Acting Head of Buryatia Alexey Tsydenov spoke about his family. ​Aleksey Tsydenov and his wife presented medals to married couples of Buryatia Alexey Tsydenov his family

I don’t understand who is promoting to the masses the idea that there are some problems with the Buryat language in Buryatia. Many Buryats communicate with each other in their native language at home, Buryat speech is heard daily in transport, and this is always perceived by everyone as normal. The language is taught in schools, there are textbooks and teaching aids, and quite adequate ones, teachers in this direction are produced by our university every year. There are also programs in Buryat on radio and television. Who is missing something? Why all this talk about the fact that the language is leaving, or even dying? I am a third-generation Ulan-Udenka, so it seems to me that I have the moral right to draw conclusions, but I have never understood such conversations.

Bair Dmitrievich! And why shouldn't my Buryat child communicate with his classmates in the kindergarten in Buryat? Let both Buryats and Russians know our native language. After all, we Buryats know Russian!!! Why are there so few budget places allocated to the Buryat faculty? They said in Moscow that if you want to learn Buryat so much, find funds from the local budget. And as you know, we don't!
P.S.: it was even possible to write on price tags in stores in Russian and Buryat.

Dear Alexey Sambuevich! I so want our government to turn its face to simple teachers who give all their strength to improve the education of our children, the children of the republic. The pay is low, the demands are high. How to survive? Previously, they went to school out of vocation, but now out of desperation. Help!

Sophia, as a resident of Buryatia, I sincerely do not understand - do we have any problems with the Buryat language in the republic? I wanted to - I turned to any institution in Buryat ... I freely communicate in Buryat where and when I want. No one forbade me and never looked askance. At all levels language support. As an ethnic Buryat, I am even slightly at a loss - why is Buryat a compulsory subject in school? Why is he Russian? For example, I am for the optional teaching of the Buryat language.

Russia is a multi-ethnic country, where Russian is the native language for every person. It is not only a language of communication, but a source of life. A Russian woman gave Alexei life, nurtured and guided him on his life path. The ethnic Buryat became his father, inspiring him to exploits and accomplishments, to personal victories. People have forgotten the language of birds, but listen with rapture to their trills, contemporaries do not remember the words and covenants of their ancestors, but with their souls they listen to the melody of heaven, bringing songs of antiquity to them. I wish Alexei to be wise and vigilant, industriously uprooting the wormwood of parochial Nazism, sowing the fields of culture with love for both the Russian and the Buryat, Even and other peoples of Buryatia. I wish that he does not turn into a local khan or bai, does not try on the sultan's robe, moreover, he expands his rule and state thinking, uniting the Irkutsk region, Buryatia and the Chita region under his command into a single Baikal region, not inferior in area to Yakutia . I also wish him to give birth and give birth to children, becoming a role model for the inhabitants of the region. I really want the republic under his leadership to become a sober region, and "plug the belt" in this direction the Caucasian regions, and R. Kadyrov. God bless you, and we'll see, we'll see, but we'll help.

Wish of the Acting President of Buryatia. How terrible it is to lose your native language, I'm afraid that it will sink into oblivion without a trace. We will no longer hear a wide song in the steppe. With the face of the Buryats, with confused souls, in their native language, we will not be able to read the thousand-year-old epic of our native "GESR" solution of the national question-language.

Head of the large Tsydenov family Sambu Tsydenovich and his parents were born in the village of Kusochi, Mogoytuysky district, Aginsky Buryatsky district.

Great-grandfathers of Alexey Sambuyevich's mother from Ukrainian immigrants. Parents were already born in the Far East. herself Lyubov Trofimovna was born in the village of Novoraychikhinsk, Amur Region.

Sambu Tsydenovich and Lyubov Trofimovna worked from early morning until late at night on the railway. But at the same time they managed to raise and raise three sons. The eldest of them, Alexei, had to take on the functions of the owner of the house. He quickly mastered cooking, cleaning the house and looking after his younger brothers.

Older brother

At the age of 6, Lesha cooked soup and fed his two-year-old brother, Lyubov Trofimovna recalls. - I remember the first time I explained to him on the phone how to cook, he then called and shouted: “Mom, delicious!”.

Having grown up at railway stations and in cities, the Tsydenov children know what rural labor is. At the age of 12, Alexei Tsydenov helped his grandparents in Borza, Chita Region, mow hay.

Our children have been taught to work since childhood. Every week they cleaned the house. I always said: "If you do everything faster, go for a walk faster." And Lesha tried to do everything with lightning speed and quality, - mother reveals one of the simple secrets of upbringing.

Dad is an authority

Sambu Tsydenovich, according to all Buryat traditions, has always been an indisputable authority in the family.

In Chita, we lived in a bandit district. But Alyosha never got involved with "bad" boys, because his father's opinion was important to him. He knew that dad would not approve of this, ”says Lyubov Trofimovna.

Her husband managed to work, engage in scientific activities and defended his thesis. Sambu Tsydenovich is the author of seven patents for various technical equipment for the maintenance of railway tracks. Now the owners of these patents are Russian Railways.

