim Carrey

The full name of the eminent comedian is James Eugene Kerry, originally from Newmarket, Canada. One of the most expensive comedians in the US. The biography of Jim Carrey begins on January 17, 1962, far from being in a wealthy family.

His mother was a housewife and suffered from a mental disorder, and his father worked as a security guard in a factory where Jim, his two older sisters and an older brother had to earn extra money. The family often moved from place to place due to the lack of a normal job for Jim's father. At one time, the Kerry family did live in a motor home.

From childhood, Jimmy loved to make faces and amuse his friends with jokes and parodies of famous people. Thanks to his father, at the age of 15 he first appeared in front of the audience in a nightclub, but the number, jointly prepared with his father, failed miserably. Subsequently, he refused to go public for the next couple of years.

Two years later, Jim hosts a successful comedy night in Toronto and receives acclaim from critics, some of whom called him "a real star coming out."

Comedy store - a nightclub in Los Angeles, became Jim's starting point in show business. It is here that he catches the eye of the famous American comedian Rodney Dangerfield. From that moment on, Jim's business went much better.

People magazine names him one of America's best young impersonators. He tries out for all sorts of TV shows and series until he gets the lead role in the children's series The Duck Factory.

This allows him to transfer his parents to him, but after 3 months the transfer is closed, and Jim is left without a job. The mother's condition worsens and the parents have to be sent back. The next couple of years, Jim plays only minor characters, he develops depression and the public forgets about him.

1983 is the year of Jim Carrey's film debut. Having played a minor character in the film "Rubber Face", a couple of years later, Jim gets a leading role in the film "Once Bitten", but film critics greeted the future star with coolness. Following the actor participates in the filming of little-known films that did not bring wide fame.

Filming Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

In 1993, Jim began filming Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. The shooting of the film was extremely difficult: most popular comedians refrained from participating in the creation of the film, and the script did not receive proper funding.

By the way, Jim first acted as a screenwriter. He independently created a portrait of the main character, constantly supplementing it during the filming. This time, Jim managed to collect a decent box office (over $100 million) and earn $350,000.

A good box office did not become an occasion for a warm reception of the film by film critics. Jim was nominated for the Golden Raspberry, and the main character was ridiculed.

But thanks to the release of the films "The Mask" with a box office of more than $ 350 million and "Dumb and Dumber" with $ 247 million, Jim Carrey receives the love of the public and critical reviews: nominations for the Golden Globe, Oscar, BAFTA and MTV Movie Awards. "The Mask" brought Jiu 500 thousand dollars, "Dumb and Dumber" - 7 million and the first award of the MTV channel for a comedy role.

First $20 million per role

In 1996, for the first time, Carrey received a fee of $ 20 million for the lead role in the film The Cable Guy, which would later become his permanent fee. Thanks to this film, Jim became the highest paid comedian.

A year later, another significant film from Jim Carrey comes out - Liar, Liar. He is notable for the fact that this is the first film where he is filmed with his real hair. In all others, he was given a wig, repainted or made up.

1998 is the year when Jim proved to everyone that he could play tragic characters by playing the role of Truman in the film The Truman Show. Critics were delighted, giving the actor three British Academy awards, three Golden Globe awards and three Oscar nominations. Carrey himself considers Truman's script one of the most interesting of his career.

In the early 2000s, Jim Carrey starred in a number of comedy films: Me, Myself and Irene, The Grinch Stole Christmas, Bruce Almighty and Lemony Snicket: 33 Unfortunate Things. By the way, "Bruce Almighty" became the highest grossing film in Jim's career, collecting 484 million dollars at the box office and at the same time becoming one of the highest grossing comedies.

"Golden Raspberry"

2007 - turned out to be unsuccessful in the career of an actor. He first took on a role in the thriller film The Number 23. The tape collected only $ 77 million with an investment of $ 30 million, and film critics were extremely dissatisfied with the game. As a result, Carrey was nominated as the worst actor, but did not receive the "award".

Personal life of Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey and his wife

Jim Carrey has been married twice and unsuccessfully both times. The first time he married in March 1987 with Melissa Womer, a waitress from the store. Six months later, they have a girl, Jane Erin Kerry. Jim's family life did not work out and in 1995 they broke up.

The second marriage of the actor lasted less than a year. He married actress Lauren Holly (who starred in Dumb and Dumber) in 1996 and divorced in 1997. This was the end of Jim's marriage.

Jim Carrey's daughter Jane Erin Carrey

Jane Erin Kerry was born on September 6, 1987. Jane refused to accept the help of a star father and decided to achieve everything on her own. She does not have outstanding external data, but she has the same pleasant smile as her father and strong vocal abilities.

She managed to work as a waitress and got married at the age of 22 to Alex Santana (they played in the same rock band). A year later, he leaves her with a 9-month-old baby. After that, Jane collects her musical group Jane Carrey Band, which immediately becomes mega-popular in the USA.

At 25, she takes part in the American Idol talent show, which was judged by Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler and Randy Jackson. They all said "Yes" to her and she advanced to the next round. She failed to win the competition, but she gained wide popularity in America.