When Lesha and Pasha were growing up, I was constantly at work. Only when Nikolai appeared, it became freer, I changed jobs. Lesha is inquisitive in life, he has always been a leader both at school and at the institute, - says his father with pride.

A pleasant surprise

The appointment of Alexei Tsydenov to the post of acting head of Buryatia pleasantly surprised the school teachers of Alexei Tsydenov.

At school, Alexei was an active, open, friendly boy. Problems, like most students, he did not deliver. On the contrary, it was very easy with him, - Lyudmila Gazinskaya, a teacher of mathematics at school No. 45 in Chita, recalls her student.

Almost all subjects were given to him with ease. In parallel, he even managed to take an active part in the life of the school. However, having studied until the 9th grade, he himself decided to transfer to the best school in the region.

One day, in the 8th grade, Lesha comes home and says that he got an A. As it turned out later, he received an "5" for an incorrectly solved problem. And I told him that your grades are worthless, then he himself took the initiative and offered to transfer to another school, - the mother explains the act of her son.

The selected school number 5 at that time and still is in a leading position in Chita. At various times, she released many famous people, including successful businessmen, astronauts and actors. By the way, one of the graduates is a famous Soviet, Russian actor, director, Minister of Culture of the RSFSR Yuri Solomin. One of his most striking roles in the film "His Excellency's Adjutant."

At the new school, Alexey first slipped in grades, but later quickly rehabilitated himself and again took high positions in the school rankings.

Aleksey graduated with fours only in algebra, Russian, literature, chemistry and English. All other marks are fives. Received commendations for most subjects. Quiet, humble boy. There were no special problems with him, ”recalls the headmaster of school No. 5 Olga Present.

Mom's Talent

In addition to good grades, Alexey was also famous for his good voice, which attracted girls.

He transferred to us in the 10th or 11th grade. The soul of the company, the girls ran after him in droves. He plays the guitar and sings well. I am very happy for Lesha, - says classmate Sergei Skorokhov.

The parents also understood that their son had a talent for singing when he began to sing the songs of Muslim Magomayev.

One day we went to karaoke with my family. And Lyosha and his brother sang the song "Officers" there. The hall literally listened while standing, - proudly says Lyubov Trofimovna.

As it turned out, Alexey's creative talent comes from his mother. Lyubov Trofimovna writes poetry well. Now parents acting. The heads of Buryatia are proudly watching the achievements of their eldest son, leafing through information sites.

Acting head of Buryatia Alexei Tsydenov has already settled in Buryatia. But in none of the interviews did he almost talk about his soulmate. We managed to lift the veil of secrecy over the potential first lady - Irina Tsydenova. About her dream, family relationships, children and how it is for her to live in Buryatia - in an exclusive interview with "Number One".

- Irina Viktorovna, hello! Please tell us about yourself. What city were you born in? In what family?

- I was born in the capital of sunny Transbaikalia - Chita. In what family? Normal. Then all the families were the same, and everything was, in my opinion, the same for everyone. We had an ordinary happy family. I am the second child, I have an older brother. Like all Soviet children, they went to kindergarten, they were full of friends.

I graduated from the physics and mathematics school. In the same place, in Chita, she entered the medical academy. In the third year I met Alexei, they played a wedding. As students, they moved to Khabarovsk. There she graduated from the Far Eastern State Medical University. She completed her residency in Moscow at the Second Medical University. I am a phthisiopulmonologist, I worked with a wonderful professor Stakhanov. And then the children were born.

Our first child was born in Chita, and in 2005 Georgy was born to us. Then Alexei suggested: “Come on, you will be completely engaged in everyday life and family, and I will think less about the house and take care of my daily bread.”

- Was it difficult for you to decide to abandon your own career?

- Like any woman, the decision was difficult. I wanted to fulfill myself in something else. But now I understand that I realized myself here - in the field of life, children and a reliable rear for my husband.

- Now, as the first lady of the republic, you can realize yourself in other areas.

– I look at this opportunity positively. But I prefer to do any business thoroughly, well. Doing “satisfactory” or poor quality is not for me. I am a perfectionist, if I do something, then this business must be brought to an end. First, all projects need to be deeply thought out. And here the question arises: will I have enough time to do this and will the children be left without due attention? Our children are used to the fact that mom is always there, that everything can be solved with mom, any problems can be discussed. Therefore, a balance will need to be found.

- How did you meet Alexei Sambuevich? How old were you and how did he conquer you?

- We are all ordinary people, we live on Earth, not on the planet Mars. All acquaintances are trite. We are no different from others. We met with other students. He studied at the Trans-Baikal Railway Institute, I studied at the Medical Academy.

They often spent time together as a group, rested. They always had it all organized and fun. Apparently, because Alex studied there. He called the guys to picnics, they celebrated holidays together, went to museums.

But I practically did not have so much free time - there was study, big heavy books that I had to read. But the stars somehow miraculously converged. We met Alexei by chance at a friend of my mother's. Her daughter studied with Alexei and was friends with his closest friend.

Was it love at first sight?

- I didn’t think about it then, I only had my studies, a career on my mind. Then it turned out that he had seen me before, we lived in the same area.

– Is it really on your initiative that Aleksey Sambuevich is now learning the Buryat language? Why is this so important to you?

- Still, he is a bore. He has wonderful parents. Dad, Samba Tsydenovich, and grandmother know the Buryat language perfectly. When we met, they often spoke to each other in Buryat. At the time, I was still thinking: “How can this be? Everyone in the family speaks, but Aleksey does not know his native language.” Alexei immediately began to say that it is necessary to learn, especially since here they are, here, native speakers. We had these conversations after the wedding.

– Do you observe Buryat traditions? Do you celebrate national holidays?

- Of course, we celebrate. I support all the traditions in the family. We have a Buddhist altar at home - gungarba. I regularly call Alexei's aunt, if something is not clear to me, she enlightens me about this. We celebrate Sagaalgan, sculpt buuzas with a bang. Recently, Alexei's sister came, we sculpted buuzas with her, "passed her a test." She praised me, said that I was doing great.

- You have four children - this is a feat in our time.

- There is nothing difficult here. This is difficult with the first, but with the second, third, fourth, there is nothing complicated. The most important thing is regime and discipline, that's all. Children must observe the regime, especially in the era of gadgets, computers, from which they cannot be torn off. All our children play gadgets at a strictly defined time, and at the same time, they must first do something for themselves and for the home.

- Are you a strict mother, and is Alexey Sambuevich a kind father?

- Of course, kind. Because he doesn't see much of them. He misses them terribly, they also miss him very much, they love him madly. Of course, he is everything to them. And I, since I am nearby 24 hours a day, sometimes play the role of a strict mother, because there must be some kind of teacher. But I always agree with the children. And if we have come to some kind of agreement, then I ask that if they give a word, they keep that word.

- Please tell us about the children.

- Wonderful children. Every mother loves her children and believes that they are the best and most dear to her heart.

The eldest son, Ilya, studies at the Bauman University, this is his dream, since the ninth grade he wanted to go there. He studies on his own, no one helps him, he deliberately went to a specialty different from his father. He said that he would build his life path, he is a very independent child. He has his own opinion, he knows how to defend and substantiate it. I am proud of him, at 19 he is a great fellow.

The middle one - George - is also stubborn. We have him with a spark, a mischievous, humorist, loves to insert sharp words. He is the most positive with us: no matter what happens, he smiles all the time - this is all from Alexei. Including the fact that he never gives up. And the youngest baby - Leo - is still quite small with us.

- Which of the children went to the father? Usually girls look like their father, so does Kira?

– Yes, the Lord gave us one girl, this is such happiness. We did not expect that we will have it, it was a big surprise. There are only boys in Alexei's family, only the aunt has a daughter - Alexei's sister, she is the only one, the rest are all brothers. I was already mentally prepared for the fact that we would have a regiment of soldiers.

Since Kira is growing up among boys, I will not say that she is soft and shy with us. She is growing like a fighting child, but everything is within the permissible limits. I like that she is smart and, most importantly, honest.

I always support this in children so that they are kind, understand what is good and what is bad, be decent, love people regardless of status or material wealth. They just have to love people, because people are the most important thing we have. Sometimes friends can appear out of nowhere, but if we treat them badly, they can go nowhere.

- How do you spend your leisure time together?

- Very funny. Alexey is not sitting still with us. We are always going somewhere, watching something, traveling somewhere. We don't have much time to sit and lie down. We always have a useful and active holiday.

Children are already accustomed to this, they are also active, not homebodies. They should be, and that's fine. It is not normal when children are not interested in anything. And when they are inquisitive, when they constantly pull you somewhere - you need to see something, to be in time somewhere - it's great.

What was your last public appearance together?

- Alexei and I were at the exhibition of Dashi Namdakov. Then I also took the children there separately, we really liked it. Genius artist.

When we go on vacation with children, we love to travel, visit exhibitions, museums. We went to Baikal. Beautiful nature, wonderful people. Children are delighted.

Do you argue with your husband about some issues related to raising children?

- Not. And when you argue with him - he is not at home. We have the same understanding of human education. The most important thing is to grow up to be good people - this is the main thing. The rest will take care of itself.

- Do you have assistants, nanny?

- We took the nanny just now, with the fourth child. I didn’t have time to do anything, I need to pay attention to older children. A wonderful nanny, we found her in Moscow, she is a Kalmyk by nationality. An open, decent person. I can trust her with the most precious thing - a child.

– Does Aleksey Sambuevich consult with you on work issues? Talking about problems?

- Very rarely, because the house was created in order to relax. And work must stay at work. When he crosses the threshold of the house, I rarely ask him, only in those cases when he looks very sad.

If I see that everything is fine, then you can not ask him about work, because otherwise he starts to worry again, get involved in work, and his mood may deteriorate.