Jim Carrey and his girls

The actor met with actress Renee Zellweger, Playboy star Anine Bing and personal doctor Tiffany Silver, but only with model Jenny McCarthy and student from Russia Anastasia Vitkina had a serious relationship. The romance with Jenny lasted 5 years, they had a son, but the couple broke up. Jim was engaged to Anastasia in 2012, but things did not go beyond that.

At the end of 2015, a tragedy occurred: Katherine White, the ex-girlfriend of the actor, committed suicide. In her suicide note, she wrote, “Jim, I love you. Please forgive me. But I'm not for this world." Jim paid for the funeral and helped carry the coffin.


All films with Jim Carrey, list

During his acting career, Jim Carrey starred in almost 60 films. Most of them are comedies. We spied a list of all films on Wikipedia and posted it here:

Year Russian name original name Role
1983 rubber faceRubberface (Introducting… Janet) Tony Moroni
1983 Mount KupperCopper Mountain Bobby Todd
1983 All in good tasteAll in Good Taste Ralph
1984 Chur, mine!Finders-Keepers Lane Bidlekoff
1985 once bittenOnce Bitten Mark Kendall
1986 Peggy Sue got marriedPeggy Sue Got Married Walter Goetz
1988 death listThe Dead Pool Johnny Squares
1989 Earth girls are easily accessibleEarth Girls Are Easy Whiplock
1989 pink cadillacPink Cadillac Comedian
1991 Nerves to the limithigh strung Death
1992 tiny spiderItsy Bitsy Spider Insect Killer (voice)
1992 Life on Maple Drive (TV)Doing Time on Maple Drive Tim Carter
1993 Ace Ventura: Pet DetectiveAce Ventura: Pet Detective Ace Ventura
1994 Dumb and DumberDumb & Dumber Lloyd Christmas
1994 MaskThe Mask Stanley Ipkiss
1995 Ace Ventura 2: When Nature CallsAce Ventura: When Nature Calls Ace Ventura
1995 Batman foreverBatman Forever Edward Nygma/The Riddler
1996 The Cable GuyThe Cable Guy The Cable Guy/Chip/Ricky
1997 Liar, liarLiar Liar Fletcher Reed
1998 Simon BirchSimon Birch Adult Joe Wentworth
1998 The Truman ShowThe Truman Show Truman Burbank
1999 man on the moonMan on the Moon Andy Kaufman/Tony Clifton
2000 The Grinch Stole ChristmasHow the Grinch Stole Christmas Grinch
2000 Me, Myself and Irene Officer Charlie Baileygates/Hank
2001 The Majestic Peter Appleton
2003 Bruce AlmightyBruce Almighty Bruce Nolan
2004 Lemony Snicket: 33 misfortunesLemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events Count Olaf
2004 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless MindEternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Joel Barish
2005 Swindlers Dick and JaneFun with Dick and Jane Dick Harper
2007 Fatal number 23Number 23 Walter Sparrow
2008 Always say yes"yes man Carl Allen
2008 HortonHorton Hears a Who! Horton (voice)
2009 I love you Phillip MorrisI Love You Phillip Morris Steve Russell
2009 Christmas storyA Christmas Carol Ebenezer Scrooge, ghosts
2009 Under the sea in 3DUnder the Sea 3Dthe narrator
2011 Mr. Popper's penguinsMr. Popper's Penguins Tom Popper
2011 OfficeThe Office Guy from Finger Lakes(one series)
2013 The Incredible Burt WonderstoneBurt Wonderstone Steve Gray
2013 Kick-Ass 2Kick Ass 2 Colonel America
2013 TV presenter 2Anchorman: The Legend Continues host Scott Riles
2014 dumb and dumber 2Dumb & Dumber 2 Lloyd Christmas
2016 True CrimeTrue Crimes Jack
2016 bad batchThe Bad Batch Peter

Jim Carrey hasn't been as fun lately as he used to be, but we hope he comes back. This was our TOP 15 "movies with Jim Carrey"!

Many dream of being in the world of show business. And the easiest way at first glance is the offspring of media personalities. Celebrity children are caught on camera from the cradle, their first steps are discussed on the forums, and dresses for the exit are immediately copied in numerous stores. How to grow up as an independent person in such conditions? Jim Carrey's daughter remains a mystery to the paparazzi to this day, but she is a very interesting girl.

A man with incredible plasticity

In 1962, the most popular comedian of our time was born and the first actor in the comic genre, whose fees exceeded $ 20 million. His birthplace was Ontario, Canada. The boy was incredibly plastic and mobile from early childhood. At breaks, he entertained classmates with skits and original grimaces. The living conditions of the future star were difficult, and had to work from the age of 15. However, Jim made the most difficult but surest decision of his life, making his passion for humor his profession. It took almost 10 years to conquer America. During this time, Jim passed through the Los Angeles theater, where he was known as the most original artist. And on one of his birthdays, he appeared on stage almost naked.