Sometimes he asks for advice, I tell him what I think. But he does as he sees fit. I can give some advice, but he has his own head, and he uses it, I think, perfectly well.

- How do you feel about politics? What should be a politician?

- Be honest with yourself and with people. Still, politics, first of all, is elected by the people. There are many situations when politicians cave in to events, but it seems to me that one must always, in any situation, remain, first of all, a person in relation to oneself, in relation to others, and adhere to moral principles.

“Sometimes politicians need to get out…

– It really is. But, again, this “twisting” should be within the limits of acceptable, within reasonable limits, honesty. The world is always testing you for strength, throwing you a lot of different life situations. Watching you get out. Get out of the situation with dignity - good. There is always a thin thread that pulls you to a decent exit, and you need to use it all the time.

- Alexey Sambuevich is now a public person. How did you react to this?

- He cannot be a non-public person, he has such charisma. Alex is very sociable. Due to the fact that he wants to bring a lot of benefits in each of his workplaces, he communicates with so many people from different fields, many people know him. By the way, in Moscow we went to various events together. Therefore, I think that little has changed in terms of publicity, but there is much more responsibility.

He is a restless person. He will definitely go to look at the districts several times a year to check whether there have been changes. I think and believe that everything will be fine. Our wonderful Asia must be revived so that the whole world knows about Buryatia and its beauties. Let's start with Russia - so that at least they don't say that Ulan-Ude is somewhere in Mongolia. For Buryatia to ring, to be seen and known. Then we will take up the promotion of the republic in the world - everything is already thrown in Alexei's plans. He will succeed!

- Most likely, you will often have to be under the rays of spotlights. What do you think about it? Do you like to be the center of attention or do you prefer to be in the shadows?

- I am a non-public person, all these fees tire me: I have to think where we are going, what to wear, what hairstyle to do, makeup.

But I like meeting people. There are a lot of worthy people in the republic. Alexey and I believe that the main potential is only in people. And wherever you look - in any field there are nuggets. They just don't know how to advertise.

– What are your first impressions of Buryatia?

- Hot! (laughs) Very beautiful, beautiful nature, beautiful city, beautiful lake. There isn't enough rain, really. It seems to me that people living in such beauty should be spiritually beautiful. The beauty around gives a lot to people.

When I arrived, everything was interesting to me. It is always interesting when you are not recognized, to walk around the city, to talk to someone. I went to the Central Market several times, talked there with sellers and buyers. I like to talk to the shop assistants in stores. The people are very kind and good. Always smiling and responding.

By the way, I watched the show “Everybody Dance!” back in Moscow. I was worried about the Baikal Dance Theater, I really liked them. Especially the first performance, when they performed in national costumes, is so energetically strong. The children watched, Kira danced with the artists on TV. They were very happy that they won. This is our pride, the pride of our republic.

- What are your plans for your next visit?

“Of course, dude. Haven't been there yet. I also wanted to visit all the local museums. Basically, I want to study history, read historical references, learn more about the republic.

Have you ever had family crises? Financial related to relationship problems? How did you cope?

We didn't have any crisis in our relationship. First of all, we treat each other with respect and understand what we are doing and where we are going. In financial terms, of course, there were crises, there were many of them. They moved from city to city, sometimes changed their place of residence, due to the fact that sometimes there was not enough money. There were other difficulties in life as well. Everything is like everyone else. We've been through it all. I think that you always need to get out of difficult situations with dignity, rely on yourself, go only forward.

We were always accompanied by good people who helped us spiritually. We have a lot of friends, it always helped to survive difficult moments. There is no way without money, but, first of all, there should be good, trusting relations between spouses. If you trust each other, then you will endure a lot and win. The happiness of the family is in four hands - two hands of the husband, two hands of the wife. This is how we carry it. It is very fragile.

- It can be stated that Aleksey Sambuevich took place in life as a person. How do you feel about the opinion that behind every successful man is a wise woman. In your opinion, is there any merit in your husband's successful career?

– Of course, we share it all. I left my ambitions, and now we are fully engaged in his career. He is completely freed from our everyday life. When you call him, he answers briefly "yes" or "no". I already formulate the question so that it can be answered in one word.

I think behind every man there is a woman who, first of all, must understand him, forgive him and go further in step with him.

If a person wants to change something, build something, give people hope for a brighter future, of course, a lot of time needs to be devoted to work. Alexei sometimes lacks 24 hours a day. He always wants to do more, more for the people. He has always lived it. He is an indifferent person. Wherever he worked, he always wanted to do much more than he could physically.

– What is your dream?

- I have one dream - to raise decent children, so that I would be proud of them, so that my father would be proud of them. Firstly, so that the children grow up with their own life credo, so that human values ​​​​are nurtured in them - kindness, decency, courage, courage.

And God grant Alexei that he has enough strength to implement in the republic a large number of ideas, plans that he has. God grant that he succeeds, that he manages to bring it to life, and that, in the end, the people in Buryatia feel stability and a sense of confidence that everything will be fine for them in the future. It is most important. So that they work without looking back at any political upheavals, so that they always know that they are protected and can calmly do their favorite thing.

There are a lot of strong and selfless people in Buryatia. Alexei recently visited a family with many adopted children. I am proud of such people. There is someone to take an example from! Nowadays, many people think only about themselves, busy with their small or big problems. There is no time to stop and think: “What good are we doing for the republic within the framework of our village, within the framework of our city?”. Usually we demand this from the authorities.

Recently the film "Time of the First" was released. I looked at the recommendation of the eldest son. About cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, who went into outer space. But if you think about it, we are also the first in our lives: we arrange our lives ourselves, our fate is only in our hands. The most important thing is to realize that each of us can become the “first” by doing something big for others, for ourselves.

Photo: from the personal archive of the Tsydenov family

The head of the Republic of Buryatia, Alexei Tsydenov, spoke in an interview with the head of the "Club of Regions" Sergey Starovoitov about the president's parting words, about what tasks he considers paramount and what difficulties he encountered when he arrived in the republic.

Sergei Starovoitov: Aleksey Sambuevich, now we understand that the gubernatorial call to which you relate and which is called differently: the governors of the new wave, young technocrats, meaning by this a certain new set of qualities and characteristics that are not inherent in the governors of the old wave, it seems to me , differs from its predecessors primarily in its attitude to its appointment in the region. The former heads of the regions were more politicians and treated the region as their own principality, realizing that they would either retire from here or become senators. For the new generation of governors, the appointment is perceived as another career step, another position in the general system of public administration, which an official must pass in order to gain new skills and continue to work for the good of the state. As you know, a number of governors have recently been included in the presidential reserve, including your surname. Why were you booked this time?

Alexey Tsydenov: I learned from the media that I was included in the reserve. As they say, I was not asked about this either before, or after, or during. But I am certainly flattered by such an assessment, but I understand that this is the reserve of the High Command, a kind of bench. In other words, this is not a set of applicants for any specific positions, but a kind of assessment of the potential. It's my opinion.

S. Starovoitov: Haven't you found out in the Presidential Administration what you need to prepare for now?

A. Tsydenov: I can only say one thing: I never asked to go there, but for some reason I always ended up there. I don’t even know on whose initiative, who petitioned and included me in the lists, and I don’t really understand how the selection is going on there. But this, I repeat, is pleasant, because, first of all, it gives an understanding that your work was appreciated, the results obtained were somehow noted. In any case, to say that I don't care would be untrue. When I was in the previous reserves, we had different courses there, advanced training, trainings, and they were tied to a particular type of activity. I worked in the government apparatus when the first such reserve was formed by Sobyanin in 2010, and it was called "the highest reserve of managerial personnel." Then I passed the first tests, then we studied for a year, and with a break from the main work for a week every month. It's a lot, I'll tell you, and even a kind of luxury - to have a week of study once a month. After that, various tests again took place, but, I confess, I never thought that I would end up as the head of the region.

A. Tsydenov: Now I rather adhere to the principle: do what you must, and come what may. And I proceed primarily from the fact that I need to do in the republic so that positive changes are noticeable and people can really evaluate the results of my work and say that it really has become better. At the same time, not individual successes are needed, but it is necessary to enter a sustainable development trend and create a system that, both with me and without me, could work stably so that the potential that the republic has is realized. And how it will be further, I do not guess yet. And I'm not trying to dissemble now, believe me. I can say one thing for sure, that so far my inner mood is not to associate my whole life with the civil service. Although, when I in 2006. I came from business to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, I thought: I will work for two years and go back to business. But for 12 years in the civil service.

S. Starovoitov: And if you look not in the long term, but determine the nearest horizon, then what short-term tasks do you see for yourself as a governor now?

A. Tsydenov: Among the most pressing tasks I will name the problem with the third shift at schools and queues in kindergartens, which must be eliminated. In addition, environmental measures are on the agenda: treatment facilities and landfills, the elimination of accumulated landfills. Among the production tasks is the creation of new industries here in the republic. And these are not slogans, but specific enterprises, some of which are already operating. So, we are already ready to launch the production of aircraft, we have launched the production of electrical appliances, we are building greenhouses, which we never had. Another big mega-project, which I hope we will also succeed in, is the production of hydrocellulose. This is a very significant project for the republic. In general, we are working in different directions, and so far we are succeeding. In general, in the economy, we have set the bar for ourselves to reach 7% growth in the real sector of the economy annually.

S. Starovoitov: In your republic, as in many other Russian regions, there is a serious problem with the outflow of the population. How do you work with this?

A. Tsydenov: We have an outflow, young people leave Ulan-Ude for Novosibirsk and Moscow, but the dynamics are still positive and primarily due to the birth rate, and not due to migration, as elsewhere. We are not Moscow, not Krasnodar, and migrants do not seek us for permanent residence. But the population is growing because the birth rate in the republic is good. A much more serious problem for us is internal migration, when the rural population moves to the city. And here is a whole range of reasons: the lack of decent work in the countryside, and the growing demands of people for the quality of life, and the like. But tell me a region in Russia where this does not happen?