Popularity and becoming an artist

The first high-profile success came to Jim after the film "The Mask" by Charles Russell, filmed in 1994. In the center of the film is the story of the modest and shy bank clerk Stanley Ipkins, who found a magic mask. Wearing it, Stanley turned into a completely opposite personality: freedom-loving, extravagant and witty. As an actor, Jim Carrey showed himself from two opposite sides, and thanks to his sparkling humor, the film entered the Golden Fund of Cinema.

Facial expressions, perfect control of one's own body, flexibility and plasticity, as well as incredible dancing skills - all this was combined in Jim so organically that the roles began to be written exclusively for him.

The best films with Jim Carrey

For The Mask, Jim received today's "pathetic" fee of a million dollars, but the continuation of the film brought him twenty times more. Then followed a whole kaleidoscope of star roles, and each successive was better than the previous one.

The Farrelly brothers' film "Dumb and Dumber" was conceived as another comedy for teenagers, but the result exceeded all expectations. Paired with Jeff Daniels, Kerry played a typical couple clowning when one of the heroes - Lloyd - does stupid things, but his friend - Harry - turns the situation even more stupid.
In the films, Jim has a lot of contact with animals, which he does very well. In two parts of the tape about Ace Ventura, Kerry was an ardent propagandist of love for "fluffies". And then there was Edward Nygma in Batman, who surpassed the main movie star, Val Kilmer, in brightness.

Having won the fame of the best comedian, Carrey went to a serious movie. In 1997, the film "The Truman Show" was released with obvious notes of drama, which brought the actor the first Golden Globe in the nomination "Best Dramatic Actor". The following year there was another award for Milos Forman's film Man in the Moon. The picture was too serious for the audience, accustomed to the fact that films with Jim Carrey are always funny and bright, so it did not set any records at the box office. In 2000, Carrey starred in The Grinch Stole Christmas, which became the highest-grossing film in the US and won an Academy Award for makeup.


The work completely captured Jim, but surprisingly, his personal life practically did not suffer from this. The first wife, Melissa Womer, a partner in the Comic Club, gave birth to Jim's daughter, but this did not save the family. After eight years of marriage, they separated, but Jim proved to be a caring father and husband, continuing to pay his wife and daughter $ 10,000 a month for maintenance. He is a very loving father and always spent all his free time with his daughter. Jim's love for his family is also explained by the fact that he suffers from a lack of attention and total self-doubt.


Time passed, and Jim became interested in his co-star in the film "Dumb and Dumber" Lauren Holly. After the film "Bruce Almighty" he was credited with an affair with Jennifer Aniston, and after "Cons: Dick and Jane Have Fun" - with Tea Leone. Nevertheless, with Lauren Holly, Jim had a ten-month marriage. But soon the media drew attention to the incredibly romantic duet: Renee Zellweger and Jim Carrey. The family failed again, although Jim maintains warm friendly relations with Rene. During the affair, Renee was asked about what could attract her to Jim, and she answered that the most erotic of all was the ability of a man to make a lady laugh. After Rene, Jim met with personal doctor Tiffany Silver for a long time, with model Annie Bing, fashion model Jenny McCarthy. Since the last relationship was tense, there were rumors that Jim paid Jenny financial compensation for the safety of the details of their life together.

star daughter

Despite the fact that Jim has little to no contact with his ex-wife, Jane Carrey is very close to her father. They often appear together at events, although the girl does not use her last name for work and study. In February 2010, information was leaked to the media that Jim Carrey's daughter Jane had given birth to a son. Jim did not hide his emotions and eloquently admitted to a joyful event. Well, such a grandfather should have the most talented and funny grandson!

Jane Carrey is a very original and impulsive girl who did not want to rest on her father's laurels. She has her own musical group, performing in the style of classic rock, jazz and blues - Jane Carrey Band. The daughter of Jim Carrey does not need patronage and does not get tired of proving her musical talent. For example, she was able to qualify for the American Idol talent show. In a preliminary interview, she spoke about how difficult it is to grow up in the shadow of a famous father and at the same time try to find your own path in life. The jury members, among whom were Stephen Tyler, Randy Jackson and Jennifer Lopez, highly appreciated the creative potential of the girl, though with some criticism. Now the daughter of Jim Carrey has every chance of a successful musical career. And in her personal life, she has already found her happiness in the face of musician Alex Santana, whom she married in 2009 and gave her son Jackson. Jim Carrey is crazy about his grandson, and his daughter always calls the best mother in the world.

Path to yourself

Jim Carrey's daughter began her way to the stage literally in her mother's footsteps - she got a job as a waitress. She did not blame her father for the break with her mother. Perhaps she understood his mood at that time. Just in those years, Jim lost his parents, fell into depression and tried to break with his former life. Now he has calmed down and began to lead a healthy lifestyle, refusing even coffee. He is sincerely happy about the replenishment in the family, speaks of his daughter with love and tenderness, but does not strive for a public demonstration of emotions. In this, Jane is an exact copy of the star dad. The media has catastrophically little information about the girl and there are no compromising pictures.

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