When I arrived, I was also asked what you are ready to do to make talented young people return to the republic, what are you ready to offer them? I won't offer anything to anyone. Am I supposed to look for someone smart there who left for Moscow, come back, here's an apartment for you, a car, here's a job for you? Of course not. When he arrived in Moscow, no one on the platform immediately offered him an apartment and a car, no one said: “What a fine fellow you are, thank you for coming.” Everyone there starts from scratch, and in fact only a few, the most ambitious, purposeful, make their way. Another thing is that these active units can break through here too. Therefore, the task is not to return, but to create conditions so that there is an interest to stay here. Not to stimulate each specific person, but to create conditions in general. In order for him to have a good job, new industries must appear; to have an interesting life, the environment must be comfortable. These are parks, and theaters, and good roads and cozy courtyards. The quality of the human environment also gives a corresponding quality of life. Good education, good health care here. And then a person understands that he has an option either to go somewhere and make his way, or here he can also live with dignity. Some will leave anyway, but many will stay.

S. Starovoitov: If we move on to the political component, what is the opposition now accusing you of? You have been working in the republic for a year and a half. Accumulated, probably, claims from opponents?

A. Tsydenov: The fact that I do not know the Buryat language (smiles). More often, populist statements are heard from the opposition: “What did Tsydenov do that?” Everything is like this in most cases, without any specifics.

S. Starovoitov: Do you have an answer to this? How unfair do you think these accusations are?

A. Tsydenov: This is all competitive political struggle and nothing more. There are results of our work, and the results, in my opinion, are quite good. We do not shout about them at every corner, but we do not hush up either. For example. We have reduced the cost of electricity by 25%. What other region can boast of this? 1.7 billion - this is the amount of savings of the Buryat business over the past year only due to this measure. We also reduced the cost of electricity for the population by 4%, but taking into account the fact that it was planned to increase by 4%, in fact we can talk about a decrease by 8%. We have significantly increased the volume of road construction; we have entered into such a project as the Ulan-Ude sewage treatment plant, and the first stage has already been completed. We started creating an oncology cluster with a nuclear medicine center. Full cycle of research: diagnostics, production of pharmaceuticals and treatment. Now, with the support of the president, the republic has received almost 3 billion rubles. for the completion of the oncology center, while we attracted investors who are building a PET scanner and a cyclotron at extra-budgetary expense. We already have a linear accelerator, and with the commissioning of new facilities, we will end up with an oncocluster with the world's most modern set of equipment and technologies.

S. Starovoitov: You have China and Mongolia nearby, so the question of the cross-border economy is not an idle one. I know that you intend to implement the transit hub project. When will it materialize and start producing results?

A. Tsydenov: In fact, we will have two hubs. The first is aviation. Our airport has received the fifth degree of freedom of air, open skies. There are only three such airports in the country: in Vladivostok, Sochi and here, in Ulan-Ude. What gives us the open sky mode? Transit carriers can, without any additional permission, land in Ulan-Ude. Trans-air liners can land with us if necessary for refueling, for example, or use them as a jump airfield. This opens up great prospects. The Mongols will fly to us from September. Sosem recently we visited the American Anchorage - this is the fifth airport in the world in terms of cargo traffic. And there we just presented our airport with the status of open skies. Anchorage is very interested, because Central Asia and the Middle East are opening up for them through Ulan-Ude. Quite different perspectives appear.

In addition, we have added new domestic flights, the Pobeda low-cost airline now flies to us, we entered the subsidized program and were able to reduce the ticket price. At their own expense, they organized regular communication with the northern regions of the republic, which did not exist before, and residents had to either travel by train through Taishet for two days, or fly with transfers through Irkutsk. With the advent of a permanent schedule and five flights a week, it was possible to reduce the cost of a ticket from 11 to 6-7 thousand rubles.

The second hub is a road and rail hub. But the hub itself does not mean that everything will be concentrated at one point, now we have several applications under consideration, but their essence is the same - processing the cargo flow coming from China and Mongolia, and here it is already sorting and distribution. We have already signed an agreement with Russian Railways and SG-trans. A hub will appear at Taltsy station for processing rail and road shipments. In addition, an agreement has already been signed with the Rossvyaz agency and its special transportation division for the transportation of online shipments: goods that go through online commerce. This is a big area that is growing every year. So we are fully committed to taking full advantage of our geographic location.

S. Starovoitov: If we return to domestic politics. It is known that there are political clans and intricacies of inter-elite relations in the republic. How do you deal with all this? Is one presidential mandate enough for this?

A. Tsydenov: There are, of course, pressure groups. It is difficult to call them clans, since there are no family ties, but rather temporary alliances for certain lobbying purposes. And here all the same for me the main support is the position of people. You can not always rely on the support of the president. A presidential mandate is like an advance payment for the beginning of work, and then you need to rely on the position of the residents themselves. And now I feel this support. And I understand that this is not only help on their part, but also a responsibility on my part.

S. Starovoitov: The level of this support will be fixed in fact by the results of the elections to the People's Khural, as far as I understand, on September 9th. "Team of Buryatia" is practically your personal project, and you are positioned as the leader of this project.

A. Tsydenov: Yes it is. I understand that by doing this I take responsibility not only for my actions, but also for the actions of the team. There is safety in numbers. And if you want to achieve something, you need to work in a team. And even if you are seven spans in your forehead, physically alone you will not be able to solve all the problems, so you need a team. We need like-minded people or people who, for one reason or another, go next to you.

S. Starovoitov: What words did the president admonish you when you were appointed?

A. Tsydenov: I remember more the words he said when he visited last August before the elections. It is clear that everyone reported, reported on the situation and so on. And already before departure, near the gangway, he told me: “Alexey, of course, everything is not easy for you here, but the people are good. Don't let them down." It was strong. And I constantly repeat these words to myself: "... The people here are good, you don't let them down."

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On July 8, the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was celebrated at the Buryat State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. On this day at the event, the central attention of the auditorium was riveted to the family of Alexei Tsydenov.

Alexey Sambuevich first introduced his wife Irina to the public. They are raising four children. The eldest son is already studying at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, the middle son has completed the 5th grade, and the daughter is the first. The youngest child of the couple is not yet a year old. As already mentioned in the media, the Tsydenov family arrived in the republic at the end of June.

On a significant day, the acting head of the republic noted that the family is the main value for him. He tries to devote more time to people dear to his heart.

Joint upbringing of children, our future, is a kind of path, an eternal value, - Alexey Tsydenov noted.

And in her exclusive interview for the local publication "Number One", Irina Tsydenova spoke for the first time about life together, about priorities, about the most important thing in the family of the possibly future head of Buryatia.

Irina Viktorovna, hello! Please tell us about yourself. What city were you born in? In what family?

– I was born in Chita. In an ordinary happy family. I am the second child, I have an older brother. Like all Soviet children, they went to kindergarten. I graduated from the physics and mathematics school. In the same place, in Chita, she entered the medical academy. In the third year I met Alexei, they played a wedding. As students, they moved to Khabarovsk. There she graduated from the Far Eastern State Medical University. She completed her residency in Moscow at the Second Medical University. I am a phthisiopulmonologist, I worked with a wonderful professor Stakhanov. And then the children were born. Our first child was born in Chita, and in 2005 Georgy was born to us. Then Alexei suggested: “Come on, you will be completely engaged in everyday life and family, and I will think less about the house and take care of my daily bread.”

Was it difficult for you to decide to give up your own career?

- Now, as the first lady of the republic, you can realize yourself in other areas.

– I look at this opportunity positively. But I prefer to do any business thoroughly, well. Doing “satisfactory” or poor quality is not for me. I am a perfectionist, if I do something, then this business must be brought to an end. First, all projects need to be deeply thought out. And here the question arises: will I have enough time to do this and will the children be left without due attention? Our children are used to the fact that mom is always there, that everything can be solved with mom, any problems can be discussed. Therefore, a balance will need to be found.

How did you meet Alexei Sambuevich? How old were you and how did he conquer you?

- All acquaintances are trite. We are no different from others. We met with other students. He studied at the Trans-Baikal Railway Institute, I studied at the Medical Academy. They often spent time together as a group, rested. They always had it all organized and fun. Apparently, because Alex studied there. He called the guys to picnics, they celebrated holidays together, went to museums. But I practically did not have so much free time - there was study, big heavy books that I had to read. But the stars somehow miraculously converged. We met Alexei by chance at a friend of my mother's. Her daughter studied with Alexei and was friends with his closest friend.

Was it love at first sight?

- I didn’t think about it then, I only had my studies, a career on my mind. Then it turned out that he had seen me before, we lived in the same area.

– Is it really on your initiative that Aleksey Sambuevich is now learning the Buryat language? Why is this so important to you?

- Still, he is a bore. He has wonderful parents. Dad, Samba Tsydenovich, and grandmother know the Buryat language perfectly. When we met, they often spoke to each other in Buryat. At the time, I was still thinking: “How can this be? Everyone in the family speaks, but Aleksey does not know his native language.” Alexei immediately began to say that it is necessary to learn, especially since here they are, here, native speakers. We had these conversations after the wedding.

– Do you observe Buryat traditions? Do you celebrate national holidays?

- Of course, we celebrate. I support all the traditions in the family. We have a Buddhist altar at home - gungarba. I regularly call Alexei's aunt, if something is not clear to me, she enlightens me about this. We celebrate Sagaalgan, sculpt buuzas with a bang. Recently, Alexei's sister came, we sculpted buuzas with her, gave her a "test". She praised me, said that I was doing great.

You have four children - this is a feat in our time.

- There is nothing difficult here. This is difficult with the first, but with the second, third, fourth, there is nothing complicated. The most important thing is regime and discipline, that's all. Children must observe the regime, especially in the era of gadgets, computers, from which they cannot be torn off. All our children play gadgets at a strictly defined time, and at the same time, they must first do something for themselves and for the home.

- Are you a strict mother, and is Alexey Sambuevich a kind father?

- Of course, kind. Because he doesn't see much of them. He misses them terribly, they also miss him very much, they love him madly. Of course, he is everything to them. And I, since I am nearby 24 hours a day, sometimes play the role of a strict mother, because there must be some kind of teacher. But I always agree with the children. And if we have come to some kind of agreement, then I ask that if they give a word, they keep that word.

Please tell us about the children.

- Every mother loves her children and believes that they are the best and most dear to her heart. The eldest son, Ilya, studies at the Bauman University, this is his dream, since the ninth grade he wanted to go there. He studies on his own, no one helps him, he deliberately went to a specialty different from his father. He said that he would build his life path, he is a very independent child. He has his own opinion, he knows how to defend and substantiate it. I am proud of him, at 19 he is a great fellow. The middle one - George - is also stubborn. We have him with a spark, a mischievous, humorist, loves to insert sharp words. He is the most positive with us: no matter what happens, he smiles all the time - this is all from Alexei. Including the fact that he never gives up. And the youngest baby - Leo - is still quite small with us.

Which of the children took after their father? Usually girls look like their father, so does Kira?

– Yes, the Lord gave us one girl, this is such happiness. We did not expect that we will have it, it was a big surprise. There are only boys in Alexei's family, only the aunt has a daughter - Alexei's sister, she is the only one, the rest are all brothers. I was already mentally prepared for the fact that we would have a regiment of soldiers. Since Kira is growing up among boys, I will not say that she is soft and shy with us. She is growing like a fighting child, but everything is within the permissible limits. I like that she is smart and, most importantly, honest. I always support this in children so that they are kind, understand what is good and what is bad, be decent, love people regardless of status or material wealth. They just have to love people, because people are the most important thing we have. Sometimes friends can appear out of nowhere, but if we treat them badly, they can go nowhere.

How do you spend your leisure time together?

- Very funny. Alexey is not sitting still with us. We are always going somewhere, watching something, traveling somewhere. We don't have much time to sit and lie down. We always have a useful and active holiday. Children are already accustomed to this, they are also active, not homebodies. They should be, and that's fine. It is not normal when children are not interested in anything. And when they are inquisitive, when they constantly pull you somewhere - you need to see something, to be in time somewhere - it's great.

What was the last time you went out together?

- Alexei and I were at the exhibition of Dashi Namdakov. Then I also took the children there separately, we really liked it. Genius artist. When we go on vacation with children, we love to travel, visit exhibitions, museums. We went to Baikal. Beautiful nature, wonderful people. Children are delighted.

Do you argue with your husband about some issues related to raising children?

- Not. And when you argue with him - he is not at home. We have the same understanding of human education. The most important thing is to grow up to be good people - this is the main thing. The rest will take care of itself.

- Do you have assistants, nanny?

- We took the nanny just now, with the fourth child. I didn’t have time to do anything, I need to pay attention to older children. A wonderful nanny, we found her in Moscow, she is a Kalmyk by nationality. An open, decent person. I can trust her with the most precious thing - a child.

Does Aleksey Sambuevich consult with you on work issues? Talking about problems?

- Very rarely, because the house was created in order to relax. And work must stay at work. When he crosses the threshold of the house, I rarely ask him, only in those cases when he looks very sad. If I see that everything is fine, then you can not ask him about work, because otherwise he starts to worry again, get involved in work, and his mood may deteriorate. Sometimes he asks for advice, I tell him what I think. But he does as he sees fit. I can give some advice, but he has his own head, and he uses it, I think, perfectly well.

How do you feel about politics? What should be a politician?

- Be honest with yourself and with people. Still, politics, first of all, is elected by the people. There are many situations when politicians cave in to events, but it seems to me that one must always, in any situation, remain, first of all, a person in relation to oneself, in relation to others, and adhere to moral principles.

“Sometimes politicians need to get out…

– It really is. But, again, this “twisting” should be within the limits of acceptable, within reasonable limits, honesty. The world is always testing you for strength, throwing you a lot of different life situations. Watching you get out. Get out of the situation with dignity - good. There is always a thin thread that pulls you to a decent exit, and you need to use it all the time.

- Alexey Sambuevich is now a public person. How did you react to this?

- He cannot be a non-public person, he has such charisma. Alex is very sociable. Due to the fact that he wants to bring a lot of benefits in each of his workplaces, he communicates with so many people from different fields, many people know him. By the way, in Moscow we went to various events together. Therefore, I think that little has changed in terms of publicity, but there is much more responsibility. He is a restless person. He will definitely go to look at the districts several times a year to check whether there have been changes. I think and believe that everything will be fine. Our wonderful Asia must be revived so that the whole world knows about Buryatia and its beauties. Let's start with Russia - so that at least they don't say that Ulan-Ude is somewhere in Mongolia. For Buryatia to ring, to be seen and known. Then we will take up the promotion of the republic in the world - everything is already thrown in Alexei's plans. He will succeed!

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